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Board Policies

Revised: January 2012


AUTHORITY 1.1. The authority of the PNBOA Board of Directors is established under articles IV and V of the Constitution. 1.2. The purpose of Board Policies is to provide clear documentation on matters, which affect the day-to-day operations of the PNBOA and the governance of its members.


MEMBERSHIP CLASSIFICATIONS 2.1. APPRENTICE: All officials who are new to the PNBOA and are not on the Varsity or Registered List and all new members who have no previous affiliation with a recognized basketball officials association who meet the following criteria: 2.1.1 Must complete a minimum of eight (8) Apprentice training sessions (as determined by Apprentice Chair). Training session defined: PNBOA Apprentice Classes, WOA Summer Camps, and any PNBOA approved Camp. Prior to assignments, must complete an Apprentice training course and pay appropriate training/registration fees as determined by the Apprentice Chairperson. 2.1.2. Must remain in good standing. (See By-Laws) 2.1.3. The apprentice committee has the authority to approve new Apprentice applicants and move apprentices to registered status once above requirements are deemed met. New members with no prior basketball referee experience enter the Association as an Apprentice for two (2) years. 2.1.4. Apprentice committee promotes Apprentices to Registered list based on the following criteria: Two (2) years served as an Apprentice; or have worked 60 PNBOA games, 20 being school games. 2.2. REGISTERED: All officials who are not on the Varsity or Apprentice list who meet the following criteria: 2.2.1. Members in Good Standing; and members who were promoted from the Apprentice List; or members who were re-assigned from the Varsity list; or transfers who were not selected for the varsity list; or new members who did not participate in the Transfer tryout who have 2 years of basketball officiating experience from a recognized basketball association.

2.3. VARSITY: Varsity Officials consists of those officials who are not on the Registered or Apprentice list and meet the following criteria: 2.3.1. Members in Good Standing; and Varsity Officials from the previous season who were not re-assigned per policy; or members who were promoted from the Registered List per policy; or transfers who have met the Transfer Qualification and have been selected to be on the Varsity List; or Varsity Officials who have returned from a board approved Leave of Absence (LOA). 2.4. COLLEGE: Board Approved former PNBOA or NCAA officials members who have actively worked an NCAA assignment/schedule may be used on Varsity games as necessary to provide on-court mentoring, teaching, and support to less-experienced officials as deemed by the Assignors and Board of Directors. Must meet the following criteria: 2.4.1. Members in Good Standing (meeting requirements suspended & PNBOA membership dues waived); NCAA experience; not eligible for regional, state, or holiday tournaments; not evaluated; must utilize NFHS mechanics and rule application; must be willing to provide oncourt mentoring to partners during games assigned. 2.5. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS (A/M): PNBOA Board Approved members of Seattle Officials Womens Basketball (SOWB) may be used, at the discretion of the Board of Directors and Assignors, to cover school game assignments for the PNBOA. Only full members cover recreation assignments. 2.5.1. Associate Members are subject to PNBOA policies and procedures when working PNBOA assignments. 2.5.2. WOA dues to be paid equally by each group in accordance with methods set forth by the Treasurer. 2.5.3. Apprentices are not eligible for A/M status or A/M assignments. 3. DUES & ASSESSMENTS 3.1. Members shall pay annual non-refundable dues as established by the Board of Directors. 3.2. Yearly Membership Dues Table Description WOA Dues PNBOA Dues TOTAL ANNUAL DUES Amount $60 $30 $90

3.3. Dues are deducted from the prior year earnings for current members; or required from returning members not active in the Association the previous year, collected at time of application for new/returning members. 3.4. Checks returned for insufficient funds, stop payment or other non-payment shall be grounds for termination of membership for the current year. 3.5. The association game assessment fee is seven percent (7%) of earnings prior to imposed fines/fees.


PAYMENTS TO OFFICIALS 4.1. School basketball standardized payment schedule: Work Period April 1 July 31 August 1 October 31 November 1 March 31 Target payment date August 15 December 15 April 25

4.2. Recreation basketball standardized payment schedule: Work Period April 1 September 30 October 1 March 31 Target payment date December 15 June 15

4.3. Recreation earnings draw request: Draws are limited to one (1) per month on recreational earnings only; you may draw up to 90% (less assessments and fines) of recreational game earnings; draw requests must be emailed to the recreation assignor no later than the last day of the month. We will attempt to process and mailed the request on or before the 10th business day of the following month. Emergency draws will be assessed a $20.00 processing fee. 4.4. First year member draw: First year PNBOA members who are high school or college age (usually less than 25 years old) may request a draw on school ball earnings as per section 4.3, except the request shall be emailed to the school assignor. 4.5. The Board of Directors and its agents reserve to right to limit/deny any draw request.


AVAILABILITY & ASSIGNMENT ELIGIBILITY (UPDATED 10/2011) 5.1. The Board of Directors annually reviews all levels of membership to ensure compliance with all policies and procedures. All members must comply with administrative requirements (MSA, Test, WOA Clinic, dues paid, etc.) by October 1st of each year to remain eligible for assignments. The Board of Directors reserves the right to alter the date for completion of any of the administrative requirements, and will endeavor to publish such changes to Membership 30 days in advance. 5.2. Officials, in a manner designated by the Board of Directors, its agents, or assignors, shall maintain current game availability schedules, date/time blocks, and calendars throughout the year.


GAME FORFEIT PROCEDURES FOR RECREATION BASKETBALL 6.1. Officials are to stay at the game site 15 minutes after the starting time unless the Recreation League Rules specify a "no grace period, or until released by game management. The game officials shall check with game management to determine the game procedures before leaving the gym.

6.2. Officials will still receive games fees. 6.3. Members will not work forfeited games, as they are not covered for liability purposes. 6.4. Cancellations of sequential games at one game site will result in the official being paid one (1) game fee.


UNIFORM 7.1. WOA sanctioned school games: Short sleeve black & white shirt, WOA patch, black pants, black shoes, black socks, black Fox40 whistle. 7.2. Non-WOA sanctioned games (recreation): Short sleeve black & white shirt, black shorts, white/black gym shoes, white/black socks, no WOA patch, Fox40. 7.3. The default uniform shirt color is black & white. The officials may agree to substitute gray Cliff Keen brand shirt in lieu of black & white shirts. If all officials are not in gray shirts, the official(s) wearing gray are out of uniform. 7.4. Officials must confirm the uniform to be worn prior to game. Crew must wear matching uniforms.


SCHOOL GAME EVALUATIONS 8.1. The Evaluation Policies and Procedures will be provided to the general membership prior to the first evaluated game each season. Information in the Evaluation Procedures Manual provided each season supersedes any information, which may be found elsewhere. 8.2. The Evaluations Procedures Manual is maintained by the Evaluations Chairperson.


VIOLATIONS, FINES, & FEES 9.1. Overview: Violations are divided into three (3) classes and are tracked by the Ethics & Grievance (E & G) Committee Chairperson. Violations may be reported, preferably in writing via the PNBOA website, by any member in good standing to the E & G Chair. If a violation is observed, a report shall be made as soon as practical. 9.2. Definitions: 9.2.1. Conduct (Class A): Serious violations including illegal or dangerous actions/activity, fighting, arguing, profanity, baiting, leaving game early, harassment, drug/alcohol abuse, inappropriate drug/alcohol use, violations of the PSA, violations of the Code of Conduct/Ethics, or any other conduct unbecoming of a PNBOA Official on or off the court. 9.2.2. Policies (Class B): Conduct which is determined to be more serious than Class C, but less serious than Class A, including illegal uniform or equipment use, minor conduct/behavior infractions, violations of policy which effect member in good standing status, submission of forms, completion of on-line tests/clinics or multiple Class C violations.

9.2.3. Administrative (Class C): Any action, which causes a delay in the administration of Board duties, their designees, or the designated Assignors/Commissioners. Includes assignment cancelations, late arrival, game re-assignments, and failure to confirm game with partner(s). 9.3. Penalties: 9.3.1. Class A violation: Immediate suspension pending review by the E & G Committee. Fines and/or suspension for up to one year, or dismissal from organization. 9.3.2. Class B violation: Fines up to $100 and/or suspension for up to six (6) months. Standardized Class B Penalty Table (UPDATED 10/2011) Penalty $35, suspension of assignments pending completion $35, suspension of assignments pending completion $35, suspension of assignments pending completion Double game fee $100; Ranked Varsity/Registered members subject to any other penalties as defined in policy/procedures.

Violation Description Failure to complete NFHS test by the date established by the BOD each year Failure to complete MSA by October 1st each year Failure to complete WOA Clinic by the date established by the BOD each year Failure to show for game Failure to meet attendance requirements (3 meetings per year) Fine occurs on the day prior to the first General Meeting

9.3.3. Class C violation: Violations, which are minimal and carry only a monetary fine. Class C violations range from $25 to an amount no greater than double the game fee, charged to the members account/earnings. Patterns of Class C violations will be elevated to a Class B violation upon recommendation of the E & G Committee. Standardized Class C Penalty Table Penalty $25

Violation Failure to confirm game/uniform with partner(s) Late Arrival: School game 30 minutes prior to start; Recreation game 10 minutes prior to start. Illegal/improper uniform

$25 $25

9.3.4. Reassignment Fees: these fees are cost replacement for work already completed by assignors. Reassignment fees cannot be contested. Standardized Reassignment Fee Table Fee < 24 hours notice $35 > 24 hours notice $15

Description Game Turn-Back after accepting assignment (Official showed available) 9.4. Appeals:

9.4.1. An Official has the right to appeal Class A, B, or C violations in writing within seven (7) days of violation notification. Appeals must be addressed to the Ethics and Grievance (E & G) Chairperson.

10. LEAVE OF ABSENCE (UPDATED 10/2011) 10.1. Medical and non-medical leave of absence: An official can apply for either a medical or nonmedical leave of absence (LOA) during the following time frames during the season via the Membership Chairperson and approved by the Board of Directors. If the LOA is medical, a note must accompany the application from the members attending physician. 10.1.1. Medical LOA: may be applied for at any time, and is in effect for 12 months from the date of notice. If the member requires an LOA longer than 12 months, they must re-apply. 10.1.2. Non-medical LOA: Application must be received by the Membership Chairperson no later than October 1st of the current season, and is in effect for 12 months from the date of notice. If the member requires an LOA longer than 12 months, they must re-apply. 10.2. Members granted an LOA must currently be and remain a member in good standing during the term of the LOA. 10.2.1. 10.2.2. 10.2.3. Members must pay applicable dues and/or fines during the LOA term. Members must accept/sign the most current Member Services Agreement. Meeting attendance requirements are waived during the LOA term.

10.2.4. LOA Members are required to complete all required tests and clinics during the current season by the pre-determined deadlines. 10.3. Member returning from LOA status, are required to notify the Membership Chairperson prior to being reinstated. 10.4. Members who are ranked either on the Varsity or Registered list will retain their ranking from the previous season, with an A following their ranked number. 10.4.1. Upon returning, member will be placed on their corresponding ranked list in their previous season.


Members will be eligible for any regular season or playoff assignments.

11. OUT-OF-AREA VARSITY TRANSFERS & RETURNING MEMBERS PROCES (UPDATED 12/2012) 11.1. It is the PNBOAs policy to accept as Members in Good Standing Officials from other Associations who are transferring into our service area. Their placement and classification will be determined by the following requirements: 11.1.1. All paperwork and dues must be received prior to October 1st of the current season. Any applications received after that date will be placed on the Registered List and (1) allowed to participate in the try-out the following season or (2) allowed to participate in the Registered evaluations process. Member must provide a written letter from their current/former assignor documenting their Varsity experience for a minimum of two years in addition to officiating at the Varsity level or higher the previous year. 11.1.2. If a collegiate official is coming back to the high school association, they shall provide a letter from the Coordinator of Officials documenting that they worked Division III or higher in the previous year. 11.1.3. Member must pay current dues.

11.2. The Transfer Tryout Procedures Manual is maintained by the Evaluations Chairperson. 11.3. Returning members: Any member that has been away from the association may return, upon approval from the Board of Directors, as follows: 11.3.1. A Varsity candidate who has been working basketball yearly since leaving may return to the bottom of the varsity list; or a Varsity candidate who has not worked as an official or observer for more than one year will be offered a transfer tryout. They will have to score at least as high as the median varsity score of the previous year. 11.3.2. All other former PNBOA members will return to the bottom of the registered list. Returning non-varsity members will return to the last rank held. 11.3.3. This policy will also apply to any returning PNBOA members who have been on LOA or medical LOA for more than one year. 11.3.4. Any exceptions to this policy will be considered by the by PNBOA Board of Directors on a case by case basis.

12. STATE TOURNAMENT SELECTION 12.1. Each year, the top 50% of ranked varsity officials from the prior season will be eligible for playoff, regional and state tournament assignments, subject to Board approval. They must also meet the following requirements: 12.1.1. 12.1.2. 12.1.3. Worked one district playoff game. Worked a minimum of 12 varsity assignments in current season. Member in good standing


Have not worked two consecutive Boy's State Tournaments.

13. POST SEASON PLAYOFF ASSIGNMENTS 13.1. For all games other than regular scheduled league contests and state tournaments, the top 50% of ranked varsity officials will be eligible for assignments. Alternates will be chosen for those Officials not available. Alternates will be chosen in ranked order.

14. PNBOA SERVICE AREA & AGREEMENTS 14.1. All games within PNBOA jurisdiction area (as determined by the WOA/WIAA) will be assigned by PNBOA Assignors. 14.1.1. Due to the high level of training, experience, and visibility PNBOA Officials obtain via affiliation with our organization, we prefer our members refrain from soliciting games within our WOA/WIAA service area for which we can/would normally provide Officials. 14.1.2. The PNBOA Board regularly reviews games, tournaments, and leagues our members work, outside of our assignment, to ensure this does not create a conflict of interest or impede on the reputation of the organization. 14.2. No member of the Board or any individual under contract with the PNBOA shall enter into an agreement, which requires the use of PNBOA funds without the written approval of the board. 14.3. No member shall have a delinquent debt to the PNBOA, its agents, members, or designees as determined by the board. 14.4. Violations of this section warrant Class A penalties.

15. ASSOCIATION CALENDARS (UPDATED 10/2011) 15.1. The fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. 15.1.1. For all other purposes including recordkeeping, the calendar year is October 1st to September 30th. 15.2. The PNBOA Banquet is held annually in March/April and is subject to board and member approval. 15.2.1. Each member will have a $25 deducted from their school check to provide banquet admittance to the member and one guest. Members will be changed $35 for any additional guests (beyond the member plus one). 15.3. General meetings are held October through February. Meeting locations are rotated annually between the North, East, and South areas of King County.

16. SCHOLARSHIPS 16.1. Annually, the PNBOA will award training camp scholarships. Scholarship shall be used to attend an approved PNBOA training camp. In order to be eligible for one of the scholarships, the member must have been a member in good standing. The Rookie of the Year is automatically awarded one of the scholarships. Scholarships are non-transferrable, maximum $100 in value, and must be used within twelve (12) months of award. 16.2. The scholarship program, application, and procedures, are administered by the Treasurer.

17. GRIEVANCES 17.1. Any PNBOA member, assignor, or evaluator, may file a grievance. The grievance should be in writing and submitted to the Ethics & Grievance chairperson. Grievance should include: date of incident; parties involved; nature of grievance (policy, conduct, Constitution, By-laws); effect on the grievant; resolution desired; Include any and all documents to support concern; Reassignment Fees are not Subject to a grievance. 17.2. E & G Procedure: When a grievance/appeal is filed against a person(s) they will receive an acknowledged copy of said grievance within seven (7) days of submission to the E & G Committee. The E & G Chairperson determines if the grievance or appeal has merit. Meritless complaints are cause for the immediately denial of the complaint. If the grievance/appeal is accepted, the grievant has the right to submit a written statement and or appear in person before the E & G committee to respond. approval. E & G will present final penalty decisions to the Board of Directors for review and Grievance will be notified (by the E & G Chair) in writing, within seven (7) days of the Board approved decision. 17.2.2. E & G disciplinary action may be appealed to the Presidents Review Committee only if the complainant can show that the E & G committee improperly interpreted a policy or procedure. The Review Committee Chair determines if the appeal has merit. Meritless appeals are cause for immediate denial of appeal.

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