Reading Comprehension Using Story Grammar

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Lesson Plan Title: LANGUAGE ARTS READING COMPREHENSION Reading Comprehension using Story Grammar

Prior Knowledge:

Students should be able to: read fluently understand the meaning of written text write sentences independently


Students will: Use story grammar strategy to identify specific information in a passage

Specific Objectives: Students will: 1. Identify the main character/s in the story. 2. Infer the feelings of the characters. 3. Interpret the moral of the story.


Reading comprehension is usually a difficult task for many students. However, with good instruction on how to get information for written text, a clear understanding is attainable at all levels. This activity is designed to focus students attention on the critical features of narrative passages to enhance reading comprehension.


Multi-media (Powerpoint), over-head projector, student copies of the passage, chart with coloured questions and coloured arrow highlighters.

Class layout:

The child (Isa) who has difficulties with grasping concepts will sit close to the teacher. The child who is above average will also sit to the front of the

Lesson Plan Title: LANGUAGE ARTS READING COMPREHENSION class, however on an extreme end. Other students are assigned to their desks according to mixed gender and abilities. Set Induction: The story will be projected on the whiteboard and read aloud wile students listen and follow. Direct instruction: How many of you love listening to stories. Very well! Listen carefully as Ms. Shazara reads the following story to you.

TEACHER ACTIVITY Teacher reads projected story. (Shazara)

STUDENT ACTIVITY Students listen.

We will all read the story a second time, Listening. and I am going to ask you a few questions to help you learn about the characters, their feeling and the moral of the story. The answers to the questions can be found in the story. Look at the chart on the board. Each Listening. question is written in a different colour. You will place your coloured highlighters on the answer to the questions in the colour of the questions. 1. Who is/are the main character/s in Students will place an orange marker by the names the story? of Anton and Misha 3. What is Anton doing that is wrong? 4. How does Misha feel? Students will place a green marker by Anton started teasing her and making faces at her. Students will place a yellow marker by disheartened/sad and hurt.

5. How does Anton feel when he Students will place a blue marker by the word

Lesson Plan Title: LANGUAGE ARTS READING COMPREHENSION realizes that the beautiful butterfly ashamed was Misha? 5. What is the moral of the story? Students will say in their own words A person should never be judged by the way he looks.

Closure: Teacher summarizes the story having students respond to each of the five (5) questions -: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who is/are the main character/s in the story? What is Anton doing that is wrong? How does Antons action make Misha feel? How does Anton feel when he realizes that the beautiful butterfly was Misha? What is the moral of the story?

Now you will use the information you just learned to complete your evaluation sheet.

NAME ____________________________ DATE ______________________ STORY TITLE ________________________________________________

1. Who is/are the main character/s in the story? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. What is Anton doing that is wrong? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


3. How does Antons action make Misha feel? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

4. How does Anton feel when he realizes that the beautiful butterfly was Misha? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

5. What is the moral of the story? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

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