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VIGNANA JYOTHI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT HYDERABAD Post Graduate Diploma in Management(PGDM) Batch XVIII Term VI Title of the Course:

Leadership Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, you: y y y y y y Will be able to identify and describe a variety of theories of leadership Will learn to view your world through a lens of leadership; in other words, you will have an increased awareness of leadership within the context of your daily life Will clearly articulate an understanding of the processes, practices, and purposes of leadership Will appreciate that effective leadership is a multi-faceted process Will create a practical, personal definition and philosophy of leadership Will gain an understanding of leadership competencies and your personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader Credits: 1.5

Abstract of the Course: The Principles of Leadership course will prepare students for leadership roles in the community and in their professions. The course will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and foundation in Leadership necessary to be effective in a variety of settings. Students will develop an understanding of the components that make leadership successful. Students will gain both the theoretical and practical skills necessary for success in both their personal and professional lives. This course is built on the foundational principle that leadership is a process. With that in mind, you will create a tentative definition of leadership and then we will turn to an analysis of the existing theories and approaches to leadership.
Session No Topics & Issues Introduction- Course Overview Leadership Defined Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership Definition and Components Leadership Described Trait Versus Process Leadership Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership Leadership and Power Leadership and Coercion Leadership and Management Reference


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Leadership Theory Trait Approach Description Intelligence Self-Confidence Determination Integrity Sociability Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership Emotional Intelligence How Does the Trait Approach Work? Leadership Theory Skills Approach Description Three-Skill Approach Technical Skill Human Skill Conceptual Skill Summary of the Three-Skill Approach Skills Model Competencies Problem-solving Skills Social Judgment Skills Knowledge Individual attributes General cognitive Ability Crystallized Cognitive Ability Motivation Personality Leadership Outcomes Effective Problem Solving Performance Career Experiences Environmental Influences Summary of the Skills Model How Does the Skills approach Work? Style approach Description The Ohio State Studies The University of Michigan Studies Blake and Moutons Managerial (Leadership) Grid Authority-Compliance (9,1) Country Club Management (1,9) Impoverished Management (1,1) Middle-of-the-Road Management (5,5) Team management (9,9)

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Situational approach Description Leadership Styles Development Levels How Does the Situational approach Work? Contingency Theory Description Leaderships Styles Situational Variables How Does Contingency theory Work?

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Path-Goal Theory Description Leader Behaviors Directive Leadership Supportive Leadership Participative Leadership Achievement-Oriented Leadership Subordinate Characteristics Task Characteristics How does Path-goal theory work? Transformational Leadership Description Transformational Leadership Defined Transformational Leadership and Charisma A Model of Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership Factors Idealized Influence Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration Transactional Leadership Factors Contingent Reward Management-by-Exception Term Paper Presentations

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Required Course Materials 1. Leadership: Theory and Practice, 4th edition, Peter G. Northouse, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2007.

Psychometric Assessments: 1. T-P leadership style Inventory 2. Management skills Inventory

Evaluation: Mode of Evaluation Weightage Quizzes 15% ( Two quizzes) Term Paper & Group Presentation 25%(15% for the paper +10 % for presentation) Article summary 10% End Term Examination 50 % Total 100% Quizzes to be conducted during the 8th session and 16th session of the course for 20 minutes duration each. Quizzes are to be conducted only in the written form. Article summary has to be submitted on the 10th session of the course. Term paper to be submitted not later than the 15th session of the course. The term paper will be a group activity and has to be submitted in 4000- 5000 words which will exclude the diagrams, charts, tables, reference lists, bibliography etc. It has to be presented by the group. Evaluation Criteria for the term paper: The paper will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria mentioned below: y Conceptual clarity y Self analysis with reasoning and drawing results from various tests y Ability to relate and draw inferences from various experiences and incidences y Clear sketch of the paper, and consistent application of the approach throughout y Relevance of the content (no superfluous or irrelevant information) y Information source, suitable referencing and bibliography y Format and language: clear division into sections, page numbering, language etc. y Students original contribution and creativity y Any plagiarism shall be viewed seriously and the students have to rework.

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