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More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY) Foreword By Eliza Ceci What Is Beauty

Re-thinking Skin Care Paradigms What To Expect From This Book Factors Which Affect The Condition Of Our Skin The Science Of Skin Beauty From The Inside Out: You Are What You Eat
Why not eat these foods? Eat Real Food: Essential Nutrients For Healthy Skin

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Beauty From The Inside Out: You Are What You Absorb And Eliminate Commercial Cosmetics: You Are What You Put On Your Skin
Why what you put on your skin matters What s in a name? What do beauty product labels actually mean? Here are a few of the most well-known offenders

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Your Choices Impact The Environment Beauty, At Any Cost Just For Fun Getting Started and The Transition Period About The Recipes Establish An Awareness Routine Face Massage Products / Shopping List Essential Oils Cleansing
Face Washes Raw Honey Oil Honey Oil Cleansing Method Oatmeal Paste Yoghurt / Kefir Face Scrubs Muscovado Oatmeal Fruit Kernel Citrus Zest Face Steams / Saunas Essential Aroma Herbal Citrus Honey Herb Face Masks: Because It s Fun To Have Food On Your Face Cacao-avo-nana Simple Honey Banana Honey Yoghurt Orange Yoghurt Revitaliser Eggy Honey Oat Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care

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More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)
Mayonnaise Rose Revival Oaty Avocado Face Toners Rose Water Orange Water Mint, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar Simple Apple Cider Vinegar Cucumber Green Tea Chamomile Moisturising Solid Moisturisers Plain Coconut Oil Coconut Essential Oil Coco-Cocoa Shea Butter Face Oils / Serums Vitamin E Blend Sensi-Skin Serum Green Tea Oil Lip Balms Cacao Balm Coco Essential Green Tea Coco Honey Butter Rose Oil Cacao-holic Body Scrubs The Exfoliants Simple Salt Simple Sugar Herbal Citrus Sugar Sugar Yoghurt Sugar Coffee Essential Oatmeal Banana Sugar Body Oils & Body Butters Simple Coconut Shea Essential Cocoa Butter Bar Shea Coconut Tropical Trio Vanilla Butter Face Spots Cleansing According To The Moon Cycles A Little More Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care 52 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 55 55 56 57 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67 67 68 68 69 70 70 71 71 71 72 73 74 75 2012

More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)
Body Brushing You Have Food In Your Hair - Natural Hair Care Perfume and even a little more Sensational Skin Smoothies Basic Green Smoothie Ingredients Smoothie Recipes Simple Berry Enzyme Booster Vitamin C Every Day Fruit Vegetable Blend A Final Word Thank you, and you, and you Sharing is Caring Recommended Reading & References Recommended Reading References About Your Author Disclaimer 75 75 75 75 76 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 82 82 82 83 84

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)


How many times have you heard the phrase beauty is only skin deep ? Probably more than your fill, yes? But just try telling the everyday modern woman like you and me that beauty is superficial or a fanciful notion that really doesn t matter and soon we are rolling our eyes before heading off for the next wonder product to cure our spots, lines, dimples and pimples to make us gorgeous again, you know, like the magazines tell us. As time marches on so do the amount of chemicals and toxins in our beauty products. It is bad enough we have to worry about chemicals in our food but now our beauty products too! It is getting down right scary out there. Who knew the well informed buyer like you and I, would have such a horrible time deciding which of the ten available brands of face wash at the store would be the most beneficial to not only our skin but our precious health. But there is a better way. I m so happy you have invested in this book! Within these pages are potent secrets to discovering your beauty, femininity and uncovering what that looks like for YOU. I have a feeling at this moment you may not feel beautiful, like you ve lost your glow or you have a skin issue you want to learn to heal naturally and that is wonderful because within these pages you will learn and become confident on how to look better at any age. But, there is one true lesson I hope you take away from reading this book and that is this - it is the you under the powders and products that is radiant, it is all of the parts that make up you that make you stunning and vibrant. The recipes in this book are divine and healing on a deep and functional level but the rest of the work comes from loving yourself from a deep place within. Sometimes we come to a conclusion that we will never be beautiful or radiant like her , but the irony is that the beauty you see in the world is a reflection of the beauty that is already inherent within you. So, I invite you to un-furrow your brow, get cozy with a warm cup of tea and allow yourself a big, blissful sigh of relief because Caroline Cain is the authority on true and lasting beauty. She has taken the guess work and confusion out for you and created amazing recipes, tonics and lotions to keep you feeling beautiful on the outside, to allow your skin to rejuvenate and glow by amping up your body s natural healing power. You can feel beautiful physically and feel empowered emotionally from a sacred place within. I hope this book inspires, enlightens and elevates you to the true possibility of your own real, lasting beauty and that you are able to radiate your gorgeous essence to the world.

Eliza Ceci Holistic Health Coach and Relationship Expert1


Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)


Take care of the earth and she will take care of you. - Unknown The intention laced within these pages is to inspire you to greater health through an awareness of how something as simple as your every day skin care routine contributes to your overall health and wellbeing. This is about beauty from a health perspective as opposed to one that demands women to present a certain face in accordance with the current trends of today s beauty parameters. These pages are here to make superior health through natural, homemade skin care accessible and easy for everyone. As you notice the results for yourself, be they physically, mentally, or both, this will hopefully inspire you to greater health in other areas of your life. As a natural health practitioner, my wish is to guide you to increased awareness of how what you put in and on your body affects your overall self. I ll bet you never thought that switching to 100% natural, organic skin care products could be one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health? Most people think that they need to make massive dietary changes to improve their health. The thought of making even small changes can seem daunting. Despair not, there are many routes leading the way to a life of increased vitality and radiance. Diet is just one of them. Vanity is another. I was nudged along my particular path through homemade personal care products and raw desserts. Others make their way through direct inspiration from someone, a life long passion, or, more often than not, others who begin their health journey through illness. These pages will show you that the road to creating optimal health can start very simply indeed. Making a change in one area of our lives can have tremendous ripple effects on other areas of our lives. What better way to optimise our health than through a stroll down a seemingly frivolous path, one of light-hearted fun? But do not be fooled by Mother Earth s delicacy, my sugarplums, for her effects are powerful indeed. Infertility, birth defects, cancer, autism and other illnesses are on the increase. Did you know that all of these have been linked, in part, to environmental toxins and ingredients? Mother Nature knows best. Who are we to argue? We can t control her. We can t tell her what to do. Everything she does has a purpose. What could be more natural and logical than using her products in our every day routines, thereby respecting and enhancing our body s own finely orchestrated natural balance? As a Naturopathic Nutritionist and cleansing specialist I am passionate about educating and coaching others in the benefits of leading a life less-toxic. All in nature is perfect. Let us use Mother Earth s inherent wisdom where ours has been led astray through marketing, consumerism, pretty shapes and colours and a disconnection to the world around us. Yes, you can find increased health, happiness, energy and va-va-voom in life simply through your daily skin care routine. Here s how Green, my blossoms, is the new Black.
Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care 2012

More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. - Lao Tzu You are, in fact, more than what you eat. You are also what your body is able to break down, absorb and eliminate. Are you getting the picture of just how busy and amazing our bodies are? Other than in a few exceptional cases, skin problems are caused from the inside, due to a combination of poor nutrition, suboptimal digestion and absorption and inadequate elimination. As well as eating a nutrient rich diet, our bodies also need to be able to process and use these nutrients. If your intestines are blocked up with old waste and constantly bombarded with new waste, not only are essential nutrients not absorbed, but old waste is re-absorbed into the bloodstream (see fibre above). Our liver is our main organ of detoxification. It cleans our blood and neutralises toxins. This vital organ must be fully supported so that it can do this essential job. For example, our liver processes hormones. If the body cannot get rid of old hormones these remain in the body affecting the amount that is secreted, or not, on a moment-by-moment basis thereby directly affecting our skin among things. All of the dietary and lifestyle aspects discussed in this e-book help your liver to do its job and our bowel, skin, lungs to remove the waste that the liver and kidneys have so kindly filtered for us. True healing needs to come from within. Why bother paying attention to what we put on our skin then? Remember that our bodies are already constantly working to cleanse from our daily exposure to toxins, pollution, food we eat, stress etc. What we put on our skin matters. It matters because we don t want to add to this already hefty workload, adding even more harmful chemicals that are absorbed into our bloodstream and filtered by our liver. I m exhausted just thinking about it.

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)


A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. - Spanish Proverb

Why what you put on your skin matters

Whether you are what might be called a vain woman or not, whether you wear high heels and dresses or boots and jeans, whether you brush your hair or walk out every morning with bedhead, whether you wear make-up or not, whether you ve been blessed with angel skin or suffered 1 years of spotty teenage angst or have acne to this day , we all value our health and, let s be honest, the way we look. Doesn t it just sound sensible to you to use natural products gifted from Mother Earth herself rather than man-made ingredients that we don t know the effects of, stuff you would never knowingly put on your face, let alone eat, such as coal and petroleum? Our skin is our largest organ and most people put an array of lotions and potions on it each day, 80% of which gets absorbed into our bloodstream within about 20 minutes. Why put something on your skin that you wouldn t put in your mouth? Sounds a bit scary if you ask me. This also includes what we absorb through our olfactory senses by the way, such as perfumes and sprays. What we eat and drink travels through our digestive tract and from the small intestine gets sent directly to our liver to be broken down and detoxified before it s brought around the rest of our body and cells through our bloodstream. Whatever goes on your skin goes directly into your bloodstream, without being processed and made safe first and is delivered around our body through our bloodstream, lymphatic system and interstitial fluid (the fluid that bathes our cells). Our bodies do not recognise chemical, synthetic substances and sees these as a threat. This can lead to allergies, inflammation and rashes, among other things. Here s another way of looking at it. Seeing as the state of our skin is a direct reflection of our health and lifestyle choices and considering the fact that the top layer of our skin is the result of what is created by the 3 layers of skin below, from the inside of our bodies, at a cellular level how then is buying a chemical laden anti-wrinkle, acne or moisture cream going to help the actual issue? A surface band-aid fix is never going to be enough. The more you resort to chemical concoctions, the thicker, undoubtedly more expensive band-aids you are going to need. Think of your future self. Yes, you may get temporary results but these will literally only be skin deep. Your body cannot create soft, glowing, healthy skin whilst spending so much energy detoxifying what you put on it. Honestly, if you wouldn t eat it, why would you put it on your skin when it all just goes to the same place? By eating the right foods and making healthy lifestyle choices such as getting enough sleep, reducing stress, managing work and task loads, not smoking, drinking, layering chemicals on our skin, our bodies can create the skin that you want from the inside, at a cellular level, the skin

Even those with skin issues whether they be acne, severely dry skin, greasy skin, uneven skin, all will hugely benefit from a move to natural skin care and a whole foods diet

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)


Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping. - Bo Derek Most of the equipment you need is right there in the most basic of kitchens. Glass/ceramic bowls, saucepans, mixing spoons, a fork, measuring jug if you wish (these recipes are not an exact science, guesstimation is totally acceptable and is actually what I use). Some of the recipes require grinding some in a coffee grinder, others just need a hand blender or regular blender. Recycle glass jars to store your products in. Sterilise these first by soaking them in boiling water (optional: with added vinegar at an approximate ratio of 8:1) for at least 10 minutes. Once you start making your own products you ll find yourself recycling more and more pots and jars. You ll have more than you can shake a stick at in no time. Use them to store meal leftovers and to gift your homemade-with-love skin care delights. How to do a bain-marie: I ll just slip this in here as it s going to come up in quite a few of the recipes where coconut oil, cocoa butter and shea butter are involved and need to be melted down. #1 #2 #3 #4 Place your ingredients in a bowl Place this bowl inside a larger bowl Boil some water Pour the water into the large bowl, careful not to let the water level go too high -you don t want it overflowing into the small bowl with your ingredients or the recipes won t work

The reason you melt your ingredients this way and not directly in a saucepan over the heat is so to preserve all the qualities in their raw state. Natural products are of plant origin. They are living organisms with a vital force. We want to harness this vital life force and use it in its purest state. It is this state which our body can best recognise and utilise. Many of the ingredients below can be found in your local supermarket and the others can easily be found in any health food shop.

Food Avocado Natural oils, soothing, softening, nourishing Banana Softening; moisturising vitamin A and Potassium restore skin collagen = great anti ageing Cucumber Cooling, soothes, softens, de-clogs pores Apple Reduces oil, exfoliating

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)

If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear. - Winnie the Pooh Cleansing the delicate skin on our face is the cornerstone of every skin care routine. We want to open and clear out our pores of dirt, excess oil, bacteria, dead skin cells and cosmetics so that our skin can breathe and take in fresh oxygen and nourishment (both internally and externally) on a daily basis. Commercial cleansers that contain soap strip the protective layer and imbalance the natural oils in our skin. This makes our skin dehydrated, sensitive and makes it more challenging for it to produce the right amount of oils. Natural products respect our skin s delicate pH. Ironically, when using overly astringent or harsh cleansers on oily skin, your skin will simply produce more oil in order to make up for the imbalance to maintain our skin s essential protective lipid barrier. This leads to an interminable yo-yo battle between your skin (that s your side by the way) and your astringent cleanser (the bad guy), a battle, my beautiful dames, that will turn the toughest of women into shrinking violets Natural astringents such as lemon juice allow the removal of excess sebum without disrupting our skin s oil production or blocking pores. Make sure the water you use when cleansing isn t too hot or too cold as that can lead to broken capillaries if you are prone to it. Use lukewarm water to cleanse and cool water to close your pores up again. All cleansers can be rinsed off immediately or left on for up to 10 minutes. See how it goes, you might be able to cut down to using just fresh, cool water on your face in the mornings and a proper cleanse just once a day in the evening.

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)

1 egg 1 T lemon juice cup olive oil 1 t raw honey

Tighten your pores. Banish wrinkles. Feed dry skin. Mayo. Who would ve thought, eh? Psst you could also buy simple, organic mayo and add the honey. Whisk the egg and lemon juice with an electric whisk or food processor. Add the oil little by little in a steady stream whilst whisking. Mix the honey in at the end.

Rose Revival
cup rose petals or 1 T rose water 1 T yoghurt / kefir 1 T raw honey

If you love the smell of roses, this is the facemask for you. It s so feminine and feels lovely in your skin. Soak the rose petals in pure water for 15-30 minutes. Take them out and crush them in a bowl with the back of a spoon or a pestle before mixing in the rest of the ingredients.

Oaty Avocado
avocado 1 drop rose / chamomile t fine oatmeal t raw cacao

Moisturising, softening mask that smells delicious to boot. Mash the avocado with a fork. Blend in the other ingredients.

Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care


More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-Friendly Holistic Skin Care (PREVIEW ONLY)


Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. - Voltaire

This isn t a recipe book but I just couldn t resist adding in a few green smoothie recipes. Why? Because smoothies are quite simply the easiest way of getting a whole load of nutrients in in one go. Look at the recipes below, you would be hard pressed to eat all the individual ingredients in one sitting, chewing them properly in order to get the maximum nutritional benefit, but you can drink them. Yes you can. Blending the greens breaks down their cellulose membrane making the nutrients more readily available to us, pre-chewed of sorts. The fibres in the fruit and vegetables are retained in a smoothie, helping to gather and move waste out of our digestive tract (like a janitor sweeping up the dust and dirt from the corridors as he goes along). The trick to drinking smoothies is that you actually eat them. Absolutely. You need to chew each mouthful to make sure that you get your digestive enzymes going from 1st base, mixing them in
Caroline Cain More Than A Pretty Face: Planet-friendly Holistic Skin Care 2012

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