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Intl Distance - Week 35

International Distance Group Week 35

Swim 2:30 - Bike 7:00 - Run 4:30 - Total: 14:00 Monday Complete day off.... Tuesday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 2 x (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull), continuous MAIN SET 15 x 100 @75% w/10 sec after each; hold an even effort throughout set COOL DOWN 4 x 75 recovery w/15 sec rest after each -- kick the middle 25 of each 75 BIKE 1:40 20:00 warm up spin - start in an easy gear & follow a gearing pyramid by increasing by one gear after 2:00, 5:00, 9:00, & 14:00 Intermediate Set 3 sets of: - 3 x (20 sec fast spinning / 20 sec recovery), continuous (2:00 total per set) - 1:00 recovery between the sets Main Set 2 x 20:00 w/10:00 recovery spin @60% in between - #1 should be done right @80% intensity - #2 should increase to 88% toward the end Cool down completely, allowing your HR to return under 60% gradually DAILY TOTAL: 2:25 Wednesday RUN 1:15 15:00 gradual warmup, bringing your HR up to 70% by the end 6 x (20 sec strides w/1:40 easy jog after each)

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Intl Distance - Week 35

30:00 tempo run @75% intensity - holding an even rhythm and pace throughout Cool down completely, reducing your HR under 60% by the end BIKE 1:20 Warm Up 15:00 warm up spin, begin at an easy pace and slowly increase your intensity to 70% Intermediate Set 6 x 15 sec fast spinning @110+ rpm cadence w/45 sec recovery after each Main Set 3 x 12:00 @75% w/6:00 recovery spinning @60% after each - keep your Rpms at 90-95 - you should not feel like you are forcing the cadence or the pace, as when you do anaerobic intervals - keep your upper body relaxed Cool down completely, allowing your HR to get back well below 60% before stopping DAILY TOTAL: 2:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 5:00 Thursday SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 600 Swim MAIN SET 2 sets of the following - 1:00 recovery between sets: 300 @75% intensity - 30 sec rest 3 x 100 @85% intensity w/10 sec after each 300 @80% intensity - 30 sec rest 6 x 50 @90% intensity w/10 sec after each COOL DOWN 3 x 100 w/10 sec rest, bringing your HR back down slowly RUN 1:05
This is designed to be done at the track, but you can follow the instructions on the road if necessary

WARM UP 10:00 jog, progressing gradually to 75% intensity

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Intl Distance - Week 35

INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 20 sec run-ups w/40 sec recovery after each MAIN SET 3 x 2400 (6 laps, or 10:00) @80-85% w/400 (1 lap, or 2:00) recovery jog after each - keep your pace steady and HR in control - DONT go above 85%! Cool down at least 10:00, until your HR is back near 50% DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:05 Friday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim, 200 Kick, 200 Pull 5 x 100 w/15 sec rest; #1 easy, #2 moderate (75%), #3-5 fast (90%) and even paced MAIN SET 1000 Pull (using paddles is OK) - descend each 250 (each one faster than the previous) from 70% intensity to 90% for the final 250 - try to hold your stroke count (strokes/length) even throughout the entire 1000 COOL DOWN 200 easy swim DAILY TOTAL: 0:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:50 Saturday BIKE 3:00 Indoor alternative: 20:00 warm up spin, gradually bringing your HR up to 70% by the end DRILLS These will help improve your technique and increase your HR for the main set Alternate an ILT set with a VG set, performing 2 of each (30 sec between sets): 4:30 Isolated Leg Training: 30 sec right leg only, 15 sec transition 4:30 Variable Gearing Set - do this twice through for each set:

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Intl Distance - Week 35

45 sec in medium gear @105 rpm, 45 sec in easy gear @115 rpm, 45 sec in harder gear @95 rpm MAIN SET 2 sets of the following: 35:00 (or 11.2 miles) @75% w/5:00 recovery @60% 17:30 (or 5.6 miles) @85% in a harder gear, w/2:30 recovery @60% 20:00 gradual cool down spin, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end RUN 0:40 Try to do this right after biking so you can realistically see what running off the bike might feel like. The main goal should be to finish this run strong, but keep the intensity under 85% at all times. DAILY TOTAL: 3:40 WEEK-TO-DATE: 11:30 Sunday RUN 1:30 - this run should be held between 60-70% throughout - get into it slowly with your intensity right at 60% - hold the pace at around 70-75% throughout the bulk of the run BIKE 1:00 - spin at 90-100 rpms - let your HR creep up to 75% if you are feeling strong - the purpose of this ride is more for extending the aerobic effort than for acting as a separate workout DAILY TOTAL: 2:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 14:00

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