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Its that time of year to begin the process of selecting our PTA Officers for the next school year. The nominating committee, which was elected by the PTA membership at our February meeting, is charged with presenting membership with their recommended slate of officers at the April general PTA meeting, which will be held on April 10th at 6:30 in the cafeteria. If you are interested in serving in one of the Officer positions, please complete the form below and return it to Patti Rittimann. You can email it to her at or you can put it in an envelope with Patti Rittimann, Nominating Committee on the front and put it in the front office at school. Please return this form no later than March 19, 2012. The Nominating Committee will contact each interested person before submitting their name for voting at the April meeting. Name ___________________________________________ Contact Phone #__________________ ____ President ____ Secretary ____ 1st VP ____ Treasurer ____ 2nd VP Fundraising

The President will appoint the Parliamentarian and Historian after the election in April. Please indicate if you are interested in either appointment. ____ Parliamentarian ____ Historian

If you have questions regarding any of the Officer positions, you may speak directly to the person currently holding that position.

Officer Positions and Duties

President The President will preside at regular and executive board meetings. The
President acts as a representative for the Tejeda Middle School PTA at the council, district, state, and national level. The President coordinates the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the Purposes may be promoted.

1st Vice President The 1st Vice President aides the President as well as is in charge
of Pup Camp and Howl at the Moon.

2nd Vice President The 2nd Vice President is in charge of fund raising activities
including Green Back Night.

Secretary The Secretary attends all meetings and records minutes of all meetings of
the association. The secretary is also responsible for all correspondence.

Treasurer The treasurer will have custody of all the funds of the association. The
treasurer will keep books of accounts and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts, and cancelled checks. The treasurer will prepare monthly financial reports and fill out tax forms.

Parliamentarian The Parliamentarian will advise the presiding officer on questions

of Parliamentarian procedure.

Historian The Historian collects and preserves documents relating to the history of
the association and presents a written report to the association as the official history to be adopted at the annual meeting.

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