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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: January 24th, 2012 Location: via Skype Time: 8:00 p.m.

Attendees: Gately, Miller, Reiswig, Thornley, Fitzpatrick, Long, Michael, Hendel, Saito, Tamaki, Wood Absent: Lindsey Facilitator: Gately Minutes: Reiswig Call to order: 8:00 p.m. NOTE: Bold text indicates a future/current action item.

1. Approval of prior meeting minutes: None

2. Board Reports: None 3. Assignor Reports: None 4. Pending Motions: To approve the recommendation of the E&G committee on Member A (Tamaki/Thornley) with friendly amendment from Saito adding the following week would be considered a probationary period to ensure no other issues occurred: Roll Call Vote: FAILED. To approve returning Member A to Member in Good Standing immediately, to work games the remainder of the regular season but no playoffs or state games, but would retain xx ranking for 2012-13 season. (Thornley) Thornley withdrew motion after further discussion. To approve the following options for Member A to choose from (Long/Reiswig): Return this season and finish the regular season, with no options for playoffs or state assignments. Rankings for 2012-13 would be based solely on this seasons evaluations. Immediate board approved Medical LOA and retention of xx ranking on Varsity list for 2012-13 season. Roll Call Vote: PASSED 5. Prior Action Items: None 6. New Business: E&G recommendation of Member A situation. Tamaki reviewed the situation with the board and presented the E&G recommendation to the group. Much discussion ensued regarding the recommendation and what the board was comfortable with given the circumstances. E&G recommendation was to return Member A to member in good standing immediately, and any other violation would result in immediate suspension and/or possible termination of contract. The board ultimately determined they were not comfortable with this recommendation given the fact that Member A is eligible for state playoff assignments and the possibility of additional issues and timing of when state assignments were due to be provided to the WOA.

Tim requested Saito complete the State tournament list soon. Saito will work with Miller to complete. Discussion around potential board positions for 2012-13 season with the new board change over date occurring in March of 2013. Each board member and board member elect Wood discussed what areas they thought would be the best fit for them. Andy suggested that the executive committee meet prior to board elections to discuss possible changes in board structure based on revised constitutionally required committees. Saito discussed plans for the end of year evaluations survey and plans on having a draft of the survey available for discussion at the next board meeting.

NEXT MEETING: February 4th, 2012, 7:00 a.m. ADJOURNED: 9:20 p.m.

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