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Appendix A6: Checklist for Interim Report Submission

Note: Kindly fill in the checklist and make sure that your report contents are arranged in accordance. Your report will be rejected for submission if does not follows specified format stated in FYP Guidelines. FACULTY OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY

CHECKLIST FOR INTERIM FYP REPORT SUBMISSION STUDENTS DETAILS FIST Project Code Name ID No Title of Thesis Supervisor Name REPORT ARRANGEMENT 1. Cover of The Interim Report 2. Title Page of the Interim Report 3 Copyright page of I Interim Report 4. Declaration Page of Interim report 5. Acknowledgement 6. Table of Contents 7. Management Summary /Abstracts 8. List of Tables 9. List of Figures 10. List of Symbols 11. List of Appendices 12. Chapter 1: Introduction objectives, scopes 13. Chapter 2: Literature Review 14. Chapter 3: Methodology 15. Chapter 4: Proposed Solution- Implementation Plan/Design 16. Chapter 5: Conclusion 17. References APA style 18. Appendices Appendix 1: FYP Meeting Logs (all) Appendix 2: Other items if necessary FORMAT OF REPORT 1. Page Numbering 2. Font and Type Face 3. Front Cover 4. Tables and Figures 5. Temporary Bind Comments


6. Colour of the Front Cover

Checked by

________________________ Students Signature Date:


Appendix A7: Checklist for Final Report Submission Note: Kindly fill in the checklist and make sure that your report contents are arranged in accordance. Your report will be rejected for submission if does not follows specified format stated in FYP Guidelines. FACULTY OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY

CHECKLIST FOR FINAL FYP REPORT SUBMISSION STUDENTS DETAILS FIST Project Code Name ID No Title of Thesis Supervisor Name REPORT ARRANGEMENT 1. Cover of The Final Report 2. Title Page of the Final Report 3 Copyright page of I Final Report 4. Declaration Page of Final report 5. Acknowledgement 6. Table of Contents 7. Management Summary /Abstracts 8. List of Tables 9. List of Figures 10. List of Symbols 11. List of Appendices 12. Chapter 1: Introduction objectives, scopes 13. Chapter 2: Literature Review 14. Chapter 3: Methodology 15. Chapter 4: Implementation Plan/Design 16. Chapter 5: Solution 17. Chapter 6: The Implementation Process/Results 18. Chapter 7: Testing / Evaluation of findings 19. Chapter 8: Conclusions 20. References APA style 21. Appendices Appendix 1: FYP Meeting Logs (all) Appendix 2: Other items if necessary FORMAT OF REPORT 1. Page Numbering 2. Font and Type Face 3. Front Cover Comments


4. Tables and Figures 5. Spine Format 6. Temporary Bind 7. Permanent Bind 8. Colour of the Front Cover ________________________ Students Signature Date:


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