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of Printed Pages : 3 MEG-1


Term-End Examination June, 2011 MEG-1 : BRITISH POETRY
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the remaining questions. 1. Explain any two of the passages below with reference to their contexts, supplying brief critical comments where necessary. 10+10 (a) 0 Chauntecleer, accursed be that morwe, That thou into that yerd flaugh fro the bemes ! Thou were ful we] y - warned by thy dremes, That thilke day was perilous to thee. (b) Ne let the fame of any be enuide, So orpheus did for his owne bride, So I vnto my selfe alone will sing, The woods shall to me answer and my Eccho ring. MEG-1 1 (c) 'But not the praise', Phoebus repli'd, and touch'd my trembling ears : 'Fame is no plant that grows on montal soil, Nor in the glistering foil.... (d) Porphyria's love ; she guessed not how Her darling one wish would be heard. And thus we sit together now, And all night long we have not stirred. 2. Name the three major sources of chaucer's 20 vocabulary . How does each source contribute to his poetry ? 3. Write a critical appreciation of either 20 'To his coy Mistress' or 'The Garden.' 4. Attempt a critique of John Dryden as a poet. 20 5. What according to Blake is the function of 20 poetry? MEG-1 2 6. 'The passion he represents is lava' hot from the 20 crater... `Do you agree with this evaluation of Browning's poetry by George Santayana ? 7. Discuss Yeats's use of history in either 20 'Easter 1916' on 'Lapis Lazuli'. 8. With reference to the poems of sylvial plath that 20 you have read, trace the development of her

persona from a docile, submissive woman into a fury raging for revenge. MEG-1 3

No. of Printed Pages : 3 MEG-2


Term-End Examination June, 2011 MEG-2 : BRITISH DRAMA Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Answer Question no. 1, which is compulsory and any four from the remaining questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Annotate any four of the following passages withreference to content , in not more than 150 words each. 4x5=20 (a) Such was Pythagoras' thigh, Pandora's tub And all the fable of media's charms. The manner of our work; (b) I hit a blow on the ridge of his skull laid him stretched out, and he split to the knob of his gullet. MEG-2 1 P.T.O. (c) I keep looking back, as far as I remember and I can't think what it was to, feel young, really young. (d) To die, to sleep; To sleep : perchance to dream; ay, there is the rub. (e) Homo fuge! Within should I fly ? If unto God, he'll throw me down to hell'. 2. Critically examine the elements of Aristolehiss 20 tragedy in Elizabethan drama (400 words) OR Discuss the nature of the four temptations that Beckett confronts in Murder in the Cathedral (400 words) 3. Critically analyse Hamlet as a revenge play (400 20 words) OR What is Romantic comedy ? How did Shakespeare alter the romantic comedy formula in A Midsummer Night's dream ? 4. "Doctor Faustus is a Tragedy of the Renaissance 20

and Reformation comment (400 words). OR Analyse the structure of The Alchemist (400 words) MEG-2 2 5. Examine The Playboy of the Western World as an 20 "extravagant comedy" (400 words) OR Comment on the title of the play Look Back in Anger (400 words) 6. How does Shaw attack social snobbery and class 20 difference in Pygmalion ? (400 words) OR Outline the changes that Lucky and Pozzo undergo during the course of the play Waiting for Godot (400 words) 7. Write short notes on any two of the following is not more than 200 words each : (a) Chorus in Murder in the Cathedral (b) Pegcen Mike (c) Fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream (d) The cheats in The Alchemist 2x10=20 MEG-2 3

No. of Printed Pages : 2 MEG-03


Term-End Examination June, 2011 MEG-03 : BRITISH NOVEL Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss major themes in Tom Jones. 20 2. Discuss the themes of love and marriage in 20 Pride and Prejudice with special reference to the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy. 3. Do you think Heathcliff is really a 'Gift of God' ? 20 Illustrate with examples from Wuthering Heights. 4. Discuss the Pip - Estella Relationship in 20 Great Expectations. 5. Discuss some of the role of money in the 20 relationship of Lydgate and Rosamund. MEG-03 1 P.T.O.

6. Comment on the narrative Technique in Conrad's 20 Heart of Darkness. 7. Comment on the growth of Stephen in A Portrait 20 of the Artist As A young Man.

8. Do you think Mrs. Moore and Adela are 20 presented as marginalised characters ? Give a reasoned answer based on a close reading of A Passage to India. 9. Miss Brodie's concept of education is ostensibly 20 "a leading out of what is already there in the pupil's soul". How is this concept translated in the context of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ? MEG-03 2

No. of Printed Pages : 2 MEG-04 a

Time : 3 hours Maximunz Marks : 100 Note : Answer question no. 1 which is compulsory, and any other three questions. 1. Write short notes on any two of the following : 25 (a) Code mixing (b) Speech community (c) Status planning (d) The formation of old English 2. What are the characteristics that distinguish 25 human language from other animal systems of communication ? Give suitable examples. 3. What is "scope" in syntax ? Describe the 25 scope-bearing elements in English with suitable examples.

MEG-04 1 P.T.O.
4. Discuss the major Learner factors that have a 25 bearing on second language auqisition 5. Distinguish between "word" as a physical shape 25 and "word" as an abstract entity i.e. phonological and orthographic words and lexemes. 6. Why do we need to plan languages ? What are 25 the major considerations that language planners have to bear in mind ? 7. Distinguish between dialect, accent, register and 25 style with appropriate examples. MEG-04 2

No. of Printed Pages : 2 1 MEG-1



Term-End Examination NO June, 2010 MEG-1 : BRITISH POETRY

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Attempt five of the following questions including Question No. 1 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

Explain the following lines with reference to the 20 context : Exceeding sweet, yet voyd of sinfull vice, That many sought yet none could ever taste, Sweet fruit of pleasure brought from paradise : By love himself and in his garden plaste.


All human things are subject to decay, And when Fate Summons monarchs must obey. This Flecknoe found, who, like Augustus, young Was called to Empire and had governed long; In prose and verse was owned, without dispute Through all the realms of Nonsense, absolute.
MEG-1 1 P.T.O.

Critically comment on 'The Nonnes Preestes Tale". 20 What are the main features of Metaphysical 20 Poetry ? Give illustrations from the poems in your course to support your answer. "Lycidas" offers a better synthesis of different 20 thematic aspects than "The Nativity Ode". Discuss. Give the salient features of Romantic Poetry, citing 20 examples from the poems prescribed in your course.

"The great Victorian poets lacked the fire and passion which we find in the poets of the Romantic trend." Discuss. Offer an analytical comment on "Sailing to 20 Byzantium".

Discuss The Waste Land as a poem about twentieth century concerns. Write a note on the imagery of Dylan Thomas. 20

Write a critical comment on modernism in English poetry.

MEG-1 2

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