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This is my invention, Concentric Tori. I was making Tesla coils and needed a toroidal electrode.

Tom Capizzi suggested wrapping a Slinky back on itself and soldering it into a spring toroid. My handmade sculptures have 33 turns. I was into numerology at that time and I picked that number. So there are two different sized Slinkys. I made toroids of both sizes. So Im sitting on the couch with my girlfriend one day with these springy toroids and being a guy, it was a natural thing to try to push one thing into the other. Surprisingly,

the small Slinky toroid centered in the large Slinky toroid by a unique (I believe) new mechanical principal. The turns dont have to be aligned 1:1 and the small toroid will roll through the large toroid. It is difficult to visualize the mechanical principal of the reason why the small toroid centers in the large toroid and is a testiment to the value of Virtual Reality flybys. You have to fly right in the middle of the intersection of those coil turns and look all around to get it. Put a wood dowel of say 2L x Dia., through the center of a toroid, tilt the dowel either way, and youll see the toroid roll in a 4th dimensional rotation. Its sort of a donut rolling inside out. There are theories that the toroidal coil is a model of the electron, photon, and perhaps other subatomic particles. I believe that electrons pair up in this configuration. All electrons are negative in charge, but our reality is halfway between the bandwidth of different sized electron toroids. Or it could be that there are left hand and right hand spin electrons. At any rate, the sun produces these electrons, some pair up, and become neutral in charge. They fly through everything as they go off into space somewhere. Where that is, who knows.

I build Free Energy Devices. Been working on it for over 25 years. Only recently have I gotten the design efficient enough to be about 1/3 the cost of wind or solar. My systems use magnetic fields to separate and capture these paired electrons and push them into a circuit. So the idea of the Conservation Of Energy does not apply and the so called Perpetual Motion Device is possible. It is like a magnetic sail capturing electrons as they fly by. Then of course, you figure out how to turn this energy into 120V 60Hz, without an inverter, so that our household appliances can use it for free. Concentric Tori is copyright and patented. This is what my FaceBook picture looks like. Im Dennis Lee; the Prime Minister Of Free Energy.

Friend me on FaceBook or call me at 603-2065983 Manchester NH USA. Yours Truly Dennis Clifford Lee

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