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Meeting Minutes December 7th, 2011 I. Attendence Name (Last, First) Jones, Geoffrey Barkin, Pauline Goodwine, Chaz Tobin, Chelsea McGuoirk, Elizabeth White, Jabari II.

Position President Vice President Secretary Public Relations Member Treasurer

Required (Y/N) Y Y Y Y N Y

Attendance Present Present Present Present Present Present

Readings of Correspondence A. NA Old Business A. We are now a Union Recognized Club!!! a. Geoff is going to speak with Unoin Admin to figure out what comes next b. Try to get written up somewhere in a paper about this i. Contact RPI s publications officer ii. Poly as well New Business A. What is our financial wish list a. Spring Rush meet the Greeks event i. Turnout issues generally with spring ii. Something like an LGBT welcome fair might be better at reaching individuals 1. Get around 5 different groups to table there (Project HOPE, LGBT Mentoring Program, RPA, Safe Zone) b. Safe Zone program needs to be available for next semester i. Lambda 10 resource books purchased



ii. Safe Zone Program set up with Tara, just need a date. Next semester is when it would happen. c. Other i. Banner ii. Food for events iii. Honorarium iv. Resource cards (sorta like business cards) v. Lambda 10 Stories 1. Brotherhood 2. Out on Fraternity Row 3. Secret Sisters a. Donate to Library vi. Poster board fold out vii. Conference funding/travel to other schools 1. 5 college queer conference and Sage School Conference viii. Produce a video d. Joe Cassidy and Dr. Saams are go to people for funding B. Work to do over break a. Friday the 6th of January is goal date for having things done b. Write up potential budget c. Contact headquarters of RPI s organizations i. Also try and see if there is a national point person who can handle LGBT issues 1. Search within Chapter Services in Headquarters d. Make a website! i. Write blurb for Greek Life website e. Constitution revision i. Ask for suggestions on altering ii. Liz will try to transition constitution to google doc f. Work on converting the self assessments from lambda 10 g. Contact other schools that were interested in having conference call h. Contact graduate student council to get graduates involved i. There may be gay Greeks that want to get involved in their chapters here

C. Draft letter for Matt Hunt s presidents list to notify them of our recent union recognition a. Also include in email about 5 star i. Look into how we count our group members for this 1. Public roster b. Ask if there are any LGBT issues or concerns that presidents are aware of within their chapters that we can focus on D. General Body Meeting will be Monday s from 6-7pm. a. Chaz will reach out to Jean Purtell E. Next Semester a. Reach out to new members b. Take back the night event involvement (April 25th) c. Day of Silence participation (April 20th) d. Harvey Milk Day (May 22nd) i. Ask UPAC to have a special screening of MILK ii. Ask RSE if we can borrow their wall e. International Day Against Homophobia (May 17th) f. International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th)

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