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Intl Distance - Week 7

International Distance Group Week 7 Balance Week:

Swim 2:15 - Bike 3:45 - Run 2:35 - Total: 8:35
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat | Sun

Mon SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 500 Swim - 250 Kick - 250 Pull MAIN SET 6 x 250 w/20 sec recovery - all at moderately hard effort (Alternate Set: 5 x 200) COOL DOWN 300 easy BIKE 0:30 Spin easy in your small chain ring for the entire duration, keeping your HR at or below 65%: Begin in a very easy gear (i.e. 39x19) for 3:00, then adjust to the next hardest gear (39x17) for 6:00, then the next hardest (39x15) for 9:00, and then back down (to 39x17) for 6:00 and the lowest (39x19) for 3:00 DAILY TOTAL: 1:15 Tue BIKE 0:55 15:00 warm up spin Intermediate set 15 sec fast spinning/15 sec easy, 30/30, 45/45, 60/60 (5:00 total) 3 x 7:30 w/2:30 recovery, hold your HR @75% #1 & 2 in "medium" gear, #3 & 4 in "hard" gear Alternate Set

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Intl Distance - Week 7

3 x 7:00 @84-88% w/3:00 recovery spin, all in "hard" gear Cool down spin to 1:05 total RUN 0:40 Run the entire time at a steady aerobic pace, keeping your HR at or under 65%. Use a quick leg turnover and keep your shoulders and head square, steady, and relaxed. From 15-30 minutes (16 min. total), throw in 8 x 20 second strides w/1:40 recovery in between. Let your stride tempo increase to your pace for a timed mile, but stay relaxed. Your HR may rise during (and shortly after) the strides to 80+%, but you should continue to recover until your HR returns back under 65% again. Finish with at least a 10:00 cool down, bringing your HR gradually down to 50%. DAILY TOTAL: 1:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 2:50 Wed SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull 4 x 75 (25 right arm only / 25 left arm only / 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each MAIN SET 2 x 600 Swim, alternate (50 @70% / 25 @84-88%) (Alternate Set: 2 x 450) COOL DOWN 300 easy swim BIKE 0:50 15:00 warm up spin - use " gearing pyramid " 4 x Variable Gearing (VG) Set : (2:00 in middle gear, 1:30 easy gear, 2:30 hard gear) w/30 sec recovery Spin easy @60-65% to 0:55 total DAILY TOTAL: 1:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:25 Thr

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Intl Distance - Week 7

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 8 x 150 w/15 sec recovery, @ slightly elevated HR (75%) - record your average time for these, using your stopwatch to record each repeat if you can COOL DOWN 300 easy swim RUN 0:40 15:00 warmup jog, keeping your HR under 70% 2 x 6:00 w/2:00 recovery #1 moderate @65-70% #2 comfortably fast, @70-75% Alternate Track Set Do this instead of the above only if you feel ready for some high intensity work! 2 sets of the following: (1600m / 6:30) @75-80%; (400m / 2:00) recovery (800m / 3:15) @84-88%; (400m / 2:00) recovery (400m / 1:30) @88+% (400m / 2:00) recovery Cool down completely, getting your HR below 60% by the end DAILY TOTAL: 1:25 WEEK-TO-DATE: 5:50 Fri Complete recovery day

Sat BIKE 1:00 15:00 warm up spin - use " gearing pyramid " 3 x VG Set w/30 sec light spinning after each (2:00 in middle gear @65% / 1:00 in easy gear @60% / 3:00 in hard gear @70%) 2 x 7:30 @80% w/5:00 recovery #1 use "medium" gear and spin 95-100 rpm; #2 use "hard" gear and spin 88-92 rpm

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Intl Distance - Week 7

- record your times and avg HR for both repeats Alternate Set 2 x 7:30 @84% w/5:00 recovery use "hard" gear on both repeats Cool down to 1:00 total RUN 0:30 Work on keeping your leg turnover relatively fast, holding your head steady by reducing any up-and-down bouncing. Ignore your competitive instincts to attack the hills and boost your heart rate. Its important to keep your intensity in check, especially during the building winter months. DAILY TOTAL: 1:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:20 Sun RUN 0:45 Hold your HR at or below 70% throughout todays long run. Fight the tendency to push it -- really use the 70% intensity level as a strict upper limit for your heart rate. Youre building cardiovascular strength now; well focus on the higher intensity work later in the pre-season. BIKE 0:30 Flush out your legs with an easy spin directly after the run, either indoors or outside if you can. DAILY TOTAL: 1:15 WEEK-TO-DATE: 8:35

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