Digbeth Summit M Barrow 16.02.12

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Digbeth and the Birmingham City Centre Enterprise Zone

Mark Barrow Strategic Director of Development Birmingham City Council

Growing the City Core

1.5 million square metres of mixed use floor space
50,000 additional jobs Over 5,000 new homes Fine grain regeneration

Big City Plan - Digbeth

The Big City Plan identifies Digbeth as an area;
For Growing Creative Business For Developing a Vibrant Community

For Preserving History (Conservation Area)

For Delivering high quality public realm

Key Opportunities for Digbeth

Cultural and Creative Hub
HS2 Creating linkages with Digbeth Capitalising on the urban character of the area Digital District Super Ultra-Fast Broadband

Supporting the needs of local businesses and residents.

Key Developments in Digbeth

Birmingham Coach Station

Typhoo Wharf

JFK Memorial (Completion end of May)

Custard Factory


Interconnect Birmingham
Deliver multi-channel, multi-modal movement and information system Three phases; First Phase: installation of around 24 pedestrian wayfinding products (totems) in City Core Second Phase: role out across wider part of City Core including Digbeth. Third Phase: extend the wayfinding system to connect New Street Station and John Lewis

Birmingham City Centre Enterprise Zone

Jewellery Quarter Snow Hill District Birmingham Science Park Aston & LDO Eastside


Southern Gateway

Digbeth & LDO

Why Birmingham?

Clear strategy for growth Big City Plan

100m + investment in infrastructure to unlock key sites for growth Helping start ups and new enterprise in growth sectors Securing digital infrastructure

Marketing the city internationally

Consists of seven clusters of 26 sites based on the Areas of Transformation in the Big City Plan Focus on Financial and Professional services, ICT sector, Creative Industries and Digital Media Will provide:
Investment via retained business rates to unlock development sites i.e. TIF model Simplified planning process via two Local Development Orders Support for Super (Ultra) Fast broadband Business Rates relief to support SMEs

What's on offer?
All Enterprise Zones will benefit from
A business rate discount worth up to 275,000 per business over a five year period Retention of business rate growth for a period of at least 25 years Simplified planning approaches for the zone Support for superfast broadband roll-out throughout the zone

Other support could include

Enhanced capital allowances for plant and machinery, in a limited number of cases and subject to State Aid, where there is a strong focus on manufacturing Tax Increment Finance to support the long-term viability of the area UKTI support for inward investment or trade opportunities in the zone.

EZ Criteria
Considered land/property available for development Either vacant, cleared and have plans for future development. Generating additional economic activity

Broad locations that will not be dominated by retail development

Targeting specific economic sectors

The Impact
40,000 new jobs
across range of growth sectors

Floor Space Once complete 1.3m sq metres including 700,000 sq metres office/commercial The re-use of 3.8 hectares of buildings/land + 2.bn GVA per annum Increased business rates 70m p.a.

Digbeth Local Development Order

Proposal of two LDOs Digbeth & Birmingham Science Park Encourage inward investment through streamlining processes for businesses Grants automatic planning consent for certain development Enable changes of business use All changes subject to defined maximum floor space

Does not cover listed buildings

Does not remove need for other consents e.g. Licensing, Building Regs etc.

Simplified Planning
Local Development Order Timetable
Agreed in principle by Planning Committee 26th Jan 2012 Consultation/notification with stakeholders, owners/occupiers, statutory and non-statutory consultees Feb/March 2012 Formal agreement by Planning Committee Draft to Secretary of State April 2012 If no intervention after 21 days, becomes adopted.

Next Steps
Draft Investment Plan

to be submitted by LEP in March 2012

Local Development Order

submission to Secretary of State before end April 2012

Retention of Business Rates

commences April 2013

Investment for Enterprise Space: Jewellery Quarter and Digbeth

4m ERDF Bid just approved; total project value over 10m Stimulate economic growth and job creation To run Spring 2012 - 2015 Improvements to vacant, derelict, underused properties and sites
Two levels of grant: Property Assistance: up to 100K Key opportunities (gap funding): over 100K


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