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Principled Technologies

Thin client conversion cost calculator

Thin client conversion cost calculator instructions The thin client conversion cost calculator
This calculator identifies and quantifies the costs of a thin client rollout in which the thin clients are replacing existing PCs. Cost categories The calculator looks at six cost categories: Application servers and equipment room costs, which include the costs of the application servers for the thin clients, racks for the servers, and expenses for setting up the servers in local wiring closets or the central data center. Network infrastructure costs, which are the costs of upgrading or optimizing the WAN to handle the bandwidth requirements of the thin clients. Planning costs, which include the staff and consultant costs for the planning, procurement, installation, and pilot-testing tasks that must occur prior to the rollout. Application migration costs, which are the costs of installing, testing, tweaking, recoding, or replacing applications that the thin client users require. Training costs, including costs for training endusers, system administrators, and help desk staff on aspects of the thin client devices, application servers, applications, and procedures relevant to their jobs. Software licensing costs, including costs for server and client licenses for Windows Server 2003, Windows 2003 Terminal Server, and Citrix Access Suite, as well as licenses for applications such as Microsoft Office 2003. Instructions To get ball-park estimates for the costs of a thin client conversion for your company, adjust the values in the gray fields in the Basic company information worksheet on the Summary tab to describe your companys thin client conversion plans. The spreadsheet includes a PT Thin client conversion cost calculator toolbar with two buttons. The Reset sheet default values button resets the gray fields on the sheet to the defaults for the stalking horse company. The Format sheet for printing button displays a view of the sheet that includes just the tables and header and hides the instructions and notes. To display the PT Thin client conversion cost calculator toolbar, select View/Toolbars from your Excel menu and select the PT Thin client conversion cost calculator. We've protected each sheet in the calculator and locked all but the gray, editable fields. If you want to remove that protection, select Tools/Protection/Unprotect sheet from the Excel menu.

Default values We based our default values for this calculator on an imaginary "stalking horse" company that plans to convert 8,000 PCs to thin clients. We based this company on the average North American company in the 2006 report, Measuring the Value of Intel vPro Technology in the Enterprise, by Wipro Ltd. That report describes an average enterprise of 32,000 users at 40 sites running 102 applications. Default values for the thin client cost calculator identify the costs that this average company would incur converting PCs to thin clients.

Default values We based our default values for this calculator on an imaginary "stalking horse" company that plans to convert 8,000 PCs to thin clients. We based this company on the average North American company in the 2006 report, Measuring the Value of Intel vPro Technology in the Enterprise, by Wipro Ltd. That report describes an average enterprise of 32,000 users at 40 sites running 102 applications. Default values for the thin client cost calculator identify the costs that this average company would incur converting PCs to thin clients. We base these defaults on assumptions about how that company would proceed with a thin client conversion. We estimate that the company would provide thin clients for 8,000 (25 percent) of the users who are distributed equally across 10 (25 percent) of the sites, and that the company would select Citrix Access Suite to deliver applications to users. To determine the number of application servers these users would require, we estimate that half of the users are light computer users and the other half typical or moderate users, and that there is a 1 to 1 ratio of users to thin clients. We seeded this cost calculator with data on this enterprise. Your company will, of course, differ from this enterprise; simply change the values in the calculator to reflect the plans and description of your company. In notes throughout this calculator, we refer to this company as the stalking horse enterprise.

Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator Summary tables
Note IDs

Basic Company Information

Total number of PCs to replace with thin clients Total number of users for these devices The highest percentage of thin clients that will connect simultaneously to the servers? Total number of simultaneous connections Total number of sites to convert to thin client Average number of thin clients per site Average number of thin client users per site Number of applications run by thin client users Types of users converting to thin client devices Light Medium Heavy Percent of total users by type 50% 50% 0% 8000 8000 100% 8000 10 800 800 60

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Cost summary
Category Application servers and equipment rooms Network infrastructure Planning Application migration Training Software licensing Total (not including thin client devices) Cost $1,447,530 $60,000 $236,994 $3,231,400 $1,002,265 $4,541,800 $10,519,989


15 16 17 18 19 20

Application servers and equipment rooms cost summary

Item Application servers and racks Equipment rooms Application servers and equipment rooms total Cost $1,060,690 $386,840 $1,447,530 21 22

Network infrastructure cost summary

Item Upgrade to 100Mbps (cost per port) Remote network improvement or WAN improvements Network optimization technologies Network infrastructure total Cost $0 $60,000 $0 $60,000 23 24 25

Planning cost summary

Item System administrators Outside consultants Other staff Planning total Cost $201,150 $32,000 $3,844 $236,994 26 27 28

Application migration cost summary

Item Application installation and testing Application recoding Application replacement Application migration total Cost $56,400 $550,000 $2,625,000 $3,231,400 29 30 31

Thin client training cost summary

Item User training System administrator training Help desk training Other training Thin client training total Cost $664,000 $299,490 $38,775 $0 $1,002,265 32 33 34 35

Software licensing cost summary

Item Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition License Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Client Access Licenses (CAL) per device Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Client Access Licenses (TSCALs) per device Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Connection Licenses Enterprise Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003 Software licensing total Cost $308,200 $0 $400,000 $3,833,600 $0 $4,541,800 36 37 38 39 40

Notes: 1. See the Instructions worksheet for more information on the stalking horse company that we use to provide default values for this calculator. 2. We assume the stalking horse enterprise is converting 8000 users from PCs to thin clients. 3. We assume one user per device. Companies running multiple shifts or with teams sharing devices will have a higher number of users than devices. 4. We assume all users may be connected to Citrix at the same time. 5. Calculated by multiplying Total number simultaneous connections by the highest percentage of thin clients that will connect simultaneously to the servers. 6. We assume that users converting to thin clients are evenly distributed across 10 of the 40 corporate sites. 7. Calculated by dividing the Total number of PCs to convert to thin clients by the Total number of sites to convert to thin client. 8. Calculated by dividing the Total number of users for these devices by the Total number of sites to convert to thin client. For the stalking horse enterprise, the number of users and the number of devices is the same. 9. We assume that the users converting to thin clients use 60 (approximately 60 percent) of the 102 applications the company deploys. 10. Server sizing requires some understanding of the demands users will make on the server. Sizing calculators, such as Sun's ( and Citrix's (, provide server sizing information based on whether users' server needs are high, medium, or low. Servers support far fewer high-demand users than low-demand users. You can estimate your server demand based on your proportion of the types of users. Sun describes the three user groups as transactional users, knowledge workers, and super power users. Different sources provide slightly different definitions of the three usage levels. Usually, high-demand users are not good candidates for thin clients; thin clients are typically serve low-tomedium demand users, with high-demand users retaining PCs. We use those assumptions for the stalking horse company and divide the 8000 proposed users into 50 percent data entry and 50 percent typical users. 11. The proportion of the thin client users who do data entry or other lowdemand tasks. Call-center staff and data entry workers are typical of these light or transactional users. These groups use few applications to carry out repetitive tasks. 12. The proportion of users who will be using the thin clients who do typical or medium-demand tasks. In general, medium-demand knowledge workers users run more applications, leaving multiple applications open simultaneously; these applications include Microsoft Office and complex line-of-business applications such as accounting and resource planning applications. 13. The proportion of users who will be using the thin clients who frequently do productivity or high-demand tasks. Power users typically run applications, such as 3-D design applications and complex financial applications, that put a high-demand on the server. 14. Potential thin client rollout costs. Summary tables give an overview of each category of cost. Go to the corresponding workbook tab to fine-tune estimates for your company. 15. The costs for servers and equipment room costs for deploying those servers either to a centralized data center or to wiring closets at the company sites. The defaults for the stalking horse enterprise are for a centralized deployment. 16. The costs of providing the necessary WAN bandwidth for the thin client users. We assume the stalking horse enterprise already has 100Mbps WAN but needs to improve that WAN to provide adequate service to the thin clients. 17. The staff and consultant costs from the start of thin client conversion planning through the thin client rollout.

a high-demand on the server. 14. Potential thin client rollout costs. Summary tables give an overview of each category of cost. Go to the corresponding workbook tab to fine-tune estimates for your company. 15. The costs for servers and equipment room costs for deploying those servers either to a centralized data center or to wiring closets at the company sites. The defaults for the stalking horse enterprise are for a centralized deployment. 16. The costs of providing the necessary WAN bandwidth for the thin client users. We assume the stalking horse enterprise already has 100Mbps WAN but needs to improve that WAN to provide adequate service to the thin clients. 17. The staff and consultant costs from the start of thin client conversion planning through the thin client rollout. 18. The costs to migrate applications to the thin client solution. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will provide 60 applications to the thin client users. We include costs for installing and testing the applications on the application servers and for tweaking, recoding, or replacing applications as needed. 19. The costs of training end-users, system administrators, and help desk support staff. 20. The costs of the required server and client licenses, including those for Windows Server 2003, Windows Terminal Server 2003, Citrix, and Microsoft Office 2003. 21. The cost of the servers and the racks to hold them. The number of servers and racks differs between centralized and localized server deployments. We assume centralized servers for the stalking horse enterprise. 22. The cost of providing the space, cooling, wiring, switches, and monitoring equipment that the application servers will require in the centralized data center or local wiring closets. 23. The cost to upgrade to a 100Mbps WAN. We set this cost to 0 for the stalking horse enterprise assuming it is already at 100Mbps. 24. For companies with saturated WANs, the costs to add bandwidth. We include $500 per remote site for these costs for centralized deployments if bandwidth is already at 50% utilization. 25. The costs for reducing bandwidth bottlenecks using WAN capacity management solutions that decrease, optimize, compress, accelerate, or offload WAN traffic. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise does not plan to use WAN optimizers. 26. Staff costs for senior and junior administrators to manage the thin client conversion from planning through rollout. In-house staff or consultants can manage and carry out this process. The stalking horse enterprise uses a mixture of outside consultants and in-house staff and plans to rollout the thin client 9 months from the start of the planning period. This cost item does not include the costs of setting up servers and installing and migrating applications; those costs are in the Application servers and equipment room costs and in the Application migration cost categories. 27. We assume 5 days of outside consultant time in each of four planning stages. Outside consultation makes sense for the stalking horse enterprise because it is new to thin clients and to the Citrix Access Suite and is planning an ambitious 8,000-user thin client rollout. 28. Planning, pilot testing, and rollout will involve other staff beyond the system administrators managing the process. We include minimal time for staff at the 10 affected sites to attend planning meetings and help coordinate planning and rollout at their sites. 29. These are the basics costs for installing and testing each of the applications that the thin client users will access. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will provide 60 of its 102 applications to its thin client users and make those applications available through Citrix Access Suite. 30. Some applications will run with little or no modification; some will require recoding, often because they put too high a load on the server. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise will find that 5 applications need a low level of recoding, 5 need a moderate level, and 1 requires more extensive recoding. 31. Some legacy applications may be ill-designed for thin client implementations. Companies may opt to exclude users from the thin client conversion if they need access to those applications, decide to rewrite the applications, or plan to replace the applications with software as service solutions or software packages. We assume that stalking horse enterprise is

29. These are the basics costs for installing and testing each of the applications that the thin client users will access. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will provide 60 of its 102 applications to its thin client users and make those applications available through Citrix Access Suite. 30. Some applications will run with little or no modification; some will require recoding, often because they put too high a load on the server. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise will find that 5 applications need a low level of recoding, 5 need a moderate level, and 1 requires more extensive recoding. 31. Some legacy applications may be ill-designed for thin client implementations. Companies may opt to exclude users from the thin client conversion if they need access to those applications, decide to rewrite the applications, or plan to replace the applications with software as service solutions or software packages. We assume that stalking horse enterprise is faced with replacing an aging help desk application and older accounting applications. They consider these replacements vital to the thin client conversion process, so they include these costs in the thin client cost analysis. 32. Users will require some training, either formal training or self-training. We assume the stalking horse enterprise opts for providing each thin client user with 3 hours of training on the thin clients, thin client procedures, and changes in the applications available to them. 33. System administrators will likely require some training in any new operating systems, management software, software deployment solutions, and hardware. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise staff do not need additional training on Windows Terminal Server 2003 but will require training in Citrix Access Suite and on the new servers and thin clients. 34. Help desk staff may need training on the same topics as the system administrators. For the stalking horse enterprise, we assume 5 days of training for the help desk staff who will assist the thin client users. 35. Add any other training your implementation requires. 36. We assume the stalking horse enterprise does not have any unused Windows Server 2003 licenses and will purchase one for each new server. 37. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will transfer Windows Server 2003 Client Access Licenses to the thin clients from the PCs they replace. 38. Those PCs would not have had Windows 2003 Terminal Server Client Access Licenses, so we include the cost of these licenses for each thin client. 39. They will also require Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Connection Licenses. 40. Each client will require a Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003 license. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise will transfer these licenses to the thin clients from the PCs they replace.

Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator Application servers and equipment rooms cost
Application servers and equipment rooms cost summary
Item Application servers and racks Equipment rooms Application servers and equipment rooms (average price per server) Application servers and equipment rooms total Cost $1,060,690 $386,840 $10,802 $1,447,530 Note IDs

1 2

Server load worksheet

Types of users converting to thin client devices Light Medium Heavy Average number of workers per server

Average number of workers Percent of each total workers server can by type support 50% 50% 0% 70 50 30 60 134 140 3 4 5 6 7 8

Total number of servers required if centralized Total number of servers required if localized

Application servers and racks cost worksheet

Will servers be centralized or localized? Number servers per unit Centralized

Item Servers Racks with side panels (with keyboards and monitors) Racks without side panels (with keyboards and monitors) KVM switches KVM adapters Backup Server (antivirus)

Unit cost

Quantity 134 20 20 16 1 1 1 0 7 9 134 134 134

Total $1,005,000 $0 $24,493 $9,891 $13,266 $6,700 $1,340 $7,916 $1,060,690 13 14 12 10 11

$7,500 NA $3,859 $3,499 $1,099 $99 $50 $10

Application server and racks- per server cost Application server and racks subtotal

Equipment room cost worksheet

Number of equipment rooms (1 data center if servers are centralized; 1 wiring closet per site if they are localized) Do you want to include switches for remote monitoring connections -- ILO -- as well as data? Do you want to use gigabit blade switches? Number of rooms per unit cost Quantity 1 1 1 0 Number of servers per unit cost Quantity $300 $2,400 6 6 23 23 1 0 0 0


Yes Yes

16 17

Room-based costs Power (Drop in power electrician cost) Patch Panel (installed) (localized solution only) Securing the wiring closets (key-card access) (localized solution only) Local wiring closet space (localized solution only)

Per room costs $2,000 $250 $1,000 $4,542

Total $2,000 $0 $0 $0 18 19 20 21

Server-based costs Power (PDU) Power (UPS)

Unit cost

Total $6,900 $55,200 22 23

Server switch (24 port) Server switch (24 port-gigabit) Monitoring software (servers) Monitoring software (network devices) Moving servers (centralized solution only) Server setup

$2,976 $6,000 $1,090 $50 $0 $150

24 24 1 24 1 1

0 12 134 6 134 134

$0 $72,000 $146,060 $300 $0 $20,100


25 26 27 28

Rack-based costs Cooling (localized solution only) Additional central equipment room real estate (centralized solution only) Network drop (installed) (centralized solution only) Network drop (installed) (localized solution) Equipment rooms subtotal

Number of racks per Per rack cost unit cost Quantity $6,500 $12,000 $40 $200 1 1 1 1 0 7 7 0

Total $0 $84,000 $280 $0 $386,840 29 30 31

Notes: 1. The default value shows the total costs for the stalking horse enterprise to purchase the 134 centralized servers, racks, KVM adapters and switches, keyboards and monitors, backup software, and antivirus software necessary to support its 8,000 thin clients. 2. The default value shows total costs for the stalking horse enterprise for the space, UPS, PDU, server switches, and monitoring software in its centralized data center. 3. The proportion of the thin client users who do primarily data entry or other low-demand tasks. Callcenter staff and data entry workers are typical transactional or light users. These groups use few applications to carry out repetitive tasks. We considered estimates on HP, Dell, and Citrix Web sites in coming up with the average number users we estimate the stalking horse enterprise servers can support. 4. The proportion of users who will be using the thin clients who do typical or medium-demand tasks. In general, medium-demand knowledge workers users run more applications than light users and often have multiple applications open simultaneously; these applications include Microsoft Office and complex line-of-business applications, such as accounting and resource planning applications. 5. The proportion of users who will be using the thin clients who do productivity or high-demand tasks. These power users typically run such complex applications as 3-D design programs and complex financial applications, all of which put high demands on servers. 6. The average number of workers per server is the weighted average (across the three different types of workers) of the number of workers each server can support. 7. Calculated by dividing the total number of thin clients by the Average number of workers per server. 8. We round up the server requirements to provide an equal number of servers at each of the sites. 9. Servers are frequently in central data centers. Companies can also spread the servers among the remote sites and locate those systems in local equipment rooms. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will use the centralized, data-center model. 10. We used to configure servers to host both the applications and the thin clients. We selected HP Proliant DL360 G5 servers with 2 dual-core Intel Xeon 3.0GHZ CPUs and 4GB of RAM, which ran about $7,500 per server. 11. We priced racks, from, that will comfortably hold 20 1U servers per rack. We include

workers) of the number of workers each server can support. 7. Calculated by dividing the total number of thin clients by the Average number of workers per server. 8. We round up the server requirements to provide an equal number of servers at each of the sites. 9. Servers are frequently in central data centers. Companies can also spread the servers among the remote sites and locate those systems in local equipment rooms. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will use the centralized, data-center model. 10. We used to configure servers to host both the applications and the thin clients. We selected HP Proliant DL360 G5 servers with 2 dual-core Intel Xeon 3.0GHZ CPUs and 4GB of RAM, which ran about $7,500 per server. 11. We priced racks, from, that will comfortably hold 20 1U servers per rack. We include one keyboard and monitor per rack. We include side panels for the localized solution. 12. We include local connection capability. This is not an IP KVM. IP access is via ILO or terminal server. The KVM has 16 ports. Price source is 13. We assume the stalking horse enterprise plans to use existing backup hardware. We estimate here the price from for a backup agent for each server. 14. We include the price for antivirus software. 15. Centralized servers are frequently in data centers. We assume that the company will install servers in 1 data center if servers are centralized and in 1 wiring closet per site if the servers are local. 16. Answer Yes if you want to include a connection for each server for integrated lights out (ILO) management. ILO management would add one switch blade per rack for localized servers and one for each 24 servers if centralized. We assume the stalking horse enterprise needs these connections. 17. We assume gigabit switch blades for the centralized solution for the stalking horse enterprise. 18. We include minimal electrician costs for moving wiring. 19. For the centralized solution, we assume the servers will be in an existing data center that already has any necessary patch panel and card key access. We include costs for patch panel and card access for the local solution. 20. We include the costs of a card key access system, e.g. Kaba Ilco, for wiring closets if servers are local. 21. We base this estimate on an overall weighted average rental rate for the national suburban office market of $22.71 per square foot and assume a wiring closet of 100 square feet. Source for rental rate: 22. The company will need one per UPS minimum (each PDU has 8 connections). The price is from 23. We assume the servers will not be connecting to a large, data-center-style UPS. The company will require 4 UPS units per rack of 20 servers, because each UPS has 10 connections. Each server draws from 325-490VA. Prices from 24. We quote prices from for 24-port switch blades and 24-port gigabit switch blades, with 1 switch blade for data connections in each rack for localized servers and 1 for every 24 servers for centralized servers. We calculate a second connection per server if you answer Yes to the question at the top of the table that asks: Do you want to include switches for remote monitoring connections -- ILO? You will need either the 24-port switch blades or the 24-port gigabit blade switches. We include the cost of the gigabit blade switches if you answer Yes to the question at the top of the table that asks: Do you want to use gigabit blade switches? We selected the gigabyte blade switches for the centralized solution for the stalking horse enterprise. 25. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise has a Network Management Solution in place. This cost is for the base OS management module and the Citrix module. Prices from 26. Most companies tend to tightly monitor WAN already. This cost adds software for adding the new 24port switches to the monitoring solution. 27. Fill in this cost if you have localized file servers to move back to the central data center where the access infrastructure resides. Costs would be mainly labor and shipping. We include no cost for this item.

centralized servers. We calculate a second connection per server if you answer Yes to the question at the top of the table that asks: Do you want to include switches for remote monitoring connections -- ILO? You will need either the 24-port switch blades or the 24-port gigabit blade switches. We include the cost of the gigabit blade switches if you answer Yes to the question at the top of the table that asks: Do you want to use gigabit blade switches? We selected the gigabyte blade switches for the centralized solution for the stalking horse enterprise. 25. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise has a Network Management Solution in place. This cost is for the base OS management module and the Citrix module. Prices from 26. Most companies tend to tightly monitor WAN already. This cost adds software for adding the new 24port switches to the monitoring solution. 27. Fill in this cost if you have localized file servers to move back to the central data center where the access infrastructure resides. Costs would be mainly labor and shipping. We include no cost for this item. 28. We estimate an average of about 3 hours of system administrator time to set up each server. 29. We assume the stalking horse enterprise would use the data center's cooling capacity, which is in the data center space calculation later in the table. 30. We assume the stalking horse enterprise is using centralized data-center space that includes HVAC and power redundancy. Based on average basic collocation costs, we estimate costs would be approximately $1,000 per rack per month if centralized. 31. Data center network drops tend to be much cheaper as they are in wire channels or raised floors; consequently, this cost is lower for centralized solutions.

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Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator Network infrastructure cost
Network infrastructure cost worksheet
Is your WAN over 50% saturated? Remote network improvements or WAN improvements cost per 800 thin clients? Do you have 100Mbps network or faster? Do you plan to use WAN optimization technologies? Cost Upgrade to 100Mbps (cost per port) Remote network improvement or WAN improvements (centralized solution only) $124 Quantity 0 Total $0 Yes $6,000 Yes No 1 2 3 4 Note IDs




Network optimization technologies base cost Network optimization technologies - per site cost Network infrastructure total




$0 $60,000

Notes: 1. Organizations with centralized servers may run into bandwidth problems if they start out with a WAN that is already saturated. For those organizations, we include costs to increase the WAN bandwidth. 2. The annual cost for remote improvements or WAN improvements per 800 thin clients. We based this estimate on an estimate of $500 per month per site for each site at the stalking horse enterprise site, for an annual cost of $6,000 per site. To arrive at that estimate, we assumed each client requires 100Kbps and calculated that the 800 clients per site would require 80Mbps. This WAN increase is dependent on a wide variety of factors, such as what the company pays now, where its sites are located, and what WAN services are available. 3. Organizations with centralized servers that don't have 100Mbps networks should plan to upgrade to 100Mbps. 4. One way to help alleviate some of this WAN bottleneck is to add network optimization technologies, such as Citrix WANScaler ( to accelerate application performance across wide-area networks. Other WAN capacity management solutions that decrease, optimize, compress, accelerate, or offload your WAN traffic may be more appropriate for your organization. We include the price when you answer yes to the question Do you want to use WAN optimization technologies? We assume that the stalking horse enterprise IT feels that WAN improvements, rather than these capacity

we include costs to increase the WAN bandwidth. 2. The annual cost for remote improvements or WAN improvements per 800 thin clients. We based this estimate on an estimate of $500 per month per site for each site at the stalking horse enterprise site, for an annual cost of $6,000 per site. To arrive at that estimate, we assumed each client requires 100Kbps and calculated that the 800 clients per site would require 80Mbps. This WAN increase is dependent on a wide variety of factors, such as what the company pays now, where its sites are located, and what WAN services are available. 3. Organizations with centralized servers that don't have 100Mbps networks should plan to upgrade to 100Mbps. 4. One way to help alleviate some of this WAN bottleneck is to add network optimization technologies, such as Citrix WANScaler ( to accelerate application performance across wide-area networks. Other WAN capacity management solutions that decrease, optimize, compress, accelerate, or offload your WAN traffic may be more appropriate for your organization. We include the price when you answer yes to the question Do you want to use WAN optimization technologies? We assume that the stalking horse enterprise IT feels that WAN improvements, rather than these capacity management solutions, provide the best value. 5. For the default, we use $124 per port average cost for Cisco Switching gear. 6. This item shows the annualized cost to increase the WAN bandwidth to support the thin clients with centralized servers. Note 2 above describes the assumptions behind this cost estimate. For the estimate in this cell, we divide the average number of thin clients per site by 800, round that result up, and multiply that number by the Remote network improvements or WAN improvements cost per 800 thin clients. 7. In this model, we use the price for Citrix WANScaler ( devices that retail at $8,000 for remote sites and $40,000 for the data center. The total price for the 10 sites for the stalking horse enterprise would be $120,000. 8. The per site cost of the network optimization technologies. See note 7 for a description of our source for this estimate.

Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator Planning cost
Planning cost summary
Item System administrator costs Outside consultant costs Other staff costs Planning total Cost $201,150 $32,000 $3,844 $236,994 1 2 3 Note IDs

Staff cost worksheet

How many work days per year? 245 4

Worker salaries (average compensation and all other benefits) End-user Senior windows administrator Junior windows administrator Help-desk administrator End-user training staff

Worker salaries (average compensation and other benefits) per Compensation year per day $50,000 $114,000 $92,000 $60,000 $92,000 $205 $466 $376 $245 $376 5 6 7 8 9

Planning cost -- planning, procurement, installation -- worksheet

Months of planning time Number of FTE staff required for planning tasks (per 1000 users) Total FTE staff required for planning tasks % of these who are senior administrators % of these who are junior administrators 9 0.33 2.7 30% 70% 10 11 12 13 14 15

System administrator cost

Staff type Senior system administrators Junior system administrators System administration subtotal

Number FTE staff 0.9 1.8

Average salary (fully loaded) Total cost $114,000 $92,000 $76,950 $124,200 $201,150

Outside consultant cost

Planning phases Planning Procurement Pilot test Installation Outside consultant subtotal Days 5 5 1 5 Daily fee $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Total cost $10,000 $10,000 $2,000 $10,000 $32,000


Other staff planning cost

Planning phases Planning Procurement Pilot test Installation Other staff planning subtotal Planning total

Planning time of other staff (in hours) Total cost 40 10 40 60 $1,025 $256 $1,025 $1,538 $3,844 $236,994


Notes: 1. Staff costs for senior and junior system administrators to manage the thin client conversion from planning through rollout. In-house staff or consultants can manage and carry out this process. The stalking horse enterprise uses a mixture of outside consultants and in-house staff and plans to rollout the thin clients 9 months from the start of the planning period. This cost item does not include the costs of setting up servers and installing and migrating applications; those costs are in the Application servers and equipment rooms cost and in the Application migration cost categories. 2. We assume 5 days of involvement of outside consultants in each of four planning stages. Outside consultation makes sense for the stalking horse enterprise because it is new to thin clients and to the Citrix Access Suite and is planning an ambitious 8,000-user thin client rollout.

Notes: 1. Staff costs for senior and junior system administrators to manage the thin client conversion from planning through rollout. In-house staff or consultants can manage and carry out this process. The stalking horse enterprise uses a mixture of outside consultants and in-house staff and plans to rollout the thin clients 9 months from the start of the planning period. This cost item does not include the costs of setting up servers and installing and migrating applications; those costs are in the Application servers and equipment rooms cost and in the Application migration cost categories. 2. We assume 5 days of involvement of outside consultants in each of four planning stages. Outside consultation makes sense for the stalking horse enterprise because it is new to thin clients and to the Citrix Access Suite and is planning an ambitious 8,000-user thin client rollout. 3. Planning, pilot testing, and rollout will involve other staff beyond the system administrators managing the process. We include minimal time for staff at the 10 affected sites to attend planning meetings and help coordinate planning and rollout at their sites. 4. We estimate 245 annual working days on average for the stalking horse enterprise staff. 5. A rough average of call center and help desk salaries from Daily rate is the annual salary divided by number of days per year, rounded to the nearest dollar. 6. The national average for senior system administrators at Daily rate is the annual salary divided by number of days per year, rounded to the nearest dollar. 7. The national average for system administrators at Daily rate is the annual salary divided by number of days per year, rounded to the nearest dollar. 8. The national average for a help desk administrator position from Daily rate is the annual salary divided by number of days per year, rounded to the nearest dollar. 9. We assume administrators would do this training if the company does the training inhouse, so we used their salary here. 10. We've seen references for planning and installation costs ranging from 2 months to over a year. These tasks require internal staff involvement, and companies may want to involve outside consultants. 11. A 2003 Forrester study on The Total Economic Impact of Deploying Sun Ray Clients ( calculates approximately 1.2 FTE for a 1,200 client rollout. We calculate .33 FTE per 1,000 users. Your numbers would vary depending on the complexity of applications requiring transition, the infrastructure changes necessary, and how well-managed the existing PCs are, as well as the amount of assistance available from outside consultants and other staff. 12. We multiply the number in Number of FTE staff required for planning tasks (per 1,000 users), in this case .33, by the number of clients rounded to the nearest 1,000. For the stalking horse enterprise, we estimate that an 8,000 client implementation would require approximately 2.7 FTE system administrator time, plus some assistance from outside consulting and other internal staff. 13. We used the distribution of senior administrator times for installation, the longest task in a Forrester study ( ). 14. We used the junior administrator estimate from that same study. 15. System administration costs include internal project management, server planning, and setup. We include application installation, modification, and tweaking in the separate Application Migration table. Calculations use the salaries from the Staff costs worksheet and the four values at the top of this table to calculate the system administration costs during the planning phases. 16. We based these estimates on experience; we include here one of the lower estimates.

consulting and other internal staff. 13. We used the distribution of senior administrator times for installation, the longest task in a Forrester study ( ). 14. We used the junior administrator estimate from that same study. 15. System administration costs include internal project management, server planning, and setup. We include application installation, modification, and tweaking in the separate Application Migration table. Calculations use the salaries from the Staff costs worksheet and the four values at the top of this table to calculate the system administration costs during the planning phases. 16. We based these estimates on experience; we include here one of the lower estimates. 17. We include some planning time for staff other than the system administrator project managers. These tasks include attending planning meetings and carrying out tasks to support the project administrator. These costs would be higher in implementations where less consultant time or system administrator time was devoted to the rollout.

Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator Application migration cost
Application migration cost summary
Item Application installation and testing Application recoding Application replacement Application migration total Cost $56,400 $550,000 $2,625,000 $3,231,400 1 2 3 Note IDs

Application installation and testing cost worksheet

Number of applications to install and test Number of days to install and test each application Cost to install and test each application Application installation and testing subtotal 60 2.5 $940 $56,400 4

Application recoding cost worksheet

Recoding complexity Simple porting or tuning Medium porting, revision, or rewrite More complicated revision Application recoding subtotal Number applications 5 5 1 Cost per application $10,000 $40,000 $300,000 Total $50,000 $200,000 $300,000 $550,000 5

Application replacement cost worksheet

Applications requiring replacement Replacing legacy accounting system with Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) Software Call center software Other Cost

$225,000 $2,400,000 $0

6 7 8

Application replacement subtotal


Notes: 1. These are the basic costs for installing and testing each of the applications that the thin client users will access. We assume the stalking horse enterprise will provide 60 of its 102 applications to its thin client users, making them available through Citrix Access Suite. 2. Some applications will run with little or no modification; some will require recoding, often because they put too high a load on the server. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise will find that 5 applications need a low level of recoding, 5 need a moderate level, and 1 requires more extensive recoding. 3. Some legacy applications may be ill-designed for thin client implementations. Companies may opt to exclude users from the thin client conversion if they need access to those applications, decide to rewrite the applications, or replace the applications with software as service solutions or software packages. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise must replace a clunky help desk application and an older accounting application. They consider these conversions crucial to the thin client conversion process and so include the costs in the thin client cost analysis. 4. This cost is for testing applications to see if they will run in new environment. The stalking horse enterprise supports 102 applications. It will not include some of these in the conversion because the thin client users don't run them. The enterprise may drop support for others and move users to another similar application. They may eliminate other applications because they are out-of-date or no longer useful. We estimate that the stalking horse will identify 60 applications, approximately 60 percent of the original 102 applications, that its thin client users will need to access. 5. You may need to modify applications to improve performance and responsiveness in the client-server environment. 6. Estimated at $2,250 per concurrent user (assuming 100 users) based on: 7. Estimated at $1,200 per seat for 2000 seats based on 8. If you have additional applications requiring replacement, put an estimate of that replacement cost here.

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nt cost here.

Principled Technologies
Thin client conversion cost calculator

Thin client training cost

Thin client training cost summary
Item User training Cost $664,000

System administrator training Help desk training Other training Thin client training total

$299,490 $38,775 $0 $1,002,265

Thin client training cost worksheet

Type of training

Types of workers

Training Percent Number session needing Number of days fees per training trainees training day

Total training fees per person

Downtime Total fees and cost per downtime for person this training

Thin client applications and procedures

Thin client users



3/8 NA




Device manager software

Senior system administrators






Junior system administrators






Operating system certification

Senior system administrators (requiring OS certificate)







Junior system administrators







Operating system upgrade

Senior system administrators






Junior system administrators






Citrix training administrator

Senior system administrators






Junior system administrators







Citrix training Senior system integration architect administrators






Citrix training enterprise administrator Server hardware training

Senior system administrators Senior system administrators Junior system administrators Help desk staff
















Help desk training







Other training

Thin client training total


Thin client end-user training session costs worksheet

Do you intend to do end-user training in house or use consultants? What is the average daily cost of end-user training consultants Number of days training per user 30 3/8 Number training sessions per site 27 Session setup Daily time in trainer minutes cost 30 $376 Total trainer cost per site $4,442 In-house $2,000

Planning and training End-user trainers

Number trained per session

Cost per user $6.00

Support staff requirements worksheet

Number of devices per support Type support staff staffer Senior System Administrator Junior System Administrator Help Desk 1200 400 728

Number Number needed if needed if these these staff are staff are at central at local site only sites 7 20 11

Are these staff at local sites?

Number of support staff 7 20 11

10 No 20 No 11 No

Help desk call worksheet

Percent of help desk calls that are hardware related Percent fewer hardware-related calls expected for thin clients Percent fewer software-related calls expected for thin clients 20% 90% 0%

Number calls Total per user per number year calls Current thick client calls Expected thin client calls 24 19.68 192000 157440

Average duration of calls (in minutes) 8 8

Number calls per help desk worker 14700 14700

Number help desk workers 14 11

Number users per help desk worker 572 728

Notes: 1. Users will require some training, either formal training or self-training. We assume the stalking horse enterprise opts for providing each thin client user with 3 hours of training on the thin clients, thin client procedures, and changes in the applications available to them. 2. System administrators will likely require some training in any new operating systems, management software, software deployment solutions, and on the new hardware. We assume that the stalking horse enterprise staff do not need additional training on Windows Terminal Server 2003 but will require training in Citrix Access Suite and on the new servers and thin clients. 3. Help desk staff may need training on the same topics as the system administrators. For the stalking horse enterprise, we propose 5 days of training for the help desk staff who will assist the thin client users. 4. Add any other training your implementation will require. 5. Users will require some training on the new devices, applications, and procedures. We use here an estimate from of 3 hours of training per user. Enter the length of training for your users as a fraction of a day; for example 3/8 for 3 hours of training. 6. Your system administrators may need training on new device management software. We include that training in the general Citrix training. 7. If you introduce a new operating system, system administrators will need training on it. We assume the stalking horse enterprise's system administrators are familiar with Windows Server OS and so do not require that training. We base the 14-day training estimate on courses for Microsoft certification. 8. If you upgrade your operating system, you may need to train some of your administrators. We assume the stalking horse enterprise's system administrators are familiar with the OS and so do not require that training. 9. We assume all system administrators will need training on Citrix, because it is new to the organization. Some of the administrators will need courses toward Citrix administration architect certification; others will want training for enterprise administrator. 10. We assume some system administrators will need training on the new server hardware. 11. Help desk staff will require training on Citrix, thin client hardware, software changes, and user procedures. In the default costs, we include a two-day training course for the 12 help desk workers the stalking horse enterprise will need for thin client users. 12. End users at 10 sites require training that you could provide via either in-house staff or outside consultants. The stalking horse enterprise plans to use junior system administrators to provide 3 hours of training to each user in classes of 30. This Thin client end user training costs worksheet calculates the costs for in-house staff or outside consultants to provide that training. 13. Estimate the daily rate of end-user training consultants. The calculator uses this value to calculate training costs if you specify consultant-provided training in answer to the previous question. 14. This worksheet calculates the cost of end-user training. Enter the number of users you plan to train per session. Based on this number and the number of days training per user in the previous worksheet, the calculator determines the number of training sessions. Enter in an amount of setup time between sessions. The worksheet calculates the total trainer cost per site using the specified daily consultant cost for consultantprovided training or the daily rate of end-user trainers for training provided by in-house staff. It adds in the setup time. We calculate the per user training cost and round it up to the nearest dollar. 15. This worksheet calculates the number of support staff the thin client users require. It bases this number on the number of devices that each staff type can support. We've seen estimates from a couple hundred to a couple thousand devices per support staff member. We use here estimates from a Sun whitepaper ( for the average number of devices that system administrators support. The worksheet that follows provides an estimate for help desk support. 16. We based this estimate on data in a calculator provided by Citrix at that estimates the calls per month for thick clients are 80% software-related and 20% hardware-related.

The worksheet calculates the total trainer cost per site using the specified daily consultant cost for consultantprovided training or the daily rate of end-user trainers for training provided by in-house staff. It adds in the setup time. We calculate the per user training cost and round it up to the nearest dollar. 15. This worksheet calculates the number of support staff the thin client users require. It bases this number on the number of devices that each staff type can support. We've seen estimates from a couple hundred to a couple thousand devices per support staff member. We use here estimates from a Sun whitepaper ( for the average number of devices that system administrators support. The worksheet that follows provides an estimate for help desk support. 16. We based this estimate on data in a calculator provided by Citrix at that estimates the calls per month for thick clients are 80% software-related and 20% hardware-related. 17. That same site estimates that thin clients have 90% fewer hardware-related calls. 18. We estimate that the thin client rollout will not reduce software-related help desk calls. 19. We use the estimate of call duration from

Note IDs

2 3 4



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Principled Technologies Thin client conversion Technologies

cost calculator Thin client conversion cost calculator Software licensing cost
Software licensing cost worksheet
Note IDs

License type Server licenses Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition Licenses Client licenses Microsoft client access licenses Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Client Access Licenses (CAL) per device Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Client Access Licenses (TSCALs) per device Citrix licenses Citrix Access Suite 4.0 Connection Licenses - Enterprise Application licenses Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003 Software licensing total

Package cost

Number licenses included in package Discount Total cost rate Needed

Number of this type license already purchased and available for these devices Total Cost






















$0 $4,541,800

Notes: 1. Each server will require a Microsoft Windows Server 2004 R2 Enterprise Edition License. We quote here the Open Business price from 2. Because the stalking horse enterprise should already have Microsoft Windows Server 2003 licenses for the existing PCs and can transfer those licenses to the new devices, it will not need to order additional licenses. We quote a price from 3. The stalking horse enterprise will need Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Client Access

Notes: 1. Each server will require a Microsoft Windows Server 2004 R2 Enterprise Edition License. We quote here the Open Business price from 2. Because the stalking horse enterprise should already have Microsoft Windows Server 2003 licenses for the existing PCs and can transfer those licenses to the new devices, it will not need to order additional licenses. We quote a price from 3. The stalking horse enterprise will need Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Client Access licenses for each client. We include the User Select 6.0 Level A; License & Software Assurance price from 4. The Citrix Access Suite has a retail price of $599 per concurrent user. We assume 100 percent concurrency, so we include the cost for 8,000 licenses using price data from We then apply a 20 percent volume discount. 5. Because the stalking horse enterprise should already have copies of Microsoft Office for the PCs that the thin clients replace and can transfer those licenses to the new devices, it will not need to order additional licenses. We quote the MSRP price from and assume a 20 percent volume discount.

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