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BM/APR 2010/MGT300




INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts: PART A (20 Questions) PART B (20 Questions) PART C (4 Questions) PART D (1 Question)


Answer ALL questions from PART A and PART B. Answer any two (2) questions from PART C and ALL questions from PART D. i) ii) iii) Answer PART A in the True/False Answer Sheet Answer PART B in the Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART C and D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page.


Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) ii) iii) iv) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty a True/False Answer Sheet - provided by the Faculty an Objective Answer Sheet - provided by the Faculty



This examination paper consists of 10 printed pages
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BM/APR 2010/MGT300



Buyer power, supplier power, threat of products or services, threat of new entrants and rivalry among existing competitors are all included in Porter's Five Forces Model. Effectiveness Information Technology (IT) metrics include throughput, speed and availability. One of the main ingredients in trust is privacy. One of the advantages found in a relational database is increased information redundancy. The primary purpose of a data warehouse is to perform transactional processes. Business process management tools are used to create an application that is helpful in designing business process models and also helpful in simulating, optimizing, monitoring and maintaining various process that occur within an organization. A tablet is a pen-based computer that provides the screen capabilities of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with the functional capabilities of a laptop or desktop computer. Performance measures how quickly a system performs a certain process or transaction in terms of efficiency IT metrics of both speed and throughput. Packet switching is an intelligent connecting device that examines each packet of data it receives and then decides which way to send it onward toward its destination. Information technology monitoring tracks people's activities by such measures as number of keystrokes, error rate and number of transactions processed. A shopping bot is one of the simplest examples of an intelligent agent. Information technology, consumer behavior, visibility and speed are the four changes resulting from advances in technology that are driving supply chains. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technology based on the premise that those organizations that understand the needs of individual customers are best positioned to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the future. When a user enters or updates information in one Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) module, it is immediately and automatically updated throughout the entire system. An e-business model is an approach to conducting electronic business on the Internet. CONFIDENTIAL


3. 4.

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16. 17.

In a pull technology environment, organizations receive or request information. Contact management falls under the category of the customer service department's CRM tools. Supply Chain Management (SCM), CRM and ERP are all extended ERP components. A click-through is a count of the number of people who visit one site and click on an advertisement that takes them to the site of the advertiser. Digital ink is any paper that is optimized for any type of digital printing.




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1. Which of the following is not a type of business? A. B. C. D. Sole partnership Partnership Limited partnership Corporation

2. Which of the following is the most common information technology project goal? A. B. C. D. Global expansion Reduce costs/improve productivity Streamline supply chain Generate growth

3. What is the acquisition and analysis of events and trends in the environment external to an organization? A. B. C. D. Private exchange First-mover advantage Environmental scanning Loyalty program

4. Which of the following defines supply chain partners? A. The schedule for production activities including testing, packaging and preparation for delivery. B. The product delivery processes and elements including orders, warehouses, carriers, defective product returns and invoicing. C. The strategy for managing all the resources required to meet customer demand for all products and services. D. The partners chosen to deliver finished products, raw materials and services including pricing, delivery and payment processes along with partner relationship monitoring metrics. 5. Which of the following is not a type of efficiency IT metric? A. B. C. D. Speed Availability Usability Throughput

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6. Who is responsible for ensuring the security of IT systems and developing strategies and IT safeguards against attacks from hackers and viruses? A. B. C. D. Chief Chief Chief Chief Information Officer (CIO) Privacy Officer (CPO) Technology Officer (CTO) Security Officer (CSO)

7. Which of the following represents the different information formats? A. B. C. D. Detail, summary, aggregate Document, presentation, spreadsheet, database Individual, department, enterprise None of the above

8. Which of the following can a database maintain information on? A. B. C. D. Inventory Transactions Employees All of the above

9. Which of the following occurs during data cleansing? A. B. C. D. Clean missing records Clean redundant records Clean inaccurate data All of the above

10. What is a telecommunications system? A. Enables the transmission of data over public or private networks. B. A communications, data exchange and resource-sharing system created by linking two or more computers and establishing standards or protocols so that they can work together. C. Any network without a central file server and in which all computers in the network have access to the public files located on all other workstations. D. A computer that is designed to request information from a server. 11. Which of the following is not a reason for the growth of decision-making information systems? A. B. C. D. People need to analyze large amounts of information. People must make decisions quickly. People must apply sophisticated analysis techniques to make good decisions. People no longer have to worry about protecting the corporate asset of organizational information.

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12. Which of the following is not one of the three main links in the supply chain? A. B. C. D. Materials flow from suppliers and their downstream suppliers at all levels. Transformation of materials into semi-finished and finished products. Distribution of products to customers and their downstream customers at all levels. None of the above

13. What occurs when a Web site can know enough about a person's likes and dislikes that it can fashion offers that are more likely to appeal to that person? A. B. C. D. Operational CRM Analytical CRM Personalization All of the above

14. What is at the heart of any ERP system? A. B. C. D. Information Employees Customers Database

15. Which of the following represents any business that sells its products or services to consumers over the Internet? A. B. C. D. Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Consumer-to-Business (C2B) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

16. What happens to an organization that operates using a push technology environment? A. The organization receives information. B. The organization gets information. C. The organization sends information. D. The organization requests information. 17. Which of the following represents sales force automation? A. Helping an organization identify its customers across applications B. Selling additional products or services to a customer C. A system that automatically tracks all of the steps in the sales process. D. Selling larger products or services to a customer

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18. Which of the following is not an associated ERP cost? A. Customization B. Integration and testing C. Reduce inventory D. Data conversion 19. What are agents, software or businesses that bring buyers and sellers together that provide a trading infrastructure to enhance e-business? A. Pure plays B. Intermediaries C. Content providers D. Reintermediation 20. Which of the following is not a potential business impact resulting from alternative energy sources? A. The cost of alternative energy sources is increasing with technical advances. B. The deregulation of the energy industry is expected to create a huge spurt of innovative entrepreneurships. C. Oil will remain the world's most important energy source. D. None of the above

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BM/APR 2010/MGT300

PARTC QUESTION 1 a) Identify four (4) different departments in a typical business. (12 marks) b) Explain how technology helps functional areas collaborate effectively. (8 marks)

QUESTION 2 List, describe and provide an example of each of the five (5) characteristics of high quality inform&tion. (20 marks)

QUESTION 3 a) Define Decision Support System (DSS). (2 marks) b) Describe the primary users and primary business benefits of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications. (18 marks)

QUESTION 4 a) Differentiate between Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C). (8 marks) b) Explain the differences among e-shops, e-mails and online auctions. (12 marks)

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BM/APR 2010/MGT300



The work at home industry is booming, especially where the Internet is concerned. You will never find a better time or opportunity to make money online by working from home in front of your computer. The possibilities are endless when it comes to making money online. With all of the technology available to you today, it is completely possible to manage your entire business online from anywhere in the world by using your laptop computer. If you want to stay at home and work with your pajamas on, then you can do that and still make a living for your family. Commuting is no longer required. You do not have to travel and you can save on gas and maintenance on your vehicle. The best part of it all is that you can be your own boss. The number of people that use the Internet continues to grow almost monthly. This is a good thing for those Internet business entrepreneurs and anyone else that wants to take advantage of working at home on the Internet. Statistics show that globally more than 800 million people use the Internet. All you have to do is search for business opportunities on the Internet via your favorite search engine. You will find a lot of websites that promote several of the top home based businesses on the Internet, such as paid surveys, network marketing, and MLM businesses. No matter where you look on the Internet, every website that you go to is making money from some type of advertising or work from home business opportunity. The Internet has forever changed the job scene and the world economy with all of the new Internet opportunities that arrive on the Internet every day. According to Entrepreneur magazine, 25 million Americans run a home-based business. This means that about every 11 seconds someone starts a home-based business. The home-based business industry has become a $427 billion industry. The biggest reason behind this is that more and more people are searching for other ways of building their future for their families because they are burned out and stressed out from their job. People want to be more independent and if they find the right home-based business, then they can find all of that and so much more. The average home business in the United States earns about $50,000 a year. People are looking for ways to spend more time with their families, especially if they have children. They do not want to have to deal with the stress of working for someone else or have to deal with the burn out after working for 40 years for that company. A good home based business can give them all that they are looking for. Source: Compiled from Diep Tran, published January 3rd, 2007 in

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a) List five (5) benefits of doing Internet business from home. (10 marks)

b) Identify five (5) factors that influence more people starting to do Internet business. (10 marks)


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