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Friday, February 17, 12
Birds Eye of Monument
Friday, February 17, 12
This monument was originally based of of the slow movement, which is a movement that gears people to slow down in life and
take a second to take part in and remember the important things - such as culture, family, languages, gardening, and travel.
Friday, February 17, 12
Our monument then became more about just relaxation and reection in a more indirect aspect. It still encompasses many of the
values in the slow movement, but is more about personal experience.
Friday, February 17, 12
Inner Oasis is located in London, UK (the 18th largest city in metro population of 12,875,000) in Vincent Square.
Friday, February 17, 12
Not only is London one of the busiest cities in the world, but it also holds a long history of being a bustling, industrious area.
Friday, February 17, 12
A calm refuge in a dense, busy city, Vincent Square is an idea location for the monument.
Friday, February 17, 12
This 13 acre Square is currently owned by Westminster School and is used as playing eld for football.
Friday, February 17, 12
Our monument would open up the square to public use, creating a place for citizens to come alone, with their families, etc. for
some quiet reection time or just to slow down life and enjoy the day at a slower pace.
Friday, February 17, 12
Slowing down is important to decrease stress and to bring piece of mind to ones awareness of what is going on around them.
Friday, February 17, 12
When experiencing the monument, viewers will be able to really get a sense of peace and become calm with the presence of wind
chime noises and birds that live in the area.
Friday, February 17, 12
4' 7"
2' 6"
1' 6"
scale: 3/16" = 1`
Friday, February 17, 12
The rst area of the sculpture that users would come upon are the arches. There are twelve arches in total, twelve being a
signicant number when dealing with time, like hours in the day, months in the year, etc. This orthographic model is at 3/16ths
Friday, February 17, 12
The arches act as a guide to lead people through the chaos that represents the pace of their lives. These arches, as well as the
rest of the monuments structures, are made of rough, dark granite. They are 6 inches thick and stand 8 feet tall, giving sufcient
space for people to walk through, but not so big that it is overwhelming.
Friday, February 17, 12
As you walk through the arches they become more open, going from 5 feet in width to 15 feet in width. The gradual change in
size gives the viewer more of a sense of space and they feel less claustrophobic. Also, as one continues through the series of
arches, their path slowly starts to straighten out - this represents order, balance, and clarity returning to life after slowing down
and self-reecting.
Friday, February 17, 12
Once the viewer reaches the end of their journey through the arches, they come to the the larger room. They see a small
reection pool that with built in benches, so that it also acts as a space for them to sit and think if they would like. The water
quietly ows from the small, center reecting pool to the outside, larger ones located on either side of the circular structure. This
water represent two things. First, the ow is both circular and endless, rejuvenation carrying it to the outside and back inward.
Secondly, this water travels from the inner, personal level to the open outdoors. Once a person has gained their inner peace, they
can take this calmness and carry it through their daily routine, letting it efect all aspects of their life.
Larger room
Friday, February 17, 12
The structure doesnt have a roof or complete sides so these spaces act as windows that see up into the sky and windows to see
the grass and trees surrounding the square. Vincent square acts as a bubble of nature inside the busy city.
Friday, February 17, 12
All of the aspects of our monument turn this into space in which people can reect, slow down, and enjoy, and maybe nd their
own inner oasis. ;)

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