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SPM English Trials (Set 1) Paper 1 Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

Section A: Directed Writing You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Question 1 You are the Corporate Communications Director for Alam Bersih, an environmental protection agency. You received numerous protests from the residents of Taman Bukit regarding to the agencys plans to build a recycling center in the area. Write a letter to the President of the Residents Association citing why the plant would be useful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Extra job opportunities Making use of abandoned piece of land Educational opportunities for the children Center will be built away from the homes Residents need not worry about rubbish collection

When writing your letter, you should remember: * to address it to the President of the Association * to use all the points given * to elaborate on the points given * to use the format of a formal letter.

(35 marks)

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Section B: Continuous Writing

You are advised to spend about one hour on this section. Question 2 Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics: (a) (b) (c) Describe your travel plans after your exams. Where would you want to go to? Write a story entitled Never Again. Getting a tertiary education is always better than working without a degree. Discuss. In your opinion, is playing computer games better than doing outdoor activities? Popularity (50 marks)



Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Section A Corporate Communications Director, Alam Bersih Enironmental Protection Agency, Wisma Agro Tech, Jalan Tunku Hussain, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.

Mr. James E. Jones, President, Taman Bukit Residents Association, No 143, Lorong Bukit 2, 56000 Kuala Lumpur. Dear Sir, Re: Benefits of the Recycling Center

4th JULY 2008

Regarding the matter above, I, Sanjeavan am obliged to address the concerns of the residents on the issue of the building of the recycling center. I would like to shed some light on the benefits that this plant will bring to the residents of Taman Bukit. 2. The running of this center will require a work force of around 300 people. There will be an increase in employment opportunity for the people of this community. As this is a recycling center, the use of heavy machinery is limited, therefore even housewives and elderly people who have otherwise no other option can work in the sorting department of the center. 3. The proposed location for the recycling center is at the abandoned land at the edge of the neighbourhood, away from the houses. It is the agencys policy that we do not harm the environment in the process of establishing recycling center. By using the land, not only is the agency avoiding construction around Taman Bukit, but we are also helping by cleaning up and making use of the land, which would otherwise be a potential hub for illegal activities. 4. One major benefit of having a recycling center in a residential area is that the children and youth of the area can gain first-hand experience with the process of recycling. It is hoped that the center will raise awareness among the younger generation. The center will provide a small exhibition room where anybody can come by to read up on recycling and the impact on the environment. 5. I hope that this letter has put some, if not all the worries of the residents at ease. It is the agencys highest priority that the residents are not affected in any way when this project is carried out. This recycling center will have a profound impact on Taman Bukit. I sincerely hope that you convey these benefits to the people of Taman Bukit.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Thank you. Yours sincerely, (SANJEAVAN K) Corporate Communications Director, Alam Bersih Enironmental Protection Agency 373 words

Section B It was a dark and stormy night. The raindrops sounded like little explosions hitting against the roof. Despite that, the screams from the house could be heard a mile away. David was like every other boy, always having fun and getting into trouble. His sister Sabrina on the other hand was a quiet and studious girl. She often locked herself in her room, studying for an exam that was months away. Despite wanting to study, she would always keep herself free in the evenings, to play with David. He, although very happy that his sister would play with him, never realised that it was a sacrifice that she made for him. This went on for many years. Sabrina sailed through secondary school and college. David, although still playful, managed respectable grades as well. David was in his final year of school while Sabrina was completing her degree abroad. This distance still did not deter her from making the sacrifice of spending her evenings talking to David over the telephone. It had become a necessity for her to talk to David. As David progressed into college, he started having taking on a new life. He would be constantly in the company of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith realised this, but they felt that as he was not doing anything wrong, it was fine with them. The problem was that David had also begun to ignore Sabrina. It was as if her sacrifices all these years had meant nothing to him. Day after day she would call him, only to hear Im busy now, or Ill talk to you later. She asked him one day, Have you forgotten the sacrifices I made for you all those years? David was really upset by this. He decided to go for a drive to calm down, despite the heavy rain. His luck as such, he met with a terrible accident. Sabrina, hearing this, went insane. She had to be brought back home. The screams that were heard belonged to her. Each rainy night, she would scream, as if David had just met with the accident. A simple question can turn the lives of people around.

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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