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Select The Blank

Question ________ are the customers who tell others not to buy the brand from
the company.
Correct Answer Terrorists
Your Answer Terrorists

Select The Blank

Question One of the greatest benefits of blue printing is ________.
Correct Answer Education
Your Answer Education

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Services are :-
Correct Answer Not tangible
Your Answer Not tangible

Question Re-engineering is one of the most difficult strategies to implement
in organisations that are traditional.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question Blue printing offers an excellent way to understand customer's
service experience.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Services :-
Correct Answer Can not inventoried.
Your Answer Can not inventoried.

Question Empathy is non ability to provide caring individualized attention the
firm provides its customers.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Co-creating a brand with it's customers will help the brand continue
to thrive.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Which brand strategy has the ability to provide a two tiered sense of
difference and depth?
Correct Answer Source brand strategy
Your Answer Source brand strategy

Question Services are deeds and efforts.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Following are Possessing processing services directed at physical
posessions :-
Correct Answer Freight transportation. , Repair & Maintenance. , Warehousing /
Your Answer Freight transportation. , Repair & Maintenance. , Warehousing /

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Goods can be :-
Correct Answer Standardized.
Your Answer Standardized.

Select The Blank

Question The purpose of ________ is to project a positive and consistent image
to the public.
Correct Answer Socialisation
Your Answer Socialisation

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question For services its quality depends on :-
Correct Answer Consumer's Perception
Your Answer Consumer's Perception

Question Market value method is used when valuing your own brand image for
inclusion in the balance sheet.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The non personal communication component in Service Marketing Systems
are :-
Correct Answer Letters , Advertising , Signage
Your Answer Letters , Advertising , Signage

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The fluctuating demand of services can be overcome by :-
Correct Answer Peak load pricing , Motivating non peak consumption , In house
alternative services
Your Answer Peak load pricing , Motivating non peak consumption , In house
alternative services

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It creates a relationship and a strong bond with the customer that
grows over time :-
Correct Answer Brand equity
Your Answer Brand promise

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It links resource expenses to the variety and complexity of products
produced :-
Correct Answer ABC
Your Answer ABC

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is the satisfaction linked attractiveness of the brand in its
relationship with society :-
Correct Answer Ethical
Your Answer Ethical

Select The Blank

Question In case of services whose technical quality can not correctly
evaluated ________ used as signal of quality.
Correct Answer Courtesy
Your Answer Courtesy

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Which of the features are on the right side of the brand identity
hexagonal prism?
Correct Answer Personality , Culture , Self image
Your Answer Personality , Culture , Self image

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Features of Quality Service are:-
Correct Answer Reliability , Responsiveness , Empathetic
Your Answer Reliability , Responsiveness , Empathetic

Select The Blank

Question Performance of services is ________.
Correct Answer Intangible.
Your Answer Intangible.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Gap Model says that :-
Correct Answer Close customer gap. , Remove discrepancies within organisation.
, Use the strategies to drive service excellence.
Your Answer Close customer gap. , Remove discrepancies within organisation. ,
Use the strategies to drive service excellence.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The examples of backstage failures include :-
Correct Answer Not receiving your course grades , Delay in flights , Receiving
incorrect hotel bill
Your Answer Not receiving your course grades , Delay in flights , Receiving
incorrect hotel bill

Question The corporate culture must reinforce the brand essence, promise and
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank

Question One of the methods of motivating the service providing employees is
through ________ statement.
Correct Answer Mission
Your Answer Mission

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Question Many companies have adopted the idea that employees are also ________
of the organisation.
Correct Answer Customers
Your Answer Customers

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Blue prints are particularly useful at which stages of service
Correct Answer Design , Redesign
Your Answer Design , Redesign

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is the satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the brand, to
its logo, to its communication :-
Correct Answer Hedonistic
Your Answer Hedonistic

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question What are the social facets of brand identity prism?
Correct Answer Physique , Relationship , Reflection
Your Answer Physique , Relationship , Culture , Reflection

Question External brand building is essential to internal brand building.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Question Distributing an innovation to all brands minimises the ability to
justify a premium price for the top innovative brand.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Advantages of a Generalist approach are:-
Correct Answer Maximises advertising synergy , Customer loyalty , Allows for
existence of two separate dealers
Your Answer Maximises advertising synergy , Customer loyalty , Allows for
existence of two separate dealers

Select The Blank

Question Service employees basically perform ________ functions.
Correct Answer Marketing
Your Answer Marketing

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Television Broadcasting. Channel 7. Channel 7.

Railroad Transportation. Konkan Railway. Konkan Railway.

Education Services. Indian Institute of Management. Indian Institute of


Retail Trade. Food World. Food World.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question People are emotionally connected to a brand for following reasons:-
Correct Answer Admirable brand , Intense brand , Unique brand
Your Answer Admirable brand , Intense brand , Unique brand

Question The greater the number of different services a customer purchases
from a single supplier, the closer the relationship.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is the defining aspect of a brand :-
Correct Answer Relevant differentiation
Your Answer Value

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The zone of tolerance is a :-
Correct Answer Window of customer service level
Your Answer Window of customer service level

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Wealth creators Brands Brands

Airline frequent flyer programs Financial benefits Financial benefits

Interest linkages Structural ties Structural ties

Process of wealth creation Brand building Brand building

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The tangible clues helps the consumers in :-
Correct Answer Service evaluation , Assessing quality of services , The market
valuation of the service provider
Your Answer Service evaluation , Assessing quality of services , The market
valuation of the service provider

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The skill and knowledge necessary to do the job is :-
Correct Answer Service competencies
Your Answer Service competencies

Select The Blank

Question Many ________ also sell insurance products and collect commission but
are not normally involved in handling claims.
Correct Answer Banks
Your Answer Banks

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question It is a measure of brand's potential profitability :-
Correct Answer Earnings
Your Answer Strength

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is defined as the sum of all the perceived benefits minus the
sum of all the perceived service outlays?
Correct Answer Net value
Your Answer Surplus

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