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Name : Class :

Kim Tra Mn Ting Anh 8 Thi gian : 45

Period : 73

A. Listen & choose True or False : (2ms) 1. In the USA , millions of old car tires are thrown away every year . 2. Nowaday , people wear shoes and sandals made from old newspapers . ... 3. Would you mind sitting in front seat of the taxi, Mrs Jones ? .. 4. Shannon has ever seen rice paddies before . . B. Read the text and answer the questions : ( 2ms) Every day of the year throughout the world , about twenty million paper bags and newspapers are screwed and thrown away . Making paper requires a lot of wood pulp and the work of millions of workers .Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour. In countries where there is the cooperation of the public , paper mills recycle as much as sixty percent of waste paper . For every ton of recycle newsprint, twelve trees can be saved .We can insist that the more paper people save , the more trees are preserved. Questions : 1.How many paper bags and newspapers are thrown away every day ? 2.What material do paper mills need to make paper ? 3.What have many countries done to save money and labour in making paper ? 4.How many trees can be saved for every ton of recycled newsprint ? C. Language Focus (4ms) * Choose the best answers (2ms) 1.In the world , millions of old papers away every day . a. thrown b. are throwing c. are thrown d. threw 2. She promises she ..back in about half an hour . a. is b. be c. has been d. will be 3. Im very happy ..good marks in the final test . a. get b. getting c. to get d. got 4. Were looking forward to you in June . a. seeing b. see c. saw d. be seen * Use the correct form of the verbs in the brackets .(2ms) 1. Id like you ( meet ).my mother . 2. Would you mind if I (smoke)..............? 3. The ruler ( make ).. of plastic is Lans . 4. Tim (never see ).rice paddies before . D. Writing : Rewrite the sentences (2ms) 1. Keeping the environment clean is very important .( Its + adj + to inf) Its 2. People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals . Old car tires.. 3. The boy is my neighbors son . He is playing in the front yard . ( V-ing) ... 4. The house belongs to my uncle . Its built of wood . ( V-ed) ...

P N A. Mi cu ng 0,5 im 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F B. Mi cu tr li ng 0,5 im 1. About twenty million paper bags and newspapers are thrown away . 2. Paper mills need wood pulp to make paper . 3. Many countries have had plans to recycle waste paper to save money and labour. 4. With the help of the public , sixty percent of waste paper is recycled. C. Mi cu ng 0,5 im * 1. c 2. d 3. c 4.a * 1. to meet 2. smoked 3. made 4. has never seen D. Mi cu ng 0,5 im 1. Its very important to keep the environment clean . 2. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals. 3. The boy playing in the front yard is my neighbors son . 4. The house built of wood belongs to my uncle .

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