CJ401 Attach 50 Sample Question

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1-Blanchard and Peale in writing about ethical decision making suggested three questions that can be used as personal

ethics checks. Which of the following is not one of the questions? A) Is it balanced? B) Is it legal? C) How will it make me feel about myself? D) Is it fair?

2-The broken windows phenomenon is an example of which theory? A) Gateway B) Contagion C) Strain D) Integrated 3. Which of the components of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) refers to making potential objectives of criminals more difficult to obtain? A) Community building. B) Changes to the physical environment. C) Community building and changes to the physical environment. D) Target hardening.

4-Which of the following is a true statement about findings from the National Gang Threat Assessment? A) Gangs and gang members are migrating from urban areas to suburban and rural areas. B) Only a small number of gangs engage in violence. C) Gangs account for only a minimal amount of drug trafficking in communities. D) Gangs account for only a small percentage of crimes in many communities.

5. When giving interviews to the media, officers should speak in soundbites with the most important information provided at what point in the interview? A) In the middle, with some background given up front and again at the end. B) At the beginning, even if it means telling the story in reverse, with the conclusion before the background information. C) Repeated at the beginning, in the middle and again at the end. D) At the end for effect.

6-A study by Mazerolle et al. summarizing academic studies evaluating the range of streetlevel drug law enforcement interventions came to what conclusion? A) Police partnerships with a variety of community entities combined with law enforcement approaches focused on hot spots were more effective than law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots B) Law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots were ineffective. C) Police partnerships with a variety of community entities combined with law enforcement approaches focused on hot spots were no more or less effective than law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots. D) Law enforcement-only approaches focused on hot spots worked best.

7-Which of the following is not one of the common characteristics as determined from a National Symposium on Community Intuitions and Inner-City Crime Project study of model programs for reducing inner-city crime? A) Built on community strengths. B) Focused on the middle-income families who were often victimized. C) Focused on causes of crime. D) Had a strong leader and incorporated natural support systems.

8. Which of the following provides a false image of policing that can negatively affect police image in a community and is a perception over which the police have little control? A) Police novelty items

B) Police exercise of their authority C) CSI effect D) Police uniforms and equipment

9-Which of the following is the current trend in disseminating information to media outlets? A) The trend is to have the PIO do the interviews and to discourage or prohibit other officers from doing interviews. B) The trend is to have only the chief or high-ranking officers do the interviews rather than a PIO. C) The trend is moving away from designated public information officers (PIOs) to allowing any officer to talk with the media. D) The trend is for only supervisors on the scene to talk with the media, since they have more direct information than a PIO.

10. What did Sir Robert Peel, founder of the London Metropolitan Police, consider the primary duty of police? A) Prevention of crime and disorder. B) Preservation of property rights C) Criminal investigation D) Enforcement of the law

11- ________ of prevention benefits occurs when criminals believe that the opportunity blocking of one type of criminal activity is also aimed at other types of criminal activity. A) Disarticulation B) Synergism C) Diffusion D) Displacement

12-Consistent with the theme that good police officers communicate well under stress, verbal judo (also referred to as tactical civility) is a communication technique that advocates police officers using which of the following when someone confronts them with verbal attacks? A) Remain civil, get tough if necessary and then return to civility. B) Equal verbal response to that which is aimed at the officer. C) Be courteous but counter aggressive talk with equal force, yet never retreat to avoid further aggressiveness. D) Progressively increased vocal assertion

13. Youth-Focused Community Policing is a Department of Justice initiative that establishes law enforcement-community partnerships focused on ________. A) a combination of prevention, intervention and law enforcement B) prevention C) law enforcement D) intervention 14-When youth programs concentrate on the policies and programs using a promote youth development approach, the focus of this effective strategy for delinquency prevention centers on which of the following? A) Law enforcement centered approach to developmental issues B) Youth as problem solvers rather than problems to be solved. C) Solving problems associated with youth delinquency D) Continuous assessment to identify and remove problem youth.

15. Project ChildSafe is the nation's largest program focused on ________. A) a gun buyback program B) a firearm safety education and gun lock program C) gun courts

D) gang violence 16- International terrorists most often engage in what is referred to as ________ warfare. A) unilateral B) multidimensional C) symmetric D) asymmetric

17- ________ advocates a balanced approach to sentencing that involves offenders, victims, local communities and government to alleviate crime and violence and obtain peaceful communities A) Ecology of crime B) Conciliatory justice C) Retributive justice D) Restorative justice

18- Community prosecutors focus not on specific cases but on community issues and problems that often involve ________. A) civil suits B) crisis counseling related to court intervention C) quality-of-life issues D) disputes with police officers

19. Which of the following is an effective way to determine if there is good environmental design to deter or prevent crime? A) Crime prevention security surveys B) Crime statistical analysis C) Interviews of police officers

D) Photo surveillance

20- What is the term used to describe how new immigrants arriving in the United States seek out others from their homeland and settle in enclaves with those of similar heritage? A) Assimilation B) Cultural pluralism C) Cultural singularism D) Acculturation

21. The region of the United States that has the lowest crime rates is the ________. A) South B) Midwest C) Northeast D) West

22. Who in policing have the opportunity to use the greatest amount of discretion? A) Police commanders B) Police supervisors C) High-ranking police executives D) Patrol officers

23- What type of strategies does community policing emphasize? A) Enforcement-oriented B) Proactive C) Reactive D) Deliberate

24. Within the problem-oriented policing approach, what is the definition of a problem? A) A cluster of incidents, however unrelated, in a specific geographic area. B) A cluster of related, however infrequent, incidents in a specific geographic area. C) A community concern, however unrelated, to a specific area, time or frequency. D) A cluster of similar, related or recurring incidents, rather than a single incident or a substantive community concern.

25-What was one of the major lessons learned from the Rochester, New York Operation Cease Fire initiative? A) Restricting traffic in high-crime areas with roadblocks was effective. B) The program was effective as part of a long-term strategic approach rather than a shortterm strategic approach. C) Instituting an aggressive gun buyback program targeting youth gangs was effective. D) Teaching conflict resolution among gangs was effective.

26. In the SARA problem-solving process, which step refers to identifying problems and prioritizing them to select problems to address? A) Scanning B) Response C) Analysis D) Assessment

27-Which of the following is an impediment to implementing innovative community policing? A) Substantial segments of the public do not want the police to change. B) Lack of vision by police executives. C) All of these choices.

D) Union skepticism of innovation.

28. Which of the following is not considered an effective collaborative violence prevention effort? A) Building more private prisons to accommodate more violence offenders. B) Corporate support for antiviolence projects. C) Addressing violence as a public health problem. D) Public/community dialogue among public and private sector partners.

29. What is the number one concern of most neighborhoods and communities? A) Property crimes B) Gangs C) Traffic problems D) Violent crime

30-Which of the following is an example of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED)? A) Situational crime prevention B) Use of volunteers C) Citizens on patrol D) Street lighting

31. The gangs Florencia 13, Fresno Bulldogs, Latin Disciples, Tango Blast and Unit Blood Nation are of which gang type? A) Regional-level B) International-level C) National-level

D) Street-level

32. Which of the following is not one of the three effective gun control intervention strategies? A) Making possession of all handguns illegal. B) Responding to illegal gun use. C) Determining illegal possession and carrying of guns. D) Interrupting sources of illegal guns.

33-What was the effective strategy used in Boston in 1996 to address gang violence? A) Crisis intervention B) Social intervention C) Traditional strategies D) Pulling levers

34. CPTED emerged from research on the relationship between crime and ________. A) people B) social service organizations C) governmental policies D) place 35- Which of the following is critical to the success of strategic planning in a police agency? A) The plan must be tied to the budget. B) The plan must have no effect on the current budget (be cost-neutral). C) The plan must be a budget document. D) The plan must have no connection to budgeting since that is another plan.

36- What is the most promising and most important method of dealing with crime that is considered a cornerstone of community policing? A) Problem solving B) Law enforcement C) Crime prevention D) Non-law enforcement social services

37. Outlaw motorcycle gangs have what type of leadership? A) Strong and decentralized B) Strong and centralized C) Weak and decentralized D) Multiple levels, stratified and decentralized 38- In communities with high levels of Putnam's social capital and high levels of community policing, how might the relationship between the police and the community be characterized? A) Police pushing the community toward higher levels of engagement B) The community working autonomously C) Police and community working in partnership D) Police acting as facilitators

39. Which strategy addressing gang problems uses treatment, outreach and referral to social services? A) Community mobilization B) Organizational development C) Suppression D) Social intervention

40-What kind of bias is the motivation for the majority of hate crimes?

A) Racial B) Sexual orientation C) Ethnic D) Age-related

41. Which of the following is a controversial method used to reduce vehicle accidents due to speeding? A) Traffic light camera enforcement B) Traffic calming C) Stepped-up radar enforcement D) Click it or ticket

42- Which of the following is an effective predictor of serious violent and abusive behavior in domestic violence? A) Gun ownership B) Alcohol consumption including social drinking C) Low social-economic status D) Animal abuse

43. The FBI has developed four categories of school shooters. Which category involves strongly implying violence? A) Veiled threat B) Direct threat C) Conditional threat D) Indirect threat 44- What was the key finding in the San Francisco Police Department Foot Patrol Program as reported by Rosenfeld in 2008?

A) Foot patrols were scarcely noticed by citizens. B) The community accepted the foot patrols positively, but they were not well received by the police. C) Foot patrols decreased the community's perception of safety because they saw fewer police on motorized patrol. D) Ninety percent of the community members responding to a survey believed foot patrols were a necessary tool for addressing crime and quality-of-life issues.

45-What is the most effective tool terrorists have to bring about political change? A) Creation and exploitation of fear B) Economic wealth C) Formal political power D) Religion

46. What is the reason primary crime prevention mechanisms appear to work? A) Involvement of social service agencies. B) They increase the perception of risk in the offender. C) Publicity D) They are initiated by law enforcement.

47-Which of the following is the oldest and most commonly used school/law enforcement partnership? A) Adopt-a-cop B) School resource officer (SRO) C) School liaison officer (SLO) D) Life skills resource liaison officer (LSRLO)

48. Which of the following is not a viable effort for the prevention of youths becoming gang members? A) Target youths with single risk factors. B) Address all facets of youths' lives. C) Target youths with multiple risk factors. D) Begin early.

49- Research by Skogan and Frydl found that police are most likely to obtain cooperation if they engage in ________ policing and, in doing so, are attentive to the way they treat people, behaving in ways that positively influence the degree to which people perceive the procedures used as fair to people. A) formula-oriented B) process-oriented C) procedure-oriented D) system-oriented

50-Which of the following is one of the reasons community policing and problem solving are not always well-accepted by law enforcement and communities? A) The program is department-wide rather than in a special unit. B) All of these choices. C) The infrastructure is overdeveloped. D) There is a lack of interagency cooperation

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