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TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

Suggested Technique for Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

This document is valid for the following Pro/MECHANICA mode(s): Integrated and Independent

Introduction Members in torsion such as a transmission shafts are encountered in many engineering applications. A cylindrical shaft can be used to transmit power from a motor to a machine tool or power from a steam engine to an electrical generator. The following procedure demonstrates how to simulate the application of a moment load on a cylindrical shaft in Pro/MECHANICA using the Total Load Applied at Point functionality.

Procedure 1. Start by building a 1200 mm long cylindrical shaft, 120 mm in diameter in Pro/ENGINEER, Figure 1. We will fully constrain this shaft in at one end while a torque of T=3,000,000 N mm is applied at the other end.

For this load, the theoretical value of the maximum shear stress is as follows: Smax = 16*T/pi*(d)^3 where T = Applied torque and d is the shaft diameter. The maximum shear stress for this example is: Smax = (16*3E+6)/[pi*(120)^3] = 8.842 N mm.

Figure 1
2. Transfer the model to Integrated mode using Applications, Mechanica, Structure. Assign a material to the part, e.g. BRONZE. Create a cylindrical coordinate system with the origin at the center of the front surface using Model, Features, Coord System, 3 Plane, Cylindrical, Done. Align the Z-axis with the axis of the shaft.


2009-01-05 13:21

TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

Create two datum points: One located on the front surface, PNT0. This will be used for defining the load and since we will use Total Load at Point and Moment, the location does not matter. (Due to an issue in Pro/MECHANICA 2000i2 and later, do not create it at the center of the User defined coordinate system (UCS), but slightly offset as shown in Figure 2 below. For more information please see TAN106286) A second on the cylindrical surface of the shaft where the maximum shear stress will occur, PNT1, also Figure 2.

Figure 2
Prior to release 2000i2 of Pro/MECHANICA, the defined User Coordinate System (UCS) had to be made the Current Coordinate System if loads and constraints were to be created using it. This not longer necessary. However, to set the UCS as Current, go Model, Current CSys and select the UCS. When made current, the coordinate system icon will turn green, see Figure 3.

Figure 3
3. Now create the load. Select Loads, Create, Surface and select the front face of the shaft where torque is to be applied. If the UCS is not made current and already listed in the load definition form, select the Cylindrical Coordinate System. Toggle the distribution to Total Load Applied at Point in the load definition form and select PNT0. Input 3E6 for the Z component of the Moment, see Figure 4. Select Preview to see the distribution of the torque on the shaft, Figure 5.


2009-01-05 13:21

TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

Figure 4

Figure 5
4. Since we want to compare the accuracy of the results produced by Pro/MECHANICA with the theoretical values, create a measure on datum point PNT1 for Shear Stress in the TZ direction.


2009-01-05 13:21

TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

Figure 6
5. Define and run a Multipass Adaptive Static analysis converging on the measure created in previous step. Set the convergence limit to 1% with Maximum Polynomial order set to 9. Set the Plotting grid under the Output tab to 10 to get maximum accuracy in the results window, see Figure 7. (Note that since the analysis is defined to converge on a measure, there is no guarantee that the model has converged in areas 'far away' from this point, but this is not the goal of this analysis either.)


2009-01-05 13:21

TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

Figure 7
6. After the analysis has completed, define the Result window as shown in Figure 8 to display the Maximum Shear Stress in TZ direction. (The UI may only prompt for the Coordinate system after a component has been selected, e.g. XZ. Then select the UCS and modify the component to TZ).

Figure 8


2009-01-05 13:21

TITLE : Defining Torsional Moments on Cylindrical Shafts

In Figure 9 below a screen shot of the fringe plot defined. When reviewing the summary file for the analysis, the reported value of measure1 is 8.85 N/mm^2 which is very close to our calculated theoretical value, 8.84 N/mm^2, of the maximum shear stress in the shaft.

Figure 9


2009-01-05 13:21

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