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Bismilla hi rahmani rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad,

BISMILLAAHE WA SALLALLAAHO A'LAA MOHAMMADIN WA AALEHI I begin (my prayer )in the name of ALLAH and ask ALLAH to shower His blessings upon Muhammad and his family.

WA OFAWWEZO AMREE ELALLAAHE INNALLAAHA BASEERUM BILE'BAADE And I commit My affair to Allah. for Allah (at all times) watches over His Servants."

So Allah protected him from the evil of what they planned

There is no GOD except for You .Glory belongs to You alone indeed I was amongst those who did wrong

FAISTAJABNA LAHU WANAJJAYNAHU MIN ALGHMMI WAKATHALIKA NUNJI AL MOMINEEN So We listened to him: and delivered him from distress: and thus do We deliver those who have faith. (21:88)

HASBUNA ALLAHU WA NIAMAL WAKIL ALLAH is enough for us to rely upon and He is the Most Trusted. (3:173)

FAINQALABU BINIAMATIN MINA ALLAHI WAFADHLIN LAM YAMSASAHUM SOO UN And they returned with Grace and bounty from Allah: no harm ever touched them: (3:174)

MASHA ALLAHU LA QUWATTA ILLA BILLAHI Whatever ALLAH wants happens . There is no power except with ALLAH ( 18:39)

MASHA ALLAHU LA MASHA AN NAAS MASHA ALLAHU WA QARIHAN NAAS It is the will of ALLAH which will happen and not the will of man It is the will of ALLAH which will happen even if man is against it


Sufficient for me is (ALLAH) the sustainer, from those who themselves are sustained


sufficient for me is (ALLAH) The Creator ,from those who themselves are created.


sufficient for me is(ALLAH) The Provider of all needs, from those who themselves are provided for


Sufficient for me is ALLAH the Lord of the Universe


sufficient for me is he (ALLAH) to rely upon. He was enough for me to rely upon even when I did not exist.


He (ALLAH) was enough for me to rely upon even before I was created.

HASBEE ALLAHU LA ILLAHA ILLA HUA ALAYHI TAWAKALTU ALLAH is sufficient enough for me to rely upon and there is no one worthy of worship except for Him. I sincerely trust and rely solely upon Him alone

WA HUA RABBUL ARSHIL AZEEM and He is the Lord of the mighty throne

Once Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) shook a dry branch of a tree so that all of the leaves of the branch fell off than the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said "The sins of those who pray Salah, drop off as the leaves of this branch fell off."


Bismilla hi rahmani rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad,

laa ilaha ilal-lahool azimool-halim There is no god But Allah, the mighty, the gentle

laa ilaha ilal-laho rabbool arshil-karim. there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the noble throne

Al-hamdo lil-lahe rabbil alameen, All the Praise belongs to ALLAH, the Lord of the entire universe.

Allahoomma inni as aloka moojebate rahmatek, wa azaa eme maghfiratek O ALLAH! I ask you for that which will lead me to gain Your mercy and which will grant me Your forgiveness.

val-ghanimata min koolle birr vassaalamata min koole ithm (And I also ask you) for every good quality to be granted to me and I ask You for protection from every sin.

allahoomma la tadali zamban illa ghafartah O ALLAH! Do not leave any sin upon my record of deeds, except that You forgive it;

wa la hamman ila farrajj-tah And do not leave any difficulty , except that You grant me comfort from it;

wa laa sooqman illa shafai-tah And do not leave any illness in me, except that You cure me from it;

wa la'aiban illa satartah And do not leave any defect in me, except that You hide and cover it from others;

wa la rizqan illa basattah And do not leave any form of sustenance for me, except that You increase it;

wa la khaufan illa amantah And do not leave any fear that i have, except that You protect me from it;

wa la sooan illa sarraftahoo And do not leave any troubles or evil around me, except that You avert it;

wa la hajatan heya laka rezan valeya feeha salahoon illa qazaitah And do not leave any need which I ask for which you are pleased with and is good for me in that, except that You fulfill it.

ya arhamar-rahemeen aameen ya rabbal alameen O the Most Merciful! Please accept this prayer, O the Lord of the Worlds.

The Messenger of Allah (saww) said: Whenever the time of each prayer arrives, an Angel announces to the people: (O People!) Stand up and extinguish, with prayers, the fire which you have set alight for yourselves.Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 209


Bismilla hi rahmani rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad,

ALLAAHUMMA INNE A-O'OZO BEKA MIN NAFSIL LAA TASHBA O ALLAH! Indeed I seek protection with You from a soul which is not satisfied (with what it has)

WA MIN QALBIL LAA YAKH-SHA And( I seek protection with You )from a heart which is without fear (of You);

WA MIN I'LMIL LAA YANFAA And( I seek protection with You) from all forms of knowledge that are not beneficial.

WA MIN SALAATIL LAA TURFA And I seek protection with You from prayers which do not ascend to the Heavens and thus, are not accepted;

WA MIN DU-A'A-IL LAA YUSMA And I seek protection with You from my supplications that go unanswered.

ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS-ALOKAL YUSRA BA'DAL U'SRE O ALLAH Indeed I ask You for ease after hardship,

WAL FARAJA BA'-DAL KARB And I ask You for relief after distress has struck me,

WAR-RAKHAAA-A BA'-DASH SHIDDATE And I ask You for comfort after problems overcome me

ALLAAHUMMA MAA BENAA MIN NE'MATIN FA-MINK O ALLAH There is no bounty ,except that it is from You

LAA ELAAHA ILLAA ANTA, ASTAGHFEROKA WA A-TOOBO ELAYK There is no one worthy of worship except for You, I seek forgiveness from You for my sins and I turn back to You

Imam `Ali (peace be upon him) said: When a person stands up for prayers, Iblis approaches him and looks at him with envy and jealousy, as he sees the Mercy of Allah encompassing the person. Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 207


Bismilla hi rahmani rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad,

Allahooma ini asaluka moojebatin rahmatek wa azaa-ima maghfiratek O ALLAH Indeed I ask You for that which would lead to Your mercy and for that which would lead to Your forgiveness of my evil acts;

wal najaata minal naare wamin koole balaiyatin And I ask You for safety from the hell-fire and from all misfortunes;

wal fawza bil-janatin wal-rizwaana fi daaris-salaam And I ask You for the attainment of Paradise and Your pleasure within the Haven of Peace in Paradise.

wa jawaari nabi-yeka muhammadin alaihi wa aalihi salaam And I ask You for nearness to Your Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him and his family.

alaahuma ma-bena min nematin famink O ALLAH There are no blessings except that they come from You.

Laa ilaha illa anta astaghfirooka wa atooba ilaik. There is no one worthy of worship except for You. I seek forgiveness from You and I turn back to You

Imam `Ali (peace be upon him) has said: Surely, when a person engages in prayers, his body, his clothes and everything around him glorify Allah. Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 213


Bismilla hir rahma nir rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad,

ALLAAHUMMA INNAHU LAYSA LEE ILMUN BIMAWZI-I RIZQEE O Allah! surely, I have no knowledge of the main source of my subsistence( food, water, money etc.)

WA INNAMAA ATLUBUHU BIKHATARAATIN TAKHTURU ALAA QALBEE and I seek it only through the passing thoughts that come to my heart

FA-AJOOLU FEE TALABIHIL BULDAANA and I wander about in cities searching for it,

FA-ANAA FEEMAA ANAA TAALIBUN KAL-HAYRAAN and I am puzzled in regard to what I am searching for

LAA ADREE A-FEE SAHLIN HUWA AM FEE JABALIN I do not know whether my sustenance will be found in a valley or in the mountains


on the ground, or in the air

AM FEE BARRIN AM FEE BAHR Or it will be found on land or in the sea

WA ALAA YADAY MAN WA MIN QIBALI MAN and in whose hands it is, and from whom I will obtain it.

WA QAD ALIMTU ANNA ILMAHU INDAKA But surely I know that you have its Knowledge.


But the causeof all these are all in your hands

WA ANTALLADEE TAQSIMUHU BILUTFIKA WA TUSABBIBUHU BIRAHMATIK And it is You alone who distributes the sustenance through Your Grace and enable it to reach to me through Your Mercy.

ALLAAHUMMA FASALLI ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALIHEE O ALLAH, send Your blessings upon Muhammad and his family.

WAJ-AL YAA RABBI RIZQIKA LEE WAASI-AN And O Lord! Increase my livelihood which comes from You;

WA MATLABAHU SAHLAN WA MAAKHADAHU QAREEBAA And help me to obtain my sustenance easily, and within close reach to me;

WA LAA TU-ANNINEE BITALABI MAA LAM TUQADDIR LEE FEEHI RIZQAN And do not let me search for the sustenance where you have not destined it to be in;


For surely you are too generous to punish me

WA ANAA FAQEERUN ILAA RAHMATIK And I am surely in need of your mercy

FASALLI ALAA MUHAMMADIN WA AALIHEE send your blessings upon Muhammad and his family.

WA JUD ALAA ABDIKA BIFAZLIKA And bestow Your kindness upon Your servant

INNAKA DOO FAZLIN AZEEM. surely You are the possessor of magnificent kindness.

Imam As-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: One obligatory prayer is better than performing Hajj twenty times, and the performance of one Hajj is better than giving away a house full of gold. Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 227

This dua'a is attributed to the living Imam Mahdi (ajf).It brings immediate help from our living imam.

Bismilla hir rahma nir rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and his family

illahi adhumal balaa wa barihal khafaa O my ALLAH, terrible are the misfortunes, and the evil consequences are now visible

wan kashafal ghiaa wan qaar-rajaa the covering has been removed, and all hopes are lost

wadhaqatil ardhu wa muniatis samaa the (plentiful) earth has shrunk and the heavenly blessings have been withheld.

wa-antal mustaanu wa-ilaykal mushtaka You alone can help, we submit our grief and sorrow to You

wa-alaykal muawalu fee shiddati warrakhaa and in You we trust, in the time of distress, as well as in ease

allahuma alii alaa Muhammadiwn wa-ali Muhammad O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on his blessed family .

oolil amril ladhina faradhta alayna a atahum whom we must obey as per Your command

waarraftana bidhalika manzilatahum through which we have become aware of their rank and status

a farrij anna bihakkihim farajan aajilan qareeban and let there be joy after sorrow for us, for their sake, right away

kalamihil basari au huwa aqrab in the twinkle of an eye, or even more faster than that.

ya Muhammadu, ya Aliyu, ya Aliyu, ya Muhammad O Muhammad, O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad,

ik fiyaani fa inakuma kaafiyaani Give me enough, because both of you provide sufficiently.

wansuraanee fa inakuma naasiraani Help me! because both of you help and protect.

ya maulana ya Sahibaz zamaan O! our master, O! the living Imam,

al-ghauth, al-ghauth, al-ghauth, HELP! HELP! HELP!

adriknee, adriknee, adriknee, reach out to me!, reach out to me!, reach out to me!,

asa aa, asa aa, asa aa, immediately, Immediately, immediately

alajal, alajal, alajal,

soon, soon, soon

Ya Arhamar Raahimeen bihaki Muhammadiwn waalihi ahireen. O the most merciful, for the sake of Muhammad and his pure family.


Bismilla hir rahma nir rahim

In the Name of ALLAH, the kind, the merciful

ALLAHUMMA S'ALE A'LAA MUHAMMAD WA AALE MUHAMMAD O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on his family

ALLAAHUMMA KUN LE-WALIYYEKAL HUJJATIBNIL HASAN O Allah, be, for Your representative , the son of Al-Hasan,

SALAWAATOKA A'LAYHE WA A'LAA AAABAA-EHI Your blessings be on him and his forefathers

FEE HAAZEHIS SAA-A'TE WA FEE KULLE SAA-A'TIN in this hour and in every hour,

WALIYYAWN WA HAAFEZAWN WA QAA-EDAWN WA NAASERAWN WA DALEELAWN WA A'YNAN a guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper, a proof, and a watchful eye.

HATTAA TUSKENAHU ARZAKA TAW-A'N WA TOMATTE-A'HU FEEHAA TAWEELAA. until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to Your command), and cause him to live in it for a long time.

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