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Others were resonant electrical induction apparatus used in a laboratory setting for electric lighting.

The wireless "electrodynamic inductive" technique lay dormant for some 100 years until 2006, when it was revived under the name "Witricity" [1 the wireless method that Tesla planned to use at Wardenclyffe depends upon an electrical current flowing through the earth between a Tesla coil transmitter and a Tesla coil receiver. Both the transmitter and receiver would be built the same way, with a powerful Tesla coil located inside each of the tower structures

Microwave power transmission (MPT) involves the usage of microwaves to transmit power through outer space or the atmosphere without the need for wires. It is a sub-type of the more general wireless energy transfer methods, and is the most interesting because microwave devices offer the highest efficiency of conversion between DC-electricity and microwave radiative power
One of the biggest applications of microwave power transmission at the moment is its utility in solar power satellite systems, or SPS.

Electricity is today a necessity of modern life. It is difficult to imagine passing a day without electricity. The conventional use of electricity is made possible through the use of wires. However researchers in MIT have devised a means of providing electricity without any wires. These researchers coined the term witricity; which is basically a portmanteau for wireless electricity. This principle of wireless electricity works on the principle of using coupled resonant objects for the transference of electricity to objects without the use of any wires. A vitricity system consists of a witricity transmitter and another device called the receiver. The receiver works on the same principle as radio receivers where the device has to be in the range of the transmitter. It is with the help of resonant magnetic fields that witrecity produces electricity, while reducing the wastage of power.
Witricity prvides high efficiency This was made possible using two copper coils that were twenty inches in diameter which were designed so that they resonated together in the MHz range. One of these coils were connected to a power source while the other, to a bulb. With this witricity setup, the bulb got powered even when the coils were not in sight.

Energy transfer by electromagnetic induction is typically magnetic but capacitive coupling can also be achieved.
[edit] Electrodynamic induction method Main articles: Inductive coupling, Electrodynamic induction, and Resonant inductive coupling

The electrodynamic induction wireless transmission technique is near field over distances up to about one-sixth of the wavelength used. Near field energy itself is non-radiative but some

radiative losses do occur. In addition there are usually resistive losses. With electrodynamic induction, electric current flowing through a primary coil creates a magnetic field that acts on a secondary coil producing a current within it. Coupling must be tight in order to achieve high efficiency. As the distance from the primary is increased, more and more of the magnetic field misses the secondary. Even over a relatively short range the inductive coupling is grossly inefficient, wasting much of the transmitted energy.[13] Uses:This action of an electrical transformer is the simplest form of wireless power transmission. The primary and secondary circuits of a transformer are not directly connected. Energy transfer takes place through a process known as mutual induction. Principal functions are stepping the primary voltage either up or down and electrical isolation. Mobile phone and electric toothbrush battery chargers, and electrical power distribution transformers are examples of how this principle is used. Induction cookers use this method. The main drawback to this basic form of wireless transmission is short range. The receiver must be directly adjacent to the transmitter or induction unit in order to efficiently couple with it.
Common uses of resonance-enhanced electrodynamic induction are charging the batteries of portable devices such as laptop computers and cell phones, medical implants and electric vehicles.[15][16][17] A localized charging technique[18] selects the appropriate transmitting coil in a multilayer winding array structure.[19] Resonance is used in both the wireless charging pad (the transmitter circuit) and the receiver module (embedded in the load) to maximize energy transfer efficiency. This approach is suitable for universal wireless charging pads for portable electronics such as mobile phones. It has been adopted as part of the Qi wireless charging standard. the development of high-power microwave emitters known as cavity magnetrons, the idea of using microwaves to transmit power was researched. In 1964, William C. Brown demonstrated a miniature helicopter equipped with a combination antenna and rectifier device called a rectenna. The rectenna converted microwave power into electricity, allowing the helicopter to fly. In principle, the rectenna is capable of very high conversion efficiencies - over 90% in optimal circumstances.

WPT, however, also has great potential for non-terrestrial applications, including electrically propelled spaceships for interplanetary (within Solar System) as well as interstellar transport (the minimum size of an SPS is driven by the size of the energy transmitter and the Earthside receiving station. While several alternatives have been considered, the best option appears to be beaming microwaves to Earth receiving stations from geosynchronous orbit. To achieve sufficiently narrow beams that arrive at sufficiently low energy densities (so as not to cook anything in their path), well need a traSystem elements of the satellite are: 100 Bus 200 Structure and Assembly 300 Power Generation and Power Line 400 Spacetenna 500 Robotics A general view of the system is given by Fig. 3 for the satellite. The general shape of the satellite looks like a saddle back roof. The roof is formed by solar panels and the spacetenna is built on the bottom plane to transmit microwaves to the ground.

nsmitting antenna one kilometer wide.

Medical device designers will need to understand the impact of the electromagnetic coupling used for wireless power systems to design safe electromagnetic environments and safe medical devices. One question for designers will be whether or not current standards and requirements used for testing the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of medical devices and human exposure go far enough to insure safe environments and safe and reliable medical devices in the presence of wireless power. Electromagnetic energy can be transferred in three ways: through induction, radio frequency waves, or resonant evanescent coupling. istorically human exposure standards have been based on time average thermal effects on tissue and not medical devices. IEEE's C95.1b has requirements for specific absorption rate limits averaged over a 6 minute period. A pulsed wireless power system could meet these requirements and be safe for exposed tissue, but if a patient has an implanted device, or is wearing an external medical device, the pulsed EM energy could affect it during the pulse. It is necessary to determine the appropriate limits and tests to ensure that medical devices safely use wireless power and continue to operate safely in the presence of wireless power. ell phones, game controllers, laptop computers, mobile robots, even electric vehicles capable of re-charging themselves without ever being plugged in. Flat screen TVs and digital picture frames that hang on the wallwithout requiring a wire and plug for power. Industrial systems and medical devices made more reliable by eliminating trouble prone wiring and replaceable batteries. WiTricity Corp. is working to make this future a reality, developing wireless electricity technology that will operate safely and efficiently over distances ranging from centimeters to several metersand will deliver power ranging from milliwatts to kilowatts.

Direct Wireless Powerwhen all the power a device needs is provided wirelessly, and no batteries are required. This mode is for a device that is always used within range of its WiTricity power source. Automatic Wireless Chargingwhen a device with rechargeable batteries charges itself while still in use or at rest, without requiring a power cord or battery replacement. This mode is for a mobile device that may be used both in and out of range of its WiTricity power source. Automatic wireless charging of mobile electronics (phones, laptops, game controllers, etc.) in home, car, office, Wi-Fi hotspots while devices are in use and mobile. Direct wireless powering of stationary devices (flat screen TVs, digital picture frames, home theater accessories, wireless loud speakers, etc.) eliminating expensive custom wiring, unsightly cables and wall-wart power supplies. Direct wireless powering of desktop PC peripherals: wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, display, etc eliminating disposable batteries and awkward cabling

Direct wireless power and communication interconnections across rotating and moving joints (robots, packaging machinery, assembly machinery, machine tools) eliminating costly and failure-prone wiring. Direct wireless power and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh environments (drilling, mining, underwater, etc.) where it is impractical or impossible to run wires. Direct wireless power for wireless sensors and actuators, eliminating the need for expensive power wiring or battery replacement and disposal. Automatic wireless charging for mobile robots, automatic guided vehicles, cordless tools and instrumentseliminating complex docking mechanisms, and labor intensive manual recharging and battery replacement.

Automatic wireless charging for existing electric vehicle classes: golf carts, industrial vehicles. Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all-electric passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks. Direct wireless power interconnections to replace costly vehicle wiring harnesses and slip rings.

Other Applications

Direct wireless power interconnections and automatic wireless charging for implantable medical devices (ventricular assist devices, pacemaker, defibrilator, etc.). Automatic wireless charging and for high tech military systems (battery powered mobile devices, covert sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraft, etc.). Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of smart cards. Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of consumer appliances, mobile robots, etc.

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