Minutes 02-16-12

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Meeting Minutes February 16th, 2012 I. Attendence Name (Last, First) Jones, Geoffrey Barkin, Pauline Goodwine, Chaz Tobin, Chelsea Traynor, Keith Karnick, Matthew Camino, Javier McGuoirk, Elizabeth Heinbokel, Christopher White, Jabari Tuccio, Mike Hughsted, Tom Squire, Aaron Robinson, Shay Torres, Blake Mena, Alex Mancini, Devon Wesolowski, Daniel II. III.

Position President Vice President Secretary Public Relations Member Member Member Member Member Treasurer Member Alumni Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

Required (Y/N) Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N

Attendance Present Absent Present Present


Readings of Correspondence A. Old Business A. Greek Safe Zone training to be ready by April a. Training materials from Lambda 10 being utilized b. Structure has been created, looking to fill it out B. Constitution Revision being worked on C. Climate Check list being worked on and close to being standardized


D. Budget being worked on a. Looking to set up what events we actually will do b. Forward Jabari what we submitted for recognition E. Activities fair a. Purchased a trifold F. RPI TV has gotten back to us about a video and we re good G. IFC asked for a Rep and we got Jabari New Business A. Create a blurb for Matt Hunt s website a. Will have a link to our website b. Include a list of the president or eboard c. Similar to what we had on Greek 101 d. Should be what we keep up to date and current and not much editing from year to year B. Events in the future a. Be sure to site that we re recognized by the Union, that way we get free advertising C. For reaching out to people a. Let s really try to square up our training program so that we have something to do with them when we have allies to filter through our program D. On first training a. Be sure to let Jessica Ottitgbe know about it, because that can be an associated event for her write up to come out with E. Events coming up a. Day of Silence coming up April 20th i. Distribute materials from GLSEN to IFC/PAN ii. Submit article to Poly week prior to get the word out iii. Morning mail too if you can register it as an official event iv. Reach out to the PU/GM if they can be on board b. NELGBTC at Russel Sage i. Try to buy Shane coffee treat? To get to speak with him, reach out and be humble ii. Contact Sage to see if we could help out in some way F. Opened up Nominations for officers a. Advice is to have elections after the meeting of safe zone

b. Elections out to run where people are given ample time to speak their views and respected in the election process c. Secret ballot d. Elections should be moved to March 5th

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