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Q.1.What is meant by radiation pattern?

Ans. The radiation pattern is the representation of the radiation properties of the antenna as a function of space coordinates. The trace of the spatial variation of the received! radiated power at a constant radius from the antenna is called the power pattern and if the trace is due to field strength then is called as field strength pattern.

Q. 2. What is polarization ? What are its types?

Ans. Polarization of EM fields describes the time variations of the time harmonic field vectors at a given points. In other words, it describes the way the direction and magnitude of the field vectors change in time. Polarization is a time harmonic field characterises. It is the figure traced by the extremity of the time-varying field vector at a given observation point. Polarization is of three types. 1. Linear 2. Circular 3. Elliptical

Q. 3. Define effective aperture of an antenna.

Ans. The Effective Antenna aperture is the ratio of the available power at the terminal of the antenna to the power flux density of a plane wave incident upon the antenna which polarization matched of the antenna.


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Q. 4. Define directive gain of antenna. Write expression of radiation resistance of a dipole antenna. Directive Gain G is

Ans. The gain is also called as directive gain when the antenna radiate power in a particular direction relative to the average power radiated by the Antenna.

Q. 5. Draw the two dimensional top view and side view of omni directional and isotropic radiation pattern.

Ans. Radiation Pattern (2D) Omnidirectional


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Q. 6. Define the term Directivity?

Ans. Directivity of an antenna is the ratio of the radiation intensity in a particular direction and the radiation intensity averaged over all directions.


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It can also be defined as the ratio of the radiation intensity of the antenna in a given direction and the radiation intensity of an isotropic radiator fed by the same amount of power.

Q. 7.Define antenna Beamwidth?

Ans.This is the range of frequencies, within characteristics confirm to &tam specifications.




Q. 8. Differentiate Radian and Steradian.

Ans.. Radian is the plane angle with its vertex at the centre of a circle of radius r which is subtended by an arc of length. In a circle of circumference 2irr there are 2t radians. Steradian is the solid angle with its vertex at the centre of a sphere of radius r, which is subtended by a spherical surface area equal to that of a square with each side of length r. In a closed surface, there are steradian.

Q 9. Explain half-power beam width?

Ans. Power Beam width (HPBW) is the angle between two vectors, originating at the patterns origin and passing through these points of the major lobe where the radiation intensity is half its maximum.


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The HPBW is the best parameter to describe the antenna resolution properties. It is defined as the ratio of the Main beam area to the total beam area

Q.10. What is the relationship between directivity and maximum effective area?

Ans. Consider two Antenna A1 and A2 A1 is transmitting antenna A, Receiving antenna. Distance between two antenna be R. Power density generated by A1 at A2.


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Q. 11. State the uniqueness theorem?

Ans. Any solution to Laplaces equation or Poissons equation which also satisfies the boundary conditions must be the only solution that exists. It is unique i.e. it is the only possible solution.

Q. 12. What is antenna reciprocity?

Ans. According to reciprocity theorem if Antenna A1 is a transmitting antenna and antenna A2 is the receiving one; the ratio of transmitted to receive Power


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will not change if A1 becomes the receiving antenna and A2 becomes the transmitting one.

Q. 13. What factors affect the directional pattern of an antenna?

Ans. Directional Antenna: Gain and directivity are intimately related in antenna. The directivity of an antenna is a statement of how the RF energy of focussed in one or two directions. Because the amount of RF energy remains the same, but is distributed over less area, the apparent signal strength is higher. This apparent increase in signal strength is the antenna gain. The gain is measured in decidable over either a dipole (dBd) or a theoretical construct called an isotropic radiator (dBi). The isotropic radiator is a spherical signal source that radiates equally well in all directions. One way to view to omindirectional pattern is that it is a slice taken horizontally through the three dimensional sphere. Local installation factors can affect the radiation pattern. free space, i.e. the antenna is installed at great distance from the surfaces of the Earth, trees, houses, wiring and so forth, the pattern will be nearly perfect. But in practical situations, the two lobes might not be equal, or the minima might be less distinct.

Q. 14. How is antenna efficiency calculated?



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Q. 15. What is dipole?

Ans. A short linear conductor is so short that current may be assumed to be constant throughout its lengths . Such short linear conductor is called a Dipole.

Q. 16. What is the difference between isotropic and non isotropic sources?


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Ans. Isotropic. An omnidirectional antenna can be practically implemented but an isotropic antenna cannot be implemented practically. An isotropic antenna resembles an ideal antenna with ideal values for all parameters. Some antenna sources radiate energy equally in all directions. Radiation of this type is known as ISOTROPIC RADIATION. Non Isotropic Radiators. Virtually all types of antennas are nonisotropic sources. That is that they tend to radiate more energy in a particular direction..

Q. 17. Define antenna efficiency.

Ans. The antenna efficiency accounts for all losses in the antenna prior to radiation. The losses may be due to mismatch of the input terminals, conduction losses, dielectric losses and aperture illumination losses. Taking into consideration the radiation efficiency of an antenna, we can express relationship between the antennas total radiated power and the total power input as: Power Radiated = (Antenna Radiation Efficiency) (Power Input)
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In the above formula, antenna radiation efficiency only includes conduction efficiency and dielectric efficiency and does not include reflection efficiency as part of the total efficiency factor. Moreover, the IEEE standards state that gain does not include losses arising from impedance mismatches and polarization mismatches

Q. 18. What is Brewsters angle?

Ans. Brewsters angle: (also known as the polarization angle) is an angle of incidence at which light with a particular polarization is perfectly transmitted through a surface, with no reflection.

Q. 19. Explain the concept of polarization in antenna what are the conditions for different type of polarizations ? Also show that curricular polarization is a conductor of elliptical polarization.

Ans. Polarization or plane of polarization of a radio wave can be defined by the direction in which the electric vector E is aligned during the passage of one full cycle. Since electric vector E and magnetic vector H are mutually perpendicular and this EM wave propagate in the perpendicular direction as shown in figure.


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The magnetic field surround the wire and perpendicular to it, it means the electric field is parallel to the wire. Polarization refers to the physical orientation of the radiated EM wave in space. A EM wave is said to be linearly polarized if they all have the same alignment in space. If E is vertical or lies in the vertical plane, the wave is said to be vertically polarized. Besides linear polarization, antenna may also radiate circularly or elliptically polarized wave. If two linearly polarized waves are simultaneously produced in the same direction from the same antenna provided that the two linear polarization are mutually perpendicular to each other with a phase difference of 90, then circularly polarized waves are produced. Circular polarization may be right handed or left handed upon the sense of rotations i.e. phase difference is positive or negative. Circular polarization results only when the amplitudes of two linearly polarized waves are equal. If the amplitudes are not equal, then combination of two linearly, polarized waves will produce elliptically polarized wave.

Q. 20. Explain self and mutual impedance. What is the importance of impedance in antenna?

Ans. Self impedance of an antenna is defined as its input impedance when all other antennas are completely removed i.e. away from it. The input
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impedance is the impedance at the point where the transmission line carrying RF power from the transmitter is connected. Also, at this impedance the transmission line operate. So this know as driving point impedance. Self Impedance can be represented as

Mutual impedance is defined as the negative ratio of the voltage induced in one circuit to the current in the second circuit, with all the circuits open circuited excepting the second circuit.

The mutual impedance happens with all antennas present in the nearby. The impedance is generally derived to supply maximum available power from transmitter to the antenna or to extract maximum amount received energy from the antenna.

Q. 21. Obtain the fundamental relation of electromagnetic radiation.

Ans. The time varying condition Maxwells equation predict the radiation of EM energy from current source. The antenna is designed to radiate as effectively as possible.


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We analyse the radiation fields obtained from typical antenna sources shown in figure.

At first the E and B fields are described in terms of the auxiliary scalar and vector potential V and A respectively which in turn satisfy wave equation. A solution of the wave equation in A is then obtained in the form of an integral over the antenna current. The electric and magnetic fields of charge and current sources are related to potential functions as

The potential fields at any point in free space is expressed by integration over the charge and its current source as


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Q. 22. Explain the following terms 1. Field radiation pattern 2. Power radiation pattern 3. Effective length 4. Radiation resistance

Ans. 1.Field radiation pattern : The graphical representation of an antenna as a function of direction is given the name radiation pattern of the antenna. 2. Power radiation pattern : The trace of the spatial variation of the received/ radiated power at a constant radius from the antenna is called the power pattern. The radiation pattern is measured in the far field region, where the spactial distribution of the radiated power does not depend on the distance. 3. Effective length: Effective length is the parameter of antenna which is related to its apertures. It represents the effectiveness of an antenna to radiate or collect power.

Radiation resistance is defined as that fictitious resistance which when substituted in series with the antenna will consume the same power as is actually radiated.


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Q. 23. Write notes on the following. (a) Equivalent noise temperature. (b) SNR (c) Antenna Temperature

Ans. (a) Equivalent noise temperature is defined as that fictional temperature at the input of the network which would account for the noise at the output. Delta N is the additional noise introduced by the network itself.

(b) The signal to noise ratio is given by

Where is input signal and noise power

(c) For a lossless antenna, antenna temperature has nothing to do with the physical temperature of the antenna but is related to the temperature of distant region of space coupled to the antenna via radiation resistance.


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Q.24.What do you mean by (i) Effective Area (ii) Beam solid area (iii) Directive gain.

Ans. (i) The effective area (Aperture) is the ratio of the available power at the terminals of the antenna to the power flux density of a plane wave incident upon the antenna, which is polarization method to the antenna.

(ii) Beam solid angle of an antenna is the solid angle through which all the power of the antenna would flow if its radiation intensity were constant and equal to the maximum radiation intensity U0 for all angles within beam solid area

(iii) Directive Gain : Gain is the ratio of the radiation intensity U in a given direction and the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power fed to the antenna were radiated isotropically.


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The gain may also be called the directive gain when the antenna radiate power in a particular direction relative to the average power radiated by the antenna.

Q. 25. Explain half power beamwidth and first null beamwidth.

Ans. Antenna Beamwidth is ati angular width in degrees of the major lobe between points where the power radiated is at half its maximum value. Half power Beamwidth (HPBW) : Is the angle between two vectors, originating at the Patterns origin and passing through these points of the major lobe where the radiation intensity is half its maximum. First Null Beamwidth (FNBW) Is the angle between two vectors, originating at the Patterns origin and tangent to the main beam at its base.

Q. 26. Write a note on the antenna impedances.


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Ans. Antenna Impedance : Technically, antenna Impedance is the ratio at any given point in the antenna of voltage to current at that point. Depending upon height above ground, the influence of surrounding objects and other factors, our quarter wave antenna with a near perfect ground exhibits a nominal input impedance of around 36 ohms. A half wave dipole antenna is normally 75 ohms while a half wave folded dipole antenna is nominally 300 ohms. Impedance matching is the electronics design practice of setting the input impedance (Z5) of an electrical load equal to the fixed output impedance (ZL) of the signal source to which it is ultimately connected, usually in order to maximize the power transfer and minimize reflections from the load. This only applies when both are linear devices.

Q. 27. Define polarization. Explain different types of polarization in detail.

Ans Antenna Polarisation : Depending upon how the antenna is orientated physically determines its polarisation. An antenna erected vertically is said to be vertically polarised while an antenna erected horizontally is said (not so surprising) to be horizontally polarised. Other specialised antenna exist with cross polarisation, having both vertical and horizontal components and we can have circular polarisation. The polarization is the figure traced by the extremity of the time-varying field vector at a given observation point. According to the shape of the trace, three types of polarization exist for harmonic fields, linear, circular and elliptical.


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In the most general case, elliptical polarization is defined If electric field magnitude is not same or the phase angle is other than 0, 90, 180.


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The polarization of a radiated wave (polarization of a radiating antenna) at a specific point in the far one is the polarization of the locally plane wave. The polarization of a received wave (polarization of a, receiving antenna) is the polarization of a plane wave, incident from a given direction, and having given power flux density, which results in maximum available power at the antenna terminals.


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