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What is your vision for India's Inclusive Growth Story in next 10 years?

Visions are often the stepping stone of an action to be executed in the mere future or late future. These visions conduces not only the development of the self but also a whole, being a part of self. Being in 2012, I have very pragmatic and profound visions about the inclusive growth of my nation. I see India as not one of the developed countries by 2022, but a rapidly growing country, taking into account all possible factors. This is so because a countrys destination is not to reach destination of development, but to keep the journey going on until the world is about to extinct. Lets deal with the foremost problem of India, which incidentally happens to be the crux of our inclusive growth: Population. The World Bank figure states the population to be 1,170,938,000 which has an unemployment rate of 9.4%. I envision Indians to be educated on the fact that more is the population; more is the conception of the grave problems like unemployment, food, shelter, corruption, et al. The repercussion is the halted growth. So its of paramount importance that the population is eventually under control in the next 10 years. The next thing which forms a part of my vision is that in a country where almost 72% of the population is engaged in Agriculture and which accounts for 14.2% share in GDP(2010-11) of India, according to The Economic Survey. It further states that only 5.4% growth has been registered in last 6 years. This is a very meek growth, given the huge technological development in same time. The problem lies in the policies of Government which fail to provide maximum facilities to this sector. If apt policies are employed then we can expect a whopping 20% growth in next 10 years, provided these policies are coupled with proper technological inventions. The next sector is the development of rural India by not making them hitech but making them sustainable by providing basic amenities and patronizing them to resort for resolute natural measures i.e. by harnessing bio-fuels, solar energy, water-harvesting technology and many more which rightly follows the juche (self-reliance) policy, adopted by the North Korea. These will lenify the total dependence on Government.

This will prove instrumental in creating employment opportunities, and within span of 10 years we can yearn for reasonable standard of living. The education in 10 years will play a very important role in bringing these policies of self-sustainability. Education will be, by then free from the clutches of ad nausea system, and it will related the syllabi to pragmatic understanding of the scenario keeping into account the development of future. I have inculcated only those factors in my vision, which are the need of the hour and once if we happen to achieve this, we can be phlegmatic on other areas, thence leading to overall development.

How you as an individual aspire to contribute to shape this story?

The most difficult role lies in the realm of an individuals better understanding of his vision and performing actions pertinent to the achievement of the same. I, in my vision have mentioned things of utter significance which will be instrumental in building an exponentional growth of India. As a conscientious citizen of India, I all my life will have to work for the betterment of this country, the intensity of my contribution though can differ at various stages of my life. The foremost step to be taken would be by planning a resolute strategy and thereby working towards it. I aspire to work for or raise up an organization which will be contributing to innovation, in the field of technology or policies or implementing of such policies. I aspire to collect such likeminded people and contribute towards the growth of India. Its very crucial that we must educate the rural India not only in terms of academics but also in morals, ethics, and social values. I would try to enlighten them about a society, free from the bondages of religion, caste, sex, creed and position has a tremendous scope for over-all development of this country. This can be done by creating a working atmosphere, wherein the people will become oblivious of their origins and past differences and thus work collectively.

Poverty will not haunt this country unless we stand up against it through policies which give rise to employment. Employment, be it self-generated or oriented, will address most of the prevailing problems. It will pave way for a rational thinking of an individual leading him to a broader aspect of thinking. Once his thinking capacity widens, he starts to fathom the nuances between right, apparent and specious things. It forces him to adopt a rationale and help the needy. It also improves decision-making process, which will be no more influenced by the trivial bondages of the society. Hence, I proudly aspire to be a part conceiving this nexus. I can go on with many more things, but that would be only thesis and highly hypothetical and this is the last thing ever wanted by anyone. This so because, we have been living with these kind of fallacies which always deviate from the required issues and thus, the stagnant development. So its high time that we all stand up for the right cause by contriving right policies.

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