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Intl Distance - Week 9

International Distance Group Week 9 Bike Focus Week

Swim 2:15 - Bike 4:35 - Run 2:15 - Total: 9:05
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat | Sun

Monday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim -- gradually build up from 60% to 70% intensity 4 x 75 (middle 25 Kick) w/10 sec rest after each MAIN SET 4 x 200 @75% w/20 sec rest after each -- straight into 5 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each -- your speed should increase as the distance decreases, even while holding the same intensity level throughout (ALTERNATE MAIN SET: 4 x 150 w/20; 6 x 50 w/10) COOL DOWN 300 easy, Kick every third 25 BIKE 0:40 WARM UP 10:00 warm up spin, gradually getting your HR close to 70% DRILLS 4 x 4:30 Variable Gearing Set w/30 sec recovery - each one is as follows, 3 x through, @70-75% intensity throughout: - 40 sec @90-95 rpm, - 20 sec @100-105 rpm, - 30 sec @80-85 rpm, COOL DOWN Complete cool down -- keep going until your HR is back under 60% DAILY TOTAL: 1:25 Tue BIKE 0:50 15:00 gradual warm up spin. Start in an easy gear & 50% HR, gradually increasing to 65%.

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Intl Distance - Week 9

5 x (4:00 @75% w/1:00 easy spin @60% or less after each) - alternate in the following way: Odds: Ride down in the tri position, concentrating on holding good aero form Evens: Ride upright in a hill climbing position: Use a harder gear (keeping your cadence at around 75 rpm) and sit toward the back of your saddle for more power. Alternating will help you develop a broader range of muscles through your hips Alternate Set 5 x 3:00 @84-88% w/1:00 easy spin @60% - ride down in the tri position throughout Cool down completely, allowing your HR to gradually return under 50% RUN 0:45 Run the entire time at a steady aerobic pace, keeping your HR at or under 65%. Use a quick leg turnover and keep your shoulders and head square, steady, and relaxed. From 15-35 minutes (20 min. total), throw in 8 x 20 second strides w/1:40 recovery in between. Let your stride tempo increase to your pace for a timed mile, but stay relaxed. Your HR may rise during (and shortly after) the strides to 80+%, but you should continue to recover until your HR returns back under 65% again. Finish with at least a 10:00 cool down, bringing your HR gradually down to 50%. DAILY TOTAL: 1:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 3:00 Wed SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull 4 x 75 (25 right arm only / 25 left arm only / 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each MAIN SET 2 x 600 Swim, alternate (50 @70% / 25 @84-88%) (Alternate Set: 2 x 450) COOL DOWN 300 easy swim BIKE 0:55 Gearing Pyramid , as follows - your HR should increase from 50-70%: Spin in an easy gear for 3:00,
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Intl Distance - Week 9

increase one gear for 4:00, one last gear for 5:00 Go straight into a 30:00 Time Trial, holding your HR at 75% or lower throughout. Cool down with a descending gearing pyramid, similar to the warm up but in reverse - your HR should drop from 70% to 50% by the end 6:00 in hardest gear, 5:00 in next easier gear, 4:00 in the next,and finish with 3:00 in the easiest gear DAILY TOTAL: 1:40 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:40 Thr SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim 8 x 50 w/15 sec rest after each - each 50 is comprised of (25 easy / 25 fast) MAIN SET 12 x 125 w/20 sec rest after each - record your average time for these, using your stopwatch to record each repeat if you can COOL DOWN 300 easy swim RUN 0:40 This is a recovery effort at or below a 65% intensity level. Alternate Track Workout Warmup with 15:00 light jogging 3 x (1600m / 6:30) @80-84% w/(400m / 2:00) recovery jog after each Cool down at least 10:00, until your HR is back under 60% DAILY TOTAL: 1:25 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:05 Fri BIKE 0:30 Steady spinning @50-60% for 15:00

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Intl Distance - Week 9

4 x 20 sec fast w/40 sec recovery - your HR shouldn't get too high, but your legs should "wake up" a bit Easy spin to the end DAILY TOTAL: 0:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:35 Sat BIKE 1:10 15:00 warm up with progressive gearing: 2:00 in easiest gear (39x21), 3:00 in next hardest gear (39x19), 4:00 in the next (39x17), and finish with 5:00 in the next (39x15) Intermediate set : 4 x 20 sec @75% & higher cadence (100+ rpm) w/1:40 recovery @60% after each 3 x 10:00 @75% w/2:30 easy spinning @60% after each - Odds: use your large chain ring and a gearing that allows you to pedal at about 85 rpm - Evens use your small chain ring and spin at 100-105 rpm Alternate Set 3 x 7:30 @80-84% w/5:00 easy spinning @60% after each - each one in your large chain ring and 85rpm Spin easy, reducing your HR and effort to 50% gradually by the end of the workout DAILY TOTAL: 1:10 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:45 Sun RUN 0:50 Hold your HR at or below 70% throughout todays long run. Fight the tendency to push it -- really use the 70% intensity level as a strict upper limit for your heart rate. Youre building cardiovascular strength now; well focus on the higher intensity work later in the pre-season. BIKE 0:30 Flush out your legs with an easy spin directly after the run, either indoors or outside if you can.

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Intl Distance - Week 9


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