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INHOMOGENEITIES J.A. TUSZYNSKI Department of Physics, Edmonton, Alberta,



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.. q. 1.

P. WINTERNITZ AND A.M. GRUNDLAND C.R.M., Universite de Montreal Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3J7 ABSTRACT. Several approaches for magnetic inhomogeneities functional in both reorientational 3-D Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Reduction Method is used interpretation is given. Free Ener9:V Functional -h~ + ! D(9~)2] lead to the Landau-Ginzburg free energy in ferromagnets. Minimization of this and spin-ordering processes yields a for the solutions order of parameter. this PDE. Symmetry Physical

i:..~ . ~

equation to obtain

ns ~ 2. Invoking .independent one. The Landau-Ginzbur9: F = I dn x [A2~2

tic and Fennionic .ennionic number

+ A4~4

+ A6~6

ing with ..scalar" ing quantum sys-

where n is spatial dimensionality. A2 = a(T-Tc) .A4. A6 are constants. ~ is the order parameter and h is the conjugate field. can be used to describe both field -(h ; 0) and temperature-induced (h = 0). first (A4 < 0) or second order (A4 ) 0) phase transitions. A more or less formal justification of its applicability to ferromagnetic materials near criticality can be demonstrated either through a continuum approximation applied to the Heisenberg Hamiltonian [1] .or through an evaluation of the corresponding partition function [2]. It is quite common. however. to simply postulate (I) on the basis of symmetry arguments and elementary statements of the catastrophe theory [3]. In particular. for spin-ordering transitions (P ~ F) occurring in the presence of an easy magnetization of magnetization. D refers to the and A2. A4f A6 are "molecular coordination spheres. Minimization
D9.~ = 2A2~ + 4A4~3 + 6A6~5 -h

ation of 411-484. ern






axis z. ~ represents nearest-neighbours field" constants of F gives

the z-component exchange constant due to higher

nonlinear Klein-Gordon applied and symmetry represent: Otherwise, the symmetry field h is, first the system group is 1,2 [4,5] is either the or similitude 3-D hypergroup is are all, to to equation. analyze at the

which Symmetry Eq. critical group. spheres, Euclidean allowed. (2)


a reduction and or Then, planes, and The its the


time-independent method solutions. tricritical the symmetry spirals only effect plane of the or or has When point, variables cones. been h = the

recently O

symmetry variables of

hyperspherical external

593 R. Conte C> 1990 and Kluwer N. Boccara Academic (eds.), Partially Integrable Printed in the Evolution Netherlands. Equations in Physics, 593-594.



of the external field h is, first of all, to destroy the scale invariance if the system is at either the critical or the tricritical point. Secondly. h affects the form of the solutions. For translationallyinvariant ones kinks are disallowed and are replaced by bumps. We believe that this plays a crucial role in producing a curvature of the Arrott plot (h/~ vs ~2) for magnetization processes. Moreover, the amplitudes and frequencies of the periodic solutions are shifted as a result of switching on the field. For reorientational processes occurring in the presence of an easy-magnetization plane, the order parameter ~ is two-component, i.e. consists of the two directional cosines al and a2. The expansion coefficients for the free energy analogous to eq. (1) correspond to the appropriate anisotropy constants. In I-D approximation the minimization of the free energy results in a very similar type of problem as that described above. Substituting (al' a2) = (sin e, cos e) gives the first integral of the Euler-Lagrange equation is identical to that obtained from eq. (2) in I-D ant kink solution has been known as the so-called when (al. a2) = (ax(z) , az(z)) and the Bloch domain (ax(z) functions , ay(z)) can .Periodic readily be solutions found and in terms correspond in terms of e which space. The resultNeel domain wall wall when (al,a2) = of Jacobi to the eliptic various

ferromagnetic and anti ferromagnetic Eq. (2) represents only magnetic free energy (I). In order fluctuations
A2~2 +

spin waves. structures ~(~) which minimize the to model thermodynamically stable to satisfy
= E = const



A6~6 -h~




Interestingly, Eq. (3) has the same symmetry group as Eq. (2). Moreover, in I-D situations it takes the same form as the first integral of Eq. (2). The only difference there is the sign of D. This means that the functional extema of (I) for D ) O correspond to equilibrium fluctuations of (1) for D < O and vice versa. Consequently, the entire spectrum of thermodynamically stable inhomogeneities can be found this way. Work fields will on the and the be published energies modelling of of the solutions, equilibrium the fluctuation influence is in of external progress and


REFERENCES [1] Anderson. [2] [3) [4) [5)




Notions Theory,

of the

Condensed Renormalization


Physics. Group and and Its

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