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Aim: To study the impact of HRM activities (selection, training & performance appraisal) in Organizational Performance.

Area of study: Apparel manufacturing units Human Resource Management (HRM) is concerned with the planning, acquisition, training & developing human beings for getting the desired objectives & goals set by the organization. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an attempt to strike an optimum balance between what the applicant wants to what the organization requires. Need for selection

To anticipate vacancy created due to attrition Growth & Expansion Plan

Modes of selection

Internal Promotion: As garment industry is very much skill oriented in which an individual gains through experience. Thus the employees grow with company & thus internal promotion is very common practice observed in this industry.

External Agency: Employees are recruited as fresher (at trainee level) with objective to learn & grow with the company.

In all these small to medium sized manufacturing units, Males turned out to be stronger contender in terms of flexibility & handling stress. Which to some extend could be observed in their selection practices.

The three most basic requirements set up by industry are :-

T hnica s ills ec l k C munic tion s ills om a k E xperienc e

Wherein, the effective communication skills still hold an upper hand in generating the first impression & thus selection of an employee. In the survey conducted, we are able to achieve 55-65% successful selection practices; in order to compete globally we need to harness right human resource, at right time & place. Application of these very principles helps in enhancing the organisational performance. Training is a process that tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job or to mould him to be fit for a higher job involving higher responsibilities. It bridges the gap between what the employee has & what the job demands. Training and performance development need = Standard performanceActual

Since training involves time, effort & money by an organization, so it needs to be very careful while designing a training program. The objectives & need for training should be clearly identified & should be in accordance with the companys goals & objectives. In Apparel industry the general trend observed in briefing the training program are:

All production intensive industries are shifting towards Lean Manufacturing System. Therefore training underlies a very important input in terms of streamlining the workflow mechanism. Increase the skill level of an employee; so that the worker can perform his/her job efficiently.

ON THE JOB Training practices suits the garment industry to greater extent as per the priority order charted below

P riority




Orientation Program (OP), Job Instruction Training (JIT), Internship Training (IT) Based on the survey results, more than 50% of a companys performance depends upon effective training Program. So it very important that the training cells should be conducted by the supervisor with prime objective:

To improve multitasking skills of an operator Learning based on Practical Knowledge

In order to exist in the competitive global market and to be effectual, should espouse the most modern technology, i.e., mechanization, computerization and automation. Technical know-how alone, however, does not assure success unless it is sustained by workforce possessing indispensable expertise. Hence, organizations should train the employees to enrich them in the areas of changing technical skills and knowledge from time to time. Performance Appraisal is a systematic way of reviewing and assessing the performance of an employee during a given period of time and planning for his future. It is a powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee. It helps to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements of the overall organizational goals. In many organizations appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to identify the better performing employees who should get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonuses, and promotions. By the same token, appraisal results are used to identify the poorer performers who may require some form of training, counselling, or in extreme cases, demotion, dismissal or decreases in pay.

During the survey, performance came unanimously as the major factor in drafting the appraisal of an employee.

P erforma e nc E xperienc e F uture P ns la

At the same time efficiency of an employee relates directly with the appraisal. We need to acknowledge & appreciate the efforts of an employee, so as to motivate the employees to perform better and prevent their turnover from one company to other.

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