BRW III (2012) 1p Abstract

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Implementing Innovative, Sustainable Strategies

for Rebuilding a Resilient South Louisiana

MARCH 15-17, 2012
Naval Support Activity Eastbank
1he challenge of llvlng wlLh waLer ls one shared by delLalc communlLles around Lhe world. nowhere ls Lhls more apparenL Lhan
ln posL-kaLrlna new Crleans and Lhe Culf CoasL reglon, where people llve wlLh a dally awareness of Lhe LhreaL, and
opporLunlLles, of waLer. 1he serles of 8ulldlng 8eslllence Workshops l, ll and lll have been organlzed wlLh Lhe goals of
ldenLlfylng and fosLerlng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of lnnovaLlve and susLalnable sLraLegles Lo reduce new Crleans' and SouLh
Loulslana's vulnerablllLy Lo poLenLlally caLasLrophlc hazards, boLh naLural and man-made, parLlcularly Lhose resulLlng ln severe
1he 2010 8ulldlng 8eslllence Workshop l addressed a broad range of waLer- and flood-relaLed lssues, wlLh dlscusslons cenLered
on susLalnable approaches Lo rebulldlng a culLure of reslllence ln souLhern Loulslana, spurred by lmpendlng cllmaLe change. 1he
88W ll ln 2011 focused on Lhe role LhaL lnnovaLlve, susLalnable lnfrasLrucLure can play ln mlLlgaLlng caLasLrophlc dlsasLer, boLh
by reduclng Lhe rlsk of harmful consequences from exLreme evenLs and by faclllLaLlng rapld recovery. 1he 88W ll broughL
experLs from across Lhe globe Lo share Lhelr research on lnnovaLlve dlsasLer mlLlgaLlon approaches and LranslLlon meLhodologles
LhaL faclllLaLe lmplemenLaLlon.
1he 8ulldlng 8eslllence Workshop lll wlll be held 1hursday evenlng Lhrough SaLurday afLernoon, 13-17 March, 2012.

1he SLaLe of Loulslana has recenLly released lLs urafL 2012 CoasLal MasLer lan. Cne enLlre day of sesslons aL Lhe 88W
lll wlll focus on Lhe MasLer lan and lLs lmpllcaLlons for coasLal Loulslana communlLles. Workshop parLlclpanLs wlll
parLlclpaLe ln break-ouL dlscusslons of Lhe lmpacL of Lhe MasLer lan on Lhese communlLles and Lhelr nelghbors, and
whaL LranslLlonlng sLraLegles wlll besL prepare us all for Lhe changes LhaL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe MasLer lan wlll
brlng over Lhe nexL several decades.
1he Crganlzlng CommlLLee of Lhe pan-Luropean research pro[ecL lloodro8e, whlch focuses on developlng
Lechnologles, meLhods and Lools for urban flood rlsk assessmenL and reducLlon, has chosen Lo hold Lhelr nexL meeLlng
ln new Crleans, speclflcally Lo colnclde wlLh Lhe 8ulldlng 8eslllence Workshop lll. 1he lloodro8e lnlLlaLlve ls a
parLnershlp of governmenL, lndusLry and nCC lnLeresLs from Lhe neLherlands, uk, lrance, norway, Spaln, Czech
8epubllc and oland. 1hlrLeen members of Lhe lloodro8e pro[ecL, as well as Lwo of Lhe leaders of Lhe uuLch 8oom
for Lhe 8lver program, wlll be servlng as speakers and panellsLs aL Lhe 88W lll, sharlng Lhelr lnslghLs wlLh us.
1he 88W lll 1hursday dayLlme schedule (13 March) wlll be a welcomlng orlenLaLlon and Lour for our Luropean guesLs,
lncludlng a brleflng on Lhe urafL CoasLal MasLer lan. A neLworklng soclal evenL Lo whlch all 88W lll parLlclpanLs are
lnvlLed wlll be held on 1hursday evenlng.
lrlday (16 March) wlll be devoLed Lo dlscusslon of Lhe Loulslana urafL 2012 CoasLal MasLer lan ln four or flve panels,
wlLh breakouL dlscusslons aL lunchLlme. Cur goal ls Lo brlng Lo Lhe Lable Lhe broadesL posslble range of volces, offerlng
ldeas on how Lo lmplemenL LranslLlon ln ways LhaL are lncluslve of Lhe needs and deslres of Lhe populaLlons mosL
affecLed. We wlll be asklng for responses and suggesLlons from our Luropean parLlclpanLs. 1he dayLlme sesslons wlll
be followed by a neLworklng recepLlon and an evenlng keynoLe presenLaLlon.
1he dlscusslon on SaLurday (17 March) wlll focus on non-sLrucLural lnfrasLrucLure Loplcs such as shelLerlng ln place as
an alLernaLlve Lo mass evacuaLlon, Lhe esLabllshmenL of communlLy shelLers, lmplemenLlng mulLlfuncLlonal defense
sysLems, Lhe use of Lemporary flood barrlers and elevaLlon, a collaboraLlon beLween new Crleans and 8oLLerdam Lo
lmprove Lhe robusLness and reslllence of alrporLs and oLher sLraLeglc faclllLles, and sLraLegles for lnLegraLed waLer
managemenL. A Lhlrd and flnal recepLlon wlll follow.

AL Lhe 8ulldlng 8eslllence Workshop lll we agaln expecL Lo brlng LogeLher sclenLlsLs, envlronmenLallsLs, archlLecLs, englneers, clLy
offlclals, planners, enLrepreneurs, represenLaLlves of federal agencles, pollLlclans, grass-rooLs communlLy organlzers, local
buslness lnLeresLs, academlc researchers, sLudenLs and oLher sLakeholders, all ln one room. 1ogeLher we wlll learn abouL
lnnovaLlve sLraLegles from around Lhe world, dlscuss poLenLlal soluLlons compaLlble wlLh our unlque local ways of llfe, and creaLe
Lhe neLworks necessary Lo face Lhe challenges ahead and supporL Lhe changes we musL make Lo bulld a culLure of susLalnablllLy
and reslllence ln souLh Loulslana.
ConLacL us:
hLLp:// +++ hLLps://!/88_Workshop +++ lnfo[

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