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Dear Sir/Madam, We are students of IIPM, Ahmadabad conducting a research for to provide Home Delivery business at customers doorstep.

(Any information which is given by you will be kept confidential.) y y y y y Name: _______________________________________ Age: [ ] 18-25 [ ] 26-35 [ ] 36-45 [ ] 46-55 [ ] 56 above. Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female Designation: __________________________________ Contact No. :__________________________________

1) Nowadays, does anyone in your household (do you) ever order any of following things over the phone, by post or on the internet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Food and drink (not including take away meals or milk) Clothes or footwear Books/CDs/DVDs/software etc Toys Furniture Soft furnishings/bedding Electrical appliances or items (e.g. fridge, TV, kettle) Computers/laptops/printers/other hardware Holiday/travel tickets Any other tickets (not for travel) Plants/bulbs/flowers/seeds Health Goods Toiletries (e.g. soap, cosmetics, hair products) Household cleaning products DIY or garden equipment/household hardware Anything else _____________ None of these 2) Can you tell me how often does your household/do you have any of these things delivered, which have been ordered by phone, by post or on the internet?

1. 3 or more times a week 2. Once or twice a week 3. Less than that but more than twice a month 4. Once or twice a month 5. Less than that but more than twice a year 6. Once or twice a year 7. Less than once a year 3) Suppose for some reason you could not use a for your main food shopping, how would you do your main food shopping? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ask someone else to take me to shops/do it for me Go to shops by taxi Go to shops by public transport Go to the shops on foot Go to shops by bicycle Get a home delivery Other [specify] Could not do in any other way

4) And how easy or difficult do you think it would be for you to do your food shop in this way? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very easy Quite easy Neither easy nor difficult Quite difficult Very difficult 5) How do you usually do your main food shopping? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Order on-line for home delivery Order by phone for home delivery Order by post for home delivery Go to shops/market in person Someone else goes to shops for me (e.g friend/relative/carer) Other [specify]

6) Can I just check, nowadays, do you have any food or drink delivered to your home that has been ordered by phone, by post or on the internet? 1. 3 or more times a week 2. Once or twice a week 3. Less than that but more than twice a month 4. Once or twice a month 5. Less than that but more than twice a year 6. Once or twice a year 7. Less than once a year 8. No never 7) How often, nowadays, do you go to a shop to buy food or drink? 1. 3 or more times a week 2. Once or twice a week 3. Less than that but more than twice a month 4. Once or twice a month 5. Less than that but more than twice a year 6. Once or twice a year 7. Less than once a year 8. Never 8) And why don't you order your main food shop to be delivered to your home? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Delivery times inconvenient Cost of delivery Difficulty accessing or using website Don't like using internet/computers Concerned that wrong items would be delivered Concerned about out of date items/short shelf life Concerned about damaged items being delivered Couldn't always order items I want/out of stock Quicker to go to the shop/wouldn't save any time Like going to the shops Want to see what I'm buying Other (specify)

9) In case of home delivery, what type of service would you expect? Ans:-______________________________________________________________________

10) What type of glossary products would you like to order at home? Ans:-______________________________________________________________________

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