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Flinder Valves and Controls Inc.

Discussion Questions
Note: For this case, you are required to turn in a short (approximately 1 page if doublespaced or 1/2 page if single-spaced) write-up of the case. In this write-up, you should summarize the important facts and issues of the case. Do not copy passages from the case, but instead synthesize the material. You are NOT required to write-up a solution for this case. The following questions are intended to help you focus on the issues that will be discussed. 1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of FVC and RSE? Why should the two companies want to negotiate? 2. What is FVC worth? What are the key value drivers? 3. What opening price do you think Flinder should offer to sell the company to RSE? At what price should he walk away from the negotiation? How did you estimate those values? 4. Do you recommend that RSE pays in cash or stock? If stock, what exchange ratio do you recommend?

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