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Estate Agent and Property Management System eProperty


eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................4 OBJECTIVE....................................................................................................................................................5 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODULES...............................................................................6 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BENEFITS...............................................................................7

Scope and Features...........................................................................................................8 Master Modules............................................................................................................8 Transaction Modules....................................................................................................9 Search / Query Module..............................................................................................10
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................................................12 ........................................................................................................................................................................12 ABOUT LANGUAGE AND DATAABSE..................................................................................................13

VB 6 .............................................................................................................................13 SQL Server ....................................................................................................................13 Usage Summary.............................................................................................................14

PROCESS FLOW CHART .........................................................................................................................................................................15 ER DIAGRAM..............................................................................................................................................16 DATA DICTIONARY .................................................................................................................................18

Table : appointment ........................................................................................................................................18 Table : detailsend ........................................................................................................................................19 Table : keywords ........................................................................................................................................20 Table : offeracceptanceletter..........................................................................................21 Table : propertymaster ........................................................................................................................................22
DATA FLOW DIAGRAM AND EVENT TABLE....................................................................................23

Event Table....................................................................................................................23 DFD Context Diagram...................................................................................................23 DFD Level 0 Diagram...................................................................................................24

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT.................................................................................25 BIBLIOGRAPHY.........................................................................................................................................26

Websites.........................................................................................................................26 Books..............................................................................................................................26

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


eProperty is an Estate Agent and Property Management System is a user friendly contact and property manager for real estate professionals. Save time and sell more by empowering to easily keep track of leads, manage listings, and market to new prospects. eProperty gives you a clear view of what is going on in your business and provides simple steps that your team can easily follow to help grow your business. Take your business to the next level and stop wasting time with outdated or inefficient practices. eProperty has powerful search and match facility to match property with buyer by the selection parameter. No more need for Excel spreadsheets. Keep track of all your properties. eProperty has facilities to keep property related documents, images and automatically resizes photos and creates thumbnails for you.. Listing properties couldn't be easier. System user and easily list and update your properties information, register clients, vendor. List properties in minutes with intuitive forms and can set property images for particular property. One of the most important steps in running a successful real estate business is effectively managing contacts and farming leads. In built scheduler and alarm system will help you to remind your appointment and call back.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Estate Agent / Property Management System eProperty is complete end to end solution to cover all aspects of Estate Agent day to day activity and Property buying selling procedure for small and large organization. The basic objective of developing this project is: Maintain client details line contact details, required property details, client type like residential and commercial client. Price limit. Preference. Maintain property details, registration of property for sale includes property address, property description, price, facilities available. Store property floor plan, property documents. Creation of thumbnail of property images for brochure. Vendor registration like vendor address, contact details, property details. Maintain history and log for each property viewing by clients, vendor, Powerful match facilities for client with property and property with clients. Generating offer letter and offer acceptance letter. Maintain appointment scheduler for the user, automatically reminder facilities. System must have transactional data, and all the update and delete operation must be recorded for audit purpose. System has powerful logical access management in place, each user must be identified by login id and strict password policy is applied to secure the system Generate property thumbnail and details in html file to send client via email.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Property Management System Modules

Login - Validate user to login and access the system. Main Menu - .Display available options Property .Master Registration of property with all details Client Master Registration of clients Vendor Registration of Vendors Match Matching the property with clients with multiple parameters. Offer Letter Generate offer letter. Appointment Set the appointment for specific date. Appointment scheduler and alarm. Property plan, property documents module. Enquiry Module log all enquiries for lead purpose. Outgoing Calls Keep all the logs and get the contact details. Change Password Change password. User Master Manage system users.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Property Management System Benefits

Type of property and features searching for. Match with properties for sale by number of bedrooms / price criteria. Display matched property details easily and quickly by one click. Enter Solicitor details. Enter Property for Sale details, Add Room descriptions. Add up to any nos of photos and property document per property Match property with potential buyers. Produce Documents, contracts and marketing brochures with templates. List all viewings for property. Quick Search for property details. Easy Connection with Outlook for send email from system. Diarise all viewings by Agent and by Office. Create Letters & contracts easily using templates. Quick Search off all records. System support keyword based advanced search facility to search the entire database at once and produce combined search results. Filter all views for easy record location Allow easy entry of Property and Vendor details Powerful logical user management for security. Easy to use and impressive GUI. Auto spells checker facility to check spelling and suggest for changes while entering data by connecting MS Word spell checker.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Scope and Features

From an end-user perspective, the Property Management System Project consists of three functional elements: Master Module, Transaction Modules and a Search and Query Module.

Master Modules
Master module is developed to maintain property registration, floor plan and property images, maintain property document, client registration, vendor registration solicitor details, and user management. Property Registration: This module is used to register new property details, their are two different types of forms for Residential property and commercial property, all property are registered with vendor or agent. In property registration module system have spell checker facilities and having powerful search facilities which is include all fields. User can view the property data one by one or all data in grid format also, sorting facilities also provided to view data in different direction. Property Document: System stores property related document in particular folder and mapped with property reference no for easy opening. We can edit property document in MS Word and can insert images floor plan from already saved images. Floor Plan and Property Images: It stores property images and floor plan in disk with references of property references no, User can store any number of scanned images, digital images to particular folder. This image is used to create property brochure or property thumbnail to give client. Client Registration: Client registration module is used to register new clients who are looking for property, there are two types of clients like Residential and Commercial, It stores detail information about client like his personal details, contact details, property he looking for, his preferences and budget. This data is used to match the property from the database. Other facilities include in module like View all records, search and spell checker. Vendor Registration: Vendor registration module is used to vendor/ agent details like personal details, contact details, property details. Other facilities include in module like View all records, search and spell checker. Solicitor Master: This module is used to maintain solicitor/ lawyer details it includes personal details and contact details. It also has powerful search facilities which perform search for all available fields. Login: User must provide their user name and password to get access the system, system validate user name and password. After successful login system will captured login date, time and allow to accessing the main screen and menu

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis

options as per user type. Main Menu: After successfully login system display main screen with available menu option to the user as per rights. It also display user name, last logged in date, time in bottom of the screen. User Master: The System Administrator can able to add, modify system users, and also set the login rights and privileges to particular system resources to particular user. Change Password: User can change his/her own password.

Transaction Modules
Transaction module is developed to perform various activities like match property with clients, maintain history for client, property and history. Generating offer letter, print offer letter. Managing incoming and outgoing calls, Maintain appointment and diary. Generating property thumbnail. Send email. Match client with properties: This module is used to match client requirement with register property, system has flexible options to select clients requirement and it search the database and show all matched properties. User can select individual properties and see the property document, set appointment or can send email to client from same window. Match Property with clients: This module used to match property with registered clients, system has flexible options to select clients requirement and it search the database and show all matched properties. User can select individual properties and see the property document, set appointment or can send email to client from same window. Property History: It shows details transaction with date and time for selected property like property seen by client, email send to clients, phone to agent, and phone to clients. Details can be exported to text file for save, share or print. Client History: It shows transaction details with date and time for selected client like property seen by client, email send to clients, phone to agent, and phone to clients. Details can be exported to text file for save, share or print. Vendor History: It shows transaction details with date and time for selected vendor for his registered property like property seen by client, phone and email to vendor. Details can be exported to text file for save, share or print.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Offer Letter: It creates offer letter for interested clients. It includes all details like property and vendor, letter can print, saved and email to the client. Offer Acceptance Letter: This module is used to updated offer details, like it is confirmed, solicitor details. Confirmation: This module is used to view all the confirmed offer, it can be exported in Ms Excel for report. Agent Outgoing Phone: This module is used to keep track for all outgoing phone in respect with clients and vendor can maintain history for references, system automatically shows all contact details for selected reference no. Incoming Phone/ Enquiry: This module used to keep record of all incoming call. And saved data for further process. Appointment: it shows all appointment for selected date, user can print the appointment or delete appointment. Diary / Set appointment: User can create new appointment and view the appointment, system has option to set the alarm for appointment. Property Thumbnail: System generate HTML page for properties with property images and all details like cost, location. This file can be saved and send client via email.

Search / Query Module

Search and Query module is used for the user, supervisor and management of Property Management System. The search and query module will include the following features: Search Module: System user can query for particular clients, property and vendor. System has powerful query builder module to search anything, he can creates query to search the record from the database. It shows all the related table and field, search condition. User select table, field, condition and search sting and build his own query. System shows search results in grid, user can open the record in registration form by double click it. Extensive Search: System has unique keyword based search engine, which allow user to search any thing from entire database, It helps user when he not sure where to search, for example if user want to search for AJAY, this search will search for all table and all field for AJAY and produce search results.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Update Keyword: This is used to generate keyword for perform extensive search.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis



Hardware Requirement Processor RAM Printer : : : All Pentium series 64 Ram (Min.) All B/W and Color

Software Requirement Operating System 200x series Support : VB6 Runtime Crystal Report : Window 9x & All Window

Development Tools Front End Back End : : Visual Basic 6 SQL Server 2000

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis



VB 6
Visual Basic 6 is built on the Windows Server System to take major advantage of the OS and which comes with a host of different servers which allows for building, deploying, managing and maintaining Windows Based solutions. The Windows Server System is designed with performance as priority and it provides scalability, reliability. The advantage of VB 6 includes Rapid Application Development (RAD) Support. Powerful Windows-based Applications Simplified Deployment Powerful, Flexible, Simplified Data Access Improved Coding Direct Access to the OS Platform Object-Oriented Constructs COM Interoperability

SQL Server
When we choose a backend for an enterprise level application we have so many options, like Oracle, Sybase, MySql, however we choose Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as our database, and it has so many features which is ideal for our dot net based application. Includes Support for Multiple Platforms Integration with Windows 2000 Integration with Microsoft .NET Enterprise Servers Scalability Replication Centralized Management Reliability

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Usage Summary
Property Management System Version 1.0 will address the following use cases. Selected use cases will be expanded into usage scenarios and features that are derived from both use cases and the usage scenarios, as represented in the following diagram:

Property Management System

Search property View Property Details

View Client

Property Details

Match Property


Update Property

Manage Transaction Generate Letters

Vendor Details Manage Users


eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis





Login Not Success

Login Success Start up screen

Master Management


Property Master Match Property and Client

Client Master

Vendor Master

Offer Letter


eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


ER Diagram
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eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Data Dictionary
Data dictionary of Property Management System

Table : appointment

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Table : detailsend

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Table : keywords

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Table : offeracceptanceletter

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Table : propertymaster

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Data Flow Diagram and Event Table

Event Table
Vendor Registration Property Registration Client Registration Match Property with Client

New Vendor New Property New Client Match

System User System User System User System User

Activity/Use Case
Create Vendor Manage Property Manage Client Manage Transaction

Show Vendor Show Property Show Client Show Transaction

System User System User System User System User

DFD Context Diagram


Vendor Registration


Property Registration

Client Registration Property Management System Client

Match Property with client

Offer Letter

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


DFD Level 0 Diagram

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eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


Conclusion and future enhancement

This project was developed to fulfill user and business requirement; however there are lots of scope to improve the performance of the Property Management System in the area of user interface, database performance, and query processing time. Etc. So there are many things for future enhancement of this project. The future enhancements that are possible in the project are as follows.

Linking and integration of any legacy system for accounting. Integration with Vendors and other property agency database through Web Services Connection to third-party OLAP applications Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system between banks, other agency and their vendors In the area of data security and system security. Provide more online tips and help. To optimize the query which is embedded in the system. Creating web interface to share property details to the client.

eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis



Mastering Visual Basic 6 (Paperback) Mastering Visual Basic .NET (Paperback) Visual Basic Black Book (Paperback) SQL Bible, 2nd Edition (Paperback) Database Development in Visual Basic

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eProperty Estate Agent / Property Management System Synopsis


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