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A Passion Called Yearning Date: August 13th Time: Twelve-thirty For a moment, I was hypnotised. All eyes fixed on the three girls like they came from heaven, and they seemed to acknowledge the fact, devouring every drop with glee. My other ten-year-old classmates looked around, attempting to appear indifferent, but couldnt keep their eyes away for long, their plain faces turning toward them at the last second. Everybody respected them, yet, they attempted not to display their inner emotions too strongly. Even boys who thought girls overflowed with cooties stared at them in silence. Plain, simple me only gazed at them in admiration. Smirking, the tallest girl picked out a mobile from the pocket of her blue shorts. Claudia held it high, as if challenging somebody to tell her off for disobeying the rule; no mobile phones allowed. Some of the girls turned back to their conversation and plain sandwiches, squeezing their eyes shut to avoid becoming their next victim. Every so often a bold kid, courageous enough to stand, will face them and shout in their face. That poor unfortunate child will never be free, the three girls doing everything in their power to make their life wretched. There was only pure silence, nobody daring to rebel against their superior quality. Or, rather, what they considered superior quality. Children in my particular school had survived their ways, and it was too late for any type of changes. New students would stroll into our little town and try to stand up to them, but they learn fast the minute these girls grinned cruelly and pointed out all their flaws. Once or twice, and people would let a tiny insult pass. But what if there are three females behind somebody, watching their every move until they take a wrong step? Wouldnt someone give up instantly, unwillingly handing triumph over to the clique? On the right of Claudia, a girl smirked with a devilish look in her eyes. Tanya chewed her gum like a mad cow, giving the impression she was royalty. Which, of course, nobody could disagree with, unless they desired their head chopped off their shoulders. Positioned on the left, Beth yawned, staring numbly at the audience in a bored manner. Nothing could excite her, no matter how many people marvelled over her. Instead, she sat on the empty bench reserved just for them on a daily basis, munching on her celery stick and glaring at students with her narrowed eyes. Tie your shoelaces, Alice, one of them barked. Eat less chocolate. Youre already fatter than a sixteen year old. Dont push it, another one warns. You know better, Oliver.

Would you chew with your mouth closed, Nathaniel? Can you try soap on your face, Penny? It was impossible to certify who was saying what. Just the fact they were harsh, startling some of the ten-yearold with their harsh and snappy insults. Although these are minor things to point out, it crushed all their souls, as they keep on eating soundlessly. Three-quarters of our high school consisted of females, explaining why girls dominated the glory. For some reason, boys seemed to avoid the tiny town of Swan Hill. Personally, I didnt blame them. I hid behind a bush, watching the whole scene through my glasses. Nevertheless, I wasnt worried about them. Sure, I could become their next target, making my life worse than it already way. But they hadnt threatened to smash my glasses not like Jacob had. Hiding from him was hard. Especially when he promised that Liam would smash my glasses into pieces. The school bully chasing after me was more than unbearable. He wasnt really a complete bully, because it was only me hed pick on. More specifically, Jacob would make him pick on me. A deep longing ran wild in my soul. I wanted to be those girls. To travel anywhere and have people frightened to approach me. To be safe, protected by the three girls who would defend me in any situation, regardless of whether I was right or not, even if they werent my real friends. Not to point out other peoples faults, but rather, feel pity for the many things I had and they didnt. No bully would terrorise me. Jacob would worship at my feet instead of threatening to chase me with a chainsaw for unknown reasons. I had never done anything to him. If I could be like the three confident girls, I wouldnt be afraid of anyone. There would be no fear in being Coralie. People would gather around me, mumbling apologies for everything they had done. I will have chances to become whoIwant to be, not somebody they desire. Freedom to be me, my geeky glasses included. Even my braces, behind which I hide the most crooked teeth. One of these days, I would be just like them.

After scooping ice cream out of the small tub, I stuff the ice-cream loaded spoon in my mouth, savouring every drop. Vanilla flavoured ice cream is a gift from heaven. In the fourteen years of my existence, what other people see in chocolate flavour remains unclear. I sit in front of the old computer Mum bought five years ago, waiting for Alex to log onto chat. He always takes his time when logging on the computer, especially since his mother requires him to eat lunch and then do whatever he wants. Being an only child has so many advantages, I cant name all without jealousy. To nobodys surprise, hes online within an eyes blink. Alex: What's up, Cora? Claudia told me Im fat, but meh. She says it like I care. The way he never uses text-talk is an admirable quality. It doesn't take much effort to write "Hahaha" instead of "lol." How much I hate that overused word of course, Beth, Claudia and Tanya wouldnt dream of using it. Ever since joining the clique two years ago, I require abiding all their rules. However, who would want to use it in first place? The entire symbol resembles a drowning man the o as the head and the ls are arms waving for help. Im sure that man wouldnt be laughing aloud if he existed. But why is he telling me what Claudia did to him? Trying to make me feel guilty for deserting him for three girls with long legs, or pity for not sticking up for him? Either way, I completely ignore the second part of his message and answer the first half. Coralie: Nothing much. What are you doing? The typing now symbol at the bottom corner flashes. I roll my eyes to myself, assuming hes checking every letters accuracy. As if his slow typing isnt painful enough. Maybe my accuracy is also spot-on, but I can touch-type something Alex has failed to learn, no matter how many times I bring it up in a conversation. Somehow, the conversation then switches to robots or some other nerdy factor Id never discuss with anybody else. Especially not the clique, who think Im as stylish as they are. Glaring around at my messy room, I scratch my dandruff-loaded scalp. How on Earth can I find something in this room? No brain surgeon is required to identify how horribly disorganised my room is. Clothes sprawled on my bed, empty ice cream containers scattered across the floor, permanent crayon markings on the wall and a dangling light-bulb hanging by a loose thread. The crayon markings arent entirely my fault, nevertheless. No, Leighton assisted me with that scheme, being the wonderful twin brother he is. Im counting down the days until he visits me. Stay for the month of December before returning to Canada in January. Having divorced parents is hard, but when they live on two different continents, its near impossible. What Id do if we cant afford Leightons visits to-and-fro Australia, I have no clue. Thankfully, money isnt a crisis for us. Mums future fianc and boss makes sure we are some of the richest people in this small town. Rampaging through my clothes, I find the object I'm looking for. There it is, my math worksheet, buried under the mountain of unwashed clothes my mum doesnt bother collecting. It's due tomorrow, much to my annoyance. None of the questions have answers next to them.

Careful not to step on any sharp objects and trust me, there's a lot of them I make my way over to the computer desk. Alex: Nothing much. Jacob and I are playing chess. He's taking too long to make a move. Looking at the screen, I wipe away my mouth to stop the flow of vomit trickling out. That horrible, disgusting name has ruined my day. Alex: Oh sorry. You don't like him, do you? And we have a winner. Coralie: Nope. Not at all. Do you remember why I hate him? Alex: How can I forget? You remind me every single day. Yet, you still forget I dont like him. Boys; horribly dull-minded, nave and get excited at the tiniest things. However, Icontinue to let them surround me. They accept me the way I am. How Ive never had a true female friend is both frightening and pitiful. I know he has cleared the chat history, even though I cant witness it. Just in case Jacob reads our conversation. The last thing Alex needs is two of his friends fighting, even though its what we've been doing our whole lives. Jacob finds my weakness, discovering my low-esteem and uses it against me. Knowing the tiniest comment about my braces or glasses can send me to tears is an unfair advantage. He has it. A detail he handed over to Liam Yvonne, who made sure I never found peace. God only remembers how happy I was when he moved to America. Although a few insults are thrown directly out of his mouth, I dont care. Not about what he says or anything at all. But I still havent forgiven him for what hes done once upon a time. No matter how many times he will say sorry which he hasnt I can never absolve him. Grimacing, I pick up the sheet of paper. Alex will take a long time to respond. Perhaps a couple of hours, if not days, to type one word. My perfectioncraving friend cant be more different from me, although weve been friends since pre-school. Long story short, he let me borrow his green crayon and it was friendship at first sight. Of course he was Leightons best friend since the first day, when Alex was too short to reach the monkey-bars and Leighton let him climb on his back. Looking at the math equation on my page, I pretend Im not going to faint. But my horrible acting cant fool even the piece of paper. The problems all line up, and when I try to look at them from an average humans perspective, they jumble together. Like the minced meat Leighton threw up on me last Christmas. Not that it was disgusting no, disgusting is a light word. It was repellent, repulsive and revolting and any other word beginning with R. Dad cooked it, to nobodys surprise, and we ended up with sore tummies for a fortnight. Question One: If one side of a triangle is equal to 40o and the other is equivalent to 90 o find x.

It takes a long time to understand what the question indicates. I cant believe there isnt a diagram to help visualise the answer Im working to achieve. What are you saying, Coralie? asks the voice of reason in disgust. You used to be the best mathematician in third grade, do you remember? Yes, I remember, I say aloud, hoping Mum isnt around to question my sanity. But I just dont have the time to study anymore. Too busy with those friends, shopping and making a big deal of small things? I halt this aberration for two reasons: A. Mums going to come to my room in a second to collect all the empty ice-cream containers, and start up her yoga disc on the DVD player in the living room. The last thing I need is for her to convince me into meditation, claiming it will improve my mental health. B. The voice is right, even though I dont want to admit it. Why did Liam Yvonne have to enter my life and ruin it for all of me? If he didnt threaten to flush my head down the toilet, I wouldve never tried to be popular, thinking a reputation would defend me. Biting my pencil, Im suddenly glad Leighton isnt here to scold me for my bad habits. Chew marks cover the pencil like fur covers a mammoth. Although theyre extinct, they remain one of my favourite animals who doesnt love a gigantic patch of russet fur? My green eyes grow wide when the computer beeps, indicating Alex has sent me a message on chat. This is quickest he has ever replied. Maybe he finally took my advice and learned how to touch-type? Alex: *sighs* Ur unbeleivable. Coralie: Ha! You have a spelling mistake. You switched the "e" and the "i" around. Then it strikes me. Alex Russel doesn't have spelling mistakes. He never did and Im sure he never will. No, a straight-A student in both English and Science cannot have silly errors like that. It's almost like a completely different person chatting to me right Alex: Ur such a grammar nerd, freckle face. There's only one person who calls me that. Coralie: Jacob, what on Earth are you doing? Give it back to Alex! My heart starts beating at an abnormal rate. He read the entire chat log and will get revenge on me. Even though I have friends to protect me from his clutches, I still feel uncomfortable. For all I know, they might not come to my defence when needed. Feeling rather foolish by my internal outburst, I know Alex mustve deleted the chat log for sure. So why am I worrying so much? Because he may have disremembered, just like how he forgot my birthday to save buying a present.

Alex: Gone 2 get a shower. Why r u talking 2 me? Nbdy says u hav 2 relpy. Curse the horrible mockery of the English language. How can people type like that? Don't they know that my eyes cross when trying to find out what they're saying? Sometimes it feels like I'm alone with all my reasoning. Thats where Alex comes in, my similar-thinking friend. After seconds seeming like hours, I figure out what Jacob truly means: Gone to get a shower. Why are you talking to me? Nobody says you have to reply. Hey, if you dont want me to reply, dont start a conversation. But I dont type it up, because itll begin World War III. Alex is requesting a video chat. The last thing I need is to perceive Jacob's horrible face. With the click of a button, I decline the invitation. Glancing upward, I witness my reflection on the gold-framed mirror sitting on the computer table. I place it under my bed to avoid seeing a reflection of Frankenstein's wife. Another look at my stubbed nose, flat chest and short eyelashes is the last thing I require for self-confidence. Alex is requesting a video chat. Clicking on the "accept" button just to annoy him, I see Alex's pale face. Its obvious he doesnt look too happy. Irritated, maybe? "Cora, why couldn't you accept it already?" He rolls his light-brown eyes skyward. "Clicking on the computer wont end your life. Trust me, because if it did, my graveyard would be destroyed within seconds." Of course Alex comes out of the shower as soon as possible. One second of staying clean resembles ghastly crime to him. Wrinkling my nose, I wonder why his neat-and-tidy mother still hasnt kicked him out of the house. "Well, duh. Youre on the computer more in an hour than I am in a whole week," I say, causing a cheeky grin to appear on his face, a dimple showing on his left cheek. Somehow, I didnt feel too comfortable talking to my archenemy. I can hear an, I heard that, Freckle-face! from behind Alex, but I take no notice of it. Again, my best friend rolls his eyes. If my auntie came to this house on the verge of tears, informing us that her cat died from food poisoning, I can always count on an eye-roll from him. His auntie lives right here in Swan Hill, right next door in fact. They have another set of twins, Alfred and Nathan, well known for their terrible hearing. Alexs uncle owns the radio station in Swan Hill, and sometimes Alex fills in for him when hes not well. Which happens far too often, thanks to his uncles sensitive body and how colds infect his throat in a flash. My best friend tightens his lips in one straight line, as his voice drops in volume. I know I shouldnt be saying this, but since you hate him so much, you shouldve told him to get lost." From behind, I can hear an, "I heard that as well! Sheesh, is everyone plotting behind my back? which automatically sets a smile to my lips. "Is he still trying to beat you?"

"Trying, but epically failing." At that moment, Alex turns his head of spiky blond hair to face his best friend and my worst enemy. Checkmate. I win." He smirks at a scowling Jacob. He's starts to turn around, but halfway through Jacob's voice interrupts him. "Hey, Alex, come here. I need to talk to you in private." Jacobs grey eyes catch mine through the webcam, but he looks away before I can pull a face to display my mature side. Together the boys begin to discuss things in which Im not involved. It gives my stomach butterflies, because I know it has something to do with me. Why does Alex always put me in awkward positions? First, he invites Jacob over and now theyre talking about me as if Im not there. Finally Alex speaks up, and when he does, I wish hed never said a word. Some people say whatever is on their mind, before stopping to think if it would cause the other person to scream their lungs out and catch the next flight to Africa. To my dismay, he is one of those people. "Hey, Cora, Jakes wondering if you'd like to go out with him."

A Passion Called Belonging Date: February 2nd Time: Ten-thirty For the slightest of minutes, my heart stopped as Claudia walked towards me, her twelve-year-old face losing some of the baby-fat. Me. Not some tongue-tied football player or a frightened individual. Just plain and simple Coralie, whose life was about to change in the next few minutes. Beth and Tanya were nowhere to be seen, meaning she wanted to talk to me personally. Good sign. They only terrorise other people in their cliques, not individually. More power is formed that way. Claudia raises her eyebrows and flashes me a false grin, since smiling takes fourteen muscles in the jaw. I wanted to notify them grinning used more muscles, but my mouth runs dry. Since its the first day of high-school and Estelle has left us, we need a fourth member in our clique, Claudia declared. Most people divert their attention towards us, but quickly glance away. Estelle was their fourth member, the one whom Claudia took into the clique last year. She left Swan Hill, heading to America with her parents. She was just as mean as the rest of the clique. Bad influence did that to people. As you well, Claudias voice booms, know, Estelle had dated Jacob Taylor before heading off to America without our permission. Which means hes out of bounds. No girl is allowed to date him, or well ruin their life. Yes, I understand, I said, surprised at how confident my voice echoed. I cleared my throat. I hate him. Dont worry about me dating him. A small smile crossed Claudias mouth. Thats exactly what I thought. She lets out a dramatic sigh. Which is why youre now a part of the clique. Do you accept? I nodded wordlessly. Little did I know one decision would twist my entire life. * So. Whatd ya say? This time its Jacob speaking, his face and angular cheekbones clearly visible. Alex mustve pretended to go somewhere to give us privacy. What kind of a friend deserts me when a buck-toothed monster is asking to get involved romantically with me? Yes, its against the rules of the clique to date Jacob Taylor, but logically speaking, who would want to date the miniature devil? And I do mean tiny; hes about an inch shorter than me. Feeling my face burning, I wonder if he can see it too. However, thats ridiculous, because my archenemy isnt bright enough to install a camera in my house. Why would Jacob, out of all people, ask me out? Like its some kind of dare. Only when I repeat that sentence over, I realise the truth. Thats exactly what this whole setup is. Who dared you?

Alex. Jacob moves back to reveal a sheepish-looking boy with an egg-shaped face. Hes the mastermind behind this evil scheme. My best friend tries to cover the microphone in one hand, but hes too late. Im scowling at him, not bothering to hide my annoyance. Giving a hesitant smile, he runs out of the focus of the camera before I can add a single word. Smart boy. The weird thing is, I cant be mad at him even if I try. Maybe its because how he might be my only friend in this cruel world, and the lone one willing to hand me that green crayon when everybody ignored the girl with glasses. Alternatively, he brainwashed me the last time I slept over at his house. That boy is sneaky, doing all kinds of things I never expect an average being to do. After all, what normal teenager plays chess? Thats the question haunting me. I press the End Conversation button before Jacob can sneak in a retort about how hed never date me. Because although Id never admit it aloud, a part of me feels almost hurt about it being a set-up.


Okay, so, remember to bring the microphone. Claudia gives out instructions to all the members of our group. We all have pads of white paper and a sparkly pen to write down requirements for the mini-prom. Claudia, being able to persuade anything and anyone, has hired a hall for us to hold a prom. The sun shines like a polished diamond, sending golden rays flashing into my green eyes. Only then do I realise summer is coming closer. Hockey season is over, meaning something else requires my full attention; a type of hobby or activity I still havent discovered yet. Tanya, you can do the lights, says the leader, not bothering to look up at our faces. Faking a smile, Tanya writes down the word lights on her piece of paper. We sit at a bench --Beth and I on one side while Claudia and Tanya sit on the other. Several people shoot us looks of appreciation from the sidelines, but we grow used to ignoring them. A boy with brown curls waves at me, and I feel the urge to return the gesture. But with Tanya and her beady eyes focused on me, getting away with a simple gesture is impracticable. Beth, you can do the music. Beth peeks at me with sparkling brown eyes as we exchange a grin. Tanya sulks to herself because she wishes to organise the music. Of course, it isnt much of secret considering both Beth and I know it. And I have a feeling Claudia recognises it as well.

Neither Beth nor I like Tanya. Shes stuck-up, kissing up to Claudia whenever possible. One day, she hopes to rule the school like the leader does, but nobody will let her. Who lets a snobby girl drive the school to its doom? Not Claudia. Now, I have something to announce. We all fall silent; listening to what Claudia has to say. Im abdicating my position as your leader. For a minute, my heart stops. Claudia has gone to the same primary and high school for all of my life she cant just desert us like this. Who will lead us now? As I look at Tanya, I swear to see a smile cracking with her perfect teeth, before she covers it up with her lips. Since shes Claudias favourite, we will all be following her orders for the next three years of out pathetic teenage life. Tanya has a cold heart and I wont be able to quit the clique without her teasing me for the rest of my life. Or hiring somebody else to point out my faults. Just thinking about it makes my head spin. And, to take my place, Im going to choose one of you. Its Tanya. Chances are, she bribed Claudia this morning. But I cant imagine what the leader would do with money, seeing she has huge wads of it at home. Tanya mustve told her that she was pretty, or something priceless. Tanya. You will have the honours. She gives her a sharp nod, a signal that only we understand. Huh, big surprise there. Thanks, Claudia. Tanya tries not to look smug, but even a blind person can see the devilish grin shes trying to hide. That girl is evil, sending the devil into shame. You have made the right choice. Of course, I need a backup person. Claudia nods to me. Coralie, if you can prove yourself worthy, you will get the spot. Tanya and I exchange a look of deep hatred. Game on. As if on cue, the bell rings as I head back to class. Walking to the locker rooms with my head held high, I listen to people talk about me. Whispers, murmurs and some idiots might as well publish their gossips in the newspaper due to their loud voices. Cant they tell that I have been born with ears? Or maybe they cant see it due to the artificial foundation I wear on regular basis. Hey, you know Coralie? Rumour has it she stuffs potatoes up her nose! A snort escapes as soon as the statement echoes. Out of everything anybody has said about me, this is definitely the most ridiculous. Potatoes? How on Earth would I manage such a daring stunt? Unless I chop them up into teensy piece and stuff them inside my nostrils, and die of suffocation during the process, its impossible. Really? replies another voice, seeming unsurprised at the strange fact. Ive heard that shes sleeping with Jacob Taylor. I slam my locker as loudly as I can, enjoying the expressions as both girls jump three metres in the air. Feeling rather triumphant, I face them with a blank expression.

You guys and your crazy rumours, I say, shaking my head at the two girls. Henrietta Fisher and Ursula Gallerie. Typical teenagers who have nothing else better to do besides discussing false statements. Besides, I begin, turning my attention back to balancing my science book in both my hands. I havent even kissed anyone, let alone sleep with them. This is not entirely true. Ive had a zillion kisses with boys, ones which Claudia and her bad taste agree upon. Actually, she has some of the best tastes when it comes to the male species, but she never choses normal ones. Mainly because the cute and adorable ones are her exes, and its against the clique rules to date another members previous mistakes. Which is why Im stuck with all the goofy and idiotic ones; after all, if nobody in the clique wanted them, who does? Henrietta chews a bit of her light brown hair and pushes back her ponytail in hesitation, causing me to realise Ive never seen her wear any other colour but green. Ursula simply purses her lips and gathers items out of her locker, clearly not believing my statement about not kissing any boys. After all, this is what the clique is known for; dating dumping and making innocent lives a nightmare. Stealing a glance at my books for the first time, I groan internally for two specific reasons. First off, science is a subject sent by the devil. No, Im not talking about Tanya and her evil deeds, but someone with more horridness than her. Impossible to imagine, but yes, there are worse people. And the second reason, Jacob is in my class. Hes in every subject, seeing as we have fixed groups for the whole year. Its one of those things teachers plot behind our backs and laugh like hyenas when their plans work. But in science, I always end up stuck with him as lab partners. Sometimes, I wonder the whole point of having classes. In a town this small, there arent more than three grades of year nines. To make matters worse, all my friends are in the other grades while Jacob becomes the only person I know, even though Ive been in the same class for a whole year. I guess theyre too busy in their own groups, admiring me from the back, that I dont have time to socialise. Besides; whats the point of mixing with people other than members of the clique? Theres no point. Okay, let me tell you what will be going on today. The homeroom teacher holds up a piece of paper, narrowing her eyes to take a closer look at the small print. She always complains about how they make the font tiny, but shes the one needing glasses. Not that the teachers havent tried handing them over as a Christmas present, but she always refuses, defensive that her eyesight is perfectly fine. First up, we have I zone out, escaping into my own little world. Since my homeroom is an art class, there are paintings all over the walls. Most of the year twelve students and ridiculously talented, painting the most mesmerising pictures. The moment I walk into class, its the first thing I stop to admire. A teenage girl with straight, brown hair touches the rain with her bare hands. Shes wearing a blue, zebra-striped t-shirt under a grey jacket with identical stripes. She reminds me of myself in a weird way, even though I cant put my finger on it. Maybe its because my original hair colour was the same shade of brown until Claudia convinced me to dye it black. Looking at the deadstraight strands falling to my chest, I grimace at the effect dye has on my hair. So lifeless, and will never regain conscious. Snorting, I realise how stupid that sounds. As if my hair has a life. More than you, at least. That vile voice fills my head once more, but this time, I choose to ignore it. ...and finally, the year nines will have a whole session tomorrow to makeup for the exams theyve missed.

Many people snicker, pointing at us. Maybe not directly, but mentally. I just feel like burying myself in a hole and starving to my doom. Beth and I had wagged on so many occasions, Im sure it will take at least three hours to redo all of the missing tests. After what feels like hours, the bell rings. We all scuttle through the hallway, looking for our classes. The damp hallway smells like a footballers uniform after they havent been washed for several days. There are bits of graffiti all over the walls, saying horrible things about people. Shaking my head at the immatureness in this school, I find my class. Some people are calling my name, as a loud voice yells, Coralie! How are you? But I make no effort to reply. As usual, Im the first one inside. People always talk with their friends during the transitions between classes, laughing while Im in the corner with a scowl. Then again, what friends am I supposed to talk to? There arent any real friends in my life just artificial ones who are my so-called backup. Sometimes I wonder if Beth counts as a true friend. Shes nice to me, and isnt the type of person to say things behind my back. But on a number of occasions, she deserted me. Hey, Freckle-face. Three guesses on who that is. Taylor. I didnt even bother to put a hi at the start of his last name. Jacob sure doesnt deserve it. Lab partners again? Its a rhetorical question, really. We both know that we will end up together, whether we intend it to happen or not. He pretty much doesnt exist, and when someone is invisible, getting a lab partner is quite difficult. So why dont I work in partners with somebody else? Because I dont know anybody from this class; I havent bothered to make an effort, and since the clique wags school ever so often, it gives me less time to connect with my classmates. There are plenty of people who know me, yes, who talk to me, yes, who want to be good friends with me, yes. But I dont know them, let alone consider the latter options. Pretty much. He sighs, pacing over to our lab table, where a marble-like texture covers the entire area. Some things always stay the same, dont they? Muttering under my breath about aliens and their bad luck, I follow him. The moment is awkward as we stand far from each other, leaving at least ten centimetres of a gap. Oh, how much I loathe science. Not only is the work extra hard, there is my trusty pal Jacob to keep me company, in case I conclude that I actually like my life. Hes always there at the back of my mind, proving my positive thoughts wrong and replacing them with negatives. So, Ill get the Bunsen burner and you can light the matches, Jacob says, ambling to the shelf and grabbing a Bunsen Burner in his dainty fingers. And we should get this finished. I cant help smirking, as I realise how scared Jacob is of fire. Its hilarious, since it shows how he has a weakness. The only problem is, even if I shout it out to the whole world, nobody would care. Three-quarter of the classroom still isn't notified of his existence. I have a better idea, Jacob. How about you light the match? I hand the matchbox to him.

No can do. I already got the Bunsen Burner. Time for you to do some work for a change. Crossing his arms, he pretends to examine me head-to-toe. Maybe get rid of some weight while youre at it? Snorting, I hand it over to Jacob. Lighting matches doesnt help lose weight. But it raises IQ. Biting his lip, he hands it to me. Hes running out of lame excuses, and we both know it. In that case, you need it more than I do. I pass it back, crossing my fingers on both hands. No backs. Swallowing a mouthful of stored spit, he strikes the match on the matchbox. To nobodys surprise, hes shaking too violently to get the match to touch the box. We go through this procedure every time there is an activity involving fire. I hand the matches to him, he fails, and I end up lighting the Bunsen Burner. Its quite tedious. All the same, entertaining, as the look of genuine fear flashes through his face, even if its only for a few seconds. Nah, you do it, Coralie. Amazing. He uses my real name when he needs me. Wimp, I whisper, the teasing edge of my voice causing Jacob to clench his teeth. Striking the match perfectly the first time, I reach over to set fire to the Bunsen Burner. But before I do anything else, I hover the flame in front of Jacobs face. He looks appears as he stumbles three steps backwards. So whats the real story behind his strange phobia? Sure, most people are scared of being burnt to death, but not safety flames. Somehow, I never found the opportunity to ask. Itd be a strange conversation for certain. Hello, Jacob, my trust archenemy who I havent talked to for such a long time. I was just wondering if you could tell me why youre so afraid of fires? I just thought I should know, just so I can torture you. Oh, hello Coralie. No, Im just a wimp. You torture me all you like. Thats so sweet of you, Jacob. And you can bet I shall torture you with all my wit. Chuckling to myself at the horrifyingly phoney conversation, I light up the candle-like object at the bottom. All of a sudden, the science teacher claps her hands. I freeze, because I havent noticed her there in first place. Mrs. Edwards always comes late, and since shes a substitute, she never teaches us much. She just sits with a novel buried in her hands and reads. A likely reaction from an English teacher, which leaves me the one last question; why is she teaching science when she cant distinguish a butterfly from a beetle? This is the question haunting me on a nightly basis. May I have your attention? Well, we have a new student here. But Im pretty sure most of you know him. She pauses, looking around at the confused faces. Actually, hes not new at all just transferred back here. She pauses once again, pushes her glasses once again, and opens her mouth. Immediately she closes it, uncertain of how to clarify the situation. Youll know it when you see him, she says with a sigh, giving up on an explanation. In strolls a boy wit ha goofy smile. He looks around the puzzled faces, because not one of them recognises him. Then his examination stops when he looks at me, holding his gaze. He has straight, light brown hair that falls on his green eyes. Two characteristics that seem all too familiar. The way his body structures in a similar way to mine, with the same broad shoulders as I have. Wait, I think I know him. Jacob frowns, trying to figure out who he is.

Not thinking twice, I conclude who he is.

A Passion Called Hockey Date: 8th March Time: Four-thirty The hockey players swayed from side to side, their inline-skates making perfect lines in the thin ice. I merely watched them in awe, as they moved so effortlessly and casually, as if theyd been doing it their whole lives. Chances are, they probably trained for months, but my seven-year-old mind wasnt bright enough to digest on the piece of information. Instead, their flawless movement and agility reminded me of angels and devils, gently floating on the cold ice, one being the good team and the other, bad. My dad is right beside me, squeezing my hand, joyously cheering for Canada. I must look like an abdominal snowman with all my layers of clothing, trying to keep myself from getting colder than I already was. Goal! he screamed at one point, snatching my hand and throwing it up in the air. Without a clue, I turned to him with confusion. His brown eyes merely twinkled as he said, We won, Cora, we won. Watching him get so excited with people skating on ice, and how proud he was of his own team, lit a candle in the pit of my heart. Maybe I could be the person riding around in skates, attempting to hit the goal with one of my famous goals. People would gather all around to watch me, cheering and applauding wildly when I continue to amaze them. But if I wasnt famous nor ridiculously brilliant, there would always be a man with chocolate eyes cheering for me from the sidelines, even if his daughter tripped over her own feet.


A grin spreads across my full lips, my eyes widening in disbelief and delight as I wrap my arms around my brother. He struggles to break free of my grip, but doesnt succeed. Strength is definitely not one of his strong points, as a sigh of defeat escapes his mouth. When Im sure hes about to suffocate, I release my severe grip. Leighton, how are you? And why are you here? You never come to school with me. Time for a change, huh? He stuffs his hands in his pockets, stealing a glance at the substitute teacher with her eyes glued on the pages. A tear escapes her eye, as my brother blinks in shock. Im not going to ask. Good. Because Im not going to answer, Jacob exclaims with a snort, as he exchanges a secret handshake with Leighton. I know, Rally, he says to me, with a sigh and hand over his heart. Youre jealous. But we cant all be me, can we? He snorts into laughter for the second time in five minutes. This boy is insane, and I suddenly find reasoning for avoiding him all these years. Oh my God, Im hilarious! I just rhymed without meaning to! Its awesome, isnt it, Rally?

First Freckle-Face and now Rally. How does he come up with these nicknames? A shudder creeps up my shoulder and disappears as abruptly as it appeared. He probably stays up every night with a notebook and torchlight under his covers, scribbling down every name he can call me. Of course, its obvious Rally came from Co-ralie. Oh, yeah, Jacob. Youre hysterical. I pause, before muttering, And a failure. Epic failure, Leighton agrees with a nod. Say, why isnt anybody talking to you here? Because theyre all focussed on their assignments. Were getting a D if we dont complete our assignments today. My brother wrinkles his nose, but doesnt say anything more. All it takes is a look at the way people are dedicated to their work, deadly silence filling the room. Even a silent cough is enough to break the ongoing silence, which I decide against doing. Jacob uses a pair of tongs to hold up some iron on top of the Bunsen Burner, writing down observations as the experiment carries. I dont bother with my results. Ive already skipped too many classes with the clique to have a vague clue of what were doing. No point learning now, is there? Ignoring the rhetorical question, I wait until the bell rings into my ear. The signal Ive been waiting for, as I dash out of the classroom with my books tucked safely under my arm. The lockers are my first stop, as I dump all of my equipment into it before unzipping my bag and picking out my lunchbox. After scavenging through my lunchbox, I find a lime-green apple. Perfect. Claudia will never suspect I secretly have three yes, three marshmallows for the way home. One marshmallow would give her a heart-attack. Do you know they have gelatine in them? she would scream as if I havent missed her million lectures. Do you have any idea that theyre the inside of an animals bones? Exhaling deeply, I race to the table reserved for us. Its right in the centre of all the other lunch tables, where the light literally shines on the chairs, catching every ray of the sun. This isnt primary school, but were still as worshipped as ever, people moving out f their way to make room for us. Feeling rather irritated for being the last one to sit down, I face Tanya on the opposite of me, Claudia beside me and Beth next to Tanya. Theyre all eating their healthy lunches, chewing like they enjoy every bite. As if. So, howre you, Cora? Tanya says to begin conversation, inspecting a brown spot on her apple. Its alright, I guess. Hey, Claudia! a boy calls. To my surprise, she gazes back at the boy and grins before waving back. When I divert my attention to the boy, I find myself realising he has the most familiar brown eyes and dark-blond hair. I gasp. Alex. Hey, Cora! he yells to me before waving. He sits down with my brother and Jacob, whore talking to him immediately. Claudia turns to me with a wrinkle of her nose. You know him? Yeah, I say with suspicion. Why? Hes a loser.

As simple as the statement, she turns the conversation toward Beth and her ruined nail-cuticles. I know theres another name to add to the to-avoid list.

We arrive in front of the giant, double-storied house in no time. Sighing, I realise I will be required to share my room with my brother. Its uncanny, because the bedrooms on the top storey are never used; not even if guests come over. Mainly because they havent been cleaned for God-knows-how-long. Mum reckons there are termites there, but I identify shes just struggling to get me to go up there and observe for myself. Hopefully having me decide there arent any axe-murders and then moving into one of them. A few years ago, she gave up on the subject altogether, defeated. Im never going up there; why bother? Leighton, how are you? Mum seems to be surprised, but hugs my brother all the same. How did you get here? I didnt pick you up from the airport. I stare at Mum amid disbelief. You didnt? I thought you dropped him off at school. We both gaze at Leighton, penetrating for the reply. He gives a sheepish grin prior to babbling about becoming an established male and how he hired a taxi all the way to school. He knows his way around Australia, and the airport is only half-an-hour away. But it doesnt prevent Mums green eyes from bulging. Are you crazy? That is a sign to flee to our rooms. Quickly, we speed back to our room before locking the door for fine measures. Mums losing it, probably as Derek hasnt spoken to her for two days. Not even a phone call. Some fianc. Not to mention, everybody hates him. Or maybe its just us who cant tolerate his face without vomit trickling. So, Cora, hows your life? Oh, I dont know. Thanks to my brother, my mum is going insane. My life is perfect. Leighton rolls his eyes before resting at the table containing the laptop. I forget to talk to Alex, but I dont wish for Leighton to believe that Im flirting with his best friend. Unfortunately, Ursula isnt the lone one thinking we secretly fancy each other. Which we obviously dont. I swear people in Swan Hill seem to have a sickening craving for romantic movies, where best friends fall for each other. The difference? My life isnt a movie; it doesn't contain a script, and even if it did, nothing goes according to it. This is reality. Leighton has been trying to set us up. A glance at how many times Ive been chatting with Alex and a rumour will spread about us going out. Even my own brother wont hesitate to let the world know personal details when it comes to love. He shouldnt be so obsessed with my life he still hasnt found his own. Plus, I dont think he ever had a girlfriend, because if he did, Id be the first one to know. Sometimes, even before the girl knows theyre dating. Nevertheless, the hormones still havent kicked into his body. Yet.

Cora, I thought you hated chatting? The slightest bit of a frown appears on my twins face, noticing how Im logged in by default. Its true. I claim chatting is a lazy way to talk, when all the effort is getting a phone number and a phone to hear the persons actual voice over a mechanical machine. Or, even better, go to their house even more personal. Whats the point of seeing the typed letters? Wouldnt I much rather hear their voice? But since Claudia declared an account for all of us, Im not against the idea of chatting anymore. Of course, none of the girls are nerdy enough to go online and chat to anybody else, but they still opened one, adding me to each of their accounts. Hopefully, they never notice how much time I spend chatting by looking at the Online section in their accounts. If I ever want to talk to them, I use the telephone. However, Alex is the exception when it comes to phones. The last thing I would do is speak to Alex on the phone. Just that will leave my mum in giggles, teasing me for the rest of my life about how cute we are together. This is why I go to his house, where he has one of the most normal, yet strange mother. Alexs mum is normal when it comes to keeping teenagers relationships to themselves, and not trying to interfere with their personal lives. Strange? Everything else. Like son, like mother. I did once upon a time, when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Now I dont. I try to make my sentence sound convincing, as I reach over Leightons shoulder to click on the sign-out button. Unfortunately, the right time never comes for me to hide away my secrets, as Leighton twines a large and rough hand around my wrist. My hand is motionless as he shoots me a What are you hiding from me? look. I want to click the Sign out button desperately, but his unfair strength overpowers mine. Whoa, spill the kidney-beans, Carrot-cake. Freckle-face and Carrot-cake. Two different word combinations I thought Id never hear, let alone refer to myself. Why Carrot-Cake? Is it because carrots are my most favourite vegetable ever? Most likely, because my original hair colour was a light brown, closer to orange than an actual brown. But Im not ashamed to admit it; neither am I afraid to blurt out my obvious face filled with freckles. Fine, Doctor. Suspicious, I snap. Just check through my chat history. For a minute, I feel foolish to tell my brother what to search for to solve the mystery. Id rather him puzzled for the rest of his life without any clues about my social life. But another part of me doesnt wish to hide things from him; no matter how bad of a conclusion draws out of a simple statement. Because no matter how much I deny it when at school and trying to maintain a reputation, hes my brother twin, more specifically, making it almost a rule we should share everything with the other. Gee, thanks for the completely obvious clue, Cora, Leighton says, grinning as he rubs his hands together in glee. Maybe a pillow flung at him will shut him up. For a moment, I consider doing just that, but then hell just take my pillow and never return it without a fight. Its how mature he is; never resisting a singular chance to express it. Of course, there are even worse people when the subject is immaturity Jacob Taylor is first on my list, a boy Im happy to throw up on, and know I wont regret it.

Chatting with Alex, eh? He looks like hes going to throw up, his face going a deathly pale. I didnt think you were actually going out with him. Me neither. Isnt it weird how neither of us knows were dating, but everybody else does? I ask, venom dripping from my voice. Clicking on the Sign-Out button on the computer, I make sure his abnormal and rough grip cant stop me this time. Hes just a friend, thats all. Thats what they all say. Who knows what you little kids have been up to. Leighton sighs, shaking his head and pretending to stare into the distance like my grandfather did once upon a time. This was until he suddenly died of a sudden heart attack. Nobody misses him, though. Mum cried a little bit, because he was her father, but not a single soul can forget his temper. That man will have no trouble shooting a human through the heart if it gets him pride. Alex is a couple of months older than you, Idiot. And youre only a minute older than me. And a half. You say it like I actually care. Slumping back into my bed, my thoughts divert to the mini-prom Claudia will hold. This is the first time her parents agreed to it, which isnt surprising, since we had begged since the eleventh year of our livesall four of us, over the phone, that is. Claudia never lets us go to her house, afraid we might meet her parents. Which is why I havent met neither Mr. nor Mrs. Farrow. Now its finally settled, and were having a miniprom for ourselves. I cant help feeling a little uncomfortable, considering not a single adult will be there. Sure, proms are supposed to be a day of love for all teenagers, but there are always teachers of some sort there. Not this one, however. Of course, Im not going to let Mum figure out how a teenager can smuggle drugs to the party if they want to, because its a one-way ticket to my room, and a lecture about how I can even think about going to an unsupervised area. Snorting, I realise what a pain my mum can be. Never can I ever have as much fun as the other kids. Not when it comes to unsupervised areas or illegal schemes. But when it comes to harmless, innocent fun, which doesnt involve the police on my trail, shes the best person in the universe. Then I realise something else: We need to bring along a date to have the actual prom effect happening. Picking up my jotter, I began jotting down some of the available options. All the normal ones are taken, so it isnt too hard to narrow down my alternatives. There are very limited boys who meet high-standards. If boys with at least half a brain are the only ones Ill settle to escort as my date, I automatically cut out half of their population. Oliver King Of course, thats the first name to go on my list. The guy who I had taken an interest on for almost three weeks. Before, I never thought Id fall for a guy whos afraid to run, just in case he went too fast and flies to the sun. Then I realise he wont dance, even if I chase him around with a chainsaw. He believes something about dancing causing evil spirits to attract him, and how the devil chooses who goes to Hell the one who dances. He had

dramatically tossed his light-brown hair around, and used his deathly-skinny arms to exaggerate while the rest of us took a step back and gulped Normalcy Ive got to love it. But hes left school to go to America, so it crosses him out. Oliver King Alex Russel As weird as it seems, I dont mind going with him; so long as were a good twenty centimetres apart. But I instantly, cross him off the list. He will be the reason Ill lose my reputation, which Ive spent so many years earning. Not only that, but Leighton will never let me forget the night. Sure, I want the night to be unforgettable, but having a brother poke me in the ribs whenever he sees a boy biting their nails isnt my definition of the particular word. Leighton Campbell. I cant believe Ive stooped to such a low level, but chances are, its whom Im going to end up with to the dance. My brother joy comes in all directions in my life. Hell probably run away from home the night before the prom, but not before tagging his small teddy bear with him. Whats his name Pookey? Or is it Pokey? No, no, it has to be Peeky. Leighton, whats you teddy bears name? Oh, you mean the softest fur on a stuffed animal, the most beautiful crystal clear eyes on The name, Leighton, the name. Pookey, but Ill let you know, that bear has a Wincing, I question why I asked him the question in first place. I clap my hands over my ears, but it isnt enough to block out his tiny squeaking at the back of my head. Theres no need to be a brain surgeon to figure out how defensive my brother is about his bear. Sure, he had it since he was five, but its no excuse to be obsessed with it. So emotionally attached, its pathetic. Looking back into my notepad, I frown, realising I still havent found a suitable date. Actually, I vow to go with whoever asks me. That way, I can clam to Claudia about them asking me, and how I don't want to hurt their feelings with rejection. Therefore, I wont have to spend all of my time looking for someone suitable. And I will have an extra excuse of going with whichever lucky guy asks me. Feeling a tinge of hope, I write down: Will accept anyone, regardless of his or her reputation. Cora, did you press the sign out button hard enough? Leighton frowns. Because, you seem to still be logged in.

Im almost positive about logging out, but I dont tell my brother the tiny detail. He will just smirk at me, before recommending me to a mental doctor. In fact, I wonder if I will recommend the same thing to myself when mental voices attack my brain. Perhaps I missed the sign-out button or didnt click hard enough? Lemme log out. As I am about to log out, I notice a message from Alex. Curious, I open the message. Alex: Hey, Cora, will you go to me with the prom? You know, the one Claudias holding. Leighton looks at it, his eyes as wide as watermelons. His mouth pops open so wide, a couple of golf balls would have no problem fitting inside his mouth. In short, he looks very surprised. He isnt the only one.

A Passion Called Liberty Date: February 18th Time: Seven-thirty Leighton stared at me like Im insane. Cora, are you sure you want to do this? He paused, trying to think of something else to add. I mean, if you get caught, youre dead. And if I dont make my way to Tanyas party, Im beyond dead, I reminded him. See where Im going? Im doomed either way. He sighed, clearly not proud to involve himself in such a horrible plot. I didnt blame him; sneaking his younger sister out of the window, and pretending to be her when Mum came into the room to check up on me? Easily not something pride could fix, but he offered to assist in all ways possible. After all, whether he was a pain in the neck or in the head, hed always remain my brother. My biological and caring relation. Any moment now, Mum would stroll into the room and apologise for being so mean, but failing both science and math in seventh grade wasnt something which can go unpunished. Leighton would pretend to be me, and how hed pull it off, I had no clue. But I knew if I didnt arrive at Tanyas party, Id be bricked to death. Breathing in and out deeply, I plunged myself out of the window and landed with my heels digging into the ground. I made it. I watched Leighton mouth a, Dont worry, Ill handle it to me as I raced off into the darkness in my blue jeans, red t-shirt and thongs. The weird thing was, as entangled my whole mind was about the night ahead of me, I knew my brother wouldnt let me down. He had my back and I had his.


It's almost as if Leighton can interpret my mind, both of us sharing the same expression. However, I feel the urge to hop on the computer and query Alex why he's informing everybody we're going out. He never asked me in first place; it's hardly fair. Sometimes, I sense he does all these things to annoy me. Or get revenge for unknown reasons one or the other. "Whoa, I always knew he was helplessly in love with you." Leighton keeps staring at the computer. "I mean, have you ever heard the things he says about you?" My brother winces, pretending it's too painful to think about without feeling sick.

Gulping, I realise I don't desire to know. Anything involving us and has nothing to do with friendship causes my stomach clench. Alex isnt the kind to praise people, so I identify there arent any worries about him in love with me, because Leighton might be lying. Just then, I note the lack of heat in the room, so I pick up my portable heater and turn it on to full blast. Warm air flows through the bars. Yet, I still shiver from the cold. Its a sudden reaction occurring to my body, striking me as peculiar. "Cora, are you crazy? It's twenty-three degrees!" "I don't know. I just feel cold." Its a lame mumble, but I dont want any more disturbances. Simply, I want to relax and fail to remember the world. Just for once, overlook who Im supposed to be. Slumping into my pillow, I plunge into a deep slumber.


"Coralie, how are you feeling?" Startled, I wake up to see the anxious face of my mother. She chews her lip, running her hand across my forehead. For a minute, I feel like an injured critter surrounded by mad scientists sticking their noses in my business. Both Mum and Leighton stare at me with wide-eyes, making me feel more self-conscious. Mum always tells me its rude to stare its time she follows her own advice. "I-I'm okay." I rub my eyes to see more clearly. "What's wrong?" Mum sighs. "It seems that you have a fever. There's no way you're going anywhere with that." I open my mouth to protest, but renounce on it. Claudia hasn't organised anything special today, therefore it doesn't matter where I am. Hopefully, Ill be at her going-away prom. If not, who knows what adjustments Tanya will create. Plus, I do feel a light-headed, but I choose not to worry Mum by any further by complaining. Leighton hands me a tablet I believe is paracetamol. Scoffing it down in two seconds, I drain some water inside my body with the glass my brother put beside my bed. I have consumed this tablet countless times, thus it feels similar to a reunion with an old friend. The room commences to spin around in front of me, as all the colours swirl together in contrast. Even the colourful piggy bank I received in a party bag from Leighton's birthday seems to be blurry from my vision. Rubbing my eyes for the second time, I see the world a petite more clearly. There's no way Mum will allow me to go to school like this. And to imagine tomorrow is the final day of eight grade. "Rest, okay?" Mum leaves the room, looking more concerned than ever.

Looking up at the clock, I realise that it's five already. All of a sudden, my mobile starts ringing. I put it to my ear with curiosity. "Cora, I've been calling you for the last ten minutes! Where are you?" The voice is unmistakably Tanya's, and she doesn't sound the least bit happy. "Come to the movies right now, okay?" The phone clicks into silence. Movies? What movies? Nobody notified me about a movie, and why didn't they mention it at lunchtime today? The questions whirl through my mind, but one thing's for sure I require to get to that picture, even if it's the last thing I accomplish. But I can't help hesitating as I pick up the phone and ring Tanya. "Hello? It's me, Cora. What movie am I going to, and where will I get the tickets from?" There's a concise silence until I receive an answer. "What? You want me to sneak in? Are you crazy?" With that, I turn the phone off, hoping that nobody bothers me again. Sweat drips from my forehead, but I don't worry. I'm sick, and there's nothing worse than walking out of the house during a fever. At this rate, Im never going to restore to health if Tanya destroys my life. As if it isnt bad enough without her evil ploys. All of a sudden, the door opens and a head of blond hair comes into focus. Frowning, I speculate who it is. Maybe Leighton forgot to close the door, and some axe murder is going to capture me? Immediately, the figure steps in to reveal their face. Alex, what are you doing here? I try to sound annoyed, but I cant help feeling foolish. My brother doesnt let axe-murders in out house. Its not like him. Unless of course, Dad gave him some more of his horrid ideas back in Canada. My fathers ideas are never the brightest, which proved last January when he tried to drown a fish. Three guesses on whether he succeeded or failed. Hey, Cora. He hesitates at the door. Well, are you going to invite me in, or am I going to stand here for the rest of my life? Stand there for the rest of my life. I let smile escape my lips. Nah, joking. Come in. He sits on the bed, looking more awkward than ever. Its then I realise how skinny he is. I mean, the bones of his elbow shows up as if under a light. His parents dont earn much. Alexs laptop is a gift from his rich uncle, because their family can never afford it. In fact, they subsist right next door to us. I guess its how Alex and I obtained each other, since he hangs out with his younger cousins a lot. And Id be on the other side of the fence, playing some lame and childish game with my brother, or just sit there under the maple tree all by myself, reading a book or drawing. Sometimes, I feel so helpless by observing their difficult lifestyle. Right then I make a silent promise to myself give Alex the best Christmas present ever. My mind wanders off as I try figuring out what a good gift would be. Cora, I wanted to talk to you. Well, quite obviously you arent here to stare at me. Sitting up, I pinch his cheeks until they go scarlet. Now theres a good boy.

Why I pulled off such a random act is beyond me. That was a little uncalled for. All the same, he grins. Theres a rumour going around at school that were going out, and Jacob forced me to say that. He wrinkles his nose, trying not to make a face. That message wasnt from me. Jacob got on my computer, my chat was still logged on, and I think you can figure out the rest. There was a pause, as limitless emotions travel through my mind. Alex isnt going with me to the prom, and Im calm with that. Im extra content with the plan. But who am I supposed to go with now? There are numerous boys without dates and seven-eights of them know me, but I dont know them. Something at the bottom of my stomach tells me I dont want to know what theyre capable of doing. Wait, so this means Sorry, I dont like you more than a friend. No, no. I didnt mean that. I fake a shocked expression. All the words were spelt correctly. Jacob can spell? Lame attempt at humour, but it still drives a chuckle out of him. Dont try to be funny, Cora. He sticks his nose into the air. We both know Im funnier. No need to compete. Giggling, I take a blind shot at throwing a pillow at him. To nobodys surprise, it hits him straight on his nose. He scowls at me, but shrugs it off within a minute. Tests on his reflexes have forever been a nightmare for him. Okay, Ive got to go. He holds out his hand. The confidential handshake. First, we touch knuckles; flip them around to put our fingers in a lock. Touching thumbs, we join our pinkies together. Its something we made up in third grade whilst the teacher babbled on about history. See ya. The dreaded fever. Maybe taking a bath in frozen ice will assist me get rid of it. I want to go outside more than anything, and, I need to get to the cinema, even if its the last thing I do. I slump back into my pillow, glimpsing at the fancy ceiling. There are pictures of sheep on there, because Mum prefers us to visualise what were counting. She painted black-and-white sheep on the ceiling, but by their abnormal, long nuzzles, they might as well become horses. Even though my mum is the best cook in Swan Hill, art is not one of her strengths. Something, which doesnt take a brain surgeon to figure out. Slowly, I commence to count them. One two three four five six I yawn. Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve. Even after ten minutes, Im still counting. Finally, I come to the last sheep mum painted. Seventy-seven. This is unpromising and hopeless. The counting-sheep-technique never works for me, but it doesnt impede me from attempting. All of a sudden, my phone starting ringing again. Hello?

Coralie, hurry up! Beths voice is low. I swear, if you dont come, Im never going to speak to you again. Oh, sure. Just threaten the poor girl in bed. Why does everything happen when I want to relax? I press my palm to my forehead, and even though I cant tell the difference, I still know that I have a high temperature. Beth, why the hurry? Because, Claudia said if you dont come, she will make Tanya the official leader. I hear her shudder. Who knows what Tanya will do! That gets my heart beating so fast, its going to leap out of my chest. Beths right. If Tanya becomes the leader, who knows whats going to occur. And trust me; none of it will be pleasant. That girl has enough evil ideas to outwit Jacob now thats something. Jumping out of bed, I groan. My head starts spinning and I want to fall back on the bed. Nevertheless, that wont be the solution to save both Beths and my life. In fact, it will have a reverse effect. Another thought stops me. I need to make sure that Mum doesnt see me. Im very sure Leighton will help me with it. Both of them are at the dinner table, and the horrible smell of fried fish wafts through the air. Revolted, I realise how lucky I am to avoid tonights spectacular dinner. Right now, I can see Leighton stuff another spoonful in his mouth, but not before turning the slightest hint of green. I snicker. Being my twin, he senses Im nearby, as he looks up to catch my eye. Keep going, Ill cover, he mouths. Then, like a charm, he flashes Mum his best grin. So, have you met anymore guys here? Even from behind, I can see Mums flush creeping to her neck. Ah, I can always count on Leighton to keep the focus away from me. Well, theres this one guy Mum starts, but Im already gone. Jogging down the dark street, I can make out the shape of branches. Dark branches against the navy blue texture of the sky. The dim streetlights light up my way as I walk to the movies. The best thing about this house is how its central to everything. Except my school, of course, but thats something I can live without. After all, it doesnt play a great importance in my life anyway. Shopping centres are located right beside the movies, so thats definitely a benefit for my shopping-obsessed mother. Of course, this implies doom for me. Even my brother likes skimming through the aisles more than I do. Finally, a diminutive theatre is in front of me. The thing about Swan Hill is, even though its such a small town, everything is here. Even if its a smaller version of the original, its here. Gulping, I hope Im not too late. Not a single person hunts for a theatre, so I probably am late. There is a stand on my left, so I walk there to get popcorn. Maybe I can make an excuse by uttering the worker took forever to fetch my popcorn. Yes, its the best way to go.

The boy at the desk has his back to me. Hello there, what can I He stops in mid-sentence, turning around to face me. I freeze.

A Passion Called Humiliation Date: September 8th Time: Three fifty-five My head started spinning, as all the colours in the room blended together. Like how a colour wheel with all the colours of the rainbow spun around, revealing one singular shade. If white was considered a colour, that was. Somewhere in my science class, it was a contrast, not a colour at all. But for the moment, I forgot all about my school and lessons. The teachers were the last things on my mind, and the clique was the second last. Right now, I wanted to roam around. A simple fever couldnt hold me back for long, and I was about to prove it couldnt make me fall behind at all. I could go out of my house, run around like a regular kid and pretend I didnt have a fever. If only it was that easy. Within a couple of seconds, I find myself face to face with Jacob. All of a sudden, I found myself staring at his bottom lip where a bit of dirt adhered. Or was it dirt? One minute Jacob was laughing with his goofy friends or should I say, friend because Alex was the only person close to it and the next, he was staring at me with wide eyes. Ewww! Get away from me, Freckle-Face! He paused with his mouth hanging open, but I still couldnt see what was on his lower lip. Bravely, I took a step forward to inspect it closer with narrowed eyes. Stop trying to kiss me, Coralie! See? I used your real name! I promise Ill never be mean to you again if you just go away! My head snapped back in shock, pulling a muscle in my neck with the sudden movement. Within a couple of seconds, I was on the ground, clutching onto the back of my neck with pain. Of course kissing was what it looked like to Jacob; thirteen years old and he still didnt have a girlfriend. Loser. But before another thought could cross my mind, I blank out into darkness.


The boy is so utterly familiar; I cant help gaping at him. Not the colours of any of his features, but the shape and texture of his skin. The way his black hair covers both his ears and cut into the shape of a V, the longest point at the back of his neck, although not the actual colour. His brown eyes strike no resemblance, but how theyre so close to his eyebrows appears strikingly familiar. He seems to recognise me, as his eyebrows arch upward. Coralie?

This is where I run back to the movie centre, forgetting about him. Hes very familiar, yes, and I have no clue who or what he did. But the fact his stocky figure and acne-covered skin revolve around something bad, I sprint away as fast as I can. Only then I realise I have no clue where Im going. Biting my lip, I revolve back to the bathroom, when suddenly a large man stops me. Even in the darkness of the movie, I can perceive his brows knitted together, not looking joyful at all. I cant help notice how pretty his almond-coloured skin is, but stating it wont cause his frown to disappear. May I? I am so jumpy, I forget how to listen to a normal exchange of dialogue. All I hear is a bunch of different pitched buzzes, piercing my sensitive ears. Um, pardon? I wonder how many more times I will have to repeat the word until he goes insane. All of a sudden, I feel faint and light-headed. Waking up in the middle of a fever and racing straight to the movies is never a smart idea. I said, May I see your ticket? He looks at me, the frown disappears, but he still doesnt look happy enough to smile. Oh, um. I shuffle through my pocket, hoping to discover a ticket buried deep. If such thing as a phenomenon exists, it will truly become useful right now. As I search through my pockets, Im enticed to shout out to the girls sitting at the front, masticating on popcorn in a carefree manner. I cant find it. He sighs. Okay, Im gonna have to take you with me. Roughly, he grasps my elbow. Dont worry, it wont be anything drastic. Just a phone call to your parents, maybe. Thats worse than being punished a million dollars. Mum will be fuming enough for the both of them, sitting me in my room for the rest of eternity. Not to mention, I will be grounded for God knows how long. Once mum grounds someone, she uses the ability of her hawk-eyes to keep them in the arrangement forever. Please. Its a lame attempt, but I mean it more than anything else. One word is all I can offer. That man can debate on whether to let me survive my natural life or lock me up forever. A teenagers freedom lies in that mans hands, and Im not sure he knows it. My mouth opens, but then decide the man might be obnoxious, and blackmail me about telling my parents. Sighing, I know Id rather be punished than blackmailed. Looking at his nametag for the first time, Im now notified his name is Paul. Paul, please? I hope it sounded more personal with his name tagged at the beginning. No. All of a sudden, I feel woozy. I cant picture what will ensue me. Chances are, Mums going to cancel my hockey lessons for next year. I cant imagine what Ill do without them. Theres no other quality I have, except playing the piano. Which cant be considered a true quality, because I am horrible at it altogether.

Panting, I try to keep up. My ear stings like crazy as the man continues to drag me through the empty hallway. Theres nothing I wont do to escape from his clutches, my breathing slowing down by the second. Without any notice, my heart beats as fast as lightning strikes a tree, loud, thumping and painful to hear. My head throbs with pain as the dizziness increases. I hit the ground with a sharp thud.


Cora, you okay? Mum strokes my fingers. Mumbling, I wake up with a start. Im under the roof of my bedroom, a positive note. At least Im not in jail. But, what will Mum say after Im fully conscious? There goes my natural life. Im going to be wedged in my room forever, knitting sweaters out of my eyelashes. Yeah, Im fine. I remember everything clearly, but I pretend I dont. Just for my freedoms sake. What happened? Well, you fainted, and then they had to get you home. But its okay. I cant help wondering how they got my phone number. Then again, the phonebook definitely wont be far from reach. Another question buzzes in my mind how do they know it wasnt serious? Sure, I faint all the time, but they dont know that. Groaning internally, I guess its another question which will never be answered. Eleven! Leighton sings, striking a pose before stepping in. You have fainted eleven times in your lifetime! How do you feel? Horrible, sick and my stomach feels like it has a whole watermelon in it. Surprise there. My brother sits next to me, looking concerned. You always do the craziest things during fevers. Every nerve in my body aches to deny it, but I cant deny the truth. Hes right. The weirdest, abnormal things happen when Im sick. It definitely isnt a good thing, especially since Im barely awake and have no conscious of what Im doing. Remember the seventh time you fainted? He chuckles, shaking his head. I stare at him in horror. He happens to remember my own problems better than I can. Honestly, it gets creepy, considering how he keeps track of exactly how many times Ive fainted throughout my entire life. Even when hes in Canada and I tell him over the phone, he remembers it with his photographic memory. The seventh time I fainted? I try to recall what hes talking about, but its not helping. I dont remember at all. What happened?

You went down the streets and tried to kiss Jacob. Clapping a hand over my mouth, I hope it will prevent vomit from trickling to the floor. I forgot that, until my brother happened to remind me right then. This is just like Leighton dumping little details I would rather forget forevermore. It was so funny! You put your arms around him, and he started screaming, and promised he would never tease you again if you let go. Shaking his head, he starts laughing hysterically. But, I guess he never keeps true to his word. No, he doesnt. Grimacing, I now know why my brother keeps count there is a horrible memory twisted with every faint. And, it must amuse him to no end when he thinks of them. Heck, its probably what he thinks about every night before falling asleep. Right. You can go now, Mr. Campbell. I pull the blankets over my head, blocking out his hoots of laughter. I dont think he hears me, so I push him off the bed with a kick of my feet. Almost instantly, hes on the floor, grumbling in pain. Pulling aside the covers, I watch with a smirk as he slumps back to his bed. Looking at the clock, I observe that its nine oclock. If I dont slumber now, I will be late for school tomorrow. Cora? Mum comes in, before closing the creaky door. Heres some chicken soup. She hands me a large, steaming bowl. Thanks, Mum. With that, I help myself, putting the warm spoon in my mouth. The beautiful sensation of soup and chicken mixed together makes itself down my oesophageus, before heating up my insides. Immediately, a tiny bit of conscious returns back to me. Sitting up in bed, I cant help but wonder how hopeless I am.


Yo, sup Cora? My brother grins before sitting next to me on my bed. Its morning. I dont have to go to school, because, well, theres no point going on the last day. He paused, trying to make a dramatic effect. And, turns out that you dont need to either. Smiling, I slump back into my pillow. But then I realise we have the makeup exam today. If I miss it, there will be a note asking my parents why I wasnt here for it. Mum doesnt know about me wagging school, and something tells me that she wont be too impressed. I need to get to that school, even if its the last thing I do.

Pulling on my school uniform, I race out of my room. My hair isnt brushed, but I grab a hairbrush so I can brush it on the bus. No breakfast for me either, but Ive grown used to it from the countless amount of times I am late. The old bus stop sign is metres away from me, and I know that there is still a good ten minutes until it arrives. There are fences on the left side, and dogs behind it who bark as loud as they can. They bare their teeth at me, as if challenging me to walk into the gateway and get my toes bitten off my feet. Unfortunately for them, Im deathly afraid of dogs as I run faster than ever before. Leighton finally comes out of the house with a quizzical look on his face. I know hes only going to school because Im going. Nobody can put up with Mum for a whole day, even if she understands teenagers well. All of a sudden, I feel like an idiot for running out like that. Why hurry? But, I need to make sure I dont get grounded. Claudias going to have a lot of meetings over the holidays, and I cant afford to ignore them. The bus finally arrives, and I walk on the small step. The bus driver smiles at me, not bothering to see my ticket. He knows he can trust me. My brother hops on the bus, sitting next to me. Are you okay, Cora? Yeah. Praying to myself, I wish the bus will hurry up and arrive at my school. Its taking so long, and Im getting impatient by the minute. Finally, the bus stops at a curve, where students from my school push their way out. There are lots of moaning and groaning as we all struggle to get out alive. Its one of the disadvantages of having such small buses everybody is desperate to get out first, even if it means losing an arm or two. Cora! All the girls crowd around me. Claudia sighs, looking weary than ever before. Im sorry, Cora, but Im afraid Im making Tanya the leader.

A Passion Called Pride Date: August 28th Time: Two fifty-five The man with the microphone continued to stare at me with his eyes widened, waiting to feed me a tiny detail of information. Either my whole life will succeed, and I will win the school Spelling Bee, or my entire reputation will flush itself down the toilet. I swallowed; just thinking of the options made me nervous. Finally the silent audience watched as he opened a tiny envelop with decorative patterns. It was amazing how much effort the school put in the annual spelling bee. Who knew nine-year-olds were treated with so much respect? Coralie Campbell, your word is He paused for a dramatic effect. Encyclopaedia. My whole stomach twisted at that very moment, as all the eyes stared at me. It would be much more comforting if theyd shouted at me; yelled for me to hurry up because I was wasting their time. But the deafening silence continued to burn my ears. I studied this word last night, and there was no chance for me to get it wrong. Telling myself this repeatedly, my mouth opened as I began. Encyclopaedia. E-N-C-Y-C-L-O-P-A-E-D-I-A. Encyclopaedia. There was a brief amount of silence, but the audience then clapped. Louder and louder, the applauding crowd told me Id said the right thing. Some people started to whistle, while a majority chanted my name, the entire hall filled with sound and applause. Correct! Youve won the spelling bee, Ms. Campbell! As the judges approached me with a Winners Certificate, I just found myself searching the crowd. Scanning the crowd where both my best friend and brother were clapping wildly, my mum beside them with a big grin and thumbs up directed to me. To my surprise, a boy with messy dark hair and grey eyes sat beside Leighton, the tiniest of smiles on his face as he clapped and whistled wildly.


Okay, class. Pick up your pens.

Gulping, I wait for the beep of the timer to start. There are no posters on the walls, meaning I cant cheat off them. Usually, many posters explain to us what different parts of academics are. I remember one about the difference between auxiliary verb and normal verbs. Now, I have no clue when I need the information most. And, go! Unfortunately, the English teacher is the lone one whos ecstatic. The rest of us have no hope of witnessing daylight again well, except those who were genuinely sick, unlike us. I take a quick glance, recognising a couple of faces from my class, and even though Ive never talked to them, they smile me. I ignore them; the way things work. Theres Claudia, with her dark-brown curls tied into a bun. Next to her sits Tanya with her blond hair falling down to her waist. I can only see the back of their heads, but thats enough for me to see what kind of hairstyle they have, because they never push their hair to the front. Suddenly, I realise Beths not there. Frowning, I look around, only to find her sitting next to me. Dont worry, Tanya will give us the answers. Tanya is welcome to join the group thanks to her supernatural academic skills. Memorising anything in a matter of seconds, its foolish to turn her down when she requested a spot. Why turn someone down, when they can give us perfect scores every time? Hey, Cora, can I borrow a pen? The boy beside me is grinning, making me wonder if I know him in first place. How does he know my name? Well, stupid question, because most people know my name and me. His dirtyblond hair brushes down at the sides of his head, cut into layers. But its the way his glass-blue eyes shine cause me to flinch back a couple of centimetres. So familiar, yet unrecognisable. Uh, hi. Who are you? Liam Wailyn. He stretches out his hand. Im new. Well, I used to go here, but now I dont. He used to go here? The fact he used to go here, and that I might know him sends shivers down my back. Because even if I do know him, a voice inside me alerts its not satisfactory. Hello, Liam. But I dont want to shake his hand, just in case. How do you know my name? He smiles, looking almost devilish. Thats my secret. All of a sudden, Im caught up in his good looks. Given that, I still dont like the way sunlight from the window makes his skin appear an eerie white. Almost too white. No, it cant be, I think. But it is. Hes a vampire, no doubt about it. Realising it will be stupid to let him know Im onto him, I purse my lips from spilling anything. Not to mention, Claudia will think I lost my last screw. Which I cant deny, because its the very last question I inquire myself before dozing off to sleep every night.

Something strikes me odd. There arent any teachers marching around the classroom. Hows that possible? Every other year, there are teachers keeping an eye the minute a cough escapes my mouth. Their feeble minds must think its code language for something cheating-associated. Hey, Tanya, where are the teachers? Claudia asks Tanya the exact question Im thinking. Oh, they went out for coffee or something like that, she says. I dont know. I think they trust us or something. Bad mistake, eh, Tanya? Beth grins at Tanya. Couldnt have said it better. Tanya grins back. I feel excluded, but dont say anything about it. Chances are, Tanya will say something about me being too observant and needing to mind my own business, embarrassing me for the rest of my life. Tanya passes me her sheet so that I can copy off it. For a moment, something seems suspicious. Why would she give the answer sheet to me but not to Beth? But I have no arguments against it, so I start copying off the sheet. Maybe shes decided she has a good bone in her body, and starting to treat me fairly? But it doesnt explain the squint she is currently giving me. What if a teacher comes back at this very second? Tanya will have to well up an exceptionally good excuse for not having a piece of paper in front of her, and Ill have to hide her original piece from the teacher. So I guess we both have a job to do, and in this scheme together the risks we take. Because if one of us go down, so does the other. One: What kind of word is on? Looking at the answer Tanya has written I begin to feel suspicious. Im sure that on isnt a verb. But shes the expert, isnt she? I dont have any choice but to put it as my answer. The last thing I need is a bad mark in English. Two: She is a noun what kind of noun? No, that cant be right. Common nouns are ones with capital letters, arent they? I feel like changing the answer, but another voice stops me. Tanya is smarter than me, no matter how much I pretend shes a dumb horse without a nuzzle. As I move through the answers, copying each one, I look up to see Beth and Tanya exchange a look. Im not sure what it is, but definitely doesnt look good. Its the kind somebody would give when plotting evilness in silence. Ignoring the looks, I turn back to my sheet. A voice interrupts me. Are you ever going to pass me a pen? Liam asks, his eyes shining with amusement. I would, if you didnt have one in your hand. Shaking my head, I cant help a smile twitch my lips. His face goes scarlet as he realises his attempt to talk to me doesnt work. Hmm, Im beginning to become fond of this boy. Hes looking at me twice, not Beth, the beauty queen of the school, who has natural beauty without any plastic surgery. Yet, anyway.

The door opens with a bang, scaring me half to death. A tall teacher walks in with photocopied sheets in her hand. She put the sheets on the table before watching us with her hawk-eyes. Muttering to myself about how teachers should trust students more, I bring my eyes back to my sheet. But then again, even if they did trust us, we would betray them. Oh well; lifes never fair. Quickly! Tanya hisses looking back, just in case the teacher sees her. Folding up her sheet, I hand it back to her. She takes it with a sharp tug, and goes through her answers. Then she does something that makes my stomach clench and my lunch compress. She rubs out all of her answers, replacing them with new and assumingly accurate ones.


Beth and Tanya giggle by their locker. Doesnt she hate Tanya? Since when have they become best friends? It doesnt bother me Tanya and Beth are getting along how I am the third wheel without anyone noticing bothers me. What good is the entire schools attention if my own friends cant pay respect for the tiniest amount of time> Claudia speaks to her boyfriend, arranging some kind of date. He plants a quick kiss on the lips before heading off in the other direction. Being the leader, shes allowed to date anybody she likes. The boy, Caleb, is probably the most normal boy in the entire school; three guesses on why the leader chose him among everyone else. Hey, Cora! Ursula waves to me. So, hows life going? I know that shes talking to me so she can spread gossip, but I dont care. Actually, Ursula, although the type to tell her best friend everything, still doesnt appear to be the person to make things up. Just tells everyone the truth, which has both its advantages and disadvantages. Its refreshing someone wants to talk, rather than make me follow like a trained puppy. Yeah, its going. I sit on the wooden bench, also nicknamed the chair for outcasts. But for once in my life, I dont care. Ignore the world, because I want to live on Mars. At least the aliens will be nicer to me, even if they want to eat me alive. Stuffing a sandwich in her mouth, she begins to chew, looking almost distant to the world. Its time like this when I wonder why Im so awkward around people. I envy people like Tanya, who can say things to anybody, anywhere. Another reason why shes in the club. Taking a swig of red cordial from my bottle, I recognise how thirsty I am. So, hows your date with Jacob? Ursula asks, shooting me a devilish grin. I spit out the red cordial all over her hair, a temporary layer of crimson now covering her once-blonde strands. For a second, I expect her to go bizarre, snatching the glass form my hand and splashing it over me. Maybe even throw her sandwich at me its what Claudia would do without a single second of hesitation. To my surprise, she laughs.

No, were not going out. Finally, I have covered up the shock. In fact, were -never going to. Heck, we arent even friends. In denial? No. Im just stating the obvious. Whatever you say, Cora. She grins. Actually, how about I ask him out? I raise an eyebrow. You better hope youre asking him out for yourself. Id love to say that, but I dont lie. Shoving her, I cant help a laugh escape my throat. I dont remember the last time I had this much fun with a girl whos the same age as me. Theres always grandma, but things just arent the same. My life revolves around boys geeky, dorky, but similar to me in so many ways. All of a sudden, Henrietta and her hair of green ribbons appear. Shes going through a magazine and frowning at the prices, not even looking up to see my face here. Shes sure going to get a surprise, since Im someone who never sits away from my pretend-friends. Ursula, these are such rip-offs. I mean Looking up, she sees me and grins. Oh, hello, Cora. Hi. I smile at her. Shes a nice person. Always so friendly, and willing to help anybody in need. If theres such thing as a Saint of the school, Henrietta Fisher would be it. When she sweeps her straight-brown hair behind her back, I realise that its the same shade as my original hair colour. Sighing, I notice Tanya, Beth and Claudia coming out of the locker halls. There are eyes on them as they walk with their heads held high and in a graceful posture. In fact, their heads are so high, Im sure that they havent noticed me at the outcast table yet. I have just enough time to escape from them. But, its going to be hurtful to Ursula and Henrietta if I ditch them like theyre worthless. I need to be quiet, sneaky and maybe even Hey, would you like to come over to my house this Friday? Ursula asks me. Im startled. The last time somebody asked me over to their house, she wanted me to teach her hockey. Tanyas crush was a hockey player, and to my horror, Jacob Taylor. At first I began to show her moves without knowing why, As soon as she admitted the truth, I ran out of like she chased me with a chainsaw, which she probably was doing mentally. Um, sure. I look at where my friends are walking like models. Ive got to go. Bye! Picking up my drink bottle, I rush to where theyre sitting. Where were you? asks Claudia, shaking her head. Toilet.

That shut them up, and they dont bother asking anymore questions. Theyre probably having a hard time consuming their wonderful food. Looking at their diets, I feel overweight. Tanya is munching on a green salad, Beth scoops another spoonful of yogurt in her mouth and Claudia is eating a low-fat muesli bar. And, Im drinking red cordial, regardless of how much sugar it contains. Anyway, why didnt you come to the movies yesterday? Beth asks, her lips in a straight line. I did, I mutter. Except, the security guy took me from there. If you really went there, then, begins Tanya with narrowed eyes, suddenly right in front of my face and not giving me space, tell me what kind of hairdo we had. Up high, I say without hesitation. Tanya observes me for a couple of countless seconds, checking for any proof of lying, before giving in and sitting back into her seat. Ive got to go. To be honest, I have no idea where to go. But I need to get away from them, even if its the last thing I do. Surviving high-school is horrible, and shouldnt be anything a normal teenager should suffer. I look back, only to see them chatter amongst themselves. Probably about me.


Mum! I walk home with a grin. How are you? Anymore weddings today? She scowls, not answering me. I know the answer, because in a town so small, there cant be more than threethousand people. Although it seems like a lot, one thousand of them are still young babies. Weddings are a long way ahead for them, because even as a teenager, marriage is the last thing on my mind. Leighton comes in, holding up a baseball bat. Schools out! he screams, before doing a crazy dance. Shaking my head, I realise how much better his version is in comparison to Alexs. How bad can it be? Lets just say the chicken dance looks like a work of art next to his crazy moves. Oh, thats good for you. She sounds distracted. Im making lasagne because we have a guest over today. Its just like Mum to leave out some of the most important things. Thanks to this guest my summer might be ruined. Of course, maybe he or she is only staying for a couple of hours, in which case I will have nothing to complain about. Who is this guest? I ask, using the air-quotes with my fingers. Thats my secret.

Her words send a shiver crawling down my back. Because, theyre the same word mysterious Liam had used. Everything associated with him seems creepy, even if I only met him three hours ago. Because every bit of his face is so vivid in my mind, as if from a distant dream once upon a time. Hey, Cora, look! Leighton points at the window. Theyre here. Obeying my brothers instruction, I peer through the curtains. Sure enough, a black sedan parks itself outside our house. A strange feeling runs through my veins, because that car looks familiar in a stomach-clenching way. Ill get the door. He races to the door, his light-brown hair bouncing up and down. Hello, there. All of a sudden, he begins to laugh like crazy. Coras gonna love having you here. Leighton shoots me a taunting look, which merely screams, I know who it is, and you dont. Na-na-na-na-na! Figuring I dont want Leighton to keep me in suspense, I plaster a fake smile on my face. I walk to the door and greet the guests. My smile doesnt last more than a second, as my mouth twists in horror. Hi, Cora. He smirks. Nice to see youre ecstatic to see me.

A Passion Called Luck Date: 6th October Time: Seven-thirty p.m. Mum clenched her fists together, her teeth gnawing inside her mouth. She was nervous, her trembling hands indicating the grand final of Good Luck on television, as the husband and wife held hands and prayed. Asking God to reveal the million-dollar prize underneath the box of their choice, hoping theyd made the right decision. The atmosphere changed to a tense and steamy tone, everybody except the host in a difficult position. Of course the host knew exactly what was going to happen, and even if he didnt, no amount of money would deduct from his monthly income. Drums rung out, bursting our eardrums and although we desired to look away, something about the entire scene keeps our eyes glued. The bikini-wearing models did a crazy dance before opening the box with their dainty fingertips. And you have The host paused whilst the entire audience held their breath. Won! There were screaming from all directions, cheering and wolf-whistling stealing the spotlight. Both the man and woman were hugging each other tightly, tears streaming out of their eyes in happiness. How pretty the woman looked with her blonde curls and high cheekbones appealed to me when she finally smiled, and the man didnt look half as bad with his wavy dark hair and toothpaste ad smile. Some people had all the luck.


My jaw drops open. Gosh, Jacob. Do you mind not scaring my sister? Because when you scare her, you scare me, considering were twins. Normally, if I wasnt petrified like this, I wouldve thrust Leighton to the ground. But having Jacob standing outside my door cannot be defined as normal. Far from it. Too horrified to achieve anything else, I continue to stand in front of him and his jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. So casual, its impossible to consider hes out to ruin my life. Whatever. Twins cant really feel each others fears.

But we can, Leighton insists, which is then replaced with a wide, broad grin. Anyway, you fell for it last time, didnt you? Right then, I wonder what he signifies by the sentence. But another fraction decides not to worry about it, because the two boys constantly do outlandish things, in which Im not involved. Thankfully, I wasnt caught up in their last brilliant idea. Running to someones house and asking him or her to buy a blade of grass would humiliate me for the rest of eternity. Why would they pay for grass when having a whole blanket of it covering their backyard? Jacob face goes red, shoving his long fingers into his pockets. Yeah, but thats different. I was young. It was last year, Leighton reminds him with a grin, which states it wasnt last year, and hes only joking. My archenemy sounds so pathetic, and Im the one who has no clue on what theyre saying. We amble into the house in pure, deafening silence, feeling more awkward than ever. Dont worry, Cora, I think. Hell be gone before you know it. Opening my eyes, I perceive hes still close by, but biting his fingernails and then stopping when he catches my death glare. This is where we eat; theres no requirement for bits of Jacobs fingernails stuck to the table. What are you even talking about? I ask Leighton, frowning. Jacob brings along a handheld game to entertain himself, because he understands I wont dress up as a clown just to amuse him. Neither would Leighton. He begins to tap on the buttons at lightning speed. So fast, I have the unwell feeling the buttons will fall apart and fly into the large pot containing Mums cooking. The outside of his video game holder is blue, which doesnt flabbergast me. Of course he would acquire a case in his beloved colour. Remember third grade, Cora? Leighton grins at me. Taking a quick peek at Jacob, I can see the corners of his mouth twisting upwards. But he quickly disguises it. Dont know what the point of it is, though. The whole incident happened years ago. Feeling almost like a decade ago, when wed do anything it took to get the other in dilemma. Whether its thieving homework from each other and tossing it down a thrash can, or drowning the other persons pet rabbit. It was harmless fun until Jacob introduced Liam Yvonne, and I didnt have enough pride to keep my head in the game. Instead, I would lock myself into the girls bathroom; the only place he couldnt enter. How can I forget? I reply, a wry smile appearing on my face. Jacob asked me what your biggest fear was, so he could pay you back for spilling paint on his shorts. Guess what I said? Leightons grin grows wider. Spiders! I smirk like a maniac, before replacing it with a smug expression. Turning to Jacob, I say, And thats why I had a pet spider name Henry, is that right? Shut up. Again, I was young. Didnt know anything better. Still dont, I mutter under my breath. Mum approaches the table, humming a merry and unfamiliar tune. Her hands overload with plates of food, which will disappear in less than three minutes, thanks to Jacob and his abnormal appetite. Actually, theres no proof about my archenemy scuffing away food like a poodle, but a girl can only dream of negatives found in the foe.

Stretching out my neck, I whiff the beautiful scent of homemade pizza, which Mums hands can construct. Italian style. My mum always struggles to boast about her home country, but nobody appears to notice how its her place of birth. Italians arent typically as tall as Mum. Three guesses on who got her DNA. Ive never been to Italy, even though its my home country. Born in Australia; Swan Hill has been my life from the moment I was born. Okay, is there anything else I can get for you, Jacob? Curling my lip in disgust, I see a steaming cup of tea in front of him. His face holds high, as if proud of himself for a reason I cant see. A faultless, straight nose hangs straight into the air as he revolves to my mum in a method only princes from a royal family can attain. Just one problem; someone forgot to remind him hes not special. Mentallydisabled-kind-of-special, maybe, but not respected and important kind of special. No. He smiles at my mum, looking almost innocent. Im perfectly adequate, Mrs. Campbell. Thank you. Curse him and his wonderful acting, luring my mum to thinking hes an innocent, misunderstood boy. Adequate? So Jacob is a teenage boy who drinks tea and uses complex vocabulary in his dialogue? Theres a new feed for my blog, I think amusedly to myself. But I know I cant do it; I dont even own a blog in first place. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor arrive, carrying heavy luggage in their dark hands. They groan as they put the luggage on the floor. Its strange, because theyre going to be at this juncture for a few hours; why are the excess belongings needed? Lets eat dinner! Mum declares, smiling at her best friend who still hasnt stopped puffing. Mrs. Taylor grins before sitting on the table. Almost immediately, they commence to gossip about their lives, more in particular, other peoples lives. Stuffing a forkful of lasagne, I choose to listen to their rambling for once. As I do, I cant help noticing how dark, yet stunning her skin colour is. Aboriginal. Just like Jacob, but his skin colour, although the same tone, cant be described as something gorgeous. Mr. Taylor, however, has the lightest skin tone Ive ever witnessed, if not lighter than my very own. Did you hear about Joannes car, Brianna? Joanne is Beths mum. Ever since they were kids, both my mum and Mrs. Taylor reviled her. Something about her thinking she was better than everybody else, similar to the way our clique moves around school. Its times like this when I still cant confess about my school-life to my mum, because she has a different point of view on the whole situation. She probably never wanted to be popular. My mum shakes her head, raising a fork to her mouth. No. What happened to it? She was speeding, and then this cop pulled her over. Then, when she got out of the car, she was drunk. My mum shakes her head in disgust, before taking a drink of lemonade from her cup. What a nuisance! How do you know about this? Louise told me, of course. Its times like this when I have no idea what theyre talking about. Who the heck is Louise, and how does she fit into this particular conversation? Why have they suddenly brought her up? It all seems a little random, but its their business, not mine. Although Jacob and I can never be the slight bit similar, our mothers are literally twins.

Oh, have you seen the dresses Louise made, Rachel? my mum asks, suddenly giggling. Oh my gosh, you should Thats where I stop listening. Looking at Jacob and Leighton, its obvious theyve zoned out of our mothers conversation ages ago, huddling over Jacobs tiny screen. Both of their jaws hang open, as their eyes grow as big as basketballs and the tiniest trail of drool slobbers out of my archenemys mouth. I won, I won! Jacob looks up, waving his hands around in the air. Level thirty-five! Yee-ha! Groaning, I take another hesitant glance toward the plain white clock hanging on the kitchen wall. Only a couple of hours until six oclock, I think almost with desperation. Theyll have to go then, wont they? Glancing back, I continue to see my mum and Jacobs mum chattering like their life depends on it, their mouth no closing for more than a millisecond. Mr. Taylor just sits there with his head on the palm of his hand, playing with his food with a fork and staring at nothing else but the mushy potatoes. It feels weird having my coach in my house, especially when hes not yelling out orders. I guess were both on the same page; mutually understanding the definition of boredom. All of a sudden, Mum lets out an ear-piercing scream, scaring both of us half to death. Then, her chatters begin to grow louder and louder as they discuss more of other things which should be none of their business. Placing the palm of my hand on my chest, I allow myself to control the breathing until its back to normal. Coachs lips drops down on the sides, as he rubs his temples, hoping the high-pitched shrieks of women would disappear. Dont worry, I say, reaching over the table to pat his wrinkled hand. Were both on the same page. He grins back, before whispering, How about we put sticky-tape over their mouths? Deal. I tie them down, you get the sticky-tape. Jacobs next outburst startles me so much, I have a difficult moment not jumping out of my seat. Oh my gosh, level thirty-six! By now, it wont be a strange prospect if he stands up on his chair and dances like a centipede discovering their feet. Even though Leighton doesnt have any achievements, he still cheers with Jacob. Pfft, I hate how best friends are. And thats why you dont have any. Shut up. Make me. Growling to myself, I think of ways to get rid of the voice without any operations. A shrink wouldnt be too helpful either, because then Ill be kicked out of the clique for having mental disabilities. Though I fail to confess it, it speaks the truth Im never willing to admit. Dad, Im thirsty. Jacob, see that little glass in front of you? I point at a clear glass full of water. Its called water. It will help you get rid of your thirst. I sound like a psychologist speaking to an amnesia sufferer. Thanks for the heads up, but I want lemonade. Get up and get it yourself. Mum sighs. Now, Cora, remember to treat our guests with respect. Go and get Jacob a glass of lemonade.

I open my mouth to protest, but close it. There is no use complaining, and its a requirement if I wish to get out of trouble. Mum will be up all night giving me a lecture for not behaving in front of her friends. My sleep is much too important to risk, and if Claudia wants to organise a meeting tomorrow, I need to make sure to sleep. Walking over to the kitchen, I find most of the materials drenched in water. Mum always wets the dishes at nighttime, so in the morning, it would be easier to get rid of all the scum. Everything softens, all thanks to the water. Fetching a glass from the cupboard, I wonder if I ought to wash it first or I should poison it. But poisoning it is a definite ticket to the land of gound-iness, and even jail for a minimum of a decade, so I go against the brilliant idea. Im sure Jacob lying in a hospital bed due to food poisoning wouldnt impress my mum too much. Although, Mrs. Taylor would hug me and exclaim why she didnt think of it earlier. Perhaps I can do something else? Licking my lips, I take a can of lemonade and shake it much as I can, hoping it will explode in Jacobs face. But I never find a proper chance, because Jacob shouts another order before I can give him my next wonderful scheme. Can you give me a straw with it? Oh, and in a glass. Darn it, he probably heard me shaking the can. If he did, this is no fun. Also, if he could hear me shaking the can, does that mean everybody else can as well? Oh well. I cant find another way to ruin his life or t-shirt, to be more exact. But then I realise he wants a straw. So many practical jokes involve straws, and they dont require much setup at all. Suddenly, I know what to do. Grinning like an idiot to myself, I tiptoe to my bedroom, hoping none of the people from the dining table can hear me. Finally, I reach Mums sewing kit and take the sharpest needle from it. I pierce the straw at the middle section with the needle, just so its at chest level. Jacob is going to get a shock when he drinks, wont he? Walking back, I try to make my scowl appear genuine so they dont suspect anything. Watching me laugh like a hyena would give too much away. Just a tad. Here you go, Jacob. I hand the glass full of lemonade to him, making sure theres a straw in the glass. Jacob looks astonished. I didnt expect you to give it to me. Neither did I, I think. But I keep that statement to myself, giving him the sweetest smile I can manage. Just looking at me beam at him mustve given him creeps and second thoughts on whether I poisoned it or not. Looking cautious, Jacob inspects the contents of the glass with narrowed eyes. He gives in, slurping on the straw. The tiny pierced hole does its effect. Argh! he screams, staring at his wet t-shirt in shock. What on Earth? Mr. Taylor puts a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Mrs. Taylors lips twitches, fighting a smile. My mum, on the other hand, looks like she hasnt had sleep for months. She shakes her head at my immatureness. Classic, Coach says to me, grinning. He then looks at Jacob with mock disappointment. Cant believe you fell for that, Jake. Neither can I, he mumbles, darting me a glare full of venom. I always knew she was out to kill me.

Leighton winks as me, and I take it as a Congratulations. Even though theyre best friends, it doesnt take much to have them work against each other. It reminds me of the relationship Tanya and I had, even though I never got a chance to betray her. Pulling out some tissues out from the tissue box, I throw them to Jacob. Clutching on the disposable pieces of cloth, he scrubs at the front of his shirt like its a matter of life and death, clenching his teeth while doing so. Jake, go and get a t-shirt from the luggage. Mrs. Taylor smiles at her son. Brianna will put that one in the wash for you. Wait, why are they going to put it in the wash? Theyre only staying for a couple more hours, and they should have a washing machine at home. Also, who brings spare shirts when theyre visiting their best friend? Ill be changing in the bathroom. Jacob turns around to wink at me. If you want to see me shirtless, just follow. Thanks, but Ill pass. Smart choice. Immediately, it has both of our mothers hiding grins, and me feeling annoyed at them, because I dont think I like what theyre thinking. My mum cocks her head to the side, debating whether Alex or Jacob would look better with me. She catches my eye, before mouthing, Jacob. My life keeps getting better and better. The coachs son comes back to the kitchen, wearing a red t-shirt with the slogan Play comes before Work. Look it up in the dictionary in large, green letters. It reminds me of Alex, and then I realise he made that t-shirt for Jacob. Okay, so weve got to go. Jacobs mum hugs my mum. Wish us the very best for Fiji. Fiji? I really hope it doesnt bother you if Jacob stays here. We honestly couldnt find anywhere else to keep him. Oh, thats no problem at all. Mum waves her hand back, exaggerating her words. Were more than happy to have Jacob for a whole month!

"You okay, Freckle-face?" Jacob grins, not looking the least bit concerned as he claims to. "Too upset I can't stay longer?" I don't answer. Instead, I begin scheming how I desire to expire. Possibly holding my breath will make a difference, but Tanya once said it isn't probable to commit suicide using that specific technique. So, adjust of plan is required. "Nah. Probably thinking how awesome it'd be to sleep in the same bed as you." That's the last straw. Picking up my pillow, I hurl it at Leighton, hitting him smack down in the face. He actually half-falls and I can't help smirking a little. How can a pillow cause somebody to misplace their balance? Only then do I realise a book is buried in the pillowcase. Gulping, I cross my fingers and hope no destruction of my brother's miniature brain has occurred. He never had a great deal of a brain to begin with, let alone losing all of it. Leighton groans, rubbing his nose much to my delight, and not his head. He then picks up the pillow, picking out a three-hundred paged book. "Trying to kill me, are you? Anyhow, how do you manage to sleep on this?" I shrug. "It's a gift." Glimpsing at the basic walls, my eyes flit over to where Leighton and I had drawn a rainbow. The colours start to lighten, but I can distinguish traces of them combining with the other. Different colours blending in like a sunset with the darker colours as the ocean. Of course, Mum wasn't too happy when we exhibited the drawing to her. Unless screeching religious things at midnight were a sign of happiness. Taking a seat at the computer, I start up chat. As usual, Alex waits for me. Heck, I don't reckon he's waiting for me -he's for eternity on the computer throughout the holidays. Jacob and Leighton endeavour to creep up on me, but it's a failed attempt since I identify their scheme - probably before they have worked it out themselves. "Boo!" Leighton yells, and then heaves a sigh when I refuse to display any indication of surprise. "It's impossible to scare you. And make you cry. I don't think anybody's seen you cry." Except Jacob. To my surprise, my brother's best friend doesn't tack anything at the finishing of Leighton's sentence. Jacob's seen me cry, and they're usually motives he caused, whether it's simple teasing or making my life anguish. Alex: Cora! How are you? Coralie: I'm good. Have Alfred and Nathan downloaded any viruses? Alex: Nope. Not yet, anyway. The twins are his curious cousins who can't comprehend the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat." Loving their older cousin by three years to bits, they visit Alex every Friday and hang out with him.

Personally, I suppose they're sweet, until their terrible hearing ruins the delightful side, and they begin to take notice of things nobody states. Sometimes, it seems as if their brain consists of abnormal feelings and emotions only Alex can understand, because they comprehend every word my best friend says. Coralie: Keep the computer away from them. Alex: I will, don't worry. "For goodness sake, Coralie, ask him out." Jacob shakes his head, frowning. "We both know you're head-overheels. Even your mother said that to me." I groan within. Sure, my mum finds enjoyment by matching me up with unspeakable males in her messed-up head, but there is no need for her to tell people what her choices are. It's worse than telling me, because rumours spread at a quicker pace when giving somebody else information. "Are you serious?" "As the grave. She told me a couple of days back. She's talking about him too much." Jacob winces. "It's getting annoying." Trust me, when she tells you who her new choice is, she will be beyond annoying, I think with a deep churning in my stomach. However, I don't state it aloud. No, it's a more efficient choice to play dumb and act as if there's no relation between her and me. "That's too bad." I look back on my computer screen. Alex: Did you know that Jacob's staying at your house? Cora: No. He just jumped through the window to get a bag of flour. Alex: I guess it would be impossible to miss him, eh? As if on cue, Jacob grabs a tissue paper from the almost-empty box and blows his nose. Why he needs to blow his nose in the middle of summer is beyond me. He doesn't bother to minimise the sound, sounding like an elephant calling to the wild. No, more like a choking hippopotamus with a trumpet inside their mouth. Sighing, I circle back to the computer screen. Coralie: You have no idea. * "Okay, so I'm glad you're here." Claudia grins as us all. We are at Beth's residence, since it's the best place to function. Tanya's parents, Mr and Mr. Cauli, would never invite us to their house. Their heads would flip off if they catch their "beautiful" daughter in such an intense group. For their knowledge and beliefs, she remains the shy girl with a humungous beauty spot at the tip of her chin -one without any friends. Not that she's acquired any by joining the clique, because if there's something to learn, it's that the clique aren't associates; they're bodyguards working together.

Beth's room house is attractive, with bubblegum pink wallpaper and hot-pink spirals on top of them. There is a yellow table lamp on her table, covered with newspaper and then sticky-taped. The carpet is brand new, with a rug in the design of zebra stripes. The same pattern as the photo in homeroom. There are limited items within her room, but I am familiar with there being a million extra things in the garage. Beth's mum strolls into the room, carrying a tray of chocolate-chip cookies. She smiles, bending over near to the ground so everyone can see through her low-cut t-shirt. Immediately, I scurry my glance somewhere else, trying to hide my disgust from the four girls. She offers everyone a cookie without speaking. It's a requirement to leave all the talking for her date -she gets a new one everyday, gratitude to her prefect blonde curls and curvy figure. Peeking at the cookies puts me off my appetite for eternity. For one thing, it's green. What kind of cookie is green? Tanya thinks the same thing as she seats the cookie on her knee and bites her lip. "C'mon guys, it's yum!" Beth struggles to appear cheerful, as she positions the cookie into her mouth, chewing the sickening mixture as swiftly she can. "See? What did I tell-" She doesn't last thirty seconds, as she steals a mad dash toward the bathroom. Spitting out every remaining part of the cookie, she returns with her face turning the same colour as the cookie. Tanya laughs. "Honestly, why do I pay for cable when I have a friend like you, Beth?" Beth gives a frail smile, but doesn't look too healthy. "Mum put something in there. I think it's sultanas." "This?" I say, picking out a sultana. "No, this isn't sultana. It's just poison. You shouldn't worry about it too much." Claudia grins, throwing her cookie at me. I duck precisely before the cookie can strike me in the head. Thanks to my reflexes gained by hockey, it hits the wall behind me. Beth gasps as the cookie crumbles into pieces on the floor. "You better clean that up, Cora," Tanya says, raising an eyebrow. Without her saying it, I identify she is trying to suck up to Claudia. The weird thing is, I permit her without complaining. Clutching at a tissue from Beth's study table, I collect bits of the cookie with a noisy exhale. Sometimes, they aren't reasonable enough to be my friends. Then I situate the wrapped up tissue into the diminutive rubbish bin Beth has beside her desk. I slouch back into the bed, exhausted from picking up every cookie crumb. "What's wrong, Cora?" Claudia asks. "You look like you haven't got any sleep tonight." What am I supposed to say? I couldn't siesta because Jacob talks in his sleep? No, that's merely stupid, and it will cause them to query everything. Nobody likes him, and it's worse enough his parents know mine, let alone them being best friends since fifth grade. Why take it to the next level by declaring we're living in the same house? "Nah, I'm okay. Just couldn't sleep."

"Any visitors?" Tanya asks, frowning. Sighing, I realise how nothing gets past her. Of course she can see past my pathetic lie, and it doesn't help that I'm the nastiest liar in history. I can't even convince Mum I've had a real boyfriend without breaking into beads of sweat. Easily, it gives away my lie. "Jacob's staying at my house for a whole month. Happy?" The facial expressions I receive are sufficient for me to break into giggles. There I am, bursting in hysterics whilst they work out whether I'm sombre or not. "I'm serious," I say, answering all of their questions. "This is perfect!" Claudia jumps up and down. "He's going to be the victim. I'm going to give you a chance to remain the leader. Okay? Pass this, and you will become leader." Tanya's reaction mixes with horror -just the way I like it. She looks superior with that expression on her face, especially since she doesn't make an effort to disguise it any way. Smiling to myself, I recognise I'm going to enjoy Claudia's challenge. "Yes, keep going." "I'm giving you the mission of spy on him. At our prom, we will expose every secret that he ever had." Claudia rubs her hands in glee. "This is going to be brilliant." "I don't think we should do that." Tanya's voice is cold, startling me. "That's evil. Count me out of it." Claudia sighs. "If you feel like that Tanya, I'm afraid that I will have to kick you out. It's not-" "No, I never said that." She hesitates. "It's a good idea." "Good. Then it's settled." The leader interlaces her fingers together. "I'll see if Beth has any voice recorders. One more thing, Cora." She grimaces. "I'm going to test your hockey skills out at the end of December. Remember what happened last winter when you couldn't step in front of the goalie because you weren't fast enough?" How can I forget? She reminds me every minute of the day. Nevertheless, I struggle to come across sincere before jiggling my head. "Of course. You do whatever you think is right." That seems to satisfy her. Beth walks towards the garage, and rummages through the black sacks. Even the garage lights up by battery-operated lighting. There are a million things in there, but she only requires one voice recorder. Finally, she selects a small, black object. She hands it to me, and then shoots me a look that screams, "You know what to do. I'm not going to bother explaining it to you." Grimacing, I take the recorder from her hand. There is a small hole with the word "MIC" beside it.

Automatically, my knowledge works together to figure out it's where Jacob has to speak. Something informs me he's not going to chat into something recording him. Even if he does, it's not going to be his innermost secrets for sure. "When you spy on him, you need to make sure that he doesn't see the recorder." No, Tanya, I'm going to show him the recorder. That'll help reveal all of his secrets. However, I prevent myself from blurting out those words. Instead, I nod at her. "Yeah, I get you." Taking the recorder, I question if Tanya is right about it being cruel. No, she's being ridiculous. Obviously, she doesn't fancy me to rule the faction, so she aims to get me to back out of the whole panorama. There's no chance I'm letting her do that. We're walking home, and since Tanya is heading the same direction as I am, we stride home together. "Cora," she finally says, shaking her head. "This whole thing is cruel and cold-hearted." I snort before I can stop myself, making her sigh. "No, it's not because I liked him a long time ago. I don't like a guy with buck teeth." She shudders. For a weird reason, it drives a chuckle out of me. She's always articulating things against me, and not once defended me. A small part of me challenges to solicit what happened to our friendship. I never fully understood why she ditched me. Now's not the time. The most relaxing conversation I've had with her in a long time. "Ha, my mum reckons we should go out." I roll my eyes, making a face. Tanya laughs, nudging me without the slightest bit of venom in her voice. "You should. I'm even willing to bet that you will." She walks off, leaving me on the urge of throwing up.

Who cares about Jacobs feelings? Its the first question approaching my intellect when I rethink Tanyas words. They arent accurate, since nobody worries about him. With the exception of his parents, of course. Still, sometimes I suspect Mrs. Taylor would much rather give birth to a beautiful daughter than Jacob. When she wakes up to a child like him everyday, does she feel any kind of pity? She, for deserving such a horrid face and Jacob for given one without asking. Playing around with the recorder, I attempt to put it in working condition. It appears simple enough, with a miniature slot where the USB cable connects itself from the device to the computer. There are merely two buttons to halt any confusion, one with a red circle, considered as the record button, and the blue triangle beside it is the play button. Ha, no instruction manual needed. Nor did Beth require to waste her wonderful voice on someone like me. However, Jacob needs to begin babbling every secret for this scheme to go according to plan. Maybe Ill befriend him, since Im confirmed he wont be secure rambling all his deepest, darkest secrets Coralie Campbell. The female who once tried to feast his lizard to the next-door neighbours cat wouldnt be his first choice to trust. Nor his fifth. Cora, turn the stupid light off! Leighton mumbles, sounding irritable. How long has it been on for? So you think I have no life and counting every second? Just turn it off, will you? This time, its Jacob who speaks. Its interfering with my lamp. He spreads out on his bed with his eyes glued to a book with a tattered cover. No doubt is the book set in the past; historic fiction is the only thing Ive seen him read. All of a sudden, I recognise the pyjamas hes wearing. They contain yellow smiley faces drawn all over, with a sky-blue background, the kind children wear when twelve years old. But what is he doing wearing them? Im positive he outgrew them several of years ago, because average teenagers cant fit into the same clothing for two years. Unless they havent had their growth spurt, or are unnaturally skinny. Jacob, how are you still wearing them? I ask, trying not to show any evidence of a laugh. Wow, you havent grown a centimetre, have you? He winces, almost as if hes insulted by my simple statement. Immediately, I turn on my recorder. Its lucky I have it nearby, because itll assist feeding more details. Little, minor things Claudia and the clique will gape and gossip about for eternity. There will be no choice but to set me as leader. Ive grown. Its just not possible to see it. Sure, sure. I grin like a maniac, watching his face go scarlet in both of our lights. Im beginning to enjoy this torture; Claudia couldnt have set a simpler task for me to complete. Youre pretty much the same height as when you were twelve, Jacob.

He scorns at me, but maintains his eyes on the book. I necessitate getting him to nourish anything else into the recorder. Maybe a confidential secret without him intending to reveal. However, I must keep him rolling like a video camera, angering him in every way possible. Just because you like Alex, doesnt mean you have to go off at me. I dont like him. Defensive. Oh, youre falling like lightning for him. He smirks, falsely concluding he has won the war. I dont say anything to his ridiculous statement. There is a sudden urge to press the Record button again to discontinue the recording. This specific model doesnt allow the user to delete any parts of any recording; theyre all requirements done with the computer. And even if I manage to connect the device, Tanya is still required to edit the sound. As for Jacob believing hes won? Two can play at that game. So, what if I like him? I raise an eyebrow, trying to get him to speak. Maybe edginess will capture secrets out of his soul? Watching him smirk as if I hadnt stated anything pressures me to assume twice about my words. No, Jacobs an unfairly smooth liar to give away such details. I dont care. He glances up at me before closing the book. For the first time, were face to face on opposite sides of the large room. And why do you care if I care? From those words, I have to conclude Jacobs a mastermind when coming to puzzling me. I shoot Leighton a quizzical look, but he replies with a shrug. The beauty of Jacobs complicated riddles is how impossible solving one turns out to be. Although it might be an advantage for him, its pure annoyance for everyone else. Changing the subject, I decide to ask something else. Possibly more hard hitting. Care to explain your feelings about Henrietta? The expression appearing on his face is priceless. I dont like her. Defensive, are we? Hmm, now what does that mean again? I raise my eyebrows, enjoying every second of my taunt. A small laugh escapes Leightons throat. You guys are so adorable together. Jacob places his book in his pillow, and without fully understanding what Im doing, I copy. We nod at each other, both comprehending the requirements. In unison, we fling our pillows at Leightons scalp of thin hair. Ow! Sweet revenge.


Morning, Leighton. She twists her head around to gaze at me. Cora. Then she twirls her head for the final time. Jacob. She sighs. By the end of this summer, I will have a very sore neck. I cant help smiling at my mums innocent, yet accurate statement. Yawning, I sit up in bed. My hair is knotty, meaning I should run a comb down it, the whole proposal causing my stomach to clench. Walking to the dressing table, I maintain the shrieks at a low volume as the atrocious comb brushes through my mane. Hey, Cora, Frankensteins bride called. Jacob is behind me with crossed arms, grinning and enjoying every second of my discomfort. She wants her hair back. Go jump off a cliff. If it gets me away from you, consider it done. Gritting my teeth, I pretend I dont wish to toss my bookshelf at Jacob. It will be much effective than a pillow. Today, my hockey skills have to be practiced, or rather, recalled. Claudia will test me on the basic techniques and prepare for anything she requests is essential. Grabbing my hockey stick, I head outside in the sun. Our backyard is large enough for a whole game, therefore, I dont worry about not having enough space. Mums so rich, and even though shes a wedding planner, her boss gives us a lot of money. To be honest, my opinion involves Derek fancying her. Who else gives enough money to an employee whos lucky to plan one wedding in a whole decade? Okay, Im exaggerating, but its the bitter feeling spreading through me. Whatcha going to do today, Cora? I turn around to see Leighton. Nothing much. Just going practise some hockey. Wanna play? Sure. But, I suck at it. My brother makes a face. Go easy on me? Isnt that what I always do? Retaining a ball, I position it at the centre of an undersized circle. I notice the next residence over the fence, and immediately recognise it as the Everetts house. No sound of the twins fighting or playing, causing me to question if they decided to spend the day with Alex. It wouldnt be unusual, for this is what they do frequently. However, unlike most older cousins, my best friend enjoys the company of little children. The grass is dehydrated because the sprinklers continue their weekly routine every Monday, meaning, tomorrow will be a near-impossible day to play hockey and expect to run during it. In other words, today is the day I require to attempt at improving my skills. There will be no chance tomorrow. Jacob is sitting on the dirt and ripping up a place of grass on the border between the two elements, watching us as if to memorise every detail, or shoot a before and after photos of us both. Glaring is a much better word, for uninviting him to join in the game. For the slightest minute, I consider allowing him to participate in the brilliant sport.

Before I call him over to contribute, I decide to beat Leighton first, so I have confidence in myself when scoring a goal really counts. Hockey one, we say in union, clashing our sticks in a criss-cross pattern. Hockey two, hockey three. Testing who has the better reflexes to catch the ball and start aiming for the opponents goal, I easily claim an edge to the round, scooping the ball up with a victorious grin forming on the tips of my lips. My hands now contain a stronger grip on the hockey stick, for this is a neutral, unpredictable game, and my brother can thieve the ball away from me within an eye-blink. Leighton doesnt have a singular clue about whats happening, when I strike the ball in between his sockcovered ankles. Sprinting behind him at unbelievable agility I can hardly believe Im capable of, I swerve the ball out of reach as another dumbfounded expression appears on his thin face. Unfortunately, he claims the unfair advantage of being faster than me, as he dashes to the goals at the rapidest speed I ever witnessed a teenage boy run. Softball requires lots of running, which is why hes so expertise at the whole operation. I must smack the ball into the opposing net without him interfering. My heart starts racing without me intending it to The vivid thump startles me every time it strikes can anybody else hear it as clearly as I can? My undiverted attention must be given to my next move, because one centimetre can create a difference in a hockey game. Just one centimetre out of the goals, and the opposing team or in this case, player will claim the ball. If I fail at this game, my brother will never let me forget his victory. No, he will. Its merely me wholl never disremember this match. Straightening my elbows to create extra strength in my upper-arms, I filch a blind shot toward the goals. To my utter horror, Leighton blocks the object with his hockey stick, grinning as he declares victory To nobodys surprise, hes the only human wearing a smile. With the exception of Jacob, of course, but his vile species can never fit into the human category. My now-unbearable twin brother tears to the opposite side and steals a shot with the ball. Goal. Everything has faded into white, as a sudden urge to faint appears right before me. The only colour I see is white, a plain and useless colour which turns out to be my most unfavoured when associating with dizziness and nausea . Hockey is the one thing I can always beat people at, despite of their age, gender and characteristics. As soon as the thought escapes my mind, I now realise the is must be replaced to a was. I was good at hockey before the clique took over my life. Who Im more angry at, I have no clue. The clique for causing me to cut practice so I can shop for unnecessary items, or myself for joining it in first place. Internally, I half-expect Jacob to commence cheering for my brother. After all, hadnt he smiled when my brother blocked my shot from being captured in the net? But he isnt smiling nor cheering for me. Instead, he gazes at me from a distance, seeming almost concerned about my personal life and well-being. Pity merely makes everything worse, as I speed back to my room and barely glimpsing a sight of anything else. Jacob might have the advantages of watching me cry because of his words, but not due to a stupid hockey game.

My face is burning, and although I wouldnt admit it aloud, Ive never been this humiliated in my pathetic life. Leighton has beaten me. Hes the worst hockey player in the planet; someone scarcely knowing the difference between a puck and a ball. Moreover, he beats me. Does this definite what I presume it intends? Although lying to myself is the best option, assuring I wont fail Claudias hockey test, there is no doubt I will. Chances are, shell teach herself a few details from Mr. Taylor before testing me. Even though hes in Fiji, gathering a phone and ringing him shouldnt require a great deal of knowledge and intelligence. Currently, I suffer defeat at a game between my brother and me. What if the leader decides Im not talented enough for the squad? If Jacob doesnt persist assembling my life a misery, the clique will. Hey, Cora? With an apologetic glance, my brother sits next to where I bury my head in my hands. Jacob, not too thoughtful, sits back comfortably in his own bed, but doesnt lift his eyes off me. Wordlessly, his frown deepens in concern as every second ticks by, annoying me slightly. My mouth opens to notify them it has nothing to do with Leighton beating me. Okay, maybe the statement isnt entirely true, but along with it, failing Claudias test is the singular thought on my mind. Is she okay? Jacob finally speaks up, aiming his question to Leighton. Currently, I have my worst enemy checking up on my mental health. Is this how pathetic I look? Pursing my lips but making sure my twin cant see it, I think up countless ways to dismiss this whole incident. Maybe bluffing to Leighton I was going effortless on him, since hes such a breakdown at hockey? The justification wont work for two reasons: Why would I be troubled about losing if I was going easy on him? Wouldnt straighten any confusion, instead, totalling more questions without answers. He will purely challenge me to another game, instructing me to attempt my hardest at winning and not go easy on him. The truth is, I had been trying my hardest, in fact. Only then do I realise that maybe I do stand a chance. What am I doing? A part of me is screaming at myself, positive the clique have brainwashed me. Why arent I such a good sport at losing anymore? What about that time when I was eight, playing for the entire state of Victoria, and then lost against the opposition team? Id missed the ball completely, and although the goalie was responsible for not saving the goal, I shouldve defended my best friend. Even then, I still admitted to defeat but continued to smile ten minutes after the shock. Whats so different now, which was the same back then? Lacking any hint of what Im doing, I let a couple of words escape my mouth. Jacob, can I verse you? The real Coralie would never ask such a daring question, especially to somebody whod never let her live if I lost. That Coralie would just feel the sorrow of losing for five minutes, before heading back to the hockey field and practising before facing anybody else. Just so she could face the world once more. Too bad that Coralie has disappeared. Jacob shrugs in response, picking up my brothers hocky stick and heading out the door before I can sneak another word. But I dont care what he does. Im on the verge of hysteria, thinking my entire life has gone down the thrash.

As if Im worthless and no importance for this life. Hockey is the one thing keeping me from breaking down, but if Im not good at it, then what am I? Just another ordinary human being, with no talent and no life whatsoever? My mind spins at the thought, as I stumble my way out of the door and into the backyard. I cant let myself think like this. I need proof Im not worthless. Confirmation there is a place left for me in this world. Evidence my heart is still beating.

Jacobs brown waves fly in the heavy wind. A warm, tropical breeze follows a signal of summer. You ready, Cora? he asks, obviously not caring about my outcome. Yes, Im okay. We are resting on disconnected parts of the field, in the same, modest ring where Leighton and I held our preceding match. Part of me is aware Jacobs only doing this to torture me, but how I react to his evil ploy depends fully on myself. Accepting my challenge? Yes, maybe Im the person who asked him in first place, but to be honest, yes was the last answer I expected. Actually the second, considering yes and no were the only options in this particular question. Hockey one we say in unison. Hockey two, hockey three! To my horror, Jacob has better reflexes than the two of us, as he nicks the ball before I fully conclude whats happening. A part of me recognises my humiliating failure, but I mangle a smile on my lips anyhow. Admitting malfunction to my opponent will encourage him to boast more frequently than without the reminder. My fingers feel stiff and my heart quickens, nevertheless, from his point of view, Im as light and carefree as sailing on wind. He hasnt won yet. Sprinting over to where hes concerning to strike, I defend the two cones known as the goals. Jacob grumbles internally, but still shows on his exterior, as he wonders why Im faster than him. A small hope glimmers in my heart, as I recognise a way to claim victory. As soon as the ball lifts off the ground, Ill be ready to block it from heading any further in the net. Using my agility as an advantage, Ill dash for Jacobs net before smacking the ball into the goals, while he stares at me, gobsmacked. Coralie, I can easily win this. What surprises me most, I have no clue. How he used my actual name beside the Freckle-face insult, or how apologising and pitiful he sounds. Both definitions are fairly possible, but his small retort shouldnt become a distraction. Thats what he wants, I think to myself. He wants to confuse you. No you cant. Watch me. A smirk plays on his lips, as he states, Your hair still has knots in it. Feeling self-conscious, I reach toward the pinnacle of my hair. Immediately, a foolish feeling spreads through me, because its all he requires me to be; distracted, before he scores a goal. As quickly as possible, I grasp onto my handles. The ball hits the net.


Jacob, you shouldnt have accepted the challenge. Leighton shakes his head. She didnt mean it literally, you know. She thought you wouldnt accept. Well. Pardon me for lacking in mind-reading skills, Jacob replies, folding his arms and ignoring my brothers wise words. My eyes fix on his revolting face, but no thought crosses my intellect. Like hes a sheet of blank, white paper with no marks. Every so often, Jacobs grey eyes grasp mine, but looks away, not before an uncomfortable expression crosses. My third set of iPod headphones plug into my ears, because I cant maintain a pair of headphones without something drastic occurring to them. Being the sly listener I am, the iPod is put on mute, allowing me to eavesdrop on their every word. Of course, they have no clue about this scheme, continuing to chatter as if they cant see me. Yeah? What point? That you can make her feel uncomfortable? Leighton starts snorting into laughter. She kind of figured it out in fifth grade, when you threatened to tell the computer teacher she had the hots for him. Jacob laughs, recalling the entire incident. Yeah, that was legendary. She gave me her lunch money for a whole week. If there were a pillow beside me, it wouldve been thrown directly into his nose. The best thing to fling at annoying people are pillows, considering theres no legal way to be held responsible if damaging the internal contents of their skull. Perhaps thats why I tend to throw them with all possible strength gathered in my arm. A pillow leaves no fingerprints, meaning theyre the best weapons in all situations. I laugh internally as I imagine a robber, dressed in black, a pillow under his arm as a source of weapon. A look of realisation spreads through Leightons face. Oh! So thats why she used to come home and eat a whole loaf of bread! With wide-eyes, Jacob starts laughing. She did that? For a whole week. What a coincidence, eh, Jacob? My brother winks at him. Ursulas invitation to her house appears enhanced by the moment. Nevertheless, five whole days will overtake until Im invited over to her abode. Five days of bonding with these two boys, whore laughing like hyenas as I think? Somebody, get me out of this misery. No signs appear after my silent plea, and its obvious nobody cares about me nor my silent wishes and hopes. With a rather loud exhale, my thoughts wander through all the advantages of becoming famous. Not in high school, but in reality. Individuals positioned in front of my house, flashing pictures of every possible. The world would revolve around me; every headline will be my doing. Best of all, it will get Leighton and Jacob to bow at my feet. Life would be so effortless and simple if everybody can be the same. If no such thing as discrimination exists, and we are all the same. Of course, it will be hard to recognise each other, and thats why we look different.

Also the same reason why other people turn out more beautiful than others. So, the discrimination starts again. Its then I realise I have no idea whats playing on my iPod, except the fact that its my kind of music. Alternative rock. Leighton uses my iPod whenever his one is out of charge, explaining why so many unfamiliar songs are on the music device. I never take them off, for we have similar taste in music, and most of his choices are good. Except when he listens to classical music. Im guessing this is how you spend your days? Jacob speaks up at last, mumbling and biting his fingernails. Now his fingernails have a ragged end, uneven and disgusting. As in, how youre acting right now, I mean. He pauses, before muttering to the pillow in front of him, Such a sore loser. But I heard him. My face burns the darkest shade of scarlet, not bothering to hide all the rage contained inside me. Violence is never the answer, and a punch in the side of Jacobs face is the perfect example of what not to do. Every nerve in my body resists smacking him across his triangular face, praying to knock out all his teeth. But another thought flashes past me, as a weary emotion overcomes. What am I doing? This is how he always acts; cocky and show-offy. Dont let him get to you. Besides, would the real Cora be thinking such violent thoughts? Shed just laugh it off, claiming she was only going easy on him. Oh look, a five cent piece. Within seconds, a chunk of silver metal is thrown at my face. My head jerks in reaction, but to avoid satisfying Jacob with my gritted teeth, I dont revolve. Five cents for the poor. Now go back and work in the kitchen. What a sexist pig. I feel as if Im going to strike him with all my might, just knock a couple of teeth, and then Ill be satisfied. Its so tempting to do exactly that, but I cease myself. Its so easy. So tempting. Just one punch to his head, while I possibly cause whats left of his brain to ooze out through his nose. Instead, I wait patiently. Jacob, youre going too far, Leighton whispers. Look, we both know that youre making this worse than it already is, not her. I dont know anything at all. Heavy footsteps trod out of the room, as I infer its Jacob and his massive, clumsy feet which almost killed the classroom rabbit in third grade. But no word escapes my mouth to try stopping him. The sooner he leaves my life for eternity, the better it will be. Every single day, I wish Id never met him. If it werent for Jacob, my self-esteem wouldnt sink low enough for me to obey somebodys instructions. Hes the reason I harmonise with Claudia. I hate the girl more than cockroaches; and thats certainly saying something, because cockroaches remains as my most loathed animal. Wouldnt my life be easier if he hadnt frightened me in third grade by claiming Liam would beat me up? If the meanest, toughest bully in school wasnt after me because of Jacob, this wouldve never happened. I would still be Coralie Campbell. All those years Ive left myself; making it a near-impossible conclusion to turn back to how things were. To the way I was, because this isnt me. Not a centimetre close to who I am.

Sighing, Leighton takes a seat next to me. He wipes off dust from the floor with a groan; his hands need to be rinsed under soapy warm water before eating, now. Even a single minute of staying clean creates a scowl on his face. Just like Alex. No surprise, really. "Cora, don't you think youre going too far?" "No. Me? What about the two-faced cow with disgusting eyes? What are you even talking about?" "We're not kids anymore. Everybody knows you can beat up Jacob if you really wanted to. And, we all know he'll have no trouble putting you in a hospital bed either." He sighs, burying his cheek in his palm. "Somebody can really get hurt." "It's not going to be me, so why are you worrying?" Letting out a frustrated groan, Leighton says, "Forget it. You just don't understand." Now this is getting out of hand. Of course I can hammer Jacob up without difficultly it's rational. But why is Leighton feeling regretful for him? My archenemy will forever be somebody I abhor, no matter what he does. Some things fuse with me forever. Almost understanding my thoughts, Leighton says, "No, it doesn't have to be that way. Just forget about your childhood, and forgive him like any normal person would." "Let's remind ourselves that you're only a minute older than me. Stop acting like you're a whole decade older." A diminutive fraction of me essentially considers what my brother said. He never says things unless he's confident of them, so there's ought to be compelling reason. It's not him I don't trust it's myself and Jacob. First, I'm sure hell never concur to a treaty. Though I would never confess it aloud, we're both as inflexible as each other. And, the second reason is, I don't believe in myself to maintain the armistice, let alone trust him. This intact thing is far too complex for my liking. On foot to the backyard, I notice a soccer ball left on the soil. Alfred or Nathan must've thrown it above the fence and forgot all about it. Observing the soccer ball, I punt it over the ten-metre fence with ease. But, my feet stings for not wearing any protective footwear, and thongs are unquestionably not on the list. All of a sudden, the ball flings back. Is there somebody else on the other area of the wall? Determined to test my theory, I lash it out once again, over the wall. The person catches it, for there is no sound of a ball dropping on the ground. Soundless. Curiously, I wonder about the possibilities. There arent many people who can boot or chuck a ball that elevated. Maybe it truly is Alfred or Nathan on the other side? However, I contain my uncertainties. Why aren't I hearing the deafening, "Try and catch this, Meathead!" I always do when one of them kicks it? More importantly, their mum isn't there to scold them about it either. It only comes down to one conclusion, being that there is somebody else on the other side of the fence. Chances are, the twins have a guest over. "Hey, who's catching this ball?" I ask, but part of me knows they won't answer. My suspicion proves correct, as a deep chuckle escapes from the other side of the fence. "Guess who?" Although it's a horrible attempt, it resembles a robot the slightest bit.

Inside, I identify it's a he. No girl can kick a ball as distant as I can well, in my school, anyway. Maybe theyre from McKillop, the Christian school in the tiny town of Swan Hill? But McKillop is on the other side of town, and though not impossible, severely unlikely. The sun begins to glisten in the sky, blinding my vision. I kick the ball, but it's a horrifying attempt because the sun is far too brawny. My whole life revolves around hoping people will notice me for who I am, but something strikes me as I consider the person on the other side of the fence. They're just like me in a way, because I can't perceive them and they can't see me in visual terms. But, it's clear we can equally see each other when it comes to qualities. They can kick a ball straight up while I still kick crooked, not being an expert. Qualities. Nobody has to see you to realise your qualities," I whisper to myself, hoping I can digest the words. I feel an emotional trauma casting over me. If Id discovered the tiny detail back when I was ten, because maybe just maybe I wouldnt let Liam Yvonnes words get to me. Sure, they were hurtful, but they stung as much as I let them. If I didnt react to his retorts, Id be completely bullet-proof. Looks dont matter; qualities do. Throwing the ball back, I yell a, "Bye!" at the inexplicable human being, knowing theyll encompass enough common sense to uphold the ball on their side. They have no evidence about my strange discovery.

"Cora, how are you, Sweetie?" My mum is stirs the cake mixture. One advantage of having a wedding planner for a mother is how they make perfect cakes. "Did you and Jacob have a fight?" I can't imagine why she isn't used to it. Hasn't it been occurring ever since he threw my favourite emerald hat into the boys' toilet and never returned it? "I'm good, thanks, Mum. And no, we didn't have a fight." Judging by my mum's smirk, I discern she isn't fooled by my effort to shove her off track. Shes never fooled when it comes down to my individual business, causing me to realise how much we think alike. If she had a worst enemy, I'm positive she would've done identical things to the ones I have. Inside, I connive my revenge against Jacob Taylor. Maybe Ill have to cut off my fingers in order to get revenge on him, but I'm enthusiastic to do whatever it takes. Blazing his mattress is the faultless vengeance, but since its ours, it wouldn't be a well-dressed idea. Imagining my mum's shrieks of dismay makes shudders run down my spine it's something I can do without. Kicking off my thongs, I amble back to my room, preparing to lie there for all of eternity. Maybe I should get my hockey stick? Yes, I need all the practice I can get. "Cora, don't go in there!" The urgency in Jacob's voice caused a slight frown to appear on my face. "No, really, don't." More reason why I should go there. I establish to turn the silver doorknob, but Leighton's voice stops me. He scampers down the hallway, puffing as he catches his breath. He's carrying a large jar of something what is it, glue? "For once in your life, listen to him!" This is prefect. What better revenge than walking into an area when they don't want any visitors? Turning the doorknob, I open the door but Jacob slams it shut before I gaze at the room. "If you walk into that room, I will kiss you." Staggering a couple of steps back, I mightnt ever be capable of setting foot in the room again. But it's still my room. They can't obtain it over without informing me first. Then, I realise Jacob won't ever kiss me not if we are the last people on Earth. I can't let blackmailing ruin my life, and its why I articulate the most disgusting thing ever. "Go ahead," I say, standing in front of the door. "This is my room. You can't stop me from going in." It's Jacob's turn to appear shocked as a look of horror spreads through his face. "Fine," he says, leaning so nearby our noses almost touch. "Argh!" I can't stand it any longer as I scuttle to the kitchen, feeling more terrified than ever. I don't think I've ever felt so scared about a boy. "You're such a lunatic! Take your pills!" Racing to the kitchen, I sit down at the dinner table, even though Mum doesn't call anything out. She's at the stove, stirring a mixture of a sweet-smelling meal, but doesn't seem to notice my existence. She starts humming an unknown song, and I guess its historic music. Covering my ears with my hands, I realise its pop music. The dreaded genre sent by the devil.

Mum half-yelps as she sees me. Thank goodness, the pot full of steaming contents doesnt drop from her hands. Cora, what a surprise. Translation: Dont you ever scare me like that again. Go and call everybody down, theyre going to be late. Feeling a tinge of nervousness, I wobble my head. No, I dont want to face them. What am I supposed to say? Im scared to call them just in case Jacob tries to kiss me again? Oh, that would lower her teasing for sure. For some reason, Mum doesnt say anything to this, and just raises her eyebrows. This annoys me, because she is obviously imagines things shes not supposed to think about. Gulping, I wonder how many times the horrible thoughts spread through her mind. Just thinking about the options makes my stomach clench. Dinners ready! Mum yells, still not saying a word to me. Almost immediately, the two boys drop what theyre doing and rush to the dining table. Eyeing the food with hunger, they sit down before I can count to three. With a knife and fork they dig into their meals, not looking up for a single second. Unlike them, I prefer to eat my food in peace. Every mouthful is slow and chewed up properly before digested. Mum copies me, making sure not to eat every mouthful like its the last one she will ever receive. Plastering a weak smile on her mouth, she watches the boys with the same expression I had earlier where do they learn their manners? That was great food. Thank you, Mrs. Campbell. Jacob wipes his mouth with the most charming smile he can manage. Im sure my mum doesnt fall for it, but she doesnt say anything. Im sure that I will like staying here. That makes one of us, I say under my breath. What was that, Coralie? Jacob uses his hand to bring part of his earlobe forward. I couldnt quite catch that. He starts to annoy very badly. Every retort he mutters against me is enough to send currents of anger shooting through my body. But, now he pulls the plug by clattering his teeth in the same way he did when he bullied me. It resembles the braces I used to wear. Not hesitating, I take a little bit of broccoli from my plate and throw it at him. Mum shoots a dangerous look at me, before babbling apologies at Jacob. He wipes at his shorts with the napkin hes originally supposed to wear, but didnt because hes too much of a pig. Two can play at that game. Before I know it, a piece of chicken is stuck in my hair. I look at a smirking Jacob, pretending that I dont want to throw a tomato at his ugly face. Shooting him a grimace, I continue to eat my food. Mum wont approve of pieces of food stuck in his hair, so I back away. Unfortunately, he doesnt. All of a sudden, a couple of pieces of corn are thrown at my mouth. It was such a quick speed, that if I had blinked for even a moment, I wouldve missed it all. There are droplets of water from the boiled corn on the edge of my mouth and a few on my nose. Im going to get him back for this.

Picking up a piece of chicken, I take a blind shot. Its a very good shot, because it ends up in his hair, which he spent putting gel on in the morning. There is a mixture of not-again and you-are-grounded-Coralie from my mums expression, but I ignore it. He started it. We throw food at each other for the next ten minutes, forgetting an adult witnesses the whole event. Leighton joins in with us, because it must look like so much fun. But Im not doing this for fun Im doing this for revenge. And if Jacob does it for the same reason, he has no logical reason. Ive never done a single thing to him except kicking his signed football in the shed when I was younger, but that was an accident. Okay, go to your bedrooms. Mum sighs, when we finally give up. Dereks coming tomorrow. Oh, so thats why she is acting so nice. Both Leighton and my faces turn solemn, because nobody wants their life ruined by being reminded their Mums horrible fianc is coming over to the house. Three weeks is nowhere near enough time to get used to having a father, and Mum knows it. Thats why she tries to buy our trust by letting us get away with anything. We arent children anymore, and can sense how he hates us. Heck, he tried locking me up the last time he came over, telling Mum that it would be better for the family. Sighing, I make my way over to my room. Leighton and Jacob block my way once again. What is it with boys and their paranoid selves? I think in disgust. Dont they have any other life besides keeping me out of my own bedroom? Theyre guarding the room like theres something behind it. Hey, Jake, we dont have to do this. Its fixed, isnt it? Jacob looks puzzled, but then a wave of realisation spreads through him. Oh! Yeah, okay. We fixed it. What did you break? Thats the question I want an answer to. Rolling my eyes, I march into the room. Theres nothing wrong with anything. The house looks un-burnt, so its clearly a good sign. Dont worry, Cora. They havent burnt your house down. I snort to myself. Yet. Walking around the cupboard, I stare through it to certify nothing is absent. I dont think anything is missing, but its just a thorough estimate. Internally, I identify I have to ensure every inch of the cupboard in order to discover misplaced items. But I dont care. Bringing all of the contents out of my closet, I discover myself in a huge mess. However, I need to find out what that fixed item is, because I havent broken anything to establish with. There are millions of books underneath the pile of clothes. Last seasons clothes, which Claudia would faint if she observed. The thing is, I cant afford to have Mum spend so much on a piece of clothing lasting no more than three months. Which is why I tell them Im poor, when we have a large two-story house. Of course, they have no idea where I live, except what street its on. And, I dont plan on telling them anytime soon, unless I want them to chase after me with a chainsaw for the rest of my natural life. No, its better to keep my mouth shut than risk anything happening. Cora, its nothing. Just go to sleep. All of a sudden, I realise that my hockey stick isnt there. Where has it gone? They couldnt have You broke my hockey stick? I yell at the top of my lungs. I can hear a scatter of feet from outside the door, and assume its Mum wondering what is going on. But I dont care about people questioning my sanity. What did you do to it?

Its okay! He looks more shocked than I do. Ive got it right here." He picks up a hockey stick. Looking at it, I feel like crying and throwing a riot. Whatever he did to "fix" it, didn't work. There is a clear long crack where the stick had originally broken in half. I know it will never be able to be used again. I throw Jacob a death glare. He swallows, before taking a hesitant step back. This was the hockey stick my father gave me when I was eleven, my first ticket toward my entire future. This is object which started my whole life. And here it is, although no shattered, clearly not able to be used again. "Oh, look. Jacob, it's bed time already," Leighton states. Before I know it, both boys are in their bed. Trying to keep away from my clutches is going to be more of a challenge than they ever imagined. What were they doing in first place? Were they going through my things to try and get something personal? Or were they intending on breaking my hockey stick so I can never play with luck and Dad on my side? No, Leighton wouldn't do that. I open my mouth, wanting to ask the million-dollar question, but I stop myself. "Look, I'm sorry, Cora. No hard feelings?" It doesn't take me long to think about it. "No, of course not, Jacob," I lie as well as I can. Let the war begin.

"So, that's why chess is better than checkers." Alex smiles at me, and I pretend to understand every word he says. This is one of the few moments I regret going over to his house. His usual competitive mood is ruining my life, especially when the simple statement "Let's play checkers today" can cause an entire hour's worth of lectures. It's a temptation to block my ears from his chatting, because he talks to me like a mental patient suffering from amnesia. Sighing, I identify I should be grateful for him saving my life. Getting me away from Jacob is a favour so big, it cannot be equally repaid. "Ah, that's nice." I fake a smile. "Chess it is." He grins, dragging his chessboard over to me. There is no need to set up the game, because everything is in place. It sits on the top of the table, and from his point of view, there must be some "ray of light" shining on it. Of course, I can't see it. We play the same game every single time, and it always has the same results. I try, I fail, he doesn't try, he wins. Sometimes, trying seems to be a waste of time. "So, how're you and Jacob getting along?" he asks, moving one of the pawns a two-steps forward. Oh sure. Go first. I'm sure that I don't mind. "Not too well," I say. Then, something strikes me. Alex, though some sort of geek, is amazing with pranks. So professional, that the last time I slept over at his house, he somehow convinced me a spider lived in the toilet. Being only seven years old, I believed every word. Now I know what an idiot I was. Spiders can't swim, and if they can, they don't have gills to breathe underwater. "No surprise there. So, has he told you yet?" I frown. "Told me what?" "Why he's so mean to you." Shaking my head, it strikes me how curious I am. Why was he so cruel to me all of those years? The question never found itself in my mind until now. Back then, I thought it was only because he had a cold heart, and made sure to make everyone's life miserable. But, he's so nice to Alex and Leighton, there has to be a small tinge of goodness in his soul. Even if its buried under many layers of pure evilness, which is reserved especially for me. Alex purses his lips like he has given away too much. "Woops. Sorry. Go and ask him, 'cause I'm not telling you anything." A faint smile appears on my face, as I lunge forward at Alex. "Don't tickle me!" he yells, realising that I know his weakness. He rushes to his small bedroom, jumping on the bouncy bed and scampering to the far corner. "Please, don't."

Normally, if hes anybody else, I would tickle him to his doom. But this is a friend I'm talking about. Friends don't tickle each other to their fatal ends at least, I hope not, because I let most of my friends live. I even prefer them living a long time, call me crazy. There's no knowing what would happen if I tickled Alex, because he's crazy enough to try and kiss me if I don't stop. The last thing I want is a kiss from Alex, especially since neither of us shares any romantic interests in each other. "You kissed Ian, didn't you?" the annoying voice in my head retorts. "And he was totally a part of your romantic interests, isn't he?" Shut up, you annoying voice. "Fine, I won't. You can get up," I say, laughing. "Honestly, get up." Taking a blue and white striped pillow from his bed, he walks up cautiously, keeping his entire face except his eyes hidden. Gulping, he walks across the room imitating the waddle of a penguin, shuffling across the wooden, lightbrown floor. Of course, he realises it's polished until it's too late, ending up falling on his back. With a cry for help, he's left on the floor, his body sprawled out at an odd angle. Shaking my head at his idiocy, I grab his hand before hauling him up. He looks at me with his nose in the air. "I meant to do that." "I would love to believe you." I grin, wiping my hand on my red shorts. Alex's hands are always sweaty, even though he's not active. Personally, I think it's to do with the radiating heat off the laptop. "But, I don't." Rolling his eyes, he sits down at his computer. "Were you going to ask me something that needs resources? Let's say, revenge?" Astonished, I look at him. He just smirks, with an "I know what you're thinking, so don't hide it from me. Gulping, I wonder if he is serious when he says that. There are black bits of dust on the wooden floor, and I wonder when it was last cleaned. Some of the pitch-black dust has makes itself up the cream walls, making me realise how useful it will be for a prank. Of course, it will cause a fair bit of shrieks from Mum, but not everybody can be one-hundred percent happy, right? Alex types the word "pranks" into the search engine. There are a million results, so there are other people who don't have a life either. The thought makes me feel normal, so I like the feeling. A lot of results start with "shoot them," and as much as I would love to do that, it would just mean Alex losing one of the only friends he ever had. I can't do that to him, especially since I already avoid him. "Look at this one." He points to the computer screen. "It sounds pretty good." Funny Mobile Phone Prank Change your name in one of your friends mobile phone to someone like their boyfriend/girlfriend/crush or mum. Then ring them while sitting next to them. The persons name will come up on the screen. Dont say anything and hang up after a few seconds. Do it quite a few times. Then either own up and watch their face or dont tell them but change your name back secretly and do it again next time your with them. If you dont own up itll be hilarious as well to watch the persons whose name you used denying they didnt keep prank calling your friend!!!!!

He's right. This does sound very good, and it doesn't mention the word "kill them" just once. Definitely a good sign, and I know that Mum will be pleased with the results. Not really, but its either that or murder. So the first thing I need to do, is get Jacob's mobile and put my number in. Of course, he doesn't have my number why would I give him my number? That makes it even better, because he won't be able to recognize it. "Wanna do this one?" I say, sounding eager. "C'mon, let's go over to my house." "Okay. I'll just ask Mum first." I like that thing about Alex. Being a teenager hasn't gotten to his head yet, and still respects his parent's opinions. Walking up to his mum, he shoots her the sweetest smile he can manage. It doesn't look too convincing from my point of view, so I wonder what it looks like from his mum's point of view. "Alexa Russel, what do you want this time?" Alex tries not to scowl at the mention of his real name. When he was younger, his mum made an enormous mistake by promising to name him after his grandma. She was so sure he would be a girl, so imagine her shock when a "beautiful" baby boy was born into her arms. Desperate to keep everybody happy, the boy was named "Alexa" and "Alex" for short. The cigarettes got a kick out of his grandmother, so there wasn't much point keeping that promise. "Well, I was just wondering if I can go over to Cora's house?" He crosses his fingers behind his back. "Please?" Mrs. Russel rolls her light-brown eyes as far as they can go. She's stirring mixture of chocolate cake in a steel bowl, and there is specks of chocolate cake mixture on her pale face. Using her wrist, she pushes some of her blond curls from her face. "Okay. I trust her. Just, don't annoy Mrs. Campbell too much, okay?" A smile forms on my face. It's so obvious his parents don't approve of my parents. It's no secret, really. The way her tongue is on the edge of venom whenever one of us mentions her name. "Okay, let's go," I say, grabbing his arm and directing him out the front door, but not before throwing my red and black backpack on my back. The living room is quite casual, but a little darker than normal rooms. It's all the same, with light walls, a grandfather clock in the corner, and a large television in the other corner. Not to mention, the black, leather sofas make a huge difference as well. Neat and perfect. Every detail is spectacular, almost like it cannot be man-made. But, having a professional interior designer for a mother comes in handy for Alex. "Cora, you do realise you owe me big time for this, right?" He grins, holding out his hand. "Cough it up." "Will grapes make a difference?" Pulling out a small container, I open the lid to reveal large, light-green grapes. "C'mon, you know it will." "Yeah, okay, it will." He takes the whole container, receiving a scowl from me. Taking a grape from his hand, I hold it up. "Catch!" I throw the grape straight up in the air, and enjoy watching the panic on his face as he tries to retrieve his favourite food. Unfortunately, he catches it too easily, making me sigh. Picking out another grape from his hand, I toss it at his mouth. Again, he catches it with ease. Sometimes, I wonder if he's a secretly trained ninja.

"Let's hurry." Trailing behind him, I commence wondering how long before he runs out of breath. But I don't state anything. Instead, I keep on jogging behind him. He starts to run out of breath, his face turning the slightest bit green. He doesn't say or do anything --just arrives at my house like it's no big deal. Watching my two-storied house, I grin. That's the quickest I've ever arrived home I'm that desperate to have my revenge on Jacob. Sneaking to my room, I realise that they're still there. Leighton and Jacob are playing video games on the beds; there is no way I can sneak his mobile phone away. We need a distraction. "I'll set up something with your mum," Alex whispers in a voice so low, it's impossible for anybody else to hear. "For now, do something else." Nodding, I trust his word when he says he will gather up a distraction. For now, I sit awkwardly on the side of my bed, wishing the boys would look up and realise I exist. Another part of me is slapping myself for thinking such a stupid thing isn't it good that they are distracted? "Lunch is ready!" Alex says. I can almost hear my mum frowning, telling him that it is nowhere near ready. But it's enough for both boys to get up and sniff the air. Then, almost like a charm, they rush out of the door before I can blink. Boys will always be boys, and I feel sick just thinking about it. Alex is probably in the kitchen, saying things to the boys. Maybe even arguing that the lunch is ready, when it isn't. Of course, he will win. Not missing another second, I creep to Jacob's bed, where a silver, shiny mobile phone lies. Picking it up, I add another phone number to the list. Then, I put Henriettas name next to it. Its enough for Jacob to release tears of joy, because a girl thinks he's alive. Placing the mobile phone back in its place, I get a book from the bookshelf and pretend to read it. I have my mobile phone beside me, ready to use for the next prank. This is going to be epic.

"I can't believe lunch isn't ready." Jacob comes into the room, slamming the door. He pouts to the best of his ability, but I'm positive nobody believes him. "I mean, I'm starving! What kind of people let me starve?" People with common sense, I think. Jacob picks up a book from his bed, and he begins reading straight away, all of a sudden forgetting about his video game. Surprise there. Leighton follows him with a grin, but he catches my eye. He's suspicious, and it's obvious he will figure out what I'm up to. Having a twin brother interfering with my existence isn't my choice of life. My brother jumps onto his bed, and resumes playing his video game. But, the smirk still hasn't left his face. The one that screams, I know what you're up to," making me feel guilty and irritated at the same time. Only then do I realise my book is upside down. I could've slapped myself right then, but I turn it the right way around before anybody can notice anything. Some spy I am. Of course, that's what Leighton is smirking about; now Ive just made my whole scheme more obvious than ever. My mobile phone is sitting right next to me, like I want it to be. But, now's not the time to start playing the prank. Especially since Leighton's in the room and suspecting something. Chances are, he'll tell Jacob about my little plot, and my whole life will be ruined by Jacob trying to plough revenge against me. All I need, is to get Leighton out of the room. Honestly, I would make Alex race to their lunch again, but that would be stupid. Whenever the word "lunch" comes in, both boys will rush to the kitchen at their best speed. My archenemy won't have the mobile phone with him. What I need, is something only Leighton would run for, but Jacob will remain in his place. Alex comes into the room, carrying a plate of chocolate ice cream. I want to throw up right then, because who eats chocolate ice cream in the first place? Leighton eyes the plate with a glint in his eye, as he races out through the door before anybody can stop him. Knowing him, he's going to stay in the living room and watch some television, shoving mouthfuls of the disgusting flavour in his mouth. Just thinking about it brought shivers down my spine. "Aren't you going to have some ice cream?" Alex digs his spoon in his bowl, before scoffing it down in one bite. "No." Jacob wrinkles his nose. "I hate chocolate. Vanilla's the best." Right then, nothing can be weirder. The fact that Jacob and I have something in common is too much for me to digest, making it difficult to hold my stomach together. Oh, the joys of having a worst enemy living in the same house as me it really doesn't get any better than this, does it? What if we turn out to be related? Wed be sitting together in a hammock, picking spinach from our teeth with a fork. Of course, Mrs. Taylor would scold us for wasting perfectly good cutlery, but I cant make everyone happy. Heck, I cant even please myself. Its amazing how many times Ive thought of giving Jacob a gentle push out of the window, landing on his back and howling in pain.

It's then I realise now's the perfect time to strike and burn him. I mean, there is no Leighton, and Alex is here to convince him otherwise if Jacob gets a little suspicious. Making sure he doesn't see the mobile phone, I start to put my plan into action. This is a lame prank, maybe, but itll give leave me on the verge of satisfaction. My hockey stick is something which I cant disremember, and to the best of my ability, Ill certify Jacob shares the same feeling. Trying not to laugh, I press dial on my phone. Like a charm, Jacob's phone starts buzzing. I look at him in horror as I realise his ringtone is one of Beethoven's classic symphonies. Of course hed choose something classical and completely out of fashion. After all, this boy cant listen to pop music for more than thirty seconds before screaming. Immediately, my mind switches back to the disco held last year, where Jacob sprinted out of the room and bite his lip to cease from yelling. He bites his lip as he picks up the phone, and nearly falls off the bed. "A-alex? Henrietta's calling me." He gulps, licking his cracked lips, which never met a tube of lip-gloss. "How does she have my number?" Oh no. I completely forgot about that part. How am I supposed to explain the question? If I tell him I gave Henrietta his number, he will ask me how I got it. Now that's something I don't want to face. Going to school is bad enough, but with him thinking I'm in "love" with him, my life will be worse than a witchs. "Uh, 'cause I gave it to her." Alex licks his lips, but is a smooth liar, so he doesn't need to worry. "I didn't want to tell you, because you'd say no." Jacob scowls, but looks at the ringing phone in a daze. All of a sudden, his eyes dart to me, and I feel like I've failed my mission. Any moment now, he's going to confront me I just know he is. "Give me your phone, Freckleface." Being a good actor has its advantages, as I put on a puzzled expression. Jacob doesn't look like he can put up with patience, and that's a warning that I should stop playing this game right now. Instead, it just makes my insides feel all mushy, as I try to find another way around. Then I find it. Jacob has no idea what my mobile looks like. Maybe I can trick him into believing there is some other mobile phone is mine. Instantly, my old mobile phone flashes into my mind. Perhaps this little trick might work on my gullible "friend." It's worth a shot, as I get up from my bed, making sure my real phone is hidden. "Oh. Sure, I'll look for it." I put the book on the shelf, with the mobile phone inside. Searching through the drawers, I find the old mobile I've been looking for. Flinging it into the air, I hope that Jacob can catch it. His phone has stopped ringing now, even more for my benefit. Of course, he will get even more suspicious. "Lemme check." My heart sinks as he redials the number. Unfortunately, I haven't thought of what would happen if he dares to redial the number. I don't need this right now, and when he presses redial, I'm doomed. But not if I can stop my phone ringing. Slowly, I get my book and put my phone to silent.

When the phone doesn't ring, Jacob goes through a panic attack. "See, told you that it wasn't me." I can't help smirking a little. "Hold on, is this even your real phone?" "No. It has my name on the side, so that's why it's Leighton's." I roll my eyes, hoping to fool him. "Look, Einstein, that's my phone. Why Henrietta would call you, I have no idea." Jacob just gawks at me like I'm a freak. Which would be false, considering he's the freak. Maybe I'm so normal that it shocks him? It's obvious by the way his lips press into a thin line that he doesn't believe my lie. Now it's up to Alex to make him believe something which isnt true. Oh God, help me. My best friend cant even convince a fly theyre a spider without turning red and white and splotchy all over, and then rushing out with arms waving like a maniac. "Jacob, that's Henrietta's number. Call her actual number if you don't believe me." Right then, I would've buried my head away in shame. How can Alex suggest such a thing? Doesn't he know what will happen if Jacob figures out this isn't her number? My life would be as good as over, and I would have to dye my hair a icky colour before moving to the jungles of Africa. "One question." Jacob grimaces, still not believing either of us. "How is Henrietta's name in this mobile phone? I have to put her name beside her number for it to display her name." Jacob darts his grey eyes to me, sighing. "You have something to do with this, Freckleface?" "Um, didn't you see Henrietta's new mobile?" I sigh, shaking my head as if Jacob has gone bananas. "It's one of those ones where she can put her name on any mobile without the other person adding them." I know I have one last shot to make sure not to be discovered. "Duh, Jacob. She uses that phone." Jacob looks like he's actually considering what I'm saying. Thankfully, he's the kind of boy who gets things without what comes with it. The spoiled type, whom gets things they never ask for, nor do they need them. I guess its one of the advantages of being the only child in a family. The centre of attention. "Oh. And, how do you know that?" Jacob sneers. "Last time I heard, you're ignoring them. Pretending that they're not there." "They're my friends." "Of course. And so are the perfect sculptured fakes you call your 'best friends.'" Jacob bares his teeth. Suddenly, the subject isn't about Henrietta anymore. Instead, it's about my friends and I, who Jacob hates without reason. Why does he hate them? What do they have in common strong enough to trigger hatred? Inside, I shake my head, wondering what they did. Weirdly enough, this is one of those things I can't argue with he has it pretty much spot on, and he knows it. I hate being like this, and they are nowhere near "best friends." Yet, I put up with them.

"They're not fake. I like them for who they are." "Will you just stop it?" Jacob hands are shaking, and the only time they quiver is when he's mad. "Stop pretending that you know everything, and just have a look at the world around you. What happened to you?" What happened to me? That's the question that whirls my mind, confusing me more than ever. What happened to me? Suddenly, it seems like I would never find the answer to this question. Because, I don't know how to survive without them. They're like my guardian angels, catching me when I'm falling. Honestly, they're the reason why I go to school everyday I can't imagine what would happen if I didn't have them. Right now, I feel tired and frustrated, but more at myself than Jacob. I have no idea what he's babbling on about, but a small part of me knows its something I don't need to know. My life will be much safer if I never discover the true meaning behind his words. They might be hurtful actually, I know they're going to be hurtful. Isn't it what he has done for the last few years of my life? Alex crosses his arms, looking down and pretending I'm not here. Trying to remember the last time I felt alone, no memories can be found. He's always here to defend me when there is a fight, and he has never failed. But why is he giving up on me now? Especially when it's with Jacob? Because you betrayed him. No, that's crazy. I don't betray people. Just because I ignore him in public doesn't mean I betrayed him. If I betrayed him, I wouldn't be listening to his rambling about how "chess is better than checkers. That doesn't make me a betrayer. It doesn't. It's then I realise I'm trying to convince myself more than the voice in my head. The small recorder is sitting on the side of my bed, but hidden with covers for anybody to notice its existence. No matter what people say, I have a mission to spy on Jacob Taylor. Claudia is counting on me, and I can't let her down because some idiot doesn't think my friends are real. Since when did I start caring about what he thinks? No, I can't let him interfere with my task. "Nothing's happened to me. I'm still the same Coralie you knew in prep." Jacob snorts, and even I know I'm fooling myself. But, what am I supposed to say? This whole incident reminds me why I need to focus on what I'm doing than anything else. Pursing my lips, I know I will have to record Jacob, no matter how it "interferes with privacy." He's the reason I have a chance to become leader. No, I have to do this for Beth. And even though Tanya's being nice, there's no knowing how long it will last. Frowning, I watch as Jacob walks over to my shelf. Picking up the book I'm reading, he takes the phone out from the middle of it. My heart immediately stops, making me suffer a near-death experience with panic. He holds it up and looks at me with a smirk forming on his face, one screaming, "Can you see that? Huh, well, can you? I'm smarter than you!" "Oh, and you forgot to put it out of silent." He changes my settings around so it has full volume when it rings.

"Look at the time." Alex looks at his wrist, and then frowns when he realises there's no watch. "Well, I better get going." With one last, small smile, he leaves the building without a trace. "Weird kid," Jacob says. "You tell me." Jacob hands the phone to me, and then comes up so close his whisper tickles my ear. For the second time in two days, I know my life is about to be over. Even if I'm lucky enough to have a headstone built for me, there's always Jacob to chop it into pieces with a butcher's knife. "Two can play at that game. I'd be watching my back if I were you." With a wink that makes me swallow, he's gone.

"I can't believe lunch isn't ready." Jacob comes into the room, slamming the door. He pouts to the best of his ability, but I'm positive nobody believes him. "I mean, I'm starving! What kind of people let me starve?" People with common sense, I think. Jacob picks up a book from his bed, and he begins reading straight away, all of a sudden forgetting about his video game. Surprise there. Leighton follows him with a grin, but he catches my eye. He's suspicious, and it's obvious he will figure out what I'm up to. Having a twin brother interfering with my existence isn't my choice of life. My brother jumps onto his bed, and resumes playing his video game. But, the smirk still hasn't left his face. The one that screams, I know what you're up to," making me feel guilty and irritated at the same time. Only then do I realise my book is upside down. I could've slapped myself right then, but I turn it the right way around before anybody can notice anything. Some spy I am. Of course, that's what Leighton is smirking about; now Ive just made my whole scheme more obvious than ever. My mobile phone is sitting right next to me, like I want it to be. But, now's not the time to start playing the prank. Especially since Leighton's in the room and suspecting something. Chances are, he'll tell Jacob about my little plot, and my whole life will be ruined by Jacob trying to plough revenge against me. All I need, is to get Leighton out of the room. Honestly, I would make Alex race to their lunch again, but that would be stupid. Whenever the word "lunch" comes in, both boys will rush to the kitchen at their best speed. My archenemy won't have the mobile phone with him. What I need, is something only Leighton would run for, but Jacob will remain in his place. Alex comes into the room, carrying a plate of chocolate ice cream. I want to throw up right then, because who eats chocolate ice cream in the first place? Leighton eyes the plate with a glint in his eye, as he races out through the door before anybody can stop him. Knowing him, he's going to stay in the living room and watch some television, shoving mouthfuls of the disgusting flavour in his mouth. Just thinking about it brought shivers down my spine. "Aren't you going to have some ice cream?" Alex digs his spoon in his bowl, before scoffing it down in one bite. "No." Jacob wrinkles his nose. "I hate chocolate. Vanilla's the best." Right then, nothing can be weirder. The fact that Jacob and I have something in common is too much for me to digest, making it difficult to hold my stomach together. Oh, the joys of having a worst enemy living in the same house as me it really doesn't get any better than this, does it? What if we turn out to be related? Wed be sitting together in a hammock, picking spinach from our teeth with a fork. Of course, Mrs. Taylor would scold us for wasting perfectly good cutlery, but I cant make everyone happy. Heck, I cant even please myself. Its amazing how many times Ive thought of giving Jacob a gentle push out of the window, landing on his back and howling in pain.

It's then I realise now's the perfect time to strike and burn him. I mean, there is no Leighton, and Alex is here to convince him otherwise if Jacob gets a little suspicious. Making sure he doesn't see the mobile phone, I start to put my plan into action. This is a lame prank, maybe, but itll give leave me on the verge of satisfaction. My hockey stick is something which I cant disremember, and to the best of my ability, Ill certify Jacob shares the same feeling. Trying not to laugh, I press dial on my phone. Like a charm, Jacob's phone starts buzzing. I look at him in horror as I realise his ringtone is one of Beethoven's classic symphonies. Of course hed choose something classical and completely out of fashion. After all, this boy cant listen to pop music for more than thirty seconds before screaming. Immediately, my mind switches back to the disco held last year, where Jacob sprinted out of the room and bite his lip to cease from yelling. He bites his lip as he picks up the phone, and nearly falls off the bed. "A-alex? Henrietta's calling me." He gulps, licking his cracked lips, which never met a tube of lip-gloss. "How does she have my number?" Oh no. I completely forgot about that part. How am I supposed to explain the question? If I tell him I gave Henrietta his number, he will ask me how I got it. Now that's something I don't want to face. Going to school is bad enough, but with him thinking I'm in "love" with him, my life will be worse than a witchs. "Uh, 'cause I gave it to her." Alex licks his lips, but is a smooth liar, so he doesn't need to worry. "I didn't want to tell you, because you'd say no." Jacob scowls, but looks at the ringing phone in a daze. All of a sudden, his eyes dart to me, and I feel like I've failed my mission. Any moment now, he's going to confront me I just know he is. "Give me your phone, Freckleface." Being a good actor has its advantages, as I put on a puzzled expression. Jacob doesn't look like he can put up with patience, and that's a warning that I should stop playing this game right now. Instead, it just makes my insides feel all mushy, as I try to find another way around. Then I find it. Jacob has no idea what my mobile looks like. Maybe I can trick him into believing there is some other mobile phone is mine. Instantly, my old mobile phone flashes into my mind. Perhaps this little trick might work on my gullible "friend." It's worth a shot, as I get up from my bed, making sure my real phone is hidden. "Oh. Sure, I'll look for it." I put the book on the shelf, with the mobile phone inside. Searching through the drawers, I find the old mobile I've been looking for. Flinging it into the air, I hope that Jacob can catch it. His phone has stopped ringing now, even more for my benefit. Of course, he will get even more suspicious. "Lemme check." My heart sinks as he redials the number. Unfortunately, I haven't thought of what would happen if he dares to redial the number. I don't need this right now, and when he presses redial, I'm doomed. But not if I can stop my phone ringing. Slowly, I get my book and put my phone to silent.

When the phone doesn't ring, Jacob goes through a panic attack. "See, told you that it wasn't me." I can't help smirking a little. "Hold on, is this even your real phone?" "No. It has my name on the side, so that's why it's Leighton's." I roll my eyes, hoping to fool him. "Look, Einstein, that's my phone. Why Henrietta would call you, I have no idea." Jacob just gawks at me like I'm a freak. Which would be false, considering he's the freak. Maybe I'm so normal that it shocks him? It's obvious by the way his lips press into a thin line that he doesn't believe my lie. Now it's up to Alex to make him believe something which isnt true. Oh God, help me. My best friend cant even convince a fly theyre a spider without turning red and white and splotchy all over, and then rushing out with arms waving like a maniac. "Jacob, that's Henrietta's number. Call her actual number if you don't believe me." Right then, I would've buried my head away in shame. How can Alex suggest such a thing? Doesn't he know what will happen if Jacob figures out this isn't her number? My life would be as good as over, and I would have to dye my hair a icky colour before moving to the jungles of Africa. "One question." Jacob grimaces, still not believing either of us. "How is Henrietta's name in this mobile phone? I have to put her name beside her number for it to display her name." Jacob darts his grey eyes to me, sighing. "You have something to do with this, Freckleface?" "Um, didn't you see Henrietta's new mobile?" I sigh, shaking my head as if Jacob has gone bananas. "It's one of those ones where she can put her name on any mobile without the other person adding them." I know I have one last shot to make sure not to be discovered. "Duh, Jacob. She uses that phone." Jacob looks like he's actually considering what I'm saying. Thankfully, he's the kind of boy who gets things without what comes with it. The spoiled type, whom gets things they never ask for, nor do they need them. I guess its one of the advantages of being the only child in a family. The centre of attention. "Oh. And, how do you know that?" Jacob sneers. "Last time I heard, you're ignoring them. Pretending that they're not there." "They're my friends." "Of course. And so are the perfect sculptured fakes you call your 'best friends.'" Jacob bares his teeth. Suddenly, the subject isn't about Henrietta anymore. Instead, it's about my friends and I, who Jacob hates without reason. Why does he hate them? What do they have in common strong enough to trigger hatred? Inside, I shake my head, wondering what they did. Weirdly enough, this is one of those things I can't argue with he has it pretty much spot on, and he knows it. I hate being like this, and they are nowhere near "best friends." Yet, I put up with them.

"They're not fake. I like them for who they are." "Will you just stop it?" Jacob hands are shaking, and the only time they quiver is when he's mad. "Stop pretending that you know everything, and just have a look at the world around you. What happened to you?" What happened to me? That's the question that whirls my mind, confusing me more than ever. What happened to me? Suddenly, it seems like I would never find the answer to this question. Because, I don't know how to survive without them. They're like my guardian angels, catching me when I'm falling. Honestly, they're the reason why I go to school everyday I can't imagine what would happen if I didn't have them. Right now, I feel tired and frustrated, but more at myself than Jacob. I have no idea what he's babbling on about, but a small part of me knows its something I don't need to know. My life will be much safer if I never discover the true meaning behind his words. They might be hurtful actually, I know they're going to be hurtful. Isn't it what he has done for the last few years of my life? Alex crosses his arms, looking down and pretending I'm not here. Trying to remember the last time I felt alone, no memories can be found. He's always here to defend me when there is a fight, and he has never failed. But why is he giving up on me now? Especially when it's with Jacob? Because you betrayed him. No, that's crazy. I don't betray people. Just because I ignore him in public doesn't mean I betrayed him. If I betrayed him, I wouldn't be listening to his rambling about how "chess is better than checkers. That doesn't make me a betrayer. It doesn't. It's then I realise I'm trying to convince myself more than the voice in my head. The small recorder is sitting on the side of my bed, but hidden with covers for anybody to notice its existence. No matter what people say, I have a mission to spy on Jacob Taylor. Claudia is counting on me, and I can't let her down because some idiot doesn't think my friends are real. Since when did I start caring about what he thinks? No, I can't let him interfere with my task. "Nothing's happened to me. I'm still the same Coralie you knew in prep." Jacob snorts, and even I know I'm fooling myself. But, what am I supposed to say? This whole incident reminds me why I need to focus on what I'm doing than anything else. Pursing my lips, I know I will have to record Jacob, no matter how it "interferes with privacy." He's the reason I have a chance to become leader. No, I have to do this for Beth. And even though Tanya's being nice, there's no knowing how long it will last. Frowning, I watch as Jacob walks over to my shelf. Picking up the book I'm reading, he takes the phone out from the middle of it. My heart immediately stops, making me suffer a near-death experience with panic. He holds it up and looks at me with a smirk forming on his face, one screaming, "Can you see that? Huh, well, can you? I'm smarter than you!" "Oh, and you forgot to put it out of silent." He changes my settings around so it has full volume when it rings.

"Look at the time." Alex looks at his wrist, and then frowns when he realises there's no watch. "Well, I better get going." With one last, small smile, he leaves the building without a trace. "Weird kid," Jacob says. "You tell me." Jacob hands the phone to me, and then comes up so close his whisper tickles my ear. For the second time in two days, I know my life is about to be over. Even if I'm lucky enough to have a headstone built for me, there's always Jacob to chop it into pieces with a butcher's knife. "Two can play at that game. I'd be watching my back if I were you." With a wink that makes me swallow, he's gone.

A Passion Called Guilt Date: March, 4th Time: Eight-thirty I stared at Claudia, trying not to conclude she was insane. However, it was impossible. Of course, what the leader said was what would happen, but she was bananas. If we were caught during the process of spraying water into an unknown persons house, wed be sent to jail. Or kid-jail wherever twelve-year-olds go after committing a crime. Sure, we can pull it off, said Tanya with a shrug, as if it was no big deal. I couldnt help gaping at her, but closed my mouth with a snap with I realised mosquitoes could nest in my mouth. When Claudia darted her blue eyes toward me, I nodded and waved my hand dismissively. As if I snuck to houses every night to spray the televisions with water guns when the windows were open. With a giant inhale, we begin the process. One second I was spraying water through the window, the next I was running away as quickly as I could to avoid jail. My heart was still racing when I headed home and slammed the door before strolling to my room. My mind contained no pride of what Id just done, considering I couldve broken their appliances. Instead, I blankly find myself wondering what Claudia will make me do next time. And trust me; there was always a next time.


Another day has passed, and I can't help feeling yesterday went too quickly. So fast, I can't recall what happened last night. The only thing I know is that I fell asleep. And when Im fourteen years old, having such a short-term and useless memory is a disturbing thought to wake up to everyday. Always, Im forgetting things. Maybe its time I should clean up my room. Plastering a smile on my face, I examine my chaotic room. Or not. Looking at the alarm clock, I realise it's seven-thirty. I don't think I've ever woken up this early, but I jump out of bed anyway. There is no way I'm going to waste my holidays, thinking it was a waste of time. Because its the last thing holidays are. Of course, maybe Id be able to convince myself better if Jacob wasnt snoring in the bed right beside me.

Soon, I'm at the breakfast, chewing away at my bowl of cornflakes. To nobody's surprise, Mum is already up, humming a tune and cooking something in the frypan. She looks at me, almost startled when she notes how early I'm awake. Cant blame her, because there are times when even I surprise myself. How Jacobs still not in the hospital bed with a broken toe curtesies to me, I have no clue. "Um, hello, Coralie." She grins, as she stirs the mixture with her right hand, where a wedding ring attaches itself. A soft wave of pain spreads through me. That was the ring Dad bought her; but why is she wearing it? The thought creeps out of my mind the same way it scampered in. "Why are you up so early?" "Don't know." I stuff another spoon of cornflakes in my mouth. "Did Derek come yesterday?" Mum sighs, looking grim in a matter of seconds. "No." Of course he didn't. If Derek came, there's no way I'd forget it. Leighton and I always play some sort of prank on him, making sure he never forgets us as long as he lives. Not that he will, considering hell be our father in sooner than three weeks. Just thinking of calling the miserable rooster-looking man daddy causes a shudder to sprint down my back. Because Derek cant replace my real dad, no matter how much he tries to prove himself worthy of a replacement for the position. Taking my bowl of cereal, I sit in front of the television. There are cartoons on like always, and watching them brings back the memories of my childhood. Sometimes, I wish that Dad and Mum never had a divorce. Life would be much easier that way. Not to mention, since they live two continents apart, it's hard for me to contact them. The phone bill would be too much for Mum to handle, even though she gets a gazillion dollars from her too-generous boss and fianc. She can't see the reasoning for me to contact my actual father. No, she's too stubborn to try and see things from my point of view. However, its not my fault she never lived with separated parents. No, just because she got a happily ever after doesnt mean her children have. After an hour of watching cartoons, I begin to feel bored. But I don't say anything. I just sit there on the couch, trying to digest what went wrong. Maybe it has something to do with Leighton and I that Mum and Dad split up into two different people. Perhaps the idea of having us in the family is too much of a shock to bear? I don't blame my parents, if it's the reason. Half the time, I can't stand myself, let alone letting my parents to survive my ways. "Breakfast!" Mum calls. In no less than a couple of seconds, the two boys are at the dinner table, eyeing the cereal with hunger. The good thing with boys is, they can eat anything and still eat it with delight. Whether it's yummy or the worst food in the world. Half the time, Im confirmed they arent even hungry; just eating for the sake of giving their mouths something to do. Or, knowing Jacob, theyre eating it to waste our money. "Yum." Jacob picks up a spoon and stuffs some cereal in his mouth. "Would you like some sugar, Jacob?" "No thanks, Mrs. Campbell. I don't like sugar on my cereal."

There is a tight clenching in my stomach, because its the second thing I find in common with Jacob. Everybody I know likes sugar except me. To my horror, neither does he. The fact that we could be related is enough for me to scream on the inside. And when even more coincidences pass, Ill be yelling externally also. Looking at the clock, I realise it's nine o'clock already. Two hours go so quickly when I'm watching cartoons. Getting in touch with my inner childish actions doesn't take too much effort, but isn't too time-efficient. All of a sudden, Im interrupted by the sound of my mobile vibrating on the coffee table. Cora? Go online, Claudia demands, and within seconds, I find myself helplessly strolling toward the computer and turning it on, waiting for it to start. Estelles online. Make a new account on chat, and you know the rest. A sigh escapes my throat as the line cuts, the leader not bothering to hear any excuses or answers. I glance up at the ceiling, wondering if any strings magically appear in front of my eyes. Because this is what I am; Claudias puppet, following her every order. Although I dont want to admit it to myself, Im letting this go too far. What am I supposed to do? Quit the clique and risk my remaining existence shatter into pieces? In a strange way, Im being bullied into doing things against my will. But what if I tell somebody? The clique will still be in my life, making every minute a living torture. Rather toughen up and feel the pain. With a deep exhale, I start a new account with the nickname Regan_GIrL_98. Its the first thing coming to my mind, and Im certain nobody can associate me with this. Sure enough, Estelles real name is displaying on chat. Here goes nothing. Regan_GIrl_98: Hey, Estelle. Estelle Kingston: Whore you? Regan_GIrl_98: Your worst nightmare. Do you have a problem with me? Estelle Kingston: I have no idea who you are, but stop talking to me. Hm. She doesnt speak in text talk either, and Im almost tempted to tell her who I am. At least she can chat to me without thinking Im a stranger. However, what good will this do? Claudia, Tanya and Beth are undoubtedly chatting to her this very moment, probably acting dumb and pretending they dont know who Regan_GIrl_98 is. Theyre using their real accounts, whilst Im forced to pretend to be somebody Im not. A snort escapes my mouth. As if I dont have enough practice with this certain skill. Regan_GIrl_98: I dont care. I know who you are. And youre so ugly, stupid and selfish, its no doubt you went out with Jacob. What she says next scares me. Estelle Kingston: You hate Jacob Taylor? Quite ironic, since I knew this girl called Cora who hated him. Regan_GIrl_98: So youre saying Im not Claudia? How do you know for sure?

Estelle Kingston: Because shes such an idiot. She cant even spell a word correctly. Youre Coralie Campbell. You have to be an idiot to join the clique; trust me, I made the mistake, and Im never going back. Youre a real loser, you know? All of a sudden, I feel a deep connection with whoever this girl is. The only thing I remember, is how her physical appearance matches mine a little. Same light-brown hair, average height but taller than short, and light blue eyes. But she knows how its like to have somebody controlling my every step, only because Im scared to let go. Freedom and courage, two things I lack. Instead of saying something nasty, hurtful and what Claudia would usually make me do, I surprise myself. Not by doing something the leader or anybody else wants, but what Coralie Campbell would say. Regan_GIrl_98: Yeah. I know Im a loser. By the way, I didnt mean any of the things I said. Without waiting for her response, I sign out of my fake account and stare blankly at the computer screen. So this is what it feels like to have the truth rushing to me. The one which I tried to ignore for many years, and it hits me in the face. They have complete control of me; I have none. How is this possible? Have I really given them complete control of who I am? A deep empty feeling sits at the pit of my stomach, as I consider leaving everything. Just floating away on a cloud and sailing through the sky. With a sigh, I pounce on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Its times like this when Id take out my diary and write something in it, not too personal, but things like what the clique forced me to do. Like the last time we snuck into Beths neighbours house and splashed their television with water guns, seizing the wide-open windows as an opportunity. Or that time when I was forced to ignore my own brother, but Leighton never noticed it. What I do never appeals to him much. For all I know, I can die amongst a pile of moss and nobody would care. Speaking of which, when I searched through my shelf to look for my diary, I dont find it. The shock comes in an instant. "Cora, don't go in there!" The urgency in Jacob's voice caused a slight frown to appear on my face. "No, really, don't." I dont think anything is missing, but its just a thorough estimate All of a sudden, I realise that my hockey stick isnt there. Where has it gone? They couldnt have What were they doing in first place? Were they going through my things to try and get something personal? As soon as I piece all the information together, my heart pace quickens. For all I know, Jacob can send the information to Claudia, who would then read all my personal life in detail. What I thought of every activity she made me do, and although the diary doesnt contain personal information, it still shows what I really think of the clique. Id be kicked out for sure. However, although this is exactly what I desire, I figure its not going to be that simple. Theyll terrorise me, making my life a misery until I find myself dreading the sunrise. I need to find Jacob.

To my surprise, as soon as I head out the door leading to the backyard, I find a small figure sitting cross-legged under a tree. Theres something in their hands, and I confirm its Jacob. Only hes able to sit with both his feet on the sides of his patellas, like what Id expect to see in a yoga centre. I recognise the object immediately, with its pale white colour. My diary.

I charge over to where he sits, and as soon as his eyes idly glance up, they grow as big as watermelons. Whatre you doing with my diary? I inquire, trying to remain calm but screaming isnt a way of leisure. Havent you learnt that its bad manners to peek through somebodys personal life? Without waiting for an answer, I snatch and diary out of his hands and cling it to my chest. How much has he read? I find myself asking, examining him systematically through my narrowed eyes. More specifically, how much does he know? Will he tell anybody about his discoveries? Will I have to burn this diary to burn all evidence? So many questions flood my mind, as I try to think straight before making my next move. What am I supposed to do? Mum wont let me throw him out of the window, so it pretty much cuts down all options. A thought creeps through my mind. Revenge for taking my diary, I like the idea very much. Too much for my own good, because this is exactly what I ploy in my mind. Sorry, Jake, I say with a sigh. Guess I overreacted. Jacob stares at me as if I smacked him across the head. No, actually, more surprised. He mustve figured out everyone wants to know him out, once in a while, therefore, its only normal if I desire flinging a computer at him. My brain digests what Ive just said or rather, thought. I cant waste such an overwhelming computer on the horrible rodent. Of course, I can always throw Leightons mobile phone. Just, I may have to catch the next train to Japan if Im to avoid my brothers screams of agony and pain. I shake my head while Jacob looks at me with a weird expression. Uh-oh; that shake of head was supposed to be internal. Too late now. Im just shaking my head at how Ive spent so much time with you, but havent had a chance to show you the upstairs part of our house. Upstairs? As in, the place where your mum said to never go? I wave my hand dismissively. Oh, she just said it to scare us. Its where she keeps all her porn videos out of reach. I sigh, pretending to stare into the distance. She hates getting discovered. Rrright So, I say with my voice as chirpy as a cheerleader on television, my eyes twinkling. Jacob has no idea why theyre so bright. But I do. Lets go. Without waiting for his answer for the second time in three minutes, I wrap my fingers around his wrist and charge toward the house. To my disappointment, hes not out of breath. Darn it; hes been playing too much hockey and getting fit. When were at the top of the staircase, an internal smile crosses my face. The diary is still safely tucked under my arm. When I open one of the room, its a shock to both Jacob and me. There is dust all over the windowsill and unidentifiable dirt on the ground, which makes me wonder how it made itself present in first place. There arent any sources to receive any of natures products from. Perhaps Mum and

her dirty garden thongs walked into this room, attempting to clean it out for Jacob before admitting the task was impossible? So it concludes to a final question: Why havent we called an exterminator? Mum is someone who doesnt appreciate spending money, even though she has wads of cash under her mattress; of course, she has no clue I took one-dollar-thirty every week to buy an ice cream from the canteen back in primary school. Some confessions work better internal. Whilst Jacob has a zillion different facial expression crossing, I shove in forward into the room and close the door, locking the room with a key which is hung on the wall on a hook. As I amble downstairs, I hear the banging of the door and an occasional, Let me out, you you Of course, my archenemy isnt fast enough to think of the perfect comeback, and he stammers mid-sentence. I sigh with disappointment, knowing Ill have to let him out of that room someday. But for now, Im going to enjoy his torture.


"Cora, so are you coming to the skate park?" "Yes, I am. Be patient." It surprises me how impatient Alex is most of the time, even over the phone. Putting on a pair of red shorts and a red top, I know I'm ready to hit the skate park. Not a single knot remains in my hair, surprising myself more than anybody else. Picking up my skateboard, I notice for the first time a wheel is missing. "Leighton, where did my wheel go?" My brother shrugs. "I think I gave it to Alex." In the corner, Jacob purses his lips as he tries not to laugh. Sure enough, on his skateboard there is a black and white wheel. It's peculiar, because all three of the other wheels have yellow and green on them. The extra wheel is the odd one out, and unsurprisingly the same colour as the rest of the wheels on my skateboard. "Give it back." "Nope. I need it for my skateboard. My other wheel fell out." A part of me wants to charge at him like a herd of elephants, but another piece urges myself to keep quiet. Mum wouldn't be too happy if I smash a lamp on his head and neither would Jacob. I wouldnt care, really, and neither would Leighton. My brother is probably too worked up about losing a game than saving Jacob from my clutches. Therefore, I do the most angelic thing possible; ignore him. I pretend he didn't take my wheel off my skateboard without permission and is heading over to the skate park. Right now, I can almost imagine my brother and

his best friend exchanging high-fives. The world would no longer be available for Coralie anymore, instead, it's taken over by Jacob. How dare he steal my brother like that? It's not a sign when somebody steals a family member. My hands are bare without a skateboard, all thanks to Jacob. What am I supposed to do at a skate park without something that I can skate in? Immediately, my roller-skates came into my mind. But my heart sinks like a deflated balloon when I realise I've outgrown them. Since our house is at the centre of everything, I'm at the skate park in a matter of minutes. The green trees have once again turned yellow, thanks to the heat. Since there is such good air conditioning back at home, I haven't realised how hot it is outside. "Cora!" Alex waves to me from the half-pipe. Waving back, I take my time to get there. He doesn't wait for me, as he takes his skateboard and stands up on it. Just standing on a skateboard without falling over is a challenge for Alex. He falls over, standing flat on his back while the skateboard zooms several metres in front of him. "Alex, you okay?" Attempting to stand up, he winces as he lies back down with a thud. "Of course I am." He tries to act casual. "Why wouldn't I be?" I sit down with him, sighing. "You tell me." Not five minutes has passed, and I already have an injured person on the floor, howling in pain on the inside, that is. Alex isn't the type to randomly start crying out loud when something minor happens. "Alex!" Jacob waves to his other best friend, as he approaches us with that idiotic grin I always hated. "What's up?" His pearly teeth stuck out in all directions, resembling a shark with gum disease in all ways. Not to mention, his two front teeth poked out from his mouth. Shaking my head, I wonder what triggered the deep fascination with Jacob's ugly teeth. "I made this skateboard." Alex grins, dangling the skateboard in front of our eyes. "Do you like it?" The bright orange body stood out to me, flashing the sun in my eyes. I should've expected him to make something with his favourite colour as the base. The black wheels are brand new and shiny, looking almost as if it's polished. "Yeah, it's pretty neat." Leighton raises his eyebrows and nods as if he approves. Then, to nobody's surprise, he says, "I approve." "Let us." Jacob puts a hand on his heart, looking out into the distance. His voice is a near-perfect Scandinavian accent. "Skate." "Whatever." Leighton sighs. "Hurry up, I wanna skate."

When they have gathered all their equipment, they start climbing up the half pipe using the poorly-constructed ladder. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the ladder snaps in two while they're climbing up. Gathering their skates, they stroll down the half-pipe. I, on the other hand, can only watch. Thanks to a certain somebody starting with a "J" and ending with an "acob," my skateboard is out of order. Only on his second time down the half-pipe, does Alex realise I'm not with them. It takes him long enough to realise I'm sitting on the small bench, sulking. Personally, I wonder if he sees me as a friend or somebody who's just there. "Aren't you coming, Cora?" "Thanks to your best friend, I don't have any skates." Rolling his eyes, Alex looks at Leighton. "What did you do this time? I mean she" "Not him, your other best friend." "Oh." He looks sheepish. "Right. I knew that." But he doesn't bother to say anything to Jacob. Ah, I should've known Alex wouldn't tell my worst enemy off. A girl with fiery-red hair comes into view, carrying a skateboard in her hand. She looks at me and smiles, before turning her focus to Jacob. Dropping herself on the same bench I'm sitting on, her jaw drops a couple of centimetres as she inspects him with wide-eyes. "He's hot," she whispers, nudging me. First, I have no idea what or who she is. Second, what does she see in that little devil? She must be from MacKillop, the only other school in this small town. Of course, since it's a Christian school, Mum never let me attend. But I always wanted to. They seem to have lots of fun, and there aren't any "groups" to associate different people with. It would be the type of school I would feel comfortable in. "Yeah, whatever." She gapes at me. "He's available?" I smile to myself, taking a second look at her fiery-red hair. "Yup. Go for it." She grins and squeezes my hand. As she runs off, a deep longing runs for me to attend a Christian school. Mum would never approve of my decision, but they are so nice there. That stranger who I'd never met before acted like we've been friends forever. As if we played hockey together, ate marshmallows in hot chocolate while watching movies and staying up for a whole week in a row. All people must be the same at that school. The trees begin to rustle in the wind, as I shiver at the sudden cool atmosphere surrounding me. But it disappears as if nothing had ever happened. Crazy weather in Australia. Even in summer, the nights are never warm. The days are so tedious and heat-filled, but when night falls, a freezer seems to be a much warmer place to spend time.

"Hey, I'm Letitia." She smiles at him. "How are you?" Jacob looks taken back, but I can see that he's checking her out. In the worst possible way. Honestly, there is a little line of drool falling from his mouth, but he wipes it away, hoping nobody noticed it. Of course, Ive seen the trickle of transparent goo down his lip. But it would have the same meaning. Nobody noticed it; Ive noticed it, and Im a nobody, arent I? "H-hi." Females and Jacob. Two things I thought impossible, but I've really got to hand it to him. Not everything is impossible. Of course, this Letitia-girl has extremely bad taste in boys. She's far too pretty to end up as the bride who will be forced to clean out his toe fungus. Because I am only three metres away, I can hear the whole conversation as if they're sitting right next to me. "So, what school do you go to?" Letitia seems to be more confident than Jacob is. "I go to MacKillop." "Uh, I go to the College." Smooth. Right now, I wish I had a bucket of popcorn to feast on. It would be the perfect snack in a situation like this. My archenemy's ears are going scarlet, and I don't hesitate on making my comment on them. "Yo, Taylor." Scowling, Jacob looks at me like it's the worst thing he has ever been forced to do. "What?" In my best Aussie accent, I say, "Quit messin' 'round and propose to 'er already." Clenching his teeth, he gives me the look. Of course, it has no effect on me, as I just sit there with a smirk. Obviously, his face goes even more scarlet, making Letitia laugh. Since Nora, the beautiful, blonde girl he dated for an year before she moved to America, this is the first girl to look twice at him. The thought disgusted me, but I know theyll never last. Letitia would dump him in a matter of seconds when she takes a closer look at his personality. And, maybe she wont; notifying me shes suffering from severe brain damage. "Wanna go out some time?" She flips back a perfect lock behind her ear, attempting to flirt with him. She flutters her eyelashes so many times, it looks like she has something in her eye. "Here's my phone number." My stomach feels weak, as she picks out a green texta from her pocket and scribbles something on his arm. Then, she disappears as quickly as she appeared. "Ha!" Jacob points to his arm. "I got her number! Beat that, Coralie." Sticking my tongue out at him, I pick a blade of grass out of the soil. There's nothing else more to do. All of a sudden, I can't help wondering why I bothered to come here. Maybe it's because I didn't have anything better to do? "Cora, come here."

Sure enough, it's Alex and his instructions. He's motioning for me to go over to him, but I can't be bothered. So I just turn around and watch Jacob fall on his back as he tries to do a back flip on his skateboard. Hes unhurt, but still clutches at his wrist for a couple of seconds before returning to his normal stage. When he looks up, he watches me grin. "Hey, as if you can do better." "I can." "Prove it." That's all I need to march over to the half-pipe in confidence. Alex grimaces for a second, before handing his skateboard to me. For a moment, he looks worried. Best friends and their horrid worrying. But why? "Okay, be careful," says Alex. I snort. "Of course I will. What am I, five?" He holds up his hands, stepping back. Picking up the skateboard, I inhale a large gasp of air before jumping on it and trailing down the half-pipe. All of a sudden, Alex's shouts fill the air. "Cora, you're going to crash!" Sure enough, a wheel spins off, leaving me on motionless. "Cora, are you okay?" Leighton's voice sounds almost concerned. My eyes flicker open, and I find myself looking at a poster of an eye chart, one for testing eyesight. There's only one place eyes can be checked, and it's definitely not in the comfort of my own home. Leighton never keeps anything medical in our room, because it reminds him of the hospital, one place he hates so much. "Where are we?" "Hospital." Groaning, I try to pick up my wrist to rub my eyes, but it doesn't work. Wincing, I know that picking up my wrist isn't a good idea. The million dollar is, what the heck am I doing in hospital? There is no doubt something has happened, something which I have no clue about, because I dont remember anything. Not a little bit, not at all. A head full of blond hair walks in, unmistakably Alex. "Well, Jacob loosened one of the wheels on the skateboard, just before you went on. So, you kind of landed on your wrist and broke it." "And you still didn't cry." Leighton shakes his head, like it's the worst thing that ever happened. "I don't know how you do it." I shoot him a glare. "You say it like it's a bad thing." There are voices of telephones being answered, announcements by nurses and sounds of sirens all happening at once. There really isn't much peace in this hospital at all, even though theres also an Elderly section, where elderly people rest, waiting for their death. I cant imagine growing up so old, suffering so much pain that I actually want to die.

Before my grandmother died, she tried to kill herself with poison, but it didnt have any effect on her body for a strange reason. Needless to say, she died naturally in her sleep; a light and peaceful death. The walls are a bright blue, almost failing to make the patients feel welcome inside the hospital. Instead, I'm almost sure patients will wake up screaming at the brightness. There are so many posters on the wall, it's ridiculous. Honestly, even a toddler knows how to wash their hands. What's the point on having a poster of it? Just to invest some money? Or maybe there is a hidden camera behind them, watching my every move and making sure I dont escape. "Hey." In walks the idiot with his hands in his pockets, looking almost sheepish. He holds up one of his hands for a high-five, after clearly witnessing the condition of my wrist. "Very funny." I shake my head, before inhaling a sharp gasp of air. "Girls. Helpless." He grimaces before shrugging. "Very helpless." "Fine. When I get out of this hospital, you better watch your back." "Will do." With a smirk playing on his lips, he leaves the hospital, much to my delight. For the first time, I inspect my arm all the way to my elbow. My wrist still can't move properly, so I don't try and force it. Unfortunately for me, it's my right hand affected. This means I won't be writing for a long time. "Can I sign your cast?" Alex asks, his eyes shining. I sigh. "Go ahead."


"What happened to you?!" Shaking my head, I know Mum would freak out at the small things. "Nothing happened." Except for Jacob almost killing me. Alex and Leighton are having a glass of orange juice each, before clanging their glass cups. Then, they gurgle the contents before I can do anything else. Looking away, disgusted, I wonder how Im to my brother. Sure, we both used to have the same hair colour, and the same eyes, but we aren't the same. Not one bit. How can he eat like a pig while I have trouble eating a piece of chocolate? "Because he doesn't let Claudia get to him. You do." There it is again. The most annoying voice ever crossing my mind. Over and over again, it drives me to insanity.

"Shut up, will you?" Uh-oh. I said that out loud. I can tell because Leighton and Alex both question my sanity. They put the orange juice down and stare at me with a blank look, almost if they just saw me kiss Jacob. To my inconvenience, they aren't the only one overhearing my sudden outburst. Mum turns to me, pursing her lips as she places her hand on my shoulder. "Look, Coralie, are you okay?" If it's possible, I'm on the edge of hysteria. "Of course I am!" I burst into a fit of giggles, which seem to increase more concern than decreasing it. "Why wouldn't I be?" "Because you're sweating like a pig." I can almost count on it to happen to me. Wiping some moist sweat off my forehead, I make sure my entire face is free of everything sticky. "Honey, maybe you should rest." It doesn't even sound like a question. An order is a better word to describe it. So I walk to my room, sighing as I slump into my soft bed. The comforter sinks deep into my skin as I start to relax. The sheep are the first thing I look up at, making a goofy smile form on my lips. They are still "baaing" in my head, their fur as white as Jacob's face when I threatened to flush his video game down the toilet in fifth grade. All of a sudden, a voice interrupted my thoughts. Mum's voice is squealing with excitement as a high-pitched voice starts rambling to her. If I don't know any better, this person would sound like a lady. Derek. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe you're here!" "Brianna." He sighs so loudly, the whole southern hemisphere would be able to hear him. "I'm sorry. I-I had some things to do, that's all." Walking over to the door, I peek out so I can see the whole scene. You see, Ive had so much to do. I just didnt have the time to come over. Derek smiles, his eyes crinkling up. I hope you will forgive me. Of course I do. Mum looks lovesick. I just feel sick. How dare that man invade into this family, thinking we will happily accept him as a replacement? Nobody can replace my dad, no matter how good looking they are, or maybe even how much nicer they are. I dont have their blood I have Dads. Slumping back into my bed, I think about how horrible my life is. Leighton and Jacob walk into the room. My archenemy sticks two fingers in his mouth, and I know theyre making out. Apparently, there is no age limit to person and their kissing, much to my disgust.

Sighing, my brother jumps next to me. Wincing, I put a protective arm around my injured one. For all I know, they can be plotting how to make sure I have permanent damage to my arm forever. Yes, Jacob is quite capable of devious plans like that. Are we going to plan something? My brother twists his head around to look at me. I mean, it would be a record if we let him get away. Jacob looks confused. What do you guys do to him? The usual. I shrug. Spiders in beds, glue on the chair and broken keys. Sounds like fun. Can I join? Before I can say anything, Leighton answers for me. Of course! Well, there goes my chance of being mean to Jacob. Right now, hes smiling so widely, his cheekbones look as if they are going to fall off any minute. Which is possibly the case, as he picks up a piece of paper with eagerness. Then, taking one of my pencils, he starts jotting down on the piece of paper. I imagine they are different practical jokes or pranks to use in our scheme. Chances are, none of them will be bright, and it will be up to Leighton and me to think of better ones. To my surprise, Leighton raises his eyebrows as soon as Jacob hands the piece of paper to him. If my brother approves, they must be pretty good ideas. I can't handle the tension any longer, and snatch the piece of paper from his hands. Scanning through the words listed on the page, I find that they are good ideas. Not the horrible, useless plots I would normally expect a person with such low I.Q. to come up with. Needless to say, I'm impressed. One: Sew the arm-ends of his t-shirt. Two: Spray honey all over his face when he doesn't expect it. "I've got only two ideas, but I'll add more to it." Jacob purses his lips, almost looking like a schoolchild waiting for the teacher to finish correcting his work. "You know?" Leighton looks at me, biting his lip. Even though he doesn't have to tell me, I know exactly what's on his mind. We both know Jacob would be the perfect person to help us with our revenge, but I can't be so sure. Being the stubborn twin I am, I stick my nose into the air before saying, "Prove yourself." Jacob looks the slightest bit annoyed, but doesn't admit to it. "Watch me." With that, he hunts through his backpack for things I have no clue about. Then, he brings out a torchlight, a couple of fake spiders and a remote control. Inside, I'm bursting with curiosity on how he would pull it off without getting himself caught. The fact he's going to use spiders in the process is quite obvious, but how will he make Derek believe they're real spiders? Grinning like an idiot, I follow him as he walks to the living room. As usual, Mum and Derek aren't there. There is a screech of laughter coming from Mum's room, and I can tell that they are having the times of their lives. Just

the acknowledgement of that little, disgusting fact is enough for me to roll my eyes. And yet, even after so many days, they still don't get tired of each other. It's enough to make me want to throw up my lunch. Trying to act professional, Jacob explains the plan to us. "You see, I'm going to get the spiders to crawl over to their room using this remote." He presses a button on the so-called remote, and sure enough, the spiders begin to move. Leighton stares in wonder, while I gulp, wondering why he has that in his backpack. What normal teenager has fake, robotic spiders in their backpack? There's no way Jacob bought it from a shop, because the spiders all too well-crafted. "And then what?" Leighton asks, his eyes as large as Claudia's mouth when she's angry. "What happens next?" "We're going to use the flashlight to see where we're going," Jacob explains. Personally, I think it's one of the lamest pranks ever. Sure, Derek is deathly scared of spiders, but it won't take him long to work out the spiders are a fake. Neither will it take him long to blame me for it, even though Jacob and Leighton are also possible suspects. But I'm too eager to see the spiders in action to say any word of discouragement. Picking up the robotic spiders, my archenemy places it on the ground outside of their room. I can still hear Mum's sickening laugh, filling my ears and making me grit my teeth. As soon as Jacob puts it on the ground, Leighton stands back. Rolling my eyes, I know he's only doing it just in case the spiders explode. For such a tall kid, he has the courage of a squashed ant. "Ready? One, two, three." Without waiting for a second longer, the spiders are released through the crack under their door. Leighton and I grin, pressing our ears to the door and hoping it's enough to listen to their screams. To my utter amusement, Derek's high-pitched screams fill the room as he yells, "Brianna! There's a spider on the floor! Get rid of it!" I hear Mum's annoyed groan, as she opens the door. She raises an eyebrow, shooting us all death glares. Usually, she wouldn't take this kind of thing seriously --kids are just kids, and she knows the strange temptation of doing things in teenage years. "Who did this?" Both Jacob and Leighton's fingers point straight at me.

"I can't believe you would do that to me!" I still haven't gotten over the fact both boys put me into this mess. Not a single finger can be pointed at me, but they obviously don't care about justice. No, they just choose me to blame because there is no Y chromosome in my body. Talk about unfair. Jacob just shrugs while Leighton bites his lip, neither of them looking the slightest bit guilty. Any second now, Mum would charge into the room and yell at me until my eardrums burst. Fabulous --just fabulous. "Sorry, Cora, but we had to do it." Leighton shoves his skinny hands in his pocket, not looking very sorry at all. "I mean, we all know Mum doesn't get mad at you, since you're a girl." That's when I lose my sanity. "A girl? What, do you think she would buy me a present for being a girl?" Jacob opens his mouth to say something, probably something unintelligent. Then, he does a hugely smart thing and closes it, not letting a single word spill from his mouth. Sometimes, I feel as if I've underestimated him. If he didn't shut his mouth right then, I would have no trouble snapping his head off and feeding it to the dogs on the way to the bus stop. How dare they insult me for being who I am. If they have a problem with me being a girl, so be it. Nevertheless, they don't have to dob me in situations I never wanted to get involved in. Honestly, sometimes they'reThe door flings open. "Okay, Cora, who did it?" Trying my hardest to sound unsurprised, I say, "Did what?" "I know you wouldn't do that to Derek. So, tell me. Who did it?" She crosses her arms, demanding an answer. Jacob's swallows can be heard loud and clear from where I'm standing, his palms suddenly growing sweaty. If I tell on him, it's almost confirmed he's going to be banned from ever coming to our house again. Leighton will be in tears, and it will be my entire fault. So I do one thing I thought I would never have to do.... "I did it." Leighton and Jacob look so surprised, their heads look as if they are to blow up. Internally, I smile at the shocked expression on their faces. Of course, I don't dare revealing the smile to my equally shocked mother. She probably thinks I would do something to put the blame on Jacob, but I proved her wrong. As soon as she starts her long lecture, my amusement disappears; instead, a bored expression spreads through my face. "I can't believe you would do that, Coralie! That's the kind of behaviour I'd expect from the boys, not you. You're a normal--" That's where I stop listening, looking down and playing with my dirty fingernails.

--Answer me, Coralie. Why did you do that?" I make no intention of saying a single word. It's one of the few tricks I've learnt over the years --never answer Mum's questions nor interrupt her. It's the most quickest way of getting away with things, and also avoiding to say the word "sorry." Unfortunately, I am the only one to make that decision. "She misses her father," Jacob says quietly. He darts his eyes to the floor, kicking at it with his feet. It's my turn to be surprised, as I raise my eyebrows at him. Obviously, with his head looking at the floor, he doesn't see my gaze. A huge variety of expressions flash through my mum's face, from surprise about how Jacob spoke up for me, to regret about how horrible out lives have been without a proper father. "He hates me, Coralie. Leighton. He just does." It sounds like she's trying to convince herself more than anybody else. Clutching at her temples, she starts walking toward her room. Derek's gone, because there isn't a bright blue car in our driveway. "I've got to rest." With that, she walks off, leaving me more questions than answers. Curiously, I look at an indifferent Jacob. "Why'd you do that?" I feel guilt as I realise how accusing my words sounded. "I mean, it was nice, but you didn't have to do it." small smile spreads through his face. "You helped me first. You didn't dob on me." His mouth grows wider to a grin. "The real question is, why did you help me out in first place?" My mouth opens to say something, but then I close it back again. The worst moment of my life has begun, because I can't answer his question. Why did I defend him? There aren't any advantages for me if I do that, and the easy side goes to Jacob. Frowning, I realise how unanswerable his question is. I did it for a reason, but I can't put my finger on it. "I don't know," I murmur. And I don't. Leighton purses his lips, fighting a smile from crossing his lips. He's probably imagining Jacob bending down in one knee and proposing to me. This whole scene is so awkward, I wouldn't be half-surprised if it really did happen. Half-surprised, that is. There still would be shock inside me. But what would I say to his question? I mean, I wouldn't marry-Stop it, Cora! "Breaking your condition already?" Jacob raises an eyebrow. "What condition?" Jacob rolls his silver eyes. We both know exactly what condition he's talking about, but neither of us say anything about it. Things are awkward the way they are, so there's no need to add to it. With an uncomfortable cough, I walk back to my bed and fall asleep almost immediately, the question ringing through my mind. Why did I help Jacob?


"Rise and shine!" Rubbing my eyes, I see Mum with a smile on her face. I guess she either forgot about last night, or is trying not to remember it. No matter how hard she tries, all of us know she remembers it, just by taking a glance at her unfathomable eyes. "Morning," says Leighton, yawning. My head shakes a little at his reaction. He just slept for eight hours straight, so why would he need to yawn? I'm almost tempted to throw a pillow at him, just for a laugh, but then decide against it. My arms are aching madly, making me wonder whether they would drop off and melt into the carpet. "I'm gonna get breakfast." Getting up from my bed, I all but fly to the kitchen. I'm not the least bit hungry, but I'll do whatever it takes to avoid Jacob. Why, I have no idea. Maybe because I feel a tinge of pity for him? Stuffing some cornflakes in my mouth, I chew with my mouth open. Mum shakes her head in disgust when she sees me, but doesn't make the usual, "Coralie, use your manners!" Maybe it's because nobody is here to observe my strange habits? "Cora, it's for you." Walking to the phone, I feel more curious than ever. Who would call me this early in the morning? "Cora? It's Alex here." His voice is hushed down. "I need your help." Alex? Why? It's so early now!" "No more questions. Meet me at the radio centre, will you?" Alump forms in my throat. What does he want with me? Swan Hill is best known for their radio station, and many people meet up there, but Alex knows better than to go somewhere pointless. "Oh, and bring Jacob with you. This is an emergency." With that, the phone clicks off in silence. Sighing, I race to my room to gather up the clothes required. Jeans, a baggy t-shirt and a pair of Leighton's sneakers; he won't mind if I borrow them. Hopefully. Running the hairbrush through the stubborn knots in my hair, I try to fit my tiny feet into my sneakers. To my delight, I still haven't outgrown them. They are so tiny, Leighton has something to tease me about without me having any defences. The moment of horror finally comes, and I know I can't avoid it. Alex requested me to have Jacob tag along with me, and its what I'm going to do.

"Hey, Jacob?" Peering through the door, I can see his eyes glued on his video game. "Um, Alex was asking you and me to go to the radio station." "What for?" he asks, his eyes still not steering off. "Dunno." His mouth twisting into a grimace, he places his video game down, looking up at me with his grey eyes. "Gimme five, 'kay?" Without hesitating, I close the door. The last thing I need is an image of Jacob stripping his clothes off stuck in my mind for eternity. Shuddering at the though, I sit on the wooden chair, waiting for Jacob. Leighton walks by me with a banana stuffed in his mouth. For some reason, he loves them to death. Literally, not a single banana survives if he can find it. He looks at me with a grin. Almost immediately, the banana falls out of his mouth, crashing onto the tiled floor. I try my best not to roll my eyes, but it's impossible not to. "Are you going somewhere?" he asks, inspecting me. "No. I got dressed up so I can fall asleep." Shaking my head at my brother's low common sense, I wonder about how weird this whole scene is. Why does Jacob have to live with me? Can't there be some other solution? Maybe we can send him to the adoption centre when Mum isn't looking? The idea perks me up, but I know Leighton would never agree to it. No, his best friend is far too precious --perhaps even more vital to his pathetic life than his sister, who has been there for him all along. "Let's go." I don't say anything else, instead, I follow Jacob. The idea is too sickening, but I can't be bothered to find another way to the radio station. Following him on the footpath, I feel like sheep following him without an opinion or a choice. The trees begin to shower me with their leaves, even though it's summer. Warm, buttery air is the cause for the falling leaves, and somehow they don't fall on Jacob --just me. Even leaves wish for my death. There it is, the large stadium. Solar panels are at the top, using that as a source for electricity. I guess the radios are so popular, they need some other way to power them without wasting so much money. Sure enough, a boy with blond hair looks at us with a grin. He gestures me to follow him, and so I obey his instructions blindly. I trust Alex enough not to drown me, or something idiotic like that. Just. We walk into the radio station, curiosity visible on both of our faces. I wonder why were here in first place. I know Alexs uncle owns the radio station, but thats all I know about them. Hey, Russ, why are here? Jacob speaks my thoughts aloud. See, the guy who does the morning show isnt there, so

Youre asking us to take his place? I cant help feeling surprised. Me? If my hockey dreams dont come true, theres something else I want to give my future too. My whole life Ive wanted to become a radio host, one whom calls out all the latest things, or discussions. Piano would be my number three choice, but who cares? Not you. Jacob snorts as if its the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. He points a finger to his chest. He means me. Now, go get lost. Whatever kindness came to Jacob yesterday by sticking up for me is now gone. Two can play at that game, because the happy Coralie has disappeared as well. I dont care what I have to do, but I will be on that radio broadcast, even if its the last thing I do. Okay, fine. You go do the radio broadcast by yourself. I shrug, trying to appear indifferent. I guess Ill just tell Letitia you wont be joining her this Saturday. You dont even know her number. He pauses, fear crossing his eyes. How did you know we had a date this Saturday? How do I know her number? But but you dont. I wouldnt be too sure. A look of pure evil crosses my face, as I raise my eyebrows and let them fall. Jacob appears to be almost pained, as he takes a deep breath, probably trying to calm himself. There would be no surprise if he decides to hit me across the face. Of course, I have no idea what her number is but Jacob doesnt know that. Fine. You do the radio broadcast. Alex opens his mouth to say something, but Jacob interrupts him. Lets go. He grabs my best friend by the shirt, dragging him along like a puppy dog. Smiling, I sit in the red, leather seat. Its so comfortable, I dont want to get up from it. Ever. Then, I place the headphones on my ears, and finally turn to the controls. Thats when I feel like slapping myself, because I forgot to mention one, tiny little detail to Alex. I have no idea how a radio broadcast works.

Right now, I almost am tempted to face-palm myself. I was so focused on winning an argument, I completely forgot to ask Alex what Im supposed to do. Its one of those things coming with the large package of having a worst enemy. Sometimes, I wish that Jacob could bury himself a graveyard and rot. To my utter delight, Alex is back with his cheeks as red as watermelons. Unfortunately, Jacob is beside him, grinning like an idiot. I never liked his smile, but this one can confirm my fears of something bad happening. Or, more specifically, annoyance. What is it? I ask, my voice weary. Jacobs grin just grows wider, reaching nowhere near his eyes. Are you going to grin like a maniac, or tell me? Grin like a maniac. In that case, get lost. So, is it true you cant operate the controls? He smirks, his silver eyes shining in a disgusting way. Muttering underneath my breath, Im sure I sounded unintelligent. But, what can say to him? Of course I cant lie to him, because he will catch me too easily. Still, its worth a shot. I can, I lie to the best of my ability. So, go away. Oh, is that right? Jacob cocks his head to the side, pointing to a random button. Tell me what that does. Pursing my lips, I avoid his eyes. Even without looking up at his face, I can tell victory is his. My face probably turned redder than usual, as I mutter more useless things under my breath. Not once do I think Ive said something intelligent. Youre enjoying this, arent you, Taylor? I ask at last. Every minute. To my utter horror, he sits right next to me, inspecting all of the controls. He checks every one of them carefully, as if it is a matter of life and death. Confused, I watch him as he sniffs all of the controls. What normal person smells things? When he notices my eyes on him, he gives a self-conscious cough. Um, yeah. Trying not to look as disgusted as I feel, I turn on the microphone. Sure, I dont know how the controls work, but Im crossing my fingers that Jacob does. Otherwise, were all as good as dead kebab on a lightning bolt. Dead kebab on lightning bolt?

Im still thinking about my random simile when Jacob declares, Hello, this is LouLous station, starring me, Jacob Taylor Whos LouLou? Terribly odd name for Alexs uncle. Of course, it can always be his aunty, for all I know. And me, Coralie Campbell. There is an awkward silence, as we both exchange looks. We have no idea what this radio station is about, except the fact Alex wanted us to fill in. What if we are horrible and we lose all of their listeners? My stomach clenches at the thought, because amateurs like us are quite capable of doing that. Um, well, this Boys are better than girls, Alex mouths, trying to help us along the track. Instantly, Im able to work out this is a station for teenagers. What elderly person wants to listen about kids going on about how their gender is better than the other? But isnt is a little sexist to put that in there? Shaking all of the thoughts off, I listen to what Jacob has to say about this subject. Boys are better than girls. Were stronger, smarter and even better-looking. End of story. A few people from outside the glass window give us toothy grins. Theyre all males no surprise there. Of course theyd agree to something like this. And, its up to me to defend the scowling ladies whore beside them. Yeah? Well, men are just these utterly useless people. And, if theyre so good-looking, why do they need a woman by their side? A few women from the other side of the glass wall grin at what I supposed are their husbands. Of course, I cant be too sure, especially since it can be their brother for all I know, or even their cousins. But it's my estimation all the same --it doesn't need to be accurate or something. "Whatever." Jacob is just about to drop the subject, but I still haven't finished yet. "Girls are better at practical jokes and everything else boys can do." "And boys are good at a lot of things too." "Like?" I can see Jacob struggling to find an answer. Finally when he assumes he's found one, he pokes the hair with his skinny index finger but stops halfway. A look of frustration crosses his face, while Alex raises an eyebrows and scowls. Even though he's a very good friend, he still won't tolerate being discriminated. I think it's a guy thing, how they just can't handle the truth. "Well, boys are better at driving," mutters Jacob, so low that the people on the other side of the glass have to lean forward to hear him. "And, they don't talk on the phone twenty-four-seven." All of a sudden, Jacob's eyes starting flashing and I'm notified an evil idea has settled in his mind. Uh-oh. This can never be good. "Girls giggle like maniacs, especially the one next to me. Not to mention, they can't play hockey properly either."

From behind the transparent glass, I can see looks of confusion on their faces, trying to make sense of Jacob's words. It's no secret that hockey is a very hated sport in this particular country, so how would it relate to the Australian population? What they don't know, is how all of those words refer to me only. My blood starts boiling as if put on fire, and I wonder if my scarlet-red cheeks would be noticeable. "And this specific one beside me talks in his sleep, and then goes on about a girl he hasn't known for a whole day. Come to think of it, I think they're going out for dinner tomorrow. Her name is Letitia." Honestly, the facial expression on Jacob's face is priceless. Not one specific expression, but a range of different ones, from surprise to frustration, anger and weariness. If it isnt for how every word is heard by many people across the town, I wouldve given a smart retort to his face. Come to think of it, why not humiliate Jacob in public? Alex gives me a look of warning, his fingers touching the freckles on his cheek. Nobody likes our out-ofcontrol fights except us. Actually, we dont like it either, but soon grew to like them. Ignoring Alexs warning, I open my mouth but Jacob beats me to it. Girls are so predictable. This one here is in love with her best friend, and they Not caring about what Alex thinks about my next move, I slap Jacob across the arm. So hard that my handprint is placed nicely on his hairless left hand. Cursing under his breath, he turns the microphone off so nobody can hear his silent curses. Of course, I roll my eyes, hearing every insult given to his parents, to bad luck delivered straight to me. Alex snickers, seeing Jacob grit his teeth. At least my best friend has enough common sense to be on my side this one time. I see a control reading music at the top. Pulling the lever, I know the audience has something else to listen to, even if our discussion is over quicker than usual. One of these days, some poor guy will fancy you. He continues to rub his sore arm. Who uses the word fancy anymore? And I will have no choice but to feel sorry for him. Sticking my tongue out at him, I stand up and brush off dust from my shorts. I cant see it, but Im sure there is some of it. Jacob sits in the room with headphones blocking his ears, and I assume hes listening to the music on the radio. As I walk out of the room, people start to applaud me with real encouragement. Grinning, I walk up to where Alex is standing. Howd we do? My fingers cross behind my back, because I half expect him to poke my eyes out with a pencil for such a poor attempt. Everything I expected. I can only gape at his smirk. Theres a reason I chose you and Jacob out of everyone else. And, Im glad I did. He starts laughing, until hes down on the floor in hysterics. From across the glass wall, Jacob cocks his head to the side, questioning Alexs scarlet face. Shrugging, I know were all asking the same question. A middle-aged man with light-brown curls walks into the room with a paper headlined: Sports. As soon as he takes a place into the small room, all attention is diverted toward him, as all of the people take their focus to him.

Were officially history. Sighing, I head out of the door and let the cool breeze await me. Its very uncommon to have such cool winds blowing through in Australia, especially in summer. I cant help but think of what Jacob had said. Someday, some guy is going to fancy you. And I will have no choice but to feel sorry for them. Is that half a compliment? The fact that he actually thinks someone will sweep me off my feet is a little overwhelming. He doesnt think I will die alone, drinking cold water and stale bread? What a change. Tag, youre it. Before I know it, there is orange cordial sprayed all on top of my shirt. Clenching my teeth, I know its Jacob Taylor. Only he can have so much evilness inside of him. Its practically bulging, ready to burst out and expose itself. Giggling like a little girl with a secret, Jacob rushes in front of me and is twenty metres away, sticking his tongue out at me. How mature. Youre paying for a new shirt, Idiot. And youre paying for a new reputation, Coralie. I stop at my tracks. You called me by my real name, I say, trying not to show how touched I feel. Yeah. I figured there is no better insult than your name. Its so painful to say. Jacob pretends to wipe a tear from his eyes. Touchy-feely moment over. Running up to him at full speed, I kick him in the shins. Clutching at his leg, he hops off into the distance a couple of centimetres, actually. The real advantage of being a girl is how boys cant hit back. Its an unwritten rule. Why does he keep doing that? Doing what? Does something really sweet, and then twisting it so its something mean. Dont worry. Hes an idiot. Unless he likes you more than a friend. Wait, what? Jacob doesnt like me more than a friend. I dont even like you as a teacher, let alone more than a friend, retorts Jacob, making me realise I spoke out loud. Having a mental voice inside my head is quite assuring, but at times, very awkward. I never said that. I blush like crazy, definitely not helping defend myself.

Jacob opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by Alexs huge feet striding over to where we are standing. Again, you guys were awesome. He stuffs a chocolate cupcake in his mouth, one which has no icing, because he always eats the icing first. Its disgusting. Were probably going to get more hits thanks to you. I shrug. Its all in the job description. Alex looks confused, and is just about to ask me What description? before I shake my head at his stupidity. What description? he asks, to nobodys surprise. Then, he inspects his watch, jumping almost a hundred metres when doing so. Oh nos. My cookies are going to burn if I dont take them out of the oven! Within a few seconds, I watch a boy with a stocky figure run toward his house. Since when does Alex cook? Hes never been the type to do home economics, but always loved food. To my disappointment, Im now stuck with Jacob once again. Utter perfection, huh? There is a fountain beside the radio station, which is a little unusual. Sparkling, clear water streams through it like a waterfall. On the edge of the fountain is a cement area, which is where most people sit. Thats where I sit, hoping Jacob would be scared of water and run off. A lot of things frighten him, but I dont think water is one of them. No, water is something that terrifies me, since I still havent learnt how to swim. Just holding my breath is a challenge. Jacob sits next to me, still rubbing his arm. What a girl. Look, Cora, Im really sorry. Did he just say what I think he said? The shock that spreads over me is undisguisable, as I gawk at him. Jacob and the word Sorry are two things I never thought could create a sentence. Sorry for what? This. Before I know it, Im plunged into the dark water of the fountain.

A shrill scream escapes from my throat, undeniably causing a hysteric chuckle from Jacob. The cool water digs into the surface of my skin, biting away at any piece of my flesh. My five toes are vibrating like crazy, as I take a desperate attempt to haul myself back on the cement ledge. After knowing me for so many years, its surprising to think how Jacob still doesnt know that I cant swim. Of course, there is more chance that he does know, and used it as the perfect revenge. Finally, after many failings, I manage to claw on the ledge. My grasp is tight and secure as I pull myself out of the water, spitting excess liquid from my mouth like a whale. All of my hair is wet, and the tiniest bits of brown strands are now more visible than they used to be. Jacob just stands there, a smile crossing his face and his dark brown hair swept back, undamaged by the water. I hate you so much, I hiss to my archenemy, flicking a handful of water from the fountain in his face. He puts a heart on his hand. I hate you more. Then, he mutters to himself in some foreign language I dont seem to understand, as he tries to wipe off all the water I had spilt over him. Youre going to pay for this, Taylor. With what? Hair-dye? He snorts; a very unmannered thing to do. Worse. It let that word hang into the air, as I make my own way back to the house. * Tears spill out of Claudias eyes, as she tries to wipe them away with her sleeve. Her glass-blue eyes are puffy and wet from all the crying she has been doing. Tanya, being the suck-up she is, brings an entire box of tissues and hands it to her. Giving her a watery smile, Claudia blows into her tissue, before letting some more pitiful moans out of her mouth. I-I cant believe hed do this to me! She wipes a tear, looking more panicked as she the words spill out of her mouth. Caleb cant dump me like this; he just cant! How I still manage not to roll my eyes is a mystery. People date and they get dumped. So what? Claudias acting like its the end of the world when a boy decides to move on. Ive never really spoken to Noah, but since theyre over, I never will. Its just another unwritten rule; never show any sign of knowing the leaders ex. Beth is by her side, whispering words of comfort. I cant read her mind, but even I can tell shes trying not to laugh like a hyena. By the way shes biting her lip, she looks as if shes going to burst out laughing any second.

My prediction is accurate, as Beth starts laughing so hard, she has to bury her face in her hands. Claudia gives her a confused look, which soon turns to anger when realising that Beths laughing at her. Dont you dare laugh, Bethany! Claudia yells at the top of her lungs. Any normal person would apologise, or just make up an excuse about funny memories. Maybe they would start again, chanting words of comfort and telling Claudia how such a disgraceful boy shouldnt deserve her. Unfortunately for Claudia, Beths not normal. What did you call me? Beths fists clench. How dare you call me that! Well, isnt it your real name? Claudia obviously looks very blank and confused. A look of utter-anger comes from the beauty-queen, as she says some very hard-hitting words. Shows how much you know about me, Claudia. All this trash is it really necessary? Why should you have to boss us around, threatening to beat us up if we turn against you? If its possible, Claudia looks like shes out of words. Merely, she hangs her head low and lets her cheeks flush with anger, rage, but most surprisingly, sadness. Licking her dry lips, she snatches a tissue from the box without looking up, wiping many tears from her wet face. I-Im sorry, she whispers. I thought it was all for the better. Before I know it, Claudia starts wailing, and I almost jump from shock. The leader is wailing; never a good sign. Oh, for crying out loud! This is such a small school and town, everyone believes whatever is heard. Were so different from everyone else, dont you see? Nobody in this town swears, nor do we find selfconfidence in ourselves. I wanted to change that. To have people on my side, looking at themselves at somebody important. I want them to think theyre special, and not useless. To my surprise, she hands me a badge reading, Special. Tanya and Beth look at me with their cold, unmoving eyes. I want to believe her so much. Yearning that every word spoken is true and straight from the heart. But why is it so hard to believe someone like her? Maybe its because I cant bring myself to admit Ive been living a lie? Well, you know, this Tanya starts, her voice all of a sudden moving further away from me. So far away. Gasping for breath, I wake up, my eyes bulging out of their sockets. It was all a dream; there is no necklace in my hands. Of course Claudia would never say things like that; she wouldnt be so kind. Cruel is her middle name, and like any name, it sticks to her like glue. Grimacing, I stare at the clock. Two a.m. and Im having fantasies which cant be true not for one second. Having Claudia do something for a good cause is like asking purple unicorn to drop me at school on a tricycle. But, I still have the weird feeling when I cant tell my dreams apart. Sometimes, my dreams come true. Feeling rather giddy and excited, I flip through my phone to call Beth. Shes the only one who wont hurt me too much about waking her up in the middle of the night.

The phone rings. Once. Twice. Hello? a half-asleep voice says with a yawn. Who is this? Beth? Its Cora. She seems wide-awake when she next speaks. Cora? Are you insane? Whyre you calling me this early? Did Caleb dump Claudia? Yeah. I was supposed to call you this morning, to tell you that the mini-prom has been cancelled, since Claudia doesnt have anyone to go with. So, were holding a Christmas party instead. Twenty-eight of December. Be there. With that, the phone clicks into utter silence. Jacob is still talking in his sleep, much to my annoyance. The topic has changed, and is now talking about how horrible fires are. Fire. I couldnt save you, William. I just couldnt, he murmurs, sinking deeper in his pillow. Im sorry. I hope you have a good time in heaven. A feeling of guilt spreads through me, because this William mightve been his brother. Or a very important family member. Why I feel this irritating guilty feeling is completely beyond me, because I didnt do anything wrong. Twisting my head around, I see Leighton sitting up, gritting his teeth. I raise a finger before asking him the million-dollar question. Why arent you sleeping? Be happy you can sleep. Every time I fall asleep, Jacob and his ramblings wake me up. I dont know if I can handle this any longer! He clenches his fist, as if ready to punch Jacob in the mouth. I stop him before he can plan any further ahead. Whos William? I whisper. Oh, you mean what Jacobs talking about? He chuckles. His teddy bear. When he was three years old, he accidentally threw him in the fireplace. When he saw how the flames consumed William within a few seconds, he has been afraid of fires since. Its a pretty logical and believable reason, but still drives a snicker out of me. A teddy bear? He makes it sound like its his grandfather, or someone else very close to him. Not a non-living creature, to say the least. Cora, can you shut him up? Leighton moans, pointing to his eyes. Even in the slight rays of moonlight feeding through the glass windows, I can still see the bulging, red veins popping out of their sockets. Silently I nod, pushing away all the heavy blankets and stand up flat on my feet. Leighton looks at me in shock, thinking I might knock Jacob out until hes unconscious. Not that kind of way, Core, he whispers.

I cant help shaking my head at his foolishness. There is no doubt Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will go insane to find out their boy is dead. Actually, Mrs. Taylor will only be crying about the loss my coach would be angry at how his son got beaten up by a girl. Of course, you can cut all of his hair off. Hopefully that would wake him up. My eyebrows raise. Really? Yeah. I mean, hes so protective of his hair. Its the first thing he fixes every time he wakes up. Hes bound to see it missing, wouldnt he? Tip-toeing to the kitchen, I open the cupboards and am careful not to let the loud creaking noise disturb any sleepers. Grinning, I pull out the jar of honey Mum had bought last week from the supermarket. Hopefully, she wont mind if it disappears. Picking up the whole bucket, I make sure to grab a tablespoon on the way back to my room. Turning the doorknob, I am now inside the room, welcomed by the heavy snoring of my trusty archenemy. Without notifying my brother of the plans, I pick out a tablespoon of honey and creep over to where Jacob is sleep-talking. If only I could tell her that I like her, more than anybody else. Weve known each other for so long, and started off on the wrong foot. I assume hes talking about Letitia, as I shake all the honey off my tablespoon and onto his upturned palm. If Leighton is right, and the first thing Jacob touches is his hair, then Ive officially found myself a successful prank. My brother gives me a thumbs-up of an approval, and I know Ive done well. Mustve made him proud hes already wiping fake tears from his bright green eyes. Stretching my hands, I slump back into my pillow, trying to block out the rest of the world. I wait for Jacob to wake up, because I need to witness his expression even if its in the middle of the night. Perhaps I will need to stay up all night, but its a sacrifice Im happy to make. All of a sudden, Jacob stirs in his sleep. Leighton still hasnt fallen asleep yet, and is suddenly on full alert. Hes watching Jacobs bed so closely, its almost like hes trying to memorise each and every aspect of it from the extra-large pillows to the black-checked blankets. Oh, this is not good. Leighton, you need to pass level ten or you wont be as cool as me. I have no idea what Jacob just said in his sleep-talk, and neither does Leighton. The moment weve been waiting for arrives; he runs his fingers through his hair. Personally, I dont remember what came first. Was it Leighton and my high-five exchanges and hysterical laughter or Jacobs ear-piercing screams and dash to grab a hairbrush? Either way, the prank worked and the results are priceless. Jacob eyes me with such an evil look, I almost expect my body to sink down into the mattress. Even in the low moon rays, I can see his silver eyes sparkling with clear hatred and anger.

Sweet dreams, Jake. With that, I drift off to sleep with a goofy and accomplished smile on my face. APCH Good morning, Cora! Rubbing my eyes, I look up and have a hard time not jumping off my bed. Jacobs face is a couple of centimetres away from mine, and inching closer every second. With a shrill scream, I kick him in the shins and escape from his clutches. To nobodys surprise, Leighton is still fast asleep, trying to make up for whatever dozing time has been lost prior to his best friend and my worst enemy. Jacob, dont you ever do that again. Hey, Cora. He sighs. Can you forget the past and concentrate on the future? I grimace, making sure he knows my response before I let it escape my lips. Let me think; not on your life. With a huff, I gather up some of my clothes and head straight to the shower. Its been so long since I had one one day ago, actually. Sighing, I let the warm water soak through my skin. Once I get into showers, I never want to get out, in fear of the coldness I receive once out of the warm environment. After three, delightful minutes, I finally decide Ive wasted enough water. Holding my breath, I turn the hot water out and let only the cold water run through. Wincing, I let the cold water burn through my skin, but I know its all for a good cause. If Im used to feeling cold, I wont feel so frozen when the time comes to get out. Its only then I realise Ive forgotten to shampoo my hair. Grabbing the shampoo, I squirt it on my hands, noting the peculiar colour of the substance but not paying much attention to it. Then I turn off the cold water tap, before walking out of the shower with a fresh feeling. As I start changing into my clothes, a tiny piece of paper passes through the crack at the bottom of the door. I never said Id forget about the past and concentrate on the future. Snorting, I wonder how immature a person has to be to feed something to someone in the shower. Once Ive finished changing into all of my clothes, I walk out of the shower. The first thing I then do is check my reflection in the mirror. Walking up to the mirror, I inspect myself for the first time and wish I havent. My hair; a sickening, disgusting green.

My mum shoots me a worried look, but still attempts to get rid of my green hair. Using a bar of soap, she scrubs every aspect of my scalp, making me grit my teeth by doing so. The hard-asrock sponge keeps on attacking the top of my head, and I wince after every stroke. Even someone as masterful as my mum cant stop the painful procedure. After almost a sixth of an hour scrubbing, she sighs before putting the brush down. My stomach churns as I think of the many reasons why my mum would be so disappointed. Maybe the constant scrubbing has caused for all of my hair to fall out? Almost as if shes reading my thoughts, a mirror is handed to me without any further words. Not a single strand is green, but my hair isnt black either. Only a light brown, which is closer to blonde hair than anything else. Natural. No more hair-dye is left in the packet Mum had given me, meaning that I would need to buy some more. Of course, it would cost me a couple of extra dollars from my allowance I cant let that happen with Christmas coming up. How am I supposed to buy that perfect present for Alex? Sighing, I realise I would rather be kept in the group than make my best friend happy. Its probably the shallowest thing Ive ever thought. Sighing, I push away my hair onto my back, letting it flow down like a waterfall. I gather all the spare money given for my allowance, and head off to the supermarket with Leighton questioning my moves. Where are you going? Can I come too? he asks, as Im halfway out the door. Grinning, I comprehend hes actually up and going. Jacob mustve thrown a pillow at him, or yelled into his ears until my brother woke up. My archenemys name sends a shiver down my back, as I wonder where he is. Sure, Leight. Pausing, I wonder if hes the best person to ask the question on my mind. Wheres Jacob? Down at Alexs house, I think. Leighton sniffles, as if the thought is too painful to bear. Hey, youre fourteen. Walk over to Alexs house. Wrinkling his nose, he knows Im right. Bye, Cora. Within a few seconds, hes running toward the direction of Alexs house. All of a sudden, my mum grasps me from behind. Lets stay in the house, okay? We havent had any mother/daughter time for so long. Thats how I end up on the couch, tangled up in knitting wool I cant knit. Every so often, I would put my knitting needles on the sofa and start moaning about how horrible my life is. Not a single stitch can be made into something in my hands. Mum gives me a cheery, Keep trying! and keeps on persisting on her project. Easy for her, especially since shes already knitted a hair-band and halfway through her scarf.

I would hate to grow up and take care of a family, because I suck at everything girly. Even placing nail polish on my fingers is a difficult task, because I manage to get more of the substance on my skin than the actual nails. This is why my nails are completely bare. After many failed attempts, I put aside my knitting wool and navy-blue wool I have tangled up into impossible knots. Mum will find some way to reuse it, whether its spending half-an-hour untangling it or giving it to Alfred and Nathan to play with. They will always make good use of knitting wool. Mum, I begin, sounding whiny without intending to. Can I go now? I need to get something from the shops. I havent talked to you for so long! Tell me whats up. Sighing, I start with my life. How Alex needed to get someone to broadcast on the radio, and how a troublesome and argumentative pair would be the perfect people to use for a radio station aimed at teenagers, Mum chuckles every so often, and then tells me how we probably scared some of the costumers away. And, how the audience might think were a married couple. Trust me; its tempting not to slap her for that cheeky comment. Yeah, alright. Whatever. Im going to the supermarket now. For a very good reason too, because its five oclock already. Its amazing how fast time goes when knitting with my mother. Of course, shes the one actually knitting Im just sitting there giving bundles of wool a blank stare. The cool, crisp breeze welcomes me as soon as I step on the doormat. Grinning like an idiot, I look at it. Oh no, not you again, it reads. Aunty Petunia, has the wildest ideas for everyday items. She lives in Canada right now, living with my father. How shes tolerating my fathers smoking is beyond me. Trees begin to shake in the warm wind, blowing red dust all around in swirly shapes. Covering my eyes with my right hand, I take a huge gulp of breath before closing my mouth. Hopefully its enough to keep dust away fro me. Within a few minutes, Im standing in front of the biggest supermarket in Swan Hill. Of course, its the only shopping centre there. Feeling near ecstatic, I clutch at my pockets, where my purse is. As soon as I go into the grocery shop, I pull my black, fake-leather purse out. Air-conditioning is the first thing I feel, freezing up all sweat on my body created by the heating of summer. Cora? Looking in front of me, I see Claudia, frowning. What happened to your hair? Pursing my lips, I know saying, Jacob put green hair-dye in my shampoo conditioner and I fell for it, wouldnt be the best thing to say. Its a definite way to get kicked out before I can start explaining my reasons. Oh, uh, I kind of washed it out by mistake. Going to buy some hair-dye now. That seems to satisfy her, as she walks off on her red high-heels. Trust me, if I can find an excuse to punch her, I would.

What, with her posh attitude and fake eyelashes, how can she expect to be our leader? All of a sudden, I just heard myself think. How is it that Im still in the group? Its not even worth it anymore, especially since they expect far too much out of me. Can they tell I have feelings like any other normal being? As I watch a girl from my school stick out her tongue at me, its obvious they dont. Come to think of it, I doubt Ive ever noticed that particular girls face before. Yet, it seems all too familiar To my surprise, the girl runs toward me, a huge grin on her face. Recognise me? she questions, striking a pose and looking almost smug. Her bright red hair is now is a zillion plaits, eye-liner loading on her bright eyes. Red lipstick in on her lips, as she puckers, trying to make it look more noticeable. Trust me; its noticeable enough. Letitia? I ask, astonished. Why the sudden change? What am I supposed to tell her? That her old natural-self was beautiful and this fake version is ugly? No, thats not what someone would say to a friend. Even if we have barely known each other for a half-hour, she still counts as someone who looks at me, not through me. By the way shes twirling around, I wont be too surprised if she accidentally trips someone trips on their feet during the process. Several people are giving us looks, but not of, What on Earth? but more like, She looks so fake. The beeping of the cash-register is rings against my ears, as announcements are said over the microphone. People are rushing, attempting to be first-one served. Of course, not everyone can be number one, as some people sigh, waiting for the long lines to shorten. Well, I have my date with Jacob today. She grins. And, well, I wanted to buy something for him from here. A grocery store? A present from a grocery store? But I dont say anything, and simply smile. Did you know its his birthday tomorrow? she says in a matter-oh-fact tone. She smirks at my shocked expression. So Jacob is a one month older than me? Its obvious this piece of information has never been told. How come Leighton never mentioned anything about his best friends birthday? Hes not as forgetful as I am with birthdays, so he really doesnt have any excuse. Um, yeah. Ive known him for so long. I try to sound casual, but Im sure my voice is near hysterics. Why wouldnt I know? Your facial expressions say otherwise, but Ill let it go. She winks at me, suddenly looking near-desperate. I need some help choosing a gift. Do you mind helping me? And thats how I end up in the confectionary isle. Honestly, if any of the popular girls saw me like this, Ill be the laughing source. They would think I eat too much sweets, and Im too fat to remain a member of their group.

Well, he likes marshmallows. Internally, I grin at my own words. Jacob hates marshmallows, because they contain gelatine. According to him, gelatine is an animal product, and animals shouldnt be slaughtered for his amusement. Yet, he still doesnt hesitate to stuff three chicken drumsticks in his mouth at the same time when eating dinner. Strange boy, he is. Letitia raises an eyebrow at that. Marshmallows have gelatine. I thought he was vegan. Its one of the things we had in common. Probably trying to impress you, I say, trying to appear unsuspicious. The excellent thing is, its not a complete lie either. Aw. Hes sweet, isnt he? Right now, another quote comes into my head that very minute. Beauty is different to each ones eye. I never realised how utterly relatable this quote is. Letitia likes Jacob when no other girl can poke him without bursting into tears. Love works in amazing ways, some more disgusting than others. Right now, I cant imagine how weird and awkward the wedding would be. Probably a beach wedding, where they throw a surf party afterward. Letitia doesnt seem to be the normal type, and Jacobs quite wacky too. Hmph, perfect match. Yeah, totally sweet. Wiping away at a trickle of vomit Im sure will pour down any second, I say, Look, I need to go buy some hair-dye and head back. As if noticing my different-coloured hair for the first time, Letitia stares at it. Wow. You have such pretty hair. Why do you want to dye it? Black looks horrible on you. Grimacing, I head to the beauty section, pick up black hair-dye from the shelf, and line up at an express counter. To my delight, not a single person is waiting at a certain register, which has recently opened. The woman behind the counter looks at me with beady eyes. Thatll be six-ninety, she says in a low, husky voice, almost making me jump by the masculinity. Pulling out a ten-dollar note, I hand it to her. Within a few seconds, everything is complete, and Im ready to head home. Only then do I notice a sign up on the wall reading, WANTED: EMPLOYERS NEEDED. Eyes widened, I read through the details, before realising its for sixteen years old and over. A light-bulb shines in my head, as I think of the many other jobs people will a fourteen-year-old do, and still give money. Five dollars to buy ice cream wont help me; I need someone whos serious about their jobs. Instantly, Alfred and Nathan Opal come into my mind. Their parents cant stand them half the time, and always drone about how they need time alone to do romantic stuff without the kids. But I cant just barge in and tell them I want money. Some sort of plan needs to be organised, and chances are, I need to talk to Alex.

Im right in front of my house when my thoughts start to fade. Opening the unlocked door, I find myself walking across a newly-vacuumed carpet. Mum must feel very active today, because I can smell pizza filling the air; the soft texture of chicken, cheese and peperoni. Flinging the door open, this is the last thing I expected to see. Jacob and Letitia; side-to-side on the bed, kissing each other.

Finally acknowledging my existence, they pull apart, looking at me with wide eyes. I dont know what shocks me more; the fact they are kissing, or how theyre doing it in my room. Even when a girl brings over something Jacob claims to be slaughter, he still doesnt resist the urge to make-out with her. Letitia is mental, and aliens have taken over her body and spirit without a doubt. W-what are you doing? Half-expecting Jacob to say, Kissing. Duh. What does it look like? its a shock when he doesnt let a word escape his lips. No, ignore that question. The tiniest of smiles show up on Jacobs lips. Why are you doing it in my room? Yeah, I better go. If I blinked, I wouldve completely missed-out on Letitias escape. One minute shes in the room, the next, shes halfway down the street. Gosh, even I cant deny she can run fast. Or maybe I gave her the creeps, and she ran away just to avoid me. As for you, we need to set up some rules. Jacob groans, falling back into the bed and stuffing pillows over his ears. Just let me off this one time, okay? If you tell your mum or even my mum, Im going to kill you. I hesitate. Look, no need to be hasty. You dont have any reason to kill anyone. Just, promise me something. What? That you will never-ever-ever use my room as your own privacy. Theres something we call a bathroom. Use that if you bring anymore girls around here. I pause. Who am I kidding? No girl will want you. Letitia did. The conversation stops right there, because I dont want any gruesome details on what other mischief they were up to while I was gone. No, some things are better left unknown. With a chilling shudder running down my back, I walk toward the kitchen where Leighton is happily stuffing his mouth with chocolate-covered chicken nuggets. Taking my place at the dinner table, I cant stop my face from showing the disgusted expression. Ever so often, he would stuff more of the disgusting product in his mouth. Mum turns the light on, since its evening already. Automatically, the whole kitchen is lit-up and easy to see. Why do you like all the worst things? I inquire my brother, trying not to shake my head. Hey, thats not fair! He swallows another portion of his creation. I also like classical music. I rest my case. Jacob strides over to us, a stupid grin on his face. Probably thinking back to the personal moment a couple of minutes ago. I would do almost anything to wipe that stupid grin off his face.

Think fast. Within a second of saying those two words, I fling a fork to him. Jacob catches it, almost making the reaction look effortless. With the sweetest smile Ive ever seen the to-be villain wear, he places the fork next to me. He didnt even throw it back, just in case I get poked in the eye with it. Ere you go, Cora. Blindly, he ruffles my light-brown hair before sitting back in his seat, appearing dazed. Light brown looks good on you. If it isnt for my mum throwing me a look of warning, I would grab him by the collar and scream in his face. How dare he compliment me! Because, next thing I know, Liam Yvonne would take the next plane ticket from America and punch my nose in. How can Jacob even think ruffling my hair and not trying to kill me out of reason will solve anything? Taking sharp inhales of breaths, I look over to where Mum is sitting. The bright light makes sure to bring out the blonde in her light-brown hair, almost looking angelic. Shes sitting on the opposite of Leighton, like Im seated on the other end of Jacob. Biting my lip, I wonder if Jacob would scream when I kick him from under the table. Maybe some common sense will be knocked into him during the process? So I try my scheme. Ouch. His eyes narrow. What did I ever do to you? Everything. With that word hanging in the air, I kick him once again. He grits his teeth, before an Im not going to hit a girl expression crosses his face. I know this is no use. Letitia has already brainwashed him. But another attempt wont hurt, right? Again, I kick the hardest I possibly can. Jacob winces in pain, and does what Ive been waiting for. He kicks back. Although a deep pain runs through my ankle, I still cant help smiling internally. No, Jacob Taylor is not under any kind of spell. Definitely a good sign. Unfortunately, hes not the type to stop with one kick when the other person has kicked him three times. Thats how I end up with a swollen ankle that night. Its obvious I deserved it; but having an alien living in my house is not one of my favourite things to acknowledge. I squirm in my sleep, as the uncomfortableness of my aching ankle stops me from twisting my body around. Curse Jacob and his brilliantly-talented kicking skills. An hour rolls by. Two hours. Then, I hear a sound. A sound of my brother tip-toeing out of his bed, probably going toward the kitchen and craving some more chocolate out of its packet. Sighing, I realise theres not point in pretending I will get some sleep, as I follow Leighton. The kitchen light flickers on, as Leighton looks at me with wide-eyes from behind the counter. A huge, vanilla birthday cake is on the blue-and-white bench, with the words Happy Birthday, Jake! written across it in white icing. As if I still cant tell whose birthday it is, a sign is on the kitchen wall, reading, Happy Fifteenth Birthday! W-what are you doing here? Leighton draws a plastic knife from the drawer, holding it up and looking almost scared. Look, I know you dont want to share any cake, but Im your sister, and

Leighton sighs, defeated, before placing the plastic knife on the blue bench. Either he took pity for me out of the Im your sister lecture, or he realised a plastic fork isnt much use for a weapon. Most likely the latter. It has nothing to do with you eating all of the cake before Jacob can. He pauses, a frown creasing his face. Okay, maybe the slightest bit. But the main reason is, I dont want you to ruin it. He has only one birthday every year. I look at Leighton like hes insane. Im not that shallow to ruin someones special day, I say, hardly audible. My brothers eyebrows shoot skyward. Really? Well, in that case, can you help me set up? I want to make sure the partys ready before midnight. We spend the next few minutes setting things up, putting edible items in their correct places. Leighton probably seems surprised that Im willing to help him set up Jacobs birthday, but I cant blame him. Even Im surprised Im doing something decent for my archenemy, Really, I should stop calling him that. Hes not an enemy I dont think, at least. Just a boy with axe-murderers, prison-breaks and druggies as best friends. Abnormal-person-Iknow? Yes, thats a better thing to call him. All of a sudden, halfway through setting up, I realise something. Leighton, is the cake vanilla flavoured? Yes. He looks confused. Why do you ask? Jacob hates vanilla-flavoured cake. Horrified, my twin brother says, But he loves vanilla ice cream! Lost in thought, I try to find a way to put the problem in words. Something simple so Leighton can understand. My brother isnt a boy of many understandings, so this should be fairly difficult. Its kind of like me and chocolate ice cream. I love plain chocolate, but dont like it in ice cream. You know? To my surprise, my brother nods wisely, almost if he understood what I just said. He sighs. So, whatre we supposed to do now? Make a chocolate cake. Duh. How do you know he doesnt like vanilla? Of course he would ask that. Its not normal for archenemies to know little things like that about each other. Sometimes, I ask myself the same question: How do I know all this about Jacob? Maybe the infinite years of hairpulling, kicking and screaming must have caused us to find things out? In sixth grade, I had put a worm in vanilla cake and then offered it to Jacob. The plan didnt work out, as he turned away in disgust at the flavour. Leighton nods, and I know Ive made sense to him. But neither of us know the least about making cakes the vanilla one my brother got is from a cake store downtown. Somehow, I dont think theyd still be open at this time of

the day. My brother starts groaning about how shops in Swan Hill should have longer opening hours, as I roll my eyes and gather all the ingredients for making a chocolate cake. He stops his rambling to shoot me a look of curiosity. Then, he starts babbling all over again. Sometimes, I wonder if there is an off-button on my twin brother. There most likely isnt, because Mum wouldve pushed it by now. Unless she likes being tortured by his high-pitched voice, which is severely unlikely. You know, begins my brother in a quiet voice. You can just use the cake mix in the top cupboard. Right now, I want to knock him out with a giant boulder. Couldnt he mention it when I spent about ten minutes trying to find sugar? Gritting my teeth, I shoot him a death glare before picking out the mix. There is a recipe on the colourful packet, guaranteed to make life easier when someone doesnt know their best friends pet peeves for their birthday cake. I guess since Leighton lives all the way in Canada, he doesnt know Jacob half as well as I do. It brings me to another thought: would he hate Jacob too if he really knew how mean the abnormal-person-Iknow can be? Probably not. Maybe its a boy thing to not hate someone, yet, they dont stop teasing dorky kids who cant live day without their glasses. They probably started some sort of, Never Hate Jacob Taylor fan club, one I have no knowledge or idea about, and plan not to for eternity. Pouring out the contents, I do exactly what the recipe says. Pour in some milk and sugar correct to their measurements. Add two eggs and make sure not to drop the shells into the mixture. Just when Im about to add butter to the mixture, my brother takes the bowl. To my surprise, he is wearing the apron he swore he would never wear. The words, Im in a cooking mooooood! is on the front in big, red letters. Patches of black are all over the side, imitating the spots on a cow. Although Id never admit it out loud, I have never seen a black and white cow before only brown or plain white ones. Does that make me unnatural, when the majority of cows are supposed to be greyscale? Shaking the random thought out of my mind, I turn my attention just in time to hear what Leighton has to say next. Hey, Cora, Ill take care of it now. You can set up everything else. Nodding my head in obedience, I set up some of the signs on the walls. Some reading, Happy Birthday! and other reading, Jakob. Why did you misspell his name? I ask my brother, trying not to laugh. He shrugs. I was too late. All the signs that have a C in Jacob were sold out. I had to be flexible. Turning back to his cooking, he adds the eggshells beside the mixing bowl. Horrified, I open my mouth to say something, but then close it back again. Let Jacob get food-poisoned. Just, I wont be eating any cake soon. Gritting his teeth, Leighton scratches his thin hair as he tries to figure out what is missing. I want to remind him that the mix has everything he needs, and if he puts it into the oven, it should bake into a perfect cake with eggshells buried in them. But Leighton already adds some mustard before I can part my lips. Shrugging, I know I wont be affected as long as I dont eat any of his cooking, so I absent-mindedly set up the rest of his surprise party. Mum wouldnt care if she saw us anyway. Shes probably having sweet nightmares about Derek.

The voice recorder Beth gave me is attached to my knee with a rubber-band, still switched on and recording everything. Ive never turned it off once, and its still going. Id completely forgotten Ive attached it to my knee dreams and reality are always so difficult to distinguish between each other. Finally, the whole scene is set up and ready to go. Now we just need Jacob to wake up. Its not hard at all, as he is already half-awake, muttering in his sleep about saving William. He throws his fist in the air, attempting to kill the fire but then hesitating back. Wake up, Jacob. I grin at how fluently it rhymed. Wake up, I whisper again. He stirs, but doesnt do anything. Leighton comes in the room with tomato sauce spilled all over his apron, as he says, Ill handle this. But just before I walk away, I cant resist asking, Why all the extra ingredients? I wanted Jacob to have a birthday cake hed never forget. He looks at me, chest puffing with pride. Yeah, itd be pretty hard to forget the person poisoning you, I mutter to myself before walking out of the room. The kitchen is dark, and I dont flick on the lights. There is a huge outburst of the famous song, London Bridge is Falling Down and a scream from Jacob as a reaction. Frowning, I wonder why anybody would be scared of that nursery rhyme. Both boys rush out of the room, Leighton with a huge grin pasted on his face and Jacob looking ready to slaughter my brother. My twin runs up and hides behind me, where Jacob stops the hunting and sighs, defeated by the lack of light. He used to like a girl called London in third grade, Leighton whispers, as Jacobs ears go scarlet, even in the darkness. My eyes widened. Was her last name Bridge? No. Iguanna, I think. But she moved to another school, crushing Jacobs heart. I can feel the voice recorder soaking every detail of the explanation. Jacob narrows his eyes, and just as hes about to charge at my brother Surprise! I yell, throwing my hands in the air and wondering if my voice sounds as hysterical as my thoughts are. We planned it for you. Flickering on the lights, I point toward the sign. Happy Birthday, Jakob. Looking quizzical, Jacob scratches his head, most likely wondering how two teenagers, who hes known him their whole life, can spell his name wrong. Leighton bought the sign, I say, holding both hands as if to defend myself. A look of understanding crosses his face. No-one can underestimate Leighton and his naiveness.

Oh, and Ive baked a cake for you. He sets the chocolate cake onto the table, before running a knife across the middle to reveal the many ingredients hidden in the clearly-inedible food. Tomato sauce oozes out, mustard is decorated in the core, and is that chicken behind a leaf of spinach? Of course, Jacob doesnt bother to check the actual contents. As long as there is chocolate somewhere in a product, hes happy. Picking a slice of cake out, he places it on his plate. Just before putting it in his mouth, I do the strangest thing ever; something completely out of my character. Jacob, stop! He looks at me, shooting a puzzled look. That that cake has weird things in it. Observing the slice, Jacob shrugs before stuffing the half of the food into his mouth. I turn away, avoiding my stomach to weaken, and hoping is hasnt already. Once he swallows it, he smiles. Wow. You saved me from being poisoned and getting rushed to hospital in an ambulance where my life meets doom? Jacob puts on a fake-shocked expression. Thats sickishly sweet of you. Trust me, it has nothing to do with you. I pause. Mum wouldnt be able to afford an ambulance, and if you use up all the money, I wont be able to get the skateboard Ive been wanting. Every word from what I said was a lie, and judging by Jacobs stupid grin, he seems to know it. No, really. That was quite nice. Standing up from his chair, he kisses me on the cheek.

The shocked expression on my face only lasts a minute, as I run my fingers through where Jacobs lips touched. Gooey contents belonging to the chocolate cake appears on my fingertips, and I cant help rolling my eyes. Hes so immature, I dont find a reason for trying to act mature around him. Leighton and Jacob are now laughing until they clutch at their sides, still not taking a breath. Very funny, Jacob. He looks smug. I know I am. But couldnt you throw it at me? Why kiss me? Remember. He points to his lips. Letitia was kissing them a couple of hours ago. If such thing as feeling sick after a sentence exists, this is the best example. I dont know what Jacob and Letitia were doing when I wasnt around, but they involved Jacob and his horrible lips alright. Clapping a hand over my mouth, I slump into a chair and feel my face going green. Are you trying to sicken me to my graveyard? I ask, my wispy voice so low, Im surprised anyone heard it. If thats the way you want to look at it, then yes. Im trying to sicken you to death. Idiot. With the final word, I run to the bathroom and wash my face thoroughly. Sloppy, disgusting things gurgle down the sink when I turn off the tap. Jacob is sitting there, talking to my brother about some geeky video game, when I run to my room and slam it.


There is a scampering of feet as my eyelids flutter open. Sitting up, I take in the rather unusual scene. Test tubes everywhere, peculiar-coloured liquid consuming all the space. There is a book about biology on my bed, and a magnifying glass on top of it, making the authors name pop out. Only one person evil enough to do this. Jacob! Giggling like a child, my worst enemy continues to pretend nothing happened, as he walks into the room with an undisguised chuckle. Faking a shocked expression, he asks, Wow, who did this?

Oh, I dont know. How many people actually waste time to play a prank on someone? That narrows it down to You. I shake my head. Why do you have to do this? Especially when you know I failed my science exam. He shrugs. Because I felt like it. With those simple words, he walks out of the room with a goofy grin. By the way. Letitia and I are about to go on our second date, he calls, as if I care about his life. Dont intrude. Shaking my head, I cant help wonder what that girl sees in him. Maybe this is all just a bad dream, and as soon as I pinch myself on the arm, all the horrifying memories will fade. Grinning to myself, I know its worth an attempt if it gets rid of Jacob and his face full of ugliness out of my mind. Wincing, I pat myself tenderly where I have pinched it much harder than I intended to. This is not a nightmare; this is reality. Kind of like how I dont have to worry about going to hell. Im already living it. Except, its called high school. Leighton is in his bed, playing some weird video game I can only hear echoes from. Sound effects of people screaming and gun shooting are what my poor ears hear. Not being able to take it any longer, I snatch the video game, causing Leightons eyes to pop out of their sockets. Almost immediately, I pause it, and watch amusedly as his reaction turns relaxed. Lets do something together, I suggest. Its been forever since weve done something without Jacob. Leighton smiles at this, but not before pulling a face at the science equipment surrounding my bed. He shakes his head before muttering Jacobs name under his breath, and how his pranks are getting lamer by the second. Well, in his opinion. Our opinion, specifically. Okey-dokey, so what video game do you want to play? His green eyes sparkle with excitement. Theres this new one downtown, where you have to feed bananas to the evil monkeys, and then help them reproduce so that they can defeat your enemy! And then Or maybe we can just watch a movie? I cut him off, and feel hopeful when he listens to me. Something comical? By the way my twins excitement fades, I know hes not too excited about this scheme. Anyhow, I dont care as long as it doesnt involve video games, which are a complete waste of time, anything will be accepted. Yeah, thats not a bad idea either. He pauses. Are you sure you shouldnt do something more useful? Frowning, I sit up on full alert. What do you mean? A hockey game. Maybe I can help you out with some moves? Whos more shocked, I have no either. Is it my expression consisting of bulging eyes, mouth wide open and numb feeling? Or can it be the way Leightons looking terrified at my expression? Quite fairly, both of us are unmistakably surprised. Really? I whisper.

When Leighton nods with a positive smile, I squish him into a hug. Ugh! Watch the collarbone! Never forget the collarbone! I cant help rolling my eyes. You broke it when you were five how can it still hurt? Reaching over to poke at it, I try to add my point. It just does, okay? He flinches at my touch, before pushing my fingers away. Sighing at his defensiveness, I stand up and pick up my hockey stick, which is sitting for someone to use it. Racing outside, my brother follows me with sigh and mutters about how quick I am at running in comparison to himself. Which is hardly fair, since his agility is the reason he won the last hockey match. Sure, he cant run up stairs without breaking into sweats, but hes still faster than me. We stand opposite of each other in the small circle, both ready to hit the puck. Well, in this case, its a tennis ball. Jacobs dad would yell at me for this if playing on a real field, because nothing should replace the puck. Hocky one. Our sticks touch in a criss-cross pattern. Hockey two. Hockey three. Its time to strike, but I let Leighton take the ball. Reading my mind, he explains what he does as he runs along the field with a toothy grin. Make sure to hit the ball. He passes the ball to me, dimples showing more vividly on his left cheek. Really, Genius? I mutter, taking the ball with a sharp block of my hockey stick. Yes, really, he replies, ignoring the irony in my voice. Also, make sure that you stand with your legs close together. That way, the ball wont go through your legs. Nodding, I hit the ball toward the other side, where my goal is. The ball doesnt go anywhere near the goal, but who cares? The fact I actually hit it is a thing worth celebrating. My brother doesnt seem too impressed, judging by the irritating smug grin on his face. He takes control of the ball, sending it racing to me. Then, he holds his hand up to stop the game. How bout we make you feel like your old self? Normally, I wouldnt have a clue about what he means. But in this case, I know exactly what hes intending. Not a single part of me likes when Leighton thinks. And how exactly are you supposed to do that? Placing my hands on my hips, I glare at him. Easy. As youre playing hockey, name some positives in your life. As in, things youre glad you did or some stuff youre happy you do. Or things youre looking forward to. A smile spreads over his face. We used to do that back in second grade, remember? How can I forget? We always used to play hockey, while screaming out the things we enjoy in life. It helps us discover who we are, even though it doesnt make much sense. Probably a The Campbell Twins thing.

My brother screaming at the top of his lungs about how lucky he was to have a goldfish named Fred is something unforgettable. We never had a goldfish, and when I stopped to look at him strangely, he took the chance and scored a goal. Sneaky little monkey. Ready? I yell. Not waiting for a response, Im the first one to hit the ball over to Leightons side. Licking his lips and furrowing brows in concentration, he hits it back with his first retort. Im happy that Jacob is going home at the end of this month, he declares, his voice echoing so loud, the whole Southern Hemisphere would be able to hear it. I just cant stand his snoring. That makes two of us, I think, before neatly catching the ball with my hockey stick. A picture of the dorky Alex with a beanie covering his pointy ears flashes into my mind. But the last thing I need is for my brother to realise my best friends on my mind. That wont lower any teasing at all why bother bring Alex into it? I can play Mary Had A Little Lamb on the piano, I declare with pride. Only when my brother catches the ball with a snort do I become conscious of how ridiculous it must sound aloud. Scowling at his unsupportive self, I wait for him to hit the ball back. Today is a great time to catch a ball, rather than a century later. To my annoyance, he takes longer than usual to respond. He stands up straight, scratching his chin in obvious thought. His eyebrows furrow together once more when he cant think of anything decent or heroic to say. Shouting out that hes in love with his teddy bear wouldnt impress anyone, let alone his very own sister. I am not afraid to be myself. With that, he flings the ball to me with a swing of his hockey stick. Even though he doesnt mean it directly to me, it still hurts. Because Im not like him, no matter how similar we look. He doesnt care about Liam Yvonne beating him up because Jacob asked him to. Chances are, my twin doesnt even know Liam. But he wouldnt let that bully scare him. No, hed tell a teacher, not taking in how people would chatter behind his back for the rest of his life all for being a snitch. My next statement is quite easy. A boy immediately comes into my mind, one with a very familiar face. Unmistakable grey eyes, thin lips, messy brown hair, triangular face and sharp cheekbones which cut off at an angle. Fairly ugly in my eyes; a Greek God to Letitia. I make enemies with all the right people. Leighton catches the ball with a grin crossing his face. Cant imagine why you said that. Really? Then you must be dumber than you look. Leighton, like me, doesnt stop to hesitate before declaring his next quality. I make friends with all the right people."

Cant argue with him there when talking about Alex, that is. When the subject changes to Jacob, there are countless arguments I can use for him to take back his statement. So many, Leighton wouldnt have a chance to rest for many days, if not months. Im not afraid to be me, I say quietly, but my voice quavers near the end of the sentence, and we both know Im lying. Really, I insist, not fooling either of us. My brother catches the ball with his stick with a troubled expression on his face. He then picks up small, round object before making his way over to where Im standing with my arms crossed over my chest. You sure? Because it doesnt seem like it to me. A few minutes pass, him waiting for an answer, me not sure what to answer him with. What am I supposed to say? That hes right? No, judging by the undisguised smirk on his face, he knows hes correct. Something I wouldnt like to admit to him hes already got a big head. Tell me, Cora. Whore you so scared of? I dont have to think twice. Liam Yvonne. He raises an eyebrow at this new piece of information. He probably thought Id answer with Jacobs name, and how Im so scared of him. As if. No way can I be scared of a boy with such a weird, high-pitched giggle. Description? he inquires. Dark brown hair, thick bushy eyebrows, fairly tall, green eyes and full lips. I cant help frowning at how I still remember this boy, even though the last time I seen him was in second grade. Some things just stick with me forever. All of a sudden, a ball is thrown over to our side of the yard. That boy who I had been kicking to is finally back. Even without seeing anyone, I still can tell its him by his ridiculously straight kicks. So high, I can barely see its shadow. Oh. Leighton looks surprised. Is that Alfred or Nathan? Neither. But I dont say anything more to my brothers quizzical look. Instead, I grab the ball and kick it back, using the crooked kind-of kick I always do as a signature. The receiver seems to understand it, as he laughs before saying, Beep, beep, beep, in a horrible imitation of a robot voice. Rolling my eyes skyward, I yell, Okay, really. Whos this? Come over to my house and observe. Climb over the fence. Just before I obey the mysterious voice, my brother plants a firm grip on my right shoulder. Ill come with you. For all you know, he could be a tap-dancer. He shudders, while I just shoot him a blank look. Realising my strange expression, he coughs. I dont like them. At all. Their feet scare me.

Fourteen years of knowing my brother and he still surprises me. Raising my eyebrows at this, I climb up the damp, wooden fence. My clothes are the tiniest bit wet from the wet wood, but it doesnt matter. Falling on the other side, I look up to see a pair of glass-blue eyes. Ello! He waves, a mischievous smile spreading through his lips. Cora, right? Liam Wailyn.

Feeling rather pale, I look up at the freckled face. Thin blond hair covers the whole exterior of his scalp, the slightest bit of baldness showing. No doubt is he the annoying boy at the tests. Also one of the more special ones, giving me more attention than anybody else. Although, hes a complete failure with trying to flirt, asking for a pen when a decent one is already in his hand. Now that I think about it, he couldve told me the pen in his hand didnt work, and I would believe him. Does this make him an honest person? Its amazing how much I can interpret out of someone Ive only seen twice in my whole life. Yet, why does he look so familiar? Liam? A wide grin spreads over Leightons face. Oh wow. How are you? He wrinkles his nose. Whatre you doing at this house? Here? Oh, you know Alex? This guy called Alex by his real name, not nerd or geek like Id expect, I think to myself, astonished. Not very judgemental, is he? Well, this is his cousins house. Theyre always looking for more babysitters, so Alex put me up to the job. So that was why I never saw Alex on the last few days of school not that Id look for him, of course. But I didnt happen to stumble on him either. Hes probably spending all his spare time with this Liam. Why this sends a current of jealousy, I have no idea. Maybe because I want Alex to remain my best friend, and not shared with others? Even though you have no problem ditching him for your other friends? The horrible, atrocious voice strikes once again, making me grit my teeth in frustration. Does it ever stop talking? Or is there a concealed off-button I still havent discovered? Maybe Mum is right, and I do need that yoga cassette to support my mental wellbeing. Plus, you get good money, he adds as an afterthought. Alexs aunty and uncle dont care about money too much, giving them away whenever they can. My ears perk up at this. Isnt money one of the lone things Im short of at this tick? Licking my lips, I cant figure out what to declare to Liam. Hand over your job so I can earn some money to buy people something, because Im too shallow, and needed hair-dye to remain a part of the clique? Maybe not the first thing Id say to a stranger. Heck, I wouldnt even say that to my brother. Because it will add another person to people who think I have mental problems. Which I dont. So I start as slowly as I can. If I went inside and asked Alexs mum to give me a job, will she agree? Half-expecting the mysterious, vampire-like boy to scold me about even thinking of stealing his job, I have my fingers in a tight cross behind my back. The boy just smiles, his freckles looking stretched out across his face. Yup. She needs all the help she can get. He shudders. Trust me, those two kids are your walking-andtalking nightmare.

As if on cue, Alfred, the one with pointer ears than his brother, says, Liam! Can you make us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with extra cucumber and tomatoes? Dont ask, is all Liam says before jogging over to the boy with a deep sigh. Its just like Alfred to enlighten everyone with whats on his mind. Not a single thing is thought through in his case, telling us all kinds of things that Id rather not know. Of course, this is quite comparable to his brother as well. Except, Nathan just repeats what his older brother by three minutes would say. Its quite amazing how there are two pairs of twins in the same town. Leighton and me; Nathan and Alfred. Most small towns like Swan Hill dont even have one complete set, let alone two. Must be something in the air we breathe. Wait up! I yell after Liam, running over to him. My brother waves before climbing over the fence, and I can almost hear his voice in my head. Ill be going, he would say to me, if he were a little closer. Oh, and try not to get any of Alfreds vomit on your t-shirt. Course, you wouldnt, now knowing what he likes in sandwiches. Ill try not to! I turn around and yell at my brother, who gives me an astonished look and a thumbs-up before disappearing onto the other side of the fence. Boys, I mutter under my breath, before circulating across the long grass and arriving at the front door. Alexs aunty. The one with the cat who always finds himself food-poisoned, but never suffered a fatal one. Well, duh. He wouldnt be staring at me with those mysterious, yet adorable glass-blue eyes if hes supposed to be buried six feet underground. A soft, welcoming meow escapes his mouth as he purrs as loud as a tame tiger. The sudden urge crosses me to stroke it, run my fingers through its sleek-black fur. However, its the obvious way to catch some sort of disease, so I decide against the thought. Avoiding the cats gleaming eyes, I walk straight up to the doorstep and ring the bell. Coming! a shrill voice announces from inside. Finally the door opens, revealing a middle-aged woman with shoulder-length brown hair. She gives me a warm smile, and a look of recognition spreads through her face. Coralie? Nodding, I say, Hello, Marge. She hates Mrs. Everett applied to her something about it making her sound old. Well, Liam Wailyn goes to my school, and he found a job here. I pause for a dramatic effect. Do you have any more jobs available? A sigh of relief makes its way out her mouth. Sure thing, Darl. Me and my husband dont hardly get no time together nowadays. She shakes her head, a frown of annoyance spreading through her forehead at the thought. We have that Liam working here. Nice boy, he is. But I can always use an extra hand round here. Her purely country accent and choice of words are most amusing. I can sit in front of her, listening to the peculiar word choice and pronunciation all day, but who can find the time? Walking into her house before she can

gesture me to, I find Nathan and Alfred at the dinner table, chocolate smeared across their mouths. They look so guilty, I cant help chuckling. Marge looks as if shes going to scream, as soon as she observes what the boys are up to. Clutching at her temples, her face goes a dangerous shade of scarlet. Almost on cue, Nathan says, Oh, look at the time. He looks at an imaginary watch on his wrist Time to go to sleep. Both twins rush to their rooms, clicking the lock shut before anyone can remind them its only five oclock. Marge breathes in and out so fast, I have the urge to call emergency. Watching someone die in front of me wouldnt be a delightful experience. Oh, what m I doin? She groans as she puts her feet up on the coffee table. I need a break. Could you be a dear, Coralie, and look after them jus this night? Its a rhetorical question. Of course I will guard any kind of monster roaming Swan Hill, as long as theres something in it for me. As if reading my mind, she says, Ill give you a total of twenty dollars if yawl help me out. Too much of a good offer to resist, or try to bargain, I say, Deal. We shake hands. Marge grabs her coat and races out of the house before I can ask her what the twins want for dinner. After hearing the slamming of the door, the cautious boys open the door to peer out, their light-brown eyes staring right at me. Smiling as genuinely as I can, I walk up to their door. There eyes fix on me, almost as if Im their threat. Like Im going to ruin their lives forever. I want to remind them its the other way around, but I stay quiet. Im Cora, your new babysitter. They exchange grins, one which makes my stomach churn. The door is wide open, as they look up to me. Youre tall, one of them states. Alfred. Really tall. Almost like a giraffe. Gee, thanks, I mutter. Youre welcome, Nathan adds brightly. Its what we offer. Constructive criticism for all of our babysitters. A lump is stuck in my throat. Other babysitters? Oh yes. Alfred nods, looking solemn. Course, they all escaped while they had the chance. Mum has a hard time keeping babysitters. Wheres Liam gone? I inquire, realising how I havent seen him since attempting to follow him into the house. Home. A wide grin spreads through Nathans mouth. Meaning, youre here all alone with us. Both boys take a step closer.

All alone, Alfred whispers, echoing his brothers statement. For the second time in ten minutes, I swallow.


Leighton looks at me, mouth wide-open and eyes blank. Jacob is beside him, and although trying to maintain a poker face, his eyes are bulging out the slightest bit. Stop gawking at me! I snap, pulling some of the toothpaste out of my hair. You might get a mosquito bite on your tongue. Obeying my instructions, both boys close their mouths, but their eyes are still popping out of their sockets. This irritates me more than words can explain. Somehow, I didnt think babysitting Alfred and Nathan would result in toothpaste in my hair, honey on my face or sugar all over my jeans. W-what happened? my brother inquires, but its merely a whisper. Nathan and Alfred didnt like their new babysitter, I mutter under my breath, so low its a wonder how Jacob manages to hear it. Cant imagine why. A smirk appears onto his thin lips, but then disappears within a second. His expression is now worried and uncomfortable. Cora, have you noticed something strange about Letitia? I pretend to think about my answer before translating it into words. Acting like youre the ruler of the world, trying to get you in a car so you can make-out with her, saying I love you without knowing you for an entire three days and going all mental when you let go off her hand for one second? I pause. Yes, I may have noticed something like that. Jacob looks horrified, burying his head into his arms. Oh. God. A wide smirk spreads through my face, but then disappears when I realise Im still the one with toothpaste in my hair. Muttering about how Alfred and Nathans birth are freak accidents, I rinse my face with water from the tap. The liquid runs through my fingers and drains into the sink. After most of my hair is washed and my jeans are in the washing basket, I pace out of the bathroom with a sigh. Alfred and Nathan are a sure riot, and earning my goal of fifty dollars is going to be a difficult task. I step into my bedroom and stare at the roof, where the light is hanging. Seven oclock already? Not too much of a surprise, because today has been an awfully slow day. Internally, I cant help wonder why I dont quit the stupid clique right now. Why am I so helpless, that I cant trust myself to become me? The million-dollar question is, who am I? Am I a math expert like I was back in third grade, or a chess master with the dorky glasses? Am I a loser for liking math but hating science and English? I am practically living a double life one part of me obeying instructions just to keep a reputation, the other half too stubborn to even listen.

Double life. The two words circulate around my head until a brief feeling of nausea spreads through me. Thats exactly what Im living a double life. One is reckless, not caring about anybodys feelings, and whines and groans when losing at hockey. The real me would never have gotten so upset about Jacob winning that hockey game; shed put his name on top of the To-Kill list instead. Why am I so afraid to be myself? What is so frightening about revealing myself to the world? Only when I replicate those questions repeatedly, I find a very logical conclusion. Im ashamed to be myself.

Another day has begun and Mum's voice doesn't wake us. I can tell there is something wrong, so I race to the kitchen, not waking either of the snoring boys. Her high-pitched voice didn't greet me early in the morning. Something must be wrong. Walking up to the kitchen bench, I see a small sticky-note stuck to it. Peering at it, I read what it says. Leighton/Cora/Jacob, Derek is mad at me and I need to talk to him. I won't be back until dinnertime, so you can wait for me until then. Breakfast and lunch are in the fridge, and if you need me, you know what number to call. I'll miss you! Mum. My words dart over the words "I'll miss you" again, until I just have to let a grimace appear on my lips. Irony -I've got to love it. Missing us is the last thing she'll do -what normal mother lets their children out of their child for the slightest second? Getting pregnant at only fourteen was a careless move for my mother; which is why she's basically still a kid. Although it's nice to have a guardian who understands the mind of a teenager, I can't help wishing for a strict, yet caring mother. Even with the freedom I get given, I still don't feel loved. My mum can't even stick to the same person. How can she love her children? A wave of depression spreads through me. My life isn't bad -I have very healthy family members, and no abusing father is available. No one suffers from cancer, have some rare disease nor has anything wrong with them. It's the little things preventing me from living a happy life, which drive me crazy. Why can't I be myself? How come my mum doesn't even care about me? My parents are divorced, but why don't I get a say to it? If only my twin brother could be a little more alike, give me a solution about saving reputations instead of being so immature. In the end, I have to stop whining internally. Because they're all my stupid fault. I can't be myself because my body simply won't accept me, almost like I'm someone who doesn't deserve a chance to live. My mum doesn't care about me because I don't care about her. We never had that bond I always dreamed of, just two strangers who're lucky to get one hour of quality time together once a month. Sighing, I make myself a bowl of oatmeal and sit at the table. My spoon is in the bowl for ages, but still hasn't been touched or eaten with. The television is flicked on by my brother, and I have a shock when I realise he's awake. "Morning, Leighton." Finally, I pick up a spoonful of oatmeal and gulp it down. My brother doesn't seem to hear me, only searching through all of the racks and shelves for something. "Looking for something?" "Have you seen Pooky?" he asks, gritting his teeth while he searches through some of the baskets. "No. It'd be a little creepy if I did, don't you think?"

My brother doesn't pay attention to me, and searches through more shelves and cupboards. I need a break from this all. Easily enough, it's time for a visit to Alex's house. As quietly as possible, I crack the door open before picking up my skateboard. Jacob's snores are getting louder and louder, and how the whole neighbourhood isn't awake surprises me. But watching him on the bed, snoring so peacefully causes a wave of anger pass through me. It's my turn for revenge. As slowly as I came in, I walk out to the living room. The stairs for the second storey is right in front of me. Holding my breath, I start to climb up the stairs, hoping no lizards will mistake me for their breakfast. A smile spreads through my mouth as I open the door, revealing lizards all over the wall. How are they still here? Nevertheless, I don't need to worry too much -they'll be gone as soon as summer ends. Picking out a black one, I close the door shut behind me as I walk softly downstairs. To my delight, my twin doesn't notice me walking down, only engaged in finding his childhood toy. Shaking my head at how oblivious he is, I open the door to our room. Jacob is now muttering about how much he hates Letitia, and how she should get a life. Grimacing, I realise it's the meanest thing he's said in the past few weeks. The recorder attached to my knee is still working, much to my surprise. Beth must've put the extra-long lasting batteries her father had invented. Mr. Bennet has many successful projects, and being an inventor guarantees Beth all the latest and awesome gadgets. The lizard is in my pocket, wriggling for a chance to escape. I feel half-sorry for it, as I pick him out. Nobody wants to meet Jacob Taylor. Web-like feet tickle the inside of my hand, as I place him next to Jacob's face. Still snoring loudly, he doesn't notice anything peculiar enough to wake. I make my way toward to door, but as I'm one centimetre from exiting, I grab the pillow nearest o me. Taking the best shot possible, I fling it across and watch it hit him in the head. Half-screaming, he awakes. The half-scream soon turns into a full-scream when the lizard takes him by surprise. Jacob's not afraid of lizards, but having one right next to him when he wakes up is sure to be a shock. It's just like Leighton. The boy loves elephants, and even tried to sneak one out of the zoo once. But waking up next to a happy elephant right beside him? No doubt would he have the same expression on his face. "Argh!" His eyes dart to the door, where I'm standing with a grin. "You." Eyes narrowed, his voice is cold and accusing. He opens his mouth to add some other genius line to add to that word. But I've already closed the door and walked away. APCH Sweat begins to drip down my forehead, until it runs down my cheek and onto the tip of my chin. Alex looks so calm I have the urge to scream in his face. Ever so often he will roll his eyes around, trying to distract me from the game. He almost succeeds at it, which angers me out of my wits. I'm so close to winning. So close... "You blinked!" Alex declares with a grin. Then, he shuffles forward his new creation -the unbreakable elbow and kneepad. "Now, go ahead and test them."

If I can feel dorkier than I do wearing his new invention, the sky will fall down. The entire bodysuit is covering every visible part of my body on the front side, my elbows and knees protected. Except for one slight problem, I can't stand on a skateboard with this tight clothing. How is this supposed to be safe? I can hardly stand up on it. The glistening sun begins to shine on the metal exterior, until the sun warms my skin. It's so hot and stuffy in here, I have the temptation to pull it off and run while I'm still young. Of course, Alex would never forgive me for that, being the stubborn best friend he is. So here I am -stuck in the hot summer's sun with a knight's outfit on me. I want to shout, "I don't usually wear this kind of clothing!" to all the staring people at the park. Even the birds stop singing to gawk at me. Kookaburras suddenly get on my nerves by laughing so loud, I feel self-conscious, because they're laughing at me. A short girl with red locks whispers to her friend, pointing straight at me. Her friend, with jet-black hair, can only raise her eyebrows before bursting into fits of giggles. I, Coralie Campbell, am the laughing stock of this entire park. Wonderful. "Alex, I don't think this is a good idea," I begin, thinking I mightn't be too late to stop myself from getting humiliated. "You see, I can't skate in tight clothing." Alex sighs before rolling his eyes. "Just get on the stupid skateboard, will you?" Muttering under my breath about how people shouldn't tell me what to do, I drag the skateboard up the ladder with me on the half-pipe. There are other boys already there, and one of them is skating from the opposing side as I climb up. Looking at me in horror, he crash-lands, falling flat on his back. I know I'm the reason he has lost control, but I don't make the effort to rush down to see if he's okay. No, I have far more important things to do, and not humiliating myself will be number one on the list. I wait for the boy for take the skateboard and make a run for it, which he does the second I place one foot on the skateboard. His ginger curls are bouncing behind him as he runs off. "At least you can run away from this costume!" I yell after him, shaking my fist in the air before realising how immature I sound. Inhaling a sharp gasp of breath, the conclusion I've failed to observe has finally crossed my mind. Alex, my best friend, is on a mission to kill me. He's a secret agent working for the International-Saving-Beautiful-People-andKilling-Worthless-People society. Apparently, I am first on their list, as they send in their secret spy to become my best friend. That way, he can earn my trust before severely damaging my soul, which will then convert into a lifeless corpse. Shivers run through my spine just thinking about it. I want to tell Alex I know his game, and that I will be able to notify someone of who my murderer is. But how am I supposed to do that without a phone? Sighing, I know I have to make the move. My foot shaking violently on my skateboard and I prepare to launch. "Pssst. Cora. Pssst." It's Jacob, who is darting his eyes wildly as if on the run. "Help me!" Help Jacob? Not if my life depends on it, and if I'm about to get stuck in somebody's fishing line with a hook piercing my tongue. But there's always a time of exception. Without the slight bit hesitation, I climb down the steps of the ladder and am face-to-face with him. Letitia approaches us with a frown. "Jake, c'mon."

"Um, sorry, Letitia." His voice is quavering so much; I have trouble maintaining a straight face. "I'm dating Cora right now. We weren't really official in first place, so it doesn't count, right?" Her red hair flies in the wind as she looks at me in horror. She looks as disgusted as I feel. Jacob and I are not dating. We never have, never will. So why is he right beside me with a phoney grin and a hesitating arm around me? I heard that Letitia is a pain through his eyes, but is she that bad to make him pretend to date me? I open my mouth to protest, but Jacob whispers into my ear before I can receive the chance to spill out the truth. "Play along and I'll give you forty dollars." Forty dollars. How wonderful those two words seem right then. That's all the money I need to buy a special present for Alex. Maybe a laptop cover, since he's always complaining about the dust falling on the surface? My voice recorder digests the information hungrily, as I've just realised. "Hey, guys, what're you-" Alex stops in mid-sentence, only to gape at Jacob's arm around me. Immediately, I feel idiotic, foolish and helpless all at the same time. Is it even probable, or have I created a new emotion? Pursing his lips, my best friend holds up his arms like he always does when things get strange or peculiar. Then he makes a mad dash, not knowing where he's going, but relief he's getting away from us. Why can't I just drop Jacob's arm, punch him in the nose and chase after my best friend? Because forty dollars is too much of a good offer to turn down? Still not having a clue what is making me stay, I watch a dangerous smirk playing on Letitia's lips as her blue eyes twinkle. "How long have you guys been going out?" Her eyes narrow in suspicion. "I mean, it's weird how Cora doesn't seem to have a clue you guys are dating." Jacob's words replay in my head. Play along, Cora, play along. "Oh, I know we're going out." I wave a hand, as if dismissing something. "It's just, I try not to show it too much. You know? It's a little odd for me to go out with Jacob." "So that's it, is it?" She takes a step forward. "Since you guys are so close, why don't you kiss in front of me?" Jacob and I look at each other. To Letitia, it must look like a moment of hesitation before doing something for the first time. For all the skaters who have occupied the half-pipe since I've climbed off, we must be exchanging a moment of true and utter love. Nobody but Jacob and I know what we're truly feeling -horrified. Gnawing on his lower lips, Jacob takes a step forward, and just when I'm about to take one back, he says, "Forty dollars." So I don't move. I'm a frozen statue, waiting for my doom. It's like a parody of The Princess and the Frog, except this time, I'm getting turned back to a frog. My hands are starting to shake the slightest bit, but Letitia doesn't notice. She's too busy absorbing every millisecond of my discomfort. That horrid girl. I ought to never let her enter my life. Before I can have any last words, Jacob's lips touches mine.

It's Letitia's turn to look horrified. Like she wasn't expecting us to do it. But we did. And, oh, how much I am fighting the urge to slap him across the face. Steal a kiss from me? Of course, it's not for free. He's paying me to do it. For the first time, I look back to what I have just done. I've sold the virginity of my mouth for him. Jacob. Out of all people, it has to be my worst enemy. Because although it's not my first nor my fifth kiss, it still leaves an effect, and what angers me most is how I had a say to it. This isn't one of Beth or Claudia's match-making guys, who they force me to kiss. If I wanted to, I could've run away. But all for the love of forty dollars from a rich kid, I didn't. Just the sight of Jacob's face is making my blood boiling, making me feel angrier than ever thought possible. However, nobody can deny I'm madder at myself for letting him kiss me. "I've gotta go," she says in a quiet voice. "Mum's gonna get mad if I don't get home sooner." She walks off and her red hair whirling behind her, but not before I can spot the fine stream of tears escaping her eyelids. Crying for Jacob. Is there anything more ridiculous? Not only has he bribed me, but he broke a girl's heart. Breaking Letitia's heart is more severe than anything he can possibly do to me. Because although he can punch me, tell other people to beat me up and tease me, they're all secondary to waving someone off into the distance. Especially Letitia, who is uncontrollably in love with him in such a short period, and still doesn't know the other side. "So," Jacob begins with awkwardness creeping at his voice. He then pulls out a wallet from his pockets, picking out a couple of blue notes. "Here's your forty dollars. As promised." When I take the money and scrunch it up, before stomping on his toes and running off in the darkness, do I realise how refusing the money might be the most logical thing I've done in my entire life. My life isn't a movie script, written by Beth, Claudia and Tanya. There is control on what I can do, and although Jacob wouldn't be particularly pleased with my decision, it's still my choice. I'm not fully on puppet strings, as difficult it is to imagine at times. All of a sudden, the voice recorder attached to my knee springs into my mind. I've never been so desperate to pay Jacob back. APCH Leighton is sitting on my bed, his expression quizzical as he stares at me. Searching through Jacob's bed, I throw all kind of weird objects to the floor; from a slinky and teddy bear with one eye, to a Rubix cube. It has to be in here somewhere. Jacob isn't organised enough to take his phone with him. My hands start getting sore from searching so hard, but I still can't stop the search. Stopping will be like failing, except starting with a different letter. "May I ask, what on Earth are you doing?" my twin asks, scaring me with the ridiculously-accurate imitation of Jacob's high-pitched voice. "Your strangeness is beginning to worry me out of my wits."

"Oh, me? Well, I'm looking for Jacob's phone so I can phone Letitia and tell her the truth." Almost on cue, I find a black, slim mobile phone buried amongst the covers. Bingo. Picking out the phone, I begin to press on the faded keys to look through Jacob's phonebook. He's never been the type to use his phone very often, but surely he's put Letitia's number in from the moment she gave it to him? Looking through his phonebook, I can't help feeling smug at how small his list is. Only twenty people, and to think that he updated it a couple of days ago, when Letitia gave him her number. Finding a mobile number next to the name "Letitia," I use the home-phone to ring her on the number. The receiver presses tightly against my ear, as several rings blare out of the phone. First ring, second ring, third ring.... "Hello?" The voice sounds oddly cheerful, as the sound of food being swallowed follows her greeting. "Letitia speaking. Who is this?" "It's Coralie." There is a brief silence, and I fear she may slam the phone back down. I wouldn't blame her if she did. Not a slight bit of delight would be in my tone if talking to my ex's now-girlfriend either. "Oh." Her voice is now cold; her tone changing so much, it shocks me. "Hello. What do you want?" "I want to say that I'm not dating Jacob." I start letting everything spill right out of my mouth. "We never will. He bribed me, and I couldn't resist. I'm so, so sorry. He's an idiot, and-" To my surprise, I'm interrupted by her laugh. Not as light and carefree as I would like it, still containing an edge of sadness. "I know. It was somewhat obvious, you know. Your voice was shaking so much." She pauses. "But it' not you I'm mad at. I just thought me and Jacob had something special." The next question slips out before I can stop it. "Why? You've barely known him." "I know." She sounds almost sheepish, and I'm sure she's not intending to. "I have a weakness for guys with grey eyes. Seriously, they're so rare." Before I can help it, I snort into laughter. "Grey eyes? So you didn't even like him for his personality? Just his physical appearance?" I stop, thinking of how the puzzle pieces all manage to fit together. "Just like he didn't like you, either. It's just your appearance." I hear a sigh from over the phone, and we both know I'm right. "Also, if you don't mind me asking, why are you chasing after Jacob so much?" No answer. Wow, I've done it, haven't I? I must've offended her without intending to. Now she'll never speak to me again, and I don't blame her. But if she refuses to ever talk to me again, I'm blaming Jacob for making me lose the only female friend I've ever had. So this means I'll never talk to him again. It'll probably be harder then I think, because I won't be able to retort to his whining. Maybe I'llLetitia's voice interrupts my thoughts. "My ex had the same name. I got dumped two days before I met Jacob. I guess I was so upset about it, I needed a replacement fast." "And you chose Jacob?"

A small laugh escapes her throat, but then cracks. "Yup." There is the shouting of a woman's voice, scolding in a foreign language I translate as Russian. "Yes, Ma. I'll get off the phone," Letitia replies to the voice, before turning back to me. "I've got to go, Cora. Bye." "Bye." With that, the phone clicks shut, with a million thoughts running through my mind at the same time. Leighton is on the bed, raising an eyebrow, and I feel guilty that I forgot he's even there. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it, shaking his head with a grin. "So. You didn't tell me you and Jacob are dating." Picking up a pillow, I fling it at him, missing by several centimetres. He sits there, a smug grin playing on his lips. The door opens and in comes Jacob carrying a bowl of vanilla ice cream. He shoves the tablespoon in his mouth before staring blankly at his messed-up bed. If there is such thing as choking on ice cream, he did just that. "W-what? What happened to my bed!" It must look like a terrible sight to him. All the pillows are on the floor, his belonging swiped out of the drawer and lying unconsciously on his bed and his mobile phone in my hand. Any other day, I wouldn't dare reveal myself doing something this serious -he might send some of his ultra-strong and threatening buddies to bash me. Today's an exception. Like a ghost, I turn his phone off and walk through the door, making sure our upper-arms touch as I head out. Just in case he didn't notice me in there. He'll have to feel that, wouldn't he? There is the sound of Jacob and Leighton muttering to each other, but my brother not sounding the least bit worried. It's Jacob who sounds angry. Good, I think to myself. That'll show you to play with someone's heart. Feeling rather pleased with myself, I sit in front of the television and watch the cartoon character do a range of miraculous things. From getting hit by bowling balls to chasing after each other with chainsaws, they are a sure riot. Nobody can argue against the facts. So why am I sitting here with nothing to do? I'm waiting for Jacob to come out and start his revenge on me. And when he does, I'll be ready to fight back, no matter how he begs for mercy. Rolling up my pants from my ankles, I look at the voice recorder attached firmly to the back of my knee. The green light in still flashing, indicating everything is recorded and saved. As I turn the small voice recorder around, I notice a purple light I've never seen before flash on and off. It must be running out of charge. I need to call Beth, but I don't want to go back into my room where Jacob will be waiting with a hockey stick to damage my brain. No, I need some other solution. Pursing my lips, I discern her house isn't too far away from mine, and if I head off now, I'll be back before the sun goes down. Acknowledging it's the best option, I head out of the door and toward Beth's building. I have no idea what I will say to her, and how to remind her of the cruel task I've been assigned to do. What am I supposed to say? "Remember that voice recorder you gave me so I can spy on Jacob? Well, the light's flashing, and I think the batteries are running out. Can you help me change them so I can record more audio and humiliate him for life?" No, that simple won't do. I'm so engaged on finding the right explanation for the situation, I disregard I've arrived at her house. There it is, golden rays running down their paths to sparkle the top of it like a diamond. Walking up the doorstep that contains a, "Welcome" sign, I ring the bell. The door opens, revealing Beth's mum.

"Hello there." She smiles, opening the door wider so I can step inside the house. "Beth's upstairs if you want her." She walks off into the kitchen, her perfect figure striding as if on a catwalk. A very peculiar mother; she is. Doesn't even bother to notify Beth a visitor has come, nor does she say anything more than a direct sentence. Climbing up the stairs in silence, I can't help notice how brilliantly this whole house is decorated. Pictures of everything hang everywhere; there is no certain topic. There are photos of a younger Beth, smiling so hard her cheekbones come across as if they're going to fall. Then, pictures of elephants are enchanting the entire hallway as I hunt for Beth's room. It isn't too hard to find, because it's the only one with her name and sparkly red hearts on it. "Beth, I don't know what we're going to do with her," says the unmistakable voice of Claudia. My hand freezes in mid-air, as I swipe it away from the doorknob. Both ears perk up at this sentence, because I'm so certain they're talking about me. What are they doing here? And, most importantly, why aren't I invited? I can't help wonder how many more secret meetings there are when I'm not invited. Of course, this might just be a simple discussion between Beth and Claudia, nothing"I don't know," Tanya huffs. "You're the one who convinced us we need a sport expert in the clique." Or maybe not. "Oh, puh-lease." Beth snorts. "We can get any old rubbish to replace Cora. She's last to join, first to leave." "But what'll happen when she's not one of us anymore?" Tanya inquires. My eyes squeeze tightly, because I don't want to hear the answer. It must be so terrifying, I will never see daylight again. Or sleep again in peace. They will hang me on a rope, strip all of my clothes off and attach a rope around my neck. I will then run out of breath, dying a slow and painful death. "Then we'll have no choice but to let her live in misery forever."

My heart stops right then and there. This is it. If I dont improve my hockey skills to the level it had once been, I will lose my reputation for eternity. The three girls inside that room decide whether my life will be a misery or not. Honestly, it doesnt matter anymore about all the sticking-up-for-myself Ive been debating. One things for sure Im not about to let them ruin my life. Even if it means sucking up to them, and taking Tanyas job away from her. Taking a couple of silent steps back, I then stomp on the floorboards, and hear the girls shushing each other, now aware someone is at the door. I knock on Beths poster-covered door. All kind of pictures of celebrities are arranged into some random collage, and then put up on her door like decoration. Almost as if saying, These are the people I look up to. Of course, Beth looks up to no-one. Shes independent, but somehow needs Claudia. This is why shes stuck with the rest of us, four typical teenagers looking for a way out of high-school without any problems and the feeling of failure and disappointment. Academics dont wall in the failing category, so we dont worry about them. We will survive on fifth-grade math, and for future fashion-designers, its pretty much all we require. I hate anything involving clothes, but I never tell them; its a one-way ticket to get kicked out of the mob. The door opens almost in hesitation, and I meet the fearful eyes of Tanya. She bites her lips, obviously wondering if Ive heard anything theyve been discussing. I want to admit that I have heard every word, and will do my best to stay on the clique. But the words just cant escape my mouth, as Im drawn into a blank. Um. Are you going to come in? Tanya pushes a strand of her hair back behind her ear, her tone sounding almost irritated. What a bad time to zone out on her. Giving my phoniest, yet realistic grin, I walk into the room and sit down on the bed. They have three chairs set up for only them, because they werent expecting anymore visitors. When discussing about a certain someone and debating whether their lives ought to be ruined or not, its always a positive idea to keep them out of the conversation. Beths house still looks the same; elegant light-shade for her lamp, newspaper-covered desk and single bed with a pink, heart-shaped pillow leaning against the backboard. Some things never change, and how Beth keeps her room so tidy will always be a wonder in my eyes. Hey, Cora. Claudias voice is cool and relaxed, like she wasnt talking about demolishing my life ten seconds earlier. How are you? Im good. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes, no-one wanting to chat to me, and I dont want to speak to them. But I dont comprehend the point of making my life miserable. Dont they have better things to do? Chances are, all theyre waiting for is a betrayer, one who they can then call the enemy. That person will be tortured, whether by boys who are intimidated by their superior quality, or themselves. I dont want to be that person. Any reason why youre here, Cora? Beth says at last.

Yes. I hand her the mini voice-recorder, trying not to appear suspicious. Its running out of batteries. Ive got pretty good things on it. She smiles, but not the sweet kind a grandma gives to their granddaughter when they bother to visit them. Oh no, this is much more vicious and accusing to be considered a sweet smile. Her teeth are flashing at me, sunlight reflecting off her pearly-white teeth. But it doesnt reach her eyes. Yeah, I need to go, I mutter before racing out of the room. I can hear whispers behind me once more, and I dont understand why they whisper. Beths mum wouldnt notice if an avalanche and tornado combined together struck her kitchen, and they have such gossipy and loud voices, its nearly impossible for them to whisper. I see Beths mum sitting on the floor with earphones plugged into her ears. She looks straight ahead. Feeling rather awkward, I wave at her, but she doesnt notice me. Or pretend she doesnt, anyway. Dust awaits me as soon as I step outside. There are trees blowing their yellow leaves, spraying them like sprinklers on a Monday morning at my place. Yellow. The sun turns them to such a dry and unhealthy colour, its depressing to watch. Nobody in Swan Hill complains about the heat. Well, locals whove lived here as long as I have dont, anyway. Its one of those things that take years of getting used to, and when I master the skill, it doesnt affect me the slightest bit. Within minutes, Im at the front door of my house. As soon as I knock on the door, Leighton opens it, panting from running the dangerously-large distance from our bedroom to the front door. He holds up a hand to indicate he wants to say something, and then says it as soon as he stops panting. Theres someone inside to meet you. Curiously, I walk into the living room and scanning for a couple of familiar faces. Maybe its Dad, who has finally decided to ask Mum for forgiveness and my life will end like a fairytale? My head searches through who else can be here, because not a single soul can be seen from where I stand. Perhaps Leighton has told them to jump out of a window, and they took it seriously? Two very familiar faces of Ursula and Henrietta. Oh! I try not to contain my surprise. Whatre you guys doing here? You said youd come to our house the first Friday of the holidays. Henriettas cold voice causes shivers to run up my spine. But didnt. Sitting on a leather couch, I bury my head into my hands. Jacobs unexpected visit has ruined my entire life. I completely forgot about my dedication. If theres such thing as feeling guilty for not keeping my word but angry at Jacob for making me forget, its exactly what Im feeling. Both of the girls focus their beady eyes on me. Henriettas are cold, almost accusing, while Ursula, although a tad bit less demanding, still shares the same look with a minimised effect. My mouth opens to say something, but then I close it back again. How am I supposed to explain this situation in words?

Another uncontrollable wave of guilt spreads through me. I imagine them itching for an excuse to run out of the house and never return. Honestly, I wouldnt blame them for deserting me if this body isnt firmly attached, Im positive I wouldve been gone before someone can say, Cheese. As if right on cue, Jacob comes out in a singlet and, to my utter horror, shorts which are halfway between his knees and hips. Ursula gasps, Henrietta groans, but I dont say a word. All three of us shield our eyes, hearing an, Have you seen my toothbrush? from Jacob, the only one whos oblivious to why we turned away. Leighton, who is back from peeling potatoes to help Mum, opens his mouth to say something. Probably the certain something all three of us want to say to Jacobs face. Like how horrid and ugly he appears to all of us, how he should start shaving his hairy legs and how he should never ever wear tight clothing which lets every centimetre of his body visible. Theres a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. If you cant find it, use Coras. Thats what I always do. Jacob looks as sick as I feel as he sets off on his journey to the bathroom. How can Leighton not notice the incredibly disgusting outfit my childish-idiocy-suffering enemy wore? Vomit makes itself up my throat, but then bounces right back down my stomach to my delight. No need to explain anything, Henrietta whispers, sounding as if shes going to faint or puke. All is good. My mouth twists into a grin. One of these days, I will get that disabled-cow back for kissing me. Letitias not my goal to avenge anymore, for she never liked him too much in first place. Shell find another boy; one who will look at her like shes his everything. Like someday some unlucky boy will fall in love with me. The idea of marriage and love are so strange and insane, it just might happen. So, to make up for not coming to my house, you need to let us sleep over at yours, Ursula says in a bright tone, her eyes flashing. It shouldnt really be a problem, because you already have invited Jacob over. She winks at me, urging me to work out the true meaning behind her words. Watching Henrietta shoot her a dirty look makes me realise itd be better left unknown. Um, sure, Ill ask Mum as soon as I can. Shes out at the moment. They exchange grins, and I ask the question Ive wanted to ask for a long, long time. Why do you want to hang out with me? Because were part of the MAD group. Ursula rolls her eyes at my blank look. Stands for Make A Difference. Me and Henrietta want to make a difference, and the first thing we want to do is get you to become yourself. As soon as she finished her sentence, I look at my arm, wondering if Ive suddenly become see-through. Can they search through my brain, find the deepest thoughts Ive ever had and then try and help me with them? Because its exactly what they did right now. My mind spins, as I wonder how people can see what Im thinking. Am I that transparent to have people predict me so well? My mouth goes dry, causing no words to tumble out of it.

We know youre not being yourself, says Henrietta in a matter-o-fact voice, reading my mind completely as if my thoughts are written on my forehead with permanent marker. Mostly because you were the Math champion back in third grade. You were awesome. Itd take a lot for you to give it up to be something youre not. Councillors? Is that what they are? Here to talk about all of my flaws and then discuss how easy it would be to change them? Rage builds up at the pit of my stomach, bulging, and just ready to explode. I dont need a councillor Im doing fine without one. Theres no need for help from two strangers Ive never talked to before. Mad; its the name of their society. Do they refer me as mad? The fact that I mightnt be normal terrifies me. Am I predictable? I ask. They both nod, much to my disappointment. Sighing, I stand up and head back to my large room. Only then do I realise how large it is compared to Beths room, because her university-attending brother occupies the masterbedroom in their house. As soon as he leaves house, Beth has been promised the bigger room. If I were Noah, I would look twice at my tea for poison before drinking. Jacob is on his bed, eating a cookie with one hand and shuffling through his iPod with the other. As soon as his eyes meet Henriettas, his jaw drops at least ten centimetres. Not literally, but close enough. Hey, Henrietta. He does a peace sign with his right hand. Whatcha up to? Nothing. She gives him a sweet smile, and I amusedly watch as he runs his fingers through his hair, making sure its neat and perfect. Just came to Coras, only to see you in very revealing clothes. Ursula giggles, Henrietta smirks and Jacob blushes a deep scarlet, his teeth gritting. Me? I just sit on the bed, bored with the entire scene. No way am I chatting to Jacob until he apologises to me. A single penny wont help fix any damage hes done to me Ill be wearing the internal scars forever, ones which the singular and meaningless word, Sorry wont fix. A full letter of apology, and I will forgive him. Never forget, but forgive. Well, lets do some makeovers! Ursula declares in an abnormally-loud voice. Im about to say, Are you serious? but then stop. Jacob groans before opening the door and flinging out of the room before I can utter a word. Turning back to the two girls, I see huge, cheeky grins on each of their faces. Though useless, I cant help stating the obvious. Were not doing makeovers, are we? Henrietta looks disgusted. No way. Those products literally poison your skin. And they look fake, Ursula adds, nodding her head to emphasise on her sentence. I mean, I can just tell when a girl is wearing makeup. For the next couple of hours, we just sit there, discussing about different aspects of our lives. Its fascinating how Ursula has three pet goldfish, whore living for an entire year without the slightest defect. However, its distressing when Henrietta reveals the true reason for wearing green all the time it was her grandfathers favourite colour, before he died a couple of years ago. The two of them had been close and just wearing his favourite colour symbolises him.

About halfway through Ursulas story of how she used to live in Brisbane, the sound of the front door opening interrupts her. No doubt, its Mum. My thoughts are proven correct as she steps into the house with tear-stained eyes. Derek and she are over; done and gone forever. Its just like males to give up a woman a couple of weeks before their wedding. In her hand, shes holding a letter while sniffling to herself. Her eyes grow wide, as she takes a seat back in our leather couch. Were bankrupt, Cora. Her voice is barely audible, choking on every word as if disbelieving them. Every penny. Gone.

My mouth hangs open. Whatever I expected Mum to say, this isn't it. How can we be out of money? But the answer comes to me right then and there; Derek's her boss and the person who pays everything on her behalf. My teeth clenches, as I find many mental ways to murder that awful, pimple-faced man. Drowning him is always a good option, so is choking him to death. Neither of them causes blood to flow out. Mum buries her face in her hands, her hair shaking. If it isn't for how violently her hair is bouncing around, it would be impossible to figure out if she is crying. She looks up with puffy eyes, a light shade of red. Ursula and Henrietta purse their lips, realising the last thing my mum wants to hear about is two strangers staying the night at our house. With a hesitant, "Bye, Cora! Hope to see you soon!" they're gone before I can add anything else. Now I'm left with a stunned brother and a crying mother whose tears are falling on the floor. The sound of Jacob brushing his teeth can be heard all the way from the living room, and I am almost tempted to go there myself and escape all the misery. A break. But something stops me. This is a boy who thinks he can have anything he wants; someone who is never going to learn good from bad if I give in so easily. No, I'd rather stand here and pretend nothing's wrong than give in and talk to him. So I sit next to Mum, patting her on the shoulder every once in a while. But she still doesn't stop shaking. I don't blame her -this is probably my first reaction when someone takes away my job from me. Sighing and feeling a deep sort of pity, I start to whisper the phrase, "Everything's going to be okay," without confirming it myself. Leighton sits on the other side of our mum, and, being the easily-distracted person he is, looks straight into the distance. What he sees, I have no idea, but it must be big to avoid Mum's soundless sobs. Jacob walks into the living room, then his eyebrows link together in a quizzical way. He looks as if he wants to say something, but doesn't let anything escape his toothpaste-covered lips. Feeling my stomach drop, I wonder why boys have such disgusting habits. Alex is a boy, a voice inside of me says. And he doesn't have any disgusting habits Strange ones, perhaps, but not disgusting ones.. Frowning, and realising the voice is right, I decide that boys with brown hair are the strange ones. But then there's Liam Wailyn, the mysterious boy who appears out of nowhere. He has blond hair, doesn't he? Before I can answer the question, Jacob says, "Are you okay, Mrs. Campbell?" He kneels down on the ground to look up at her. It's just like Mum to go a deep scarlet, before wiping away her tears and pretend everything's fine. Mum smiles at him, forgetting I'm the one sitting right next to her for almost five minutes non-stop. My teeth grit, as I accuse Jacob of how my mum's attention is always divided nowadays. Leighton blinks, now out of the mysterious trance he had been a couple of seconds ago. Always a good sign for Leighton to stare into the distance, and both Mum and I stare at him with hope. Slumping back into my cushion, I can't help wondering how Mum knows it's a good sign when he stares into the distance. Chances are, she identifies every detail about him, being the observant mother she is. Of course, she can never be as weird as Alex's mum, who collects photos of all the cuts and bruises her son has. Every scratch is recorded in a small, baby-blue album.

My best friend once showed it to me, and I've never been the same. Especially when he got injured in certain places on his body I'd rather not see, like armpits and nostrils. Which makes me ask the question: How is it possible to injure nostrils? But a bigger question awaits me. Is Alex's mum that creepy to check her son's nostril every once in a while to check for injuries? "Oh look." Jacob holds up an envelope from the pile Mum was carrying, with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. Very bad sign. "It's Cora's school report." Leighton's face, which was bored and weary, suddenly contains the hugest grin I've ever seen a teenage boy wear. "Lemme see! Did she fail English? Ten bucks she failed English!" With a sly grin, Jacob tears the top of the envelope, pulling out the piece of paper it contains. Mum doesn't see anything; her face is blank, and watching her daughter's worst enemy invade her privacy must be the last thing on her mind. My worst enemy unfolds the paper, but I'm too quick for him. Snatching the piece of paper before he can blink, I race to my room and slam the door. APCH My heart beats at an abnormal rate as I look at my results. They aren't going to be pretty for sure. To my utter disappointment, my hypothesis is proven correct. English: D Math: C Science: E Computers: D The list goes on and on, but those are the first ones that catch my eye. After all, Mum doesn't care if I fail at sports, which is the only subject I'm terrific at doing. As long as my academics are well on task, she doesn't care what I do. So how am I supposed to explain these shocking results to her without shame? It's impossible to not feel disgrace -I'm the one who doesn't care about anything, and I'm already feeling humiliated. Muttering about how staying in a simple clique has ruined my life, I sit there and look over the results once more. For Math, I got a C. It means average. Mum's not going to be too satisfied with just "average" but it's the best her daughter can achieve. For science, I got an E, and for computers I got a D. Simply enough, I didn't return my assignments, because I didn't get time to complete them. But why did I fail English? The answer is very simple, and I don't want to admit it to myself. However, not admitting it to myself and pretending life is fine will have an even worse after-effect. Tanya gave me the wrong answers by purpose. Why would she rub the answers out if they were correct? More importantly, why are they so desperate to get rid of me? Beth knew what Tanya was up to -yet, she didn't do anything about it.

Claudia doesn't want me to quit. At least, I hope not. The door flings open as the face of my cheeky brother pops out. He sits right behind me on his knees, trying to read the results over my shoulder. Normally, I would turn it over and never hand it to him. This is an exception, as I hand the piece of paper directly to a shocked Leighton. "Uh, thanks," he mutters. "Finally getting a good bone in your body." He pauses. "Can you buy a pet rabbit for me, Cora?" "Don't push it," is all I say before sitting at the keyboard I haven't played for so long. And so I spend the next ten minutes sitting at the keyboard. The themes of the song are endless, but I want to choose only one to focus on. Pianos are usually romantic, aren't they? Although I never like the idea of "love" in first place, I still choose it as a theme. I'll just pretend I'm somebody else, who's desperately in love with someone. But, is it unrequited love? It's all up to me to decide. An instant spark of light shines on me, but I'm not going to mention any names in the song. It'll be anonymous, and hopefully Jacob and Letitia will both realise they're in it. Of course, Letitia doesn't care the slightest about Jacob anymore, and writing this would be unrealistic at this point of time. But just as an inspiration to keep jotting words, I continue. With that, I start writing. Maybe I should Whisper those three Words that you think Are overrated. Maybe someday You will figure out Perfection Is us The idea that I'm actually writing about Jacob sickens me. All of a sudden, I want to change to another idea. But I've already gotten two verses of this song complete -it'd be almost stupid to give up on it. You maybe, Possibly, Hopefully, Know this.

I'm on a roll, as the lyrics just come to me. It's writing down the note combination from the piano which turns out to be heavy work. For someone who can't play anything more difficult than Mary Had A Little Lamb, this will be a huge and utter improvement. But try to Understand This song And its lyrics You... Don't know how much I need you, 'Cause you see right through, right through, But if you only knew me, Would I be a piece of glass? Through my window, light shines through But you're not there, are you? Maybe this feeling will pass, Would I be a piece of glass? Right then, I decide to end the song right then and there. So, I will use one of the verses before the chorus, and one after the chorus. Only when I look at the clock, do I understand how distracting music can be. An hour has passed by looking for the right notes and chords on the piano is a lot harder work than expected. And even with a complete song, it sounds like something a professional singer wrote at the age of twelve. Sighing and deciding it's the best work I can do, I put away the piece of paper with the lyrics and piano notes into my music folder. I'm almost tempted to sing the song out loud, but the last thing I need is my brother thinking I wrote a romantic song for Alex. And my mum thinking it's for Jacob. And Jacob thinking the song's for him, being the extremely cocky boy he is. Shaking my head at how protective I have to be of the slightest things, I realise how much I care about other people's opinion. Failing hockey is miserable, not because I'm a master at it, but rather, how people will think I've lost my spark at sport. Can't even write a simple song without wondering about what people will think of it. Or, rather, who I wrote it for. What am I supposed to say? The truth? "I wrote this for Jacob, from Letitia's eyes." The last thing I need is Mum checking my head for a fever. Her little daughter isn't the type to interrupt other people's love -or, in this case, Letitia's unrequited love.

I saunter toward the door, but then stop when I reach it. My ears prick at Jacob mentioning my name, and Mum's angry voice ringing out through the air. What did he do this time? Feeling more weary than angry, I open the door to reveal myself. In my mother's hands is my school report, one which Jacob must've gotten from Leighton when I was too busy being distracted. Stupid girl, I scold myself. You should've never given the report to Leighton. But it's too late to do anything else, as I stare at Mum for the sentence I'm dreading to hear. "Grounded for the rest of the holidays."

My moment of mortification comes in an instant. It wouldnt be that bad Ill be missing out on whatever stupid party Claudias holding with a good excuse. Of course, Id still be forced to come to their house either way. Grounded, Cora, grounded, she repeats, as if I didnt hear it loud and clear the first time. I swear her whole face aged another ten years after saying that sentence. Another thought flashes into my mind. What about if Alfred and Nathan need a babysitter to look after them? What will I say then? Looking away, my eyes lock with Jacobs cold grey eyes. Anger bursts out of me like an open flame, but I do the best I can to contain the rage. If it wasnt for him, nobody would be getting grounded in this household. The million-dollar question awaits me: How will I survive that evil boy for the rest of this summer? Going to Alexs house, spending time at Beths or even just messing around at the skate-park lets me forget about his freakaccidental birth. Now, what am I supposed to do? Locking myself in my bedroom wont help, because he shares it with me, much to my horror. What about my job? This makes Mums weary face go back to normal, as she blinks. You didnt tell me you had a job. Well, not officially. But Im babysitting Alfred and Nathan next door. Their mum is paying me for it. Mum bites her lip, hesitating. But the hesitation doesnt last long, when she says, Okay. But, whatever you have to buy, you need to buy with your own money. Have we got a deal? For once in my life, Im happy were broke. Mum wouldnt never agreed if we still had the humungous amount of money we have right now. Why would you need more? shed ask me in disgust. We already have tons of it. But not anymore. Sure, the government will help us because were Australian citizens, however, its barely enough money to survive on without a job. Deal. Alex is the only one who can help me return to my normal sanity. But Im not allowed to stay at his house. Of course, maybe I can ask Alfreds mum about doing a shift today, and have my best friend come over to their house. It wouldnt be too peculiar if their cousin comes to their house, right? Not answering the mental question, I realise its the best option. But Mums grounding punishment usually includes the television and the laptop. Sure enough, Mum adds a, No laptop for you. Perfect now how am I supposed to contact Alex and have him meet me at Alfreds house? Leighton sits right beside me, winking. We both know he has read my mind; twins, although not all the time, can usually read each others minds when one is in distress. Three guesses on who that someone is. My brother takes

me to our room, while my mum says something like, Make sure she doesnt use the phone! Rolling my eyes, I feel angrier at myself than my mum. In fact, I dont feel angry at my mother at all. Shes only doing what every other Mum would do give a punishment for doing the wrong thing. Even I think its fair everything is taken away from me. But, the fact that its my own stupid fault I failed bugs me. If I didnt listen to Tanya, I mightve at least gotten a C in English. I know most of the English rules. Why am I relying on her? Dont we both hate each other? Would it really be a strange situation if she betrays me? With these questions whirling around my mind, I take the phone from Leightons hand. He watches over my shoulder at what number I punch in. Although twins can read most of each others mind, were still kids all the same. We are never one-hundred-percent fortune-tellers, nor perfect enough to figure out every detail. Hello, Alex? My brother rolls his eyes, a cheeky grin crossing his face, his nose growing longer than it already is if its even possible. I ignore him. A chance I took when deciding my twin is the perfect person to do the dirty work for me, is him teasing me for eternity of having a secret affair. Yeah, well, can you come to Nathans? I cant come over because Im grounded. Well, see you then. The phone clicks off, as I dial Alfreds mobile number. The kid, even though ten years old, already has a phone. How spoiled. Shaking my head at how everyone seems to have good luck but me, I am now in line with a high and squeaky, Hello? Um, its Cora. Who? You know, the girl you threw toothpaste at and wouldnt leave her alone until you finished your lecture on how goats are all evil devils in the form of an animal. Oh! Recognition fills his voice. I remember you. Yeah, well, is your mum going out tonight? No. But Im sure she will let you baby-sit us. All of a sudden, he sounds agog. Plus, Ive started a science experiment to prove that plants sneeze. Great. Exactly what I needed. So, come anytime you want. The phone clicks off, and I cant help groaning internally. Alfred and Nathan arent bad kids, theyre just strange? Is that the word Im looking for? Either way, theyre definitely abnormal. But theyre not loved, thats for sure. Swan Hills filled with people who get married at a very young age, and also pregnant. Apparently, Alfred and Nathans mother got pregnant at the age of twenty married right out of high school. Me? I find the whole finding-true-love-in-high-school revolting. None of the boys in my school are good enough. They all pick their ears with safety pins and clean out their nostrils with cotton buds. Which is how our clique seems to have more power, because even the boys are fooled, believing were angels sent from heaven; the advantages of living in a town with limited boys.

Only I know what we are. Everybodys fools; misleading them to think it takes extreme perfection to be one of us. But its too late to turn back now; I shouldve never joined the clique. If I hadnt, there would be no worries about ending up with a miserable life. Walking out of the house with a sigh, I look around to the sofa, only to see Mum with her eyes closed and trying to find solutions for our financial problems. With a wry smile, I exit the house and head off to Nathans house. The house is still as beautiful as ever, and when I take a step on the doormat, I wait for the door to be opened. Knocking a couple of times, it hurls open by Mrs. Everett. She gives me a weak smile, one which is instantly recognisable as the words, Help me from my own children. Grinning, I walk inside the house. You can go, Mrs. Everett. The boys will be safe under my hands. If your definition of safe is being cut thoroughly with scissors, then yes, your kids will be perfectly safe. The voice is coming from another person, and I turn around to see who it is. Alex! I grin, watching him give me a shy wave. Mrs. Everett looks at her watch before putting on her fur-collared coat and racing out of the house before neither Alex nor I can stutter a word to her. Wow, someone seems a little too pleased to get rid of her own children, he mutters. Only when I turn around do I realise how Alex hasnt grinned the slightest. Not a little bit, not at all. If it were anybody else, lets say Jacob, I wouldnt have cared. My worst enemy is a very unemotional and horrible person, isnt he? But with Alex, its near abnormal to have him not show a flash of teeth. Open you mouth. He flinches away from my accuse-like order. No. Whatre you hiding? Nothing. Then open it. Sighing, he opens his mouth and I can feel my jaw dropping. Then, I harden it into a thin line, showing little emotion to what I have just witnessed. Metal is placed around all the teeth in the top-half of his mouth, a tint of red on each of them. Braces. Uh, wow. Theyre I hesitate, trying to find the right word. Different. A bleak smile crosses his face. Abnormal is the word youre looking for. And that too. So. He twines his fingers together. Ready to baby-sit? For the next hour, we sit there, trying to entertain the two boys in front of us. But trust me, its a nearimpossible task. Those two boys hardly ever smile, unless I talk about irregular subjects, such as a cow dying by

hitting an electric fence. Alex was the one to tell us the tale, and I cant help flinching as he describes the scene so vividly, I am sure hed be the next best-seller if he gave up computers and started writing a story. The three of them laughed like hyenas when the story was finished, and I just looked away, letting a tear slide as a sign of pity for the poor cow. The house is oddly new, all fresh paint on the walls and ceiling lights with dust-free shades on top of them. Even the attic, where we played hide-and-seek, is spotless. Although the day felt like forever, it finally got to seven oclock, and I think Alex and I are both surprised we have lasted this long. The twins are best known for driving every babysitter out of the house. How we are still here, breathing as if we have a life, is beyond me. Tell us a story. Without another word, Nathan tosses a book from under his bed. I look him through narrowed eyes. Please, he adds, gulping at my expression. Okay. Alex takes the book. Its a book of nursery rhymes, which will never be odd and weird enough for them to sleep to. Unless they sleep in reaction to boredom, fairytales are the last thing they need. But they both have very bad hearing, which only comes into focus when someone reads to them, or tells a story. For some reason, normal speech is no problem for them to understand, but any sort of fiction is. Picking up the book of fairytales, I pretend its the story Im telling them, just to have more of the storyteller effect on my behalf. Once upon a time, a little prince was born Miserable porn! Nathan looks at me, shocked. How dare you tell us a story like that! Alex slaps a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing. I feel humiliated enough, without his annoying giggle getting on my nerves. His cheeks then go a bright scarlet, and not long after, his whole face is red as a tomato after being soaked in water for twenty-four hours. A prince was born, I say, irritated. Looks of recognition crosses both their faces. Oh. Who then converted into a moose. Tune a goose? Its Alfred who speaks this time, the slightest bit of a frown appearing on his face. Howre you supposed to tune a goose? This time I ignore them and keep telling my unpredictable, wacky story. So the king had to get some warriors to defeat the vile creature, even if it was his son who was the animal Ban a mall? Nathan says with confusion at the word animal. What would be the point of banning a mall? They earn money all the time, and its the best way to get more Right. I snap the book shut with annoyance crossing my face. Im never reading to you two again. Sue Tegan! they both exclaim in horror, their light-brown eyes flashing, mistaking the words, you two again. But she didnt do anything! Alex shrugs when my eyes shift skyward. Theyre impossible.

Yet, they happen to be related to you. How is that so? Alex stops to think. Either theyre adopted or I am. That instantly drives a chuckle out of me, but mostly out of exhaustion than humour. Yawning, I cant believe its only seven oclock. Neither of them are tired, as they want to jump around the place and rule the world. Its all too bad Alex and I are far too tired to do anything. My eyelids are so heavy, theyre going to drop down any second. All of a sudden, there is a knock on the front door. Alex, now on full alert, walks up to the door and opens it, completely relaxed. The boy looks at me with his horribly-familiar grey eyes.

Alex grins at the sight of the horrible face. Jake! He waves. Why are you here? Jacob smiles, his eyes flashing. Well, Leighton was practicing the saxophone, so I had to save myself. A surprised expression crosses my best friend. Leighton can play the saxophone? Thats the thing, Jacob begins, flicking his sneakers off at the doormat before stepping inside the house. He cant. Shaking my head, I take all focus out of the two boys conversation and steer to the bedroom to keep an eye on the twins. Both of them are yawning, but not a single tint of tiredness show on their oval faces. They look up at their posters, as if trying to memorise every aspect of their room before dozing off into a deep sleep. Posters of the solar system, which Mrs. Everett considers Educational and good for the brain, are given faces of disgust by the two boys. No, education is too lame for them too cool for school. Instead, they dart their eyes to pictures of rock stars, whore jumping up and down like crazy in the pictures hung on their wall. Im near-confirmed Mrs. Everett doesnt have a clue about these pictures. The poor woman can only tolerate a certain amount of madness. There is a high chance she hasnt walked into her sons rooms for a few months, terrified by what kind of water-involving prank they might play on her. No blame can be given to her, for I would be just as cautious if I were the mother of these certain boys. Jacob! My thoughts are interrupted by both of the children pushing aside the covers and running to my archenemy. Its all I can handle to not let my stomach drop. Why would any normal person run to see Jacob? Hes pretty much the devil in human form and with invisible horns. Not only wouldnt he be the first person Id run to for help, he wont even be the last. Im absolutely willing to let a total stranger help me out than the boy with severely bucked teeth. Alfred, Nathan. Its been forever since Ive seen you guys. He runs his fingers through their scruffy, blond hair. Howre you? For some reason, everyone in Alexs family looks the same. His father and his aunty, him and the twins all so similar-looking, its creepy. Im afraid if Alexs father isnt so tall, I might get him confused with my own best friend. Im good. Its Nathan who answers the question. Cora was telling us a very weird story. Jacob darts his grey eyes to me sitting on their bed, but I look away with my arms crossed. Yeah, shes a weird person, he mutters under his breath, but still loud enough for me to hear. Turning around to face him, my eyes flash. Alex. I look at my best friend. Tell Jacob that he cant talk. Sighing, Alex turns around to face Jacob. Cora says you cant talk.

Well, tell Cora, he begins, staring right at me and making me wonder why hes using Alex as a messenger when hes facing me already, that she is a loser and a cow. Alex glares at Jacob. Dont you dare hope Ill carry that message on. Tell Jacob he shouldnt have kissed me. Okay. Jacob you shouldnt have My best friend stops in mid-sentence, before turning around to gawk at me. He did what? Groaning, Jacob buries his head in his hands, taking a seat on one of the chairs in the bedroom. Alfred and Nathan look almost as disgusted as Alex does, and I dont blame them. If Jacob doesnt flee out of the room fast enough, Im afraid I might die of suffocation by breathing the same air as him. This, in fact, is extremely possible in this case. You heard me. My eyes continue to stare straight through my archenemys eyes. Kissed me. Only because I wanted to get rid of Letitia. Why? Alfred and Nathan both go silent at the word I half-screamed. Even Alex is speechless, and that boy is someone who cant keep his mouth shut for a few seconds. Why cant you accept her the way she is? With that sentence hanging in the air, I rush out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get something out of the fridge. Alfred and Nathan probably wouldnt mind a late-night snack, I hope. Besides, I need something else to keep me distracted from Jacob. My sanity is blowing away like dandelions in springtime, all because of my archenemy deciding to make my life miserable. Taking out some chocolate from the fridge, I put it on the kitchen table and wait for Alfred and Nathan to come. And sure enough, they do. Unfortunately for me, theyre not the only ones who arrive. Alex and Jacob are also here, following them. My best friend takes some chocolate from the pile I put on the table, eating almost half of it. Then he breaks the remaining piece in half and shares them evenly between his two cousins. I am accepting her the way she is, Jacob says, barely audible. Just, I dont want her. Anyway, why do you care what happens to her? Youve known her less than I have. My mouth opens to ferociously declare some witty and smart comeback which will make Alex raise his eyebrows, impressed by my quick mouth. But I close it. Because hes asking the same question I want to ask myself why am I defending her? I cant say its because she is a girl; it will make me come across as a sexist person. Biting my upper-lip for a change, I say, None of your business. Loser, Jacob mutters under his breath. Double loser. Ignoring him, I sit in the sofa and wait for the minutes to tick by until Mrs. Everett comes home. The last thing I need is her coming home and seeing no baby-sitter. Feeling rather annoyed at Jacob for being such a pain, I think of the many things he has done. But you have done a lot to him as well, havent you? Sighing, I know the voice is right. But Ive done more harmless and less affecting things. Trying to break his ankles? Its not too bad at all. Neither is kicking a soccer ball, making it slam right into his nose. No, they arent bad

things. Just harmless most of the time jokes little kids play on each other. But kissing me, teasing me and even threatening me? What have I done to deserve this? Alex, can you tell Jacob to go back to the sewer he belongs I ask, irritated, not bothering to listen to the weatherman exclaim about how rainy it will be tomorrow, despite it being a summer day. Alex, tell Cora I live in Australia, he says, sounding almost hurt. Im Aboriginal. You wont be able to get rid of me so easily. My best friend doesnt bother to carry-out neither of our messages. Im guessing hes feeling rather sick and tired of being the messenger for us, especially since were so close to each other in distance, that is. Mentally close together? Never. The next hour is spent watching a horror movie which is only on today as a special Saturday night tradition. Monsters burst out of closets, people scream and mummies rise up from the dead. I have no clue what its called, but the fact Im not doing anything completely useless satisfies me. Every so often, the Everett twins would scream at the top of their lungs, and Jacob and Alex would exclaim about how fake all the sound effects are, but there is a tinge of fear ringing in their voices. Boys are so easily scared; the ones in Swan Hill, anyway. If the boys could be one of those buffy football players shown in American movies, they wouldnt let four girls with abnormal height rule the entire school. Sometimes, I wonder if the boys in the older years are better than the ones we have in eight grade. Hopefully, the boys we currently have in our year level will learn to become more mature next year. That chick is hot, Alex states, pointing to a girl with flying red hair and blue eyes. Instantly, Im reminded of Letitia. Jacob simply makes a face, showing his ugly yellow teeth. Okay, Im overexaggerating here theyre not really yellow, in fact, whiter than mine will ever be. But when hating someone so much, every single aspect of their body becomes an enemy. Alex smiles at Jacob, making my jaw almost drop. What normal person smiles at that mad rooster? Only when Jacob gets up with chocolate smears on the back of his t-shirt, do I realise why Alex is grinning like an idiot. Of course no-one would smile at Jacob directly it would be a waste of perfectly good facial expression. Meh. Reds not my type, Jacob replies when he takes another piece of chocolate from the table and heading back to the sofa, not noticing the chocolate marks on the back of his red t-shirt with the Canadian flag on it. Brunettes are better. Alex turns to me, looking as sick as I feel. Alex, remind Jacob that I have brown hair. If its even possible to choke on chocolate, my archenemy did just that. Sweat beads form at the hairline between his forehead and hair, as he starts to breathe abnormally. Feeling rather worried, Alex stands up and pats my archenemy on the back a couple of times until hes back to normal. No, he whispers, walking rapidly to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and sitting back down at the sofa, gulping the entire glass of water down his throat. I dont like you at all. Of course, I wouldnt be surprised if you have broken your promise already.

Keep dreaming. He cocks his head to the side. What if we were the last two people on Earth? He probably expects me to give in, tell him how much I loved kissing him. Its all too bad I dont lie to anyone, not even to my enemies. The only person I ever lie to is myself. Whatever Jacob expects me to say, I sure dont say it. Id commit suicide. Jacob blinks a couple of times at my sharp and witty response. But the effect soon wears off, as he focuses on the television once more. He lies down on the couch, while Im playing with my nails on the floor and feeling rather tired and weary. Come home quickly please, Mrs. Everett, I pray without a sound. Dont leave me in a place with Jacob. Snorting, I realise it doesnt matter where I subsist Jacobs always sticking to me, even though Ive been asking him to leave me alone for the last fourteen years of my life. If I go home, Ill still be forced to share a room with him. Maybe, since were insolvent like Mum claims, I can move to another house away from Jacob. My heart warms at the thought of it. Look at that girl. Jacob points to the television, snickering. Shes so tall. Kind of reminds me of someone else in this room. Oh, plus, she also has ugly freckles on her face. My blood starts to boil, as the tiniest tint of red appears through my eyes. The world is suddenly a bright, red colour. A sign of danger. Normally I would let this little comment pass by, but Im awake and tired. The entire length of my spinal chord is aching with undoubtable pain and torture. Not to mention, she has the same stubbed nose. Theres not a girl on television all three of us can see this is a nerdy show filled with male heroes. Jacob is making up an insult to hurt me, and although I shouldnt let it hurt me, it still does. Saying I have a stubbed nose has gone far too far for my liking. And, he begins, a cold, heartless smile forming on his face, she has no reason to live. Worthless. If she died, not a single person would cry over her. Im fighting not to damage him. Hard. Dont let him take control of you, a voice in my head whispers. Inner peace, inner peace. Do it with me, Coralie. Ohm. Inner peace. Ohm Violence is never the answer. OhThats when I lose myself completely, not taking a second look at my nagging self-conscious. Forget everything Leighton has said about one of us getting hurt, because Im already too scarred to get anymore hurt. Now its Jacobs turn to feel pain. A sickening crack echoes through the room as I punch him in the nose.

A Passion Called Jealousy Date: December, 1st Time: Five twenty-five Jacob balanced the spoon on his nose, his hands waving frantically in the air as he maintained his balance. I couldnt help shaking my head as I eat a spoonful of honey, the sweetness melting on my mouth. There was honey smeared to the spoon he was trying so hard to balance on his nose, and he still struggled with the action. What a wonderful way to spend Christmas; a jar of honey and Jacob for company. Barf. My eyes darted to my brand-new gold watch, the hands pointing in random directions. Mum promised to be home on Christmas day; vowed to spend time with her daughter. Yet, all I ended up with was Jacob and his hopeless spoon-balancing habits. As he balanced the ladle on his nose finally he sauntered over to the kitchen pantry, his legs wobbling dangerously along the trail. My mouth opened to warn him about the glass jar sitting atop of the bench, but it was too late. He crashed into the jar, staggering backward at unbelievable speed and hitting the ground with loud thud. Its your entire fault, Coralie! he screams, kicking his tiny legs around the place. That was the exact same line Mum used when she arrived home at last. There are dark bags under her eyes, obvious she hadnt slept last night at all. No, actually, not exactly the same line. But lecturing me to never leave glass jars close to the edge, and then adding an, This isnt Jacobs fault, obviously meant she adored Jacob more than her own daughter. The thought desired me to curl up and never wake, the fact that my own mother didnt appreciate me was more than unbearable. But it wasnt my fault. It was all Jacobs.


The nurse pushes her glasses up her nose for the fifth time. And counting. Im so nervous; I have nothing else better to do but care about other peoples problems. My mum is sitting next to me, her face a deathly pale as she stares right ahead at the nurse. How much will it cost? she inquires in barely a whisper. For Jacobs broken nose, that is. Sighing, I cant believe I let my anger take control of me. Who cares what Jacob says about me sometimes, opinions dont matter than actual facts. But thats the thing; hes right. Everything he pointed out, I cant deny the

slightest bit. Which is why I have no regret for punching him straight in the nose, except for how much it will cost my mum. Well, it shouldnt be more than thirty dollars, to be honest. My mum lets out a sigh of relief before paying the hospital fee and heading out of the door with Leighton, me, and Jacob with a severely damaged nose. He darts me a venomous look, as if to say, You did this to me, but I dont care. The pain is as deserved by him as a slap is deserved by Derek for leaving us broke and worn-out in first place. That man always had an evil look in his eyes, and now I know why. We step into the car, me in the front seat and Leighton and Jacob at the back seat. Its night-time, but Mum still insisted on going to the hospital to get Jacobs injured nose fixed. Alex is still at the Everetts house, offering to keep an eye on the twins and explaining the whole situation to Mrs. Everett. She wont be too happy, and probably wouldnt pay me anything, but I dont care. Jacob going too far is the only thing on my mind. The car halts to a stop right in front of our car, and I hear Leighton and Jacob talking about teeth. Neither one of them tries to involve me in the conversation, nor do I want to be involved either. Sighing, I walk into the living room, flick the light on so everyone behind me can see their path, and head straight to bed. Changing into my pyjamas, I sink into a soft mattress and rest my head against the pillow.


Before I know it, light is sneaking through the blinds on the window, searching for a possible way to shine on our faces and wake us up. It doesnt need to beg me much Im awake before anybody else. Gathering some of my clothes, I pick up a diary and put it in the pocket of my coat. Even though its summer, its still cold at dawn and freezing at night time. Im right about to head out, when Jacobs face stirs before his eyes flicker open and narrow almost immediately. You he says in a menacing tone. I I reply, imitating his tone perfectly. Anything else youd like to add? Leighton. Jacobs call wakes Leighton, the light-sleeper, almost instantly. Tell Cora to go and die. Tell Jacob to stop getting in my face. My brother sighs, weary facial expression appearing. Look, guys Oh, and tell Cora I hate her. Tell Jacob the feelings mutual. Go tell Cora shes a mutant alien.

And tell Jacob I wont even call him an alien. Hes a disgrace to the species. Leightons ear-piercing scream is the next thing I hear. Both Jacob and I stop talking almost instantly, our eyes fixed on my brother and his bulging eyes. My twin picks up a phone, dialling a number with the keypad. Hello? Alex? Help me out. Like, now. Both Jacob and I lie down on our beds, waiting for our abnormal breathing to reduce. Alex is getting called into this situation? Uh-oh. This isnt a good sign. My best friends father is in the army, meaning that Alexs idea of punishment and discipline is much stronger than the average, Im grounding you for life. Within fifteen minutes, a knock can be heard from the front door. Leighton jumps out of bed, racing right out of the door, leaving Jacob and I alone in the same room. Bad idea. We continue to death glare each other until my eyes hurt from staring at his ugliness for such a long period of time. Whatcha lookin at? This is no longer the teasing type of tone Jacob usually uses, but a cold and accusing voice Ive never heard him employ. Something ugly. Alex and Leighton walk into the room, their arms over their chest as if were to shoot a bullet into them. My best friend is carrying a rope in his hands, a dangerous look in his brown eyes. I dont want to know what the rope is for, and I know its not going to be pretty. For once in my life, I wonder why Im always right.


Pouring rain falls from my hair down my face, but my arms are tied so tightly to the tree, I cant do anything to wipe them away. Jacob is right beside me, our knees touching, even though neither of us wants to touch each other. Were forced to. Is this really necessary? I yell out to the two boys whore walking back to the house, and are positive they havent heard me. And even if they did, none of them would utter a word in reply anyhow. Like Im invisible. So now Im stuck with Jacob, his band-aid stuck to his nose, and the pouring rain. Life honestly doesnt get any better than this. We sit there for about five to ten minutes, the rain falling harder and harder. Even if I get a cold, Alex and Leighton wouldnt care. Now its up to Mum to come out of the house and gasp, when she sees her daughter getting drenched in the unforgiving rain. And, after another three minutes, Mum comes out with Alex and Leighton on either side of her. Their mouths are moving, explaining something, while Mums facial expression is unreadable. Finally, giving Leighton a nod, she closes the door. So much for having Mum save me.

Both Jacob and I know exactly what they want us to do; forgive each other before our heads come off with a tug. But Im not forgiving Jacob for anything, not a little thing, and definitely not big things. Feeling rather annoyed at my best friend for not defending me at this point of time, I wonder what Jacob is thinking about. Turning my head slightly so I can watch him out the corner of my eye, I see him play around with the band-aid on his nose. Why a feeling of guilt rushes through me, I have no idea. Hes the one who started it. Even in my thoughts, I realise how completely childish it sounds. Fighting fire with fire will only create a bigger fire for the rest of us. My hands are tied so tightly, my wrists feel like there are bruises forming on them, but there isnt. When I look at the very end of the thick green rope, I see a lock attached to it. Even if I want to, I wont be able break free of this miserable torture. It seems that Alex has truly thought of everything. Rain continues to pour down us, and I recall to yesterdays weather report when the report told us that there will be severe raining today. Really, Weather-ReportGuy? I think bitterly to myself. Im just stuck in the open air with no company except my worst enemy I sure cant see the rain pouring on every aspect of my body. Do you like cheese? Jacob inquires after almost thirty minutes, his tone light and sarcastic. If it isnt for the ropes holding me securely in place, I wouldve jumped two feet off the ground with shock. Uh, yeah, I guess so. Cheddars my favourite. He smiles, still not looking at me. Same. We fall back into silence, but the atmosphere isnt as harsh and accusing as it was before. Just awkward. Neither one of us is talking to the either, but Jacobs random and weird question lightened the mood extremely well. Biting my lower-lip, I feel more rain pouring down my forehead, as a tiny throbbing starts there. Perfect; as soon as I go home, Ill be sneezing and coughing. But this time Im not blaming it on Jacob. Its my own stupid fault for punching him in the nose; I shouldnt have gone that far. After all, Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you. Weirdly enough, his words did. But why do I care about his opinion so much? Now, the questions not why he said all of those awfully accurate things, but rather, why I care about what he thinks of me. Hes not Claudia or Beth his opinion shouldnt be able to affect me in no way. Also, if Alex or my brother said the exact same thing, I would just throw a pillow at them. I wouldnt react the way I did with Jacob. Why do I treat him so differently to other people in my life? Jacob, why do you hate me? There. I said it. Now, its a matter of Jacob answering it. Such a straight-forward question, yet, its enough to destroy our relationship forever. Not that we had a very good start in first place. In fact, even if the question has a reverse-effect, Im not sure it can be any worse than the way we act with each other currently. A chuckle escapes his throat, much to my surprise. Jealousy, he says, like its the simplest conclusion. He sighs at my stare, and continues to speak. You were always better than me at hockey. Dad used to ignore me. Youre pretty much the central conversation at the dinner table, whether it was because you scored a goal, or did something extraordinary their own son couldnt do. And I hated every second of it.

Immediately a flashback sprints through my brain, reminding me of the time I got blamed for putting the jar close to the edge. It was only once my mother scolded me, reminded me Jacob was better than I could ever be, and made me feel worthless and unwanted. What would it feel like to have somebody else as the discussion at the family table? Especially for doing something I can do better than everything else? It must be awful, humiliating and seething. A straight-forward answer to a clear question. Not a very uncommon scenario, but his answer, unlike my question, didnt need to be thought about twice. I knew exactly what to say next. But I suck at hockey now. Theres no need to be jealous anymore. He still doesnt turn around, staring straight into the distance. I know. Im not jealous anymore. When I realised how I was overreacting, by calling you names and threatening to have my friends beat you up, I stopped. It didnt stop you from saying those things yesterday. Now, Im frustrated at you, not jealous. He turns around for the first time, his grey eyes locking with mine. Ive tried so hard to let you forgive me, but you seem to hold on to the past too tightly. No words can describe how spot-on he is. Theres no room for whatever changes the future can bring to a persons life, except the pain and torture happening in the past. Jacob teasing me, my life being as horrible as it used to be once upon a time, when the girl with glasses used to exist. What do you mean by trying to forgive? Sticking up for you when your mum was about to go off at you for the trick with Derek, helping you learn the piano and helping out with the babysitting. Yeah, I start, sarcasm dripping fro my voice. The helping with babysitting went well, didnt it? He grins, his shoulder shrugging the tiniest bit. Not my fault you have a bad temper. He went quiet, the grin disappearing. Cora, Im sorry for the stuff I said yesterday. I guess I lost my patience with you, because you were blocking me out. He pauses. Of course, I cant take them back, because theyre all true. Except the worthless part, but thats pretty much it. Gee, thanks. Gosh, youre so negative. He rolls his eyes. Everybody has flaws. Its a matter of accepting them and focussing on your perfection. My nose wrinkles at his impressive choice of words, and ten second speech which makes the most sense to me than anything else people tried to tell my at any point in my life. Internally, I wonder what kind of high-literature he reads to have such an extensive vocabulary. Putting a finger on my lip thoughtfully, my mouth opens to say something, but I shut it instantly, absorbing every detail Ive learned out of this conversation. A smile crosses my face when I think of my next question, Whyd you make me promise not to like you? He cocks his head to the side. I think Ill keep the answer to that question to myself. My eyes dart skyward, but I dont pursue him any further to give me more details. Right now, Im ecstatic were having a normal conversation instead of ripping each others hair out of the scalps. All of a sudden, I see another

part of Jacob Ive never observed before; honest, sweet and light-toned. If someone told me this part of him existed three days ago, I would point at them and laugh like crazy until they walked away with a weird expression on their face. Now, it seems almost natural for Jacob to be like this. Oh, and one last question. Why did you accept that hockey challenge? You know, right after that game where Leighton won and I lost. Trust me. If I knew you were going to win, I wouldnt have dared. But, you were losing so badly, I couldnt help it. He swallows at my narrowed eyes. Course, I can show you some tricks right now. Chances are, you know them, but forgot them. I groan. Have you not noticed the lock on this rope? With a sly smile, Jacob picks through his pocket and finds a small silver object buried deep into his pockets. He then places the key into the small lock, turns it anti-clockwise, and unlocks it. Then, with a tug using his tanned hands, the long springs open. He unravels the rope, then were perfectly free. The rain is still pouring hard, causing his dark brown hair to fall on top of his eyes. Pushing away his waves, he gives me a triumphant grin. You had the key all along? I ask in disbelief. Why didnt you tell me? He grabs my wrist and leads me out to the shed to pick out all the gear we require for a hockey match. Gathering two hockey sticks, a ball and a spare one just in case it travels over the fence, we gather at the middle circle, not caring about the rain pouring on us. The worst that can possibly happen is a cold; my reputation is much more important than anything else. With a flash of white teeth, Jacob answers my question. You never asked.

The next hour is spent playing hockey to the best of our abilities. Except, we dont run at all; just walking and hitting the ball to one another. Pretty boring game, but I still learnt some new things. No, thats not the right thing to say; I recalled some techniques. Most of them I already knew off by heart, but then forgotten later on in life. Mr. Taylor doesnt care if we remember the skills and tips or not. As long as we dont get beaten by the opposition, hes happy. Obviously, Jacob takes great importance in learning every tip and trick, because I just have to admire him walking around the field in such a careless manner. Cmon, Cora. He pulls his hockey stick in front of his legs, focussing on the ball beside me. The goals are right behind him, measured out by two cones on either side of the field. Try and get it in. Nodding, I swipe the ball toward him in a stroke of my arm. Jacob blocks it almost instantly, before hitting it to me in an effortless manner. I wonder how many hours in a day he has to practice to become this good, because even though I had once been the star of the hockey team, the title is ripped off me. Internally, Im more jealous of Jacob than he can ever be of me. Theres no way I can move so flawlessly and be speedy at the same time. My abnormal height prevents a lot from happening. Hes got to be at least ten centimetres shorter than me, and still hasnt gotten his growth spurt. Still the same height as he was when twelve years old. Licking my lips, I block the ball from travelling any further across my side of the field. Were going to work on your aim, Jacob says, closing onto me. The sudden thought approaches me. What is happening to the world? Almost two hours ago, we were deathglaring each other, hoping one of us would actually die of the evil looks. But now hes helping me become the centre of his familys attention once more? That boy doesnt make any sense, and neither does this whole scene. I dont play hockey with my enemies. It might as well become an arena, with people whore opposing me, except its only one-on-one. Whos to complain if Jacob truly wants to help me improve a skill which will save me from humiliation? Also, it means I will need to ensure hes teaching me correct things, and not faulty tips just to get back at me. Is everything forgiven in a matter of minutes? I find its near-impossible to believe were not fighting anymore, nor trying to prove were better than the other. Or insulting each other until one of us gets a broken nose. Which is why Im more stunned than cautious, but a feeling involving both emotions spreads through me right then. Okay, you become the goalie, Jacob says. His eyes dart behind him, where I stand in front of the goals with a determined look on my face. No ball should be able to get past me, and Ill make sure they dont. Jacob, taking a couple of steps back, hits the ball into the goal. No, slam is a better word. Before I know it, a ball is caught in the net behind me. A discouraged sigh escapes, but he walks up to me and doesnt bother to throw a riot about how he beat me. Look at my feet, he suggests. Right foot pointing to the goal, Im aiming for the right side. Left foot pointing to the goal, Im aiming for the left.

But what if you have both feet pointing towards the goal? Centre. Nodding, I let my arms stretch in front of me, grasping onto my hockey stick as if its a matter of life and death. Jacob looks at me before hitting the ball. His right foot was facing toward the goal. Knowing exactly what to do, I dart toward the right side of the goal and block the ball from catching itself into the net. I succeed, my heart almost leaping from joy. Rain is starting to lessen, as if deciding to congratulate me for my wonderful achievement. Jacob grins before waving his hands, motioning me to hit the ball to him. Every minute of confidence I lost due to making the team lose the hockey game least winter has returned. Now Im finally getting my touch back. All of a sudden feeling more selfconfident, I ask Jacob to be the goalie. He agrees almost immediately. Hes standing there, his arms arched over his hockey stick, focussing on the ball. My left foot points toward the goal as I make a shot. The best shot I can ever make; because I can do it. Coralie Campbell isnt a girl whos worthless like Jacob had previously claimed. She just blocked a ball from getting through the net that must mean something shouldnt it? I simply refuse to believe my hits wont make it to the net. And, they dont. The ball comes almost an inch closer to the net, but still doesnt get caught in it. Jacob blocks it before I can run forward and take another shot at it. He steps closer to me, as he places the ball on the ground. The entire field is wet, but it has stopped raining, the glistening sun starting to shine. It still doesnt mean our hair is miraculously dry, although. Try and have a more secure grip on your stick. He inspects the way Im holding the hockey stick and a smile crosses his face Taking the stick out of my loose fingers, he uses his hand to fix my hands around the correct way; right hand at the bottom, and left hand at the top. Of course Im supposed to hold it like that; Mr. Taylor would go bizarre if I didnt hold a stick the correct way. But I was too busy copying Jacobs every movement, hoping it would improve my skills. But you were holding it with your left hand at the bottom. Thats cause Im left-handed. Raising my eyebrows at this new detail I learnt about him, I follow his advice and have a firm and tight grip on the stick, my hands in a correct position. The ball is right beside me, ready to be hit. Jacob is in front of the wide net, waiting for my shot. A smile crossing my face, and more confident I will score a point, I hit it into the goal. With a swing, the ball is flying toward the goal. Before getting caught in the net. A triumphant grin crosses my face. I did it I never thought it was possible to score a goal without practicing for almost two seasons, but I did it. And even when I had practice on, I still wagged it sometimes to hang out with the clique. Even then, I still scored that goal. Like those extra classes didnt matter anymore. When Jacob breaks into a round of applause, I know how I did it. With the help of the last person Id expect assistance from, I have officially scored a goal and blocked a ball from getting past me. Although its only a start, its one of the best ones Ive had for a long time.

Bring it on, Claudia; Im up for whatever challenge you want me to face.


Leighton and Alex look almost sheepish when they see us tied to the tree, our hairs wet from water wed sprayed on ourselves so they feel guiltier. Jacob kicks me in the leg, but not before giving me a wink which only I can see. My brother scowls at Jacob, as if to say, Leave my little sister alone, will you? My worst enemy, who might just be a friend now, kicks me again with a, No, I wont look at my brother. Gosh, were so sorry, Alex apologies, looking for foolish than ever before. We were playing dragon and knights, and then Then what? I say in a cold, accusing voice Ive been practicing for the past ten minutes. You decided to leave me alone with this jerk? Oh sure. Im the jerk and youre an angel. Jacob snorts, throwing his hands in the air for more of a dramatic effect. Give me a call when you figure out how that works out, okay? Dont expect a call, because I dont have your number. Nor do I ever want it. Punching your number into a cell phone is like asking an executer if they can speed up the process. Both my brother and best friend sigh, and I cant help wondering how they survived us. Even with all the retorts and insults, Ive never really tried to look at it from another persons point of view. Somebody else who has been watching us fight all the time, and even tying us to a tree to try and declare peace upon us. Of course, it has worked. But neither Jacob nor I want to admit it to the two boys. Were both as stubborn as each other. Well, lemme unlock it. Alex hunches forward to check for a lock. My heart starts pounding, as I can almost slap myself for being so stupid. Jacob suddenly sighs, a weary expression crossing his face. He mustve noticed we both forgot to put the lock on the rope. Hey, theres no lock on here. But I couldnt sworn Cora ate it, Jacob blurts out, and I give him a look through narrowed eyes. Biting his upper lip, eyes still widened, he says, Metaphorically. You see, she was playing around with it using her teeth, and broke it. He pauses. Well, she couldnt have used her fingers. Theyre tied up. But then you wouldnt need us to unlock it. Why didnt you two escape from our clutches? This is it. Now theres nothing left to do, but give up our pride and admit to the two boys were actually getting along. Now, all it will take is a matter of seconds for Leighton to send an email to everyone in school, informing them Jacob and I are dating. Alex, of course, isnt that mean to do things like telling the whole world over the internet. No,

he merely will use his own personal self to knock on every door and notify them. Long story short, my life is going to be over. But I still have a chance to prevent it from happening. Because we didnt want to untie each other. As in, I was afraid I would untie Jacob and he will run away, leaving me stuck. Yes, that excuse works. Go I go with the flow. So, we sat there arguing about who should tie the other first. Both boys roll their eyes, and buy the excuse. Neither of them notices that Jacob didnt have his tied too tightly, and he couldve broken free if he wanted to without my help. Im not about to remind them. But the adding the Arguing about who should untie the other first probably made all the difference. Untying both of our hands and freeing us, both Jacob and I stand up without a word, going in different directions. We are to meet in front of the coffee shop.


Banana or chocolate cupcake? Jacob asks, placing the last of the free-cupcake giveaway cupcakes on the table. There is a soft buzzing of people walking around in the shopping centre, keeping their eyes straight ahead as if trying to reach their destination without any interruptions. A few people are running, mobile phones in their hands and trying to catch a taxi to the airport. Other people are in a more relaxed manner, sitting in Libbys Caf. Were among those few, collecting the free, miniature cupcakes they give to a limit of one per costumer, per day. Jacob got the last of the cupcakes in his hands, awaiting my decision. Chocolate. Hate banana. He grins. Really? I love banana. Before I can utter a word out, he stuffs the entire cupcake in his mouth. Of course, this is a very likely scenario, considering the cupcakes are the length of my thumb. But still banana flavour? Pretending Im not sick, I continue to nibble slightly at the cupcake. Again, some habits never change, and Jacobs still the eating machine hes always been. So, why are we here? Jacob opens his mouth to say something, but closes it, inclining his head to the side. I have no idea, to be honest. Its my last day at your house; theres still an entire month until the holidays end, but still. Its near the end of December. My mouth opens in shock, as I look up at the sign, 24th December hung up on the calendar on the light, wooden walls of the coffee shop. Jacobs right. Today is his last day here, since his parents are supposed to come back right before Christmas. To think I couldve ended it by him with a broken nose and not speaking to each other.

Either way, his nose still has a big, ugly band-aid, so it doesnt make too much difference. Thats why you chose today to start being nice to me? No wonder. How often it is a boy forgives me a couple of hours after I damage their nose? Not that Ive broken many noses, but it would still be an unlikely scene if I did. Jacob nods in agreement. Can I ask you some questions? Havent you just? Well I begin, taking his roll of eyes as a yes. You know the clique hates you completely, because Estelle dated you without notifying them. Who was she? I just realised I never knew her. Estelle? Jacob snorts before shaking his head, rubbing some sweat off the side of his nose. We never dated. The clique saw us together, thought we were a couple, and Im officially hated. He says the words in such a simple yet bitter tone, I cant help feeling pity for him. Whoa. That must be tough. Not as tough as going through primary school with me threatening to beat you up. He sighs. You know I cant hurt a fly. Whore you so scared of? Liam Yvonne, I say almost instantly. Just him. Jacob nods, as if understanding my thoughts. Im sure hell never understand, but now he wont be sending any drug-addicts to my place. The idea is comforting. So, howd you get the job at Alexs place? A grin crosses his face, as he rests his face on the palm of his hands, elbows on the table. Youre horrible with kids. Dont remind me. So you know Liam Wailyn? Well, hes this new guy whos attending school. He started at the end of last year, but really didnt need to, because the year was ending Liam Wailyn? He lifts his elbows from the table, all of a sudden on alert. Did he say anything to you? Hurt you? Or anything at all? My turn to be on full alert. What on Earth are you talking about? No, he didnt. In fact, he was completely nice. He was the one who told me to get the job, because itll earn me some more money. All of a sudden, he starts laughing. Hysterically; resembling a hyena in a very odd way. People turn to look at us, but then mind their own business by looking away. Not sure what I should do, I pat him on the back until he starts coughing. Taking a plastic cup from the filter, I take some of the free water the caf offers. Then, I turn back to Jacob sitting there with the hugest grin ever, still giving a random cough every now and then. He takes the full cup from my hand, gulping it down. Do you mind telling me whats going on? I ask, not bothering to show how annoyed I am. Liam Wailyn is Liam Yvonne.

My expression must be near hopeless as I continue to glare at Jacob through beady eyes. Liam Yvonne is Liam Wailyn? Wow, thats a new kind of low; trying to scare me like that. As if he Im not joking. Jacob said it in such a hard-hitting tone, I have no choice but to believe him. He looks me straight in the eyes, hoping it will make more of a truce-kind deal. Why dont I believe him? To be honest, its the question Im asking myself, because even I wouldnt trust myself if I told someone theyre the same people. Liam Wailyn did look familiar to me, and maybe in a creepy way, but not enough to think he was the school bully trying to terrorise my life. No, Liam Wailyn looks more like a vampire; theres no way his last name is Yvonne. Anyway, they look completely different. Liam Wailyn has fair hair, unlike my intimidating friend, who has a brown-ish colour. But their facial structures are so similar. Same nose, skin tone and the exact same way their hair falls on their eyes That stupid brat! I exclaim at the top of my lungs, rewarded by a couple of strange looks from surrounding people. He lied to me about his last name! A chuckle escapes Jacobs throat, which stops as soon as I glare at him. He purses his lips, as if he wasnt laughing a second ago. Quit jumping to conclusions, Cora. Sheesh. Liams parents got a divorce and he has a new father with the last name Wailyn. So, he didnt lie to you. Now, his official name is Liam Wailyn. So how do you explain the miraculous change of hair and eye colour? He used to wear contacts before, and used to dye his hair. Made him look tough. All of a sudden, Jacobs eyes are staring at mine as if attempting to observe right through them. Pretending to be someone hes not. Reminds me of someone else. Ive had enough of this. Rolling my eyes at his sudden change, from being a sweet guy, and now converting back to the accusing person hes always been. Trying to make me feel guilty for a mistake Ive made at an infant age, even though the results are life-changing. He has no right to give his point of view on what he thinks is a mistake. But I also think Ive made an error by joining the clique. Ive gotta go, I say, in a hard-as-steel voice which scares me when I hear how it sounds. See ya. Have a good time for the rest of your holidays. Of course, now that youve lost Letitia, you probably My sentence is interrupted with his rough grasp on mine. A grimace crosses his face, as he whispers, I just want to know what happened to you. Feeling rather embarrassed, I pull myself out of his grip. A lot of people turn around to stare at us, probably concluding were teenagers whore dating. Which were not. And never will. For the first time, I notice the Christmas decorations all over the walls, and now realise why there are so many people here. All looking for the perfect present to buy for somebody special.

What happened to who? I say, half-absent-minded. You, he says simply, before pulling on my hand so I have no choice but to follow him. Being a hockey player, my wrist is strong. But since hes been playing longer than I have, and probably more dedicated to the sport than Ill ever be, his strength is near impossible. My wrist doesnt dare to budge, just in case a movement causes the fragile bones to crush into powder. He leads me outside of the shopping centre, and I bite my lip at how horrible this might look from a persons point of view. Any normal person can look at us, and think, Theyre dating without any actual proof. The feeling makes my stomach clench. I open my mouth to start protesting about how unnatural this is, but close it. No matter how much I complain, itll only be a waste of breath. He wont let go; were both as obstinate as each other. Before I know it, were in front of his house. Jacob is very lucky and has a house right beside the shopping mall, and can borrow DVDs and CDs whenever he wants to without any fuss. There are branches on the grassy front yard, twigs on the doormat, the blinds closed as if nobodys been there for a long time. Which is definitely the case in this situation. The russet roof has a tessellation of rectangular-shaped bricks, the second and third story obvious by the windows. Yes, they have a third story in the house. Its unfair. But I cant complain too much, because we have a twostory house and still dont use it correctly. He opens a gate, leading us to the huge backyard they have, one which doesnt require a key. Probably twice as big as ours, with nothing but grass. Not even a shed or a basketball; just grass. The whole area is fenced and secure. Whyre we here? I ask, my voice in a whisper. Whyre you whispering? he asks with a grin, his voice mimicking my whisper. Were here, he starts, his voice now at normal volume and letting go off my hand, so you can talk to me. Tell me why youve changed. A wild shudder spreads through me. Am I this predictable? Can he see through me like Im a piece of glass? How can he notice Im not myself? Its taken me almost a full two years to figure out something about me has changed, but it seems as Jacob has worked it out the moment it happened. I dont know what youre talking about. Too bad. Because if I didnt know any better, Id say you were trying to hide something from me. He looks straight at me, the same way he did back at the caf. I dart my eyes around, inspecting every inch of their backyard except his face and the unfathomable grey eyes. Giving in, I sit down on the spot and jump up when I figure the grass is wet. A slow smile spreads through his face, but he sits down with me in the wet grass anyway. Of course it cant be dry already; it was literally pouring with water a couple of minutes ago. Ready for a whole hours worth of babbling? I ask, raising my eyebrows. Is the sky blue? I look confused. Uh, yes, it is.

You have your answer. For the next one hour, I tell him everything. He can use the tiny details to his advantage for all he cares, but Ive kept these things to myself for too long. I cant even talk to my parents about them, because Mum will immediately compare me to Beths mum, a growing disgust for her very own daughter. What about Dad? He wouldnt care; just tell me I shouldnt care what people say. Because although hes the best father in the world, serious matters shouldnt be told to him. Leighton would care even less about my problems. Too immature. Alex probably would care, but the solution would be something dark. Committing suicide isnt a solution, but I have a strange feeling it would be what hed do. Feed me poison until Im carried to heaven on a white pony. The entire thought gives me shudders. So here I am, telling every dark and deep secret to the last person Id ever dream of uttering a word to. How Claudia is the leader, making everything go her way. Tanya being utterly mean, almost as if trying to get rid of me so she can rule the clique. Beth, awfully nice sometimes, but mean enough to bail on me when Tanyas around. As if she has two faces; when around me, she pretends she cant stand Tanya. But when shes around, Im invisible. You know, theyre not royalty. Jacob pauses. They think they are, and have fooled everybody into thinking theyre something big. But it works, I point out. Never said it didnt. Everything Ive done for them, from sneaking out of bed just to catch a film without a ticket, to missing out on that camping trip with Dad. Then I ramble on about how they make me date boys I dont like, and even kiss all of them. But why did you overact when I kissed you? Jacob asks, a hint of redness showing on his face, as if hes embarrassed to bring up the question. I mean, it wasnt your first kiss or anything. True. But it was the first kiss I had a say to. I couldve refused if I wanted. Jacob opens his mouth to ask me why I didnt decline, but I quickly change the subject before he can. Because Im not entirely sure if it had to do with him just bribing me with the forty dollars. Shaking the thought out of my head, I continue on how Liam Yvonne scared me half to death. A tiny expression of guilt appears on his face as I describe the incident, but he disguises it quickly enough. There is more to how Ive never missed out on a meeting and them vowing to make my life miserable if I get kicked out or if I quit. So I dont have anywhere to go except stay in the clique. Because my lifes bad enough, my self-esteem drooping to a dangerously-low level, without needing people like the three girls constantly nagging behind me. Its like I hate everyone in the world, I say, after Ive finished my entire speech. But, I dont really hate them. Just my own miserable fault Im so easy to target on. Jacob smiles, picking out some blades of grass and ripping them to shreds. A passionate hate? Or, rather, a passion called hate? A slow grin crosses my face, as I realise how life-like the phrase sounds. Yes. A passion called hate.


Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor come at six oclock, right in the middle of dinner and when were expecting them least. Jacob and I still sit on opposite ends of the table to avoid any suspicion. But my heart aches to sit next to him, because I wont be seeing him anymore after we finish this meal. At school my reputation will be ruined if I hang out with him, and it would be over-suspicious if I visit him at his house. His parents are sitting at the dinner table, Mum cooking enough of the chicken soup for everyone to feast. The sound of slurping soup and the grandfather clock in the living room ticking are the only things I hear. Leighton is trying to drink the whole entire bowl of broth in one gulp, so he can race back to the video game hes paused. I whirl my eyes at him, and watch as Jacob does the same. When dinner is over, Leighton races to our room. I follow him, figuring there wont be much to do now Jacobs leaving. Because when he leaves, there wont be anyone left to talk to. Henrietta and Ursulas face immediately come to mind, but I cant talk to them either. Beth hates Ursula, but I personally think its because Ursulas prettier than her. Nevertheless, even if I am allowed to see them, Jacob would still be my first preference. He listens to me. Not that he did it so much at the start of summer, but now he does. Absorbing every word and giving me some tips, ones which are merely suggestions and doesnt mind if I dont take them. Just keeps on figuring out solutions, like hes a robot built to do things like that. I sit beside Leighton as another ten minutes pass. Hes playing Pac-Man, and the ghosts are still chasing after him. The game still isnt won, and I feel like shaking my head, considering it would take Tanya less than a minute to complete a game, even though shes a girl and a non-gamer. Lying down, every time I close my eyes, its Jacobs face which I see. Not Liam Yvonne hitting me and me trying to escape, nor the sharp and honest insults of Claudia, but Jacob. His warm smile and the mature understanding only he can offer. Well, guess Im leaving. Jacob walks in the room, pursing his lips out of awkwardness. Leighton walks up to him and hugs, more like squeezes, Jacob. Its such an adorable moment, but still creepy since theyre both boys. I think Jacob feels the same way, as he opens his mouth to try and get my brother to let go of him, but how can he? His breathing is broken off, let alone his speaking. Just to assist Jacob, I say, Leighton, you forgot to pause your game. The boy moves like ninja, and within a millisecond, hes off a blue-looking Jacob and on the bed, his eyes bulging as he picks up the game with trembling. He sighs in relief given that I lied, but doesnt shoot me a glare. Simply, he continues his game as if nothing happened. Jacob looks away from my brother, looking straight at me, his grey eyes sparkling with mischief. Dont I get a hug? No.

My brother still hasnt noticed were actually having a normal conversation, but I dont point it out, just in case it keeps him on full alert. His whole mind is into the gaming world, and how he can prevent from losing the game. Despite what I said, I step up and wrap my arms around his shoulders. Since hes shorter than me, its a little awkward. Do me a favour and grow taller, will you? I joke. Well, half-joke. Whatever. Call me if you need anyone to talk to. What if I need to borrow money? Sorry. My pet dinosaur ate all my allowance, and Im money-free for the next decade or so. Thought so. He lets go and waves goodbye one last time before exiting the room. Gone. He hugged me, yet, it didnt seem the scream-worthy kind Id imagine itd be like if this were the start of December. Back then, I would pour boiling water into the bathtub, just to get rid of all the germs surrounding me. Now it feels almost natural.

The sound of Mums voice wakes me up the next day. Good morning, twins. And Merry Christmas! she says, appearing almost relieved she doesnt have to add extra names nor look at three faces personally. Sleep well, Cora? Merry Christmas as well. We both know there wont be any presents, for we dont celebrate Christmas. We have no religion. Yeah, I lie. Perfectly well. When, in fact, last night was a nightmare. I had the weirdest flashbacks of my life, and all of them involved Jacob. Every time I had done something to him, I saw it last night. All the injustice he had suffered, mainly out of guilt, I remembered each and every one of the flashbacks so vividly, and Im someone who hardly remembers an aspect of a dream as soon as they wake up from bed. The first flashback was when I first met him, and I didnt like his haircut. So I took some scissors and pretended to cut his hair, when, in fact, not a single strand had fallen out of his head. He was angry at me for weeks, and had revenge on me by doing something I dont remember. Secondly, the next flashback contained bright and alluring colours, clearly set in the scene of a circus. There were clowns jumping around the place, and I told Jacob he should be a clown since he was so short. Although it wasnt physical, it still mustve hurt him. As soon as I recall the second memory, I groan as I realise all the other memories have vanished into thin air. Two minutes ago, I would be able to describe every object in fine detail, but now its impossible. Theyve all disappeared too quickly, running out of my mind like a cyclone thrown out of the sky for the first time. How was your night, Leighton? Simple and dreamless. He shrugs, wrinkling his perfect nose, which belongs to my mother. I have my fathers stubbed nose; imperfection. As usual. We both jump out of bed, pulling the covers aside before taking a place at the breakfast table. Mum has already set out the cornflakes and milk, placemats under each of the milk-filled bowl. Cornflakes arent added to the bowl yet, because she knows both of us hate soggy cereal and would much rather pour in the cornflakes ourselves. It feels so weird without Jake here, Leighton manages to say within a mouthful of milk and cereal. He adds another tablespoon of sugar, even though he has put two of them already. I try not to look disgusted at how people can eat so much sugar. I mean, its almost like hes part of the family. Playing along, I snort. Yeah, whatever you say, Leighton. I was the one stuck to a tree, breathing the same air as him. Not you. Although I didnt mean it, its what the old Coralie would say right now. The one whom didnt understand the other side of Jacob, a much light, care-free version, unlike the one I hated for almost a decade. My twin has a sheepish expression dawning on his face. Yeah Sorry about that. We honestly forgot. Rolling my eyes skyward, I continue to stuff my mouth with cereal. I wonder what I should do today, and if anything is worth doing at this point of daylight. Since we have a cleaner before morning breaks through, no chores around the house need to be done. But now that were broke, Im not sure wed be able to afford one.

Cora. Do you mind vacuuming my bedroom? Mum asks, as if almost reading my mind. And Leighton, you can dust the shelves for me. Both my brother and I nod before setting off to our tasks. Gathering the vacuum cleaner from the laundry room, I begin to brush it back and forth through Mums room. Then, I turn off the power. Searching under the bed for anything I might accidentally suck in, I find nothing, so I switch the electricity and continue my job. Mum makes sure to keep her room as neat as possible, and it works quite well. There are pictures of elephants hung up on the wall, since shes so crazy about the large-footed mammal. A smile is brought to my face, as I remember the first time Leighton and I rode on an elephant. It was at the zoo, where the generous zookeeper watched us stare at the elephant with wide eyes, and decided to let us have a turn at riding it. Both Leighton and I were screaming, but only my twin was screaming out of fear. Me? Excitement. After confirming Ive sucked in every speck of dust with the powerful vacuum cleaner, I head back to the living room without any injuries. Hockey players always have to bend low; therefore, vacuuming the entire floor has no effect on me. Im used to it. As soon as I sit in front of the television, Mum rolls her eyes and reminds me Im grounded. Sighing with a, Mums are so unfair under my breath, I head back to my room. Sure enough, my computer isnt there. Taken away by a bunch of lunatic zebras, before being eaten by a onefanged walrus. No, just kidding. Mum isnt a plural; shes just a singular noun. Internally, I cant help wondering how Mum managed to carry the decade-old computer to another room. The almond coloured desk is blank, without a single thing decorating it, and no computer keyboard to fit into the slot created just for it. Feeling a sigh escape my mouth, I wonder how Ill spend this day. The moment I look outside, I see people putting up decorations on their house. Christmas decorations which will light up as soon as night falls. Leaning on the window sill with my elbow resting, and my palm holding my face, I stare out at the blue sky in front of me. Claudias Christmas party is not far from now; only three days. Of course, this means Ill be sneaking into Beths house to take the voice recorder back. Jacob shouldnt have to lose his reputation because of me. However, invading into somebodys house and demanding a voice recorder is not the best thing on a Christmas day. Therefore, the whole scheme shall be put-off until tomorrow or the next day. Cracking my knuckles, I sit at my piano/keyboard, feeling slightly bored. Only eerie silence welcomes me, and it comes to mind how quiet the entire house is without Jacob. Whether its screaming at each other or him winning another level on his stupid video game, he makes sure the house is bursting with noise. Now Im stuck with Leighton and his orange-sight-seeing. But my twins prediction was right. Although it didnt help us financially, it helped me mentally and socially by learning to get along with my archenemy. Or, rather, who once was my archenemy. Now were not fighting with each other, and might even be dare I say it friends. Just friends, of course; nothing more serious than that conclusion. My fingers move through the ivory and ebony keys, all of fingers on an arch as I commence playing my made-up song. For one reason, its extraordinary to me since Ive made it up. Plus, its the only other song I can play besides Mary Had A Little Lamb. Shameful? Just a little bit. My voice isnt too bad, I guess. A lot of time Ive recorded myself on my mobile, using the built-in voice recorder which is always used when Im bored. Nowhere near excellent, but not horrible either. Somewhere in the middle, sounding average. I feel like bursting out the fixed lyrics, but there will be suspicion all across the house on who Im sing it to. My brother might get terrified and run out of the house before I can explain the song has nothing to do with him. My mum? Will probably think Im singing it about Jacob, notifying his mother the next time they come around to gossip. That would be the end of our so-called friendship.

Mums voice rings all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom. It doesnt help that she has the loudest voice in the Southern Hemisphere, let alone actually trying to speak loudly. Every so often she would call out Rachel! and I know shes talking to Mrs. Taylor. Discussing how beautiful Fiji was, and how they were so lucky to win the raffle, their high-pitched voices continue to ring into my delicate ears, causing my eyes to roll. All of a sudden, Leightons mobile phone rings. Hello? I say. Oh, hello. This is the pizza delivery man, an awfully low voice begins. Ive noticed that you have ordered forty-nine sachets of fried onions, and Im here to notify you of the bill. It comes to approximately three-hundred dollars and seventy-five cents. My eyebrows raise skyward. If I didnt know any better, Id say you were giving me the exact cost, rather than the approximate youve claimed. You calling me a liar, Madame? You calling me an idiot, Alex? A huge burst of rumbling laughter escapes his mouth, and flows through the metal wires, all the way into my ears. My heads shakes at how immature my best friend is, which isnt too surprising, since hes a dorky computer-geek after all. But hes still one of the best things I have in my life, as sad as it sounds. If I ever admitted the fact to somebody, theyd walk away, wondering how awful my life is to have Alex as one of the best things in it. Sorry, I couldnt resist, he says as if it explains everything. I wanted to call you, actually. Your mobiles off, did you know? Yes, I know. Mum took it away. And shell kill me if she hears me using this one. Oh. He goes silent. Sorry. Tell you what, can I come over? My mum is still talking to Mrs. Taylor, but now the subject involves how Chinese babies are the cutest things in the whole world. I cant disagree with her, because I love their beautiful, small eyes, but it still offends me. She thinks somebody elses children are prettier than her very own daughter? Ouch, that hurts. Leighton is still in the living room, meditating to Mums yoga DVD the one she claims to improve my social and mental health. Feeling my stomach churn, I wonder why my brother, out of all people, would need help mentally. Even though he has a bad reputation, hes one of the most carefree people Ive met in my short life. Um, yeah. Im sure Mum wont mind. Cool. So she wont chop my head off if I walk into the house? Probably not. I pause. If she does, Im not paying for the external damage. The phone clicks off, and I can almost see Alex walking down the street in my head. Sitting on the couch behind a meditating Leighton, I watch him inhale and exhale through his nose, taking long pauses each time. His hands are flat on his lap, unlike how its shown on television, where the people have their index finger and thumb touching. Guess its somewhere else television made a mistake.

Before I can ask Leighton why hes meditating when hes always peaceful, a knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. It also ruins my twins concentration, as he stands up from his position and turns off the DVD player. On full alert in case a policeman is chasing him down, he picks up a baseball bat before walking up to the door. He knows Im grounded and shouldnt have anybody over. Mums relationship with Derek is over, and since shes talking to Jacobs mother right now, none of her visitors will be at our house. Unless he welcomed someone in his sleep, there shouldnt be anybody knocking on the door like theyre right now. Except, there is. Im about to open my mouth to notify my brother I invited Alex over, even though Im not supposed to, but deciding against it. No, welcoming my best friend with a baseball bat and ready to swing at him would be the best sort of karma for something he didnt do. The door opens, as Alexs cheery face converts to complete and utter terror. Appearing sheepish, my brother places the baseball bat on the ground to prove hes at peace. Finally, when my best friend has his breathing back to control, he walks into the house with a huge sigh. So if your mum doesnt chop my head off, your brother will? Pretty much. And if he doesnt, I will. For the first time, I notice the way hes dressed. Why are you wearing a suit? Whats the major occasion? Alex, pleased weve noticed his new look, twirls around in his pitch-black tuxedo with an emerald green tie at the front. His blond hair is brushed back evenly, loaded with so much gel, I can see his hair parting where the comb brushed through his hair. Claudias party. Its today. He looks at me strangely. Dont you know? But thats impossible! Its three days from now. They changed the date.

Grasping onto Alexs shoulder, I can feel my blood run cold. Today is the day? Why hasnt anybody reminded me? Of course; my phone is taken away by my wonderful mother, so they have no other ways of communication except coming to my house and meeting me personally. But theres so much work left to do at the party, meaning they wont have time to call me. Or remind me Jacobs repute, or rather, half-a-reputation shall be ruined the minute those recordings are heard by public. Please tell me youre joking. To my surprise, he says, Im joking. Really? I ask, undoubtable hope ringing in my voice. He snorts. No. Im not joking. They seriously are throwing a party, and Im late for it. But since you were freaking out so much, I thought Id help you out by lying. Letting go of his shoulders, I race to my room and lock the door. Then I gather some pieces of clothing necessary for a party, and a silver, knee-length dress with sequins await me. Snatching it out of the wardrobe, I change into it and then admire myself in the mirror. Perfect fitting. My knees are visible, and I dont feel comfortable showing my long legs. Even though maintaining a reputation requires me to appear good-looking, theres no need to be cocky about my exterior. Pulling on some skin-coloured tights and silver shoes Mum bought me for my last birthday, I walk to my dressing able. Applying lipstick, mascara, eyeliner. There. Done. A knock on the door startles, almost making me jump. Cora? Ive got some good news to tell you, if you would open the door. Not thinking twice, I push open the window and haul myself to fall on the green grass. There is a teenage boy watering plants, watching me with a tilted head, wondering what Im doing. To be honest, I have no idea myself. Gathering myself up and sticking my nose into the air, I make my way toward the party hall. Again, its central to my house, so I dont have to worry too much about being late. No, actually, I have to. Because if Alex is late to the party, that means I will be also. There are footsteps behind me, and a deep curiosity runs through me, but also fear. Half-closing my eyes, I spin around, only to see the face of my best friend, frowning at how scared I must look. I cant blame him. Isnt Leighton coming? Nah. He hates parties. He thinks theyre useless. So do I, I think to myself, with a growing envy for my brother. He doesnt have to care about maintaining a reputation, but, I do. How is this life fair? The answer is so simple and cold-hearted: Life isnt fair. Never has been when I wore those glasses and braces, wanting to free myself, and never is right now, when Im jumping to extremes just to keep my life fair. Or, rather, what is fairer than the way it used to be.

There are people walking in, and the host checks them off the checklist. The man is humongous, capable of throwing someone several metres out of town if he felt the need to. Not a single strand of hair grows on his head, and I observe the tattoo showing on his arm, one of a dragon with what I suspect is fire blowing out of its mouth. My heart almost stops when I see his ear ripped in two parts, as if someone pulled on his earring. Um, Coralie Campbell, I say in barely a whisper. Sorry. Not on the list. Not willing to even add a But just in case he beats me up, I pretend to walk back home, Alex close than a couple of metres behind me. When I spin around to look at the man, hes checking more people off the checklist, most likely forgot about me already. The people he checks off are unmistakably the two bodies of Ursula and Henrietta; Ursula dressed in only white with her long, blonde hair falling down like a waterfall on her arched back, whist Henrietta is wearing green casually, and a pair of jeans to complete the look. Whatre you doing? Alex asks, whispering. Trying to find a way inside. He looks puzzled, but doesnt worry about the situation too much. How am I supposed to explain I recorded Jacobs voice in a lot of things hed never tell anyone? Im ashamed of the whole situation myself, and feel so utterly guilty. I dont need Alex thinking Im a bad person whos selfish enough to do anything for themselves, but doesnt think of others surrounding them. All of a sudden, I see familiar, dark-brown waves at the door. His black suit makes him look a lot older and taller than he actually is, and a wild suspicion comes to me; hes wearing high-heels. But thatd be silly, because boys dont wear high-heels in American movies. Of course, the boys in Swan Hill arent American and nowhere near normal who knows what theyre up to when no-ones around. Look, theres Jacob! Alex points out with a smile. I make a face. Thank you, Captain Obvious. No worries, Madame Sarcasm. Gritting my teeth, I watch the bloke at the door squint his eyes at the bush were hiding behind. Immediately, I duck down and pull Alexs head lower when he fails to observe what I see. Note to self: If I ever decide to become a criminal mastermind, Alex isnt the best choice for a sidekick. Much too loud and reckless, and at certain times, blind and dumbfounded; everything an evil sidekick is not. Of course, trying to sneak into a party cant be considered a sin; its like attempting to break into my own house. Then, I see a window attached to the side of the large room, closed. When Im sure the security guard doesnt have his dark-brown eyes on me, I make a run for it, Alex trailing after me without a clue on what hes doing. As soon as I try to open the window, I notice its stuck. Like superglue. Feeling somewhat annoyed, I feel my best friends hand on my shoulder. Hey, Cora, do you mind if I go in the normal way and then open the window from the other side so you can come in?

Oh. Well thats a much better and brilliant idea than smashing the window with a twig and running like a crazed gorilla into the room. Feeling rather irritated for not thinking of the ploy first, I agree to it. Alex jogs back to the main gateway, a smirk playing on his face because he thought of it and I didnt. Scowling at how best friends can be so show-off-y, I wait for Alex to sign into the door and get himself inside the building. To my utter shock, he returns with a horrified expression on his face. Im not invited. I cant believe it. Sinking into the ground and burying his face into his hands, he says, I always knew I was invisible. But not invisible enough to be forgotten at a party! He sniffles his nose a zillion times, and I know the waterworks will start any second. Aw, cheer up, I say quickly, wondering if I sounded hysterical while saying it. They probably didnt invite you since youre one of my friends. But you never hang out with me at school. How does everyone know were friends? Everybody doesnt know, but Beth, Tanya and Claudia do, I lie. Anyway, theyre definitely trying to keep me locked out. A slow grin spreads through Alexs face, showing he understands me. Feeling rather guilty, I wonder what urge it caused to lie to my very own friend. Of course the clique dont have a clue were friends. And I dont intend to inform them any time soon, because itll give Claudia another reason to cut me out as the position of the leader. If theres anything I need to do, nows the time to do it; while theyre debating who should be the leader. Admitting every dark secret wont help me. Whatre we going to do? Alex asks. I mean, its not like you can call them or anything, because you dont have a phone, thanks to I might not have a phone, but do you? I ask, my voice jumpy and excited. Alex offers me his phone with a look of understanding, and a scowl for not thinking of the idea first. The window, although sealed shut, shows everything I need to see. There are people eating cake, even though no-ones told them to start eating yet. Just like promised, not a single adult is visible, with the exception of the bulky security guard at the door. But even hes not inside the room, so it doesnt count. Dialling Claudias number, because its the only number I remember off by heart, the sound Im answered by is the sound of an answering machine. Hey. Youve reached Claudia Farrow. Are you a creepy stalker? Hang up right now. Kidnapper? Sorry, but maybe the girl next door would be more worthy of your time? Business man? Go sell your stupid products somewhere else. Right. Now, leave a message after the tone and if I dont call back, I hate you. Thank you. A beep follows what I find a very harsh and unwelcoming message, but I dont bother leaving a message. Ive been watching Claudia the whole time the message was playing, and its obvious she has left her mobile at home. Even trying to be total perfection might just backfire, resulting in forgetting the minor things in life since a few extra minutes are used fixing our makeup than pick up the essentials. All four of the girls look absolutely beautiful, ruby-red lipstick and the same silver-coloured dress. But, all with different style and patterns; Beth has silver sequins running on a diagonal, Claudia has the sequins in tessellating flowers and Tanya has no sequins at all on her dress, trying to appear as normal as possible. Searching through Alexs phonebook, I find a number next to the name, Tanya Cauli.

She put it all over the net! Alex defends himself, after receiving a look of horror and disgust from my face. It was too tempting not to add it. Shaking my head at my best friends lame excuse, I dial the number regardless of the disgust Im feeling. Hello? Tanya? I decide to play it casual, and not sound too desperate. How are you? "Oh, Cora? Is that you? Well, Im at home. Chilling as usual, you know? What a liar. I can see her right inside the clear window, where her head is bobbing up and down as she speaks. Not a single note of her flawless voice sounds panicky or as if shes hiding something from me. If I didnt hate her out of existence, I would ask her to become an actress and earn herself some money doing the job. Any director would love a performer who can act as if theyre better than everyone else, but nowhere near. Really? Whats all that noise? I try to keep my voice to a limit, and not sound like Im accusing her of anything. That? Family has come over. Speaking of which, my uncles daughter has just spewed up over the carpet. Ill have to clean it up. Before I can sneak in a word, she concludes the entire conversation with a, Bye and the phone clicks off almost instantly. Feeling more helpless than ever, I press my face against the window and hope somebody with common sense will see me. Because I need to save Jacobs reputation; I dont want to be the one to ruin it all. Speaking of my oncearchenemy, I see him scampering around the food table, stuffing vanilla ice cream in his mouth as if having it for the first time. My own mouth waters at the thought of having ice cream melt onto my tongue, but I shake off the feeling. No, Jacobs feelings are more important than ice cream. Just. I hear every conversation and all voices, but no-one seems to hear me banging on the window as if its a matter of life and death. Ignorantly, they pick up little chocolate cupcakes and stuff them into their already-filled mouths. A huge stage with a microphone comes into view as the curtains roll away. My stomach clenches as a tape recorder appears fastened onto Beths palm, as she presses a button, she says, Now, today, I have some spying files from a trusty companion. And now Im going to play it. My eyes flit over to where Jacob is talking to another girl, ignoring every word Beth just said. Instead of feeling urgent, a wave of a different feeling washes through me. Nowhere near guilt, but something else, seeing Jacob and that blonde girl together. I want to march up to the girl and rip all of the perfect curls off her petite head. Could it be jealousy? I snort to myself. Get real, Cora. As if. The voice recorder starts playing. He used to like a girl called London in third grade, Leighton whispers, as Jacobs ears go scarlet, even in the darkness. My eyes widened. Was her last name Bridge? No. Iguanna, I think. But she moved to another school, crushing Jacobs heart. A brief expression of horror crosses the blonde girl, as she frowns. Jacob purses his lips and tries to explain something, probably how he doesnt know anyone called London. The girl takes a step away from him, looking at him through her beady, yet perfect eyes.

Jacob, how are you still wearing them? I ask, not trying to laugh. Wow, you havent grown a centimetre, have you? He winces, almost like hes insulted by it. Immediately, I turn on my recorder. Its lucky I have it nearby. Ive grown. Its just not possible to see it. Sure, sure. I grin, seeing his face go red in the light. Im beginning to enjoy this. Youre pretty much the same height as when you were twelve, Jacob. A wild encore spreads through the crowd, wanting to hear more of this persons private conversation. Im sickened. How can they want to cause misery to a persons life? The answer is simple: They dont know what it feels like to watch behind my back everyday, nor teased for eternity. None of these people have been bullied before, and as long as theyre not sticking up for the bullied people, they wont be either. Jacobs ears prick up at the outburst, the plastic cup dropping from his hand, spilling something in an orange colour. As if not believing it, he looks up and waits for the next thing I recorded. Changing the subject, I decide to ask something else. Possibly more hard hitting. Care to explain your feelings about Henrietta? The look that appears on his face is priceless. I dont like her. Defensive, are we? Hmm, now what does that mean again? I raise my eyebrows, enjoying every second of my taunt. Looking into the distance, I see Henrietta with a blush creeping up her face. She turns to Jacob with a horrified look, and he turns away with his face as scarlet as hers. The thing is, everyone can see he likes Henrietta; which is why this situation is even more difficult. If I had said Claudias name or even Tanyas awful name, the small conversation would go by unnoticed. All of a sudden, Claudia walks over to the window and opens it, a look of genuine surprise crossing her delicate, foundation-applied face. Cora! Oh, well, why dont you come in? She opens the window and I stroll into the room, and to my surprise, so does Alex. I forgot about my best friend sitting beside me, since my whole mind was focussed on Jacob. As soon as I step in, my eyes search for Jacobs face, and our eyes lock. A deep, unfathomable look is in his eyes, but before I open my mouth to say something, he turns away as if he hadnt heard me. Just looks at the blonde girl beside him and starts chatting to her with a smile. All of a sudden, Im glad Ive exposed him to public. He deserves it. Just looking away so he can pay all of his wonderful attention to the girl, eh? He pulls her face closer and kisses her cheek, and they start laughing before opening and closing their mouths and talking. My heart sinks like the Titanic, and empty kind of feeling spreading across me. Like the whole world has gone in a blur, right in front of me, and I cant do anything to prevent it. Beth scowls, realising how Jacob still isnt affected by the voice recordings. Um, sorry, Letitia. His voice is quavering so much; I have trouble maintaining a straight face. Im dating Cora right now. We werent really official in first place, so it doesnt count, right?

..Play along and Ill give you forty dollars... So, Jacob begins with awkwardness creeping at his voice. He then pulls out a wallet from his pockets, picking out a couple of blue notes. Heres your forty dollars. As promised. Both Jacob and I know theres nothing romantic with that scene, but try explaining it to all the other people. Between Jacob and me, its a simple misunderstanding where I assisted him, then realising what I monster Ive become. To everyone else, it seems like Jacob likes me more than a friend and trying to use his huge ego to try and get us dating. The blonde girl and Jacob start talking, but now it seems like theyre arguing more than anything else. Then the shocking moment arrives when the girl shoves Jacob before stomping away to stand next to another boy, sticking her tongue out at my once-archenemy. All of a sudden, I realise who she is. Estelle. Where has she come from? Shouldnt she be lying in California under the hot, melting sun? But more specifically, whys she pushing Jacob away like this? Sure, its humiliating and creepy to have private conversations exposed in public, but not bad enough to ditch the victim. There must be some source of information I dont have clue about, and when I do, this entire scene will click together. Like a jigsaw puzzle. Oh, and Cora, starts Claudia. Im going to test your hockey skills today, okay? Nodding absent-mindedly, I turn my focus back to the actual scene. Now Jacobs affected by the voice recordings. He looks at me for a brief second, his eyes colder than Ive ever seen them, even after I broke his nose. So different to the one who I was laughing with yesterday, or the one I hugged and felt like myself for once in a long time. Yet, so similar to the one chasing after me and teasing me about uncontrollable things. Sweet, caring and listening Jacob is gone. Hes near the fully-opened door, and itll be so easy to make a run for it. But I cant live after this mistake. Desperately, I mouth a, Sorry. Keeping his eyes locked to mine and pretending he didnt see my lips move, he runs off before I can think up a full apology.

The three girls crowd around me, looking more annoyed than worried. Claudia is the first to speak. "Ready for your hockey test, Cora? Win this and you will be the leader." A look of knowledge crosses between Tanya and her, and I know I'll never be the leader. They're only using me for their own satisfaction, because they like watching me suffer. But what more choice do I have? Fail this hockey match and I'll be teased for the rest of my life, stand up for myself and still be picked on for eternity; I can't win either way. Why does my life have to be such a failure? Regardless of all of my efforts to stand up for myself, be me once more, I still pick up the hockey stick and stand at the centre of the circle. Claudia smiles as if this is the reaction she expects, and stands at the goals. "Try and have a more secure grip on your stick." He inspects the way I'm holding the hockey stick and a smile crosses his face Taking the stick out of my loose fingers, he uses his hand to fix my hands around the correct way; right hand at the bottom, and left hand at the top. Of course I'm supposed to hold it like that; Mr. Taylor would go bizarre if I didn't hold a stick the correct way. But I was too busy copying Jacob's every movement, hoping it would improve my skills. "But you were holding it with your left hand at the bottom." "That's 'cause I'm left-handed." Shaking the image of Jacob out of my mind, I obey his instructions by securing my grip on the hockey stick, and position both of my hands correctly. With a flick of my hockey stick, the ball flies into the air and gets caught in the net before Claudia can tell what happened. With a, "I'm just going easy on you" she changes positions with me. Now, I'm in the goals while she is aiming for the goals. "Look at my feet," he suggests. "Right foot pointing to the goal, I'm aiming for the right side. Left foot pointing to the goal, I'm aiming for the left." "But what if you have both feet pointing towards the goal?" "Centre." Listening to his command, I steal a glance at Claudia's feet. Right foot pointing straight at the goal, meaning she'll be hitting to the right side. But I don't' dart my body in that direction yet; just in case she switches aims within the next ten seconds. Sure enough, she points her left foot toward the goal at the last moment, and I plunge straight to the left side of the ball. My hockey stick blocks the ball from getting caught in the net. Tanya and Beth appear dumbfounded; as if me winning the game is the last thing they expected to happen. Can't blame them, but they had to have a little confidence in their fellow clique member, right? The leader looks shocked as well, as she approaches me with a, "Well. I guess you're the leader then." She hands me a badge with the word "Leader" in big, red letters.

So how do I feel? Dignity and pride because I'm still in the clique, and now, ruling the entire group. I'm the one who controls their every move from this moment forward, even though all of them hate me. How does it feel? Am I smirking internally? Weirdly enough, I'm not feeling any of those things. Only one feeling comes to mind; rage. Rage because I've lied about not being related to my brother and being Alex's best friend. Mad for missing out on Dad's camping trip when he needed me most, and making him feel unimportant next to the clique members. Anger for not telling Mum about this whole incident, and how three girls have the power to ruin my life for eternity. But most of all, guilt for betraying Jacob when he was the only person to listen to my problems and understand them. That's what I felt. In normal, American movies the girl would quit with something dramatic, such as kicking the badge away with uncontrollable rage. Too bad I'm not a movie. Handing over the badge to Tanya, I say, "I believe this is yours." The girl looks shocked as she closes her fingers around the object. Also in movies, the girl would write a whole pagelength speech and declare it to the mean girls who realise she's right. All I say is, "You're just not worth it. Jacob's right: You guys aren't royalty; just fool everyone thinking you are." I pause, surprised to see such expressionless faces. "And, even lie to yourself." Walking away, I should have pride I've stood up to myself for the first time in many years. Self-confidence returning to me like the girls in movies usually have after such a heroic speech. My abjure shouldn't end like this, especially since in my daydreams, I would stroll away with a brand new edge and a key toward discovering myself. Instead, a feeling of dread crosses me, because this tiny outburst will be forever remembered by the three girls. They will never let me live in peace, and maybe hurt my family and friends to get revenge on me. I care about what they say; just like I worry about what Jacob thinks of me. Why, I have no idea. But my beating heart still doesn't go back to normal speed, abnormal beating ringing into my delicate ears. Like I've made the wrong decision. As soon as I walk home, the door is open, as always. Nobody ever bothers to close it, because the whole house is so dark without the excess light creeping in through the doorway. To my surprise, I see a zillion boxes and a scowling mother. "Where were you?" What's the point of lying? "Claudia's party. And I'm very sorry. I know I'm supposed to be grounded, but she made me promise to be there. And I don't like breaking promises." A slow smile appears on Mum's face, as her eyes roll skyward. "Yeah. I don't think you've ever broken a promise, have you?" "Nope. And not planning to anytime soon." But I have. Jacob's promise. He made me promise never to like him, and he's the only thing on my mind right now. Determined to keep my promise, whether it was a serious or just a joke, I do almost everything to get him out of my mind. Mum isn't mad at me, and it's the perfect start as soon as I walk home after making the biggest mistake of my life. The error isn't quitting on the clique; it's betraying Jacob. My mum hands me a roll of thick sticky-tape, the kind used when moving.

"Wait, what're all the boxes for?" "We're moving." All of a sudden, everything fits together like a jigsaw puzzle. Leighton seeing orange, because there's hope in moving to a different location. Me quitting the clique right on time, for there's no need to be the leader if I'm not in town to be in the clique in first place. But what if we're shifting to another location in Swan Hill? "Where are we moving?" I ask, my voice full of hope. "Canada. Back with your father. We can't survive on the government's salary in Australia." Her lips curls in anger. "Since Derek cut off my job, the stupid pig." In a matter of seconds, my life has gone from horrible to ridiculously-brilliant. Canada. A place where no-one knows my name, where I'm not required to wear these chains the clique holds the key to. Free to start over again, as a girl without glasses or braces. The idea is amazing, spectacular and awesome. Alex and I will keep in contact with chat, and even though I'll miss him, it's nothing compared to how much tension I'll be leaving back in Swan Hill. Everything the clique forced me to do is no longer needed. "How long until we move?" "A week. We have booked a plane and everything. It's a matter of getting everything into boxes." She cocks her head to the side, pointing to a couple of delicate items. "Be a dear and pack them together, will you?" For the next four hour I spend packing every possession I've ever owned. My arms are aching from the work I've done in the few hours. There are bits and pieces of sticky-tape attached to my skin and not letting go. Too stubborn to do so. Looking at my almost-empty room, I start shouting at the wall, delighted to hear it echo back to me. After my childish game is over, I walk to the living room. I can't believe I'm leaving this house. A sudden jolt shocks me. What about Jacob? What will happen to him? So I've left him in total humiliation while I travel to a different county and rest with cucumbers on the band of my nose? Not answering my rhetorical question, I jog down to his house. *** Mrs. Taylor opens the door with a smile, but mostly out of shock I'm here to see her son, and not her husband. "Uh, he's not home right now. But you can wait inside if you want to." She pulls the door wide-open, as I step in, kicking my shoes off at the doormat. The house is beautiful on the inside, everything either black or white. Some kind of trend. The leather couch, grandfather clock, television and black-and-white floor are the first things I notice. Mrs. Taylor motions me to wait for him upstairs. I'm almost tempted to ask to stay downstairs, but notifying a woman I'm scared of how her son will kill me isn't a bright idea. So I walk up the white staircase as if I don't care if her son is going to beat me up into a little, scrunchedup ball. His room is almost as messy as mine. Almost.

A ripped chair is in the corner, foam visible from the top, sitting right next to a dark-brown study desk. Posters of hockey players are hung up on every visible part of his wall, but there is not a single crumb on the floor, nothing. His bed is another story, filled with a million books. Curiosity spreads through me as I pick them up and turn to the front. They're all action novels, containing some teenage spy breaking codes and detectives and mysteries. Suspense, mystery and horror are my favourite genre of books. But why have I never seen him read them at my house? Then, I come across an exercise book. But there are no lines on there. Just blank pages with enough space to draw anything, which is exactly what Jacob has done, filling every page with pencil sketches. Pictures of butterflies, drawn with such accuracy and tone, I feel as if they're three-dimensional pictures popping out of the page. Cute rabbits in a basket, looking at me with their glass-blue eyes. All of nature's beauty is in his sketchbook. Whether he experiences Mount Everest by drawing a life-like mountain with snow falling down all over the place, or the Nile River, spreading almost through the whole page and not drawn to scale. So realistic, thanks to the texture added by colouring pencils, and not a tiny line is out of place. Every sketch appears as if makes the whole drawing. "You shouldn't be here." Half-jumping off the bed, I feel my heart jolt as I spin around to see a puffing Jacob. He's in his hockey uniform, a jacket thrown on his t-shirt, but I can't imagine why; it's so warm. His tanned skin has the tiniest bit of red in it, which is fairly unlikely for someone with dark skin, and his grey eyes are emotionless and cold. "Jacob. Look, I'm really sorry-" "No. I'm sorry. Thought I could really trust you, and thought you'd changed back to who you were. Guess I was wrong." His voice is so cold and flat, a shiver runs down my back in reaction. Everything blends in. All the shelves in his room, the sky and the window. Just a blur, while I'm the third person observing every centimetre of the new mixture of colours. Because white is a mix of every colour ever discovered. So bright, my head starts spinning until I am blinded by the rays. But I struggle to keep my head in the game, instead of letting myself faint. "I never knew you can draw." "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." He pretends to look at his watch, when there's nothing on his wrist. "Shouldn't you be going to Canada now? Leighton told me that." "No. There's a whole week left." "Oh." He sneers, his lip curling upward. "What a shame." Clutching at my head before I truly do faint, I walk out of his door. I have no idea what causes the sick emotions to spread through me, but they naturally do. And I have no control over when or where they happen. "I'll make it up to you." Whether I'll be able to or not is completely unknown, but desperation is so strong in my body, I need to convince myself of these words more than Jacob. "I promise I will," I whisper, on the verge of hysteria. "Don't hold your breath."

Those are the last words I hear, before the door slams into my face.

The sweet smell of Chinese food welcomes me, wafting through the air, even though the kitchen is downstairs. Cora, dinners ready! Dad calls from the kitchen. And you better hurry, Mum begins, in the same loud voice. Because if you dont eat it, he will. Chattering goes on downstairs, as they begin to discuss many things I cant be bothered to eavesdrop on, if it means getting out of my seat. Alex will be online any second, and for now, Ill just stuff myself with vanilla ice cream. Leighton is talking in the same room, since we decided we like sharing room than being separated. Some girl called Mandy is replying, as they begin to discuss Knights and Dragons, computer games and hacks. Love at first sight. Alex: Cora! How are you? Coralie: Im good. Did Jacob say anything? Alex: No. We talked about how cheese is better than cream today, and we both agree. But if you mean anything to do with you, then no. Coralie: So he said nothing? What if I get you to give him a letter? Alex: Were sixteen, Cora. Not seven. Do you want to give him a letter? Then give it to him when you come around next month. Internally, I wonder why I even told Alex the tiny detail. Because itll give him the edge to throw anything back in my face, since Ill be taking a holiday in Swan Hill for the month of December. Louise is online, as she starts talking to me in text talk. She has been one of my best friends in Canada, but its still annoying to understand. So I naturally sign out. A lot of people are talking to me at the moment, so I give everybody a goodbye before signing off the messenger. A goodbye to Daisy, whos my second best friend; Peter, my current best-guy-friend who understands the importance of vanilla ice cream but can never replace Alex; and Whitney, the girl with the low self-confidence. I make sure to always brighten her day up by not ignoring her, making her feel special. But not in the way the clique had. Giving Alex a bye I know he wont get off the computer now Im gone. No, thanks to the gold membership I bought for him using the babysitting money Mrs. Everett gave me, hes now on the computer double the time he used to be. His mother isnt too pleased, but at least hes happy. Two whole years has gone by since I left the small town, and I dont miss anyone at all except Alex. Thats all. Nobody else. What about Jacob? Rolling my eyes skyward, I admit grudgingly to myself that I might miss him the tiniest bit. But I have a promise to keep. And I also have a letter to write. So while Mum and Dad are screaming for us to come down to dinner, and Leighton talks to his former-bestfriend who still cant replace me, I write exactly what I want to say to Jacob on the computer.

Dear Jacob, No, too formal. Hey, Jacob. Too careless; hell never take me seriously with a hey at the start of a letter. Feeling frustrated I cant even start the beginning of a letter, I take the simplest and carefree route. Jacob, There are honestly no words to explain how sorry I am. You were one of the people who were nice to me. Well, kind of. Near the end you were, but not at the start of summer. At the start of summer I was loathing to have you stay at my house, but at the end, things were so different. You were this whole different person, and Im afraid I liked your new self. Does that count in the breaking the promise I agreed Id never do? I sure hope not. Im sorry Ive ruined your date with Estelle, the blonde girl who you were with at the party. I didnt know what I was doing. At the start of this stunt, I didnt think too much about your feelings. Near the end, I was even considering sneaking into Beths house to gather it. But they decided to hold it a couple of days early, because, as Alex claims, they saw me and you at the caf that day. They thought we were friends, and to prevent any guilt from spreading over me, they held it a couple of days earlier. Then notified everyone via text message or email. I will find some way to make it up to you. I promise. Cora Reading through the whole letter, I realise words truly cant explain how sorry I am. Even if I use a thesaurus to heave up a bunch of fancy words for sorry itll still not be enough. Dont know what the point of writing a letter is; Jacob will never forgive me. Given, I wouldnt forgive myself I was him, either. Cora and Leighton, if you dont come down to dinner right now Leighton slams the phone down with a quick, Parents are going psycho while I shut down the computer to prevent global warming. We race down the stairs, but Im first. Hockey still remains a part of my life, and now Im not caught up in winning anymore; just playing the sport for the sake of fun. All credit towards somebody Ive humiliated in public and to whom Ive never apologised. As we eat dinner, I know what Im not going to do when we stay for the holidays in Swan Hill. Im not going to meet-up with Claudia, Beth or Tanya nor will I cancel Alexs gold membership for his game. No way am I babysitting the Everett twins or am I radio broadcasting for the whole town to hear. Just yesterday Ive realised who the worker back at the movie theatre was, the one who struck me with such a familiar face. Ian Chandler. I guess the theatre is another place to avoid. But most of all, Ill do whatever it takes for Jacob to forgive me. And Coralie Campbell never breaks a promise.

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