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February 20, 2012



Noun - I. A venture or guess that has only the slightest chance of succeeding or being accurate.
David John Vandepeer (Stitch) 2/20/2012

A tale of retribution where the working class reveal their implosive traits to once again tilt the scales of justice in their favour.

February 20, 2012


INT. CONTROTECH FACTORY FLOOR - HARDWARE - DAY "9:00am" The scene opens to a working factory with complex machinery whirring and buzzing peacefully. A distant door slams breaching the peace the door to the hardware floor. A small skinny nervous, bed-ridden Alistair emerges carrying a broken machine. The workers gossip as he passes, as if to say there goes the dead man walking. INT. CONTROTECH FACTORY FLOOR ELEVATOR - DAY A nervous Alistair presses the call button to go to floor 6 which is the residence of scary CEO Jim Norton. ALASTAIR (Panting/sweating - Terrified) With a ding the elevator arrives a hesitant Alistair climbs aboard. INT. CONTROTECH FACTORY FLOOR NORTONS OFFICE - DAY Alastair exits the lift & is met by the sound of a lone ticking clock. An office chair and desk lay in front of him, the chair containing a mid thought Jim Norton. A wary Alastair sneaks to place the broken computer on Nortons desk. ALASTAIR (Squeaking shoes & panting) The noise from Alistair aggravates Nortons train of thought; he turns to be met by the broken machine & Alastair trying to creep away. Norton glares at Alastair in anger & signals his hidden pocket giant Andreas. ANDREAS (Cracks his knuckles) The clock on the wall chimes 3 times as if it was a boxing bell. EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY - DAY Andreas throws Alastair from the building like a javelin; he lands on his face in the street outside of the factory.

February 20, 2012


Alastair picks himself from the floor & hatches a plan to return later in the night & break in & finally get some alone time with CEO Norton. ALASTAIR (In thought) Hmmmmmmm...... EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY NIGHT "8:00pm" Alastair sneaks into scene all the way up to the exterior factory entrance. EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY EXTERIOR ENTRANCE - NIGHT Alastair rubs his hands and grins. ALASTAIR (Evil laugh) Alastair reaches into his pocket to retrieve a lock pick; he begins picking the lock to the exterior factory door. To his surprise the door opens. ALASTAIR (Surprised) AH HAH! Alastair puts the lock pick back into his pocket and proceeds through the door. Alastair is met by a massive fist, he is knocked from the door to the street bruised and beaten. ALASTAIR (Groaning in pain) Andreas walks through the factory door & retrieves Alastairs lock pick, Andreas shuts the door behind him. Alastair dusts himself off and looks up the Controtech factory, he notices an open window. Alastair rubs his chin. ALASTAIR (In thought) Alastair exits the shot & returns with a rappel hook, he throws the rappel hook up at the window, it latches on.

February 20, 2012


Alastair begins pulling himself up the building, Alastair looks down as the floor becomes further & further away. A distracted Alastair does not notice that he is being pulled up by Andreas. ANDREAS (Pulling grunts) Hmmmmmmm...... Alastair turns, face to face with "the Giant" Andreas who is clutching a pair of sheers, he smiles at Alastair. ANDREAS (Grinning with pleasure) Andreas cuts the rappel rope, Alastair falls to the floor. ALASTAIR (Falling) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY NIGHT ALASTAIR (Dazed) An injured Alastair picks himself up from the floor and staggers out of shot. EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY - EARLY HOURS "3:00am" Alastair returns to the Controtech factory dragging a massive contraption masked in assorted rags. ALASTAIR (Pulling Grunts) EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY NORTH SIDE - EARLY HOURS Alastair strategically places the contraption in front of the north side of the factory. He rummages under the rags to reveal a retractable viewfinder; he aims the reticle at the highest window of the Controtech factory. Achieving his intended target Alastair steps back rubbing his hands and laughing.

February 20, 2012


Alastair removes the rags from the masked contraption to reveal a life sized catapult. Alastair jumps aboard the catapult and pulls on a wire releasing the catapult's trigger. He is fired from the catapult to the top floor of the Controtech factory. ALASTAIR (Flying) WOOOOOOOOAAAAAHHHH!!! EXT. CONTROTECH FACTORY - NORTONS OFFICE WINDOW - EARLY HOURS Alastair smacks into the top window like a bug on a windshield. ALASTAIR (Grunts - impacting the window) Alastair looks at a sign on the interior of the glass which reads "Bullet Proof Glass". INT. CONTROTECH FACTORY - NORTONS OFFICE - EARLY HOURS Hearing the commotion CEO Norton turns to notice Alastair stuck on his window. Norton suddenly has an epiphany. CEO NORTON (Light bulb - Idea) Norton runs back to his cluttered desk & begins scribbling on a sheet of paper. Norton drops the pencil & looks at the sheet in reflection. The paper is a proposal for a new piece of protection software; Norton hadnt quite been able to figure out a good name. With the help of Alastair hitting the window the name is finalised Winshield. Norton jumps from his chair to return to the window, this time wielding a Camera. Norton takes a picture. INT. CONTROTECH FACTORY FLOOR - SOFTWARE DAY The story jumps ahead 7 months when the new must have protection software Winshield is all the rage. A figure can be seen in the right window is it Alastair? Who knows...

February 20, 2012


The camera pans & slowly zooms into a box on the floor near the back conveyer. The box contains numerous Winshield CDs, the camera zooms closer. The CD cover is a photograph of Alastair, against Nortons window several months prior. Winshield is clearly visible but the tagline is what is truly evocative. Hit the trespassers where it hurts FADE TO BLACK END

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