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A portal to ignite energy and enthusiasm towards CSR

January, 2012 - Issue 4

Corporate Social Responsibility in 2012 ....

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Reporting, Discussions and Dialogue
There has been a huge rise in people and organizations understanding Corporate Responsibility and its benefits, to their organization and the society at large. This is the result of increased Government, international multilateral organization and civil society interest and advocacy of the concept. A large number of business houses have initiated CSR programs, organizations with a long history of community involvement have progressed to the next level of reporting and evaluating the impact of their interventions. All conversations pertaining to social, human and economic development of the country entail a great degree of chat on CSR. This is all the good news. Most companies initiating CSR programs, stick to old models of service delivery and conduct charity programs. Some old fashioned capitalists still believe they have absolutely no business to ensure better lives for the people of this country. Isn't that for the Government to do ? Some companies just do not understand that they are capable of driving substantial change in society. The Corporate Affairs Ministry is constantly toying with the idea of making CSR compulsory. It is futile to ask an organization to spend money on the less fortunate without increasing awareness on models of collaboration and undertake intense strategizing, planning and evaluation methods. The understanding of CSR in the country is torn between different ideologies. There are various aspects to social development and CSR. There should be a generic understanding among people on what those terms mean. Everyone would like to believe they know exactly how India can excel in all dimensions, maybe they do. This is exactly why conferences, seminars, workshops, reporting and sharing best practice behavior and partaking regularly in discussion and dialogue for Indias development is important and essential. It is often difficult to understand how to shuttle ones own hectic urban life and volunteering or contributing to social causes. It is relatively simple, all one needs to do is be informed, think, form opinions, participate on blogs and internet portals or maybe attend workshops and seminars, which will translate to a better understanding on the role you and your organization can play, because, EVERYONE CAN and SHOULD.

This issue contains details on -

The Plan and Participate Project - CSR Information Sessions - Survey results for Employee Engagement - Books and other interesting things

Dont watch videos or think about the lives of the poor. Everything is OK. These subjects do not concern you. Just go back to shopping and being a productive individual. Your purpose in life is to consume. - Youtube User Comment I would like to live in a country where people greet me when I am at a traffic signal rather than compel me to scream at them for begging and annoying me. I would like to live in a country which is not used as an example of an under developed and deprived population. My lifetime should see squalor and poverty eradication in India - Facebook Status Update

Editors note
4th Wheel has begun this year, with added dedication and enthusiasm. This year, we plan to focus on three services - CSR Trainings, The plan and participate project, reporting and documentation of CSR programs. However, services like needs assessment research, social development research on varied thematic areas, advocacy events and workshops, consultancy and business plan formulations related to CSR are being undertaken simultaneously. This issue discusses the training module devised by 4th Wheel with the help of 17 experts across the country (and are still looking for support and expertise in the subject). It also explains the Plan and Participate project, its execution and benefits. We have been engaged in content writing for a number of organizations and are certified for GRI Reporting which explains why we focus seriously on documentation. A survey on employee engagement in companies was floated by 4th Wheel from January to February, 2012 in order to understand what people with 9-5 jobs think and feel about social conditions in India. The results are out and are exceedingly positive and enlightening. It made us confident of our value addition to society as 4th Wheel. We have received immense support and motivation from our existing partners and experts who have given us constant feedback and learning during this process of devising our services. They cannot be thanked enough. Our Website should be new and shiny in a few days with details and plans for CSR initiatives. Hope to hear from you soon. ------------------ Sharon Weir

Plan and Participate Project

The project is a one of its kind membership based employee engagement program which brings together employees from varied companies through theme based activities, regular dialogue, networking and training events, which in turn will bring the subject of social development to the forefront, initiate dialogue, facilitate action and create socially sensitive and active citizens. The membership entails - Weekly mailers on ways of engagement, activities, competitions and prizes for the week - Annual Report on Employee Engagement successes and contributions - Monthly theme based activities - Regular dialogue, networking and training events related to CSR - Access to various support organizations of the year

Themes of Engagement (Program to be launched in April 2012)

1. Waste Management and Environment 2. Good Governance and Corruption 3. Your city (Heritage, Transport and Responsible Consumers) 4. Sports and Children 5. Slums and housing 6. Employment and skill Training The worlds top performing organizations understand that employee engagement is a force that drives performance outcomes. In the best organizations, engagement is more than a human resources initiative - it is a strategic foundation for the way they do business - Gallup Consulting


A recent sustainability study by Green Research found that 80% of major corporations are planning to invest significantly in employee engagement in 2012. ARE YOU ? Registration opens on 1st March, 2012. For more details please email

Educating and Engaging Corporate employees on human and social development in India.
The Aims

Concepts of Development Human Development in India

An Ethical Organization CSR and your Organization

Pledge Cards, Employee Engagement PPP and Interactions

- To bring the subject of social responsibility to the forefront - Generate thoughts and ideas on social service delivery - Highlight and share views, examples and best case practices - Initiate dialogue - Facilitate Action

- Provide options for employee engagement - Document employee engagement and its benefits in the short span of a year - Create socially sensitive and active citizens - Bridge the rich poor divide - Undertake trainings at MBA schools and bachelor degree colleges - Create a model which involves no cash contributions to executing agencies.

Development is not about helping a few people get rich.... it is not about bringing in Prada and Benetton, Ralph Lauren or Louis Vuitton, for the urban rich and leaving the rural poor in their misery.... Development is about transforming societies, improving the lives of the poor, enabling everyone to have a chance at success and access to health care and education India is one of the developing countries where globalization, economic growth, investment and business activity is likely to have the most dramatic social and environmental impacts (both positive and negative) - World Bank, 2006

The model is a one hour session on five different themes pertaining to social development and CSR. It is a free service offering by 4th Wheel, conducted at your company premise. The target group is companies of various sectors and size and mid and senior level management of the participating company. Over 15 experts from various parts of India in the field of sustainability, CSR, social auditing and social development have helped in devising and formulating the model. The module is different since it involves your employees interacting with us through worksheets. The Information Sessions on CSR action plans are designed to connect all the employees of an organization to the sustainability agenda which in todays globalized world, stands very important for organizations small and big. The session is designed to determine the sustainability action plan by explaining various concepts related to CSR and social development. It will lead to developing a sustained effort towards inclusive growth ideated by your employees. People have great ideas and want to share them. Some of the greatest CSR models have come from ideas within the company. At the end of the session, all the employees will be given a pledge card which allows them to prioritize their action plan for the coming year which will strengthen their organizations road towards sustainability. The model will educate delegates on sustainable, inclusive and participatory development, explain tangible and measurable benefits of CSR and suggest ways of interventions and engagements. It will enable an understanding and translate into the exhibition of ethical and change inducing CSR.

An organization should advocate best practice behavior among its employees. In order to align the organizations business goals with CSR strategy it is necessary to advance its values, culture, capabilities and communications through its employees. Business leaders need to ensure that employees, the group which most influences business results, and which is most directly influenced by the employment practices of the business, understands, engages with and proactively advances the CSR agenda. This will require that company employees at all levels are made aware of CSR and the role they need to play to make it a success. As mentioned above the aims are many for this exercise and there is tremendous potential in raising awareness of citizens in relation to how they can contribute to making a difference in society. For more information contact



The Module
1. CSR Planning and Strategy An explanation into how an organization should work through ones value chain to work out negative and positive effects. Engaging key stakeholders of the organization, understanding their views, considering them, being accountable and using the information to drive innovation.

2. Energy use, waste management and the environment Reduce energy by investing in energy efficient /sustainable products to the product line, conservation of water and record and monitor efficiency improvements. Recycling, industrial material waste disposal and reducing E-waste along with conserving natural habitats and resources in the environment.


The concepts of development section discusses how development should be perceived in an inclusive, participatory and sustainable manner. It explains why the business sector has such an important role to play in the age of globalization and free markets. The paradigm shift from charity to ethical business is explained with examples and a clear rationale. The section on India educates the delegates on persisting issues in the country by giving concrete reasons for policy and action failures. It also enables the participant to formulate ideas and views on how those issues could be tackled at an organizational and individual level. It goes on to explain how collaboration is the requirement in the field of social development today. It puts the Millennium Goals into perspective with CSR. The third part explains various aspects of an ethical organization in five themes which are highlighted in the box on this page. The fourth and most interesting part of the model puts your organization and sector into focus and explains its functioning and impact on society. The trainer will provide the company options for engagement keeping in mind the principle of incorporating CSR into business strategy and using core competency to drive and derive change. It will briefly explain CSR processes which should be followed according to various guidelines and best practice data around the world. The fourth part will also analyze the challenges of the CSR initiatives, the approach that should be taken and the quantifiable benefits which will emerge. The final part will include distribution of pledge cards for 2012 and introduce the Employee Engagement PPP to participants.

The idea of the pledge card is simple. We give you a list of things you can do to contribute to the ethical functioning of your organization. After the training session, each delegate is provided with two pledge cards. One is kept by 4th Wheel to track the various pledges and the other by the delegate. The pledge would include aspects described under the training module. Each pledge would have an impact assessing format which will be regularly monitored and thoroughly analyzed after a year.

Further Trainings
We have garnered support from various experts and organizations pertaining to different aspects of ethical functioning of an organization. This would include strategy and planning CSR initiatives, research like needs assessments and stakeholder mapping, certifications and assessments of activities, fair trade and supply chains, development communications, rural marketing, energy conservation, among others. We offer custom made trainings according to sectors, cluster development models, to independent professionals and under different aspects of CSR engagements. Our panel of experts include Mrs. Lata Iyer, founder of Sustrack and an established sustainability professional, Mr. Suresh Parmar, Executive Director for Centre for training and research in responsible business, Mr. Nirmallya Mandal, a senior consultant at the prestigious institution- MART, Mrs. Poonam Madan, a consultant at the India Practice Chair for Corporate Responsibility, Ms. Nirmala Selvam, a consultant on CSR strategic planning and management services, among others.

3. Corporate Governance, supply chains and community involvement Ensuring transparency and accountability, evaluating and monitoring of ethics in the company. Responsible market place behavior and ethical marketing in addition to strong involvement with players in the supply chain. Key considerations and responsibilities of the organization while engaging in community investments will be explained.

4. Employee Engagement and HR policies Employees should be encouraged to contribute time, energy and ideas to social causes. Social responsiveness should be built into job responsibilities and performance evaluations. Employees and suppliers should receive the context and background on the organizations approach to CSR, motivation for engaging, how it fits current approaches and other implications. 5. Strategic Partnerships Exploring the much talked about models of partnerships. The benefits of specialized and focussed efforts through core competencies is discussed. The move from mere crisis management towards socially responsible commitments assisting the company to manage itself more effectively and efficiently. Enabling the organization to find skills and expertise in areas which they are not accustomed to applying from NGOs, entrepreneurs and public enterprises.

Employee Engagement Survey- India 2012

120 Respondents
from IT&ITES, Manufacturing, Retail, Real Estate, Automobiles, FMCG, Renewable Energy, Media and Entertainment, Development, Education, Consulting, Exports, Telecom, Health and Pharmaceutical sectors, among others. This is a synopsis. For a detailed report, write to us :)




37% 63% Designation and Departments



Directors Human Resources Finance Business Development

Management Marketing and Sales Corporate Communication Others

9% 4% 6% 13%


Age Group 70 52.5 35 17.5 0

18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55 and above

Do you contribute to solving social problems in India? Time Skills Ideas Workshops and Seminars Money Volunteering Expertise and Advice On a personal level Others



Yes No
Does it make a difference if you organization is ethical?


30 % of respondents



Does your organization have any employee engagement

37% 63%
Would you be willing to spend 5 hours in a month towards social development?


75 50 25 Yes No 0

87% Yes No
Would you be interested in the Plan and Participate Project (PPP)?


Yes 30%


Would you be interested in meeting people facing these issues, people working towards these issues and understand why these persist in India?

Yes No 0 22.5 45 67.5 90

Yes No


Other things happening @ 4th Wheel

Discussions on Poor Economics , an excellent read by Esther Duflo and Abhijeet Banerjee (2011)
Being social development practitioners and students, we have read a number of books and articles. This one is particularly interesting since it analyses both extremes of models of development and explains how one should actually go about facilitating development. The writers elaborate on how aid is perceived to be very important in helping people get out of poverty and on the other they discuss how many critiques of aid argue it creates dependence in society and makes the rich, richer and the poor poorer. It gives a very good understanding about why poverty persists at an individual and societal level. The case studies and issues broached in the book makes for a very interesting read. The authors are propagators of Randomized custom trials which works on the rationale of undertaking experiments in intervention areas in order to understand what will work and what will not before initiating any work. It ends on a super note about what is the task at hand and what we can do about it. We think it is very important for CSR documentation, not to tom tom about the good work but for a number of reasons. The exercise provides a better understanding of your interventions and helps you justify it to the management. It also helps for people to get off the fence. It creates exemplary and best case practice databases which will help other individuals learn from and replicate. At 4th Wheel, we have a set format for companies to fill and contribute to our database. This information is published on our website for everyone to view and comment on. We are keen on making visits and undertaking photo and written documentation of processes and results of CSR programs and would look forward to invitations to visit your site and interact with your beneficiaries.

4TH WHEEL A Corporate Social Responsibility consultancy, advocacy and research rm. The name signies the business sector in addition to the other three integral wheelsthe state, NGOs and international

We are hiring !
Looking for interns, part time, full time or work from home employees. Full time positions would receive stipends between Rs.10,000- 12,000. Work involves secondary and primary research on CSR and social development interventions, content and creative writing, social media management, attending, strategizing and organizing events, managing and executing the CSR Training modules, designing and developing social development strategies and business plans. Would love to hear from you !!

16 Pahelgaon bungalows, near judges bungalow road, Ahmedabad, 380015

Inviting views, suggestions and feedback from corporates, NGOs, Government employees, professionals, media, entrepreneurs, businessmen, academicians, social institutions

Documentation of CSR Interventions

Companies have been asked to report on their CSR initiatives by the Government. While large companies are expected to report as per the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) format which is an internationally recognized format on sustainability reporting, smaller companies could simply declare their inprinciple acceptance of these norms.

We have a new office !

Fifth Floor, Shivalik Building, Next to Central Mall, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad The Office - (079) 40092492 If you would be interested in being notified about fun and interesting surveys, events or networking platforms on social development and CSR, please do get in touch with someone from the 4th Wheel. If you come across any articles, news updates, theories or intellectuals on the topic, just go to our facebook page and write on our wall. We need inputs, literature, views and ideas, ALWAYS !!

Editor Sharon Weir Content

Art and Logos Sameer Singh & Praveen Mishra

Payal Mulchandani Marketing and Circulation Salomi Gupte

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