Strategies, Guidelines, and Education To Run Sap and Sap Businessobjects On Mobile Devices

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Strategies, guidelines, and education to run SAP and SAP BusinessObjects on mobile devices

Learn from the mobile strategies and practices of other SAP and SAP BusinessObjects customers Previews of new mobile technology innovations and guidelines for leveraging: BlackBerry Apple and other mobile devices Best practices for mobile SAP reports, BI, and analytics Integration and application development techniques Comprehensive education on Sybase Unwired Platform Guidelines for mobile security, architecture, and ongoing management Education to mobilize SAP workflows and approvals Dedicated instruction on mobile SAP CRM

Register by Feb. 26 and SAVE $100

Join us
Enabling employees to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently is a constant challenge for todays information technology organizations. And in a world where Google, social networking, and mobile computing set the standards for how individuals access and use information, the challenges are greatly compounded. Fortunately there have been significant advancements in both software solutions and cloud offerings new ways of solving old problems, as well as meeting the demands of a faster and more competitive business landscape. At the co-located Mobile 2012, BI 2012, Administration & Infrastructure 2012, and Cloud & Virtualization 2012 events, you will be able to explore new and enhanced SAP solutions that not only help you drive operational improvements, but also to better support company strategy. Youll see firsthand many of the exciting solutions coming from SAP today: how SAP is making it faster and easier than ever for employees to leverage mobile devices in their daily business, how SAP Business Analytics enable visual and intuitive data searches that leverage every drop of insight and productivity out of data to achieve better performance, and how you can effectively and securely store, manage, and search massive amounts of data in both on-premise and virtual environments. Thank you for joining us at this SAPinsider event in Las Vegas to experience this and so much more. In addition to hearing from SAP, youll have the opportunity to learn how your peers are using SAP to impact their businesses and gain a competitive edge. Welcome to Vegas! Sincerely,

Steve Lucas
General Manager, SAP Business Analytics

Jumpstart Day
Monday, February 27
8:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Registration opens Morning Jumpstart sessions Lunch Afternoon Jumpstart sessions Registration closes 2:45 pm 4:15 pm 5:30 pm 11:45 am 1:15 pm

Conference, February 28 March 2

Tuesday, February 28
7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am Registration opens General assembly Educational sessions Lunch Educational sessions Educational sessions Educational sessions Welcome reception Ask-the-Experts 11:30 am 1:00 pm 2:45 pm 4:15 pm 5:30 pm

Wednesday, February 29
7:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am Registration opens Educational sessions Educational sessions Lunch Educational sessions Educational sessions Educational sessions Cocktail reception Ask-the-Experts

Thursday, March 1
7:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am 11:45 am 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:15 pm Registration opens Educational sessions Educational sessions Educational sessions Lunch Educational sessions Educational sessions Sessions conclude

Friday, March 2
7:30 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 12:45 pm Registration opens Educational sessions Educational sessions Educational sessions Conference concludes

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Jumpstart Day Monday, February 27

Pre-conference foundational, orientation, and networking sessions

Mobile technology innovations and updates Orientation sessions Enhanced networking activities, including a special networking lunch and a post-session meet-and-greet Intensive, half-day educational workshops for organizations that are evaluating and just getting started with mobile SAP initiatives

Conference February 28 March 2 8 comprehensive tracks

Track 1.

Mobile strategies, policies, and investment decisions

Page 7

Track 2.

Mobile workflows and approvals for greater productivity

Page 10

Track 3.

Mobile sales and field service

Page 11

Track 4.

Mobile business intelligence (BI)

Page 12

Track 5.

Mobilizing SAP applications on Apple devices

Page 14

Track 6.

Mobilizing SAP applications on BlackBerry devices

Page 15

Track 7.

Designing, deploying, and integrating SAP mobile applications

Page 16

Track 8.

Mobile device management and security

Page 18

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Educational and networking opportunities

More than 100 educational sessions and forums
Expand your skills and knowledge by learning from the top experts at SAP, independent consultants, and your industry counterparts.

Jumpstart Day
Take advantage of comprehensive workshops to build skills and increase your SAP mobile IQ. Obtain best practices and hear the latest product updates. Attend introductory sessions if youre new to SAP and Sybase mobile technology. A comprehensive guide to evaluating and getting started with SAP and Sybase solutions for mobility A detailed guide to conducting a mobility assessment: A critical first step before beginning your mobile project

Sit down with leading experts and get detailed answers to your toughest questions. Draw on the realworld experiences of the industrys most knowledgeable experts to gain valuable insights and take home lessons you can put to use immediately upon your return to the office.

Customer-led case studies

Take away best practices and methodologies taught by the companies that practice them. Learn from highly experienced SAP and Sybase customers to solidify your own strategies and tactics.

Interactive discussion forums

Hear about your peers projects, challenges, and ongoing initiatives during forums facilitated by an expert moderator.

Extensive networking opportunities

Interact with the best and the brightest minds working with SAP and Sybase software. Build a lasting network of peers and meet with leading product and service vendors.

Mobile technologies expo

See demonstrations and hear directly from SAP and leading vendors about mobile innovations and their impact on SAP applications you want to extend, develop, or introduce to your employees and customers.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Jumpstart Day
Join us for Jumpstart Day Monday, February 27
Special three-hour sessions that enable you to:
Fortify your understanding of critical SAP technologies and solutions Explore new trends and strategies Enhance your learning experience at the main conference

By registering for Jumpstart Day, you can:

Attend any sessions of interest to you Benefit from expert-led instruction, demos, guidelines, and dedicated question-and-answer time Receive exclusive take-home materials from all presentations Gain online access to the session slides Participate in a networking lunch with other attendees

Jumpstart Day Sessions

Monday, February 27

Morning session 9:00 am 12:00 pm

A comprehensive guide to evaluating and getting started with SAP and Sybase solutions for mobility Page 6

Lunch 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Afternoon session 2:00 pm 5:00 pm

A detailed guide to conducting a mobility assessment: A critical first step before beginning your SAP mobile project Page 6

Jumpstart Day continued on next page

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Jumpstart Day
Morning Session 9:00 am 12:00 pm
A comprehensive guide to evaluating and getting started with SAP and Sybase solutions for mobility
Donald Coop and Paul Horan, SAP This session provides a comprehensive introduction to the SAP and Sybase solutions designed to meet a businesss mobility needs, ranging from accessing email and workflows on a smartphone to integrating data collected during sales and service calls into an SAP system. In this session you will: Step through the options for accessing SAP data and applications on mobile devices Get a guided tour of the different SAP and Sybase mobility solutions Understand how these solutions integrate into your existing SAP landscape Find out how to use the Sybase Unwired Platform to support Windows Mobile, Windows laptops/tablets, BlackBerry, and iPhone devices with native clients Assess the mobile security and device management capabilities of Afaria Learn how to manage mobile infrastructures while minimizing user downtime and optimizing bandwidth Discover how to leverage SAPs flexible, open infrastructure to strategically respond to rapidly-changing device types and evolving data sources

Afternoon Session 2:00 pm 5:00 pm

A detailed guide to conducting a mobility assessment: A critical first step before beginning your SAP mobile project
Jim Cameron, ExpertIG This detailed three-hour session delves into the skills, training, architectural, and technical considerations that must be carefully assessed before deploying SAP applications on mobile devices. Delve into the diverse set of technical and business skills required to plan, design, develop, roll out, and manage an SAP mobile solution Gain an understanding of when and how to involve the business especially business process experts in your SAP mobile design and deployment Step through a process for conducting a mobile skills gap analysis of your workforce Assess the best options for getting your existing team up to speed on mobility skills and when external resources may be necessary Explore all aspects of the mobile architecture, including SAP application connectivity, mobile middleware requirements, and device deployment and management Gather best practices for navigating the three critical steps required to architect an SAP mobility solution: Blueprinting the infrastructure Deciding what components of the infrastructure will be developed and managed internally or via cloud or a hosted service Setting preferences and guidelines for choosing middleware and devices

Walk through strategies for supporting native device capabilities Get key considerations for developing cross-platform applications Find out what tools are available to help you monitor, enforce, and secure your mobile assets Exclusive take-home resources: Technology checklists to use when selecting devices and middleware, sample mobile architecture maps, sample job description templates, and staging plans that can be adapted to your companys needs.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 1

Mobile strategies, policies, and investment decisions

Building your enterprise mobile strategy in an environment of constant change
Adolf Allesch, IBM Learn how trends, such as rapid innovation of mobile platforms and greater consumer usability and choice, directly impact initiatives to mobilize SAP and other enterprise applications. Hear how mobility impacts IT organizations that support SAP environments. Walk through the nine components and decision criteria employed by leading experts to plot a companys mobile strategy. Explore the key considerations SAP customers are now assessing as they develop and formalize their mobile strategies such as user engagement, business process management, hardware, middleware, security, integration, staffing, and training. Delve into lessons designed to help you avoid critical missteps that often occur when moving from ad hoc, fragmented use of mobile technology to a formal mobile strategy. Know the pros and cons of standardizing on a single mobile device versus allowing multiple devices. Assess the skills, funding, and technologies needed to achieve a cohesive mobile strategy. Get expert advice for future proofing your mobile strategy so that it is less vulnerable to rapid change. Take home a Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP) evaluation criteria and vendor assessment methodology.

Best practices for deploying a bring your own mobile device model within your organization
Milja Gillespie and Alex Guitman, SAP With the proliferation of mobile devices, more employees than ever are demanding or individually purchasing their own devices, while expecting that the IT department will manage and integrate those devices with back-end enterprise systems. This session is designed to help companies enact effective policies and governance strategies around mobile device usage. IT teams will learn to navigate some of the unique challenges inherent in a climate where enterprise IT is now more consumerized. Learn how to evaluate and select mobile devices for your company, including how much input to allow employees in the process. Find out how to analyze and understand employee preferences, inventory which devices have already been purchased, and then factor this information into your mobile decisions. Assess some of the pros (user acceptance and productivity) and cons (lack of standardization and asset control) of a bring your own device strategy. Get best practices to clearly communicate to users which personal devices are allowed or not, how they may or may not be used in a business setting and why, and clarify what actions IT will take and under which circumstances if policies are violated. Leave this session with a full action plan for deploying a successful bring your own device strategy.

Making a compelling business case for mobility: Lessons for proving high ROI and low total cost of ownership (TCO)
Adolf Allesch, IBM Learn to create a business case for mobility that balances implementation effort and resources with cost-saving and revenue-generating opportunities. Examine the 10 key mobile design principles that drive ROI, and learn to define a mobile ROI framework for your business. Get guidelines for estimating and preparing for the true cost of mobile ownership and for calculating when and how you will realize the return on your investment. Walk through a four-step process to determine where mobile applications will and will not deliver anticipated returns. Gain expert dos and donts for developing an enterprise-wide deployment strategy aimed at maximizing value and minimizing costs. Learn how to define the key performance indicators (KPIs) required to make the business case for mobility specific to your organizations mobile effort. Take home a mobile ROI framework, recent results from cross-industry surveys on mobility and a list of the most commonly used SAP transactions for mobile.

Track 1 continued on next page

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 1: Mobile strategies, policies, and investment decisions

A leading analyst presents 10 business reasons to consider taking your SAP applications mobile
Kevin Benedict, Netcentric Strategies LLC One of the best-known analysts on enterprise mobility offers his insight into how mobile technology can be leveraged to drive 10 significant business improvements. Understand how mobile technologies, combined with new mobile strategy tactics, can be jointly leveraged to support a companys need to gain quick access to important business data residing in its SAP and other back-end systems. Assess employee productivity gains that could be realized as SAP system tasks and transactions are mobilized. Learn how improved asset and workforce tracking, business process improvements, readily-available KPIs and alerts, dynamic real-time scheduling, and integrated end-to-end back office systems will provide your organization with the resources it needs to make more informed decisions, drive unnecessary costs out of operations, and increase operational efficiency.
Panel Discussion

How to properly set SAP user expectations for mobility
Axel Fiedler, PwC Explore effective techniques for grounding user expectations in reality, while providing them with an exceptional experience that is feasible and cost-effective for the business. Learn the best ways to secure user buy-in to your organizations mobility strategy and adherence to mobile policies. Find out how to reset the business expectations of employees who are accustomed to making their own mobile choices in the consumer market. Obtain expert advice on the best ways to involve end users in your initial mobile project plans, as their input has a direct impact on employee productivity levels. Gain insight into ways of satisfying individual end user expectations without building up large-scale costs. Get best practices for governing usage of mobile devices and applications. Explore the pros and cons of various training approaches other organizations have used when mobilizing SAP, and learn to choose which is best suited to your users.

Advice, cautionary tales, and tips for mobile project success in your SAP environment
Axel Fiedler, moderator, PwC Dont miss this unique opportunity to capture the best of all the lessons learned, words of wisdom, and voices of experience about SAP mobility in only 75 minutes! During this panel discussion, leading authorities from SAP and independent experts answer your most challenging questions about tools, techniques, and strategies for ensuring the success of your SAP mobile initiatives and projects. Join us for what will be one of the fastest-moving, most idea-packed panel discussions youve ever experienced! Youll walk away from this session amazed at how quickly the time flew by and best of all, youll have dozens of best-practice ideas that you can put to immediate use on your SAP mobile project.

Tips and tricks to avoid the top 10 challenges faced during an SAP mobility project
Abdi Goodarzi, Deloitte Overcome the biggest challenges, risks, and pitfalls many companies face when building and implementing a mobile strategy. Improve your ability to focus your efforts and mitigate your risks by knowing which components are dramatically impacted by an SAP mobility project, including your current SAP applications and back-end systems. Understand what key challenges you will face when adapting your traditional project approach to mobile projects, such as how to accommodate multiple operating systems and devices. Hear firsthand the key areas of difficulty you will want to focus on when developing your security and mobile governance strategy, such as data privacy and data encryption considerations. Walk through a list of common end user issues and the best way to solve them, including how to more effectively prioritize end-user functionality requests. Identify factors that are most likely to slow your mobile project and incur extra unforeseen costs, including inexperienced consultants, and not tracking the effectiveness of your mobile project, post go-live.

Selecting the right mobile devices for use in an SAP environment: Integration, maintenance, and custom development considerations
Jim Cameron, ExpertIG Explore, in detail, the major mobile devices on the market today and what they offer in terms of usability and integration with SAP systems. Examine the benefits and tradeoffs of accessing SAP applications via these devices. Weigh the pros and cons of two different device strategies including a central device strategy that requires employees to operate on a single device, and a strategy that allows employees to choose their own mobile devices. Assess the effort and resources required to develop or customize applications for mobile devices, and understand the impact this has on device selection. Know when to choose native device support versus cross-platform development. Bolster your understanding of mobile devices for ruggedized applications, global connectivity, and other specialty needs. Explore the integration capabilities between your SAP landscape and individual devices. Step through a comprehensive list of help desk and technical support requirements, and understand what is expected of the company versus the user. Take home a sample survey to determine the current device capability and requirements of your existing users.

Top 10 lessons learned from enterprise-wide mobile projects

Dan Homrich, SmartSoft Attend this session to hear lessons firsthand from the field on how to optimize your SAP mobility project and processes to lower total cost of ownership, and increase the return on investment of your mobile initiative. Learn why failure to fully understand the needs of your users and invest in the user experience can erode any ROI you hoped to gain on your mobile initiative. Gain insight into how to modify standard project methodologies to meet the unique needs of a mobile project. Learn how to leverage packaged applications to address the needs of the greatest number of mobile users in your enterprise while keeping your specific user in mind. Leave this session with a detailed list of the top lessons learned from organizations that have already taken the plunge and rolled out a mobile initiative.

Track 1 continued on next page

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 1: Mobile strategies, policies, and investment decisions

5 key principles for mobile project success
Karan Yadav, SAP In todays mobile market there is a growing demand from employees, managers and executives to leverage mobile technology to access enterprise information and systems. Attend this session for an up-close look at what is driving this trend and the key factors an organization must consider when deciding what to mobilize, and the associated costs. Find out what type of architecture needs to be put into place to support your applications strategy. Determine the most effective methods for ensuring that the benefits outweigh the costs in your implementation. Walk through the key 5 principles to lead your organization to mobilization success. Take home a step- by-step guide for CIOs on how and where to mobilize applications in the enterprise.

5 lessons for managing a cloudbased mobile strategy
Vaidy Iyer, appsFreedom To successfully deploy a cloud-based mobile strategy, organizations have to account for a number of considerations that range from its initial project planning, to security to managing cross platform access. Attend this session as 5 key lessons for managing a cloud-based mobile strategy are revealed. Learn how to define and prioritize your enterprise-wide mobile requirements when implementing a cloud-based versus application based strategy. With employees and customers accessing services, information, and applications on the cloud, find out what implications this will have from both a support standpoint as well a security standpoint. Benefit from the experiences of numerous customer implementations as valuable insights to get the initiative off the ground and on a clear path to success are provided.

Consumerization of IT: How to create a business without boundaries

Fernando Alvarez, Capgemini Through the use of mobile devices, business transactions are now consistently being done outside of a companys place of business in fact, anywhere an employee is. The consumerization of IT is advancing so quickly that 50% of organizations plan to deploy mobile applications by the end of 2011. Soon employees will be able to share core business intelligence and process transactions anywhere in the worldresponding faster than ever to changing market conditions and consumer patterns. Learn what steps youll need to take to provide your organization with a clear vision of its current and future ability to do business via mobile devices. Get tips to orchestrate how your organization licenses, implements, hosts, runs and operates its mobile solutions. Examine new ways in which you can fully benefit from the emerging opportunities mobility has to offer.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 2


Mobile workflows and approvals for greater productivity

2012 guide to mobile workflow and alert functionality from SAP
Dharini Ramakrishnan, Sybase Find out how to leverage SAP mobile applications to streamline frequent business processes, such as workflow items and alerts, purchase requests, and the recording and tracking of quality issues. Learn what functionality is available to initiate and respond to alerts in near real time, whenever data is needed or when it is produced. Step through a demo that showcases how you can now utilize SAP mobile applications to connect directly to your SAP CRM, SAP ERP, SAP SRM or SAP BusinessObjects governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) system. Learn how these applications have been designed to keep in mind the end users mobile and application experiences, making them easy to find, install, and use. Step through a demo that illustrates how users can utilize SAP mobile applications to provide faster response to customers and partner requests. Leave this session equipped with the ability addressing the needs of the next generation of workforce.

Time management goes mobile: Lessons for tracking, monitoring, and approving time entries
Tony Coyle, Cognizant Learn how to maximize the effectiveness of SAP global time management, attendance workflows, and approval functionality on your organizations mobile devices. Get instruction for setting up mobile self-service functionality to let users enter the time they worked as well as their absences and breaks and allocate the time they worked to any number of relevant projects. Understand how far you can go in modifying standard functionality before having to resort to full-blown custom development, and learn when the latter may be the most effective choice. Learn how to avoid common mistakes made during the project roll out. Get a comprehensive understanding of how to properly use mobile time management and attendance workflow functionality. Obtain advice for providing more convenient tracking, monitoring, record keeping, and evaluation of time data, all via mobile devices.

Lessons for managing SAP workflows and approvals from your BlackBerry smartphone
Winni Hesel, Enowa Consulting Walk through demos and get step-by-step instruction to successfully run your SAP mobile workflows on BlackBerry devices. Hear examples from real-world mobile workflow projects. Find out how to properly connect the SAP mobile workflow application running on the BlackBerry to your back-end SAP system. Get leading practices to provide your organizations users with the ability to view and approve quotations, orders, travel expenses, vacation applications, and vendor evaluations from anywhere. Get key criteria, such as job function and management level, that will help your organization better define which users get workflow access on their BlackBerry versus those that dont. Get innovative tips and tricks to speed up your SAP mobile workflow project without compromising quality.

Speed travel bookings, approvals, and expense processing by deploying SAP Travel OnDemand to mobile devices
Birgit Starmanns, SAP Explore how SAP Travel OnDemand works with mobile technology to enable your employees to manage their business travel from planning and approvals, to streamlined expense receipt processing for faster reimbursements, while giving companies better visibility into travel spend. Find out how employees are guided by corporate travel policies to ensure their trip requests will be quickly approved. Learn how to enable travel bookings. Step through a demo that illustrates how a business traveler can easily submit expense receipts and create an expense report item with a camera-enabled smartphone such as a BlackBerry, to ensure that receipts are not misplaced or lost. Follow the business traveler as a full expense report is created on a tablet device, such as an iPad, for expense report submission on the road that results in faster reimbursements. Learn how to set up important data, such as business traveler, travel policy, and expense type, and credit card data.

Speed payment approvals with mobile workflows linking approving managers, your SAP ERP system, and your bank
Birgit Starmanns, SAP AG With executive staff often traveling, getting approval and sign-off on high value payments can be a source of frustration to accounting departments. Learn how to deploy a simple workflow to the mobile devices your executives carry in order to get faster approvals on outgoing payments. Learn to set up your infrastructure so that approvals submitted via mobile devices are automatically transferred to your SAP ERP system and, consequently, automatically routed to the bank. Inform your users of the necessary actions that need to be taken to confirm or reject outgoing payments using data pulled out of the SAP ERP-based backend system.

Mobilizing your human resource applications

Nathan Henderson, SAP As the boundaries are blurring between work and life, its becoming clearer why mobility is important to HR organizations. SAP increases workforce productivity with a broad set of intuitive, scalable and secure mobile apps that connect everyone in the organization to relevant HR processes on any mobile device. This helps meet your business goals by increasing business productivity and insight. Get tips for engaging the workforce by meeting the needs and expectations of everyone in the organization. Learn how to boost people productivity by connecting your workers to value-generating processes and insight when they need. Increase HR efficiency by expanding the adoption of HR processes and accelerating transactions.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 3


Mobile sales and field service

Introduction to mobile technologies that increase the responsiveness of field service personnel
Anu Agarwal, SAP Step through live demos that illustrate how to use the SAP Field Service and SAP Retail Execution applications to reduce order processing time, respond more quickly to customer calls, and allow merchandisers the ability to deliver a superior in-store experience to customers. Learn how to provide field service engineers with full access to data stored in SAP CRM as well as non-SAP software. Increase customer satisfaction, lower service costs, and boost productivity by accurately meeting your customer service-level agreements. Learn how to increase sales and profitability by providing consumers with a user experience that provides better visibility and conversion on the shop floor. Capture notes directly from the field in order to eliminate costly data entry errors. See firsthand how to more efficiently review upcoming orders, accept or reject service orders, find recently performed orders, and access background information on service orders and order items. Easily assign and manage orders by ensuring any new assignments entered into SAP CRM appear instantly in your field representatives mobile devices.

Case study

Two apps are better than one: CSCs strategy and project plan for simultaneously deploying mobile CRM and BI functionality
Quentin Fisher, CSC Hear CSC candidly share successes, war stories, and lessons learned from its own SAP CRM Mobile Sales and SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI implementation. Learn how CSC designed and rolled out a mobile solution that was tightly integrated with the companys existing CRM and BI processes. Find out which functionality CSC started with and how it dealt with challenges of deploying both mobile applications simultaneously. Gain insight into the benefits CSC has realized, including faster, more accurate data capture, KPIs and reports. Come away with important advice for addressing the unique staffing, skill set, and integration challenges of a multiple mobility apps being implemented at once.

Lessons for deploying SAP CRM Mobile Sales

Axel Fiedler, PwC Learn what functionality SAP and Sybase have made available to view, capture, monitor, and track critical information about prospects, customers, and partners. Step through demos and examples that illustrate how Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM can be leveraged to accelerate customer buying decisions and maximize sales team efficiency. Examine a detailed method to access, create, and modify planned activities using a list function or the native calendar application. View available charts and key reports, such as pipeline analysis, top opportunities, and top sales orders to help your sales force prioritize actions and achieve sales objectives. View a live demonstration that showcases the key capabilities of Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 4


Mobile business intelligence (BI)

Data visualization techniques for tablet-based SAP analytics and dashboards

Jim Cameron, ExpertIG This session provides expert techniques for deploying SAP and SAP BusinessObjects dashboards and other data visualization applications to tablets. Walk through the requirements and considerations that need to be examined before diving into the design of a data visualization interface for a tablet. Learn how tablet features like multi-touch interfaces, GPS sensors, and display capabilities enable you to move beyond charts and graphs and gain access to deeper data visualization capabilities such as adding filters to examine a certain cut of the data. Examine trends in data visualization on the tablet such as online visualizations with which the user can interact. Take home a 15-point checklist for adding data visualization techniques to any mobile dashboard or chart.

How to deploy critical SAP financial reports on the iPad

Winni Hesel, Enowa Consulting This session provides a detailed overview on how to deploy critical SAP financial reports, such as income statements, balance sheets, and annual reports on the iPad. Walk through examples taken from a real-world financial reporting mobile project. Learn the first steps youll need to take, which include performing an assessment to determine what key information your executives and mobile users are looking to access from their iPad. Learn how to successfully set up the pilot project and avoid the most common pitfalls, such as inadequate security provisions and issues surrounding the integration of the iPad with back office systems; for example, setting up connectors to directly access information within your database. Get tips and tricks for integrating your existing business intelligence landscape with your iPad application to provide your team with interactive reports and visualizations as opposed to static data.
Case study

Case study

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer goes mobile at Fujitsu America

Venkatasaimurali Daliboyina, Fujitsu America This session explains how Fujitsu America accessed, launched, and configured its Webbased mobile SAP BusinessObjects Explorer application to keep up with its mobile workforce and increased volume of data. Step through examples of how Fujitsus sales and marketing teams are able to calculate margins and make forecasts in real time via their mobile devices. View a live demonstration that illustrates how Fujitsu accesses SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and Xcelsius dashboards on its iPhone and iPad devices. Hear firsthand Fujitsus project experiences, including key lessons for adding search tips, wildcards, filters, and sorting data and bookmarks. Come away with an understanding of how Fujitsu makes annual reports, budgets, forecasts, profit margins and other critical SAP business intelligence consumable to users of mobile devices.

Lessons to successfully configure SAP BusinessObjects analytic applications for iPad and iPhone
Amandeep Aggarwal, PwC Obtain detailed guidelines for configuring, running, and maintaining analytics and business intelligence functionality from SAP and SAP BusinessObjects on iPhone and iPad devices. Understand the building blocks that an enterprise must have in place such as the right analytics engine to process the data on the back end. Walk through the various configurations to mobilize SAP BusinessObjects software, whether or not you run the Sybase Unwired Platform. Identify key factors that play a role in deciding which configuration options best suit your company. View a proof-of-concept that illustrates how SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is used to display analytics on the iPad. Understand how the functionality of the application is retained, despite modifications necessary to accommodate an iPhone or iPads unique screen size and navigation controls.

Two apps are better than one: CSCs strategy and project plan for simultaneously deploying mobile CRM and BI functionality
Quentin Fisher, CSC Hear CSC candidly share successes, war stories, and lessons learned from its own SAP CRM Mobile Sales and SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI implementation. Learn how CSC designed and rolled out a mobile solution that was tightly integrated with the companys existing CRM and BI processes. Find out which functionality CSC started with and how it dealt with challenges of deploying both mobile applications simultaneously. Gain insight into the benefits CSC has realized, including faster, more accurate data capture, KPIs and reports. Come away with important advice for addressing the unique staffing, skill set, and integration challenges of a multiple mobility apps being implemented at once.

Track 4 continued on next page

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 4: Mobile business intelligence (BI)

An inside look at the mobile capabilities of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
Thierry Audas, SAP This session explores the latest release of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer within the suite of SAP BusinessObjects BI solutions and the mobile capabilities it offers. Learn how to leverage SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to create interactive views of information that can be shared on any device. Understand how SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, combined with SAP in-memory computing technologies like SAP HANA can give business users self-service access to real-time data on a variety of mobile devices. Review the product roadmap for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to understand how its mobile options will evolve in the coming years. Understand how to bring self-service BI to new users with SAP BusinessObjects Explorer combined with SAP in-memory computing technologies. Align with SAPs product roadmap for data exploration on any device.

Live Demo

Mobilizing reports, analytics, and BI functionality from SAP on the BlackBerry PlayBook
Ed Bourne, Research in Motion Learn how to extend your organizations existing SAP business intelligence content to the BlackBerry PlayBook. This session will examine and walk you through best practices, key architecture considerations, and design methods required to transition existing dashboards, SAP Crystal Reports, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer or SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI analytic applications to the PlayBook. Hear how to configure your devices to enable BlackBerry push technology that constantly updates data, enabling you to make better, faster decisions. Find out how the Sybase Unwired Platform integrates with the PlayBook, and determine whether and how it could improve data management and security. Take home a quick reference guide that outlines key differences in configuring business intelligence applications for BlackBerry smartphones as compared to the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Mobile business intelligence (BI)

Pierre Leroux, SAP Attend this live demonstration session to explore the latest mobile offerings for SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, and evaluate which would best meet your organizations unique on-the-go needs. Gain insight into the SAP mobility roadmap to create a strong foundation for your own mobile strategy on your teams iPhones, iPads, BlackBerrys, Androids, and more.

A comprehensive guide to SAPs mobile analytics roadmap

Nic Smith, SAP In todays highly mobilized workforce, the need for timely business intelligence does not end when your people leave the office. Walk through SAPs mobile analytics roadmap and technology strategy and learn what functionality SAP provides to supply mobile workers with real-time visibility into their project schedules, available resources, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Get practical advice for delivering the right targeted analytics to your mobile workers to ensure that these align with your organizations budgets and plans. Find out how to get analyses and critical alerts on mobile devices to make more informed decisions faster, and take action on decisions no matter where you are. Walk through real-world business use cases and learn how other organizations have successfully brought together transactions, analytics, and real-time information.

Introducing Sybase Unwired Platform: Capabilities, requirements, and benefits

Dharini Ramakrishnan, Sybase As the use of mobile devices rapidly increases, so does the need to deliver business analytics to users in real time. Learn how running the Sybase Unwired Platform in conjunction with business analytics from SAP provides an enterprise mobile platform that allows you to integrate data and information for more timely analytics. Learn what steps you can take to relieve the congestion created by traditional data management systems and data warehouses. Get tips for reducing overdependence on you IT department for ad hoc analysis and interactive visualization by adding functionality that puts more power into the hands of the user. Find out how to utilize the Sybase Unwired Platform to securely and efficiently deliver data to an increasingly mobile user base in a format that is suited for all devices. Leave this session equipped with proven techniques for utilizing Sybase Unwired Platform to link valuable data and resources to your analytic applications and securely deliver business analytic information anytime, anywhere.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 5


Mobilizing SAP applications on Apple devices

Lessons to successfully configure SAP BusinessObjects analytic applications for iPad and iPhone
Amandeep Aggarwal, PwC Obtain detailed guidelines for configuring, running, and maintaining analytics and business intelligence functionality from SAP and SAP BusinessObjects on iPhone and iPad devices. Understand the building blocks that an enterprise must have in place such as the right analytics engine to process the data on the back end. Walk through the various configurations to mobilize SAP BusinessObjects software, whether or not you run the Sybase Unwired Platform. Identify key factors that play a role in deciding which configuration options best suit your company. View a proof-of-concept that illustrates how SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is used to display analytics on the iPad. Understand how the functionality of the application is retained, despite modifications necessary to accommodate an iPhone or iPads unique screen size and navigation controls. Attend this session and learn how to manage and secure iOS devices while maintaining the personal freedom most iPhone and iPad users have come to expect. Find out how to provision in-house applications, data and management policies. Get best practices for creating and delivering enforceable configuration policies for iOS 4 devices so that, once provisioned, devices remain compliant. Understand how Afaria for iOS supports a policy based model, which ensures that once a security policy has been provisioned it cannot be downgraded. Follow a series of steps that will enable your IT to remotely lock and wipe devices through commands sent through the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).
Case study

How to properly secure iPhones and iPads across your enterprise

Paul Horan, SAP

Customer discussion forum

Lessons and best practices from customers running SAP applications on the iPhone and iPad
Engage in an interactive discussion with peers and find out how they are successfully running and managing SAP mobile applications on the iPhone and iPad. Get answers to questions such as: How do I activate the Apple Push Notification Service on my device? Do I need to leverage the Sybase Unwired Platform to build custom mobile solutions and extend existing enterprise information and applications to an iPhone or iPad? What is the most effective way to connect the iPad and iPhone connect to an SAP ERP server? Gain new ideas and perspectives and explore workarounds for overcoming some of the limitations that Apple devices present.

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer goes mobile at Fujitsu America

Venkatasaimurali Daliboyina, Fujitsu America This session explains how Fujitsu America accessed, launched, and configured its Webbased mobile SAP BusinessObjects Explorer application to keep up with its mobile workforce and increased volume of data. Step through examples of how Fujitsus sales and marketing teams are able to calculate margins and make forecasts in real time via their mobile devices. View a live demonstration that illustrates how Fujitsu accesses SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and Xcelsius dashboards on its iPhone and iPad devices. Hear firsthand Fujitsus project experiences, including key lessons for adding search tips, wildcards, filters, and sorting data and bookmarks. Come away with an understanding of how Fujitsu makes annual reports, budgets, forecasts, profit margins and other critical SAP business intelligence consumable to users of mobile devices.

How to deploy critical SAP financial reports on the iPad

Winni Hesel, Enowa Consulting This session provides a detailed review on how to deploy critical SAP financial reports, such as income statements, balance sheets, and annual reports on the iPad. Walk through examples taken from a real-world financial reporting mobile project. Learn the first steps youll need to take, which include performing an assessment to determine what key information your executives and mobile users are looking to access from their iPad. Learn how to successfully set up the pilot project and avoid the most common pitfalls, such as inadequate security provisions and issues surrounding the integration of the iPad with back office systems; for example setting up connectors to directly access information within your database. Get tips and tricks for integrating your existing business intelligence landscape with your iPad application to provide you team with interactive reports and visualizations as opposed to static data.

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Track 6


Mobilizing SAP applications on BlackBerry devices

Lessons for managing SAP workflows and approvals from your BlackBerry smartphone
Winni Hesel, Enowa Consulting Walk through demos and get step-by-step instruction to successfully run your SAP mobile workflows on BlackBerry devices. Hear examples from real-world mobile workflow projects. Find out how to properly connect the SAP mobile workflow application running on the BlackBerry to your back-end SAP system. Get leading practices to provide your organizations users with the ability to view and approve quotations, orders, travel expenses, vacation applications, and vendor evaluations from anywhere. Get key criteria, such as job function and management level, that will help your organization better define which users get workflow access on their BlackBerry versus those that dont. Get innovative tips and tricks to speed up your SAP mobile workflow project without compromising quality.

Mobilizing reports, analytics, and BI functionality from SAP on the BlackBerry PlayBook
Ed Bourne, Research in Motion Learn how to extend your organizations existing SAP business intelligence content to the BlackBerry PlayBook. This session will examine and walk you through best practices, key architecture considerations, and design methods required to transition existing dashboards, SAP Crystal Reports, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer or SAP BusinessObjects Mobile BI analytic applications to the PlayBook. Hear how to configure your devices to enable BlackBerry push technology that constantly updates data, enabling you to make better, faster decisions. Take home a quick reference guide that outlines key differences in configuring business intelligence applications for BlackBerry smartphones as compared to the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Customer discussion forum

Lessons and best practices from customers running SAP applications on BlackBerry devices
Come to this special moderated networking session to find out how other SAP customers are bringing new and innovative mobile applications to their BlackBerry devices. Gain insight into the requirements for configuring and troubleshooting SAP applications that run on these devices. Engage in a discussion about how your peers are integrating their BlackBerry devices with a variety of back-end data sources. Hear how others are effectively managing both the security and device management specifications of their BlackBerry devices. Examine key differences between deploying mobile apps to BlackBerry with or without the Sybase Unwired Platform.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 7


Designing, deploying, and integrating SAP mobile applications

Designing user-friendly SAP applications for handheld mobile devices
Mukul Nagle, Deloiite Have you been assigned the task of extending your organizations current Web-based business applications to handheld mobile devices such as iPhone or BlackBerry? Learn what steps are necessary in order to make those business applications readily available to your mobile users. Step through key user interface design guidelines specifically geared toward ensuring a positive user experience. Distinguish the differences between design criteria for a desktop Web site versus that of a mobile application, such as accommodating for the difference in screen size and how to rapidly design and develop mobile applications keeping those differences in mind. Understand the factors that drive a superior user experience such as navigation, screen transitions, branding and UI controls and how to include these in your design plan.

Design SAP mobile applications for tablet devices that your users will love
Mukul Nagle, Deloitte Attend this session for detailed instruction on how to more effectively design user-friendly mobile SAP applications for tablet devices, such as the Apple iPad or Motorola Xoom. Find out how mobile tablet usability differs from Web usability and how to best work this into your application design process. Learn what steps you can take to speed up the design and development process for a mobile application, such as identifying the one goal that you want your application to achieve, and then designing your application to support that single purpose. Identify steps you can take to optimize your Web sites for a tablet device, including updating your HTML code. Take home a list of examples and references for designing your next mobile application on a tablet device.

Customer discussion forum

Lessons and best practices for running SAP applications on Android devices
Come to this special moderated networking session to find out how other SAP customers are bringing new and innovative mobile applications to their Android devices. Gain insight into the requirements for configuring and troubleshooting SAP applications that run on these devices. Engage in a discussion about how your peers are integrating their Android devices with a variety of back-end data sources. Hear how others are effectively managing both the security and device management specifications of their Android devices.

Best practices to rapidly prototype mobile applications that engage users and drive value
Adolf Allesch, IBM Step through a fast and effective method for prototyping mobile applications and identifying usability results. Understand important differences between applications as they are experienced in your SAP system versus a mobile device. See how these differences necessitate a different application design approach for mobile devices than you may have utilized in your SAP system. Explore a proven prototyping methodology that will allow you to design more innovative mobile solutions that fully engage your end users. Identify the context, key roles, channel interaction and touch points needed to create a successful mobile application prototype. Find out how to integrate device-based sensors for ease of use and more detailed insight into your event-based data. Explore create once, publish anywhere, a new and evolving mobile application development concept that allows you to keep up with changes and innovations in the mobile arena. Take home mobile design patterns that support create once, publish anywhere strategy guides for pattern-based mobile application development.

Point solutions versus a mobile enterprise application platform (MEAP): How to create a MEAP strategy
Peter Mitchelmore, SAP This session provides expert guidance for formulating a mobile enterprise application platform (MEAP) strategy using the Sybase Unwired Platform. Find out how a MEAP differs from the use of point solutions, and understand the benefits and tradeoffs of each approach. Learn how to use Sybase Unwired Platform as a MEAP for developing mobile SAP applications that are securely connected to your back-end data sources. Find out how developers can use Sybase Unwired Platform to design applications once that can then be deployed to multiple mobile devices. Gain insight into how a MEAP can help you securely manage multiple devices, networks, and user groups.

Tips and techniques for developing mobile applications in SAP

Arthur Lozinski, LeverX Take a firsthand look at the key steps that are required when developing mobile applications for your SAP system and how to effectively prepare your front-end and back-end infrastructure for those applications. Analyze out of the box applications and evaluate total cost of ownership while reviewing a number of different deployment strategies. Through multiple use cases, gain detailed answers to the following questions: What are the pain points to watch out for when developing applications? What are the best applications to buy? What are the best applications to build? How do you build customizable/scalable applications? What are some UI elements to consider for enterprise applications? What steps can you take today to begin your mobile application development? Leave this session equipped to kick off your next mobile application development project

Track 7 continued on next page

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Track 7: Designing, deploying, and integrating SAP mobile applications

Key considerations for running mobile applications on the Android
Dave Bredesen, Deloitte This session offers a guided tour of the capabilities that the Android mobile device offers for modeling, developing, provisioning, and consuming enterprise mobile applications. Understand what benefits choosing an Android device can provide including low cost, crossplatform development, and Flash in browser capabilities. Step through two application development approaches, including one which uses the Sybase Unwired Platform Hybrid Web Container on Android + HTML 5 front-end and the other which uses the Native Android UI used in conjunction with SAP Gateway. Step through the pros and cons of each, key architectural considerations and the development processes. Gain an understanding and key lessons learned from multiple mobile application deployments on the Android.


Selecting the right mobile devices for use in an SAP environment: Integration, maintenance, and custom development considerations
Jim Cameron, ExpertIG Explore, in detail, the major mobile devices on the market today and what they offer in terms of usability and integration with SAP systems. Examine the benefits and tradeoffs of accessing SAP applications via these devices. Weigh the pros and cons of two different device strategies including a central device strategy that requires employees to operate on a single device, and a strategy that allows employees to choose their own mobile devices. Assess the effort and resources required to develop or customize applications for mobile devices, and understand the impact this has on device selection. Know when to choose native device support versus cross-platform development. Bolster your understanding of mobile devices for ruggedized applications, global connectivity, and other specialty needs. Explore the integration capabilities between your SAP landscape and individual devices. Step through a comprehensive list of help desk and technical support requirements, and understand what is expected of the company versus the user. Take home a sample survey to determine the current device capability and requirements of your existing users.

The role of HTML 5 on the Sybase Unwired Platform

Amandeep Aggarwal, PwC Understand the capabilities of the Sybase Unwired Platform and learn what new functionality HTML 5 brings into the mix. Walk through HTML 5s key features for mobility including location awareness, canvas animation, persistent storage, offline application caching, improvements to the structure of Web documents, and native audio and video controls. Step through an example that illustrates how HTML 5 was used to enable SAP CRM Mobile Sales. Learn how to construct HTML 5 applications that look and feel more like a native mobile application. Find out how HTML 5 Web applications as opposed to native applications are compatible across multiple device types. Walk away from this session with a deep understanding of the major effects that HTML 5 has on enterprise mobility, such as faster application development time.

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

Track 8


Mobile device management and security

Best practices for securing mobile applications in an SAP environment: Ensuring that data on the move doesnt become data at risk
Blair Nicodemus, Deloitte Find out how to extend your organizations current SAP security procedures to mobile devices, but also add measures to reduce new risks that can occur in a mobile landscape. Walk through key coding, testing, and other basic security precautions to ensure a more secure SAP mobile environment. Learn how to enforce adherence to data privacy regulations using strong and reliable data encryption techniques. Get tips to ensure that data security remains within the control of the appropriate IT personnel and not in the hands of end users. Explore strategies for rolling out security fixes and updates to your all your mobile users as soon as they are available. Learn what policies you need to put into place to make sure data available on user mobile devices arent changed by unauthorized users and that the SAP system of record isnt manipulated. Take home a comprehensive list of unique security requirements, depending on whether mobile applications are internal or external facing.

Best practices for securing and managing your Android devices

Peter Mitchelmore, SAP Walk through a proven methodology to provision your organizations in-house applications and data on the Android device without affecting a users access to personal information. Determine if and how you can minimize IT resource requirements in managing your Android devices. Learn how to utilize Afaria to develop in-house applications for the Android that can be delivered through the Afaria Client Portal, which allows users to download those applications along with other tools the organization is looking to push out to its users. Learn how Android management is fully integrated into the Afaria console, allowing all Android across the entire enterprise to be managed centrally from a single Web-based interface. Receive tips for tracking your Android assets to ensure complete knowledge of your organizations mobile devices, including the working condition, which employee is in possession of the device, and what maintenance activities or security updates may be required.

Lessons from the field: How bestrun organizations effectively manage their mobile devices
Quentin Fisher, CSC Benefit from the real-world experiences of the management of over 160,000 mobile devices. This session walks you through key lessons learned from hundreds of mobile projects and equips you with the knowledge to better manage your mobile devices. Find out the key questions you should ask during the requirements gathering phase of your project, such as: What are the primary needs of my user population and what policies should my company be implementing? Learn how to build your security and governance structure based on these policies that meet the needs of each user segment. Understand the pros and cons of investing in a single versus multi-platform solution, and get expert guidance that explains the impact of your choice on IT resource, time, and cost.

A comprehensive guide to mobile device management using Afaria

Alok Shrivastava, The Principal Consulting Attend this session for practical guidance on how to simultaneously manage multiple components of the mobile landscape, including both corporate and employee-liable devices, multiple platforms, and security and compliance using mobile device management functionality in Afaria. Get tips for using Afaria to secure corporate data, as well as provide employees with real-time access to email, data, and applications via mobile devices. Learn how to implement a centralized device management strategy throughout your organization to minimize work load, deployment, and provision costs. Learn how to monitor device activity and provide access to corporate data utilizing a single tool. Understand whats required to implement Afaria in your business and benefit from the experiences of multiple implementations.

Top 10 governance and risk management considerations for your mobile project
Daniel Maycock, Slalom Consulting This session draws on real-life experience from dozens of projects and explains the 10 most critical governance and risk management steps and tasks. Find out why its so important to develop a governance plan for mobile tools to ensure that your devices are authorized to access network resources. Get tips for defining unique policies for different types of mobile workers, ensuring that only the proper workers have access to sensitive company information. Learn how to include a provision that allows your organization to remotely wipe the device of all information in the event that it is stolen or lost. Learn why mobile security extends beyond just the mobile device, and how a proactive approach towards mobile security can help your enterprise as a whole.

How to properly secure iPhones and iPads across your enterprise

Paul Horan, SAP Attend this session and learn how to manage and secure iOS devices while maintaining the personal freedom most iPhone and iPad users have come to expect. Find out how to provision in-house applications, data and management policies. Get best practices for creating and delivering enforceable configuration policies for iOS 4 devices so that, once provisioned, devices remain compliant. Understand how Afaria for iOS supports a policy based model, which ensures that once a security policy has been provisioned it cannot be downgraded. Follow a series of steps that will enable your IT to remotely lock and wipe devices through commands sent through the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).

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Valuable take-home resources and demos

As a Mobile 2012 attendee, you will receive take-home materials and online access to every conference presentation, and expert guidelines and recommendations that will expedite your activities throughout 2012 and into 2013. All conference attendees will receive instructions prior to the event for joining Insider Learning Network. Membership is free. By joining, you can access, download, or print all the conference presentations and take-home resources. ADDED BONUS! Join Insider Learning Network today and get free access to SAPinsider and insiderPROFILES, as well as hundreds of independent articles, blogs, podcasts, and conference groups where you can start networking with other conference attendees prior to arriving in Las Vegas. This list is just a sample of some of the invaluable take-home resources available to conference participants: Demos that illustrate how Xcelsius dashboards can be extended to mobile devices Demos for deploying SAP analytics on an iPad A mobile enterprise application platform (MEAP) evaluation criteria and vendor assessment methodology A mobile ROI framework Recent results from cross-industry surveys on mobility A list of the most commonly used SAP transactions for mobile A 15-point checklist for adding data visualization techniques to any SAP dashboard or chart Detailed instructions to create a Web Dynpro Java application and integrate it with a BlackBerry device A quick reference guide that outlines key differences in configuring SAP applications for BlackBerry smartphones versus BlackBerry PlayBook Mobile design patterns that support pattern-based mobile application development A list of examples and references for designing your next SAP mobile application on a tablet device A comprehensive list of unique security requirements A list of the major effects that HTML 5 has on enterprise mobility A full action plan for deploying a successful bring your own device strategy Key lessons to optimize your SAP mobile workflow processes

For more information and to register, visit or call SAPinsider at +1-781-751-8700

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Admission to every session keynotes, breakout sessions, the exhibit hall, and every hands-on lab from February 27 March 2. Access to all session materials from each day at the conference, including specialized decision matrices, checklists, and articles prepared exclusively for attendees Discounts on helpful resources from WIS Publishing, publisher of SAPinsider and insiderPROFILES magazine. Product discounts include: SAP Experts Knowledgebases, SAP PRESS books, SAPinsider seminars-on-demand, and more

Conference plus Jumpstart Day Registration

February 27 March 2 Your registration includes: Admission to keynotes, breakout sessions and the exhibit hall from Jumpstart Day on February 27 through March 2 Access to hands-on labs on February 27 is not included with this registration package Access to all session materials from each day at the conference, including specialized decision matrices, checklists, and articles prepared exclusively for attendees Discounts on helpful resources from WIS Publishing, publisher of SAPinsider and insiderPROFILES magazine. Product discounts include: SAP Experts Knowledgebases, SAP PRESS books, SAPinsider seminars-on-demand, and more

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February 27 Your registration includes: Admission to breakout sessions on February 27 Access to hands-on labs is not included with this registration package Access to all Jumpstart Day breakout session materials Access to hands-on lab session materials is not included with this registration package Discounts on helpful resources from WIS Publishing, publisher of SAPinsider and insiderPROFILES magazine. Product discounts include: SAP Experts Knowledgebases, SAP PRESS books, SAPinsider seminars-on-demand, and more

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