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13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn v
Hmw t]-Pv Xp-S

+ ]-co--bv-v H-cp am-KtcJ A

kznv kabw

2. A-e-k-hm-X-I-n-s km-n-[y-ap-v. 3. {]Xn-tcm-[w aq-ew {]-Im-i-ap-m-Ip-p. 4. sa-p-dn \n-d-n-cn-p-p. cmw A-[ym-b-n AC, DC P-\-td--dp-I-fp-sS {]h- - \ X- zw,(I- n- p- c p- f n- \ p- n- t e- p _m am-v N-en-n-p- ]-co-Ww) AC, DC P\-td--dp-I-fp-sS LS-\, C-h-bn\n-p e-`n-p emf-Dw ss{U skn\n-p emf-Dw Xm-c-Xayw sN-bv-XpsIm-p- {Km-^v F-o Im-cy- Adn-n-cn--Ww. i_v-tZmP-s ssh-Zyp-tXm-P-am-n am-p- Nenpw Np-cp ssa-t{Im-t^m, ssh-ZyptXmP-s i-tm-Pam-n am-p- N-enpw Np-cp eu-Uvkv-]o- C-h-bp-sS {]-h--\ co-Xn F-n-hbpw {]-[m-\-s--Xm-Wv. ayq-Nz C-UIvj-s A-Sn-m-\-n {]-hn-p step up, step down {Smkv-t^m-a-dp-I-fpsS L-S-\-bn-ep- hy-Xym-kw Np-p-I-fp-sS Fhpw \-Ip thm-tPpw X-n _--nnVs __ __ p vp = Ns F-Xpw {]-[m-\-amWv. Np Im-n-I-a--e-n n-XnsN-p ssh-ZypXhm-lnbm-b I-n H-cp _-e-n-\p hn-t[-b-amIp-p F--Xm-Wp ssh-ZypX tam-tm-dp-I-fp-sS {]-h--\X-zw. I-dn-s Zn-ibpw Imn-Ia-e-n-s Zn-ibpw {]-tbm-Kn--s-Sp- _-en-s Zn-ibpw ]-c-kv]-cw _--s-n-cn-p-p. (^-vsf-an-n-s CS-XpssI\nb-aw).
:1. C-Xv

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Nn-{X-n \-In-bn-cn-p- P-\-td--dn\n-p e`n-p ssh-Zyp-Xn-bp-sS {Km-^n-Iv Nn-{Xo-Ic-Ww G-Xm-Wv? 3. emfs Af-hp h-[n-n-m-\p- G-sX-nepw cp am-K- \n-tZ-in-pI?
: 1. {Smkv-t^m-a-dns Input \-tI emf s


{Km-^n-Iv Nn-{Xo-I-c-W-sav? F-p-sIm-v?

1. ssh-Zyp-X{]-hm-l-n-sbpw Nm-e-II-n-bp-sS bpw N-e-\Zn-i G-Xm-Wv? 2. \n--fp-sS D--c-n-\p k-lm-b-Iam-b \n-b-ata-Xv? aqmw A-[ym-b-n-se "ssh-Zyp-X ]-h D-m-Z\hpw hn-X-c-Whpw' F--Xn {]-[m-\-ambpw {in-t- Im-cy- C-h-bm-Wv: aq-p hn-`m-K-n-s- ]-ht-j-\p-Ifpw A-hbnse Du-Pam--hpw. ssl-t{Um C-e-Iv{SnIv: bm-{-ntIm-Pw ssh-ZyptXmPw sX-a]h: Xmt]mPw bm-{n-tImPw sshZyp-tXmPw \yq-n-bm ]h: \yq-n-bm Du-PwXm-t]mPw bm-{n-tIm-Pwssh-Zyp-tXmPw h-tXm-Xn ssh-Zyp-tXm-mZ-\w \-S-p-Xv {Xo-t^-kv P-\-td- D-]-tbm-Kn-mWv. Hmtcm tPm-Un Imn-I{[p-h--p-an-S-bn ]-c-kv-]cw 120Un-{Kn tIm-Wn _-n--n-p- aq-v Bta- tIm-bn-ep-I D-n-Xn\v. tIm-bn-ep-I-fpsS A-{K- tbmP-n-n-n-cn-p- _n-p-hn-se thm-t-Pv ]q-Py-amWv. \-p-sS cm-Py-v 11 sI.hnbnem-Wv ssh-Zyp-Xn D-m-Zn-n-p-Xv. D-b thm-t-Pn ssh-Zyp-Xt{]jWw DuP \-w Ip-d-bv-pw F--Xn-\m hnX-c-WirwJ-e-bn Bcw-`L--n am-{Xta step up transformer D-]-tbm-Kn-p-p-q F- Imcyw Hmphbv-Ww. hnX-c-W {Smkv-t^m-a-dn-s sk--dn-bn kv-m I-W-Ivj co-Xn-bn- I-n-I _-n-n-p-tm c-p t^-kp-In-S-bn-se s]m--jy hy-Xym-kw 400vDw t^kpw \yq-{Sepw X-n 230vDw \yq-{S sse\pw Fpw X-n ]q-Py-hp-am-bn-cn-pw. Krlssh-Zyp-Xo-I-c-W-hp-am-bn _--s- {][m-\ Im-cy- C-h-bm-Wv: 1. ^yq-kv L-Sn-n-t-Xp t^-kv sse-\n-em-bn-cnWw. 2. Hmtcm D-]-I-c-W-n-\pw {]-tXy-Iw kzn-v thWw. A-Xv t^kvsse-\n-em-h-Ww. 3. {Xo]n tkm--n-te-v Fvsse-\n- \n-p I-W-Ivj sIm-Sp-n-cn--Ww. ssh-Zyp-Xbq-\n-v I-W-m-m D-]I-c-W ]h (w)x kabw 1000 F- k-a-hmIyw D-]-tbm-Kn-mw. tijw t]-Pv G-gn

2000 turns Input 12V Out put 60V


G-XpX-cw P-\-td--dmWv? Cu \n-K-a-\-nse-m \n-sf k-lm-bn--sX-v?


H. al-dq^v
f-sc e-fn-Xhpw A-tXka-bw ]p-Xp-Xm-bn Iptd Im-cy- D-s-Sp-n-bpamWv Cu hjw ]mw X-c-w ^n-kn-Iv-kv ]p-kvX-Iw X-m-dmn-bn-cn-p-Xv. s]m-Xp]-co--bv-p 40 kvtImdm-Wv ^n-kn-Iv-kn-\p-Xv. A-w {i- \-In-bm ap-gp-h kv-tImdpw t\-Sn-sb-Spmw. Hmtcm A-[ym-b-n-sebpw {][m-\ `m-K-sf D-s-Sp-n-bp- sN-dn-b hn-i-I-e\hpw _--s- Nne tNm-Zy--fp-am-Wv ChnsS \-In-bn-cn-p--Xv. Hmw A-[ym-bw ssh-Zyp-Xn-bp-sS- Xm-]{]-Im-i cmk-^-e--sf-p-dn-mWv. C-Xn {i-n-t- {][m-\ Im-cy-: 1. ssh-Zyp-Xhn-t-jWw (Cuso4 em-b-\n-bp-sS) 2. ssh-Zyp-Xte]\w: H-cp tem-l-n-\p ta asm-cp tem-lw ssh-Zyp-Xn D-]-tbm-Kn-v ]q-in-sbSp-p- {]-{In-b. ]q-ti- h-kv-Xp t]m-kn-o-hv Ce-t{m-Um-bpw (B-t\mUv) G-XnemtWm ]qip-Xv, A-Xp s\-K-o-hv Ce-t{m-Um-bpw (ImtYmUv) _--s tem-l-n-s emb-\n Cet{m-ssf-mbpw D-]-tbm-Kn-pp. ssh-Zyp-Xn I-S-nhn-Sp--Xns A-fhv, k-abw F-n-h hyXym-k-s-Sp-n ]q-ti- h-kv-Xp-hn-s Af-hv {I-ao-I-cn-mw. 3. ssh-Zyp-Xn-bp-sS Xm-]^-ew-: Pq\n-baw, _-s- k-a-hmIyw Fn-h A-dn-n-cnWw.

H= I2 Rt, H= IVt, H= V2/R.t

B1 R1

emf o

AXp-t]mse ssh-Zyp-X ]h P= I R, P=V I, P= V /R

2 2



4. kpc-m^yq-kn-s {]-tbm-P\w: ^yq-kv h-bdn-s {]-tXy-I-X-I Sn-n-s-bpw se-Unsbpw k--c-am-WnXv. A-an-X-am-bn Id v {]-hln-m C-Xp s]m-n-tm-hpw F-p- Imcy. 5. hy-Xykv-Xbn\w em-w]p-I-f-n F--s\ {]Im-iw h-cp-p F- [m-c-W-bp-m-h-Ww. C--Im-U-sk v emw]v: ^n-e-san-s D-b {]Xn-tcm-[w Imc-Ww ^n-e-sa v Np-p-]-gpp-Ibpw [-h-f{]-Imiw (S-Mv--Wn-s {]-tXyI-X)D-m-hp-Ibpw sN-p-p. Un-kv-Nm-Pv emw]v: yq-_n-\p-n-se c---fn L-Sn-n-n-p- Ce-t{m-Up-I-fn D-b thm-t-Pv {]-tbm-Kn-p-tm yq-_n-\p-n \n-d- hm-X-I--n-sem-cp -`m-Kw A-tbm-Wo-I-cnp-Ibpw C-h a-p I-Wn-I-I-fp-am-bn Iq-n-bn-Snp--Xns ^-e-am-bn {]-Im-iw D-m-hp-Ibpw sN-p-p. ^v-fq-d-k v emw-]pI: yq-_n-\p-n \n-d-ncn-p- sa-pdn ssh-Zyp-Xn {]-h-ln-ptm _m-jv-]-am-bn am-dp-Ibpw C-Xn C-e-

t{m-Wp-I h-n-Sn-p-tm A{Smh-be-v c-iv-an-I D-m-hp-Ibpw yq-_n-s A-I-hip ]q-in-bn-cn-p- ^vfq-dk v ]-Zm-Y c-iv-an-I-sf B-Knc-Ww sN-bv-Xv Zr-iy{]-Im-i-amn am-p-Ibpw sN-p-p. 6. ^v-fq-d-k v emw-]p-I-fpm-p- ]-cn-n-Xn{]iv-\- Zns. sa-p-dn F-o am-c-Ih-kv-Xp A-S-n-bn-cn-p-p. : H-cp C-cp-p-I-n sh-n]q-im D-t-in-pp. 1. t]m-kn-o-hv Ce-t{m-Umbpw s\-K-o-hv Cet{m-Um-bpw Xn-c-s-Sp-p- h-kv-Xp- Gh? C-cp-pIv, kn-h ss\-t{Sv, C-cp-p-XInSv, kn-h X-InSv, A-tb tm-ssd-Uv 2. A\p-tbm-Pyam-b Ce-t{m-ssf-t-Xv? 3. C-cp-pI-n-\p ap-I-fn kn-h-dn Af-hp h[n-n-m-\pf-f H-cp am-Kw F-gpXpI. :H-cp ssh-Zyp-X _-_n 40w/230v F--Sbm-fs-Sp-n-bn-cn-p-p. a). 40w, 230v C-Xv F-n-s\ kq-Nn-n-p-p? b). Cu _-_v 100v {]-h-n-n-m A-Xn-eqsS H-gp-Ip- I-d-s-{X? :Xm-sg \In-b {]-kv-Xm-h-\-I-fn C-Im-Usk- v, ^v-fq-d-k v emw-]v F-n-h-bv-v tbm-Pn-h Xn-c-s-Sp-s-gp-XpI. 1. \n-g- Ip-d-hm-Wv. tijw t]-Pv F-n

emf o


emf o


2. ss{]-a-dn-bn F-{X Np-p-I th-nh-cpw?

emf o


ssh-ZypX tam-tm-dn-s {]-h--\-hpam-bn _-s-v m-kn \-Sn-b H-cp ]-co--W-amWp\-In-bn-cn-p--Xv.


13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn


2 13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn

13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn

Askar .K


Business Studies
CEO, President, Chairman etc. 2. Middle Level Purchase Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales Mnager, Dept Heads etc. 3. Lower Level- Supervisor, Superintendent etc. Inspector,

UNIT - 3

to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way.'' Principles 1. Science not rule of thumb. 2. Scientific selection and training. 3. Co-operation between mgmt. and workers. 4. Maximum output in place of restricted output. 5. Division of work and responsibility. 6. Mental Revolution. Techniques 1. Scientific task setting: It is the fair day's work. 2. Work study: systematic, organised and critical assessment of the efficiency of operations. It includes. a. Method study b. Motion study c. Time study d. Fatigue study 3. Rate Setting: Taylor suggested differential piece rate system 4. Standardisation 5. Functional foremanship Under this planning and execution are separated from each other. A single supervisor can not be an expert in all aspects of work, and therefore Taylor suggested that every worker should be supervised by different experts in different phases of his job. Managers Planning Dept. Production Dept.

Principles of Management
Introduction Over the years attempts have been made to develop a number of guidelines to assist managerial thinking and action. Meaning ''Basic statement of fundamental truth based on observation analysis and experimental studies.'' Fayol's Principles 1. Division of work: Division of total task in to small elements and handling over each element to particular worker. 2. Authority and Responsibility: There should be a parity between Authority and responsibility. 3. Discipline: Obedience, respect of authority and observance of established rules. 4. Unity of command: A subordinate should receive orders from one and only one superior at a time. 5. Unity of Direction: There should be one head and one plan for a group of activity having the same object. 6. Subordination of individual interest to group interest: Individuals must realise that the general interest of the concern is more important. 7. Remuneration of personnel: The quantity and method of remuneration should be fair, reasonable and rewarding the effort. 8. Centralisation and Decentralisation: There should be a balance between centralisation and decentralisation. 9. Scalar Chain: It is the chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest rank in the organisation.

Business Environment
Introduction The success of a business depends upon its ability to adopt business policies to the changes in the environmental factors. Meaning ''All those conditions and forces in the surroundings of a business enterprise under which business operations are to be carried out effectively and efficiently '' Structure
Economic General Operating Social Competitor

Nature and Significance of Management

Introduction Management is essential wherever group efforts are needed to be directed towards certain goals. Meaning Mgmt. means "Managing men tactfully to get the things done." Dimensions 1. As an activity- art of getting the things done 2. As a Discipline- Subject 3. As a Noun- group of persons 4. As a Process- Series of Functions

Steps 1. Setting the objectives 2. Develop planning premises 3. Determining alternative course of action 4. Selecting the best alternative 5. Formulating derivative plans 6. Implementation of plans 7. Follow up Types of plans 1. Goals- end towards which an enterprise is aimed at. 2. Objectives -Specific goal. 3. Policies- General statement which provides guidelines in decision making. 4. Procedure- Systematic way of handling regular events. 5. Method- Standardised way of accomplishing repetitive and routine jobs. 6. Rule- Definite plans which specify what is to be done or not to be done. 7. Programmes - Sequence of activities directed towards certain objectives. 8. Strategy-Countering the moves of enemy 9. Project- Cluster of associated activities with a distinct objective and time. 10. Budget- Plan statement expressed in numerical terms. Importance 1. Provides direction 2. Reduces risk of uncertainties 3. Reduces waste 4. Effective co-ordination 5. Encourages creativity Limitations 1. Rigidity 2. Time and cost 3. False sense of security 4. Resistance to change 5. Influence of external factors.
UNIT - 5

Top Level

Middle Level

Lower Level


Internal Organisational Production Personnel Financial Marketing

Functions Nature 1. Mgmt is a Science Systematised body of knowledge


Labour Political Legal

2. Mgmt. is an Art application of knowledge 3. Mgmt. is a profession Occupation backed by special knowledge and training, in which entry is restricted. Administration Admn is that phase of an enterprise which concerns itself with determination of over all objectives and policies of the orgn.


Dimensions Business Environment


Gang plank

Economic 1. Nature of Economy 2. Economic Policies 3. Nature of Market 4. Types of firms 5. Per capita Income 6. Interest rate 7. Money supply

Political 1. Political orgn. 2. Political stability 3. Govt. ideology 4. Trade Unions

Social 1. Attitude of People 2. Cultural heritage 3. Ednl. System 4. Caste 5. Employment 6. Consumer orgn. 7. Demography

Legal 1. Constitutional Provisions 2. Economic Laws 3.Industrial and Labour Laws 4. Govt. regula tions 5. Court interventions

1. Rout Clerk 2. Instruction Clerk 3. Time and cost clerk 4. Disciplinarian

UNIT - 4

5. Gang boss 6. Speed boss 7. Repair 8. Inspector

Admn Mgmt

T o p Level Middle Level Lower Level

Organising Planning
Introduction Organising is the second function of mgmt. Meaning As a group- group of people As a structure frame work As a process series of activities Structure of organisation The established pattern of relationship among various parts of the orgnisation.

Co-Ordination Co-ordination is the process of arranging group activities in relation to time, place and effort. It is not a separate Function of Mgmt., but the essence of mgmt because, if manager performs all managerial functions, co -ordination is accomplished by itself and no special efforts are required in this regard.

(Mgmt And Administration)

Levels of Management 1. Top Level Board of Directors, GM, MD,

10. Order: There must be social and material order in the organisation. 11. Equity: Mgmt. should treat the employees with justice and kindness. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel: Members in the organization should not be shifted from their job frequently. 13. Initiative: Eagerness to do something without being asked for it. 14. Espirit de corps: Union is strength. Taylor's scientific Management "Knowing exactly what you want men

Introduction Planning is the first function of mgmt. Meaning Deciding in advance what is to be done. It involves the selection of objectives, policies, procedures and programmes from among alternatives. Current status
(Where we are)


Planning bridges (Where we want to go) the gap

Future image

4 13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn
Types 1. Functional
UNIT - 6


Introduction Staffing is the third function of mgmt.



Customer service

Market Research

Meaning Manning the organisational structure through effective and proper selection, training and development of personnel to fill the role designed into the structure. Steps 1. Human Resource Planning It involves a) determination of number of personnel b) Job analysis.

Types Vestible training . Conferences Job rotation training. Special Courses Apprenticeship training. Coaching Intership training. Committee Role playing. assignment V Compensation It refers to the wages, salaries advances and such benefits given by the employer to the employees for their efforts. Types 1. Basic/Primary Pay 2. Supplementary compensation Monetary a. IncentivesNon-Monetary b. Fringe benefits Methods 1. Time Rate System Under this payment is made on the basis of time spent by a worker on his job. Wages: Time x Rate/hour 2.Piece Rate System Under this payment is made on the basis of units produced wages = Rate/Unit x Quantity.
UNIT - 7

2. Safety / security need Eg. Physical/ economic/ social security. 3.Social needs. Eg. love, association, friendship 4.Esteem/ ego Eg. self respect, self confidence, reputation. 5. Self actualisation
5 4 3 2 1

3. Y pattern

4 All Channel

2. Divisional a. Product / Service

Soap Furniture Electrical


Mktg. Finance HR

II Recruitment The positive process of searching for prospective employees and motivating them to apply for the job in the orgn. Sources 1. Internal a. Promotion b. Demotion

(Maslow's need hierarchy) lll Leadership The ability of a manager to induce the subordinates to work with confidence and zeal. lV Communication The exchange of ideas, facts opinions, emotions, information and understanding between two or more persons. Types 1. On the basis of orgnl. relationship a) Formal b) Informal 2. On the basis of direction a) Upward b) Downward c) Horizontal d) Oral C) Gestural Steps 1. Sender Communicator 2. Message - Subject Matter 3. Encoding - Conversion of the message in to symbols 4. Channels - Media 5. Receiver - Communicate 6. Decoding - Transmitting the message into words 7. Feedback - Response.

5. Chain Pattern

b. Area/Territory

North South East West

C. Transfer d. Laid off employees.


Formal orgn. The structure of well defined jobs each having a definite authority and responsibility. Informal orgn. The network of personal and social relationship on the basis of friendship and common interest. Delegation of Authority It takes place where a person gives another the right to perform work on his behalf and in his name. Steps 1. Assigning duties ( Responsibility) 2. Granting of authority 3. Creation of accountability Decentralisation The systematic delegation of authority at all levels of mgmt. and in all departments of the orgn. Importance of organising 1. specialization 2. Well defined jobs 3. Clear authority 4. Co-ordination 5. Avoid duplication of work

III Selection The decision on giving employement to suitable candidates from among the applicants. Steps 1. Receiving and scrutiny of application 2. Preliminary interview 3. Blank application form 4. Selection test 5. Interview 6. Checking reference 7. Physical test 8. Final selection 9. Appointment 10. Induction (orientation) IV Training The act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Methods 1. On the job It focuses on learning while an individual is actually engaged in work. 2. Off the job The imparting of training to employees outside the actual work place.

Meaning The Heart of mgmt. process which involves determining the course, giving orders and instructions and providing dynamic leadership. Elements 1 Supervision Overseeing the subordinates at work to control, guide and direct the efforts of employees towards the attainment of objectives of organisation. Functions of Supervisor 1. Planning the work 2. Issuing orders 3.Providing leadership 4. Motivating 5. Enforcing discipline 6. Reporting 7. Keeping records 8. Secure co-operation ll Motivation Influencing the behaviour of subordinates for better performance and achieving the desired result.

UNIT - 8

Finance Functions 1. Investment Decision 2. Financing Decision 3. Dividend Decision Finance Planning Determining the objectives policies, procedures, programmes and budgets to deal with financial activities Capitalisation Total accounting value of all the capital regularly required in the business. 1. Over Capitalisation A company is over capitalised when its earnings are not large enough to yield a fair return on the amount of securities that have been issued. 2. Under Capitalisation A company is said to be under capitalised when its actual capitalisation is lower than its fair capitalisation . 3. Fair capitalisation Such situation arises when the rate of return justifies the amount of capital invested in the business. Capital Structure The type of securities to be issued and the proportionate amount that make up the capitalisation is called capital structure.

Introduction Controlling is the fifth functionof Mgmt. Meaning The process of taking steps to being actual results closed together. Steps 1. Establishment of standard 2.Measurement of actual performance 3.Comparing actual with standard 4.Correction of deviation Not Significant






Communication network 1. Wheel Pattern



2 Circle pattern

Maslow's need hierarchy 1. Physiological (Survival/basic) needs. eg. Food, water, air, shelter.



Actual Replan


Controlling Process



2. External a) Advt. b) Employment exchange c) Educational institutions d) hiring at factory gate. E) jobbers f) Unsolicited application g) field trip.

Introduction Directing is the fourth function of mgmt.

Barriers 1. Selective reception 2. Poor listening skill 3. Status difference 4. Complex structure 5. Predisposition 6. Channel distortion 7. Semantic problems

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Planning and Controlling

Planning and controlling are closely related to each other. After plans become operational, control is necessary to measure the performance and to locate deviation. Without planning there is no base for controlling. Without controlling planned activities cannot be implemented. Control by exception (Mgmt by exception) According to this principle only significant deviation from the standards are reported to the mgmt.


UNIT - 9

Financial Management
Introduction Wherever finance is used financial mgmt is necessary

Meaning 1. Narrow concept (Treditional) FM Means acquisition of fund only and ignore utilisation and allocation of fund 2. Broad concept (Modern) FM means not only acquisition of fund but also effective utilisation and allocation of fund

6 13 s^{_phcn 2012 Xn
Management of Capital Usually capital requirements are divided in to fixed capital and working capital. 1. Fixed Capital That part of total capital which is represented by fixed assets. 2. Working Capital a. Gross Working Capital GWC = Total Current Assets b. Networking Capital NWC = Current Assets Current Liabilities Operating Cycle of WC There is always a time gap between sales and cash. Working capital is required to sustain sales activities during this period. The following diagram shows the operating cycle of working capital of a manufacturing orgn. Money Market The market for short term funds. Money market is a boon to business enterprise as it constitutes a major source of working capital finance. Instruments 1. Call money 2. Treasury Bills 3. Certificate of Deposit 4. Trade Bills 5. Commercial paper Capital Market A market for medium and long term instruments having a period of maturity of more than one year. Types untarily exchanged at competitive prices determined according to free play of demand and supply. Stock exchanges in India Bombay stock Exchange National stock Exchange OTCE I Cochin Stock Exchange Stock Market Index BSE Sensex NSE NIFTY Securities and exchange Board of India SEBI was constituted in 1988 to protect the interest of investors, promotes the development of stock market and regulates it.
UNIT - 11

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market for attention, acquisition use or consumption. Product Mix The total number of products that a particular marketer offers to the market, and includes product line and product item. Branding Giving a Name, sign, symbol, design or a combination of all, so as to distinguish the product from other similar products. Terms Brand:- name, symbol, design or term Brand name:- brand that can be pronounced Brand Mark:- brand that cannot be pronounced Trade name:- Name of the orgn or their product. Trade Mark:-registered brand Packing The function of designing and producing the package for a product in order to prepare the goods for transport, sale and usage. Labelling Putting identification mark or labels on the package. Il. Price The price of an article or service is its market value expressed in terms of money Pricing strategy 1. skimming pricing A very high price is fixed initially to skim the cream of the demand. 2. Penetrating pricing A low price is fixed initially. lll Place The decisions to make the products available to the consumers for purchase and consumption. It includesa. Physical Distribution
t]-Pv Fv Xp-S

It involves Ware housing, inventory control, order processing and transportation. b. Channels of Distribution

1875 1992 1989 1978

Zero Level


Direct Selling


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Right Right Right Right Right Right

to to to to to to

safety be informed choose be heared be redressed consumer education

One level


Two Level

Whole saler



Responsibilities of Consumers 1. Critical awareness 2. Action 3. Social Responsibility 4. Environmental Awareness 5. Solidarity Means of consumer protection 1. Lok Adalats 2. Public Interest litigation 3. Environment friendly product 4. Redressal forum 5. National awards 6. Publicity 7. Consumer welfare fund Consumer Protection Act (1986) This act is the land mark in the history of consumerism in India where in a big effort has been made to translate a saying consumer is the king into reality. Redressal Machinary 1. District Forum A Complaint where the value of goods or services and the compensation claimed is less than Rs. 5,00,000 is to be dealt with. 2. State Commission A complaint where the value of the goods or services and the compensation is between Rs. 5,00,000 and Rs. 20,00,000 is to be dealt with. 3. National Commission A complaint where the value of the goods or services and the compensation claimed is more than Rs.20,00,000 is to be dealt with.

Three Level

Agent Whole saler Retailer

Capital Market
Organised Unorganised

Marketing Management
Introduction MM is one of the important operative functions of mgmt like financial mgmt. Marketing a) Narrow concept Those efforts which effect transfer in ownership of goods and care for their physical distribution. b) Broader concept The identification of needs and finding out ways and means for satisfying them. Functions of Marketing
I. Exchange Functions 1. Buying andResearch Assembling 2. Selling and Dividing ll. Physical Movement 1.Transportation llll. Facilitating

lV Promotion The personal or impersonal process of assisting and/ or persuading a prospective customer to buy a commodity or to act favourably upon an idea that has commercial significance to the seller. Elements 1. Advertising 2. Sales Promotion 3. Personal Selling 4.Publicity
UNIT - 12

Stock Developt Financial market Financial interme Institutions diaries Stock New Issue exchange (Primary (secondary market) market) Dividend Decision A Finance Manager has to decide how much of the net profit should be distributed as dividend to the share holders and how much of the net profit should be retained in the business. Budget A plan expressed in monetary terms prepared and approved prior to a defined period of time. Types 1. Operating Budget Eg: production budget, sales budget etc. 2. Financial budget These are concerned with the financial implications of the operating budget. 3. Capital budgeting. It is the process of making investment decisions in capital expenditure.
UNIT - 10

Money lenders, Indgenous banks, chit funds

Consumer Protection
Introduction The need for consumer protection and satisfaction has been widely accepted all over the world. Meaning Protecting the consumer against anti-consumer trade practices by the producers or sellers. Rights of Consumers

Merchant Banks

Mutual Funds


Venture Capital

Non banking financial Companies

Primary Market The market which deals in new securities. Methods 1. Public Issue a. Offer through prospectus b. Offer of sale 2. Private Placement 3. Bought out deals 4. Right Issue 5. Bonus Issue Operators 1. Managers 2. Registrar 3. Underwriters 4. Brokers Secondary Market The market for the purchase and sale of secondhand or listed securities. Stock Exchange A market where long term securities are vol-



2. Ware housing

2. Productplanning 3.Grading 4.Pricing 5.Branding 6.Packing 7.Insurance 8.Finance 9.Promotion Etc.

P1 P2 P3 N
P E n
FUSE fan

Main kWh Switch

Capital Market
Introduction Financial markets are mainly of two types viz capital market and money market.

Marketing Mix The combination of four elements which constitute the core of a marketing system- the product, the price, the place and the promotion. It is generally called the 4 ps of Marketing. Elements l. Product It is anything that can be offered to a

hnX-c-W {Sm-kv-t^m-a-dn-s sk-U-dn-bn I-n-I _-n-n-cn-p- co-Xn \-In-bn-cn-p-p. 1. C-Xv G-Xp t]-cn-e-dn-b-s-Spp? 2. p1, p2 F-n-h-bvn-S-bn-se s]m--jy hy-Xym-kw F{X? 3. `q-an-bn \n-v \yq-{S sse sXm-Sp--bm-v tjmtp-tam? F-p-sIm-v?



1. Nn-{X-n-se G-sX-nepw c-p sX-p-I I-s-pI? 2. D--c-n-s \ym-bo-I-c-W-sa-v? 3. D-]-I-c-W Hm-tcm-pw 5 a-Wn-q ho-Xw {]-h-n-m 30 Zn-h-k-t-v F-{X bq\n-v ssh-Zyp-Xn sN-e-hm-Ipw? (XpScpw)

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