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Facts & Figures for February 12, 2012 Attendance (139 and 148)...........................287 Sunday School........141 General Fund Receipts..............$8,363.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$250.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School.........$517.00 Non-Budget Funds Receipts....$10,685.75 2011 Facts & Figures as of Dec. 31, 2011 YTD Budget Receipts.........$485,935.99 YTD Budget Expenses.......$480,234.06 Net Receipts over Expenses..........$5,701.93 Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

The Stillwater Christian

Volume 2012 In This Issue
Announcements Care and Keeping of a Candle Birthdays & Anniversaries Children & Youth Facts & Figures 1 2 2 3 4

February 14 On Feb. 5th Jan Wilson joined our congregation in the 9:00 service. Her husband Gene came forward in support of her. Jan teaches college classes online. Gene is a retired UCC minister. They moved to Stillwater to be closer to their son Steve Wilson, whom many of you may know via connections with OSU. They are a delightful couple! Take a moment or two to meet them and welcome them into our fellowship at FCC.

Welcome New Member Jan Wilson

Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: East 6th St in OKC

At 6pm, join us for Adults: hearty tomato based Sicilian Wedding Soup, focaccia, green salad Kids: Pizza, green salad Dessert: Dip em yourself Chocolate Covered Treats. Then, Sarah Morice Brubaker will present The Truth is Not Ugly: Body Image, the Image of God and Loving Your Neighbor. Children will go to play practice for Happily Forever After, and adults may also choose from Mah Jongg, or Choir practice. We will dismiss at 7:30pm.

WNF Session 3: FAITH Speaks

Week of Compassion Special Offering Feb. 19-26th Please give generously to Week of Compassion and make a difference in the life of our neighbors near and far. You never know when it might be you who needs a little compassion.

WNF Session 4 will be Feb. 22 - Apr 4. The classes will include choices such as Photography, Gospel Music Sing Along, Weaving, an Elder-led Lenten Prayer and Scripture study, Estate planning, Frugal Living, Exercise, Mah Jongg, and Choir. This will be a fun opportunity to get to know some new-to-you people while picking up a new skill, knowledge, or hobby. 1. We need 2 Van drivers for each Sunday morning; one for each service for pick up and take home. Leila Beeby has spoken with several Helping Hands participants who have expressed an interest but cant get here on Sundays. 2. We also need people who can help our Helping Hands participants with paperwork, job applications, etc. 3. We also need someone who can drive someone to doctor appointments during the week.

Session 4 WNF Classes!

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517

Outreach Volunteers Needed!


The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

With vibrant, new original music, dance routines, life transforming stories; and exciting audiovisual effects, the tour is indicative of the dynamic generation of leaders coming out of the Watoto programme.
Join us this Sunday for Owen Caytons Message, With Eyes Opened and a Sweaty Brow based on Mark 9:2-9 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

Send prayer requests and general email to

Owen Cayton, Senior Minister

The Care and Feeding of A Candle


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

Recently on Facebook I have shared a few articles I have come across the content of which has been hard on my friends who identify themselves as spiritual but not religious (SBNR). Over the course of the next couple articles, I would like to add my own words to the discussion. I use my newsletter article because I think it is something that we in the church need to spend some time pondering (I will post them on Facebook for feedback as well). Here is why: we live in a culture in which people are increasingly searching for connection with something larger than themselves, and more frequently are turning to places other than the Church to find that connection. In fact, I am very sympathetic toward my friends who place themselves in this category. However, one of my frustrations in the whole spiritual but not religious conversations is that very rarely do we spend time talking about what we mean when we use those words. We go about the conversation thinking that we mean the same thing and often talk past each other. I understand the terms spiritual and spirituality at their core to refer generally to a connection to God and the world around. I would also tend to add that the words refer lifeshaping practices that help one find and maintain those connections. Spiritual tends to be less about the content of faith (what I believe) and more about the practice of faith (how I am faithful). Those life-shaping practices are important because often, I hope, they become intentional. They change who we are often from the outside in and back again. They strengthen us, give us direction, open our eyes to Gods presence in the world around us and to our human neighbors as well as to the world itself. Some of those life-shaping practices for me have included the study of scripture, reading the thoughts of other faithful people through devotion, Sabbath keeping, prayer both contemplative and in groups, communal worship, service to others, and bread making. Incidentally, I believe that just about anything can become a spiritual practice if we are intentional about allowing it to shape us and draw us into connection. I am curious as to what you have done or continue to do that shapes your life and draws you into connection with God and the world around you? One of the things that distinguish SBNR folk, and it is a large category that represents a diverse population - I read about a study recently that suggested 1 in 5 Americans identify themselves as SBNR, tends to be a rejection of traditional religion and a leaning toward a private exploration of faith. And that is where I will pick up the conversation next time. Shalom, Owen For more information on the subject you might read some of the following: UDMH5 and Happy Birthday to: 2/17 Erika Schaecher, 2/20 Ruthann Waldrop Happy Anniversary to: 2/19 Rob and Ann Whiteley

The storyteller is Sondra Ladd and youth helpers are Ryan Parker and Jenna Baker. Mission to Jamaica Plans in the Works! WOW!! That is all I can say about the incredible turnout for the informational meeting regarding Jamaica Mission 2013. Mark your calendars - it currently looks like there will be a two groups: Group oneJune 23-30 and Group twoJune 30-July 6. I realize that a lot can happen before summer 2013, and I also ask that you understand a lot needs to happen before Summer 2013 in order to make this trip happen. If you are interested, I need you to email me with the following information: 1) How many in your family are interested in attending and their ages; 2) How interested are you are this point, (just thinking about it, very interested, committed to making this happen); 3) Are there specifics areas of ministry that interest you more than others or talents or gifts you would most like to utilize; and 4) do you have a preference regarding which work week. Make sure I have an accurate email address to send you follow up information. If you have ideas regarding fundraisers, or if you are not able to attend, but would like to be involved in the planning and preparation of sending a group of missionaries, PLEASE contact me ASAP. I am anticipating great things and I hope you are also. Hideaway at 5:30 before the Watoto Childrens Choir Concert! Chi Rho and CYF youth and FRIENDS are invited to Hideaway Pizza Friday night at 5:30 for a pizza buffet. We will head to FCC following the meal to enjoy the concert presented by the Watoto Childrens Choir. Cost is $10 per person. No Sunday Night Youth Meeting There will not be a youth meeting Sunday evening, but all Costa Rica Mission participants are asked to meet at FCC at 1:45. We will be working at the Domestic Violence house, for the Be The Church Mission. There will be a brief meeting immediately following the clean up. Youth Apple Pie Sale, Sunday, March 3 All FCC youth and parents are asked to participate. Please plan to attend the first service for worship. After worship, adults are asked to meet in the Kitchen hall for station training. Youth will be meeting in the youth room for pie assembly prep. We will begin assembling pies at 11:00 and will work until finished. Please bring a sack lunch. Children under 8th grade must be accompanied by a parent or adult. *Delicious apple pies will be available for sale immediately following the Contemporary Service until they are all sold. Pre orders are now being accepted. Pies will be sold for $12 each. Thank you Note, Phyllis Ikard Dear Church Family, my hip replacement surgery went well. I am now able to be up and about our home. Thanks to all of you for the prayers you said for me and thanks for the phone calls and food. Thanks to Burl and Rena Carrier for bringing me communion in the hospital. I plan to be back in church soon. Sincerely, Phyllis Ikard

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