Week 11

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Intl Distance - Week 11


International Distance Group Week 11 Balance Week:

Swim 2:30 - Bike 4:10 - Run 2:50 - Total: 9:30
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat | Sun

Mon SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 8 x 150 @75-80% w/20 sec recovery - all at moderately hard effort odds: Freestyle evens: 50 Fly, 50 Back, 50 Breast (Alternate Set: 5 x 150) COOL DOWN 200 easy BIKE 0:30 This is designed to be a recovery spin, whether youre inside or out on the road. Indoors, where you can control the intensity, spin at a cadence of 95-100 rpm with a maximum intensity of 65-70%, until your legs feel completely "flushed out" and youre well recovered. If youre out on the road, pick a route that will enable you to keep the intensity to a minimum. DAILY TOTAL: 1:15 Tue BIKE 0:55 15:00 warm up spin Intermediate set 15 sec fast spinning/15 sec easy, 30/30, 45/45, 60/60 (5:00 total) 2 x 10:00 w/5:00 recovery, hold your HR @75% You can substitute a fixed distance (i.e. 3.1mi / 5km) for the time period if you'd like. This makes it easier to track your progress over time.

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Intl Distance - Week 11


Alternate Set (higher intensity) 2 x 8:00 @84-88% w/5:00 recovery spin CompuTrainer users: Increasing the grade that you ride will help you increase your HR faster, and will also enable you to build power more efficiently. Alternating "climbs" with "descents" -- like 0.7 miles @+2.0% grade followed by 0.3 miles @-1.0% grade -- will give you the opportunity to push your HR up during the climbs and spin out your legs during the brief descents. Experiment with your own personally designed courses to see what works best for you. Cool down completely, slowly bringing your HR back down - keep spinning until your HR is back near the 50% level RUN 0:30 Endurance-based tempo run. After a gradual warm up of 15:00, you can increase the pace to 75% intensity. At the 15:00 mark, throw in 4 x 20 sec "bursts" of faster leg speed w/1:40 of normal 75% tempo running in between. Finish with a cool down of at least 5:00 DAILY TOTAL: 1:25 WEEK-TO-DATE: 2:40 Wed SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 6 x 75 w/ 10 sec rest, performed as: 1-3: 25 Swim - 25 Kick (no board) - 25 Swim 4-6: 25 Fly - 25 Back - 25 Breast MAIN SET 4 sets of: 200 fast, @85% intensity or higher w/10 sec rest afterwards 150 moderate, @70-75% w/20 sec rest after each, straight into the next set (Alternate Set: 3 sets) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, go progressively slower down to 50% intensity BIKE 1:05 15:00 warm up spin

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Intl Distance - Week 11


2 x 3:00 ILT set w/30 sec after each CompuTrainer users: See training notes on how to best execute the different types of drills on your trainer. 10:00 time trial @75% - concentrate on holding the intensity level right @75% and maintaining good form 2 x 3:00 ILT set w/30 sec after each 12:00 time trial @80-84%, alternating 2:00 in the aero position, spinning @95-100 rpm 1:00 in the climbing position, spinning @80 rpm Cool down completely, bringing your HR gradually back down to 60% DAILY TOTAL: 1:50 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:30 Thr SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 2 x 1000 (or whatever distance you can fit into approx. 15:00) w/60 sec recovery after each - hold the intensity steady at roughly 75% throughout the set COOL DOWN 300 easy swim RUN 0:50 Begin with a steady warm up pace, gradually increasing the intensity to 75% over 15:00 Continue into a 20:00 tempo run, holding your HR @75% throughout At the 15:00, 25:00, and 35:00 point during the run, throw in a 15 second burst of relaxed speed, with increased leg turnover Alternate Set - at the track: 4 x (800m / 3:15) w/(400m / 1:45) recovery after each Descend as follows: - #1 @75% - #2 @80-84% - #3 @84-88%
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Intl Distance - Week 11


- #4 @88+% Cool down completely DAILY TOTAL: 1:50 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:20 Fri Complete recovery day

Sat BIKE 1:10 15:00 warm up spin - gradually increasing the intensity to 75% 3 x 3:00 VG Set w/30 sec light spinning after each (1:00 in middle gear @65% / 30 sec in easy gear @60% / 1:30 in hard gear @70%) CompuTrainer users: See training notes on how to best execute the different types of drills on your trainer. 2 x 12:00 @75-80% w/4:00 @60% recovery after each. Each 12:00 are as follows - shift gears as needed to achieve recommended cadence: (4:00 / 1.4 mi) in aero position, spinning 95-100 rpm (2:00 / 0.5 mi) in upright climbing position, spinning 80 rpm (3:00 / 1.1 mi) in aero position, just like first 4:00 segment (1:00 / 0.3 mi) in climbing position, just like 2:00 segment (2:00 / 0.7 mi) in aero position, just like first 4:00 segment CompuTrainer users: the aero' position rides can be done on an even grade; the uphill sections should be ridden on at least a 2.5% grade. Alternate Set 2 x 16:00 @84-88% w/8:00 recovery alternate 2:30 in the aero' position, 1:30 in upright climbing position (4x) Cool down completely, gradually bringing your HR back down toward 60% RUN 0:30 Your legs may feel heavy from the harder cycling session, but its important today to get out on the road and practice the transition. Start out very gingerly, trying to keep the intensity level below 75% -- this may be hard, especially at

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Intl Distance - Week 11


first, but is quite important during this endurance building phase of your training. Keep your form relaxed -- hold your head still, reduce your arm swing to 6-12" of total travel, dont cross your arms across your body -- and enjoy yourself! DAILY TOTAL: 1:40 WEEK-TO-DATE: 8:00 Sun RUN 1:00 Mentally break this run into three equal segments: The first should involve a gradual increase in tempo, from completely easy (50-60%) up to a steady endurance pace (70-75%); The second segment should be held even at 75% intensity, with 5 x 20 second "foot speed" bursts thrown in at 5:00 intervals; and The third segment should be done at a reduced intensity level (65-70%), gradually reducing the intensity to 60% by the end of the run. BIKE 0:30 10:00 at about 70%, forcing your heavy legs into a 95-100 rpm cadence in your small chain ring Reduce your gearing one gear (harder), and allow your cadence to reach a comfortable level (it should steadily fall from 95+ to about 90 rpm) - spin for 10:00 continuous Reduce your gearing again by one gear, and again spin from 95 rpm at first down to 90 rpm after 5:00 Finish with 5:00 at or near 60%, spinning at 85-90 rpm in an easy gear DAILY TOTAL: 1:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 9:30

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