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February 27, 2012


HR is a vast field that sets off, builds a strategy, executes and ends with a enduring solution. To deal with Human Resources seems to be very easy, but when it comes to be the player then starts the real snag in handling it. It is always easy to underscore someone or to that matter anyone about anything. However, the best is always esteemed. HR in a company is always reachable to each one of them irrespective of the levels. To start or make the first move it is the HR department that any one should get in touch with. They strategize the policies and procedures in the company for which it would have been a year, to do so provided the focus is on to Quality processes. HR includes the following processes: 1. Recruitment & selection 2. Training and development 3. Compensation and Benefits 4. Performance Management System 5. Employee relations Component should be consistent with the others, organization structure, and strategy. i. ii. iii. Recruitment: Develop a pool of qualified applicants. Selection: Determine relative qualifications & potential for a job. Training & Development: Ongoing process to develop workers abilities and skills.

iv. Performance Management System: Provides information about how to train, motivate, and reward workers. Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance worker performance. v. Employee Relations: Managers need an effective relationship with labor unions that represent workers. Unions help establish pay, and working conditions. vi. Pay and Benefits: High performing employees should be rewarded with raises, bonuses. Increased pay provides additional incentive. Benefits, such as health insurance, reward membership in firm. HR Planning

There are many ways to define HR planning, or explain what it is, but the following definitions, taken from the Government of Canada human resources site, is a good, useful working definition: Rigorous HR planning links people management to the organizations mission, vision, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic plan and budgetary resources. A key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. Note the emphasis on linkage to strategic planning and business planning in the first sentence, and the emphasis on the arrangement and alignment of staff and employees in the last sentence. Heres another definition, perhaps a bit simpler: The processes by which management ensures that it has the right personnel, who are capable of completing those tasks that help the organization, reach its objectives. Human resource planning refers to the planning of human resource functions, or in other words, planning how human resource management will be executed. Recruiting Selecting Hiring Orienting Training and retraining Motivating Coaching Mentoring Counseling Recognizing achievements Empowering Communicating Evaluating Promoting Laying off Dismissing

So, in effect HR planning refers to the development of plans in these areas or in similar areas. You may want to develop your own list specific to your organization a list that reflects the functions that HR does in your company. Relevance of HR Planning Many people associate human resource planning with what very large companies do IBM, or Ford. Thats because, almost by necessity, large companies need to have a much more formal and comprehensive approach to HR planning because of their size and the complexity of their businesses. That said, even a business owner with a very few employees need to think (that is, plan) about various personnel and human resources issues. Many small business owners do this without really thinking about it. For example, a small business owner needs to think and plan about what benefits to offer, how to manage growth of staff, how to plan how many staff are needed, how to evaluate employee performance, and so on. So, even if you have one or two employees, its useful to plan like the big boys regarding human resource and personnel issues. The methods you use may be simpler but you still need to do it, so you are prepared.

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