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Revolution in Hungary The Synthetic

In the recent months, Hungary has become one of the most notorious place in the world. It was really complex events, and finally in January many politicians was talking about the end of the democracy in Hungary. No question what happened, that wasn't something simple, because if a nation feel the democracy at risk nobody knows what will happen. 23th of December: The Blockade - "Democracy ends in Hungary today"

"Enough" In the 23th of December the members of LMP party (Politics Can Be Different) organized a demonstration in front of the Parliament and formed a human chain. The reason was really simple. They claimed that day the Parliament will accept some laws which undermine the democracy. Later the all members of Socialist Party joint the demonstration - including first of all Ferenc Gyurcsny former Prime Minister. The police have to broken up the demonstration and they took the politicians to the Gyorskocsi Street Prison.

Ferenc Gyurcsny

The deputy leader of Fidesz, Lajos Ksa, dismissed Friday's protest as a "parody, without meaningful content". This demonstration was the first sign, and after this everyone could realized that something will happen in Hungary. Not just because of the democracy, mainly because the positions didn't meet, and we can call Hungary a barrels of gunpowder. The New Higher Education Act - Go to abroad

HOK Demonstration In 23 of Decembre the Parliament accepted the new Higher Education Act. Shortly the supported areas the engineering, the IT and the medical areas. The government wants a radical change in the higher education. In the preferred areas will be state scholarship places, but in the humanities, or in the juristic will be strong contraints, and limited places. Rzsa Hoffman (Secretary of State for Education of the Ministry of National Resources) and the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn absolute confident about the new Higher Education Act, because in our opinion the country can develop if they prefer the previous areas. Sounds good, but they must never forget that a country without balance, that's never can find the way of development. The National Student Union organized a demonstration on 27th of October where the thousands of students expressed their displeasure.

"Roses" in the air

"Not only shouting can be loud" - Many people in addition to the government

The Peace Rally "We won't be colony!" This was the slogan of the Peace Rally for Hungary. Around 100000 people were going from the Heroes' Square to the Parliament. This sympathy protest indicated that still lots of people support the government, and the situation more complex and more complicated than we believed. One word describes the country: the division. Many people fear about a possible revolution and a total economic collapse, what is now absolutely imaginable. That is why this rally has a huge relevance and right now only the peace and the collaboration can help Hungary in this crisis. Another disaster - Financial Collapse of MALV

Now another huge problem in the country is the MALV. After 66 years on 3rd of February at 6:00 the company published an announcement in their website about the outage.

"Despite its best interests the owner can no longer provide financial resources for the operation of the airline in the wake of the condemning decision of the European Commission" the statement said. In Spain happened the same in the very same week, and the European Commission decided if they want to save the European airlines, they have to do something, and maybe this is because they didn't let the Hungarian government or another company help to the MALV. It's something like a bad example for everybody, maybe yes, but with this they deprived a lot of people from their job and terminated an important company. The airplanes are already in Ireland, in the site. One of the Hungarian pilots who had to fly back with the planes to Ireland wrote an article about the journey, and he wrote everybody was crying when they realized that thay have to let these "birds" there. It shows something significant ended. But there is no new beginning without end.

The "Birds"

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