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Suppressing fire House Ruling Meaning of signs - = RAW (Rules as Written) + = Not explicitly stated in the RAW, but

implicitly derived * = House ruling if rules are mixed they start in line with (-),(*) or (+) Suppressing fire: Conditions/consequences: - must be in full auto burst - weapon jams on 94 or higher. If the weapon is unreliable: on 91 or higher Effected area - The suppressing zone (SF zone) is short range and angle of 45 degrees -* The kill-zone is (-)short (*)AND normal range and angle of 45 degrees Suppresor: - SF BS penalty is -20 + all other modifiers applicable for the situation, apply. E.g. blinded, higher ground, size opponent, terrain, sight etc. +* The only exceptions to these are (+)the short range bonus and (*)the prone target penalty - If one or more (every 2DoS, up to max amount of the fire rate of the used weapon) hits are made, they are randomly spread over EVERYONE in the kill zone (cover or not). Cover is taken into account according to its rules. * If one or more targets are prone, than the chances they're hit (in the random distribution) are halved. Example npcs a, b, c and d, a and b are in cover, c and d are prone then on a D6 roll: 1-2 =a; 3-4 =b; 5=c and 6=d. Everyone else shooting at the prone target get the standard -10BS * if ALL targets are prone, the prone target penalty (-10 BS) applies. Suppressee: * As long as the SF lasts, everyone within the SF-zone must succeed a WP test at the beginning of each of his/her turn, or be pinned. * The FIRST time you make this test during this combat you get a -20 penalty on your WP + If your 'pinned' you must succeed a WP test at the beginning of each of your turns, or you will still be pinned that round. If no one is shooting at you, meaning that you have to be at least outside of the kill-zone or the SF has stopped, you get a +30 bonus to your WP check. Once you succeed the check you are no longer pinned. - close combat ignores pinning effect (auto success) (+)and thus if you are forced into melee (e.g. someone charges you), you are no longer pinned. When pinned: - you must either move to cover or out of SF zone (away from the suppressor) -+ any BS attack you make are at -20 penalty, (+)all applicable modifiers for the situation apply, so you do get +10 BS if you're in short range - while in cover you must remain in cover. You may move (only a half action) but only if you can remain in cover during your entire move -pinned characters may only take half actions. *if you are NOT in cover AND inside the kill zone then despite the 'half actions only rule' you may make a full action move. You may however not charge (anyone) or run. [optional: target must make agility test, +10 if half move, -10 if full move. In fail, target falls prone

Other House Rules Autoburst Semi: +10 BS, 1 extra hit per 1 DoS Full: +20 BS, 1 extra hit per 2 DoS Las Weapons All las weapons get a +10 BS

Weapon Jinx (8pt; Full action; 50m): - Within range you can jam 1 non-primitive weapon that can be jammed - If the weapon cannot be jammed it dis-functions for one round (e.g. best quality weapons). - explosives with timers are can be halted for one round with this power. - Reliable weapons that have been jammed with this power can be cleared with an ease (+20) BS check - Overbleed still works: every 5 points == +10 meters range OR +1 weapon. - You canNOT disable Techpriests or bionic attachements using this power

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