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Prepared by: REYES, DIVINA MELORRA M. #2116776 \ A. Teaching Unit : Medical Bacteriology Pathogenic Spirochetes B.

Lesson Title : Borrelia burgdorferi C. Year Level : 2nd year Bachelor Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) student D. Time Allotment and Schedule : 1 hour allotted time; 5:00-6:00 V307 MWF II. Behavioral objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: A. Describe the Spirochete:Borellia burgdorferi according to its general characteristics B. Cite the Habitat and transmission and Pathogenecity and Laboratory diagnosis C. Cite the disease acquired from Borrelia burgdorferi, the process of the disease and its prevention and control. III. Subject Matter A. Major Concepts 1. Define Borrelia burgdorferi 2. General characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi 3. Disease acquired from Borrelia burdorferi Lyme disease B. Course Outline i. Borrelia burgdorferi a. Definition- is an inflammatory disease that is caused a spirochete that is transferred from the body of a tick to the human through a bite. 2. General Characteristics a. Morphological i. Shape: helical spirochete ii. Diameter: 0.2 0.3 micrometer iii. Length and width: have a length of 20-30 but a width of only 0.2-0.3 micrometer iv. Non-spore forming v. non-encapsulated vi. Obligate pathogen vii. Flagella - The cell's flagella are located inside the periplasm between the inner and outer cell membranes. The interactions between the flagella and cell cylinder allows the cell to travel through highly viscous fluids and materials b. Habitat and transmission i. Habitat Found in infected ticks of the genus Ixodes, white-footed mice, and deer. ii. Transmission Arthropod vector biting

Prepared by: REYES, DIVINA MELORRA M. #2116776

c. Laboratory Diagnosis i. Microscopic - Gram negative vibrio in helical (Spirochete) ii. Cultural Method iii. Biochemical test d. Pathogenesis i. Virulence Factor  Antigenic factor  Outer surface protein - OspA - OspC - Decorin-binding protein  Cp32 ii. Disease  Lyme disease iii. Chain of Infection  Infectious Agent : Borrelia Burgdorferi  Reservoir :hard-shedded ticks, deer, domestic pets  Portal of Exit : skin  Modes of transmission : arthropod vector (biological)  Portal of Entry : Skin  Susceptible host : Human iv. Signs and Symptoms of the disease  Signs - Rashes characterized by Bulls eye  Symptoms - Fever - Headache - Myalgia / muscle pain - Drowsiness v. Progress of the disease  Stages: - First Stage - The rash caused by a ticks bite has a characteristic bulls eye appearance, called Erythema Migrans. - Second stage - starts weeks to months after infection and may cause arthritis, neurologic disorders, and carditis - Third stage- characterized by chronic arthritis

Prepared by: REYES, DIVINA MELORRA M. #2116776


vi. Prevention and control  Insect Repellant  Perform tick checks daily after outdoor activity  Prompt Tick Removal may prevent disease transmission  Sleep in netted or screened area  Minimize exposed skin surface after dark  Avoid swimming or wading in fresh water  Bath and wash hair more than twice weekly  Discourage lice and fleas  Avoid host animals: cats, dogs, mice, cattle  Wear long sleeves and trousers  Lyme Vaccine (No longer available in U.S.)  Insecticide C. Instructional Materials 1. Projector and Laptop or 2. Pictures and Strips of paper D. Resouces/Reference 1. 2. 3. o 4. 5. 6. Case, Chritine L., Funke, Berdell R., Tortora, Gerard J., Microbiology An Introduction 10th edition Lesson Proper/procedure A. Motivation 1. Pictures B. Presentation 1. Introduction of the Borellia 2. Introduction of the Spirochete: Borrelia burgdorferi 3. Discuss the General characteristics : Morphological 4. Discuss the Laboratory Diagnosis : Microscopic, Cultural Method and Biochemical tests 5. Discuss the disease acquired from the spirochete : Borllia Burgdorferi 6. Discuss the Prevention and Control of the disease 7. Summarize the discussion

Prepared by: REYES, DIVINA MELORRA M. #2116776

V. Evaluation 1. Recitation 2. Short quiz : Identification to be written in one-fourth intermediate paper

Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Morphology Grams reaction Shape Diameter Habitat of Borrelia burgdorferi 6. What disease can acquired from Borellia burgdorferi 7-9. Symptoms of the disease acquired from Borellia burgdorferi 10. Portal of Entry

VI. Agreement/Assignment Research for the other Laboratory Diagnosis of the Borrelia burgdorferi and the treatment of the disease acquired from the Borrelia burgdorferi

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