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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"


"The no hunger diet bread" I think you will like this recipe very much. I personally bake it all the time.

This is Justin Wizard's unique and fabulous

Justin's HUNZA DIET BREAD 1 1/4 cup flour* 1 teaspoon non aluminum baking powder 3 eggs, well beaten. (Can you get bright orange yolks fresh farm eggs?) (No eggs? Try or 2-3 Tbs freshly ground flax seeds) 1 cup pitted chopped dates soaked in 1/4 cup hot water. This makes them softer (Much cheaper date source below) 1 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped. In a bowl thoroughly whisk the eggs. Add the flour and baking powder and mix with a whisk. Mix the chopped dates with water and nuts into above mixture. Wasn't that fast and easy?

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

Pour the ingredients into a lightly greased 8x8x2 inch loaf pan. Bake at 250 degrees for 40 minutes. Do not overcook. It should stay moist. It doesn't have yeast so will not rise or cause yeast health problems. Bonus ingredients to experiment with: Try adding fresh grated orange or lemon peel. You can also add coconut or crushed pineapple. Add chopped dehydrated apricots. I have fun making it a little different each week. If you don't have fresh ground flour many types and flavors work fine. As long as it not nasty bleached white flour you're OK. You don't have to email if you can use rye or buckwheat or even ground up oatmeal. Use what sounds good to you. Also you don't need to ask me how thick to slice the bread or what is proper. Just take a slice or tear off a chunk. As your body trusts the new health you are putting in you will need less to feel full. Notice no sugar is added! Some other free Hunza recipes have 16 oz of three different sweeteners and still don't taste very good.

To get dates you can buy them locally in little packages just to get you started. Buying bulk is so much cheaper:

Cheapest source for chopped dates: Country Life Natural Foods. Request their catalog of many all natural bulk foods. (800) 456-7694. You can get raw grains, flours and stevia, the all natural; sweetener from them. Also they offer non aluminum baking powder. Non aluminum baking powder $1.75 (Item 301074 page 52) Date dices in oat flour 5 lbs for about $7.45 + shipping. (Item # 040523. Page 12.) They also have stevia, the all natural sweetener 2oz for $6.50 (item 210043 page 34) that will last a long time. 1 tsp = 1 cup sugar in your other recipes. My Hunza recipe needs no extra sweetener. To prevent infestations by weevils, I put the dates pieces in glass pint and quart jars then vacuum seal them to stay fresh longer. If you get some bugs (They won't kill you! They are just guaranteeing that the dates are fit to eat!) Just rinse in a pasta colander with hot water.

* If you can grind your own grains (wheat, buckwheat, oats, oatmeal, barley, spelt, triticale, sorghum, quinoa, amaranth and rye among others) you get lots of wonderful essential minerals such phosphorous, potassium, iron, calcium, manganese and other minerals, as nothing has been destroyed in the preparation of the grain. Store live grains seeds in the refrigerator or cool place. I get dry grains and grind quickly in a Vitamixer. Many other grinders are available. Fresh warm grain smells so good. If you can do fresh ground grains do it! you can get inexpensive grain mills on Ebay for under $50) I got an extra Vitamix at a yard sale for $12. Fresh grounds grains make a wonderful bread. Even mix 50/50 if you want.

You can sprout your grains for super enzyme fresh bread. Put in a seed sprouter and keep moist and warm for a day or two then grind.

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

The above is some sprouted spelt and wheat grains.

I took the above sprouted and put them through the SAMSON 6 IN 1 GB 9001 JUICER-FOOD PROCESSOR-GRAIN MILL. The above processor works the easiest for us - fast setup, quick to clean, lower cost to buy. (Look on Ebay for units for sale under $239)

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

Our bread is tasty, sweet and wonderful. Go tear off a piece and enjoy!

FARM SECRET: The reason folks could eat wheat before and not now without suffering from allergies is that it is processed and harvested differently now. In the old days they cut the wheat and it lay in the field a few days amongst the dew and gently pre-sprouted, then they gathered it and collected the wheat seed. Now they cut and package it within a few hours.

To keep nuts fresher put in glass pint jars with screw on plastic lids (available at WalMart) and keep in the refrigerator. The finished Hunza Diet Bread loaf will be about 3/4" high in an 8x8 pan. (It doesn't rise) Remove the bread from pan and let cool. Slice and enjoy. I cut into - 3/4" slices. Cover to help keep fresher longer. I have some people saying they can get the Hunza bread recipe for free but they get a boring, unsavory gritty recipe that uses lots of millet, sugar and sweeteners. Most of these people have never even made the recipe they give out. I make my recipe almost every week for the last 10 years. This is why I get so many happy emails. If you make it, tell me your story! I think you will be amazed that it is so smooth, sweet and appealing. No sugar. No yeast. No chemicals. No harmful ingredients. Fast and easy to make. Since the Hunza Bread is so easy to prepare keep the recipe small so you can make it often, so that it is always fresh even though you will find that this bread stays fresh for a long time. Take it on trips for a good snack. You can lose weight effectively with the HUNZA "no hunger" BREAD Be generous with each slice for the first week or two. Drink a full glass of water before eating the bread. As your appetite abates you will automatically make the slices thinner. Eat one slice every four hours of the 16 hours you're awake. This is the fastest way to lose weight I know of. It works faster than any high protein diet. Why? You have more energy and burn more calories. Second, the high fiber bread keeps your digestive system regular. Third, your body stays healthy. A healthy body means a properly functioning metabolic system. Also when going into town or going to a long event keep a few pieces of this bread with you to keep from "starving" binges. Hint: Eat a slice of HUNZA DIET BREAD 20 minutes before you eat your regular meal. When we do this we eat only a fraction of what
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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

we would normally eat. You will feel better and look better after you start eating this bread. We hope you enjoy this delicious and healthful bread and that it helps you to achieve your objectives.

Eating healthy, drinking pure water can keep you illness and pain free for the rest of your life. Justin was terminally ill in 1992 and after removing stress, using healthy food, water and rife machine treatments now feels ageless and runs marathons for fun. Justin's cancer story Click People seem to like what they find on his website! More JW pics and life philosophy Extra! I don't just sell recipes. I make these recipes every week to maintain my excellent health at over age 56. I eat them. I give them out as gifts - so much kinder than a piece of chocolate cake. The reason I get more orders than all the other info places combined is I offer more and keep adding more.

Helpful hints, lose weight and optimum health ideas

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

1. Go to the grocery store. See what others are putting in their basket. If you eat what they eat, you will look like they look. Scary, huh? 2. Clear out all the junk food, dried, fried and dead chips, sodas and cookies out of your house. Remove all temptation. 3. Have containers with healthy snacks (Hunza bread?) ready and easy to eat. Pieces of well rinsed celery cut into thin pieces is very effective for nervous energy snacking. have an apple before a meal. They are a negative calorie snack that use up more calories than they bring in. 4. Schedule ahead what you are going to be eating. Don't decide at 5pm. Don't eat by momentary impulse. Shop one time a week with menus in hand. It's now fun to look forward to favorite meals not a defrosted last-minute cardboard pizza. 5. Fast one day a week (Monday?) Just drink lots of pure water or the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) "Draino" drink mentioned further on. Watch how light you feel. Lose some weigh and that nagging back problem may go away all by itself. 6. Get your metabolism up so you burn calories faster. You can buy a little bounce trampoline that is compact and very good. Just bouncing for 2 minutes makes a big difference. I do it 4 times a day. 7. Go for a walk every day. Breathe deep. Notice, with gratitude all that is beautiful around you. Do you get tempted to go to buffets or big dinners out? (My big problem) Try all natural fat blocker pills to absorb the fat molecules. (Better than all the fat intake). Have a piece of Hunza bread before you start. 8. Stop drinking pasteurized milk as it is not good for you. It causes mucus, allergies, weight gain, encourages cancer cells and many health problems. No other animal drinks milk after weaning. 9. Do you eat from boredom, loneliness or stress? Is eating the only pleasure in your life? What could fix that? How could you make your life bigger and more exciting? What would you like to be known for? 10. Keep a journal of what you eat, what time and how much. You will be surprised! What time of day is your willpower the weakest? (For me it's 5pm) Have something ready that is good for you. A glass of water and a piece of Hunza bread has saved the day for me many times. 11. Put out a fixed portion before you sit down to eat. Put all the rest away to prevents seconds and thirds... then might as finish it all as there's only a little left... 12. When you think you are hungry try drinking a glass of warm water. Also give your impulses and cravings a moment to fade away. They are just whims you don't have to take. Be in charge of your mind. Tell that negative voice to knock it off and go bug somebody else. 13. What to do when your mind is suggesting you eat things you know you shouldn't. I get a big loose rubber band and put it on my wrist. When the impulse comes I snap it hard. 14. You have two voices in your head. One that tries to help you towards your fondest dreams and one that tries to undermine every good thing you are doing with what sound like sensible hints. Pay attention to the choices being offered and if they will help or hurt your progress. Interesting huh? I even write down the negative suggestions. "Go ahead and eat the last 3 brownies so they won't be around to tempt you." I'm on to you voice #2! 15. Use white stevia powder from the health food store for adding healthy sweetness to your food. A bottle lasts a long time! 1 tsp replaces a cup of regular sugar. For instant lemonade squeeze a fresh lemon and add a sprinkle of stevia for some healthy lemonade. You can put it in your cereal, oatmeal and desserts. 16. Grind 2 tablespoons of flax seed a day and put into your oatmeal or salads. I put oil and vinegar dressing in a blender with flax seeds for a thicker, creamier, more appealing dressing. This keeps your whole insides moist and supple. Aah! 17. Have you tried making homegrown sprouts from seeds? They are cheap, the healthiest and fresh. Eat as much raw as you can to get the vital enzymes your body needs. Broccoli sprouts are the best. You can even put them in a blender for an instant drink. 18. To eat more raw foods try changing the shape with a hand shredder or a food processor. Make wonderful salads with shredded zucchini, carrots, chopped apples, grated flax seed, soaked raisins or veggie baco-bits.
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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

19. The most important hint- drink lots more pure water. Fill a gallon container and see if you can drink half your weight in ounces of water each day. You will feel better, avoid constipation, have softer skin. This alone will resolve many illnesses. For the best water make your own filtered super alkalized water (that's all I drink now) Get educated CLICK


Go to a health food store and buy a bottle of natural apple cider vinegar (Braggs?) and honey. Do not buy the junk from the grocery store. Mix 2+ teaspoons of ACV into a glass of almost hot water. Measure in 2+ teaspoons of honey and stir. (optional: a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper) Drink 1 hour before each meal for amazing results. I have gotten letters from people doing this drink easily 3 times a day and lost many pounds in the very first week. It is good to continue drinking it as it flushes out fat and crud from your arteries like Draino. You will feel clean and refreshed inside. You may be able to prevent the need of a bypass surgery by having cleaned out your own arteries. This very effectively lowers blood pressure and cholesterol too as you are opening up the arteries. Exercise: It is good to try some kind of exercise daily. You don't have to go to the gym but try to at least go for a walk everyday. Get out and get moving- use your legs for what they were meant to do. Health benefits: Feel better, lose weight smoothly and look younger. What more could you want from such a low cost remedy? I have gotten many positive responses to this diet.


This is a soy version of the famous and secret



All healthy ingredients work wonders 1C. Low-fat vanilla soy or rice milk 1C. orange juice 1C. cranberry juice 1C. yogurt w/active cultures 1/4 tsp. wheat-germ oil or 2T. wheat germ 1/4 tsp. flaxseed oil Put in blender and sip throughout the day, along with plenty of water for 2 days. Sip this drink throughout the day making it last for 2 days.

Want some bread, but none in the house? Here's how to make some fresh in a few minutes. HUNZA STONE GROUND CHAPATTI FLAT BREAD Typical Hunza Bread is made fresh each day from stone ground grains, primarily, wheat, barley, buckwheat and millet. These delicious flat unleavened breads are an important part of a


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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

nutritious diet of grains, fruits, dried fruits, and veggies. 2 cups of fresh ground whole wheat flour, or mix of flours tsp vegetable salt or iodized sea salt Water

Blend flour and salts together. Stir in just enough water to make a very stiff dough. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic. Cover with a wet cloth, set aside for 30 minutes. Break dough into one inch balls. Roll into very thin rounds, about 5 inches in diameter. (or use a tortilla press) Bake for a few minutes on a hot lightly greased griddle over a low heat. Turn often.

(And you thought this might be a 10 line emailed recipe??) I love and appreciate all my customers



Justin Wizard is an avid Hunza researcher and gives talks about their healthy lifestyle to groups and organizations Major-General Sir Robert McCarrison was the personal physician to British King George V. He was sent on a four year mission to the Gilgit Agency of Hunza in what is now eastern Pakistan - to learn the reasons for the legendary health and longevity of the Hunza people. Part of his efforts included feeding experiments of more than 1,200 rats: "Rats that ate the diets of Pathans and Sikhs increased their body weight much faster and were much healthier than those ingesting the daily fares of neighboring peoples such as the Kanarese or the Bengalis. Even more extraordinary, when his rats were fed the same diet as that of the Hunzas, a diet limited to locally produced grain, chapitas, vegetables, fruits, and unpasteurized goats milk and butter, the rodents appeared to McCarrison to be the healthiest ever raised in his laboratory. They grew rapidly, never seemed to be ill, mated with endless enthusiasm, and had healthy birth defect-free offspring. "Autopsies showed nothing whatsoever wrong with their organs. Throughout their life times these rats were gentle and affectionate, and playful. Other rats contracted precisely the disease of the people whose diets they were fed, and even seemed to adopt certain of the
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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

human's nastier behavioral characteristics. "Illnesses revealed at autopsy in rats fed the British diet filled a whole page for each rat. All parts of the rats' bodies - the skin, hair, blood, ovaries, and womb - and all their systems - respiratory, urinary, digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular - were afflicted. Many of the rats, snarling and vicious ("Bad Seeds"), had to be kept apart if they were not to tear each other to bits!!!" We must point out that the Hunza have no jails or criminals or drug related problems of any kind. Disputes are usually over water rights or on rare occasion over a woman. Differences are settled quickly by the tribal elders and the worst punishment ever meted out is that of banishment from the Hunza Valley. The pass into Hunza is 13,700 foot high and is only passable during the three summer months...The indigenous plant life of the Hunza Valley was rather limited. Ninety-nine percent of the original valley was bare rock. Cultivated plants included barley, millet, wheat, buckwheat, potatoes, turnips, carrots, beans, peas, pumpkins, tomatoes, melons, onions, garlic, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, apricots, mulberries, walnuts, apples, plums, peaches, cherries and pears. Pomegranate trees are scattered throughout the valley. They consume milk, buttermilk, yogurt and butter (which they put in their tea and use as a cooking shortening). A large variety of indigenous wildlife (i.e. - ibex or "markhors", Marco Polo sheep, geese, ducks, pheasants and partridge) provided the early Hunza with meat. The Hunza does not cook the majority of their food because of a lack of fuel (even the animal manure is added back to their fields). The Hunza salt supply is mined from hills near the Shimshal and Muztagh Rivers and used in their tea and for cooking in its raw brown state (the color comes from trace minerals included in the salt deposit when the ancient seas dried up).

The 14 Hunza Practice

1) Basic diet is grains (whole grain and sprouted), vegetables (raw or steamed), fruits (fruits are dried and reconstituted in water or diced and served in gelatin (goat and mutton tendon and cartilage). Meat at 2 to 4 pounds per week (i.e. - mutton, goat, yak, beef, poultry, brain, kidney, liver, etc.) is eaten as available; dairy (i.e. - whole milk, soured milk, yogurt, cheese and butter) is a staple. Grape wine known as Pani is consumed daily. 2) Their farm soils are maintained by organic agricultural practices, "That which is taken from the soil is returned to the soil." Composting, plant debris and animal manure is turned back into the soil. There is no waste. 3) All Hunzas work seven days each week (work never killed anyone) - to them there is no Sabbath. They work 12 hours each day. 4) Fat sources include whole milk, butter, ghee, apricot oil and animal fats. 5) Total absence of additives, preservatives or chemicals in their air, food and water. 6) Daily consumption of salt by adding chunks of rock salts to their tea and in cooking vegetables and meat. 7) No agricultural sprays or chemicals of any kind. 8) All children are breast-fed for 2 (girls) to 4 (boys) years (no vaccinations or antibiotics; no birth defects recorded in the 2,300 year Hunza history). 9) All grains. vegetables and fruits dried for storage have been exposed to the sun. 10) Native herbs are used for medicine, seasoning and as food (salads). 11) "Glacial milk" is the exclusive water source used for drinking and irrigation purposes (the fields are flooded, when the water soaks into the soil a thick layer of mineral silt or "rock flour" is left on top of the soil - this silt is plowed into the soil before it is planted). 12) Apricot oil is used for cooking along with ghee (clarified butter) and animal fat (tallow).

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

13) Whole grains are used exclusively - no processed flours. 14) The Hunza eats a meager fare each day usually around 1,800 to 2,000 calories. ...The average annual precipitation in Hunza is less than two inches...The Hunza Valley was originally bare rock, the soil only being carried basket by basket up the 3,000 foot gorge walls and placed in had crafted stone terraces. This soil is continuously replaced by hand from the bed of the Hunza River 3,000 feet below...Then there was the problem of water...a year round source of water roaring from under the Ultar Glacier 50 miles away; the Ultar Glacier originates on the 25,550 foot high Mount Rakaposhi. They were able to design and construct a gravity propelled aqueduct which carried water for drinking and irrigation. The aqueduct was a wonder of engineering as it is made from grooved logs attached together to form a 50 mile long trough which was hung from the sheer cliffs by steel nails hammered into the rock walls. The water originating from under the millions of tons of ice grinding on the parent rock of Mount Rakaposhi was so rich with minerals that it was a bluish white - so white that the original peoples called it "Glacial Milk." For generation after generation, crop after crop and year after year for more than 2,300 years the Hunza people have drunk and irrigated their terraced fields with "Glacial Milk," unwittingly assuring their people of an optimal intake of the more than 60 minerals in the "Glacial Milk" of the Ultar Glacier.

More interesting facts: The Hunza people are very kind, generous and unselfish. Even though they have little food they gladly share with visitors at no cost: "Food is given by God to share - not to sell!" Getting there involved going by old heavily laden jeeps around breath taking, steep, high mountain passes for some 60 miles with roads barely as wide as the jeep. They traveled with many assistants to clear the frequent rock slides and washed out roadways. And this is after a plane flight in an old plane flying through narrow canyons with no space to turn around or try a second time. There are no banks in Hunza. There are no taxes, fees, licenses or duties. Money as such is of no importance. They have no stores to shop in and land cannot be bought or sold. It is inherited and must remain in the family. As a rule no one owns more than 5 acres of land, enough for one family to take care of. There is no money and no poverty. Education is free to all. Food is often scarce, but no one starves. The greatest gift is their health - no illness, no cancer, no diabetes. If something happens to a villager, all the neighbors stand by to offer a helping hand. They are the happiest people in the world. They have just enough of everything, but not enough to make anyone else want to take it away. They are "the happy land of just enough." There is no juvenile delinquency. Hunza children are taught to obey from the very start Discipline is a natural thing and respect for age and property. In Hunza you never hear a mother scolding, bribing or begging her children or threatening them. The children learn responsibility at about the time they learn to crawl. Every Hunza child is well adjusted and happy because he is trusted and knows the meaning of responsibility. The parents encourage the children to develop initiative, individuality and the qualities of leadership. In Hunza, children are encouraged to be seen and heard. Western parents let the children rule the household telling their parents what to do or get for them. The parents don't teach skills and values, they are the servants and taxi drivers. The kids have no respect and have low self esteem and self worth. They have no significant helping responsibilities and have no value in the household. Parents are afraid to administer disciple for fear of losing their child's love. All this misguided perception achieves is that the child inevitably loses respect for his parents and develops an overgrown sense of authority and importance. In short, he will strut around like Little Caesar, 'telling his parents to shut up,' mind your own business,' and the like.

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

For romance there is no courtship in Hunza, but there is virtually no divorce either. Evidently the parents make good choices. The parents bring the groom to meet the bride on the wedding day. In Hunza the Mir performs a mass wedding ceremony. One day in the first week in December is chosen for the occasion. The grooms mother spends the honeymoon with the newlyweds acting as guide and teacher, as marriage is too important to be left to chance. Work in Hunza begin at an early hour, five o'clock, but with no kerosene or candles they retire the moment it grows dark. Two meals are served each day. At about noon the first meal is enjoyed. Food is part of their existence and they eat it for health, not just for taste or entertainment, although the selection is quite appealing. Meals are not large and the menus do not often vary, but perhaps this is one of the keys to their extra ordinary health, as their stomachs are not constantly being over crammed with too many energy draining foods. The mainstay of the Hunza diet is the chapatti. They are made fresh daily from stone ground grains and full of nourishing elements. In Hunza a man's age has nothing to do with the calendar. Age is simply the ripening of body and mind. The more he has accomplished, the more wisdom he has acquired, then the greater is his ripeness and value. There the young envy the old, who get admiration and respect. Hunza's divide their life into three periods: the young years, the middle years and the rich years. The people there keeps active until the day they die and does not think about growing old. They don't retire. The idleness of retirement is a much greater enemy to life than work. One must never retire from' something, but to' something. Their people continue to work by choice. In America senior lose their feeling of belonging or being needed by being placed (dumped?) in a "rest home," away from all contact with functioning society. They wait there to die with no purpose, no goals, no one that needs them and no urgent worthwhile projects to work on. Somewhere in the rush of civilization, man acquired the notion that he must accumulate more possessions by working harder and putting in longer hours. In the process of doing so, man lost the ability to replenish his inner power, and consequently he undergoes great strain, which is wearing out his bodily strength and resistance. Then we feed our body an over supply of food lacking in nourishment. We have no time to sit and relax for a few minutes or be silent. We have no time to take a daily walk or exercise. Nervous tension shortens so many lives that dying at 55 is not a shock anymore. Parents are attending their children's funerals. The Hunza's have learn the art of relaxation while they work and play, they have peace of mind and enjoy a long healthy life. If you ask a Hunzakut how old he is he may reply " my age is none of my business." "The number of years we live is unimportant, the quality of life is what counts." Aging is the deterioration of enthusiasm, faith to live, the will to progress and the lack of something worthwhile to do. As you grow older you shouldn't have to feel worse or weigh more. Unfortunately, in the last few years more outsiders have come to Hunza, with more open trade access, bringing the food and ways of the outside work. Formerly unheard of illnesses are now showing up with more frequency. May they be fondly remembered for being the healthiest people in the world.

Justin Wizard thanks you for your order. Notice: all recipes and information in this package are copyrighted 2007. Please keep in touch with your comments and results. Your notes, additions and comments are welcome. Email:

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Lots of good stuff there plus great stories of what happened to me that shaped my life. Lots of good things on this website with new things be added all the time.

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I do! Here is a company that has automation devices - turn your lights on and off automatically or by remote control. Tired of burglars and intruders? Have a full color, motion sensing X-10 video camera turn on when someone comes by and can record the trespassers on video or phones three numbers if intruders dare come in. Super low cost packages! CLICK

14. Asset Protection Trusts

Back by popular demand: Justin creates wonderful detailed trusts. Don't let the bad guys swipe your money and assets. Read his wild story how he got into this. CLICK

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"Justin's HUNZA, no hunger diet bread"

Justin's dog Rocky and cat, Piewacket One day I will create a DVD with lots of color pictures and stories of what goes on at this farm. If interested let me know.

file:///C|/aceguru/ebooks/Hunza2009/index.htm (14 of 14) [1/18/2009 4:55:38 PM]

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