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Unicist Business Architecture

A Structural Functionalist Approach

Functionalism, in architecture, is the principle that architects should design a building based on the purpose of that building. The structural functionalist approach of the unicist business architecture designs businesses as complex adaptive systems using their ontologies and develops the functional business processes to achieve their objectives. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (1st Century B.C.) discovered and described the ontology of architecture giving birth to the functional architectural approach. The ontological structure of architecture is defined by utility (utilitas), beauty (venustas) and solidity (firmitas). According to Vitruvius, architecture is an imitation of nature. This information is included in his multi-volume work De Architectura and allows dealing with the nature of the construction processes in all activities where a system is being built. Unicist Ontology of Functional Architecture The purpose of functional architecin Unicist Standard Language Utility ture is to generate value (utility) (Utilitas) Purpose (*) with an aesthetical solution that (*) Unicist Thinking allows Functional emulating nature and Architecture completes the needs of the users and makes the integration of 0 0 the two dualistic provides a solid construction that approaches possible. 3 Evolution provides both flexibility and rigidity 1 to be stable. 2 Aesthetics (Venustas) Involution An architect is, following the funcMaximal Strategy -1 Active function tional definition, an individual who Solidity (Firmitas) The numbers 0 1 2 3 represent Minimum Strategy the steps of Ontogenetic Evolution. is able to integrate both the conEnergy conservation function The numbers 0 to -1 represent the structive aspects of a building and steps of Ontogenetic Involution. the functionality of its use.
Copyright The Unicist Research Institute

Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci.

Unicist business architecture is a structural functionalist approach to businesses - considered as adaptive systems - that is homologous to the ontology of functional architecture. Unicist business architecture is a structural functionalist approach to business design because, on the one hand, it deals with the ontological structure of a business and, on the other hand, it designs the functionality of the business processes. Both architectural approaches require accurate diagnoses of the objectives and possibilities to take advantage of the characteristics of the environment. Functional architects and unicist business architects need to be doers and natural learners in order to be able to design maximal strategies to adapt to the environment and minimum strategies to finish the buildings.

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Unicist Business Architecture

White Paper
Unicist Business Architecture deals with the design of structural solutions for businesses integrating their unified field including the customer, the shareholder and the environment that influences them.
Researches and Developments that Support the Unicist Business Architecture
The Unicist Ontogenetic Algorithm The Ontology of Institutions The Ontology of Enterprises The Ontology of Entrepreneurs The Taxonomy of Organizational Design The Unicist Design Methodology: Unicist XD The Unicist Ontology of Intellectual Capital The Building of Human Capital: an ontological approach The Unicist Ontology of Marketing Mix The Unicist Ontology of Family Businesses The Unicist Ontology of Object Driven Value Generation The Unicist Ontology of Cognitive Objects Unicist Ontology of In-Company Corporate Universities The Unicist Ontology of Objects The Unicist Ontology of Functional Objects The Unicist Ontology of Operational Objects The Unicist Ontology of Systemic Objects The Unicist Ontology of Adaptive Systems for Work The Unicist Ontology of Business Hackers The Unicist Ontology of Business Process Modeling The Unicist Ontology of Business Viruses The Unicist Ontology of Diagnoses The Unicist Ontology of the Factor Zero The Unicist Ontology of Quality Assurance The Unicist Ontology of a Commercial Catalyst The Unicist Ontology of Functional Segmentation The Unicist Ontology of Market Segmentation The Unicist Ontology of Natural Organization The Unicist Ontology of Human Process Catalysts The Unicist Ontology of Client Centered Management The Unicist Ontology of Innovation The Unicist Ontology of Insourcing The Unicist Ontology of Outsourcing The Unicist Ontology of Research The Unicist Ontology of Economic Growth The Unicist Ontology of Business Synergy The Unicist Ontology of Object Driven Management The Unicist Ontology of the Object Driven Organization The Unicist Ontology of Business Objects Design The Unicist Ontology of Organizational Design The Unicist Ontology of Organizational Immune System The Unicist Ontology of Proactive Responsibility Ontological reverse engineering approach The Unicist Ontology of Social Viruses at Work The Unicist Standard for Business Objects Design Unicist Hyperrealism in Business Ontological Structure of the Unified Field in Business

Unicist business architecture includes the fundamental diagnosis of the unified field of a business defined by its ontologies, the description of the business model, the development of the strategy to be used, the definition of the work processes and the business objects to be included in these processes. This is an introduction to provide the unified field that defines the business architecture to all those who want to manage it. The unified field of Business Architecture can be described as follows:
Unicist Ontology of the Business Architecture
in Unicist Standard Language

Business Model
(*) Unicist Thinking allows emulating nature and makes the integration of the two dualistic approaches possible.
Purpose (*)

0 0 3

Unicist Business Architecture Evolution


2 -1

Hyperreality Building
Maximal Strategy
Active function The numbers 0 1 2 3 represent the steps of Ontogenetic Evolution. The numbers 0 to -1 represent the steps of Ontogenetic Involution.
Copyright The Unicist Research Institute

Unified field of the Business

Minimum Strategy
Energy conservation function

The term hyperreality building is used to define the emulation of a reality which requires building a model that represents the architectural structure of a unified field. The final purpose is to design a business model which requires being able to manage the unified field of a business and develop a strategy to achieve the results that are required. Business architecture implies modeling a business considering it as a unified field with the environment. But the abstraction of the unified field has to be put down to earth defining the model including their operational business processes.

Unicist business architecture deals with the design of businesses considered as adaptive systems. It implies dealing with the complexity of adaptive systems and transforms them into simple solutions. It requires apprehending their unified field in order to make the operational solutions believable. No one can use the simplification of a complex unified field without having apprehended it first.

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The unicist organizational approach is based on emulating nature in organizations. An extremely effective organization can be developed integrating both structural aspects that sustain evolution and incidental aspects that allow dealing with conjunctures.
Architectural approaches are counterintuitive for adults because they need to begin with the envisioning of the unified field and end with the operational solutions. This requires a backward-chaining thinking process which requires having the final solution in mind and developing the operational processes to materialize it. The emulation of reality defines the purpose of business architecture. This requires being able to build a hyperreality based on the apprehension of both the functional and the essential reality in order to emulate it in a model that is seen at a more essential level than the business model. The Unified Field of a Business Unit is defined by the concept of the business model which defines its ontological structure (genotype), the results driven organization model that defines the functionality (phenotype) and the operational methods that are the energy conservation function of the unified field.
Unicist Ontology of the Unified Field of a Business Unit
in Unicist Standard Language

About Unicist Business Architects

The description of the role of unicist business architects will provide the information of how Purpose (*) this activity works in real life. (*) Unicist Thinking allows Unified Field of a emulating nature and Unicist business architects are individuals who Business Unit makes the integration of 0 0 the two dualistic transform the unified field of a business into a approaches possible. business model that puts its concept into action 3 Evolution and define the business processes to achieve 1 goals. 2 Result Driven Organization Involution They have the responsibility for apprehending (Phenotype) -1 Maximal Strategy the ontological structures of a unified field and Active function Operational Methods The numbers 0 1 2 3 represent Minimum Strategy transforming them into operational processes the steps of Ontogenetic Evolution. Energy conservation function within the limits of the concept of the busiThe numbers 0 to -1 represent the steps of Ontogenetic Involution. ness. To do so they diagnose, develop strategies and define organizational processes in environments they know. Diagnoses include both fundamental and technical analytical diagnoses. Strategy building, on the other hand, requires the use of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests. They are responsible for the design of organizational processes which need to integrate business objects into the work processes to ensure results. To develop their activity they use unicist project management including plans A, B, C and D.
Business Model (Genotype)
Copyright The Unicist Research Institute

Adaptive Systems for work

in Unicist Standard Language Businesses are typical adaptive systems. We use Organization the word business as a synonym of work. by Results Purpose (*) (*) Unicist Thinking allows Businesses need to adapt to the environment in Business Model of emulating nature and a Unified Field order to achieve the permanence of their tranmakes the integration of 0 0 the two dualistic scendent goals and the personal goals of their approaches possible. participants. 3 Evolution Adaptive systems for work are entities that 1 2 interact with the environment having the charUnified Field Management Involution Maximal Strategy -1 acteristics of a complex system but with an Active function Unicist Strategy implicit and explicit duty to produce a predeThe numbers 0 1 2 3 represent Minimum Strategy the steps of Ontogenetic Evolution. fined result. Energy conservation function The numbers 0 to -1 represent the Work is an environment that generates the steps of Ontogenetic Involution. need of adaptive systems in order to produce results and administrative systems to use and control the methods used. The maximal strategy implies achieving or overcoming the planned results using procedures with the necessary flexibility and controlling them based on the feedback of the market. The minimum strategy is based on using strict methods that use rigid procedures and intrinsic control systems based on accepted standards.
Copyright The Unicist Research Institute

Unicist Ontology of a Business Model of a Unified Field

To emulate the nature of institutional processes it is necessary to be able to deal with their unicist ontology. The unicist ontology defines the nature of a specific reality considered as a unified field. Emulating nature implies integrating the abstract apprehension of reality with the concrete operational design. Managing Businesses as Unified Fields
The Management of businesses as unified fields requires managing them as human complex adaptive system. Complex system can only be validated by the results they produce. Therefore, they need to be managed integrating the knowledge of their unified field with the use of the results driven organization and with the energy conservation that is provided by the strategy they have to expand while sustaining their results. The Unified Field of a business model can be defined integrating the different aspects that are included. Managing the unified field implies integrating the different aspects of a business following the supplementary and complementary relationships. The objective has to be to achieve results. If not, the unified field is not being considered in its complexity. The unicist strategic approach is the necessary complementation of the results driven organization. The unicist strategy, integrating the maximal strategy to expand the boundaries and the minimum strategy to survive, allows achieving Access it at the Unicist Library the goal of the strategy which is adaptation, implying growth. Businesses as adaptive systems need to be approached by the results they produce. The only true approach to the complexity of a business is by the results it produces. Therefore, it is necessary to have a business object that allows managing these results.

Expanding the boundaries of businesses in order to grow

The expansion of the boundaries of a business implies that those who manage it need to expand the unified field of the business they have in their mind. Businesses need to be envisioned in their processes and results in order to be managed. The expansion of boundaries can only be managed by those who have a precise vision of the new boundaries that need to be achieved. Every individual has boundaries in her/his mind that provide the security framework to adapt to the environment. Time to adapt is necessary for an individual to expand the boundaries of a business. Therefore, the expansion of boundaries of businesses, which is a condition for growth, requires a strategy in which companies need to have the people to make it happen. The starting actions require the implementation of a Special Operation Force (SOF) that has the capacity to deal with the new boundaries having no pre-concepts driven by the preexisting limits. The natural way to do so is by integrating to this force, members of the company that have the capacity but were not involved in the preexisting boundaries. This avoids change resistance and innovation blindness. An external SOF is needed as a palliative to save energy. As a transition, for the starting point, an external SOF, provides a minimum strategy that establishes a safer environment for the internal SOF. It is a price that needs to be paid in all the cases in which the new boundaries imply an extension of the concept of the products, services or solutions sold.

The Unicist Research Institute

Pioneers in Complexity Science Research
The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a global research center specialized in complexity sciences focused on the research of the evolution of adaptive systems. Its applicative research is centered on social, institutional and individual evolution, using the ontological research of the complex adaptive systems involved to build objects for individual, institutional and social use.

Unicist object driven technologies

Nature is organized by objects. The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, laid the groundings for the unicist ontology based technologies to build objects emulating nature. Unicist Objects are proven solutions based on the use of the unicist ontogenetic algorithms included in the Unicist Standard that can be installed in processes in order to save energy and increase quality to produce results.

Main ontologically structured markets

Structure of the automobile market Structure of the food market Structure of the mass consumption market Structure of the Financial market Structure of the insurance market Structure of the sports and social institutions market Structure of the Information Technology (IT) market Structure of the communications market Structure of the perishable goods market Structure of the mass media market Structure of the direct sales market Structure of the industrial commodities market Structure of the agribusiness market Structure of the health market Structure of the pharmaceutical market Structure of the oil market Structure of the chemical market Structure of the paints market Structure of the education market Structure of the services market Structure of the commerce and distribution market Structure of the mining market Structure of the Timber market Structure of the apparel market Structure of the passenger transportation market land, sea and air Structure of tourism market Structure of the cargo transportation market Structure of the professional services market Structure of the e- market Structure of the entertainment and show-business market Structure of the advertising market Structure of the gastronomic market Structure of the hotel-management market Structure of the credit card market Structure of the real estate market Structure of the fishing market Structure of the editorial market Structure of the Industrial Equipment market Structure of the Construction and Engineering market Structure of the bike, motorbike, scooter and moped market Structure of the sporting goods market

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Main unicist archetypes of countries

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, England, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Israel, Korean Republic, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, Japan, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela.

Business Ontology Access the next step

Business Objects Access the next step

The development of the Unicist Standard was possible due to the participation in the research of hundreds of institutions and companies and thousands of individuals since its beginning in 1976. As it is known, complexity research has to be developed in the real world and doesnt allow making artificial experimentation. Thus, more than 4,000 researches on unicist ontological structures of reality could be finished (July, Unicist Library for Country Future Research 2011) giving birth to the Unicist dard which is based on the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature Unicist Confederation and the consequent Unicist Ontology of Evolution.

Unicist Library for Business Architecture The Unicist Research Institute

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