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Chapter 5 Check Your Understanding

1. Which protocol provides connectionless network layer services? A. IP B. TCP C. UDB D. OSI A. IP provides connectionless network layer services. TCP is connection oriented. UDP is connectionless, but it works at the transport layer. 2. What two commands can be used to view a hosts routing table? netstat -r and route print 3. Select three pieces of information about a route that a routing table contains. A. Next-hop B. Source address C. Metric D. Destination network address E. Last hop F. Default gateway A, C, D. A routing table contains the next-hop, metric, and destination network address. Routers do not need the source address, last hop, or default gateway to find a path to a network. 4. What kinds of problems are caused by excessive broadcast traffic on a network segment? (Choose three.) A. Consumes network bandwidth B. Increases overhead on network C. Requires complex address schemes D. Interrupts other host functions E. Divides networks based on ownership F. Advanced hardware required A, B, D. Reduced network bandwidth, increased overhead, and reduced host functions are three potential results of excessive broadcasts. The other answers can be part of a solution to the problem of excessive broadcasts. 5. What are three key factors to consider when grouping hosts into a common network? Purpose, ownership, and geographic location are three key ways to divide a network. 6. Which of the following are not functions of the network layer? (Choose two.) A. Routing B. Addressing packets with an IP address C. Delivery reliability D. Application data analysis E. Encapsulation F. Decapsulation C, D. Delivery reliability is a transport layer concern. Application data analysis is a concern of the presentation layer. Routing, addressing packets with an IP address, encapsulation, and decapsulation are functions of the network layer.

7. Which of the following are true about IP? (Choose two.)

A. IP stands for International Protocol. B. It is the most common network layer protocol. C. It analyzes presentation layer data. D. It operates at OSI Layer 2. E. It encapsulates transport layer segments. B, E. IP stands for the Internet Protocol, which operates at OSI Layer 3 (the network layer). IP encapsulates transport layer segments. IP does not look inside the upper-level PDU, so it has no knowledge of the presentation layer data.
8. What is the name of the process of removing the OSI Layer 2 information from an IP packet? Decapsulation. 9. Which of the following is true about IP?

A. It is connection oriented. B. It uses application data to determine the best path. C. It is used by both routers and hosts. D. It is reliable. C. Routers and hosts use IP. B is incorrect because IP uses addressing information in the header to determine the best path for a packet. D is incorrect because IP is a best effort unreliable protocol.
10. Which of the following are true about network layer encapsulation? (Choose two.)

A. It adds a header to a segment. B. It can happen many times on the path to the destination host. C. It is performed by the last router on the path. D. Both source and destination IP addresses are added. E. It converts transport layer information into a frame. A, D. Network layer encapsulation adds a header to a segment and adds both source and destination IP addresses. Network layer encapsulation happens only on the original host; other devices can read the data, but they do not remove or alter it until the destination network is reached. The network layer converts transport layer segments into packets.
11. Which of the following are true about TCP and IP? (Choose two.)

A. TCP is connectionless and IP is connection oriented. B. TCP is reliable and IP is unreliable. C. IP is connectionless and TCP is connection oriented. D. TCP is unreliable and IP is reliable. E. IP operates at the transport layer. B, C. TCP is reliable and connection oriented. IP is unreliable and connectionless. IP operates at the network layer.
12. Why is IP media independent?

A. It encapsulates Layer 1 instructions. B. It works the same on all Layer 1 media. C. It carries both video and voice data. D. It works without Layer 1 media. B. IP encapsulates OSI Layer 4 data. IP can carry voice, video, and other types of data, but media independent refers to the OSI Layer 1 medium that carries the data across the networks. IP, or any other communication, can occur without a physical (OSI Layer 1) medium.
13. TCP is a __________ layer protocol. Transport 14. How many bits are in an IPv4 address? 32. There are four octets (8 bits each) in an IPv4 address.

15. Which of the following are true about static and dynamic routing? (Choose two.)

A. Static routing requires a routing protocol such as RIP. B. A default route is a dynamic route. C. Dynamic routing adds packet-processing overhead. D. Administrative overhead is reduced with static routing. E. Routers can use static and dynamic routing simultaneously. C, E. Dynamic routing adds packet-processing overhead, and routers can use static and dynamic routing simultaneously. Static routing does not require a routing protocol. A default route is an example of a static route. Because static routes must be manually configured and updated, they add to administrative overhead.

Challenge Questions and Activities

1. What can happen when the TTL is 1? (Choose two.)

A. The packet can be successfully delivered if it is destined for a directly connected network. B. TCP controls in the packet will add hops to the TTL. C. The packet will be dropped by the next router unless that router has an interface on the destination network. D. The packet will be returned to the source host. E. The packet will be returned to the previous router. A, C. When the TTL is 1, it has one hop remaining to be either delivered or discarded. IP does not provide return notification of dropped packets. TCP controls at the destination will request a packet retransmission, but the TCP PDU is never accessed en route.
2. IP is connectionless and will occasionally drop a packet en route to a destination IP address. If packets are dropped, how will messages be completed? A. Only the IP portion of the packet is dropped, but the TCP portion continues to the last router. B. The routing protocols will carry the TCP information to the previous-hop router, which sends a reverse notification to the source. C. The routing protocols, such as RIP, are connection oriented and will contact the source host. D. The destination host is expecting the packet and will send a request if it does not arrive. E. The IP header contains the source address so that the packet can be returned by the router that receives the packet when the TTL is 0. D. The destination host will send a request if the packet does not arrive. IP is connectionless, so there is no reliability built into the protocol. Previous packets with TCP information have arrived at the destination host with expectational information. Routing protocols, such as RIP, are used by routers to share route information; they are not involved in TCP/IP reliability.

Chapter 6 Check Your Understanding

1. Which IP addresses are network addresses? (Choose two.)

A. /28 B. /26 C. /26 D. /28 E. /27 F. B, D. /26 and /28 are network addresses.

2. A network administrator is building a network for a small business that has 22 hosts. The ISP has assigned only one Internet routable IP address. Which IP address block can the network administrator use to address the network? A. /28 B. /27 C. /28 D. /27 B. /27 3. What subnet mask would be used with the hosts in the /22 network? A. B. C. D. E. C. 4. You have been assigned the address block /28 to create the network addresses for point-to-point WAN links. How many of these WANs can you support with this address block? A. 1 B. 4 C. 7 D. 14 B. The four networks are .224, .228, .232, and .236. 5. What defines an IPv4 logical network? Hosts with the same network portion of their IPv4 address. 6. Name and state the purpose of the three types of IPv4 addresses. The three types of IPv4 addresses are Network address: The address by which you refer to the network Broadcast address: A special address used to send data to all hosts in the network Host addresses: The addresses assigned to the end devices in the network 7. A network administrator needs to create a new network that has 14 computers and two router interfaces. What subnet mask will provide the appropriate number of IPv4 addresses for this network with minimal wasted addresses? A. B. C. D. E. F. C. provides the 16 addresses required. .224 will provide 30. .240 will provide only 14. 8. What distinguishes each of the three types of IPv4 addresses? The three types of IPv4 addresses are Network address: Lowest address in the network 0 for each host bit in the host portion of the address. Host address: Host bits are a unique mix of 1s and 0s within a network. Broadcast address: Uses the highest address in the network range. The host portion is all 1s.

9. List the three forms of IPv4 communication.

Following are the three forms of IPv4 communication: Unicast: The process of sending a packet from one host to an individual host Broadcast: The process of sending a packet from one host to all hosts in the network Multicast: The process of sending a packet from one host to a selected group of hosts
10. List the purpose of having specified ranges of IPv4 addresses for public and private

use. Specified private addresses allow network administrators to allocate addresses to those hosts that do not need to access the Internet.
11. A host in the south branch cannot access the server with the address

/224. While examining the host, you determine that its IPv4 address is /16. What is the apparent problem? A. The host is using a link-local address. B. The server is using an invalid subnet mask. C. The host has been assigned a broadcast address. D. The server thinks that the host is on the logical network with the server. A. The host is using a link-local address. Link-local addresses should not be routed.
12. List three reasons for planning and documenting IPv4 addresses. The allocation of addresses inside the networks should be planned and documented for the following purposes: Preventing duplication of addresses Providing and controlling access Monitoring security and performance 13. Cite examples where network administrators should statically assign IPv4 addresses. Administrators should statically assign addresses to servers, printers, LAN gateway addresses on routers, management addresses on network devices such as switches, and wireless access points. 14. What was the primary motivation for the development of IPv6?

Running out of IPv4 addresses is the primary motivation for developing IPv6.
15. What is the purpose of the subnet mask in IPv4 addressing? Network devices use the subnet mask to

determine the network or subnet address of an IP address that the device is processing.
16. List factors to consider when planning an IPv4 addressing scheme.

Networks are subnetted to overcome issues with location, size, and control. In designing the addressing, consider these factors for grouping the hosts: Grouping based on common geographic location Grouping hosts used for specific purposes Grouping based on ownership
17. What are three tests that use the ping utility to test and verify the operation of a host?

Three tests that use the ping utility are Ping Loopback test to test IP operation Ping the host gateway address or another host on the same network: To determine communication over the local network Ping a host on a remote network: Test device default gateway and beyond

Challenge Questions and Activities

1. What are the reserved and special IPv4 addresses, and how are they used? The reserved and special IPv4 addresses are Multicast addresses: Reserved for special purposes is the IPv4 multicast address range to Private addresses: The private address blocks are to ( /8) to ( /12) to ( /16) Private space address blocks are set aside for use in private networks. Packets using these addresses as the source or destination should not appear on the public Internet. The router or firewall device at the perimeter of these private networks must block or translate these addresses. Default route: The IPv4 default route is The use of this address reserves all addresses in the to ( /8) address block. 482 Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide

Loopback: The IPv4 loopback address is a reserved address. Addresses to are reserved for loopback, where hosts direct traffic to themselves. Link-local addresses: IPv4 addresses in the address block to ( /16) are designated as link-local addresses. These addresses can be automatically assigned to the local host by the operating system in environments where no IP configuration is available. These might be used in a small peer-to-peer network or for a host that could not automatically obtain an address from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Test-net addresses: The address block to ( /24) is set aside for teaching and learning purposes. These addresses can be used in documentation and network examples. Unlike the experimental addresses, network devices will accept these addresses in their configurations.
2. Why is ICMPv4 an important protocol to have operating with IPv4? What are the ICMP message types?

IPv4 is an unreliable best-effort protocol. ICMPv4 provides a means for network problems such as dropped packets or congestion to be reported to the source network or host. Messages include Host Conformation Unreachable Destination or Service Time Exceeded Route Redirection Source Quench

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