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I am great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during this project. My deepest thanks to my senior designer Mr.. Deepak and senior Developer Mr. DURGESH PRATAP SINGH and NEHA MAM(Faculty co-ordinator) the Guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of mine with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed.

My deep sense of gratitude to Mr.sudhanshu singh (senior Development Manager), of Monteage services support and guidance. Thanks and appreciation to the helpful people at Monteage services , for their support.

I would also thank my Institution and my faculty members without whomthis project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my heartfelt thanks tomy family and well wishers.

Ashwini nandan. B.Tech(IT)

Index 1. Organization Overview.

2.Profile of Problem:2.1. PROBLEM DEFINITION. 2.2 . PROPOSED SYSTEM 2.3. Why should I use a Web CMS.

3. Existing System.
3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 Existing software.

3.3 The Hardware Specification 3.4 The Hardware Specification.

3.5 Data Flow Diagram. 3.6 New features in CMS .

4. Problem Analysis.
4.1 Defination 4.2 Feasibility analysis. 4.3 Project plane.

5. Software Requirement Specification. 6.Design.

6.1 Flowchart. 6.2 Snapshots

1.Organization Overview
Monteage services has experience team with strong records of accomplishment in the field of business, technology & networks. Monteage member are successful entrepreneurs, technology superstars & experienced industry veterans. Monteage Services provides a wide array of services and realizes the importance of customization of services with respect to the client's requirement. The business philosophy of the company is to lay emphasis on Human Values and Personal Relations. 'At Monteage Services- Technology meets emotions and limits are higher than the sky. Great stress is laid on proper communication

We at Montage Services believe in teamwork. Forever searching, experimenting, innovating, learning, moving ahead with our sincere efforts and dedication, shaping the future, and challenging our competencies to create new opportunities. Monteage Services is a leading solution provider for Internet based applications, customized software solutions and enterprise applications. The Company has been promoted by some highly experienced Professionals dedicated to provide total IT solutions under one roof. It possesses not only the latest technology gadgets but also the most knowledgeable and experience hands to offer most user friendly customized solutions. Monteage Services provides high quality on site services for software development and the end users on a broad range of hardware & software platforms and latest technologies. Within the first year of its operations, Monteage Services has carved a niche for itself in the IT industry and has increased its business by acquiring some major domestic projects. No doubt the company has been able to make a name for itself in a relatively short span of time only because of its ability and commitments to ensure customer satisfaction by rewarding quality work on right time and in a right manner.

Value Proposition: The value propositions to Monteage Services Client are: High quality deliverable. Speed of delivery. On-time delivery. On-Budget project delivery. Wide range of services to architect, Integrate & manage technology.

y y y y y

2.Profile of Problem:-

PROBLEM DEFINITION:A Web site, offering distinct separation of the content (copy) of a site from the style and code. Previously (and in some legacy-loving circles, still) a Web designer would craft each individual page of a Web site. When a change was needed to be made, the Web designer would be called and he would open the page (or pages) he needed to change, and make the edits required. On a site with just a few pages, this wouldnt be such a big deal. However, it also isnt the most efficient method, as site owners are paying a Web designer a premium for his Web design skills simply for correcting spelling mistakes in the text the only other option was the site owner facing the daunting task of opening up an HTML file and scanning through the markup for the text they needed edited and editing it themselves. With the adoption of a CMS-based system this all changes. The site is setup using a layered system whereby changing the content of a site is done completely independently from the markup/code of a site.

PROPOSED SYSTEM For solving these problem we introduce CMS(Content Management System)

Why should I use a Web CMS?

There are several reasons why using a Web CMS (new school) is superior to hand-coding and manually maintaining a website (old school):  Ease of use (requires little programming knowledge to maintain)  Quick and easy dynamic page management  Core functionality comes standard  Security (keep the bad guys out)  Cost-effective (save some serious money)  Customization (CSS, plugins, modules, etc.)

 Scalability (WCMS upgrades)  Multi-user, community capabilities  Information stored in database (easy remote website management)  Support community (got a question about your WCMS? no problem)  Search Engine Friendly (wont hurt your search engine rankings)

 Ease of use
Although a WCMS must first be customized and integrated into a website (either by an individual who has knowledge of PHP, MySQL, CSS, and XHTML, or by hiring a professional web design company), once the customization and integration is complete, managing the content of that website is fairly simple and straight forward.  How this will make your life easier ? For a client: You will be able to update the content of your website whenever you want to. No more asking your web developer to meddle with PHP, MySQL, CSS, and XHTML to update your content for you. How this will make your wallet fatter For a client: Since youll be able to use your WCMS and update your websites content on your own, you will save money paying someone else to update it for you.

 Quick and easy dynamic page management

In the past, webmasters or web developers were forced to create a new document (by hand) each time they wanted to add a new page to their website. In addition, the webmaster or web developer would have to update all of the links within the website that needed to point to this new page. By using this method of content mismanagement, it was easy to make mistakes which often resulted in dead links (misspelled hyperlinks that redirected the user to a web page that didnt exist). As Im sure you can imagine, this was an extremely cumbersome process. Thankfully, a WCMS solves these problems (and more). No longer does a webmaster, web developer, or user need to create a new document for each new page on their website. A WCMS uses a template system which automatically creates web

pages on-the-fly. In addition, when a new page is published, the links automatically update throughout the website greatly reducing the chances that there are any dead links.  How this will make your life easier For a client: Less time worrying if you hooked everything up correctly; more time editing old content and publishing new content.  How this will make your wallet fatter For a client: Less money wasted on hiring web developers to add or edit new pages because youre afraid of screwing something up. And because time is money, less time spent adding pages by hand and making sure pages are linked up correctly.

 Core functionality comes standard

Another significant reason to use a WCMS is because with a WCMS, the basic core functionality of your website has already been constructed. The basic install of any of the three aforementioned WCMSs (as well as other WCMSs) leaves you with a usable website to which you can begin adding content immediately. However, what you see after installation is only the core functionality of the WCMS. Each of these WCMSs offer much more. In most cases, you will want to tailor the WCMS to your particular content management needs. A perfect example of a website built around a WCMS is the construction of an automobile. Think of the WCMS as all of the core parts required to successfully (and safely) drive an automobile: the frame, the engine, the transmission, the braking system, steering, suspension, tires, etc. Although you can certainly drive an automobile with these core parts, more than likely youre going to want some customization. The same idea applies to a website using a WCMS: you have all of the core functions and framework (parts) needed to create content (drive the car), however, youre going to want to customize the design (or have a designer customize the design for you) and also customize the functionality (or have a developer customize the functionality for you) so that your website is unique.  How this will make your life easier For a developer: Rather than developing the core framework that nearly every website is built on, you can jump right into the customization of the design and functionality.

For a client: This means that your website will be built on a solid framework which is extremely important as it will directly impact your websites efficiency and your productivity in the future.  How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: You will be able to work much more efficiently and complete projects at a much faster pace since you wont need to waste time recreating the core functionality that nearly every website is built on. The quicker projects are completed, the more projects you can take on. For a client: Since the core functionality will already be built, the developer wont need to spend as much time on the project (compared to not using a WCMS and having to spend time building the core framework); therefore, they wont need to charge you as much.

Security has always been a big deal with websites. There is nothing worse than having your website compromised (or worse, destroyed) because of a hacker. The good news is, each of the three aforementioned WCMSs is constantly and rigorously tested by hundreds (if not thousands) of developers and users for security flaws and exploits.  How this will make your life easier ? For a developer: Less time spent worrying if the website that you are building for yourself or your client is secure and safe; less time having to hire hackers to try and infiltrate the security of your or your clients website. If a clients website is compromised, less time worrying about possible legal ramifications. For a client: Less time worrying about someone compromising or destroying the content on your website. If your website stores sensitive information about people (members), then less time worrying about their information falling into the wrong hands and as a result, having them sue you.  How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: Smaller chance of having to spend money on legal fees if a client decides to sue you due to their website being hacked.

For a client: Less money spent on having to hire someone to fix the security flaws in your website; less money spent on legal fees against your developer or members.

The number one reason we package WCMSs with each of our websites is because it is costeffective for both us (the web developer) and the client. Because a WCMS already covers some of the aforementioned points (security, core functionality), it takes the developer less time to create a website which results in the client having to pay less.  How this will make your life easier For a developer: Since you wont need to spend as much time developing a website due to the WCMS, you can charge your clients less which (assuming you deliver what is promised) should result in happier clients and more referrals. For a client: The more money you save on a website because of a WCMS, the more money you can spend on other important things. How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: Since a WCMS increases the efficiency of website development, you should be able to complete websites at a faster pace; this means that you can take on more projects and net a higher profit. For a client: Not only should the developer charge you less with a WCMS than without one, but you wont have to worry about those ridiculous maintenance fees that many developers charge to make content updates to their clients websites. Before WCMSs, these fees were justifiable. However, now that clients can manage the content of their website with a WCMS, maintenance fees arewell, ridiculous. The client will save a lot of money in the long run with a WCMS.

 How this will make your life easier For a developer: Styling a website with CSS is much easier than styling a website with tables; a great deal of time can be saved by using pre built plugins or modules (customization and configuration is usually required, though). Even better, most plugins and modules come with documentation and oftentimes a support community. For a client: With a CSS stylesheet(s), making universal updates to your websites design has never been easier. Instead of having to open up and edit several different pages which contain the element to be modified, simply open up the stylesheet containing the elements attributes, make your changes, save and upload, and voila, the appearance of that element will be changed throughout the website. Most WCMSs will allow you to make these changes within their interfaces, too, so you wont need to go meddling around with files on the FTP server. That could be dangerous!  How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: Without the desire for visual and functional customization, web developers would be out of work. Thankfully, most people recognize the value in having a custom built website; therefore, WCMS customization is very lucrative for web developers. For a client: Because of CSS and WCMSs, you wont have to hire your web developer every time you need to make a small cosmetic change to your website.

 How this will make your life easier For a developer: If you or your client requires more powerful functionality within a website using a WCMS, scalability is not a problem and is oftentimes easier than trying to hand code the upgraded functionality. WCMSs can also be upgraded when new versions are released which will almost always introduce new functional possibilities. For a client: Although your design may need to be updated in the future, you should almost always be able to upgrade your websites WCMS. This means that you probably wont need

to throw your website away in a few years since your website will still be running on the latest and greatest WCMS build. Oh, if only we were able to upgrade our cars, computers, TVs, and toasters so easily. How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: As long as you do a good job on your clients website, chances are that they will hire you again in the future to upgrade their WCMS and possibly add new functionality to their website. For a client: Aside from refreshing your websites design and paying to have your WCMS upgraded (you probably shouldnt attempt to do this on your own if you have little experience with programming), you wont need to spend money on a brand new website in the future. Since your WCMS will be up-to-date, you can (more than likely) build off of what you have.

 Multi-user, community capabilities

Another significant reason to use a WCMS is because their framework gives multiple users and authors the ability to add and edit content on your website. Even better, different users can have different permissions. For example, say you want to hire several writers to publish a weekly article in their individual column; however, you dont want to give them permission to edit the information which you (or other people) have published. With WordPress, Drupal, and ExpressionEngine, this is as easy as creating the user and assigning their permissions. With most WCMSs (and with some customization), your website can power the content creation and content organization for large communities!  How this will make your life easier For a developer: WCMSs are packaged with the core functions needed to develop a multiuser, community-driven website; this will save you a significant amount of time since community-driven websites are oftentimes complicated to develop. For a client: Easy management of users through the use of assignable permissions; the more users on a website, the more content that can be published; ability to power large communitydriven websites.

How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: If youve got the skills, multi-user and community-driven websites tend to cost more due to their complexity. For a client: A WCMS will reduce the cost of developing a powerful multi-user, communitydriven website.

 Information stored in database

Although every WCMS comes packaged with template files, all data is stored in a MySQL database(s). This makes it possible to edit your websites information from within a web browser (instead of a bulky application such as DreamWeaver). It also allows you to edit your websites information from anywhere that has an Internet connection and a web browser. That being said: It is extremely important that you (or your developer) backup your WCMSs MySQL database(s) on a regular basis. To do this, either: create a cron job; if your hosting company allows it, have them schedule a service to backup your database once or twice per day; finally (our favorite), use an application such as Navicat to backup your databases locally (on your computer) and back those up on another hard drive once per day. We use Mac OS Xs Time Machine feature to automate the backup of our local backups for us. You can never be too careful! How this will make your life easier For a developer: Aside from the CSS files (and perhaps some template, plugin, and module files), you wont have to mess around with too many files. A lot of the development can be done within the WCMS interface itself (depending on the website/application). For a client: As mentioned above, you will be able to access and operate your website from anywhere in the world as long as there is an Internet connection and a web browser.  How this will make your wallet fatter For a client: Since you can access the back end of your website from any Internet-capable location in the world, you wont need to spend money on a laptop or an external hard drive to lug your files around.

 Support community
With a non-WCMS integrated website, there is oftentimes no documentation nor support community to help if you encounter a problem (developer or client). Thankfully, most modern WCMSs have excellent documentation as well as an extremely dedicated and passionate support community. However, in the rare instance when you cant find an answer in the documentation or support community, Google, Yahoo, and MSN will more than likely have the answer you are looking for. How this will make your life easier For a developer: In case you get stumped with the WCMS, you can read its documentation or use its support community to help you solve your problem. If youre going to post a question in a forum: First search within the forum to make sure that your question hasnt already been asked (it probably has); If it hasnt been asked, then be as descriptive as possible with your question. Developers usually love to help other developers, however, it can be frustrating when someone asks a question without doing their own due diligence first (especially if the question is a common one). For a client: Sometimes developers are busy and cant get to your problem right away this is why documentation and support communities can prove to be an invaluable asset for clients as well.  How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: What if a problem proves to be too complex for you to fix? You arent going to get paid until you deliver what was promised to your client. Documentation and support communities should instill confidence that you will be able to complete your projects and get paid even if you get stuck on something. For a client: You wont need to pay your developer every time you run into a problem. Even with little programming knowledge, there are some things that you can fix with just a little guidance from someone within your WCMSs support community.

 Search Engine Friendly Last but not least, most modern WCMSs can be configured to be Search Engine Friendly (SEO Friendly). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is extremely important in the websites of today. Many small businesses and startups rely on search engines to direct targeted traffic to their website. Without a SEO Friendly website/WCMS, its going to be very difficult for your target audience to find you in the search engines.  How this will make your life easier For a developer: WCMSs usually come with plugins or modules which assist in making a website SEO Friendly (WordPress, Drupal, and Expression Engine do this); this will save you a considerable amount of time and will also make it easier to sell a WCMS to a prospective client. More and more people are demanding SEO Friendly websites, so its very important that your websites are SEO Friendly. For a client: WordPress, Drupal, and Expression Engine can be configured with SEO plugins which will allow you to do things such as add and edit unique meta information on each page. In the past, you had to manually edit each files meta information. However, with a modern WCMS, you can edit the meta information within the WCMSs interface. No more file editing! How this will make your wallet fatter For a developer: As mentioned above, more and more people are looking for SEO Friendly websites. By marketing your websites as WCMS-ready and SEO Friendly, youre staying ahead of the curve. For a client: By having a website with a SEO Friendly WCMS, youre already increasing the chances of possessing better rankings in the search engines. Of course, there is a lot more to SEO than having a SEO Friendly website; however, having a SEO Friendly website is the foundation of any successful SEO campaign.  Got a WCMS-ready website? Get one. Whether youre a freelance web developer or a web development company searching for a more efficient workflow, or an individual, company, or corporation interested in a new

website, having a website with a modern WCMS will make your life easier and your wallet fatter.

3.Existing System


Content management system

Creative Content Management System - CMS is a fast, flexible, web based SEO friendly Content Management System. You do not need special skills to use Creative Content Management System - CMS. Even a layman can edit his website with Creative CMS. Enter a Content Management System (CMS) admin, Unlike dreamweaver-built web sites, or for that matter, sites built with proprietary web programming. Whether your online business is travel, real estate, auto sales, web hosting, web design, education, insurance, corporate, Government, college, schools website, our content management software will improve website content quality, increase number of web pages and attract website visitor with regular updated content..

Existing software:--

1. ORACLE 10g DATABASE The database will be maintained using Oracle 10g. Oracle is a standard relational database management system package that provides the all the basic features for creating, handling and maintaining a database.



Adobe Dreamweaver is a web development application originally created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.Dreamweaver is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems Recent versions have incorporated support for web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript and various server side scripting language and frameworks including ASP.N

Visual studio 2008 :- Microsoft Visual Studio is a powerful IDE that ensures quality
code throughout the entire application lifecycle, from design to deployment. Whether youre developing applications for SharePoint, the web, Windows, Windows Phone, and beyond, Visual Studio is your ultimate all-in-one solution..

3.Adobe photoshop CS2 :- Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing

program developed and published by Adobe Systems Incorporated. For edit image and create for a new image we use Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop plays very important role in website design.

The Hardware Specification

y Processor: P IV 2.6 GHz or higher y RAM: 1GB or higher y Disk Storage: 80 GB or higher y Bandwidth: 125 kbps or higher y Scanner: Simple y Printer: Laser y Peripherals: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

The Software Specification

y Operating System: Windows XP . Oracle 10g

y Dreamweaver y Microsoft Word(For Documentation) y Microsoft .Net framework 3.5. y Photoshop CS2

 Data Flow Diagram

Administration login Delete content

User login

User account

Content detail

Update services

Data base update Service detail

Product detail

zero level DFD

First level DFD :Admin login add

User login verify

Content detail


Admin_id & pwd Data Base verif y

Service detail

delete Product details verify


First level DFD

 New features in CMS :

CMS Features  COST EFFECTIVE - Depending on web designing company for regular content updates, is time consuming and expensive. Our Content Management system is a cost effective solution for all, who need regular updates and multiple features on their websites. CMS reduces programmer, designer dependency, increases speed, and reduces cost.

 User friendly .  News / events updates.  Modular and extensible.  Easy user & group management.  Non-technical user can also use CMS

4.Problem Analysis: Definition:-What is CMS ?

It could be said that that a content management system is quietly A system that manages content. To fully understand what is a CMS does, we have to first define: 1.what it is we are reffering to when we talk about content.? 2.what it is we understand under it management.? 3.what do you mean by a system?

What is content ? Content is in assence ,any type or unit of digital information. It can be text, image , graphics, video,sounds ,documents,records etc- or in other words anything that is likely to be managed in an electronic format.

What is content Management ? Content Management is effectively the management of the content described above by combine rules process and work flows in such a way that its electronic storage is deemed to be managed rather then unmanaged.

What is CM system ?
The system itself is define as a tool or combination or tools that facilitate the efficient and effective production of the desired output using the managed content. To combine all of three we can say A CMS is a tool that enables a variety of (centralised) technical and (de-centralised) non technical staff to create, edit, manage and finally publish (in a number of formats) a variety of content (such as text, graphics, video, documents etc), whilst being constrained by a centralised set of rules, process and workflows that ensure coherent, validated electronic content.

 Feasibility analysis:The purpose of feasibility analysis is not to solve the problem but to determine whether the problem is worth solving . The feasibility study concentrate on following area.  Operational feasibility.  Technical feasibility.  Economic feasibility.

Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility test the operational scope of software to be developed.Content management system has high operational feasibility. Operation in CMS is very easy. Basically it is made for those person who have less technical CMS has very high operational feasibility.

Technical Feasibility:Technical feasibility study compare the level of technology use in software development. what type of software and tool are use in the development. In CMS we use .Net framework 3.5 which is easily available in marcket.we use dream viewer .so cms has also very compatible with software.

Economic Feasibility:A website developed by cms is very economical compare to old technology. User has no need to go company developer. he can add,edit and delete the content its very echnomical too.


According to FAST methodology, it consists of nine phases: y The Market research phase, this phase establishes the project context, scope, budget, staffing and schedule. y The Define Specification phase, this phase identifies and analyzes both the business and technical problem domains for specific problems, causes and effects. y The Overall Architecture phase, this phase identifies and analyzes business requirements and according that define the Architecture of System.

The Project Planning phase, this phase identifies and analyzes candidate technical solutions that might solve the problem and fulfill the business requirements. The result is feasible application architecture.

The Detail design phase, this phase specifies the technical requirement for the target solution.

The Coding phase, this phase builds the actual solution (or interim prototypes of the solution).

y y y

The Test plan phase, this phase builds the test plan to check to accuracy of system. The Testing phase, this phase apply the plans which are develop in the test plan phase. The user Documentation and implementation phase, this phase puts the solution into daily production.

Project Start Date: july 11, 20011 Project Finish Date: November 26, 20011(expected)

july 11 23

30 Aug 6


30 Sep 4



25 Oct 1

30 Nov 1



Market Research Define Specification Overall Architecture Project Planning Detail Design Software Development Test Plan Testing User Documentation

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3

Milestone 4 Milestone 5

y y The system should have login form for both administrator and clients. The system should show a message if wrong password is inserted 3 times by client or administrator. y y The administrator can add, delete and modify the content and other details etc. The system should have provision to print a receipt or provide any number for verification. y y The administrator can change the password. The administrator has facility to generate the report of viewers, question and others other query. y The administrator also verifies the customers comments and its other details about him/her account. y The system should have a provision for clients suggestions.

6. Design:-

Flow chart:-


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Snapshot :-

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