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Intl Distance - Week 18

International Distance Group Week 18 Balance Week

Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:15 - Run 3:30 - Total: 11:15
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat | Sun

Mon SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim 200 Kick w/o kick board (ok to use fins) 300 Swim - swim progressively faster than first 300, building up to 85% intensity by the end MAIN SET 12 x 100 w/30 sec rest after each (Alternate set: 8 x 100) - each 100 should be comprised of: 25 Kick - 25 Choice (follow IM order) - 50 freestyle, hard - the final 50 freestyle should be as fast as possible on every repeat COOL DOWN 3 x 100 easy swim w/10 sec rest after each - cool down gradually & completely BIKE 0:45 This is an active recovery ride and is less important that todays swim. You can go for an easy spin outside if you prefer, or an easy spin on the trainer. Either way, keep it in the small chain ring and stay focused on active recovery -- keep the intensity level at or under 75% throughout the ride. DAILY TOTAL: 1:30 Tue BIKE 1:20
The main set focuses on developing a sense of pace for the shorter, harder rides. The intensity level is high, so make sure to stay focused and cool down completely at the end.

15:00 warm up, as follows: - 5:00 in easy gear, 5:00 in moderate gear, 5:00 in moderately hard gear

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Intl Distance - Week 18

Intermediate Set: 5 x 15 sec build to a sprint (115-120 rpm) w/45 sec easy spin after each Main Set The goal is to establish a strong pace that you can maintain over the entire interval -- don't start out too hard, or you'll never make it! Also, if youd rather you can substitute a distance that you can cover over the 20:00 time frame (anywhere from 10K to 8 miles, for most of you). This will make it easier to make meaningful comparisons when we do similar sets in the future. 2 x 20:00 @85-88% intensity w/10:00 active recovery @60% after each Cool down completely, gradually reducing your HR gradually to under 60%. After the previous set this could take quite a while to accomplish! RUN 0:45
Tuesdays steady tempo run, with a few bursts thrown in to help teach your body proper form and faster leg turnover. During these "bursts" you should feel very relaxed and smooth while developing a sense of what it feels like to run efficiently and fast.

Warm up gradually, taking 15-20:00 to get up to 75% 8 x 20 sec using increased foot speed, w/1:40 recovery after each "burst" Maintain good running form through the remainder of the time, gradually letting your HR return below 60%. DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 3:35 Wed SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 200 Swim 4 x 50 Swim w/10 sec rest: descend 1-4 (#4 is pretty fast, ~85%) MAIN SET 2000 continuous swim - this will be an occasional benchmark so you can see how your swimming is improving as the season progresses. Fight the urge to start out too hard -a good way to approach this is to try to descend each 500 (each one faster than the one before), but don't start out too slow. Get psyched and good luck! (ALTERNATE SET: 1600 Swim)

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Intl Distance - Week 18

COOL DOWN 4 x 50 easy swim w/10 sec after each - let your body cool down completely BIKE 1:00 15:00 warm up spin - stay in your small chain ring throughout, progressing from 85 rpm at the beginning to 105-110 by the end of the warm up period. 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec after each - do the following twice per set: 30 sec in medium gear @105 rpm, 45 sec in easy gear @115 rpm, 60 sec in harder gear @95 rpm 3 x 4:30 Isolated Leg Training set w/30 sec after each - perform as follows: 20 sec right leg - 10 sec transition - 20 sec left leg - 10 sec transition 30 sec right leg - 15 sec transition - 30 sec left leg - 15 sec transition 40 sec right leg - 20 sec transition - 40 sec left leg - 20 sec transition Continue spinning in your small chain ring, cooling down gradually by reducing your cadence from 100+ rpm down to the mid-80s DAILY TOTAL: 1:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 5:20 Thr SWIM 1:00 WARM UP - Done continuously, with 10 sec rest after each repeat: 4 x 100 Swim w/15 sec rest after each, @60-70% intensity 4 x 50 Swim w/10 sec rest after each, @75-80% intensity 4 x 25 Swim w/5 sec after each, @85-90% intensity MAIN SET Concentrate on getting into a rhythm with each of the following swims, and keep your stroke count consistent even as the pace increases. (Pulling with paddles is fine) 1000 Swim @75% intensity 2 sets of (3 x 200 Swim w/15 sec after each) - 1:00 extra rest between sets - descend from 70% on #1 to 90+% on #3 for both sets (Alternate Set: 800 Swim - 4 x 200)

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Intl Distance - Week 18

COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, continuous cool down to complete recovery RUN 1:00 This can be performed either at the track or on the road: 15:00 warm up jog, gradually getting your HR from 50% to 70% by the end 4 x 8:00 tempo efforts @80-85% w/3:00 recovery @60% after each Track alternative: 4 x (1 mile / 1600m) @80-85% w/600m recovery jog after each - record your times for these to use for future comparison Cool down completely until your HR returns to 60% DAILY TOTAL: 2:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:20 Fri Complete recovery day.

Sat Coming off yesterdays much-needed break, we hope youre ready for a great weekend! Todays long ride will have some higher intensity spots in it, while tomorrows long run will as well. Stay within the workout guidelines if you head outside (which we recommend you do, if the weather is cooperating); otherwise follow the indoor alternative below. BIKE 1:30 20:00 warm up spin: - 5:00 in easy gear, 7:00 in moderate gear, 8:00 in moderately hard gear Progressive Intervals: 27:00 (or 15km / 9.3 miles) @75%, 1:00 recovery @60% 18:00 (or 10km / 6.2 miles) @80%, 2:00 recovery @60% 9:00 (or 5km / 3.1 miles) @85%, 3:00 recovery @60% 10:00 gradual cool down spin, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end RUN 0:30 This is a shorter "brick run" that should be thrown directly after todays ride. The intensity should begin pretty high -- youll still be "up" after your ride --and then follow a gradual decline toward the end. You should optimally
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Intl Distance - Week 18

spend about 10:00 @80%, 10:00 @70-75%, and the remainder coasting in toward 50-60%. DAILY TOTAL: 2:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 9:20 Sun RUN 1:15 Get into the run slowly, gradually bringing your HR intensity up to 70% by the 15:00 mark. Then begin the following: 3 x 10:00 tempo runs @75-80%, with 5:00 active recovery jogs @60% The remainder should be performed at a very slow, steady pace @60-65% intensity BIKE 0:40 Immediately after your run, either spin outside or on your trainer. You will be feeling pretty taxed after the run, so just use this as an active recovery spin to bring your HR back under control.


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