Sharing Brings Joy: Week of Compassion 2012

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To us. To others. To God.

God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8) Week of Compassion is the disaster relief and development ministry of our communion, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Though gifts can beand arereceived year round, each year we receive a special overand-above offering on behalf the work Week of Compassion does with those in special needlocally, regionally, nationally, and globally. Wherever there is a natural disaster, Week of Compassion is our presence there. Wherever there are refugees to be sheltered, Week of Compassion is our presence there. Whether it is here in Southern California, elsewhere in the United States, or in any number of countries, Week of Compassion is our ministry among those who are hurting and in need. No dollar of your stewardship is better spentplease consider a generous gift from your abundance. We will receive our annual Week of Compassion offering on February 26 & March 4but gifts can be given year-round. To read a Week of Compassion update, go to:
Page 1 February 9, 2012

Week of Compassion 2012:

Disciples Womens Ministry

Disciples Womens Lunch and Program Sunday, February 26, 12:00 Noon
Join us for lunch and welcome back our speaker Nisreen Malhis. Nisreen has become our friend as she has presented a couple of very enlightening programs for our women. Her program for this month is entitled Misconceptions about Muslims and Arabs. Plan to stay and invite a friend to enjoy this one, you will be inspired! Our Service project for this month is the Afya Foundation. "Afya" in Swahili means "good health". The Afya Foundation is a non-profit organization which was conceived in 2007 by its founder Danielle Butin, a trained occupational therapist, who had been relieved of her position as an executive in a health care company in New York. While traveling in Africa she saw the dire conditions of medical care and lack of equipment in makeshift facilities and was aware of fairly new and even unused materials that were regularly discarded in dumps by US hospitals. Thus began her mission which has grown in size and can now account for over 700,000 tons of medical supplies sent to needy countries. The foundation now regularly receives donations from 40 different health care facilities and has over 450 volunteers, many of whom are teenagers. The foundation has expanded its program to include training Haitians who are in Rehabilitation to work in two newly established clinics. Another program is Mothers Saving Mothers, the assembly of safe birth kits which are sent to trained mid-wives. Their motto: "It is possible to repurpose almost anything."

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Tail Wags and Purrs Galore

Pet beds of all sizes were stacked almost to the ceiling on our Pet Project table in the entrance to Sippel Hall. They were made and donated to the Carson Animal Shelter by wonderful Hilda Coleman. Thank you Hilda for your special gift. Also wonderful is Janie Fietz who has made numerous flannel blankets to help make life better for animals awaiting adoption. Items of all kinds beds, blankets, towels, food, newspapers, toys are still greatly needed. Any donation is appreciated. See Chet and Bonnie Reniff or Susan Babcock if you have questions. We pray Gods blessings on all who are so generously helping.

Dear Friends, On behalf of All Peoples Christian Center staff, volunteers and program participants, I would like to thank you for your generous contribution and support. Your recent contribution of $300.00 was received with such a wonderful feeling to know that there are people like you that care about our community. Through your donations we are providing services and programs that enable our community to grow and gain self-confidence in themselves. Our building is alive with youth attending high school, and the staff, busy preparing for a day helping families who need support in numerous programs and services throughout the Center. I welcome you to come and tour our facility so you can see the difference you make with your donations. Thank you again. Sincerely, Saundra Bryant, Executive Director
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Financial UpdateGood News from January

This January, our church experienced a rare event for any congregationa second month in a row where giving exceeded budget! The margin of victory ($332) was several thousand less than December, and was wind aided by five Sundaysbut it nonetheless means we continue to meet the goals of our mission. It also serves as a reminder to keep up the good and generous work!

Small Groups Forming Up for Lent Study

We have good groups forming for Wednesday mornings, Wednesday evenings, Saturday mornings, and Sundays(the Sunday group is doing some negotiating between being an after-worship bag-lunch group, or an evening gathering.) If you have not signed up yet: theres room for you! But it helps to have your name, so leaders know who to expect. If you have already signed up: Thank you! Now, invite someone else!

Ash Wednesday Worship on February 22

Historically, Lent has been a season of humble prayer, study, and spiritual discipline. We will begin the season with worship on Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 22 this year. A call to humility, our observation will include prayers, intercessions, communion and the imposition of ashes for those who wish. Pastor Steve will be available the morning of Ash Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 am for those who wish prayer and the imposition of ashes at the beginning of the day.

Charles Bales would like to thank everyone for their prayers for his son Bruce. The doctors are pleased with his radiation and chemo treatments.

To newly-weds Clifford and Jennifer Marvin! They have moved to South Carolina, where Clifford will finish his Navy training.
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Linda Houston has a fractured rib...Dottie Taggart is needing more than therapy for shoulder pain. Betty Donley is home now after being hospitalized for a blood transfusion Stella McGinnis is recovering from knee replacement surgery Ernest Wheatley (Bills brother) spent five days in Whittier Hospital with heart and blood pressure problems; he is very weak Hilda Coleman had a thyroid scan; some results appear benign, others are being further investigated Judy Musser is home from the hospital after treatment for an infection; she offers praise that her nephew, Lucas, who was a preemie, is doing well at 5 months, with no signs of brain damage, as had been fearedAnne Beecher asks prayers for Rosella, a friend in the UK who is suffering from low potassium, and possible kidney complications. Continuing Concerns: Nonnie McGiffin has been in rehab therapy for continued weakness in her legs from sciatic painBeverly Roseberry is receiving home therapy as she recovers from a strokeJim Whobrey received good news about a mass detected during his successful back surgeryit was just a hematoma Robert Kapen, his mother, Karen, and his grandmother, Priscilla Crawford continue in our prayersContinued prayers are requested for those facing unemployment and possible lay-offs. Cancer: Carole Jones received test results that show cancer cells in her blood; she will be undergoing further testsDoreen Jacksons friend Pat Patterson had a severe reaction to chemo Misty Levi had a procedure to remove pre-cancerous cellsShawn Knutsen (Kelly Rogerss sister) begins a new clinical trial later this month Continued prayers for: Judy RickabaughDoreen JacksonBruce Bales (Chucks son) Mark Parsons (Claremont School of Theology instructor).

With Sympathy
Mary Matsons aunt, Betty Swanson, passed on January 29, followed a day later by her Uncle Frank; prayers are asked especially for Marys mother, Besse Gherna. Roy Fietz (Steves father) died on January 30 from complications of emphysema, and after a long decline with Alzheimers Disease. Steve and Janie will be in Portland for his memorial on February 11, and will return on Monday, February 13. Amanda Ruhs asks for prayer on behalf of the loved ones of a High School friend who took her own life.
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February 2012
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 am
Bible Study 10:00 Disciple Womens Board 7:00 p.m.


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Trustees 7:00 p.m. Newsletter

Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00 Education 7:00 p.m. Worship Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00 Cabinet Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Youth Adventure

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Womens Sunday Chi-Rho


Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00
Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00 Elders 7:00 p.m.


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Church Office Closed Presidents Day Family Promise

Love Group 9:30 Faith Group 1:30 Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00
Bible Study 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00 Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.


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Feed the Hungry Disciple Womens Lunch 12:00 Lent Small Group Study Begins


Prayer Meeting 5:45 Prayer Shawl 7:00


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Small Group 10:00 Prayer Shawl 2:00 Small Group 7:00



February Birthdays

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Mens Breakfast 8:30 a.m.

Raven Concepcion (3) Bonnie Reniff (4) 4 Michael Gonzalez (6) Marie Wood (6) Lisa Uys (6) John Galyardt (7) Diana Sencerbox (8) Maruel Pascual (10) Brent Foster (10) Doreen Jackson (11) 11 Jean Richards (12) Ted Oden (13) Austin Levi (14) Barbara Myers (17) Chester Reniff (18) Cheryl Crawford (22) Adonna Bowman (23) Ruth Singleton (24) John Beecher (27) Jeff Wood (28)


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Jeff & Michele Wood (12) Stan & Chery Carew (24)

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Education Notes & News

Bible Explorers Pre-K to 4th Grade
Beginning 2/26 the children in Bible Explorers will journey through the Lenten season to Jerusalem. They will explore their learning by making a rock choir, playing a memory game, learning a movement prayer and recognizing the symbols of Holy Week.

Middle School to High School

We will meet in Room 8 2/26 through 3/25 to explore together the study on Gifts.

We are seeking those who would like to be a workshop leader, helper in our Bible Explorers program or work in our Worship & Wonder program as a storyteller or greeter. We will train you so you will be familiar with our programs so no need to be shy. We also need help from people who like to work behind the scenes. Curious? Just give Shirley a call at 310-328-8399 for more information.

2012 SUMMER CAMP DATES - more information to follow when available. Keep watch on the Loch Leven site at Also join the Facebook page for Loch Leven at Registration begins Feb 1st.

July 1-4, 2012 Mini Camp July 8-14, 2012 Junior Camp July 15-21, 2012 Chi Rho Camp July 22-28, 2012 CYF I July 29- August 4, 2012 CYF II August 5 - August 11, 2012 All Ages Camp (Grades 4-12) August 17-19, 2012 Young Adult Camp

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Different Worship Order for Lent & Easter

During the six Sundays of Lent, as well as Easter Sunday, we will be trying a different order of worship in both our 8:30 and 10:30 services. Changes will be explained during worship, and we will be inviting feedback from the congregation. This is an experimentany permanent changes in the order of worship will be made, if they are made, with the input of the Worship Committee, pastors, musicians, and, of course, the congregation.

Pastors Baptism Class

Any youths or adults interested in baptism are invited to please contact Pastor Steve about being part of a baptism class during Lent.

Feed The Hungry Sunday

Our next Feed The Hungry Sunday is February 26th. Your faithful donations of canned tuna, soups, canned fruits and vegetables, boxed pasta have made it possible to help feed needy families around the South Bay. Meals are served everyday from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Dave and his staff from His House continue to thank you for your love and support.

Tuesday Prayer Meeting Continues

Each Tuesday evening at 5:45, a group gathers in our sanctuary to lift up prayers for one another, on behalf of loved ones, the ministry of the church, and the needs of the world. It is a simple time of focus where some pray aloud, others silently. All are welcome and everyone with a need is encouraged to submit prayer requests.
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Upcoming Sunday Messages

February 12: WOMENS SUNDAY (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Though our church enjoys leadership from women every day of the year, this Sunday we will emphasize and celebrate that leadership. Disciples Women will be sharing insights, testimonials and drama from last Falls Spiritual Growth Retreat, which Torrance women planned and led. February 19: Pray for Who? (1 Timothy 2:1-2) There is a tradition, going back to scripture, of praying for those who govern this world. We are not asked to agree with them, or even like them. But our faith does challenge us to pray for them. What spiritual benefit might fall to us, or our world, if we entered this discipline? February 26Lenten Series 1: All Good Gifts Around Us (Ephesians 4:4-8) This first Sunday of Lent, we begin our series on spiritual gifts with a simple idea: all are gifted by God. For some of us, this gifting may be abundantly clear; for others, a complete shock; for others still, a guilt trip. As we humbly enter into Lent, what will it mean for us to prayerfully consider our gifts, and how we may use them? March 4Lenten Series 2: Care Not to Compare (Romans 12:1-8) New Testament lists of spiritual gifts are almost certainly not meant to exhaust the possibilities. There certainly seem to be gifts beyond the lists. But these lists do contain lessons on humility, the Holy Spirit, and the dangers of spiritual comparisons.

Sunday Morning Adult Class

Our Sunday Morning Adult Class is finding that some very interesting discussions can arise from the questions we raise among ourselves. For the next several weeks, we will be dedicating our time to whatever comes up, and looking to see how the Spirit moves us.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Our Wednesday Morning Bible Study has reconvened our survey of Proverbs, which we plan to continue until the start of Lent on February 22. Our themes in Proverbs currently include Family Life and Parenting, Public Responsibilities and other relevant issues. Our Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets in the Choir Room at 10 a.m. All are welcomethis is the kind of study where joining in the middle works just fine.
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When he was a boy, my father convinced his mother to let him sit in the church balcony during worship. He had discovered my grandmother could not see into the balcony, and did not know when he snuck out with his friends! That is, until the day she went up to remind him of something, and found him gone. His sin was compounded later when she asked him what he thought of the sermonand of course caught him in a fib. From then on, he sat next to herand for a while, on a rather sore backside! My fathers spirit for mischief continued through his lifeas a clerk in the Army, he would write his own passes, and then spend most of his afternoons looking for trouble in Yokohama. It beat daily parade ground drills! On his last full day, in and out of consciousness, he quipped to the hospice nurse, and my stepsister, Fine state of affairswhat are you doing this fine afternoon? As I shared last Sunday, Alzheimers finally blocked off his recognitions and his memories, but it never conquered his sense of humor. Janie and I have much appreciated all the kind words offered on the death of my Dad, and have felt uplifted by your prayers. In all circumstances, it continues to be a blessing to serve with you. We continue to covet prayers as we travel to Oregon this coming weekend for his memorialand somebody please record Womens Sunday! Shalom, Steve Home phone: 310-212-5950 email:

Next Newsletter articles need to be at the church office by February 27, 2012
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FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929 E-mail - Web address - Sunday Schedule 8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal 9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages 10:30 a.m. - Worship - Traditional Childrens Worship - Ages Pre-school through 2nd Grade (During the Traditional Worship Service)


Or Current Resident

Nursery Provided For birth through age 3 during Sunday School and Contemporary & Traditional Service Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Staff Steven Fietz, Senior Pastor Ted Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship Administrative Assistant Camelia Olloque Choir Director - Ken Potter Nursery Attendant - Amanda Ruhs Dorie Hernandez

The Christian Messenger

First Christian Church 2930 El Dorado Street Torrance, CA 90503

Officers Chair - Chery Carew Vice Chair - Francisco Sanchez Treasurer Jimmy Koontz Financial Secretary - Moggy Emmen Clerk Nancy Johnson

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